"You Brought A Friend--Don't You Trust Me?" Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTIiORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIC. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL OLINICK INTERPRETING THE NEWS: West Soldifies Position In Cold War World By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst SINCE PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S not-one-step-backward speech on Berlin, the United States has sent several thousands soldiers to Ger- many some of whom, because part of the force they were to have re- placed will be held for a while, become part of a beefing up process Great Britain, Ireland and Denmark are applying for membership in the European Common Market, and are expected to be followed by Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland and Portugal. The new American troops for Europe-2,100 left New York last Friday-were assigned as part of a regular routine. The economic union of Western Europe, which already included West Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Italy and Luxembourg, was New Diplomacy No Improvement on Old TRADITIONAL DIPLOMACY has, since the Wilson era, been gradually replaced in this country by a "new" diplomacy of which the summit conference is the most notable evi- dence. Former Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower stand out particularly as proponents of negotiation by heads of states. Their actions were seemingly prompted by the public's distrust of secret agreements and by their own convictions that personal persuasion and straightforward discussion would result in better understanding. Possibly, these tendencies were augmented by considerations of expedien- cy. Certainly "red tape" and endless "go-be- tweens" might thus be bypassed. ON THE SURFACE, these arguments seem plausible enough. But the traditional diplo- macy, employing professional representatives of the chief of state, was in many ways far pref- erable. Even in seeking to avoid "secret bar- gains" and to encourage straightforward dis- cussion, traditional diplomacy has a better chance of success. It must be conceded that the great publicity accruing to discussions by heads of states diminishes-although it doesn't eliminate-the possibility of secret bargains. But this same publicity all but eliminates the possibility of straightforward discussion. THE LEADERS involved are under double pressure in such conferences. First, they are conferring before a world audience. They must consider the propaganda import of their state- ments-and, so, their latitude in frank discus- sion in narrowed They are also under pressure from domestic sources. The least concession arouses vociferous response from interest groups which may succeed in crippling any possible action. Thus, the essence of negotia- tion-concession and counter-concession-is ruled out. IT IS PARTICULARLY upon the grounds of expediency that the new tendency in diplo- macy may be challenged. In the attempt to establish a more flexible mechanism for ne- gotiation, the situation actually becomes more rigid. For besides the fact that publicity pre- cludes open discussion and freedom to maneu- ver, the leaders are bound by the finality of the discussions. A professional diplomat is able to arrive at tentative agreements. Although he has his chief's support, the fact that his decisions are not irrevocable leaves him room for maneuver- ing. Heads of state are again at a disadvantage in respect to time. The diplomat can become familiar with customs, prejudices and related obstacles to negotiation, but the busy chief of state can spare little time from other concerns. Further, such diplomacy precludes the grad- ual give-and-take progress of diplomacy. De- cisions must be made immediately and per- manently. But complex problems defy immedi- ate settlement, and the conditions of perman, ency breed ultimatums. PARTICULARLY in a cold war situation, it is essential that diplomacy be conducted ac- cording to the most effective means possible. Where the new diplomacy stalemates discus- sion the traditional permits flexibility. And this flexibility is essential to diplomatic suc- cess. -RUTH EVENHUIS NORTH CAROLINA: Students Initiate Programs Decision Violates Public Trust AS IT SEEMS TO SO OFTEN, the United States government has missed its target. In ruling the National Football League's television contract with the Columbia Broad- casting System invalid due to antitrust laws, it showed how effectively it could go against public will using a law designed to protect the people. District Court Judge Allen K. Grim ruled last Friday that the contract between CBS and the NFL, by which CBS gained exclusive rights to televising all NFL games, was illegal because it violated antitrust laws in eliminating com- petition getween the teams, which in general is true. Oddly enough, the National Collegiate Ath- letic Association, the National Basketball As- sociation, and the American Football League all had contracts similiar to the NFL's without being prosecuted. What is wrong with the decision is that the teams want to stop competition among them- selves - to make more money. The difference in the profit for the profes- sional teams in this venture is high: with in- dividual contracts such as they had before they decided to transfer all accounts into one "pack- age deal," the NFL squads received an average of about $172,000 apiece for television rights to their games. W TH THE NEW all-in-one contract, CBS is willing to pay $9,300,000 to the NFL to be divided equally. This amounts to nearly $300,- 000 each, a great deal more than the previous payments. The team managers and owners state that the difference between the two sums for the small clubs will be the difference between profit and loss. In other words without the "package deal," there would be a great danger of the weaker and newer teams having to stop playing. The ruling would also set a precedent which would be dangerous to all televised college sports, since they too are under a package contract through the NCAA. But what was the original purpose of the antitrust legislation? Was it not to protect the people from being explointed by large business combines? THE ONLY MEDIUM in which the sponsor of a program has any contact with the viewer is through the commercial between plays. Could this be the judge's reason? Of course not. In short Grim did not have a rea- son. CBS comes out ahead because it has exclu- sive rights to NFL football games and there- fore gets higher-priced advertising. The fans are happy to know that they will continue to watch fourteen star-studded teams playing the best football in the world. Even the competing networks cannot com- plain, for ABC has its "package deal" con- tracts with the AFL and the NCAA, while NBC has its contract with the NBA. NOT EVEN THE GOVERNMENT is left out, for with more money changing hands, it almost invariably gets a larger share. No, only those people known as law en- forcers and interpreters, the backbone of our society, are left with ungladdenel hearts, for they believe that all laws should be enforced to the hilt. That this group is working against public interests is obvious. Whether they can be stopped is unknown now. But in my opinion Judge Grim and associates are endangering the entertainment rights of the American spectator by setting and holding this dangerous precedent. The public wants the professionals. Let them have a "monopoly" on the pleasure. -JOHN McREYNOLDS By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Daily Staff Writer THE WORK of the student gov- ernment of the University of North Carolina in carrying out improvements in the university's curriculum and operating pro- cedure is a revelation of the prog- ress possible when an administra- tion and student government take each other seriously and co-oper- ate with each other. The North Carolina student government's academic affairs committee last year won first place in the Richard Welling Student Government Achievement Compe- tition co-sponsored by the Nation- al Self-Government Committee and the United States National Student Association, The academic affairs commit- tee has undertaken consideration of nearly all phases of the uni- versity's academic life. * * * THE COMMITTEE'S first proj- ect was the promotion of a state bond issue for capital construc- tion It launched a full-scale campaign for passage of the is- sue, including in its efforts the publication and distribution of pamphlets, sponsorship of radio messages and letters sent from students encouraging parents to vote in favor of the bond pro- posal. Headed by Norman Smith, the group also undertook a "letters- to-the-editor" campaign from students to newspapers in their home towns, stressing the urgen- cy of the bond issue, which passed by an overwhelming majority. Their second project was the evaluation of nearly 6,000 course hours in twelve university depart- ments and schools. The committee calculated that its semester capacity for course evaluation is approximately 5,000 student's course hours. They therefore plan to complete a sur- vey of all the school's 25,000 course hours every three years. The group began its evaluation by submitting a letter to each in- structor explaining its aims and requesting him to participate in the program. (Participation of course was voluntary on the part of faculty members.) Students were then given, ques- tionnaires divided into sections to account for student attitude, the quality of the instruction, the course material and the course value. The forms were similar to those used by the University recently, but more detailed. They asked the student to cite the frequency of his participation in class discussion and the extent to which he fell behind in his work and found it necessary to cram for examinations. Questions about the instructor asked for a listing of his strong and weak points, suggesting com- ment on topics such as his friend- liness toward students; ease in presenting the lecture; speaking analyses to the dean of the facul- ty, the chairmen of the particular departments and the instructors involved. * * * THE COMMITTEE next studied the problems of freshman and sophomore counseling. The dean of the general college accepted the committee's report and recommen- dations for improvement of the counseling system for freshmen and sophomores. Some of the committee's rec- ommendations were put into ef- fect last semester. The system sug- gested by the committee is cal- culated to give students in the general college a more personal relationship and more extensive contact with their advisers. They recommended that a let- ter be sent to each general col- lege student by his academic counselor immediately after the first group of quizzes and exams each semester. While not compulsory, the let- ter would suggest a conference between the student and adviser at an arranged time. Itwas also sug- gested that parents of each stu- dent receive a copy of the letter. The committee urged that dur- ing orientation week group meet- ings between students and advisers be scheduled. At these meetings the advisers would explain their duties, discuss briefly various forms of advising and counseling available to North Carolina stu- dents and pass out cards with in- formation for contacting advis- ers Soon after mid-semester reports are issued, students are to receive letters encouraging them to dis- cuss with their respective coun- selors their proposed programs of study before the preregistration period for the new semester begins. * * * THE RESIDENT ADVISER sys- tem was also considered in detail by the academic affairs commit- tee. They then made recommen- dations to the dean of student affairs regarding shortcomings be- lieved to exist in the system. It was decided that for the com- ing semester there will be an at- tempt to obtain better advisers by increasing advertising with the purpose of receiving more appli- cations, better applicant screen- ing, more thorough orientation and continuing instruction, more reports demanded of advisers and greater control over them. THE COMMITTEE'S fifth and probably most important single undertaking was a letter mailed to principals of all Negro North Car- oliria high schools. The letter reminded the princi- pals that the university is open to all persons without discrimina- tion, as long as applicants can satisfy regular admission re- quirements. The committee sent the letter because members believed a great many qualified Negro students ANOTHER outstanding achieve- ment of the committee was the inclusion of students on several faculty committees in an ex-offi- cio working status. Students now sit on committees on scholarships, self-help and s t u d e n t aid, buildings and grounds, examinations and in- structions and student affairs. Appointments are made by the president of the student body aft- er nomination by the committee involved. Negotiations are contin- uing with several other important faculty committees and Smith hopes that students will obtain membership on them before the year is out. The committee devoted consid- erable study and publicity to "A" courses, somewhat like the hon- ors courses offered in various de- partments in the University. They received a favorable re- action from both students and in- structors when inquiring about the program, first established at North Carolina in 1958. Faced with"a freshman English problem similar to the Univer- sity's, North Carolina requires all freshmen to take a basic com- position course. The committee believed, how- ever, that English comprehension as well as composition should be stressed and recommended a re- quired reading course to take the place of a mandatory hygiene course. They also recommended a course to improve reading skills to be offered as a two-hour elec- tive. * * * AFTER CONSIDERATION of the National Defense Education Act loans, the committee recom- mended that the university issue a protest against the loyalty oath. They also undertook a study of admissions standards with the hope that the problem of a large percentage of freshman failures might be eliminated by prior screening. The committee's last project was a comparative study of faculty salaries Many of the committee's proj- ects were similar to programs carried out at the University. The work done by student members of the steering committee of the literary school and the honors council is probably more extensive than that done by the North Car- olina academic affairs committee because these are permanent groups. Student Government Council, in its discussion of "pink slips" in the fall will probably conduct an analysis of residence halls sim- ilar to the committee's. Nevertheless the University is a long way from admitting students to faculty committees or serious- ly accepting their recommenda- tions on such matters as admis- sions requirements or year-round operation. Perhaps co-ordination of stu- produced by natural forces in the main, though greatly spurred by the general sense of a need for unity in the face of Soviet pres- sures. But both automatically become a part of a new organizational face being presented by the West since Nikita Khrushchev's threats against Berlin. * * * AND SO DOES Defense Secre- tary McNamara's reiteration of the United States determination to back the Western position with nuclear power, poised for actual use if that becomes necessary to prevent serious encroachment. So does the new energy shown by Congress in answering Kenne- dy's call for new money and new measures. There are other contributions to the solid front, less sensational and some less definitive. Prime Minister Nehru, for in- stance, is moving slowly within the group of neutrals, led by Tito and Nasser, which is trying to create a third front in the world. * * * WHETHER THIS FRONT is de- signed to ameliorate or merely to take advantage of the world con- flict is still a matter of question. But Nehru has refused to endorse, at least until after the Belgrade conference, another conference of the Bandung type in which he was unable to exert a full restraining influence several years ago, and which produced much criticism of the West. The face-lifting being done in the West and the new assertion of Kennedy leadership also seems likely to give pause to some coun- tries which, after Cuba and Laos, were about ready to write off the United States as a dependable protector. The face now being presented by the West is not really new. But day by day its features become more distinguishable among the mists, with lines of determination and power showing clearly. Cane Curtain Lowered THE CANE CURTAIN that has fallen around Cuba is as disas- trous to freedom as the Iron Cur- tain in Europe or the Bamboo Curtain in Red China. The rest of the world watches to see whether the Western Hemis- phere can expel the Communist beachhead in Cuba or whether, as Nikita Khrushchev has proclaimed, the Monroe Doctrine is dead. Any evidence that the United States is resigned to the existence of a red satellite less than a hun- dred miles from our shoreline will almost certainly bring more of the same in other Latin American countries. -Rep. Joe M. Kilgore (D-Tex) DAILY OFFIC The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1962 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., sept. 29. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Sept. 19. Please submit twenty-one copies of each com- munication. Events Wednesday German Coffee Hour: Wed., Aug. 2 at 2 p.m. in 4072" Frieze Bldg. All persons interested in speaking German are wel- come. Lecture: by Robert L. Politzer, Prof. of Romance Linguistics, on "Auditory Discrimination of French by speakers of English," Aug. 2, at 7:30 p.m.' in 3063, North University Bldg. Doctoral Examination for Hamilton West Marshall, Jr., Physics; thesis: "A Multipass Vacuum Grading Ebert Spec- trometer." Wed., Aug. 2, 2038 Randall Lab., Chairman, C. W. Peters. Doctoral Examination for Howard Martin Wolowitz, Psychology; thesis: "Attraction and Aversion to Power: A Conflict Theory of Homosexuality in RACKHAM: Piano Duo,. 'Bubbly' CHAMPAIGN-of the purely mu- sical vintage-flowed freely at Rackham last night. The occasion was a two piano recital by Charles Fisher and Eu- gene Bossart, a kind of concert rare in these parts. Working with admirable coordination, communi- cating only with their eyes, the duo-pianists presented a program composed almost completely of music generally placed in the light classical category. The opening "Prelude and Gigue" by Zipoli showed the piano team already working at top effici- ency. Even the rubato was in accord, clearly the result of many good practice sessions. Continuing with a Mozart "Duettino Concer- tante," Messrs. Fisher and Bos- sart brought an almost music box-like precision to the music, and added to the effect visually by a mirror-like appearance in hand motion. * ';* * A RACHMANINOFF "Romance" provided proof that the duo could achieve dreamy color as well as clipped precision, and provided an interlude between the eighteenth century (Mozart) and the twen- tieth century (Poulenc). The first Poulenc number, en- titled "L'Embarquement pour Cy- there," was an irreverent farce, combining a gay schoolboy tune with a waltz straight out of a Viennese cafe. The Sonata that followed, though more serious in intent, was at least second cousin to the earlier piece, and updated "L'Embarque" by adding percus- sive and jazz effects. THE MEAT-and-potatoes por- tion of the program came afte' intermission, in the form of Brahms' Op. 56b, "Variations on a Theme by Haydn," a comdanion piece to the composer's 56a, the orchestral version of the varia- tions Though two pianos could not quite match the depth and variety of color achieved in the orchestral version, the ability of Brahms to make practically all of his music sound symphonic stood the piece in good stead, as did the well co- ordinated performance of the duo pianists. AFTER this main course, the dessert came, a whipped cream souffle of two pieces: Rieti's "Aria and Ecossoise," and Hutcheson's version of Liszt's version of Ber- lioz' "Rakoczy March" (from "The Damnation of Faust"). The March provided a suitable vehicle for real pianistic fireworks (a la Liszt) and paved the way for the encore, "Brasiliera" from Milhaud's "Scar- amouche Suite," which lacked only maracas to capture a real Latin American beat. It was quite good. But, despite the summer setting, one might have enjoyed a bit more meat and potatoes. -Mark Slobin tIAI BULLETIN Manifesto Warns World AS THE SOVIET DICTATOR is the most powerful adversary of the free world, and as the first maxim of survival must always be "know thine enemy," the new Communist man- ifesto should be studied by all who value free- dom. This is Premier Khrushchev's counter- part to Hitler's "Mein Kampf," and the world can neglect it only at its peril. The importance of this document to the out- side world lies not in its profusion of "pie in the sky" promises to deflect attention from the con- tinued shabbiness and the physical and spiri- tual hunger of Soviet life, nor in its fantastic picture of a future Utopia, where everything shall be free except freedom. Its overriding importance lies in Premier Khrushchev's renewed proclamation that the Soviets can reach their unalterable goal of complete communism, including the "withering away" of the state,'only when the whole world has become Communist, and that meanwhile they will use the Soviet state as a power ap- paratus to bring thisabout. tain compressed in four words: "We shall bury you." This is both a Communist and a Russian document. Through it marches an older Rus- sian imperialism which conquered all neigh- boring peoples and expanded the Duchy of Muscovy into the Russian empire, now stretch- ing from the Elbe to the Bering Strait. Through it runs the Messianic faith of the Russian soul that Russia has the mission to save the world -a faith of many facets which first proclaimed Moscow to be the "third Rome" of a Christian world and now the center of the Communist world. ALL THESE ELEMENTS are mobilized and tied into the Communist doctrine to give it greater potency, including the Russian sense of timelessness which always looks not to the present but to the future for fulfillment. But Soviet strategy does not depend on them alone. It seeks to avoid a nuclear war that would destroy the "Communist motherland," but short of such a war all means must be used to Events Thursday Baratin, the informal conversation group of the French Club, will meet Thurs., Aug. 3, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Romance Languages Dept. Lounge, 3050 Frieze Bldg. All those interested in speaking French are cordially invited to stop in. Student Recital: Elaine Warner, or- ganist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Music on Thurs., Aug. 3, 8:30 p.m., in Hill Aud. She will play compositions by Buxtehude, Pachelbel, Bach, Franck, Honnegger, and Dupre. Open to the general public. Summer Session Lecture Series: The final lecture of the series will be pre- sented by Arlin Turner, chairman, department of English, Duke Univer- sity on Thurs., Aug. 3, at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A. His topic is: "Southern Litera- ture in thedBackwash of the Civil War." Panel discussion at 7:30 p.m. in Aud. A. Linguistics Forum Lecture: Thurs., Aug. 3, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. James W. Downer, As- sistant Prof. of English will discuss "Language Models in Linguistic Geog- raphy." Doctoral Examination for John Law- rence Hughes. Pharmaceutical Chem- istry; thesis: "The Preparation and Use of Mannich Products Obtained from Alkylpyridines," Thurs., Aug. 3, 2525 Chemistry Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. P(cement