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August 08, 1961 - Image 1

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Sir 19gan


Partly cloudy
warmer in afternoon

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXI, No. 29S





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Khrushchev May
Call Up Reserves
Response to Kennedy Address
Stresses Negotiation with West
MOSCOW (R) -- Premier Nikita Khrushchev accused the Western
powers yesterday of "pushing the world to a dangerous brink" in
the quarrel over Berlin and said he may have to mobilize reserves
and move more Soviet divisions to the Western front in Germany.
But he insisted the Soviet Union is not seeking trouble and in
these words urged negotiations:
"Let's sit down around a table and negotiate in an honest way.
"Let's not create hysteria.
"Let's clear the atmosphere, let's rely on sense and not on the
strength of thermonuclear weapons." The Soviet Premier's 85-minute
speech --- transmitted by radio

k t

. ;accuses West

Cites Flow
Of Refu gees
BERLIN (R)-As Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev warned of a
further Communist military build-
up to meet the' Berlin crisis, East
Germans at the rate of one every
minute were entering West Ber-
"The reality of Berlin Sunday
existed not merely in the flight
overhead of the Soviet Astronaut
Titov, but more in a record num-
ber of refugees in their own fath-
erland,". declared West Berlin
Mayor Willy Brandt in dismissing
Khrushchev's speech as "not real-
Still Tension
Khrushchev's speech did noth-
ing to lessen East-West tensions
on Berlin, Brandt said in a state-
ment. Brandt's remarks summed
up the general feeling in the
Western sector that the clouds
over this divided city were as dark
as ever.
On Khrushchev's assurances
that there would be no blockade
of Berlin, Brandt said he "never
seriously reckoned with a block-
ade." He said one would not be
in the Soviet interest and would
not be effective.
On Khrushchev's declaration
that free elections for Germany
were merely a Western slogan,
Brandt said the elementary wish
of Germans for self determination
could not be brushed off by the
dialectic are of the Communist
More Refugees
Khrushchev's insistence on a
German peace treaty this year and
his references to military counter-
measures are not expected to
stem the flow of refugees from
East Germany.
The exodus to West Berlin to-
taled 3,268 for the weekend and
Western officials estimated 14 per
cent were a new type of refugee
-persons from East Berlin or sur-
rounding Red-ruled districts with
jobs in the West.
Scientists Asks
Space Ste -up
ca must stop fooling around and
initiate an all-out "Manhattan
Project" to , meet the space
achievements of Russia, a group
of the nation's top space scientists
were told -yesterday.
Dr. A. H. Schwichtenberg, a
medical researcher on the physi-
cal problems man faces in space,

and TV over the Soviet Union and
parts of Europe including Ger-
many - was delivered in compar-
atively calm tones.
Praises Conquest
Khrushchev had praise for the
newest Soviet conquest in space
but he did not brandish it - as
had been expected in some West-
ern quarters as an overriding
power factor.
The speech was aimed mainly
at President John F. Kennedy's
address 10 days ago to the Ameri-
can people on Berlin and the world
Kennedy, Khrushchev said, was
replying to the Khrushchev pro-
posals for a peace treaty with Ger-
many with threatening measures
to increase war strength.
Khrushchev gave little emphasis
to his plan announced nearly three
years ago tq change the status of
Berlin by his own hand unless the
West agrees to all his terms.
Appeals to People
Appealicig to the Russian people
to underam. if he has to call up
more men for the Soviet Army,
and making no reference to the
American plea to let the German
question rest for awhile, Khrush-
chev said:
"The Ti ited States is in effect
carryrz out measures in the na-
ture of a mobilization, and is
threatening tc start a war. Its al-
lies in the Western bloc support
this aangeous course.
"When a situation like this
arises, :t would be impermissible
for us to sit with folded hands."
No Increase
Bt the Soviet government has
examined the situation and has
decided that no increased expen-
diture woulc be needed now. he
went on He said the rocket
strength, other arms in being and
already 1 eing ranufactured, would
secure the country's safety.
"rhe Western powers are now
"M" 'the world to a dangerous
brink," K nrushchev continued,
"and the threat of a military at-
tack by the Imperialists on the
Socialist states is not to be ruled
Bar Criticizes
Birch Society
At Convention
ST. LOUIS (.-The far-right
John Birch Society came in for
strong criticism from the rostrum
of the American Bar Association
at its 84th annual convention yes-'
ABA President Whitney North
Seymour asserted that by spon-
soring an essay contest among
college students on "grounds for
impeachment" of Chief Justice
Earl Warren, the -society is en-
gaging in deplorable "personal vil-
No responsible lawyer will en-
courage such conduct, Seymour
asserted, and delegates applauded
him roundly.
Seymour said that the society,
by "false implications" of miscon-
duct on Warren's part, is leading
ignorant people "into disrespect
for our institutions which main-
tain liberty under law."
"Let us leave such attacks to
the Communists, who hate our in-
stitutions," the speaker said.
Robert H. Welch, Jr., president
of the John Birch Society, recent-
ly announced the essay contest,
with a top prize of $1,000. He
charged that United States Su-
preme Court decisions under War-
ren's leadership have helped Com-
munist causes.]

PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay ()
-The United States yesterday of-
fered Latin America a half-cen-
tury program of economic and so-
cial development "to demonstrate
to the world that freedom and
progress walk hand in hand."
Secretary of the Treasury Doug-
las Dillon urged the 20 nations of
Latin America attending the his-
toric Inter-American Economic
and Social Conference here to
dedicate themselves to "a bold and
massive effort."
He made it clear the Latin
Americans would have to under-
take their own reform programs
and organize effective plans so the
money "can be put to work rapid-
ly, wisely and well."
He also made it clear that the
United States would not shoulder
all the financial burden. Dillon
said international lending insti-
tutions as well as Japan and the
countries of Europe would join
and stability and organization
would eventually attract billions in
the Latin Americans' own capital
now invested outside their coun-
Following President John F.
Kennedy's initial pledge of one
billion dollars a year in public
assistance to the continent-three
times last year's amount-Dillon
launched Kennedy's Alliance for
Progress to strengthen the con-
tinent against Communist pene-
He pledged the United States to
development loans on a long-term
basis "running where appropriate
up to 50 years."
"We also intend to make the
bulk of these loans at very low or
zero rates of interest," the chief
United States delegate said. With
the United States shouldering in-
terest charges, such loans would
amount in substance to 80 per
cent grants and easily match or
better the terms offered by the
Soviet Union in its loans to back-;
ward countries. -
leyville rebel regime of Antoine
Gizenga has officially recognized
the Leopoldville central govern-
ment of Premier Cyrille Adoula,
diplomatic sources reported yes-
They 'said Stanleyville has with-
drawn its eight-month-old claim
to be the only legal capital of the
Gizenga's foreign minister, Mar-
cel Lengema, informed Communist
and left-leaning nations who sent
diplomatic missions to Gizenga's
capital of Stanleyville they should
make arrangements to transfer to
The diplomats were called in to
hear Lengema's statement. Coun-
tries represented were the Soviet
Union, Red China, Yugoslavia,
Czechoslovakia, Poland, United
Arab Republic, Mali and Ghana.
They recognized the Gizenga re-
gime after the death of Patrice
Gizenga is vice-premier in the
Adoula cabinet and a leftwing fol-
lower, Christophe Gbenye, holds
the strategic portfolio of the In-
terior Ministry.



Foreign Ministers
Confer on Strength
PARIS (M)-The United States, Britain, France and West Ger-
many, after three days of top-level talks, set out last night on the
difficult task of building Allied military strength in Europe while
searching out means of avoiding its use in the tension-packed Berlin
United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk polished up a report
he will make to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization council to-
day, recommending that NATO forces be brought up to full strength
by addition of 75,000 to 80,000 men, weapons, equipment and trans-
At the same time, experts of the four powers went to work on
ways to further impress the Russians that the West is determined to



Cites Stand
On Speakers
WASHINGTON (-,P) - Secretary
of Defense. Robert S. McNamara
said yestreday it is "inappropri-
ate" for Pentagon officials to
make foreign policy statements
outside their normal duties.
These are matters for the State
Department, he said, not for civil-
ian or military officials in the De-
fense Department.
McNamara's views, expressed at
a Senate subcommittee hearing,
brought him into conflict with
'Sen. Karl E. Mundt (R-SD) who
protested against any effort to1
"muffle or muzzle" Defense De-
partment employes' views on Com-
"It's rnot a matter of foreign
policy, it's self - preservation,"
Mundt said.
Question McNamara
Mundt questioned McNamara
about a recent Defense Depart-
ment "guidance memorandum"
designed to restrict officers and
others from making public state-
ments on foreign policy.
The defense chief said the di-
rective, which has been bitterly
protested by Sen. Strom Thur-
mond (D-SC), was not intended
to prevent personnel from ex-
pressing personal opinions, in a
"balanced" manner, before con-
gressional committees.
Mundt asked if an officer would
be barred from giving a speech on
the nature of the Communist
menace, or the need for national
defense, "because of the conspir-
acy launched by Moscow."
! Cites Qualification
McNamara replied that a major
recently returned from Southeast
Asia might discuss Communist
aggression in that area, but would
hardly be qualified to discuss the
Soviet economic system, for ex-
Mundt disagreed.
"Our servicemen can speak with
'authority," Mundt said, adding:
"Part of the job of the Penta-
gon is to see that the public is

preserve West Berlin, refusing to
back down in the face of Commu-
nist threats, but at the same time
is willing to negotiate the entire
Berlin and German problem if
given a reasonable basis.
Consider Berlin
The ministers spent two days
on the Berlin issue and then the
three Western diplomats conclud-
ed an emergency conference at
.noon yesterday after a discussion
on Viet Nam, Laos and other
Southeast Asian problems.
Rusk told British, Foreign Sec-
retary Lord Home and France's
Foreign Minister Maurice Couve
de Murville American economic
and military efforts are starting
to bring about an improvement in
South Viet Nam's battle against
Communist infiltration from the
The Western camp was visibly
elated at West Germany's Foreign
Minister Henrich Von Brentano's
reaffirmed declaration in the name
of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer:
West Germany has complete faith
in her Western allies and prefers
to remain outside any approach
to the Soviet Union in order to
avoid muddying the water. Von
Brentano told the ministers in-
stead the Bonn government is
confident its interests will be best
served by American, British and
French negotiators.
Cite Purposes
Conference sources said the
Paris talks served two purposes on
the Berlin problem:
1) All previous plans and posi-
tions were brought together for
another look, a search for a hole
in the Russian armor through
which the West may still drive
home its main point of preserv-
ing West Berlin's 2.5 million peo-
ple from being gobbled up by the
surrounding East German Com-
munist regime.
2) A new round of diplomatic
activity is spurred, first by assign-
ing the standing four-power
working group on Germany to
new efforts, next by another West-
ern foreign ministers meeting dur-
ing the United Nations General
Assembly meeting in New York in
September, and perhaps after that
by some recommendations for ar-
riving at talks with the Russians

-AP wirephoto
SOVIET HERO - Gherman Titov waves at Soviet crowds after
his successful 25 hour space flight. Upon his arrival he was com-
mended by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in a telephone
conversation as having carried out "an unprecedented cosmic
Russell Views Conflict
Over Filibuster Rule
WASHINGTON (/P)-Backers of economic change, not civil rights
advocates, were said by Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga) yesterday to
be the main force behind a drive to change the Senate rules.
Russell conferred with 16 other Southern Democratic senators
and a lone Republican on strategy for a forthcoming battle over the
Senate's filibuster rule. "Chief backers of the rules change are those
seeking more to alter the economy of the country than to bene-



oon Shot
ay Result
om Trip
(hrushchev Hails
light As Victory
)SCOW ()-Premier Nikita
shchev last night hailed as "a
great victory" the 25-hour
t that sent Maj. Cherman
inovich Titov around the
1 17 times for the longest
ge ever completed by man.
irushchev, in a broadcast,
he wanted to congratulate all
Soviet people for making an-
major step toward realiza-
of interplanetary travel.
e feat, in effect, gave man a
t ticket to the Moon, since
vered roughly the distance
and back.
Orbits 25 Hours
ov returned to the world 25
s and 18 minutes after he
ed off on a journey of more
700,000 kilometers (about
00 miles).
had eaten, slept, and man-
operated the five-ton space
Vostok II as he whizzed at
t 300 miles a minute at an
ide ranging from 110.5 to
9 miles above the earth.
was fired into orbit Sunday
viet officials said the flight
intended to determine how
will bear up under the strain
eightlessness in a long space
t that would be encountered
lights to the Moon.
Observe Reactions
entists on the ground ob
d Titov's reactions by means
wo-way radio as well as TV
intricate telemeter devices.
ie flight also proved out auto-
c equipment designed to main-
proper conditions for life
rd the space craft.
>scow radio said Titov came
z near the landing site of the
Soviet spaceman, Maj. Yuri
trin. Gagarin is thought to
landed about 450 miles
beast of Moscow on his re-
from a single trip around the
h April 12.
.ere were no details and no
:ation whether the ship land-
atact. The Russians said Ga-
l's Vostok I landed without
Predicts Moon Shot
n London, Kenneth Gatland,
-president of the British In-
lanetary Society, said it was
y the Russians would put a
on the Moon in 1966,or 1967,
a reconnaissance flight much
What is so interesting about
latest Russian success," he
"is that Vostok II had enough
and food provisions in it for
and-the-Moon reconnaissance
it which would last for about
to eight days.")
ie flight of Titov kept much
he world on edge for a day

ace Agency
uiet on Role
f Midas III
nse Department, and the Civil-
Space Agency yesterday de-
ed to say whether America's
Lary-sleuth satellite, Midas
had figured in this country's
rted detection and tracking of
Russian spaceship Monday.
)wever, remarks made by a
:e agency official some 10
rs after the Russian launching
open the possibility that Mi-
or some other largely hush-
h system may have played a
in allowing the United States
rack Astronaut Gherman Ti-
s flight.
idas III, in orbit around the

Gives Grant
To Princeton
Princeton University received a
gift of $35 million from a small
group of anonymous donors. It
is to be used for "a new and un-
parallel professional school" to
prepare persons of outstanding
talent for careers of public serv-
Emphasis will be given to gov-
ernment service in international
The gift is the largest in
Princeton's 215 year history and
is- believed to be the largest
anonymous donation to American
higher education.
Among other such University
programs now in operation are
Georgetown University's School of
Foreign Service, the Johns Hop-
kins School of Advanced Inter-
national Studies, the Fletcher
School of Law and Diplomacy ad-
ministered jointly by Harvard and

fit the Negroes," Russell said
"They want to make it easier
to gag the Senate as they have a
lot of economic legislation they
want to get through."
Requires Votes
Russell told reporters the pres-
ent rule, which requires the votes
of two-thirds of the senators pres-
ent and voting to cut off debate,
has lost its significance as far
as Negro rights are concerned.
"The last two civil rights bills
and the bill setting up the civil
rights commission passed without
the cloture (debate limiting) rule
being invoked," he said.
Russell said the Southerners
hope to enlist the support of many
Republicans and northern Demo-
crats in their fight against a pro-
posed rules change.
Supports Proposal
Senate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana has said
he will give the Senate a chance
to vote this session on a proposal
designed" to make it easier to end
filibusters. Under this proposal,
which Mansfield supports, a de-
bate could be ended by the votes
of three-fifths of the senators, or
60 of the 100 members.
Russell told newsmen that many
senators who might vote for civil
rights legislation would oppose a
change in the rules.
Russell indicated the Southern-
ers have little hope of being able
to block an extension of the Civil
Rights Commission, which is due
to expire on Nov. 8 unless a bill
renewing it is passed.
Tunisia Asks
UN Session
seven members of the United Na-
tions including the Soviet Bloc,
and most of the African and Asian
countries filed a formal request
last night for a special meeting
of the UN General Assembly on
'the French-Tunisian dispute.
They asked for an immediate
poll of the other UN members in
an effort to line up the three ad-

Good Reception, Luck Bring in Broadcast

Exceptionally good reception
and luck made WUOM the first
radio station in the United States
to pick up the voice of Soviet
cosmonaut Maj.. Gherman S. Ti-
Richard J. Lutz, Grad., after
hearing of the Russian launching
early Sunday morning, immediate-
ly went to the WUOM studio in the
tower of the Administration Bldg.
and tuned in the short wave set
there hoping to receive Radio
Moscow's North American service.
Lutz was unable to get the
North American service but be-
cause of exceptionally good re-
ceiving conditions managed to get
Radin Mnscw's nSoth East Asia

English must be the common
language for that area."
Use Same Frequency
Although both the North Ameri-
can and South East Asian some-
times use the same frequency,
Lutz commented that he believes
they change the antenna display
to beam the programs to different
areas and that only exceptional
conditions coupled with spillover
from the antennas made it pos-
sible for him to receive the pro-
WUOM production director Wil-
liam B. Stegath soon joined Lutz
and the two alternated, monitoring
the broadcasts.
Stegath noted that this is the
f.s +ime +he short wave ha er

the Soviet broadcasts of the flight
but switched also to BBC which
was also giving direct broadcasts
of the flight.
The six hours and fifteen min-
utes of tapes have been edited
and excerpts already presented
over the air yesterday. If the sta-
tion receives sufficient requests,
the program will be repeated over
the air today, in addition to long-
er excerpts now being prepared.
May Broadcast Speech
In addition, WUOM newscaster
Fred Handley, who has been active
in the short wave aspect of the
station, monitored and is prepar-
ing for broadcast excerpts from
a Radio Moscow translation of
TPremier Thrushchev's sneech last

diet government in carrying out
the flight plan.
Stegath also noted that be-
tween broadcasts about the flight,
the radio would play light music
with such titles as "The Stars are
Calling" and "We Enter The Cos-
Among the comments picked up
over the air was one by Prof.
Sir Bernard Lovell, director of
Britain's Jodall Bank Observatory
who said, "Of course the Ameri-
cans are still second-best.
"Their successes with their lobs
of their two astronauts" indicates
that they are still staggering along
where the Russians make great
strides he said.
The radio also gave biographical


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