I "Right With You. Amigo" f ySeventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS B, DG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stqf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH OPPENHEIM INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Delay Counter-offensive OnBerlin Crisis By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE UNITED STATES is delaying a political counteroffensive to which the Soviet Union has laid itself wide open in Europe. Just what the counteroffensive amounts to has not yet been re- vealed and perhaps it has not yet taken concrete form. The major effort at the moment, as clearly indicated by Secretary of State Dean Rusk's tactics in Paris, is to make the not-one-step- backward policy of the Kennedy administration the accepted policy of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with emphasis on military posture. This is not to be accomplished by waving a wand, one reason being the expense, and another being the vociferous conviction in many Civil Defense Plans Should. Be Taken Seriously THE PRESIDENT'S CIVIL DEFENSE PLAN has been gaining favor in Washington, and may well become law - either as the fore- runner of more extensive measures, or just by itself. But because of the seriousness of the topic, civil defense ought to be given more careful consideration than it is now getting. The present proposed plan would call for inspections to determine what public buildings could best be used as mass shelters. These buildings could then be labelled and would figure in local civil defense planning. BUT EVERYONE ADMITS that the effects of this particular labelling operation would be insignificant in the vast scope of the civil defense problem. In order to provide "adequate" shelters for most people, billions would have to be spent each year for many years. Even then, serious doubts have been raised over actual resulting protection. For instance, even if everyone in New York built a back-yard shelter, the way Gov. Rock- efeller wanted them to last year, the blast would kill a majority outright since New York is a key area. And even those outside "danger areas" would be roasted in the shelters, be- cause superheated air would enter the ventila- tors. IF REALISTIC ANALYSIS has convinced the government that Russia cannot be won over for peace, and that war is certain, then a program to develop effective shelters should start and be given emergency priority. It is no secret that up til now civil defense has been ludicrously neglected. Likewise, efforts for peace should be made seriously, with a real will to see them suc- cessful: The trouble with United States policy right now is that neither policy is being followed. Disarmament is notoriously unpopular even -among those who negotiate with Russia. And the possibility of war seems to slow up, rather than speed up, peace talks. At the same time, although military build-up continues all the time, civil defense planning isn't being taken seriously, because the pos- sibility of peace slows up civil defense the same way the chance of war slows up the dis- armament talks. WHAT HAPPENS is that in the present state of affairs President Kennedy's defense plan looks quite suspicious. It is much more likely that his plan was designed to show the Russians he "meant business" on Berlin than that he thinks the plan will actually save many lives in the bitter eventuality of nuclear war. But not only the Rusians are influenced by the "tough" policy - the American public is too. And if the public is being reconciled to war, when the President intends no such thing, added pressure from that public will heighten the war fever Kennedy opposes. Anyway, the Russians are much more likely than the American public to accept the gesture for what it is. And if the United States really doesn't expect a war, what's the sense of having Americans get ready for one?. One of the most objectionable parts of the New York shelter campaign was that it was frankly designed to do more for the con- struction business than for public welfare. The present Kennedy pln is almost "pure" in this respect. But later action may not be - it would be tragic if a shelter building campaign was put underway because of lobbying by pri- vate interests. The resulting increase in the public's readiness to go to war might do a lot to hurt the chances of any United States government's chances to negotiate peace. MANY SCIENTISTS have even doubted if any conceivable shelter program would work - and all planners write off everyone living in major cities as sure casualties. But, if war is likely to be forced on this country, the government has a clear obligation to tell the truth about the need for shelters and act to meet the need. Peace talks, on the other hand, should also be pursued seriously and not carried on with- out intention of finding:an agreement - which is the state of affairs now. In any event, nothing is more dangerous than launching a civil defense campaign de- signed not to provide defense, but only to build up war fever. As it stands now, this scare psychology is all that will come of Kennedy's proposal. If this wasn't his intent, he ought to suggest new - and massive - defense plan that would have more than propaganda value. -PETER STEINBERGER i 4 s=\t<*> t ar96I r,{ cJP& thAktrpParr' COSMONAUT FLIGHT: U.S. Trails Russia in Space Officers Should Stick to Guns SEN. STROM THURMOND of South Carolina now wants an investigation into the pos- sibility of using military officers to help alert Americans about the dangers of Communism and the Cold War. All this grew out of a memo Sen. J. William Fulbright of Arkansas sent to Defense Secre- tary Robert S. McNamara objecting to the sponsorship of forums by military officers featuring speakers of the radical right. Sen. Thurmond feels that "in the Defense Depart- ment among military personnel lies the real bastion of knowledge and understanding of the Communist threat, an understanding and knowledge long since lacking in the White House." Thurmond's statement raises at least several questions. First, what qualifies United States military officers as experts on the Communist menace? Certainly, they would most likely know more about military questions dealing with the Soviets, but there is no reason to as- sume that they necessarily have any knowledge at all about the ideological, political and eco- nomic aspects of the cold war. Officers graduating from the military aca- demies have degrees in engineering, not in international relations or political science or philosophy or economics. It is bewildering to try to understand how Sen. Thurmond con- cludes that these men have extraordinary knowledge of a problem beyond their field of specialty. We might better draw upon the State Department if there is a need for expert opinions on the non-military aspects of Com- munism. OF COURSE members of the armed services have the right of any American to express ideas on the subject. But of necessity, these should be regarded as the opinions of an in- dividual rather than being automatically con- sidered knowledgeable. * But Sen. Fulbright has a further objection to the political role of the military with which Sen. Thurmond fails to grapple. Military of- ficers have been sponsoring meetings featuring speakers of the radical right who have railed against not only Communism but have equated internal social legislation with socialism which they in turn equate with Communism. V ERY BLUNTLY, it is not the function of the army or the navy or the air force or the marines or the coast guard to serve as politi- cal indoctrination centers. Officers do have to them to receive political training but to defend our nation. The consequences of allowing the military to become a political as well as defense organiza- tion would be disastrous. The military must remain under the control of civilians whether or not military leaders agree with them. If. we were to allow such indoctrination to con- tinue uncurbed it would open the way for military interference into civilian political af- fairs as has happened in France as well as a. number of other countries. OFFICERS should speak freely to the public on the matters about which they are quali- fied to comment: military affairs. And if what they say is politically embarrasing or com- plimentary, it should not matter so long as a political, rather than a military, effect is not their objective. For, like many people in a position of power, there is a temptation to comment on matters about which they know or understand little. And the military must remain a branch of the government rather than attempting to become a political force which dominates it. -DAVID MARCUS ABC Democrac- ABC Tyranny CASTRO'S MINISTRY of foreign affairs is announcing triumphantly the results the new order has had on Cuban education. When the Revolution took power, 50 per cent of the school-age children were without schools. Many adults, also, were illiterate. Now all this is changing. Cuban propaganda claims 10,000 new schools built within 20 months and 500,000 volunteer teachers at work to end illiteracy. . Of course, the textbooks teach Revolutionary loyalty as well as the ABC's, and the volun- teer teachers are given special training in ideology. THE UNITED STATES watched for decades while Cuban education was neglected in favor of an efficient army. No one would say that this country wanted to keep Cuban education stifled. But is was willing to stand by while this was happening. Now, it can only stand by and watch a sys- By HANSON W. BALDWIN New York Times News Analyst THE NEWEST Soviet space achievement poses some ugly military implications for the fu- ture. Civilian opinion in the Defense Department tended to depreciate t h e s e implications yesterday. However, the military viewpoint was that the Soviet triumph ap- peared to have both short-term and long-term importance. The" short-term results of the twenty- five hour orbit of Vostok II will effect the Berlin crisis. In fact, the flight was probably timed for this purpose. Moscow, Washington observers have noted, has always demon- strated a keen awareness of the political and psychological impor- tance of spectacular s p a c e achievements. Such an awareness, they say, has long been lacking in Washington. * * * THE TENDENCY in large parts of the world to equate the num- erous Soviet "firsts" in their space spectaculars with primacy in military, technical and scientific power has been pronounced. The Soviet achievements have undoubtedly influenced people and thereby influenced diplomacy. They have helped to imbue the Russians, from Premier Khrush- chev on down, with a cocky self- confidence that could, in mo- ments of crisis, be a dangerous factor. Arthur H. Dean, the chief Unit- ed States negotiator at the Geneva nuclear test-ban conference, noted even prior to the latest Soviet space shot, the "terrific lift" that Maj. Yuri A. Gagarin's single or- bit on April 12 gave to the Soviet negotiators. * * x THIS FEELING of superiority, he noted, made them regard the signing of a nuclear test-ban trea- ty at this time as unimportant. This same feeling of superiority is now likely to be reinforced and translated, in the negotiations about Berlin, into somewhat greater Soviet intransigeance, in the opinion of many in Washing- ton. But plainly Moscow is likely to feel, more and more, as its space "firsts" accumulate, that it is negotiating from a position of strength. The long-term implications of Maj. Gherman S. Titov's achieve- ments are many. As far as man in single orbit is concerned, it demonstrates what was already clear. That is, the Russians are at least eight months ahead of us, and we shall propably not be able to match Ti- tov's twenty-five hour orbit for eighteen months or two years. We lag, too, in the power of our booster rockets. How much is any- one's guess, but it will certainly be many months before we can equal or exceed the present So- viet capability. * * * THIS DOES NOT MEAN that But not until President Kennedy decided to try to beat the Rus- sians to the moon has Washing- ton had a full awareness of the political, psychological and mili- tary implications of great space achievements. It is now United States policy to attempt to land men on the moon in this decade, if possible by 1967 or 1968. * * * CONGRESS has taken the first steps in providing the funds for this gigantic project. But Titov's flight makes it clearer than ever that we start the race for the moon with a great handicap. Unless there is a far greater sense of urgency and much bet- ter .organization than there has been in the past, it is held, we shall be second on the moon, as we shall be second in orbit. There are, in the opinion of many military men and of others in Washington, two major ob- stacles-now that policy has been established and the moon project funded-to the successful develop- ment of our space program. ONE, a consequence of the early division of space tasks in the Ei- senhower administration between civilian and military, is the dicho- tomy that still exists in our space efforts. Some of the military uses of space are now acknowledged. A reconnaissance satellite in proto- type form is now circling the earth. Weather, communications, navigational and early-warning satellites are all under develop- ment. There will inevitably be military uses for man in space, yet so. far as man in space is a monopoly of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. A frank recognition of the unknown po- tentialities of military man in space and a speed-up of the Dyna- soar project for orbiting a winged vehicle are essential, it is consid-. ered. The recent experience of Capt. Virgil I. Grissom in his sub-orbi- tal flight on July 21, and other incidents have increased the doubtsnmanyhhave felt about the organizational effectiveness, sense of urgency and capabilities of NASA. There was no flotation gear on the capsule used by Captain Gris- som, even though he landed in the sea. There was no automatic clos- ure mechanism to the opening in his space suit, which flooded with, water when the astronaut forgot to close it manually. There were no pontoons or boat hulls on the recovery helicopters. * * * DETAILED PROBLEMS such as these and thousands of others even more important must be solved quickly if the United States is to send a man to the moon and if he is to get there safely and get there first. If we are second once again, Soviet truculence about the poli- tical issues of 1965-70 is certain. And more important, we may be in real and lasting danger of los- ing the military superiority that today we still possess. For the human conquest of space opens enormous and, at the moment, unknowable vistas. Mili- tary applications now undreamed of will inevitably follow in time for the first human trail blazers across the infinite. Neither the United States nor any other nation can now chart these discoveries with exactitude. But that they may be immense is possible; that they will be of mili- tary importance is certain. Copyright 1961, The New York Times quarters that negotiation must go at least hand in hand, if not ahead, of military containment. * * s THIS negotiation - mindedness even goes to the extent, with some people, of believing that diplomat- ic recognition of East Germany should be paid for Soviet guaran- tees of the status quo in Berlin. This the governments are not about to do, but they cannot com- pletely ignore the pressure, despite the fact that the synthetic crisis over Berlin created by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev is within itself clearly relevatory of the value of Soviet guarantees. The delay in putting forward demands of a political nature to counter the Soviet offensive is not entirely due to the fact that dip- lomatic decisions have not been reached. They could be rushed up a little. But there is a tendency throughout the Atlantic commu- nity not to rock the German poli- tical boat with a national election coming up next month. * * * CHANCELLOR Konrad Ade- nauer's challenger, Mayor Willy Brandt of Berlin, is well-liked in the West, and there will be no great cause of lamentation if he wins. But the old man has become a symbol of Western unity, of German cooperation with France -a most important element in the Western posture-and of West German ability to withstand the temptation to pay in vital coin for reunification. These considerations, however, may cause the West to miss a most opportune time to meet So- viet demands with demands of their own that self-determination as advocated by the Communists for part of the world's new coun- tries be made something more than a political football, and be applied to the old but subjugated countries of Eastern Europe as well. The Kennedy administra- tion already is putting new em- phasis on this issue. * * # KEEPING it on the back burn- er until late in the year, at a conference which might then ap- pear to the world to have been forced by the Russians instead of demanded by the West, may dull its edge. There is a difference between going to a conference mrely to answer Soviet demahds, and to a conference at which the Soviets will also have to answer concrete and determinedly pressedAllied demands. Pride 'THE SUPERIORITY of the So- cialist economy over capitalist economy is now not- only being proved by theoretical arguments. The material evidence of this is already distinct. The countries of the Socialist community are from year to year demonstrating their superiority in the rate of eco- nomic growth, in the development of scientific and technical thought in the raising the living standards of the working people--: -Nikita S. Khrushchev PUERTO RICO: Iooming Economy By BEN F. MEYER Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON - This week, governors of six Venezuelan states will go to Puerto Rico - as hundreds of other Latin Americans have been doing each year since 1954. They are trying to determine whether Puerto Rico provides an answer to the question which is at the heart of the Western Hemis- phere's future: "Can a poor, underdeveloped nation grow into a happy, pros- perous country without resorting to Communism or to rightist dic- tatorship?" The United States is convinced that it can - and that Puerto Rico is doing it. That's why the State Department is encouraging them to go to Puerto Rico aid see for themselves. THE VENEZUELAN governors have been touring the United States looking for new ideas in government, argiculture, industry and social progress. Puerto Rico has witnessed not- able industrial development under a program propelled by its Gov. Luis Munoz Marin and called Operation Bootstrap. With this development have come better in- comes for Puerto Rico, a densely populated area; s better schools, hospitals, roads; broadened gov- ernment services to the people; more efficient government admin- istration. For the United States, Puerto Rico has become something of a symbol, officials say. - The things that have happened in Puerto Rico, United States of- ficials explain, are precisely the things that Latin American na- tions, large and small, have been clamoring for. It is the reason so many Latin Americans choose Puerto Rico, for observation or training, they add, since what has occurred there has been done by a Latin America area, and the projects are more nearly within the reach, of the poorer countries of Latin America. For its own program of cultural and educational exchange for all of Latin America, the State De- partment spent about $7 million in the fiscal year ended last June 30, and plans a similar outlay in the next year. There is no break- down in figures, officials say, for the part of State Department or International Cooperation Admin- istration funds spent in Puerto Rico alone. They explain that the breadth of the program carried on by Puerto Rico, which has played host to an estimated 14,000 persons from all underdeveloped areas of the world since 1954, is due to Puerto Rico's own contri- bution. Gov. Munoz Marin calls Puerto Rico's effort "our way of repay- ing a part of the debt we owe to to the United States for what it has done for us, and for services it still provides us." I DISAGREEMENT IN UN: Berlin Tactics Shaken by Tunisia By WILLIAM N. OATIS Associated Press News Analyst UNITED NATIONS, (P)-Diplo- mats believe the United States has hurt its chances of getting United Nations action on Berlin by alienating many Asian-African nations through its neutral posi- tion in the French-Tunisian dis- pute. These delegates claim the Unit- ed States lost much support in the 46-member Asian-African group by failing to denounce France's military action against Tunisians blockading her Bizerte naval base. One African moderate said the United States would now have a hard time getting the two-thirds majority needed for General As- sembly condemnation of any Com- munist pressure on West Berlin. He predicted the United States would get few if any votes from . : .. . :. <.. , , ,; _ _ ;: .: :, <;.. ;: :.. .... r... m