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August 15, 1961 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1961-08-15

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TTESDAY. ATTrvTT..%T 15. 1491


LCl Xt O"tlg , .t14'lX U a 1. 13, 1 ybl

Ph illies Lose for 17th Straight
By The Associated Press I

AussieNetter Upsets Crawford;
Redskins Deny Discrimination

CHICAGO-Ernie Banks blast-
ed his 20th homer and second
baseman Jerry Kindall his ninth
yesterday as the Chicago Cubs
handed Philadelphia its 17th
straight defeat, 9-2.
Philadelphia thus inched within
two games of tying the National
League record of 19 consecutive
The victory, gained on youthful
lefty Dick Ellsworth's six - hit
pitching, enabled the Cubs to snap
a seven game losing streak and
take a 10-5 seasonal edge over the
Banks, lifted in the eighth in
favor of Andre Rodgers at short-
stop had a perfect 3 for 3 day at

the plate with three runs batted
Chicago chased starter Frank
Sullivan with a five run fifth to
send the big right-hander down
to his 11th defeat. He has won
The only bright spot for the
Phillies was provided by outfield-
er Lee Walls. He hit safely in his
12th straight game, using a fourth
inning single to score Don Deme-
ter who had doubled.
Boston in 1906 and Cincinnati
in 1914 each lost 19 straight, the
modern National League record.
The all-time National League
mark is 24 set by Cleveland in
1899. The American League record
is 20 by Boston in 1906 and by

Philadelphia in both

1916 and'

Stagg Still Enjoying
Football Coaching

STOCKTON, Calif. (1P) - Amos
Alonzo Stagg, the grand old man
of football, celebrates his 99th
birthday on Wednesday, still full
of interest for the game that made
him famous.
Asked what he thought of foot-
ball's'future, Stagg replied sharply,
"I think well of the future. But
I think too much effort is toward
not inventiveness of play, but on
securing material.
"I am not in favor of recruiting
and the policies used in recruiting.
No Recruiting
"If they're football players, take
'em as they are. I had a policy of
no recruiting. I felt it was my
job to take 'em as they come."
Sitting under a fig tree at his
home here, the man known al-
ways as Mr. Stagg by his players,
reminisced on his introduction to
football in 1884 at Yale.
"I played football," he said, "be-
cause of a buddy of mine from
Orange (N. J.) High School. At
Yale, freshmen made their own
choices on which sport to go out
f or,
"On that particular day, a group
of us started out to try rowing.
We hadn't gone more than two
blocks from campus when there
was a change in mind of which
sport to go out for. I had no
opinion. I knew nothing of either
A chance meeting with other
freshmen sent them. to the foot-
ball field. Stagg was on the way
to greatness, and football's Hall
of Fame.
Football "Exciting"
"I liked the roughness and ex-
citement of practice and later the
games," he explained. "Football
was full of vitality and was very
stimulating to me." '
Although he went to Yale to
study for the ministry, Stagg went
into coaching when the president
at the University of Chicago, his
former teacher of the Bible at
Yale, offered him the job.
At Chicago, his teams won seven
Big Ten titles and five of the
clubs had undefeated seasons.
It was Stagg's team that also
dethroned Fielding H. Yost's pow-
erful Michigan squad and snapped
for Gifts-
to take home
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the point-a-minute team's four
year winning streak with a 2-0
Heads West
He was head coach 41 years
until reaching mandatory retire-
ment age. At 70, retired from
Chicago, Spagg became head coach
at College of the Pacific, continu-
ing until 1946. He remained active
in football, as advisory coach of
Stockton (Junior) College until
last year.
Askedrwhat he considers neces-
sary in a football players, Stagg
answered, "First, his patterns of
life and how he maintains them:
physically, he 'must be a good
trainer. He must be able to pro-
duce the best that's in him morally
and spiritually."
No Swearing
Stagg never swore, explaining,
"The strongest word I used was
jackass. Some claim I called them
double, triple and sometimes quad-
ruplebjackesses, but I don't re-
Asked if he had a secret, for
longevity, the former star and
coach answered, "Why, I don't
know as I have any single secret,
but I believe in behaving yourself
morally and spiritually."
Major League

Angels 5, Senators 1 j
WASHINGTON-Ted Bowsfield
pitched his third complete game of
the season last night, setting down
the Washington Senators on seven
hits and leading the Los Angeles
Angels to a 5-1 victory.
The victory, the Angels' fourth
straight over the Senators - they
swept a series in Los Angeles last
month-solidified the West Coast
team's hold on seventh place.
Lee Thomas led the Angels' 10-
hit attack with three hits, includ-
ing his 15th home run, a triple and
' double. Leon Wagner hit a dou-
ble and two singles, while Bows-
field chipped in with a booming
In winning his ninth game
against four losses, Bowsfield
struck out seven and walked only
one. John Gabler started for the
Cenators and went five innings.
He lost his fifth against three vic-
The Angels got to Gabler in the
first inning for two runs as Thom-
as tripled to center, Wagner dou-
bled to right and Hunt doubled to
Twins 6, Athletics 2
Harmon Killebrew clubbed his 34th
home run and Billy Martin hit his
third last night as the Minnesota
Twins stopped the Kansas City
Athletics 6-2.
Killebrew socked his homer in
the first inning off starter and
loser Gerry Walker (5-9) and gave
the Twins an early 1-0 lead.
S wTim star
SYDNEY, Australia (P) - John
Konrads will leave for the United
States today, confident he will be
able to set new swimming records.
Konrads, holder of all world
freestyle records from 220 to 1,650
yards, will study Commerce at the
University of Southern California.
"I have never felt so keen to
get back into training," said the
19-year-old Konrads today while
"Quite honestly, I am breaking
my neck to start swimming again.
Yamanaka's new world time of
2:01.1 for 200 meters is a chal-
lenge I can't wait to meet."
Tuyoshi Yamanaka of Japan, is
Konrads' greatest freestyle rival.
Konrads feels the intense compe-
tition he will have in the Unitc4
States will help his times.

Eddie Mathews.
Clonninger, a
righthander who
day, surrendered+
less singles after
starter Bob Buhl
the fourth.
McMillan, the

Martin's roundtripper with two
aboard came in the four-run third.
Lefthander Jim Kaat pitched
the, distance for the Twins, scat-
tering seven hits. His record now
stands at 5-12.
Kaat was breezing with a two-
hit shutout until Deron Johnson
and Joe Pignatano hit solo home
runs on successive pitches in the
Minnesota added another run in
the fifth on consecutive singles by
Martin and Killebrew and a field-
er's choice.
Braves 8, Pirates 3
MILWAUKEE-The Milwaukee
Braves streaked to their fourth
consecutive victory in defeating
the Pittsburgh Pirates 8-3 last
night on the brilliant relief pitch-
nig of rookie Tony Clonninger and
the slugging of Roy McMillan and

hard - throwing
turned 21 Sun-
only two harm-
taking over for
with one out in
slick fielding

... Angel winner

By The Associated Press
NEWPORT, R. L., - Alan Lane
of Australia upset Chris Craw-
ford of Piedmont, Calif., yester-
day in the qualifying round of the
80th annual casino invitational
tennis tournament.
The score was 6-5, 5-6, 6-3 under
a revolutionary scoring system in
which there are no deuce games
except when the score reaches 5-5
and a single game is played.
New System
Under the scoring system, known
as the Van Allen system, four
points win a game and the first
player to win six games takes the
Top-seeded Bob Mark of Aus-
tralia will not play his qualifying
match until this morning.
Second-seeded Ron Holmberg of
Brooklyn beat. Allen Tong of Los
Angeles, Calif., and present cham-
pion of Nationalist China 6-3, 6-3;

third seeded Whitney Reed of Al-
ameda, Calif., downed Ralph
Howe, Philadelphia, 6-1, 6-2, and
fourth-seeded Mike Sangster of
England defeated Bill Tyn of the
University of Flordia 6-3, 6-4 and
Henry Kamakana of Honolulu,
Hawaiian champion, 6-3, 6-4.
Other Upsets
In two more mild upsets, King
Lambert, Bermuda champion in
1959, outlasted Ramsey Earnhart
of Ventura, Calif., 6-4, 3-6, 6-2
and Bob Potthast of Pasadena,
Calif., toppled Al Ochoa, Mexico's
fourth-ranked player, 6-3, 6-3.
Larry Nagler of North Holly-
wood, Calif., was extended before
defeating Andy Lloyd of Shreves-
port, La., a member of the junior
Davis Cup team, 6-4, 2-6, 6-4.
Crawford Henry of Atlanta had a
hard time in beating William
Wright of Cheyenne, Wyo., 6-2,
4-6, 6-5.
* * *
NEW YORK - George Preston
Marshall, owner of the Washing-
ton Redskins, said yesterday in
a letter to commissioner Pete Ro-
zelle of the National Foobtall
League that he did not discrimi-
nate against hiring Negro players
and hoped to sign such stars as
Ernie Days of Syracuse and Larry
Ferguson of Iowa at the next
selection meeting.
Sent to Udall
A copy of the letter has been
received gy Secretary of the In-
terior Udall, who has expressed
concern about .the Redskins' fail-
ure to hire Negro players. Udall's
department has charge of the new

U.S. Parachuters
Lead French Meet

shortstop with a .220 batting aver-
age, drove in four runs with dou-
bles in the fourth and fifth, while
Mathews accounted for the final
two Milwaukee runs with his 24th
homer in the eighth.
The towering blast into the right
field stands boosted Mathews' ca-
reer total to 362, allowing him to
break a tie with Joe Dimaggio for
10thdplace in the all-time home
run derby.
The Pirates scored two in the
second as Dick Stuart cracked his
18th homer and RobertosClemen-
te followed with his 2 1st.
Clonninger struck out three and
walked the same number in earn-
ing his third victory in five deci-
sions. The loss was charged to
Pittsburgh starter Harvey Had-
dix, now 8 and 6, who was shelled
out in the Braves' three-run

Washington stadium in which the
Redskins pan to play this season.
Marshall said in his letter that
the sole aim of his club was "to
continue to field a team that
will best represent Washington,
D. C., in the National Football
Five Negroes
Marshall said his scouting re-
ports on Davis and Ferguson were
such that he intended to select
them in the draft next winter if
they are available. He also said he
had three other players In mind
- Felton Rogers and Wilbuin
Hollis of Iowa, and Ron Hatcher
of Michigan State."
Rozelle's office said, the letter
was being released as the result
to clarify the position of the Red-
skins on a matter that had re-
ceived much attention in the press.
The Redskins never have had a
Negro player.
Godfrey Signs
Red Wing Pact'
DETROIT P)- Defenseman
WarrenrGodfrey yesterday signed
his Detroit Red Wings' contract
for his 10th National Hockey
League season.
The veteran, who played three
seasons with the Boston Bruins
before, joining Detroit, was the
seventh Red Wing to sign for the
upcoming season.
Last season was Godfrey's best
in the NHL. He had a career high
of 19 points on three goals and 16


WP) - The United States took a
first-day lead over France, Rus-
sia and Bulgaria yesterday in an
international team parachute
jumping tournament despite low
ceilings and unfavorable winds.
Individual -events are set for
later this week.
With three of the scheduled four
jumps out of the way, the Ameri-
can team led the field with a
total of 2,255.972 quality points,
figured on the basis of their near-
ness to ground target on group
jumps at 3,300 feet.
France Second
Second was the French "A"
team with 2,128.431, followed by
Bulgaria 2,105.035; Russia,
2,068, and the French "B" team
with 1,982.095. The point scores
thus far were all unofficial.
Sgt. Loy Brydon, 29, of Fort
Bragg, N. C., and Everett, Wash-
ington, gave the American team a
boost with one jump right on tar-
get and a second landing only
51/2 inches off.
In the first individual event,
Brydon held a lead in accuracy at
the midway point with a low 1.40
average for two jumps. He was
followed by Jean-Claude Simon of
the French "B" team with 1.80 and
Russian Valari Chelouha with 2.11.
Individual Events
Officials hope to complete the
other two jumps of the event to-
day. weather permitting. Two main

individual events remained, the
15-second delayed opening ac-
curacy jump, and the style event
in which the jumpers receive sig-
nals from the ground after they
leave the plane telling them what
free-fall acrobatics they are to

New York
Los Angeles
Kansas City



Pct. GB
.644 --
.635 3%
.568 11
.517 17
.509 18
.467 23
.431 27
.427 271/2
.421 28
.362 35

... 34th homer



Minnesota 6, Kansas City 2
Los Angeles 5, Washington 1
Only games scheduled
Chicago (Pizarro 7-5) at New York
(Ford 20-2) (n)
Baltimore (Brown 9-3 and Estrada
9-6) at Detroit (Lary 16-6 and
Mossi (13-2) (2) (t-n)
Kansas City (Archer 8-7) at Minne-
sota (Kralick 10-8) (n)
Boston (Conley 6-10) at Cleveland
(Bell 8-11) (n)
Los Angeles (James 0-2 or Donohue
4-5) at Washington (Hobaugh 6-6)
W L Pct. GB
Los Angeles 69 40 .633 --
Cincinnati 70 46 .603 21/2
San Francisco 60 50 .545 9/
Milwaukee 58 51 .532 11
St. Louis 56 55 .505 14
Pittsburgh 54 54 .500 1414
Chicago 45 65 .409 24
Philadelphia 30 81 .270 40
Milwaukee 8, Pittsburgh
Chicago 9, Philadelphia 2
St. Louis at Los Angeles (inc.)
Cincinnati (Jay 16-7) at Los Angeles
(Koufax 13-7) (n)
St. Louis (Simmons 7-7) at San
Francisco (Marichal 10-7) (n)
Pittsburgh (Gibbon 8-7) at Mil-
waukee (Willey 4-6) (n)
Philadelphia (Mahaffey 7-16) at
Chicago (Curtis 7-7)

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