'ABOLITION' OPPONENTS FACE PROBLEMS See Page 2 i I iE4r Lit igtau Iait16h MOSTLY CLOUDY High-87 Low--68 Warm, humid; scattered showers. Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXI, No. 30S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1961 FIVE CENTS FOUR PAGES Russians Warn Of Larger Bomb Renews Threats of Berlin Treaty; Calls Western Retaliation 'Suicide' MOSCOW (P) - Premier Nikita Khrushchev last night climaxed a bouyant'day celebrating the Soviet Union's power in outer space with a grim boast that Soviet scientists can make a bomb far bigger than any ever built before. He warned that he would give his scientists the signal to build it if prospects for peace do not improve, and he disclosed he had already passed this word to the West. "Scientists have suggested to the Soviet government that they can create a bomb equal to 100 million tons of TNT - only one bomb,' Khrushchev said at a Kremlin reception for Soviet spaceman Gherman Titov. "I told this to John McCloy (chief U. S. dis- 'armament negotiator) and to pre- NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV . . bomb boasts IN UN: Bar Backs Nationalists ST. LOUIS (P)-The American Bar Association yesterday strong- ly backed the United Nations as the world's "best hope" and op- posed the entry of Red China into the UN as a replacement for Chi- ang Kai-shek's regime. It also heard a Southerner pro- test against an ABA committee calling, in effect, for Southern states to give up the fight for continued segregation. This re- port did not call for any ABA ac- tion and none was taken. Approves Resolution Without an audible dissent, the ABA's policy-making body, the House of Delegates, approved a. resolution saying the UN "remains as probably man's best hope for a peaceful and law - abiding world." Presented by a committee head- ed by W. St. John Garwood of Austin, Tex., the report indorsed the United States opposition to the replacement of Nationalist China by Red China in UN coun- cils; It also opposed Soviet Rus- sia's attempts to abolish the UN office of Secretary General and substitute a three-headed com- mittee representing the West, the Red' orbit and so-called neutral states. Without mentioning Premier Khrushchev's shoe pounding, the resolution deplored "abuses" of the UN and "most unstatesmanlike language and behavior." Protests Aeport Over the integration issue, At- torney Ben R. Miller of Baton Rouge, La., arose before the House of Delegates to protest that a com- mittee report contained "intem- perate" and "overzealous" lan- guage. He said an erroneous impression had spread that this report spoke for 'the ABA and he warned that such things might cost the ABA a large number of members. Prepared by a Bill of Rights committee headed by Rush H. Limbaugh of Cape Giraradeau, Mo., the report said it is now sol- idly settled by Supreme Court de- cisions that "racial differentiation in public treatment offends the Constitution." Labor To Add New Assistant WASHINGTON (j') - Congress vetrdI-av authorized an additional mier Fanfani (of Italy)." Tempers Speech Although the speech was one of his most belligerent in months, he tried to temper it by repeatedly mixing his warning with this phrase: "We do not want war." A bomb such as Khrushchev described would be about five times more powerful than the average Hydrogen bomb in United States arsenals. Western scientists say that while increasing the size of a Hydrogen bomb to the power of 100 million tons of TNT is not a complicated technical process, it would in effect disregard the law of diminishing military returns. Existing Hydrogen bombs are al- ready powerful enough to wipe out most cities at one strike. Threatens Treaty Khrushchev said that Western threats would not prevent the Soviet Union from signing a peace treaty with East Germany, thus giving the East German regime control over Western access rights to Berlin. "We believe there will be no war after this (treaty)," he said. "Only lunatics think of a war after a peace treaty ... we are not threat- ening anybody but if anyone at- tacks us we will consider it an act of suicide. We will destroy him by counterblows. .We have spent money on rockets and bombs and they are not for'cutting sausages." Houses Agree On Defense Bill In Conference WASHINGTON (P)--Senate and House conferees agreed yesterday on a compromise bill appropriat- ing approximately $46,664,000,000 to the Defense Department for the year ending neat June 30. The total includes most of the $3.5 billion recently requested by President John F. Kennedy to bol- ster conventional fighting forces, plus almost $1 billion to continue production and development of big jet bombers and to shore up reserve and National G u a r d forces. The compromise figure is about $184 million less than the Senate originally approved but about $4 billion more than the House vot- ed before the President's emer- gency fund request., Left in disagreement was a Sen- ate allotment of $207.6 million for Civil Defense activities recently shifted to the Defense Depart- ment. The House was expected to accept all or part of this sum when it considers the compromise today. Retained in the compromise was a Senate allotment of $525 million to maintain production of heavy long-range jet bombers. Diplomats May Seek Meeting PARIS (R) - The Big Three Western powers will loose a dip- lomatic offensive aimed at an East-West conference on theaBer- lin and German problems before Moscow can sign a separate peace treaty with the East German re- gime. Highly-placed Western inform- ants said yesterday the United States, Britain and France will shortly touch off this drive along with a military buildup in Western Europe. They hope to head off a major crisis with the Soviet Union later in the year. Summit Meeting The informants hinted that the West will openly take the initia- tive at a Western summit meeting soon after the West German na- tional elections, Sept. 17, and be- fore the Mscow Communist Party Congress in late October. In advance of a public move, the Western powers intend to con- tact the Russians between now and Sept. 17 in an effort to con- vince Moscow of their determina- tion to protect their rights in West Berlin and to voice their desire to negotiate a reasonable settle- ment. Adopt Strategy The American,, British, French and West German foreign minis- ters adopted this diplomatic strategy over the weekend. Secre- tary of State Dean Rusk person- ally communicated it to other members of the North Atlantic alliance in a council session Tues- day. Rusk himself continued his soundings among Western states- men by flying to Rome where he met with Premier Amintore Fan- fani and foreign minister An- tonio Segni to dscus their recent visit in Moscow. Before returning to Washington the secretary will visit West Ger- man Chancellor Konrad Adentu- er's vacation hideout in northern Italy tomorrow. Plan Steps While holding out the hope for a negotiated settlement, the West- ern powers also are planning a series of economic and military steps, these informants said, to shore up the Western position in case the German-Berlin issue grows to an explosive stage. The United States, it was learn- ed, has informed its allies of a build-up of its conventional mili- tary forces, both at home and in Europe, and has requested they follow suit. The allied planners hope the other NATO members will promptly carry out their long- standing commitments by bring- ing their forces up to full strength with manpower, and with improved equipment, firepower and mo- bility. Sweden Gives Tunis Majority STOCKHOLM (P) -- Sweden's United delegation yesterday was instructed to give a positive an- swer to the request by Tunisia for a special UN General Assem- bly session. The Swedish vote is the 50th and decisive one, which carries the request through. With the majority of the As- sembly's 99 members lined up, diplomats at UN headquarters ex- pect the session to start toward the end of next week. Sets Up Assistance 4) To Consider Foreign Aid Amendment WASHINGTON ()P-Amid pre- dictions that the Administration has the Senate votes to put over its long-term foreign aid pro- gram, a compromise amendment was attracting Republican inter- est last night. Sen. J. William Fulbright (D- Ark) proposed that House and Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittees be given a 30-day advance report on any proposed loan of $10 million or more. Proposes Substitute This was advanced as a sub- stitute for GOP suggestions that Congress retain a veto over loans of that size. President John F. Kennedy has asked for a five-year $8.8-billion foreign aid program of develop- ment loans to needy nations fi- nanced by Treasury borrowing. The Senate is expected to vote today on the amendment proposed by Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va) which would require financing of a long-range foreign aid loan pro- gram through annual appropria- tions by Congress. Asks Check Opponents of the Kennedy for- eign aid program say the borrow- ing method is backdoor financing and that Congress would be re- linquishing its purse string power by permitting five-year commit- ments. To keep a check on the aid program, Byrd proposed his amendment for annual appropria- tions. Kennedy Administration offi-- cials maintain that commitments would not do the job. Seek Control In another move yesterday, Sen. Winston L. Prouty (R-Vt) offer- ed to support the long-range bor- rowing authority Kennedy seeks in exchange for a form of con- gressional control. He proposed an amendment un- der which either the Senate For- eign Relations Committee or the House Foreign Affairs Committee could veto any loan in excess of $10 million within 30 days after its submossion by the Foreign Aid Agency. This modification of a previous amendment by Sen. Kenneth B. Keating (R-NY) and others under which the Senate or the House could exercise suc ha veto. Prouty said he offered the amendment as an alternative to Byrd's. Under it, the Foreign Relations and Foreign Affairs Committgees of the Senate and House would be given complete reports at least 30 days in advance concerning any proposed loan of more than $10 million. "While they could not veto," Fulbright said, these committees or their members could publicly or through official channels pro- test any project or features of a project in an effort to induce a reversal or corrective action. Fulbright told reporters his sug- gested substitute was acceptable to the Kennedy Administration. TO WEST GERMANY: Suppiy Shortages Rush Refugee Flight BERLIN (P) - More than 2,000 more refugees fled : to West Berlin yesterday as new supply shortages struck Communist East Germany. Special flights of planes were hurrying the refugees to the haven of West Germany. The total of refugees for the year neared 150,000, compared with 200,000 for all 1960. "We may not be able to get through much longer," was the refugees' explanation as their exodus swelled despite Red attempts to stop it. The Soviet threat worries them, but only insofar as it threatens to cut them off from friends and relatives in West Germany. Once 'Passenger' Steals Plane Over Mexico NEW YORK (AP) - A com- mercial airline's DC8 jetliner was hijacked over Mexico yesterday and flown to Havana with 81 per- sons captive aboard it. However, the Cuban government quickly granted permission for it to leave for the United States. American military planes failed in an attempt to overtake and divert the airliner as it cruised toward Cuba at nearly 600 m.p.h. Two Air Force and two Navy jet fighters were sent aloft from Florida bases in a vain attempt to intercept it. Among passengers aboard the hijacked airliner that was en route from Houston, Tex., to Panama City, Panama, was the foreign minister of Columbia, Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala, his wife and two high diplomatic aides. A storm of protest greeted the latest hijacking. The United States demanded immediate return of the plane, its passengers and crew. Mexico protested the hijacking. over its territory. Columbia Asks Explanation BOGOTA, Columbia (A) - Co- lombia told Cuba yesterday any detention of its foreign minister Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala, a pas- senger aboard the jet airliner hi- jacked and taken to Havana, would be considered an official act of hostility. Premier Fidel Castro's regime announced during the evening that the plane would be released "in deference to the Colombia for- eign minister." Columbia also warned that if a satisfactory explanation is not forthcoming it will "take all mea- sures necessary to insure that the incident does not compromise the national honor." Turbay long has denounced Cuba's ties with the Communist bloc and when it was reported he was aboard the hijacked jet, Co- lombian officials quickly went in- to action.1 the refugees get to West Germany, they have no fear of getting a job. There are half a million jobs going begging in West Germany, and fewer than 100,000 unem- ployed. Halt Flow Communist efforts to halt the flow still were stopping short of the measure that would be ef- fective - closing the borders to West Berlin. A private West Berlin intelli- gence agency calculated the Com- munists have sentenced 28 people to jail in the past 10 days for helping or encouraging refugees. Another 14 were said to be await- ing trial. The agencykalso reported the Reds were taking away identifi- cation cards from an increased number of people trying to get to Berlin. In exchange, those sus- pected of wanting to flee were getting new cards stamped "not valid for Berlin." Report Shortages Speeding the flight of East Ger- mans, the heaviest since the anti- Communist uprising in East Ger- many eight years ago, was the shortages of food and goods. And fresh reports came out of the East yesterday. Rationing of potatoes was an- nounced. East German officials reported that in the first six months of the year factories had failed to reach their goals in pro- duction of consumer goods ranging from shoes to refrigerators. West Berlin officials are speed- ing up procedures for flying refu- gees to the safety of West Ger- many. A spokesman of the Refugee Ministry said between 1,300 and 1,400 are being flown daily to West Germany. DOUGLAS DILLON ... two concessions SHARP .CUT: To Propose School Bill WASHINGTON (--The Ad- ministration was reported yes- terday to be planning one more ef- fort to force a stripped - down school aid bill through the House. The bill would provide $975 million for school construction over a three-year period and con- tinue at a sharply reduced rate a program of aid to school districts with large populations of federal employes. One other provision reported still under consideration would call for extension of the National Defense Education Act at its pres- ent spending level. Plans call for the bill to be brought up under a special pro- cedure known as Calendar Wed- nesday in order to sidetrack the House Rules Committee, which has throttled all other education bills for the session. Secretary of Welfare Abraham A. Ribicoff reportedly made the final decision to go ahead with the bill after conferring yesterday with Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas and other congressional leaders. To Complete Formal Act Next Week Expect All But Cuba To Sign Declaration PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay () - The United States swung be- hind a Latin American version of President John F. Kennedy's Alliance for Progress program yesterday. It agreed to the Latins' mini- mum $20 billion price tag and agreed to drop some aspects orig- inally backed by United States representatives. Delegates drew encouragement from estimates circulating at the Inter-American Economic and So- cial Conference that $20 billion may not even be the minimum committed by United States and other foreign sources in a decade of development to starve Com- munism out of Latin America. To Compile Act The Alliance for Progress blue- print was outlined as the key- stone for what will be called the Act of Punta Del Este. Delegates from all 20 Latin nations except Cuba are expected to complete work on it by Aug. 16. It seemed sure that Cuba's Er- nesto Guevara - whose two hour and 15 minute anti Yankee tirade Tuesday night got nowhere - would not sign the Punta Del Este declaration. Chief architects of the act were Argentina and Brazil -- the two most powerful countries in South America. It asks that funds come not only from the United States but also Italy and Japan. Yield to Objections The United States yielded to the Latins' two major objections to the overall Alliance for Progress project: establishment of a public relations machine in Latin America and a powerful seven- man board to coordinate the hem- ispheric drive against hunger and poverty. The public relations proposal probably will be shelved to calm the ruffled feelings of some dele- gates who feared it smelled too much of a propagandaset up. The supervising agency proposal will be replaced by one with looser reins. Minimize Changes The United States delegation, minimizing the changes, was re- ported pleased with the way things are going at this seaside conven- tion. All governments were asked to get their programs ready within 18 months - a clear indication the sponsors want each nations to do its own planning. Informed sources said the $20 billion in capital which could flow into Latin America in 10 years from all sources is really a mini- mum. They said it could be higher if the Latin American nations take the internal measures necessary to spur their own development. Even Guevara's anti-United States charges, obviously aimed at disrupting the conference, gener- ally were brushed aside by dele- gates as "lies" and Communist-line propaganda. Senate Agrees To Nomination WASHINGTON (P) - President John F. Kennedy's nomination of Lawrence J. O'Connor Jr. to the Federal Power Commission won an 83-12 vote of confirmation in the Senate yesterday. The vote climaxed a marathon, round-the-clock battle against the appointment by Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis) who called O'- Connor an "industry man." O'Connor is a former oil com- pany executive of Houston, Tex., who has been serving as oil import administrator for the Interior De- partment. Kennedy nominated him on June 30 for a five-year term U.S., Latin America Conference Agreement I RED CHINA MISUNDERSTOOD: .Duke Quits Social Club For Bar Against Negroes g 9 WASHINGTON (-) - Angier Biddle Duke, State Department protocol chief, said yesterday he quit Washington's oldest social club because of its bar against Negroes. His job as a link between the White House and the diplomatic corps, which includes an increasing number of Negroes, would have made continued membership inconsistent, Duke told an interviewer. "I quietly resigned without much fuss," he said. Officials of the club, the Metropolitan, were not immediately available for comment. Duke said he told them last March he would leave unless the Negro ban were lifted. A member for 20 years, he left in April. The protocol chief called himself a "militant" fighter against dis- crimination. Views Coincide an W ar "My private views coincide with ian arthe views of the Administration in this respect," he said. The Chinese Communists then After an incident involving asked themselves whether Moscow another government official ear- was working generally in the best lier this year, a Metropolitan of- interests of the local parties or ficer said club tradition excluded for their own gains, and for that Negroes as members or guests. matter, whether the leaders in . . Russia know how to advance. The government official, former Build Philosophy Assistant Secretary of Labor George C. Lodge, had canceled a From these questions, the Chi- luncheon reservation at the club nese decided upon building their for himself and a Negro guest, philosophy on the more basic George L. P. Weaver. President foundation of Marxist and Lenin John F. Kennedy later appointed teachings. The advent of the Weaver to succeed Lodge. communes, even though they have News acounts of the incident been forced into a more family wNe w edabyts ti c den and worker oriented scheme, is were followed by critical state- one example. I-ents from Atty. Gen. Robert F. . ._ Whiting Foresees No Red Chinese, Russi By JOHN McREYNOLDS "In spite of the hopes of a num- ber of Americans, there will be no war between Communist China and Russia in the foreseeable fu- ture," Allen Whiting of the Rand Corporation said in a lecture on "Red China and the USSR." Whiting has spent a number of years working in Formosa and Hong Kong. "Red China," he said, "is prob- ably the most misunderstood country in the world, including Russia. Notes. Controversy ber of factors differentiating the Chinese and the Russians, which come under chauvinism and ex- perience. "First, there is xenophobia, an intense fear of foreigners, which can be and has been whipped up by the Communist leaders into a nationalistic spirit. "Second, there is scorn for peo- ples of histories measured only in centuries while the Chinese is measured in millenium. Feel Frustration "Third, there is a certain frus- tration in facing Russia's super- ior technology continually, which 1936, orders from Moscow revers- ed Chinese decisions concerning their major opposition, Chiang Kai-shek. "In 1926 when Chiang as chief of the military forces of Sun Yat Sen had just engineered his coup d'etat over the Sun Yat Sen gov- ernment, Moscow ordered that the Communists stay under the party in power, even though there was a possibility that the Communists could overthrow Chiang and be- come the ruling party. The Com- munists suffered under Chiang. Kidnaps Chiang "In 1936 a war lord, seeing the ....... . m m a