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August 09, 1961 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1961-08-09

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ilk A


Continued warm
and humid

See Page 2

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom




WASHINGTON (P)-The mili-
tary buildup was expanded yes-
terday to include preparations for
immediate formation of three
more Army combat divisions and
the opening of a 16,000-man train-
ing center.
The Army announcement fol-
lowed by one week the Air Force's
notification to 71 National Guard
and air reserve units that they
may be called into federal serv-
Meanwhile the Navy was com-
pleting plans which may result in
adding about 80 ships of all typesE
to the operating fleet.
Divisions Reorganized
The Army's announcement said
that three divisions-the 1st and
2nd infantry and 2nd armored-
will be reorganized into regular
combat divisions. Their present
mission is training and they are
at less than half the strength re-
quired for combat readiness.
The addition of these three out-
fits would bring the Army's total
combat divisions to 17. This is in
addition to three existing Marine
divisions, with the possibility that
another Marine division may be
called later.
To begin the basic training of
the men needed to fill out the
three new combat units, the Army

Of Fir:

1 Stand

on Berlin


-AP Wirephoto
SMALLEST REFUGEES - East Berlin children who have recently escaped into the Western sector
wait with parents in a refugee camp for processing and transportation to West Germany.

WSUStrt WitngList-
Wayne S1 U M
Wayne State University is now putting qualified applicants on a
waiting list for the spring semester beginning in February, officials
announced recently.r
Only a few openings for first-semester freshmen or transfer
students are still open for the fall semester beginning Sept. 25.
WSU will have a 2,800 freshman-transfers student quota for the

fallsemester. This represents ai
C1teS Roles
Most of those new member r
tions in the United Nations, whi
form the new Afro-Asian Bli
are neither anti-American r
pro-Communist, but take an c
portunistic neutralist course
world affairs. Prof. Preston Sl
son of the University historye
partment made *this point l
night in a discussion on "N
Member Nations in the UN.
The other speaker was Pr
Harold K. Jacobson of the po
tical science department.
The discussion was sponsor
by the newly formed Ann Ar
chapter of "Americans for t
United Nations."
The newly independent natic
still associate the West with c
lonialism, Slosson said, and res
their economic domination o'
them. They also mistrust Comm
nism, primarily because it is an
religious and most of the peo
of those nations are either dev
Moslems or Buddhists.
Prof. Jacobson explained t
technical problems created by t
increasing membership in t
The UN is fundamentally d
ferent now from what it u
eighteen months ago, he said.
cause of the difficulty in pov
distribution among the small n
tralist nations, the UN Secur
Council has lessened in importar
with respect to the General I
The new UN must re-organ
itself, specifically the Secret
iat, to maintain balance with t
new nations and the East, Pr
Jacobson said. The United Sta
must, not expect the UN Sec
tariat to carry out only Americ
foreign policy.
Although the new member r
tions are widely varied in poli
cal situations, they can beF
pected to "stick together"
three major issues: 1) They sv
r be inclined toward broad reso:
tions'aimed at generally reduc
world tensions rather than the (
tremely legalistic Western sta
and the United States must co
ply by being less resistantly cc
servative, with the realization tl
the resolutions are largely sy
2) They will incline towa
resolutions against coloniali,
3) They will be inclined to v
for resolutions establishing m
UN aid for themselves. This c
only be met with the memberr
tions contributing more capital
the UN yearly.
Report Possibilit
Of New Outbreal

cutback of 20 per cent from last year's
-'-,new admission total of 3,500. The
Legislature cut more than $200,000
from its appropriations for WSU
this year.
Henry Pixley, associate dean in'
charge of admissions, said there is
a relatively small waiting list for!
September and a much larger one
for February.
He said students put on the
aa- February waiting list are mainly
ich those who do not meet entrance
oc, requirements by certification but
nor might be admitted if they passed
DP- an examination.
in He said no students who had
os- already been accepted were later
de- refused admission.
ast Class Smaller
ew Pixley estimated that WSU's
February class might be somewhat
rofsmaller than usual but said he
:of. did not yet know what the enroll-
di- ment quota would be.
d University Director of Admis-
red sions Clyde Vroman said that due
the to carefully controlled plans for
the the size of freshman classes there
has been no sudden change in the
ns University's acceptance policy and
CO- none is being contemplated.
ent "During the spring we do have
ver a waiting list," he explained, "be-
Au- cause we know that by the time
iti- final deposits are due 30 per cent
ple of the freshmen originally ac-
out cepted will have decided to go
the Waiting List
the For this reason, some Michigan
the residents were placed on a waiting
list last spring and admitted by
if- May or June.
was "This year no well = qualified
Be- Michigan resident has been denied
ver admission," he said.
nceSenate Hears
Size Crmes
ar- PenaltyPlan
tes WASHINGTON VP)-A bill pro-
re- viding stiff new penalties for
an crime in the skies sped through
the Senate Commerce Committee
na- yesterday.
iti- Sen. Warren G. Magnuson (D-
e Wash), committee chairman, told
onl newsmen he hoped the measure
will could be brought up for action in
ing the Senate this week.
ex- Hearings on a companion bill
nd, in the House continued before a
m House Commerce subcommittee.
on- Both measures were spurred
hat along by last Thursday's hijack-
rm- ing of a Continental airliner near
El Paso, Tex., and other similar
rds incidents in recent weeks.
sM. The maximum punishment spe-
ote cified for a variety of crimes in
ore the Senate bill would be life im-
can prisonment. Two House members,
na- Reps. August E. Johansen (R-
1 to Mich) and Robert W. Hemphill
(D-SC) advocated the death pen-
alty for aerial hijacking.
y The Senate committee took no
action on a capital punishment
k proposal advanced by Sen. Ralph
Yarborough (D-Tex).

Set Record
BERLIN (o)-Refugees flowed
into West Berlin from East Ger-
many yesterday at the highest
rate in eight years despite new
Communist police measures to seal
off the escape hatch to freedom.
What effect Soviet Premier Ni-
kita Khrushchev's speech on Ber-
lin had on the refugees was not
clear. But it was obvious that
Khrushchev's firm insistence on
gaining Communist control of the
Western access routes to Berlin
did little to encourage them to re-
main in East Germany.
During the 24 hours that ended1
at 8 a.m. yesterday, 2,021 refu-
gees had registered in West Ber-
lin. Many started their flight be-
fore Khrushchev spoke, but the
number was the highest since
May 28, 1953, when 3,973 were
registered just before the East
German revolt against the Com-
Seal City
Walter Ulbricht, the East Ger-!
man Communist leader, went to
Moscow last week for a gathering
of Communist bloc officials. He is
reported to have asked Khrush-I
chev for permission to seal off the
city entirely from refugees and
stop the drain on East Germany's
Khrushchev has given no signI
of agreeing to this, but there were
reports of Communist police
prowling East Germany, in dis-
guised radio cars, of stricter
checks at the city limits, and of
new Communist rules limiting
trips to the capital.
Information Bureau West said
that at Schoenfeld, on the south-
east city limits, the border police
unit was increased to 65 men and
15 plainclothesmen are on con-
stant street patrol with walkie-
talkie radios hidden in their cars.
Many Sentenced
The private West Berlin intelli-
gence agency also reported the
Communists are still sentencing'
people to jail for "preparing il-
legal flight" or encouraging oth-
ers to go.
But the Communists themselves
gave evidence that they would
just as soon get rid of some citi-
zens-people who want to pull out.
of collective farms.

will open a training center at Ft. WASHINGTON (R)-A catch-all
Carson, Colo., Sept. 7. This big bill aimed at whittling down cost-
training facility will be added to ly food surpluses and jacking up
10 other training bases which farm incomes was signed into law
have been in use for years. yesterday by President John F.
Old Post Kennedy.
Carson, although used only in "A major step toward a sound
a small way during recent years, agricultural economy and a better
is a large and permanent post. life for the farmers of this coun-
Built originally for training moun- try," the President called the new
tain troops and others in World program.
War II, Carson has substantial fa- But it is not as big a step as
cilities and is virtually ready for Kennedy and Secretary of Agri-
a swarm of new trainees. culture Orville L. Freeman want-
Disclosure of at least part of the ed.
Navy's expansion is expected Missing from the measure was
shortly. an administration-backed provi-
Foreign YAid Measure Gains
Joivnt Support in Congress
WASHINGTON ()-President John F. Kennedy's long-range for-
eign aid program got support yesterday from a prominent Republican
senator and an optimistic report from House Speaker Sam Rayburn.
It will emerge from Congress in "pretty good shape," Rayburn
predicted after a breakfast conference he and other Democratic
leaders held with the President. It may be amended before it clears

NATO SESSION-Secretary of State Dean Rusk (left) discussed the Berlin crisis with NATO repre-
sentatives including British Foreign Secretary Lord Home (center) but refused to comment on a
speech by Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev (right).
Kennedy Signs 'Catch-A i1' Program'

sion to give the secretary author-
ity, subject to veto by Congress
and farmers voting in referenda,
to draft quota-price programs for
individual commodities.
Freeman told a news conference
he was somewhat disappointed
that Congress did not see fit to
grant this authority.'But he hailed
the new act as the most construc-
tive and promising farm legisla-
tion in many years.
"It represents real progress in
the right direction," Freeman
said, "and can serve as a stim-
ulus ; for further steps toward
achieving the goals we seek for
At the White _ House signing
ceremony, witnessed by Freeman
and leaders of Congress and farm
organizations, the President not-
ed that this nation produces more
food per person than any other
country in the woild.
On the other hand, Communist
nations are struggling to supply
enough for their own needs, he
added, and "we Wish them well in
this area."
Although lacking the broader
authority sought by the admin-
istration, the new law does author-
ize programs to tackle the most,
immediately pressing problem of
overproduction a n d resultant'
lower prices in three commodity
groups-wheat, feed grains and

Agriculture Department officials
estimate that the acquisition, stor-
age and shipment of surplus
wheat has been costing the gov-
ernment $750 million a year and
that the program will reduce this
by $50 million.
Civil Rights
Score Victory
MADISON, Wis. JP)--The civil
rights sit-in demonstration at the
Wisconsin statehouse scored its
first success last night as the state
Senate withdrew two anti-discrim-
ination measures from a commit-
tee after bitter argument.
One of the measures' would
merge Wisconsin's fair employ-
ment practices division with the
governor's commission on human
rights in a move to increase en-
forcement power.
The other is aimed at prohibit-
ing discrimination in housing and
public accommodations.
Sen. Horace Wilkie (D-Madi-
son), who launched the move with
a two-hour speech, called the
measure to merge the two agen-
cies "the most progressive piece of
legislation introduced in this ses-

Talks May
Be Useless'
Evade Comment
On Last Speech
By Khrushchev
PARIS (P)P - Members of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion yesterday endorsed the policy
of the big Western powers of
standing firm on Berlin and keep-
ing the door open to negotiation
with Moscow only "on a reason-
able basis."
Speaking on behalf of the ma-
jor powers, United States Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk reported
to a closed session of the NATO
council on his weekend conference
with his British, French and West
German colleagues.
Rusk and other allied officials
evaded all comment on Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's
speech Monday night calling for
negotiations but insisting on
Communist demands.
One Exception
There was one possible excep-
tion to this no comment policy.
Lord Home, the British foreign
secretary, said negotiation for its
own sake would be useless. He did
not mention Khrushchev's speech
but may have had it in mind.
Rusk's report included recom-
mendations that Allied forces on
the continent be brought up to
full strength with the, addition of
perhaps 75,000 to. 80,000 men in
the near future, and a possible
buildup to 30 divisions later on.
This is a longtime NATO goal.
An official who attended the
session said the Council heard
Rusk's statement with sympathy.
Several members raised questions
which the secretary attempted to
answer. But Council delegates, by
the nature of their positon as
ambassadors, were unable to make
any immediate commitment on
new expenditures for addiitonal
Promise Report
The same source said Council
members promised to report back
to their governments. Early re-
plies are expected.
The Council agreed to hold
further consultations on the sub-
ject and then reaffirmed the poli-
cy adopted by the NATO foreign
ministers earlier this year in Os-
lo. This called for a "peaceful and
just" solution of the Berlin and
German problems on the basis of
The Oslo decision also said any
Soviet move, such as a separate
peace treaty with the East Ger-
man regime, could in no way de-
prive the Western powers of their
rights in Berlin nor relieve the
Russians of their obligations.
Lord Home told newsmen there
would be no point in undertaking
talks with the Soviet Union un-
less proper spadework offered
some hope of success.
Cuban Charge
Sets Off Fight
At Conference
-Fidel Castro's economic chief
last night accused the United
States of plotting assassination in
Latin America and he in turn was
called an assassin by ashouting
Fist fights followed at the tur-
bulent session of the Inter-Amer-
ican Economic and Social Confer-

The charges and counter-
charges arose over President John
F. Kennedy's multi-billion dollar
alliance-for-progress program.
The attack on the program by
Cuba's economic minister, Ernesto
(Che) Guevara, set off fist fights
both in and outside the confer-
ence hall at this plush resort.
As Guevara finished his violent
two hour, 15 minute speech, a
bespectacled1spectator, identified
ao Mt Ayicri-Tev m mhr of

the House and Senate, Rayburn con
U.S. Opposes
Special t alks
By Assembly
United States voted yesterday
against a special session of the!
General Assembly on the trouble
between France and Tunisia over
the French base at Bizerte.
The United States position was
that the conflict is likely to be!
settled apart from such a session.
Argentina and Venezuela voted
for the special session. That made
49 members of the Assembly on
record for it, only one short of
the majority needed to call it.

nceded, but he maintained "I don't
think fundamentally it will be too
much hurt."
Sen. Thruston Morton of Ken-
tucky, former GOP national chair-
man, gave the program his sup-
port, noting it was "identical in
principle" to what former Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower had
Kennedy is seeking authority to
borrow from the Treasury to fi-
nance a five-year $8.8-billion loan
program to aid struggling new na-
tions. He wants to put this foreign
aid on a long-range planning bas-
Morton, in a speech to the Sen-
ate, said 21 Republicans now in
the Senate supported Eisenhow-
er's similar proposal in 1957.
"I see no reason in principle
that they should not support the
same proposal when made by this
administration," he added.

Democrats 'Declare r'
On Outstate Republican
Special To The Daily
NILES-State Democrats have declared war on Republican Niles
attorney Lee Boothby, running for the constitutional convention in the
seventh senatorial district, because of his close affiliation with State
Farm Bureau Representative Stanley Powell.
Democratic State Con-Con Coordinator Doris Jarrell told Berrien
County Young Republican Chairman LeRoy Jones of Niles that the
tLT W mJLJld '"hA n" 'thby

Mozart Opera Cos

D' emocrais woua iiai g va
in this election," and she cited
Powell as the cause.
Boothby is unperturbed by the
whole situation, however. "I am
surprised that the state Democrats
vS find me S R ;;s~such a dangerouscani
date that they are personally go-
The Marriage of Figaro, opening tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn ing to take care of me, instead of
Theatre, is the finale of the University Players' Playbill 1961 summer leaving that to my opponent. Usu-
seriesally they don't go sniping on a
precinct level."
The opera is produced jointly by the speech department and the The Niles attorney is an out-
music school. It will be.directed by Prof. Jack E. Bender of the speech spoken conservative and has been
department and Prof. Joseph Blatt of the music school. highly critical of the program and
The intrigue surrounding the Mozart work, which was first pre- tactics of state Democrats.
sented in Vienna in 1786, is almost as thick as the plot of the opera However, he did not see his
itself. "hanging" as a personal matter.
When the opera was first played, the audience was so enthusiastic Boothby said. "I'm surprised to see
that it demanded an encore of nearly every piece, which prolonged the them forsaking the farmers like
performance to nearly the length of two operas and induced the this, but apparently the farm vote
emperor to issue an order that no encores were to be played at the isn't too important to them."
second performance. Boothby, who scored an upset
The opening of the Marriage of. Figaro was a personal triumph victory over former State Senator
for Mozart who had had a hard time getting it onto the Viennese Robert Faulkner of Coloma, has
been tabbed by the Republican
stage. State Central Committee as "prob-
The story involves the love of the hero, Figaro, for Suzanne, and ably the youngest delegate to the
the complications which arise when they plan to marry, convention." Running in Berrien

777T W.-

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