NEWBURGH ATTEMPTS THOUGHT CONTROL Y L Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom ~~IaitP MOSTLY CLOUDY High--84 LOW--6 Scattered showers, cooler in afternoon. See Page 2 VOL. LXXI, No. 28S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1961 FIVE CENTS FOUR PAGES Senate Approves Defense Budget Unanimous Vote Increases Sum By$1 Billion for Ground Forces WASHINGTON (M) - Forging $1 billion beyond President John F. Kennedy's requests, the Senate voted unanimously yesterday for a record peacetime defense budget of $46.8 billion. An 85-0 roll call sent the money bill to the House which had voted $42-plus billion well before " Kennedy called 10 days ago for a $3.5-billion spending boost in the face of fresh Communist threats to West Berlin. The Senate added about $1 billion that the President did not ask for his program of strengthening United States conventional ''ground warfare forces. This push- To Consider Air Piracy ALegislation - 1 WASHINGTON (I)-The Ken- nedy Administration asked Con- gress yesterday to pass a law tc make airline hijacking punishable by life imprisonment. This would put airline hijacking in the same class of crime as pi- racy on the high seas. The Administration's views were presented to, Congress by Najeeb E. Halaby, the federal aviation administrator. He opened hearings of the Sen- ate Aviation Subcommittee by testifying that the proposed legis- lation would bring the President, the FBI, the Border Patrol, the FAA, and other federal agencies into the battle against hijackers. At present, no federal law cov- ers such hijacking. The legislation endorsed by Hal- aby and the Administration, be- sides making hijacking a crime like piracy, would make it a .fed- eral offense to assault, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with airline crews and to carry a deadly weap- on aboard a plane. Attacks on the crew would be punished by sentences up to 20 years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine. If a deadly weapon was used or brandished in the assault a life sentence could be handed down. Anyone convicted of carry- ing a weapon aboard the plane would be subject to a $1,000 fine. 'U1' To Sponsor Undergraduate Study Abroad By MICHAEL OLINICK The University and the Univer- sity of Wisconsin will jointly sponsor undergraduate studies in France with the aid of a $60,000 grant from the Carnegie Corpora- tion, Associate Dean of the liter- ary college James H. Robertson said yesterday. The three-year program will begin in September, 1962 and will offer an opportunity for education abroad to 40 or 50 "honors cali- ber" students at the schools. Choice Not Made Dean Robertson said that the French college has not yet been selected, but that several pos- sibilities were being discussed. He and Wisconsin's Dean Mark In- gram will tour France later this fall to investigate the schools' facilities for teaching and housing students. The joint effort to create a junior year abroad is probably a unique one, Dean Robertson ex- plained. Wisconsin has been desig- nated as the sole financial re- cipient. Robertson said he hoped that there would be not only a "faculty man in the field" overseeing the program in France, but that pro- fessors from the University of Wisconsin would also be sent to teach courses in English at the French college. May Rent Building The students will probably live in the regular French dormitories, but the American schools may be asked to provide "compensation" space. "This means we might have to rent a house or building for use by the French in return for their turning over part of the dorms to us," Robertson said. Students applying for the pro- gram will be expected to have at ed the Senate-approved total about $4 billion above that of the House. The House, however, is expected to go along promptly with the added $1 billion, largely for more bombers, although the Administra- tion may refuse to spend the money. Biggest single, unasked addition is $525 million to continue produc- tion of B52 jet bombers which Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara has said he doesn't need. The Senate also added $228 million to the $200 million the House voted for development of the 2,000-mile-an-hour B70 bomb- er which the Administration feels could not become an effective weapon before missile systems are perfected. Otherdincreases are largely for expansion of national guard and reserve units. Leaves One Step Yesterday's action left only one more Congressional step for en- actment of the emergency pro- gram called for July 25. Senate Democrats easily brush- ed aside a Republican effort to tie into the defense money bill funds for aid to schools in fed- erally impacted areas - districts where federal spending has brought a heavy influx of popula- tion. Renewal of this aid, amounting to about $300 million annually and affecting the home districts of more than 300 Congress members, has been blocked by the House Rules Committee's refusal to re- port out any Administration aid- to-education measures. Moves Suspension Because legislation can not be attached to appropriations meas- ures without suspension of the rules by a two-thirds vote, Sen. Karl E. Mundt (R-SD) was forced to move suspension in an effort to offer his plan. The Republicans didn't even get a simple majority as Democrats closed ranks and beat the motion, 47 to 37. The Administration still hopes to rescue at least part of its general school-aid program and opposes separate action on the aid for impacted areas. ] The Senate defense money bill; would authorize 2,743,227 officers and men in all armed services by next July 1 with $1,072,965 on pay status in the reserves.3 Germans Impose Penalties BERLIN (A) - The East Ger- man Communists, ignoring West- ern protests, imposed harsh new penalties yesterday on East Ber- liners who commute to work in West Berlin. The commuters now must pay the Red regime nearly five times more for rent, electricity, gas, water and other public services than their stay-at-home neigh- bors pay. The Communist device to bring this about is a require- ment that they settle their bills in West German marks, which are much more valuable than Com- munist currency. East Berlin's Communist city government issued the ordr yes- terday morning. Less than 24 hours before, the three Western sector commandants in Berlin pro- tested to their Soviet counterpart against similar measures aimed at helping stop the drain on East Germany's manpower through the refugee flow to West Berlin. Soviet Embassy officials would not answer questions about the protest. The official Soviet posi- tion is that such matters are the exclusive concern of the East Ger- man Communist regime. The Communists are trying to force the commuters - some es- timates put their number as high as 80,000 - to quit their well- paying West Berlin jobs and bol- ster the Red's own shaky economy. Peace Corps Wins Support WASHINGTON (A) - President1 John F. Kennedy's request for $40 million to set the Peace Corps up in business won Senate Foreign Relations Committee approval yesterday. The committee rejected 11 to 6 a move to cut the first year au- thorization to $25 million and then approved the full amount by a vote of 14 to 0, with 3 members abstaining. At the Senate Foreign Relations Committee session, Chairman J. William Fulbright (D-Ark) sup- ported the unsuccessful move to cut the first-year funds. "This is a new program, which the committee generally agreed has great merit," Fulbright said, "but some of us thought it would do much better if they didn't at- tempt too much right at the start." The PeacenCorps, which pro- poses to send specially trained young men and women to live and work with people in underdevel- oped nations, hopes to have 2,700 vlunteers in the field or in train- ing by mid-1962. Washington Notes Soviet Note Raises Hope Of Solution Government Drops Trade Reprisal Plant Meeting To Open in Uruguay Milde Khrushchev Favors Settlement; WASHINGTON (P) - United States officials yesterday found a comparatively moderate tone in the new Soviet note on Berlin, increasing hope for peaceful ne- gotiations with Moscow on the potentially explosive issue. In a separate development, the United States government ruled out for the time being a clamp- down on trade with the Soviet Bloc in reprisal for Red pressures on Berlin. A State Department announce- ment said "we do not believe that our interests or the cause of world peace would be served at this time" by economic retaliation. But it added the United States and its Allies may have to reconsider if the Soviets continue their "threatening attitude." Rusk Sees Note The 15-page Soviet note was under close study both in Wash- ington and in Paris where Secre- tary of State Dean Rusk is at- tending a Western Big Four for- eign ministers meeting on the German problem. United States authorities saw nothing basically new in the Mos- cow document. But United States experts did detect what they de- scribed as a milder overall tone in the Russian warning than in some language used in the past. It was this aspect which inter- ested the United States diplomats most, since the aim of Rusk and the other foreign ministers-be- sides strengthening Berlin pre- paredness-is to find a way out of .the dangerous situation with- out fighting. The Western ministers intend to take a three-way approach in ironing out plans of action. Work Out Terms They want to work out the exact terms under which the United States, Britain and France would be willing to negotiate with the Soviet Union over the German- Berlin problem. They plan a buildup of their own defense posture, particularly by providing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance with stronger conventional forces, And finally, they hope to draw up a contingency plan which would define the agreed political, economic and military steps the Western powers would take joint- ly to meet Soviet actions. See Significance United States authorities saw significance in Moscow's avoid- ance of a specific date as to when Berlin negotiations should start. They figured Khrushchev under- stands nothing can be accom- plished before next month's elec- tions in West Germany, realizing Chancellor Konrad Adenauer must maintain a rigid position on Ber- lin for domestic political reasons., --AP Wirephoto CONFERENCE OPENS--President John F. Kennedy confers with .Secretary of the Treasury Doug- las Dillon, left, and deLesseps Morrison, United States Ambassador to the Organization of American States at the White House prior to their trip to Uruguay. Today marks the beginning to a special meeting of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council. LIMITS TENURE: Russians Revise PartyRue r one Note Fails To Propose Conference Invitation Asks British To Submit Proposals MOSPOW (A') - Premier Nikita Khrushchev told the Western powers yesterday he is ready to negotiate a settlement on the future of Germany and Berlin. No specific proposals were made about setting up a conference, apparently leaving the next move to the West. Parallel notes to the United States, Britain and France con- centrated much of their fire on West Germany and accused the Western powers of rearming the West Germans so Bonn can push the world "to the brink." Other- wise, the Soviet tone was more argumentative than threatening. Warns West Germans A fourth note to the West Ger- mans themselves, however, harsh- ly warned they would not survive "even a few hours of the third world war if it Is unleashed." It accused the West German gov- ernment of opposing "any regula- tion which could lead to strength- ening the peace in Europe." None of the notes contained any change in the Khrushchev line on Germany, and it was clear that he will try to negotiate a settle- ment on his own terms. However, the British were in- vited to submit proposals for dis- cussion.No such offerappeared in the note to Washington. Repeats Pledge The note to Washington reiterat- ed Khrushchev's pledge to sign such a treaty but said the Soviet Union would prefer a treaty work- ed out with the "constructive joint action" of the West. The note broached the idea of negotiations like this: "But the Soviet Government, taking particular account of the fact of a change in the govern- ment of the United States, never considered the idea of a discus- sion of the problem of a peaceful settlement with Germany as a dead issue. The Soviet govern- ment declares anew that it is ready for negotiations which have as their goal the conclusion of a German peace treaty." The section dealing with West German rearmament was the most bitter in the note to Washington. It said West Germany is becom- ing "a hearth of war danger ,in Europe" with an army led by Hit- ler's former officers and trained for conducting nuclear war. Defend Interests "Now it is already prepared to take matters to the brink, but in such a way that West Germany, for the time being, remains on the sideline. It would please it (Bonn) most of all if the United States were to defend the in- terests of the Bonn revanchists (revenge-seekers) to the last American soldier." The note reiterated the Soviet demand that East and West Ger- many get together to settle their problems - thus confirming a division"of~Germany the West re- fuses to accept. It chipped away at United States contentions that the prin- ciple of self determination for Germany and Berlin is at stake. The United States is thinking of pressing this argument at the forthcoming session of the United Nations General Assembly principle for Germany through free elections. MOSCOW (t') - The Soviet Communist Party today publish- ed new ground rules forbidding any Communist to seize and con- solidate power in the party through a Stalin-like "cult of the personality." Though containing loopholes that preclude any serious threat to Premier Khrushchev's party po- sition, the new rules clearly aim at revitalizing party leadership with periodic infusions of new blood. Limits Terms Members of the Central Com- mittee and its all-powerful Pre- sidium were limited to no more than three successive terms in of- fice. Labor Experts Consider Law WASHINGTON (A'-A group of labor relations experts conferred yesterday with Secretary of La- bor Arthur J. Goldberg on meth- ods to revise the national emer- gency strike procedures of the Taft-Hartley law. President Kennedy has called for changes. During his campaign he said the 80-day injunction method prescribed in the present law is too rigid. Any threat to the position of top party officials was eliminated in an escape clause which said such leaders, "because of their acknowledged- authority, high po- litical organization and other qualities," can stay on the job. The new rules, which contain much material that did not ap- pear in the last such pronounce- ment, adopted in 1959, were pub- lished in the party newspaper' Pravda and a special edition of the government newspaper Izves- tia. To Be Approved ,The 22nd Party Congress that convenes Oct. 17 will be asked to approve the new rules. Rank and file members are duty-bound to actively work, cri- ticize shortcomings, and encour- age discussions of party policies, under the new rules. Severe penalties were provided for suppression of criticism by party leaders. The party rules also gave groups and individuals the right to press for the adoption of their ideas. Theoretically, they also would have access to the party press to set forth their views. Outlines Procedure For the first time, the party rules outlined a procedure for the expulsion of members of the Cen- tral Committee. They prescribed that any mem- ber who has "lost his honor or dignity" may be expelled by a two-thirds majority in secret vot- ing. A regular turnover was provid- ed for in membership of the Cen- tral Committee and of regional central committees. Again exclud- ing those of "acknowledged au- thority," the rules said no mem- ber of these committees may serve more than three successive terms. Soviet Union 19 Aids Tunisia TUNIS (4)-The Soviet Union has granted Tunisia ruble credit equivalent to $28 million for technical assistance, the govern- ment announced last night. It is the first Soviet grant to Tunisia, which has largely been supported, by United States eco- nomic aid. The announcement coincided with a visit to Moscow by Tuni- sian Foreign Affairs Secretary Sadok Mokaddem. Details of the Soviet assistance, according to the communique, have been worked out during an extended study by Soviet and Tunisian experts. Apparently most of the money will go for construc- tion of dams. Calls for Investigation Of Military Sponsorship WASHINGTON (IP)-Sen. Strom Thurmond (D-SC) said yester- day Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-Ark) has attacked military efforts to inform Americans about "Communism and the Cold War" and pro- posed a formal investigation. Thurmond asked the Senate to vote up to $75,000 to finance an inquiry by the armed services committee into the "use of military per- sonnel and facilities to arouse the< f public to the menace of the Cold War." Objects to Document His demand, voiced ina apre- pared Senate speech, grew out of a confidential document Ful- bright recently sent Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara ob- jecting to military sponsorship of public forums featuring what the Arkansas Senator called "radical, right-wing speakers." Thurmond called the memo- randum, which Fulbright made public this week, an attack on "our military leaders and their participation in efforts to give American citizens the facts about Communism and the Cold War." The memorandum, in which Fulbright said some of the speak- ers equate social legislation with socialism and socialism with Com- munism, is reported to have led to Defense Department restric- tions on the role of officers in ON REGENTS APPROPRIATION: General Library Replaces Predecessor in 1917 In 1916, a $350,000 appropria- tion by the Regents made possi- ble the construction of the Uni- versity's General Library. The 'Ensian of that year de- scribed the building then in prog- ress as having an "imposing ap- pearance, being four stories high, with six or seven stories of stacks in the rear." It promised that "the various reading rooms will accommodate a total of about one thousand students, which provides for fu- ture growth of the University to twelve or fourteen thousand stu- dents." According to the 'Ensian, the mi n ri~a i~nrni nmnnnnrn- Monetary Fund To Aid Britain WASHINGTON () - The In- ternational Monetary Fund will make available a $2-billion-dollar package in support of Britain's foreign payments position. The IMF said yesterday the United Kingdom will make an im- .. :-;:.-.