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August 10, 1961 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1961-08-10

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Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BI DG.* ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stay writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Tigaro' Fulfills Potential

Opponents of Film
Face Difficulty in Corps

OPPONENTS of the controversial film,
"Operation Abolition," may have a tough
time getting into the Peace Corps.
Corps Director R. Sargent Shriver told the
House Civil Service Committee, Monday that
a youth who clashed with Rotarians in Miami
about the movie is training for the corps.
Shriver stressed the fact that Charles Kamen
was not yet a member of the corps and would
not be officially one until he is chosen for
overseas duty. Kamen, however, may never
make it that far.,
told Shriver, "I would think when you have
some character who tries to walk into a Rotary
AFTER A MESSAGE delivered by Chester
Bowles Tuesday, India can rest assured
that the United States will personally avenge
any attack on that country - as long as the
attack comes at a convenient hour.
At a meeting of the Indian Council of World
Affairs about American military aid to Pakis-
tan, Bowles said, to reassure India, "I do want
to make it very clear that the most silly thing
we can do is help you build up India with one
hand and tear it down with the other.
"If you are ever attacked, you can count
on our help the following morning."
HIS MESSAGE should be a cheering note
not only to India but to the United States
as well. Although we have sacrificed many of
the most cherished traditions of our civilian
life to military preparedness, one thing we
will never give up - our all-American right to
eight hours of sleep.
They can attack India, but they'd better do
it in daylight or we won't get there till the
next morning whentit might be all over.
But maybe India's enemies will fight like the
American Indians in the movies who always
wait till dawn to attack, and by then we'll be
there waiting for them.

Club meeting and break it up, that would be
enough to disqualify him."
The 21-year-old Kamen was ejected from
a Rotary Club meeting in December over a
showing of the film which purports to show
Communist direction of a demonstration
against the House Un-American Activities
Committee's hearings in San Francisco last
year. The film was made in co-operation with
the committee and has met wide-scale criti-
cism and condemnation from college student
governments, political leaders, and church
Rotary members said Kamen had come un-
invited to the meeting ,and laughed and ap-
plauded "at the wrong times."
O SHOW "Operation Abolition" without
provisions for its opponents to refute its
false charges will, of course, do damage to the
image of honest (and non-Communist) poli-
tical activity of the "student movement." Its
effect on the Rotarians in its second function,
to emphasize the danger of the Red Menace,
will be minimal.
Groups like the Rotarians, the Kiwanis, the
American Legion and the Knights of Columbus
already have, an exaggerated view of Commu-
nist infiltration in this country and abroad.
They are all, to varying degrees, pledged to
fight Communism and conquer it, although the
majority of the members know little, if any-
thing about the basis of Communist ideology
or, in fact, the principles of democracy.
SO, while it would have been a "democratic"
thing to do, inviting the film's critics to
speak would not have influenced the Rotarians
to any appreciable degree.
The more serious aspect of this matter, of
course, is the sanctions which may be imposed
on Kamen. While his "gate crashing" may be
impolite and illegal, it is certainly not sub-
versive and should not damage his chances to
serve in the corps.
Indeed, his intelligence in seeing through the
movie's inconsistencies and prejudices and his
honesty in expressing his feelings are two
qualities the corps needs in its members. His
social wisdom, however, could need working

THE most outstanding feature
of last night's performance of
"The Marriage of Figaro" was
the unusually even distribution of
vocal skill.
Although the technical aspects
of the production were somewhat
lacking in originality, fine singing
by all of the principal characters
fulfilled the potential of Mozart's
fine music and provided a thor-
oughly enjoyable evening.
Figaro is a comic opera, though
it comes before the great master-
pieces of "Don Giovanni" and
"ThesMagic Flute," it yet contains
some of Mozart's loveliest arias.
Almost without exception, the
leads did .Justice to these last
night, and particularly outstand-
ing were Doralene McNelly's "Dove
sono" and Laury Christie's aria in
the final act.
EDWARD BAIRD brought a
real talent for comic timing as
well as a resonant voice to his
role of Figaro, and he and Laury
Christie (Susannah) sustained
most of the humorous parts of
the opera with warmth and vi-
tality. Perry Daniels and Doralene
McNelly (the Count and Coun-
tess)' were not far behind these
two in vocal performance, but
their interpretations of their roles
seemed to lack imagination.
Of the remaining members of
the cast, Karen Klipec (Cheru-
bino) and Suzanne Roy (Bar-
barina) deserve mention for their
fine voices as well as for their
humorous acting. Most of the
other minor characters suffered
from the often excessive volume of
Mr. Blatt's orchestra and from the
difficulties of the English text.
The sets were rather garish and
the costumes rather dull, but the
enthusiasm of the cast kept hap-
pily in motion the intricacies of
an otherwise ridiculous plot.
-Jean Ashton

-Daily-Larry Jacobs

Guevara Makes
Negative Impact
Associated Press News Analyst
PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay-The man who is trying to wreck the
Inter-American Economic and Social Conference may have instead
done it a significant service.
Cuba's economic czar, Ernest Guevara, in his bitter attack on the
coference and the Kennedy administration's aims, broughthome to the
delegates the urgency of the job ahead of them.
Guevara, with his sparse whiskers, his open-necked khaki uniform
shirt and his air of studied insolense, seemed to some spectators the
personification of violent revolution, a reminder of what may come


Britain Sees Room
For Negotiation

UN Should Discuss Bizerte

I WITH 49 of the necessary 50 nations support-
ing a special General Assembly session on
the Bizerte crisis, the United States Tuesday
refused to back the proposed talks.
United States ambassador to the United Na-
tions Adlai E. Stevenson said in a note to
United Nations Secretary General Dag Iam-
marskjold that "recent developments en-
courage us to believe that an early settlement
of this dispute in the spirit of Article 33 of the
United Nations Charter may be possible.
"In order not to imperil such a constructive
development the United States must withhold
its agreement to the request for a special ses-
sion of the General Assembly for the present."
T HE ARTICLE referred to in Stevenson's note
says that parties to a dispute shall try to
find a peaceful solution before resorting to
United Nations machinery.
The United States apparently is still 'hoping
that France and Tunisia will settle the matter
of their own accord. Yet the hostility between
France and Tunisia has hardly abated. Tunisia
maintains its stand, demanding that the
French abandon their naval base near Bizerte.
The French reply that the base is vital to
the defense of the West and show no signs
of preparations for evacuation. A deadlock
like this does not seem likely to be resolved
by common sense or good will on either side
(thus far neither power has demonstrated that
it possesses much of either) and a UN special
session on the problem seems very much in
THE UNITED STATES has been trying for
- some time and without success to bring
about negotiations between the warring na-
Stevenson was in Paris July 29, attempting
to convince French President Charles da Gaulle
to initiate talks with the Tunisians. De Gaulle
was not interested.
The United States is also trying - unsuc-
cessfully so far - to persuade France to with-
draw her troops to positions held before July
19, in accordance with the Security Council
cease-fire resolution enacted July 29. Only
if this is accomplished will the way be open to
talks on Franco-Tunisian problems.
IT IS OBVIOUS from the failures of all
American attempts at peacemaking that
France and Tunisia are not about to settle
their grievances "out of court."
It is also clear that even if United States

hardly have found a peaceful solution by them-
selves. Credit for the intermediary work would
simply be due the United States instead of
the United Nations.
The case ought to go to the United Nations
in any event, and the fact that the appeal for
a special session is now backed by the nine
Soviet-bloc countries, Yugoslavia. Brazil, Cuba,
Argentina, Venezuea and 35 African-Asian
nations is all the more convincing proof.
If the United Nations is to survive at all,
let alone grow stronger and more influential
as a real international authority and preserver
of peace, it should be unhesitatingly entrusted
with responsibility for such issues, particularly
when so many nations, frequently at odds with
one another, are united in the desire for a
IN ALL PROBABILITY the fiftieth signature
to the petition for the special session will
soon be found and the General Assembly will
meet to discuss Bizerte next week.
The United States, then, will have accom-
plished nothing by its efforts and simply gone
on record as opposing a legitimate function of
the United Nations at a crucial moment on a
crucial topic.
CONGRESSMEN may be losing their say on
how to spend foreign aid money, but there
is one area in which they keep the initiative--
regional bias and bipartisan stupidity.
Latest casualty was the administration's bill
to convert a plutonium-producing reactor in
Hanford, Wash. to electric-power generating
purposes. The Bonneville Power Administration
would have received the power.
The House defeated this bill by a cheerful
coalition of Southern conservatives, Republi-
cans, coal-state Democrats and even some New
THE REPUBLICANS and the Southerners
are simply against any government power
plant, needed or not, economical or wasteful.
The coal-state representatives are ever alert
to catch legislation insulting to coal, even
though actual coal consumption wouldn't be
affected by it. (To mollify them, a $5 million
coal laboratory was offered with the plan as a
Finally, New England representatives who
voted against the bill were seeking to discour-

New York Times News Analyst
LONDON - Strong public pres-
sure is building up here for
negotiations with theuSoviet Un-
ion on the Berlin question.
This pressure has became more
intense as an aftermath of Pre-
mier Khrushchev's speech in which
he expressed willingness to nego-
The Soviet leader's speech is
being studied carefully by experts
for any hints on the real Soviet
view of an acceptagle agreement.
The speech is considered largely
a propaganda exercise directed to
the Soviet peopde and abroad
ONE VIEW is that it contains
a good deal of contradiction.
Khrushchev declared at one point
the Soviet Union agreed to effec-
tive guarantees of the independent
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON - A key mem-
ber of the Kennedy adminis-
tration says there is growing co-
operation between the State and
Defense Departments in national
security planning but there still
is "a long way to go."
Budget director. David E. Bell
gave that appraisal in testimony
made public recently. He appeared
a week ago at a closed session of
the Senate subcommittee on na-
tional policy machinery.
The group is studying govern-
ment organization to make sure,
in the words of Chairman Henry
M. Jackson (D-Wash) that it is
the best possible
* * *
BELL SAID President John F.
Kennedy has gradually been evolv-
ing policies to make the work of
the National Security Council
more effective in the fields of de-
fense and diplomacy.
The most impressive change,
Bell said, is assigning individual
responsibility to key officials to
develop background discussion
papers on every pending problem
for consideration of the security
council. Bell said that while costs
are always considered "I don't
want to give the impression that
cost considerations settle issues by
"The President and those who
work with him," Bell said, "are
very impatient if a paper comes
up with the pros and cons neatly
labelled but with no recommenda-
tions, nothing to chew on."

development and the security of
West Berlin. However, he imme-
diately thereafter ruled out the
maintenance of Berlin's military
occupation status.
The most effective guarantee
of the city's security, observers
say, is the presence of Western.
Newspapers were virtually unan-
imous in stressing the need for
talks. Some urged the West to
take the initiative by putting for-
ward its own proposals for a settle-
chev's statement on negotiations,
the Earl of Home, British Foreign
Secretary, said the Soviet had been
ready to negotiate only on how
Western rights in Berlin could be
handed over to East Germany or
on how they could be whittled
It is no good, he said, to look
upon "the word negotiation as
an incantation that can be repeat-
ed and will solve everything.
"If from the start there is no
real hope of getting an agree-
ment, in this case negoiations are
worse than no negotiations at all,"
Lord Home said.
He made his remarks in Paris
before returning from the Western
foreign ministers' meeting. On his
return he drove to Prime Minister
Macmillan's home at Birch Grove
in Sussex to report.
The Evening Standard describ-
ed Lord Home's comment as "dis-
appointingly chilling and dampen-
ing." It said that the need for
skepticism about Khrushchev's in-
tentions was self-evident, but that
it was difficult to see a better way
of testing his professions than by
East-West talks.
* * *
"THE AIM of the West should
be to get Khrushchev to the con-
ference chamber as quickly as pos-
sible, there to test his sincerity
and his intentions," the paper
The Evening News said Lord
Home had not returned "very
hopefully" from Paris. Urging
talks with the Soviet Union now, it
said that if Khrushchev was up
to any trickery, "we shall soon
find out and at least we shall
then know where we are."
After referring to shortages in
East Germany and mounting re-
sentment against its Communist
regime, the Conservative Daily
Telegraph said it would be wise
for the West to exploit this situa-
tion by putting forward its own
proposals for negotiations.
could be tested by a Western ini-
tiative, the paper asserted.
The Liberal Guardian said the
West's failure to propose negotia-
tions as soon as possible was la-

and intellectuals as a whole-
constituted a true community,
rather than an accidental ag-
glomeration with no sense of unity,
they would be more effective in-
controlling American higher edu-
cation than forces coming from
outside the universities.
"The institutions of higher edu-
cation in the United States ought
to represent one aspect of an in-
tegrated community. A community
of teachers, researchers, students
and others whose work involves
the proposition that knowledge is
a value, is socially useful and, in
order to flourish, must have an
independent social basis.
and accept their responsibility to
their own community, they can-
not fail in their larger responsi-
bility to the entire human com-
munity. They then fulfill their
role of educating rather than
merely training, of producing pat-
terns of progressively getter so-
cieties rather than drifting in a
society governed by forces gen-
erated in socially irresponsible in-
"The constitution of an intel-
lectual community may also in-
duce some beneficial side effects
in higher education. Teaching
might become an inspiring process
. . . Similarly, research can ac-
quire new significance, if only
because the scholar sees his prob-
lems within a context of larger
problems and needs."
-New University Thought

elsewhere in Latin America, as he
on the effort to. bring about
healthy and peaceful reform to
Latin America.
TODAY in the corridors of the
conference one can feel a renewed
atmosphere of urgency, an eager-
ness to get on with the job ahead,
a renewed determination to push
minor obstacles aside.
While Guevara may have over-
played his hand-and that seems
to be the censensus in the conven-
tion hall-there is no denying his
shrewdness. Indeed, his whole
bearing and performance sug-
gested he really rules Cuba to-
day. Fo all practical purposes he
is a dedicated Communist. He is
a far more able speaker than his
nominal chief, Fidel Castro. He
seems more rational. His orations
are less rambling. He is a master
of biting sarcasm. He is a master,
too, at weaving the economic ar-
gument into the political so that,
technically, he could be considered
in order all the two hours he used
to address the delegates.
* * *
ONE over-all aim was to sow
confusion and distrust. But he had
somei specific purposes, too, and
one of these was quickly spotted
by other finance ministers here.
He was speaking to a group of
men who represent Latin Ameri-
ca's privileged classes. In reality
he was speaking over their heads,
directing his verbal barbs to the
people in their respective coun-
tries, hopeful of arousing resent-
ments in Latin capitals.
One of his main targets was
President Romulo Betancourt of
Venezuela, whom Castro will nev-
er forgive for denouncing Cuban
attempts to export revolution to
That attack can yet backfire on
He quoted what he described as
United States embassy documents.
The idea was to indicate that
Betancourt was in the United
States' back pocket.
PERHAPS the documents were
genuine. But if the real texts of
those documents become known
in' Venezuela, the Cubans will- be
the losers.
One of the documents was a
rundown on Venezuela's technical
aid needs. It described things done
to date in the country's efforts
to cure its ills-and that has been
considerable. Dwelling on the need
for land and tax reform, it con-
tained little that could be resented
by an ardent reformer.
Another of'the documents was
simply a roundup of Latin Ameri-
can press opinion of Castro's re-
gime. The text would hardly make
Castroites happy.
All in all, the effects of the Cu-
bans assault upon this conference
may be less damaging than
"IT IS NOT through war with
other countries, but by the
example of a more perfect or-
ganization of society, by rapid
progress in developing the pro-
ductive forces, the creation of all
conditions for the happiness and
well-being of man, that the ideas
of communism will win the minds
and hearts of the masses."
-New Draft Program
Soviet Communist Party

levelled his furiously angry attack
A musing
FOR THOSE who like their com-
edy loud, fast and funny, "Up-
stairs and Downstairs" is a re-
freshing experience - at least for
the first half of the picture.
A charming young couple, play-
ed by Anne Heywood and Michael
Craig, are trying in vain to find
suitable domestic help. While they
are on their honeymoon, "Daddy"
who also happens to be the hus-
band's boss, engages a wild Ital-
ian girl, who spends most of her
time entertaining the U. S. Fleet.
She is replaced by a gin-loving
Cockney, and of course, she too
must go. An attempt to hire a
Welsh peasant girl fails when the
girl becomes homesick on the
train to London.
* * *
FINALLY, the young couple's
problems are solved when a de-
lightful retired couple show up,
ready to enter the domestic life.
Unfortunately, they turn out to
be bank robbers, who have select-
ed the house as a strategic point
of entry to the bank.
Each of these situations is thor-
oughly over-played, but 'British
actors and actresses manage some-
how to make this sort of humor
work. When the comic possibilities
of the household situation have
been exhausted, Mylene Demon-
geot is introduced as a young
Swedish girl who loves London,
children and men in general,
At this point in the film, the
farce stops and the players begin
to take matters seriously. If you're
expecting another version of the
sultry French charmer, a la Bar-
dot, you may be disappointed.
* *~ *
plicity and freshness which defies
her publicity as "the baby-sitter
with the French touch." She does
manage to enchant all .the men
she encounters, but her sights are
firmly fixed on the young hus-
band. Before she can do any ser-
ious damage to the happy 'home,
her conscience gets the best of
ier, and she heads for Sweden, and
the boy she left behind.
It is too bad for those who have
never seen Miss Demongeot, to
have to meet her under such
trivial conditions. She has talent
and personal charm which go to.
waste in a weak story.
-Richard Burke
welfare state aiming at social
security, the distinction between
the absolutist and empirical atti-
tude to politics has become more
vital than the old division into
capitalism and social-security-
achieving socialism. The distinc-
tive appeal of political Messianism
...'lies no more in its promise of
social security, but in its having
become a religion ..
-J. L. Talmon


"Is Thnere A Politician In The .lousel"

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