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August 11, 1961 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1961-08-11

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Bk i4au


Scattered showers,

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Irate Senate Asks
Hijackers' Death
Passes Bill Setting Severe Penalty
For Air Pirates; Sends It to House
WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate voted yesterday to make airplane
hijacking an offense punishable by death.
Aroused by Wednesday's pirating of a jetliner over Mexico, the
Senate raised the maximum possible penalty from life imprisonment
in a bill already pending and then passed it by a vote of 92 to 0.
The measure now goes to the House which is preparing its own
version of a criminal code for crimes in the sky.
New Plans
The action came amid these developments:
1) President John F. Kennedy announced at his news conference






Ta s

that border patrolmen are being
Cubans Foil b F
Airline Coup
HAVANA (A) - An aerial gun
battle has thwarted an attempt t
hijack a Cuban passenger plan
but left the pilot and two other
persons dead, Cuban officials re-
ported yesterday.
These officials pictured Prim
Minister Fidel Castro as distresse
by the international epidemic o
airborne piracy, and was taking
steps to stem it. A guard assigne
by the Castro regime was killed in
the latest incident, along with th
pilot and one of the hijackers.
The incident took place ove
Cuba Wednesday after a twin-en-
gine, government-owned plan
with 53 aboard took off from Ha-
vana's Rancho Boyeros Airport fo
the Isle of Pines south of the Cub-
an mainland.
Cuban officials blamed counter-
revolutionaries. The Communis
Party newspaper Hoy charged th
United StatesCentral Intelligence
Agency was behind the plot.
At the time the aerial battle
was in progress, a hijacked Pan
American World Airways jet air
liner was at Havana getting ready
to fly back to the United States
It had been diverted over Mexico
by a gun-waving French artist
Albert Charles Cadon of New York
City, who said he was mad a
Washington's policies on Algeria
Cadon was under arrest in Ha-
vana. Castro told one of the pas-
sengers, Foreign Minister Julio
Cesar Turbay Ayala of Colombia:
"This should not happen again.
Set Justice
For 'Pirate'
MIAMI, Fla. (P) - American
justice moved swiftly yesterday
against a young Frenchman for hi
hijacking of a DC-8 jetliner, bu
there was no assurance that i
would ever catch up with him.
The man, Albert Charles Cadon
hijacked the $5 million airliner
with a cocked pistol Wednesday
above Mexico and forced it tc
Havana with 82 persons aboard
However Prime Minister Fide
Castroreleasedmthe plane a fe
hours later.
Cadon, 27, an itinerant artis
with a reform school and menta
institute background, was charge
before United States Commissione
Roger E. Davis here with crime or
the high seas - which was bro-
ken down into two separate as-
sault charges, punishable by a
maximum 15 years in prison.
However, Cadon remained i
Cuba, where he was held when the
Pan American airliner was free
with the other 72 passengers an
9 crew members. There was n
indication whether the Castr
government would accede t
American demands for hisdextra-
In Washington, meanwhile
President Kennedy announced tha
border patrolmen will be assigned
--presumably in secret-to a num-
ber of American airliners to guar
against future hijackings.
Pan American announced it i
taking precautions to prevent fur-
ther hiacking. The airline said a
Miami that hand baggage of Pas-
sengers will be searched.

Congress Hastens
Budget Approval

assigned to some airliners to guard
against hijackers. Kennedy said
there are indications that persons
of the lunatic fringe have seized
on this device for getting their
names in the papers.
2) Daget Howard, general coun-
sel of the Federal Aviation Agen-
cy, told a Senate Monopoly Sub-
committee that the agency is
"working overtime on many an-
gles" in an effort to thwart hi-
Demand Action
Despite the return of the Pan
American World Airways plane
which was hijacked over Mexico
Wednesday and flown to Havana,
e some senators continued to de-
d mand action against Castro.
"If it were left to the Ameri-
g can people," said Sen. Barry Gold-
d water (R-Ariz), "we would be in
n Cuba tonight."
e Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel of Cali-
fornia, tIe assistant Senate Re-
r publican leader, said the time has
- come for an economic blockade of
e Cuba, and Sen. Frank Carlson (R-
- Kan) said:
r -Won't Accept Insults
"Certainly as a great, powerful
nation, we do not need to toler-
ate the insults and provocations
e presented to us by Castro."
Sen. Mike lansfield of Mon-.
tana, the Democratic leader, ap-
pealed to his colleagues to leave
the question of United States-
Cuban relations in the hands of
the President.
Y Mansfield argued that aircraft'
- safety and Cuban relations are
two different problems and should
, be dealt with separately. He per-
suaded Sen. Robert S. Kerr (D-
t Okla) to withdraw an amendment
to the anti-hijack bill which
would have put Congress on rec-
- ord as favoring an ultimatum to
Gives Castro 48 Hours
Kerr's amendment, which he re-
offered as separate legislation,
would urge Kennedy to give Cas-
tro 48 hours to return hijacked
airplanes or else the United States
"will take such action as may be
necessary" to recover them.
Goldwater said Kerr's amend-
ment expressed "the backbone of
America" and should have been
left in the anti-hijack bill.
Kennedy, at his news confer-
t ence, noted that neither of the
latest two hijackingsd wascarried
out by Cubans and said "we should
not get overexcited about matters
when our information is so faul-
ty, so incomplete."

U.S. Ready
To Resume
Trial Blasts
Russian Note Urges
Soviet Control Plan
WASHINGTON (P) - President
John F. Kennedy announced yes-
terday he will send his atomic
test ban negotiator, Arthur H.
Dean, back to the faltering Gene-
va conference on Aug. 24 for a
"decisive showdown session with
the Russians.
Although Kennedy did not say
so outright, he implied the Unit-
ed States will resume nuclear
weapons tests if the Soviets do
not speedily agree to what the
West contends is a necessary in-
spection system.
The State Department reported
receipt of a Russian note in which
the Reds stuck to their past posi-
tion, including insistence on a
"Troika" or three-man control
system which Kennedy opposes as
allowing a Communist veto.
Sees Gloom
Kennedy recognized the gloom
impact a breakdown on the Gene-
va parley would have on general
disarmament prospects.
Late in June Kennedy ordered
a special scientific panel under
Dr. Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky,
Stanford University physicist, to
check on scientific capabilities of
spotting clandestine atomic tests.
Kennedy said yesterday he has
now received the scientists' find-
ings and "this report has made
me feel more urgently than ever
that without an inspection sys-
tem of the kind proposed by the
United States and the United
Kingdom at Geneva, no country in
the world can ever be sure that
a nation with a closed society is
not conducting secret nuclear
Opposite View
The Soviet note took an oppos-
ing view which the Russians have
been voicing right along - that
the United States and Britain are
trying to install a spy system un-
der the guise of an atomic test
ban treaty.
When Dean returns to Geneva
"with the hopes and prayers of all
mankind," Kennedy said, "we will
be able to tell almost immediately
whether the Soviet U sion has
made any change in its insistence
upon the Troika, and therefore a
unilateral veto on any inspection
"That of course is the funda-
mental issue which has up to now
made it impossible to secure an
acceptance of a treaty . . .
"If there is not .. . any prospect
of success . . . Mr. Dean will come
home and I will then make the
appropriate decisions .
",We will try always if there is
any genuine hope of success. But
as I have indicated, this is prob-
ably a decisive meeting . ..








To Tak

e Berlin





UN Calls
The General Assembly will start
a special session Aug. 21 on the
trouble between France and Tu-
nisia over Bizerte.
Dag Hammarskjold, the UN sec-
retary-general, called the session
yesterday after 50 of the 99 UN
members approved a request from
African, Asian, Communist and
Latin-American delegations.
The rules require him to call
a special session when a majority
Diplomats predict that the ses-
sion will last 5-10 days. Some ex-
pect the Soviet Union to put in
a resolution calling for French
withdrawal from Bizerte base in
Tunisia while Tunisia or other
Asian-African countries submit a
more moderate one suggesting ne-
gotiations to that end. It is likely
only a moderate proposal can get
the two-thirds vote necessary for
The subject will be "the grave
situation in Tunisia obtaining
since 19 July 1961." French troops
drove into Bizerte city that day to
break a Tunisia blockade intended
to force France out of nearby
Bizerte base.
Six Latin-American countries
favored the special session - Uru-
guay, Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, Ar-
gentina and Venezuela. Panama
wanted to put off discussion until
the regular UN session starting
Sept. 19.
Kennedy Tells
Of Succession
By The Associated Press
President John F. Kennedy re-
vealed at a news conference in
Washington yesterday that he had
arranged with Vice - President
Johnson the means by which
Johnson could become acting
President in Kennedy's illness.
Johnson could assume Kennedy's
duties after consulting the cabi-
net and the attorney-general-but
he is not obliged to do so. Whether
the vice-president takes over with
Kennedy's request or not, the two
have agreed that the President
would determine when his dis-
ability had ended and would there-
upon resume full power.
This is the same arrangement
that former President Eisenhower
had worked out with his vice-pres-
ident, Richard Nixon. The Ken-
nedy agreement doesn't touch on
what would happen if the Presi-
dent said he was ready to resume
his duties but it appeared to others
that he was not able to do so.

- MEETING OF MINDS-Secretary of State Dean Rusk (left) conferred
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer yesterday as a windup to Rusk's week-long
Europe. Adenauer pronounced himself satisfied with his talks with Rusk, bu
had indicated that they, at least, wouldn't go along with United States plans
with the Russians.
Group Shuns Cuban13

- Latin America solidly turned
its back on Cuba at the hemis-
pheric economic conference yes-
It did so by rejecting Cuban de-
mands for a vote on whether Fidel
Castro's regime may benefit from
President John F. Kennedy's al-
liance-for-progress program.
Disregarding hints of a walkout
by Cuban delegate Ernesto (Che)
Guevara, delegates from 19 Latin
American nations brushed off the
Cubans at a meeting to draft the
"Act of Punta del Este."
Guide Program
This will guide Kennedy's pro-
posed $20 billion economic pro-
gram, which he said at his Wash-
ington news conference yesterday
is necessary to prevent spreading
of Communism in the Americas.
The meeting was behind closed
doors, but informants told the
Associated Press this is what took
Guevara arose to tell the dele-
gates he undestood the program
embraces "the peoples and gov-
ernments of the American repub-
lics" and that this means all 20
Latin nations - including Cuba.
'Is This So?'
"I would like to ask the United
States delegation whether this is
so," Guevara said, "and if it is,
will Cuba share in the fruits of
this program?"
A Peruvian delegate retorted
that Guevara was out of order
because the committee was meet-
ing to draft a declaration, not
decide who is in the program and
who isn't.
Guevara shot back: "To get

over this impasse, I move for a
There was silence. No delegate
seconded Guevara's motion for an
immediate ruling.
'No One Excluded'
Then a Bolivian delegate said
that in his opinion no country is
excluded. A delegate from Chile
said he agreed.
But the chairman ended the
talk by declaring that without
any seconding to Guevara's mo-
tion, the vote request was auto-
matically killed.
Guevara, clad in his Khaki army
uniform, darted from one commit-
tee session to another, peppering
the delegates with anti-American
One delegate moaned: "He has
been driving us crazy."
Most delegates considered Gue-
vara's anti-American tirades part
of a deliberate maneuver to marass
them and delay the conference.
Hints Withdrawal
When Guevara snapped that if
Cuba will not benefit in the eco-
nomic program, "Let it be said
now," many delegates speculated
he would stage a repeat of the
Cuban performance at the Organ-
ization of American States (OAS)
conference in San Jose, Costa
Rica, last year.
Then, Cuban Foreign Minister
Raul Roa waited until the last
day of the conference and stalked
Guevara told newsmen later he
would "stay to the end" but was
vague about whether he personally
would attend conference sessions.
Chief United States delegate
Douglas Dillon, Treasury Secre-
tary, returned to Punta del Este

MeCloy Tells Republicans
Of Soviet Premier's Plans
WASHINGTON ()-John J. McCloy was reported to have in-
formed Republican senators yesterday that Soviet Premier Khrushchev
told him he is convinced United States allies won't fight to hold West
McCloy, President John F. Kennedy's disarmament adviser, re-
ported at a closed meeting of the Senate Republican Policy Committee
on his .July 25 talk with Khrushchev. Senate GOP leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois declined to dis-'
close details but others who at- NO PUBLIC ACC(
tended the hour - long session
quoted McCloy as saying:
Ready To Sign
out equivocation" that he is going
-When that has been done,
Khrushchev said the West will }>Y''"
have to recognize the East Ger-
mani government and deal with it
speech to the Russian nation last
Monday that "any barring of ac-
cess to West Berlin, and blockade
of West Berlin. is entirely out of
the question" but his words were
viewed skeptically in Washington.)
Would Return Force
-Khrushchev said force would
be met by force in Berlin. He
added that in any hostilities the

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Rusk Fails
In Key Talk
STo Officials
French Scorn Talks'
As 'Weak' Approach
To German Crisis
PARIS ()-The United States
and France have split on a key
United States proposal that the
West take the initiative in seeking
negotiations with the Soviet Un-
ion on the Berlin crisis, a high
French official said last night.
The disclosure was at odds with
-AP wirephoto statements by Secretary of State
d with West Germany's Dean Rusk and indicated he failed
Berlin crisis mission in at the three-day foreign ministers
t earlier, French officials conference to swing France be-
for October negotiations hind the United States position on
Before leaving for Washington
Rusk told newsmen: "I think there
is agreement there will be nego-
tiations. It is only the question of
how and when that remains to be
worked out."
Cites Meetings
Rusk said meetings with West-
ern foreign ministers, Premier
the day after a visit with Amintore Fanfani of Italy, Chan-
nt Arturo Frondizi of Ar- cellor Konrad Adenauer of West
. illon said they discus- Germany, and delegates to the
iutual economic problems" North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
e Punta del Este conference tion convinced him of this.
n passing." The French spokesman said
France rejected the United States
Y . plan to seek an East-West foreign
viethS Uick ministers conference in late Oc-
tober or early November because
taking such initiative would dis-
;w G en ral play weakness and be of little use.
American officials reportedly
feel proposing such East-West
LIN ()- Marshal Ivan talks could forestall Soviet Pre-
former supreme comman- mier Khrushchev's plan to sign a
East European satellite for- separate peace treaty with East
one of Moscow's top Comi- Germany.
soldiers, was announced Agree on Stand
ay as the new commander United States and French offi-
et troops in East Germany. cials are not divided on the ques-
v takes command of Soviet tion whether the West must be
estimated at 20 divisions or firm toward the Soviet Union, the
t a time when East German French source said.
s are fleeing to West Ber- But, he added, France is con-
the rate of more than one vinced no proposals for talks
te. should be made under fiery threats
announcement of his new by Khrushchev and not until he
nd came after East German has given some indication that
gency ADN quoted Ulbright negotiations could hope for some
ck from Moscow, as calling success.
ew defense measures to The reported French rejection
hen East German borders of the United States plan inject-
Sovie't and East German ed the first sour note in relations
between the two nations since
Fight Militarists Presidents Kennedy and de Gaulle
borders of the German had warm talks in Paris in June.
ratic Republic must, if nee- Fear Showdown
be defended militarilyFerSodw
the militarists in Bonn, The French fear that if nego-
the forces of the Soviet tations with the Soviet Union
as, well as the national broke down, little space would be
s army," Ulbright told left for the kind of diplomatic
s at an East Berlin cable maneuvering vital. to avoiding a
. dangerous showdown.
strengthening of the Ger- France feels a determined mili-
)emocratic Republic in all tary buildup and refusal to be bul-
will show that the war hys- lied are the best and most practi-
nited in West Germany is cal answers to the Soviet menace.
s and completely without The United States is anxious to
avoid a Soviet-East German peace
cht called for new measures treaty.

yp th v lo ofreugees But the Frenc tiud sta
ing into West Berlin. the access problem itself is the
Call New Session crux of the crisis and that it
East German parliament should be the base for any dis-
lled into session today to cussions.
n the problem. The French and United States
's the duty of every citizen approaches to the potentially ex-
German Democratic Repub- plosive question of East Germany
said, "to hand over to the also are at odds.
of the state anyone who
eople away, so that an end
de once and for all to the enate Near
n human beings."
Communists maintain the Aid Plan Vote
~s flee because they are
way by American and West
n agents. WASHINGTON (A') - TheSen-
cht threatened that Com- ate agreed yesterday to vote to-
n would catch up with the day on President John F. Ken-
s wherever they go. nedy's controversial request for
, .1 . - ..1..1 , _. _ __1 .... ......«4. . ., h .*+s c -. m th

Universities Enjoy Autonomy

English universities are not re-
quired to give an accounting of
how they spend their funds, Prof.
W.H.G. Armytage of the University
of Sheffield said yesterday.
Speaking on "Coordination and
Autonomy of British Universities,"
the English professor of education
noted that funds are appropriated
today for universities by a Univer-
sity Grants Committee which is
composed entirely of British edu-
Money is appropriated by the
Treasury to the UGC as a total
amount for all British higher edu-'

Grants are made to the com-'
mittee on a five-year committment
basis. If the opposition party gains
power during this period, they
must still abide by the promises
of the former administration.
The master plans, like the
grants, are formulated on a five-
year basis.
"The Treasury trusts the Uni-
versity Grants Committee," Prof.
Armytage said.
No Accounting
"The Labor party recently asked
that the colleges be made to give
an accounting of how they spend
their money but the Treasury flat-
lv refusod The data is simplv not

actly where the money for Oxford
and Cambridge comes from," he
Although today Oxford and
Cambridge take a large portion
of the British education budget,
they did not take anything at all
20 years ago.
First Grant
The new colleges first received a
grant from the British government
in 1889. But, as the enthusiasm of
the original industrialist founders,
who had financed these universi-
ties in order to get more trained
technical personnel, failed, the
government appropriated less and
less and many of them were in

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