RETRIBUTION STALLS SETTLEMENT See Page 2 Yl r e A eventy1fars oEigaue Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom ~~IatF PARTLY CLOUDY High-80 Low-GO Chance of showers; cooler VOL. LXXI, No. 32S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1961 FIVE CENTS FOUR PAGES TO KENNEDY: Rusk Reports on Allied Unity WASHINGTON () - Secrete of State Dean Rusk reported President John F. Kennedy on1 European conferences yesterd and then told newsmen he h found "a high degree of un among the Western allies on t Berlin problem." Kennedy spent most of the d conferring on Allied military a diplomatic plans for meeting t increasingly belligerent Sov threat to West Berlin. After receiving Rusk's report+ the secretary's week-long ta with Western leaders in Euro Kennedy arranged for a briefi by a group of State Departme experts inthe afternoon. Officials said the briefing i; cluded reports on Soviet Prem Khrushchev's speech in Mosci yesterday, in which Khrushch said nothing will stop the Sov from signing a peace treaty wi East Germany, and East G many's announcement that ta] on the treaty already are und way in Communist capitals. Officials said they could fi nothing new on the Berlin iss in Khrushchev's talk, and the was no official comment. Announce Conference The White House announc that Kennedy will conferc Monday with Llewellyn Thom son, the United States ambasss ior to Moscow who flew ba from Europe last night with Rus While there was no offici word on what Rusk reportedt Kennedy at their hour-long co ference, the secretary stressed ti Allied unity theme in talkingt newsmen. This, officials explained, mea agreement on three basic points 1) That Soviet notes and t harsh tones of Khrushchev speeches virtually exclude the po sibility of initiating talks with th Soviets now on Germany and Be lin. 2) That there should be talk with Moscow at some point to fin a peaceful way out of the presen deadlock; and 3) That the West must build u its forces in the heart of Europ to the planned full strength of 3 combat-ready divisions before an approach can be undertaken. Cites Differences When Rusk spoke about unity he meant unity on these princi ples, officials said. There wer differences in details which th Paris confrence between Rusk ani foreign ministers Lord Home o Britain and Maurice Couve d Murville of France could no eliminate. The French and the British, a one official who attended the Par is conference put it, represent the two poles, with the United States somewhere in between. However, this official stressed that the two poles "are not too fa] part." He referred to the situation in which President Charles de Gaulle of France is the firmest among the three Allies in maintaining that there is no point in talking to the Soviets unless they modify their position. The British are les rigid on the question of negotia- tions. Washington sources insist, how- ever, that the difference is slight and restricted to the circumstances and timing 6f the negotiations, rather than whether to negotiate at all. French Begin Offense Action Against Rebels ALGIERS ()-French troops in Algeria were authorized yesterday to resume offensive action in areas of Algeria threatened by the na- tionalist rebels. A government spokesman an- nounced that the unilateral cease- Yfire in effect since May 20 has been modified. Under the new or- der, French army commanders in Algeria have more liberty of ac- tion against the rebels. The cease-fire that went into effect before the first of two fruitless negotiating sessions with leaders of the Rebel National Lib- eration Front. The French limit- ed themselves to defensive action against rebel attacks. Jean Sicurani, official govern- ment spokesman, told a news con- ference: ;ary to his day ad ity the day nd the iet on Aks ape, ng ent in- ier ow ev iet .th er Ind ue re ,ed on tp- a- ,ck k. al to n- he _ to I :vk i:i:ii: ;ci;;{r :: r : _ v:di5> {Y,.}543Wm,,":titii?"ir ?"ii:?:":": +Fi:":? '-' :"; _:Y.""{,.}}.{4: C.};i..;;r:: {.;.;{..;. . ::: :":.: ::::.. -AP Wirephoto COMMENTS ON CONFERENCE - Secretary of State Dean Rusk talks with newsmen after discussing the outcome of the recent Western foreign ministers conference. He returned from Paris yesterday. NO EXCHANGE: Senators To Retain Aid Loans WASHINGTON (P) - President John F. Kennedy's foreign aid program survived a major hazard last night when the Senate reject- ed a move to den him long-range authority to lend funds borrowed from the Treasury. An amendment which would have forced annual congressional appropriations for any lending was beaten. Approval of the amendment would have destroyed the long- range lending and Treasury-bor- rowing principles which the ad- ministration feels are vital to the over-all success of its program. Constitutes Victory While preservation of these principles constituted a major victory for the administration, it did not insure that the chief exec- utive will get the full, five-year, $8.8-billion lending program he has wanted. Sen. H. Byrd (D-Va), a fre- quent opponent of administration bills, offered the amendment to strike the lending authority from the pending measure to provide $4.3 billion for forign aid this+ year. This includes $1.1 billion to+ start the long-term, low-interest loans to underdeveloped nations. Efforts to trim both the dura- tion of and funds for the loan program are expected before the1 measure comes to a final vote in the Senate. After that, it must clear the House where opposition may be stronger than in the Sen- ate. The Senate vote came after seven hours of debate in which he1 lending program was condemned; as dangerous fiscal and politicalt folly and defended as an inescap- able responsibility., Indicates Supportx An administration spokesmant indicated he would support an1 amendment under which congres-t sional committees would be givent a 30-day advance look at any pro- posed loans of $10 million or more. No veto power would be pro- vided but the committees culdt register dissent and exercise pres- sure on the administration if they opposed a loan. Sen. W. J. Fulbright (D-Ark) apparently administered the final1 blow to any hopes the Byrd forces had of carrying their amendment or making their margin of defeatr very narrow. He did this when heo said he would support such anr amendment.Y The final form of an amendment to accomplish this has not been worked out but it is expected to1 be ready for offering next week.b Kennedy PleasedI Salinger commented that for- eign aid has been a bipartisan ef- fort in the past, and said KennedyY "vas happy that this continuedo tonight." oC "The President thinks, of course, li that the defeat of the Byrd amendment, coming as it does a while the Alliance for Progress a conference is under way in Puntad del Este, Uruguay, is particularly t significant," Salinger said. d Asked if the President consid- f ered the vote on the Byrd amend- ment crucial, Salinger said: "this p1 certainly was a key vote. l Further voting on the bill wasd put over until Monday. Final ac- i tion is expected the latter part of ri next week. d East Tighter Refug Germany he v's s- he !r- ks d nt p .e 0 y Administration To Deny Recognition to Mongolia WASHINGTON W) - The United States announced yesterday, it has decided against recognizing now the Asian Communist land of Outer Mongolia. President Kennedy and his aides were said to have ruled out exchanging diplomats with Outer Mongolia after a careful study started soon after the Kennedy administration took office. Outer Mongolia, a sprawling desert and mountain land about one-sixth Tribal War Demolishes Luntu Village LAC MUKAMBA, The Congo ( - Bow and arrow warriors stood guard here yesterday over the charred ruins of a dozen African villages devastated in a new and savage outbreak of tribal fighting Luntu tribesmen and invading Baluba soldiers from South Kasai met in battle around this old Congo holiday resort as soon as UN troops were withdrawn from the area. Claim Massacre Yesterday, barely a hut remain- ed undamaged. Rows of gutted homes stretched out for mile after mile. Luntu survivors claim hun- dreds of men, women and chil- dren were butchered in the three- day massacre. Lac Mukamba now is like a town withstanding a siege. It is cut off from the outside world by broken bridges and great jungle trees felled across narrow roads. Only by helicopter is it possible to reach here. Soldiers Withdraw The withdrawal of UN Ghanaian soldiers from Lac Mukamba has never been announced and no ex- planation has been given. There is no sign of King Algert Kajonji's troops, for whom the UN with- drawal was the signal to swarm in from South Kasai in a bid to recover territory they claim tra- ditionally belongs to them. After the battle the Balubas apparently went back to their outposts across the disputed and undefined fron- tier. Japan Rightists Demonstrate Against Visit TOKYO M)-About 1,600 ban- ner-waving ultrarightists, hun- dreds of them clad in steel hel- mets and leather boots, clashed yesterday with police guarding the Soviet embassy. The demonstrators were protest- ing a visit to Japan next week by Soviet Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan. Police, grouped in ranks five deep, threw back two charges 200 yards from the embassy. The dem- onstrators gave up and marched off aftertruncheon-wielding po- ice reinforcements rushed in.y Officers counted one casualty among their ranks but made no arrests in the second organized demonstration in three days pro- testing Mikoyan's arrival Mon- day. He is to open a Soviet trade air. Police appeared determined to prevent a repetition of the mob aw which blocked former Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's vis- t to Japan last year. But the' ight-wingers appeared equally etermined to even the score. May Confer about Cuba MIAMI, Fla. (kP) - The Central American republics will ask next week for a foreign ministers' meet- ing in September to consider sanc- tions against Cuba, it was re- ported yesterday. A reliable source, who declined to be identified, said a petition for the foreign ministers' meeting will be introduced at the Inter- American Economic and Social Conference of finance ministers now underway in Punta del Este, Uruguay. Goes to Council The case against Cuba, as set forth in the petition, will be con- sidered by the Council of the Or- ganization of American States which comprises 21 members, in- cluding Cuba. The council must approve a foreign ministers' meet- ing by a majority vote. A date for the council session most likely will be set at Punta del Este, where the OAS leaders are gathered. The foreign ministers have the power to vote sanctions ranging from breaking off diplomatic re- lations to armed intervention. Use Influence The thinking is that the OAS members, especially the United States, could make use of their in- fluence with other nations to make the embargo so effective that Fi- del Castro would have no one to deal with but the Communist na- tions. It is hoped that an embargo will create an internal crisis which will topple Castro. His regime might be replaced by a provisional gov- ernment under OAS supervision. 'FAIRY TALE': Khrushchev Minimizes Western War Threats MOSCOW (P)--Premier Nikita Khrushchev declared yesterday it is a fairy tale that the West will fight for West Berlin. If war does come, he went on, "hundreds of millions" will die in the resulting nuclear holocaust. He reiterated that he is ready to negotiate on the problem of Berlin, asserted "we will not be the first to push the button for a rocket war," and added: "we believe common sense will win." But Khrushchev declared nothing will stop the Soviet Union from signing a peace treaty with East Germany. He even said Soviet To Clamp Control rockets would destroy the Acropo- lis in Athens if necessary to pro- mote Soviet aims. Won't Fight "It is a fairy tale," he said, "that they will fight for the free- dom of the Germans in West Ger- many if we sign a peace treaty. "For 2,200,000 people (approxi- mate population of West Berlin) they want to declare war and hun- dreds of millions of people will perish. What man of common sense can believe such nonsense?" He said any Western war to create one Germany out of two Germanys is bound to fail. If such a war is fought, he said, there probably will be nothing left in Germany to unite. "But Chancellor Adenauer," Khrushchev said, "is stubbornly pulling his Allies on the road of threats Prestige Drive For the first time, Khrushchev stated outright that his drive for a peace treaty is firmly tied to the question of Soviet prestige. "The question of the fight for a peace treaty with Germany is not just literally for a peace trea- ty," he said. ". . . This is a ques- tion of a fight for recognition, the recognition of our greatness. Here is His Excellency, the work- ing class of the Soviet Union, which has organized a state with which you imperialists and colon- ial states have to reckon." Khrushchev was speaking at a friendship rally in the Kremlin for Romanian Communist Party Chief Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. Khrushchev ridiculed those who regard the Soviet Union as a backward, weak country. He said American imperialism -- wealthy fat and strong"-had become ac- customed to regarding Russia that way. Y, i- re ie A )f le A 4S le 's, d x n .e 9 9 9 Y s t s e r } 1 i t i l rgentina Sets v, e sagreement d Over Aid Plan . PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay (eP) t -Argentina yesterday shattered hopes of an early compromise in s the major dispute blocking the launching of President John F. e Kennedy's giant Alliance-for-Pro- s gress program. Argentina, one of the hemis- phere's largest and most influen- r tial nations, warned it would re- fuse to sign a conference declara- tion-the act of Punta del Este-if the other countries insisted on creating a "wise-man" task force to oversee development projects in the Americas. rA top Argentine delegate said, while committee meetings were held in secret at the Inter-Ameri- can Economic and Social confer- ence, that his delegation would not, agree to any form of expert com- mittee to screen development pro- jects. The larger nations at the con- ference, including Argentina, Bra- zil, Chile, Mexico and Peru, object that the coordinating of projects by a team of seven "wise men," as originally proposed here, would jeopardize their sovereign right to chart their own economic develop- ment. Argentina holds that planning for development should be left entirely to individual nations, and screening of projects should by the agencies lending United States or other foreign aid in the $20 billion outlay proposed for the next . ten years. Integrationists Test Houston HOUSTON (T) -- A group of Negro and white Freedom Riders from California - the first to test integration in Houston - were arrested at the city's Union Train Station yesterday and charged with unlawful assembly. There was no violence. The 11 freedom riders - seven of them white - were joined by seven Htohid.n Nepyo'n All wereV ' the size of the United States but with only about one million in- hagitants, lies between Red China and Communist Russia. Pressure Mounts A principal reason for rejecting recognition ,was the Communist' mounting pressure on Berlin and elsewhere around the world. Some United States allies, par- ticularly Nationalist China, and some Senators were staunchly op- posed to recognizing the Com- munist regime. The State Department, in an- nouncing the decision, said: "The United States government for a considerable period of time has been exploring the question of establishing relations with Out- er Mongolia and has held a series of discussions with other govern- ments on this matter. Suspend Exploration "We believe that in view of the existing world situation it is in the best interest of the United States to suspend further explora- tion of that matter at this time." The Outer Mongolian issue is complicated by a tussle in the United Nations. The Soviets have blocked UN admission of an Af- rican country, Mauritania, unless Outer Mongolia is allowed to be-1 come a UN member too. Leaders Call Parliament Over Issue Bolz Threatens Draft Of Separate Treaty With Soviet Union BERLIN (P)-East Germany's Communist leaders threatened harsh measures yesterday that may seal off the West Berlin es- cape route and make life even more difficult for the millions un- der Red rule. They also reported diplomatic moves under way in the Commu- nist camp to boost the status of their regime. A stiffening East German atti- tude was reflected in announce- ments on prospective refugee con- trols and moves toward drafting a peace treaty for Germany along the lines Soviet Prmier Khrush- chev has demanded. The announcements were made by Foreign Minister Lothar Bolz and Deputy Premier Willy Stoph to East Germany's Parliament, which unanimously approved the party line, as expected, at a spe- cial meeting in East Berlin. Call Session The parliament session was called to hear about refugee coun- termeasures as the total of those fleeing from East Germany to West Berlin passed the 150,000 mark. At this time last year, 115,- 000 refugees had checked into West Berlin reception centers. Thousands more arrived in the West without registering and they all helped contribute to the de- cline in skilled manpower avail- able to the East German Reds. Although no details were given, notice of a tightening up was posted by Stoph in a speech to the East German Parliament. Take Action "The government," he said, "considers it necessary to take further measures against trade in human beings, the luring of peo- ple away, and sabotage in the (East) German Democratic Re- public and especially in its capi- tal, in order to preserve the sys- tem and guarantee the planned building of socialism, as well as to protect the peaceful work and life of our citizens." He asked the people of East Germany to understand "if they have to put up with certain in- conveniences rather than sit idly by while such things go " Stoph did not specify what the inconveniences would be. But he said his regime had been too gen- erous with its travel regulations, thus hinting that passes migh soon be necessary for East Ger- mans to travel to Berlin. These ivould no doubt go only to the politically reliable. Urges Germans He urged East Germans to stay away from Berlin voluntarily, warning them of the "fate of those misled people who fell into the nets of the headhunters, and showed that th road into the mili- taristic West zone city was the road to their own misfortune." Bolz announced that Commu- nist countries will hold a foreign ministers meeting in the late fall to work on a separate peace trea- ty with the East German regime. The announcement failed to im- press Westerners, who have long assumed that the text of such a reatyhas already been drafted. Khrushchev says he has fixed a date for the signature, sometime before the end of the year. As the Communists see it, such a treaty would give the East Ger- man regime new power to act in the divided city. Moscow still recognizes its re- sponsibilities in maintaining free access to West Berlin under agree- ments with the Western powers, although the Communists talk about them as little as possible Brandt Warns Aid to Impacted Areas Bill Wins Approval of Senate WASHINGTON R)-A Senate committee yesterday rammed through swift approval of a bill to continue aid to school districts where federal activities have boomed populations. The move symbolized the death of administration hopes for any general aid-to-education legislation at this session of Congress. Dispensing with hearings, the Senate Labor and Welfare Com- mittee voted 11 to 1 for a measure, introduced Thursday, to extend for one year the impacted areas program which has been costing about $312 million a year. The program expired June 30 and to hasten its revival the Sen- ate bill is to be sent to the House and acted on there under a sus- pension of the rules. This means it would go to no committees. Sen. Jacob Javits (R-NY) cast yesterday's lone vote against the impacted areas bill. He explained Sm s this was not because he opposes this aid but to emphasize his belief "that the administration Sherman Titov told a conference leadership on federal aid to edu- spaceship could have carried two cation has collapsed and is now bombs." yielding its whole position for this ay and Monday spent more than session of Congress by accepting he earth, was the central figure a separate bill for impacted areas." PEACEFUL PURPOSES: Titov Says Vostok Not Built fc MOSCOW (IP) - Cosmonaut C of newsmen and diplomats today his men but "is not fitted out to carry The spaceman, who last SundE 25 hours making 17 trips around t of the conference even though some of the scientists who had a major hand in sending him aloft spoke before him. The 26-year-old pilot was remarkably at ease. All questions had to be written out in advance, and the answers were prepared partly by the scientists and in part ad-libbed by Titov himself. One ques- tion brought a quick silence to the hall had to do with whether the spaceship could carry a bomb. "You said that you could land the spaceship Vostok II on any point on the earth," said the written question by an American cor- respondent. "Does this mean that you could have carried a bomb to any point?" "What can I say to this?" Titov replied gravely. "It has been stated repeatedly by the Soviet government that Soviet space expedi- tions serve peaceful purposes exclusively. I think this is common knowledge by now and there should really be no need to repeat this. Measures Shelved Up until a few days ago, ad- ministration forces had hoped to salvage some part of $6.1 billion in general and special aid meas- ures now shelved in the House Rules Committee, over the issue of aid for parochial schools. A single 8-7 vote in the rules committee bottled up these three major bills approved by the House Labor and Education Committee: The Senate-passed $2.5-billion program for general aid, includ- ing teachers' pay at the states' __ " ":. h ny:A ::j .. .. ::..xv:::: F. ..:+}7Y '_, .i:"S.Qt::7;k:::t:::{: '"SY. ^$:{>i 'ii i:..........:i': _. I)