C 4r Atrigau Daily Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: PETER STEINBERGER Now You See It*.... ...Now You Don't "He Does Seem To Be Out Of Uniform-Or Something" ' .f. 3 S ti . y j r Q 'C MICHIGAN: 'Fanny' Portrays Tragic Love THE FRENCH are supposed to have a word for it., Currently, the words for Love, Life, and Happiness are all the same-Fanny. A delightful picture, and a surefire hit, "Fanny" has everything needed for boxoffice success: warmth, humor, and a tender, if somewhat tragic, love affair. An adaptation of the famous Marcel Pagnol trilogy, "Fanny" centers on the lives of four inhabitants of the Marseilles waterfront. Leslie Caron is Fanny, a beautiful young girl, who is deeply in love with Marius, portrayed by Horst Bucholz. He returns her love (much too well as it turns out), but is unable to resist the lure of the Sea. ONE of the truly marvelous subtleties of the United States government is the way it can say almost anything, and still assure you that it doesn't mean what it says. For instance, the Berlin crisis has elicited a larger draft call, much extra spending, and fierce "do or die" speeches. And if you agree with such measures, you are expected to be- lieve in their earnestness. But if you think that only idiots or maniacs would seriously suggest such policies, then you can be let in on the big secret: actually, the government agrees with you-and there's no reason to argue, is there-and we're just say- ing those nasty things so that those who expect to hear nasty things won't be disappointed. THIS EXPLANATION is reassuring; maybe government leaders aren't such fools as they seem to be. True,' during the election campaign, Kennedy had urged support of groups planning to overthrow Castro, and everyone said, "Can't you see what he's doing? He doesn't believe in that stuff, only he has to appeal to the semi-literate popular American notions of realpolitik." And then the President went ahead and did invade Cuba, making one wonder if maybe the November speech-making wasn't a lot more honest than we had all thought. On Thursday Dean Rusk praised the South Korean dictatorship for its steps toward democ- racy. He cited "the vigorous and prompt steps that the new military government of Korea has taken in its efforts to root out corruption, to create a new atmosphere for national recon- struction and to provide a firmer economic base for democracy." Almost, it sounds like they're making the trains run on time. And the letters people in the United States receive from Korea have lines cut out, presumably where undemocratic tendencies have been spotted. THE NEW YORK TIMES explains that the United States decided to support the mili- tary dictatorship only when it seemed to do otherwise would hurt the Republic's army. The government's values are, you see, sound. Now, if the government were held responsi- ble for what it says, people might like to blame it for admiring the South Korean regime in public. Not that the United States should go to war against the South Koreans-only, not show so much special admiration. But such criticisms would be pointless, be- cause those informed enough to know that the Korean generals aren't approved for the Patrick . Henry label are also informed that the whole thing is a ruse, something the intelligent shouldn't stoop to criticizing. Anyone who does secret. THIS SORT OF GAME used to be called The Emperor's Clothes. All who were 'in,' under- stood that actually he did so have clothes on. Anyone who said that a high official should know better than to run around naked was marked as unsophisticated, if not actually de- ranged. When John Foster Dulles carried out for- eign policy, potential critics learned that there was a secret strategy, and that the man wasn't foolish, but rather (small comfort) arch-con- spiratorial. Now Kennedy would like to enjoy immunity from criticism because regardless of what the critic might think, the President agrees with him, only because of pressures from the masses -you know, the masses-such Truths as the critic believes in can't be mentioned publicly. IT IS NOT AT ALL CLEAR who is being fooled, by this. Obviously, somebody is, and whether it's the critic or the public, the trickery is just as equally bad. If Khrushchev knows that the United States isn't going to go to war over Berlin, what point is there in fooling the public? And if the Rus- sians actually think we might fight in Ger- many, what good is it that deep inside its heart the administration disagrees? The only reason for the administration to fool people is because it thinks it has to. And if Unknown Powers in the government can force Kennedy to publicize the war prepara- tions, maybe they can, in time, force him to go to war too. Please don't think that this editorial at- tempts to criticize-far from it. Actually, the President agrees with every word written here. But the masses you see-if they ever thought he did, they would get all upset. And so we must all continue to lie-ethically-for the good of our democratic system. -PETER STEINBERGER Charles Boyer and Maurice Che- valier are Cesar and Panisse, two crochety old chums. Their favorite occupations are cheating each other at cards, calling each other names, and waiting for an unsus- pecting bypasser to kick a derby hat placed over a large brick. * * * MARIUS SUCCUMBS to his dreams of seeing "the lands be- neath the winds" and runs away to Sea. Shortly afterward Fanny learns that she is expecting his child. Panisse offers to marry her and to raise the child as his own. She accepts him, partly to avoid a scandal, but mostly to spite Marius who seems to have for- gotten her entirely. Marius later returns to find Fanny happily married to Pan- isse to whom she is devoted. He trys to induce her to run away with him, but is prevented by Ce- sar, his father. Panisse offers to let Fanny go - on the condition that his son and heir is to remain with him. Marius wants the child he fathered, but Fanny will not leave Panisse in any case. In the end - happy though somewhatsugary-Panisse him- self suggests that Fanny marry Marius after his death. He is an old man and knows that his days are numbered. He also knows that Fanny and Marius are still in love. * * * ACTING in a picture with Mau- rice Chevalier is a dangerous prop- osition. Whenever he appears, he is certain to steal the show - and "Fanny" is no exception. Chevalier's portrayal of Panisse completely overshadows the efforts of the other members of a fine cast. Both Leslie Caron and Charles Boyer, deliver excellent perform- ances. Miss Caron was a most de-' lightful (and delectable) Fanny. Although no longer cast as a great lover, Charles Boyer handles his character role almost as well as Chevalier. Horst Buchholz does not fare so well. Although his performance was adequate, it was unconvincing. He lacks the maturity needed to convey the emotions felt by a young man torn between two loves. The color photography was ex- cellent, in fact, a little too good. The spectacular shots of Mar- seilles and environs actually seem to detract from the picture. It is very easy to find faults in a motion picture - acting, photo- graphy, plot or direction. Yet, there is a class of pictures that transcend their faults and are great pictures in spite of them. "Fanny" is one. -Barry Wolman STATE: 'Dondi' Idiocy THERE IS ONLY ONE major flaw in "Dondi" -- it is an abominable movie. There's this little orphan Annie type, see, that this United States army group picks up in Europe. He follows them to America (don't ask me how) where this rich cynical guy (David Janssen) who is really a softie underneath begs his girl friend (Pattie Page) and a host of other people to help keep Dondi (who by this time has been lost in the wilds of New York.) Everybody, Walter Winchell in- cluded, puts on a big campaign, Dondi is found, ,boy marries girl, and all is well. * * * THE ACTING is on the level of a mediocre high school theatrical, matched only in its lack of ex- pressiveness and inanity by the uttersbanality of the dialogue. It is a comedy in which there is nothing to laugh at, a melo- drama in which one sympathizes with nobody, and a romance in which nobody is really in love. The total emotional and intel- lectual impact of the movie is less than that of a television soap opera. Everybody loves the little kid; and a smart public relations operation helps keep him in the country. If this is the level of the comic strip, there is serious doubt that many metropolitan newspapers are trying to maintain even a sixth grade intellectual level; Hollywood certainly isn't. IN CONTRAST to the idiocy of the top-billed feature, the pro- gram also includes a beautifully conceived and photographed movie called "Serengeti." This movie photographs the wild-life of the Serengeti animal preserve and is an articulate and intelligent ap- peal by the father-son photo- graphy team to preserve this area. The movie traces their efforts to count and trace the migration of the animals. They show how the present boundaries of the area must. be changed in order to pre- serve the animals. It is not the bloody, gory thing that is advertised and is cer- tainly far more worthwhile ar- tistically than the idiocy with which it is paired. -David Marcus 4 MACMILLAN GOVERNMENT: Austerity Received Badly De Gaulle Spurns UN Aid SECRETARY-GENERAL HAMMARSKJOLD'S swift return from his trip to Tunis is for him no failure of a mission. The failure is General de Gaulle's. When the current Tunisian crisis broke out, the French certainly appeared to be the in- jured party. President Bourguiba blockaded Bizerte and fired upon French aircraft attempt- ing to keep up communications at a time when the French had already reduced their strength at their great naval base there from 40,000 to 8,000 men. De Gaulle's policy in Algeria was setting a patterns that could be even more easily followed in France's relations with in- dependent Tunisia. $ut Bourguiba, an exemplar of "gradualism," acted with the impetuosity of a man breaking into a hornet's nest. The hornets emerged. independent status is the very question in dis- pute. But de Gaulle, a truly great man in his great moments, has always been somewhat contemptuous of the United Nations. As re- cently as last April he said in reference to the United Nations venture in the Congo that France "did not wish to participate either by her men or her money in any present or pos- sible enterprise of this organization." HAMMARSKJOLD was given notice that the French did not care to have him even come to Paris at this time. In Tunisia, the Secretary General's car, which carried the blue and white flag of the United Nations was held up by French paratroopers and searched. The question was scheduled to come before the Security Council yesterday afternoon on a Tunisian complaint. (The meeting was boy- cotted by the French delegation.) The French reiterate their hope that the situation may be settled between Tunisia and themselves. Certainly it would be settled sooner if they would avail themselves of the facilities readily available to them on the East River and if they would pay a reasonable respect to the office, temporarily held by Hammarskjold, that rep- resents humanity's best hope for peace in such a crises as this. -NEW YORK TIMES By PETER LYNE Christian Science Monitor FAR-REACHING political reper- cussions could result in Britain from Chancellor Selwyn Lloyd's new austerity measures aimed at meeting this nation's recurring econmic crises. There is fairly widespread dis- appointment here on the grounds that the measures are the same old remedy and that the promised new long-term approach has not materialized. There are some observers in Westminster who go so far as to say that' Prime Minister Harold Macmillan has lost his old Zip and buoyancy, that the present Conservative leaders have lost their last chance to show they can reshape the British economy to match the modern world. * * * THERE ARE EVEN forecasts that the government might have to hold a general election in six to twelve months because of a wave of strikes and other troubles which might result from what the labor leaders call the gross injustice of the latest austerity measures. When Labor leader Hugh Gait- skell denounced the Chancellor and the government for losing a great chance of appealing to na- tional unity there were roars of support from the Labor benches in the House of Commons. But from Macmillan's point of view what is more disturbing for him politically is that a consider- able of his Conservative followers are, either openly or privately, deeply disappointed with the Chancellor's 'seeming lack of a long-term economic policy. * * * THIS added to the disruption in the Conservative ranks over the question of Britain's entry into the European Common Mar- ket represents the biggest threat to unity in Tory ranks in recent years. The Labor opposition and the Liberals have given warning of an all-out attack on the govern- ment in the economic field. The trade unions are indignant at the wage-restraint policy which they feel is not to be matched by com- parable sacrifices in the higher- income groups. It remains to be seen how the public in general will react to the new taxes and the new re- strictions on credit. Labor will undoubtedly harp increasingly on what it calls the injustices of Tory rule and on Tory inability to solve the eco- nomic troubles. IF AN ELECTION were forced by political circumstances within the next year, would the nation prefer a spell of socialist planning in place of traditional Tory policy? Maybe not. The answer is dif- ficult to assess until the reactions to the new situation have had longer to take shape. Eros ion " AM VERY ALARMED at signs that the United States, Great Britain, Japan and other free world countries are toying with the idea of recognizing Commu- nist Outer Mongolia and admit- ting it to the United Nations. This could only mean another vote in that world forum against the free world, whose position has already been greatly diluted by the admission of new so-called neutral and pro-Communist na- tions. We can ill-afford any fur- ther erosion of our position in the United Nations." -Sen. Hiram Fong Another possibility is that the Toryism of Macmillan and Lloyd, as represented by the traditional pattern of the Chancellor's auster- ity plan, could be rejected by the up-and-coming young Conserva- tives in Parliament and at the October annual party conference. That could lead to a radical revamping of Conservative eco- nomic policy and a sweeping change in the leadership, perhaps with men such as Duncan Sandys, Iain Macleod, and Reginald Maud- ling coming to the top. * * * MEANWHILE, press comment on the Chancellor's measures is on the whole unfavorable. His newspaper friends agree he is likely to produce a short-term answer to Britain's recurring prob- lem of living above its means. But on the long term, there is widespread disappointment. The Conservative Daily Mail fails to see how the Chancellor of the Exchequer's proposals will produce a more competitive British in- dustry with more drive and better direction. Lord Beaverbrook's Daily Ex- press sees the austerity measures as a feeble palliative. The Labor Daily Xerald calls the new plan "disgraceful and disastrous." The tabloid Daily Mirror shouts "Mid- summer Madness." * * * THE TIMES, of London, is not unduly critical, but it says that all will depend on Lloyd's ability to continue administering his rem- edies courageously and if neces- sary harshly. The political correspondent of the Guardian, however, more hopefully sees more that is new in the Chancellor's statement. Lloyd is seen "groping toward national planning and a govern- ment wages policy." i U-D PLAYERS: 'Taming of the Shrew' Boisterous, A musing THE UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT players offered an enthusiastic and boisterous "Taming of the Shrew" Wednesday night. Charles Noel is brilliant as the confident and mercenary Petru- chio who assumes the task of courting the shrewish Kate. He is being paid not only a handsome dowry by the anxious father but a sub- stantial fee by the lovers of Bianca, Kate's younger sister. Since the father will not give Bianca's hand until the acid- tongued Kate has been married off, the lovers, Gremio (Richard Ramos) and Hortensio (Richard Halatek), pay Petruchio to "woe her, wed her, bed her and rid the house of her." Kate, as played by Mahalla Lenzi, is a lively and spiteful shrew. 4 j HE FRENCH TROOPS that into Bizerte were not gentle not retreat when the Security ten-to-zero vote, asked both; firing and draw back-though stopped firing. had swarmed and they did Council, by a sides to stop at least they General de Gaulle then had the perfect op- portunity to make use of the United Nations to help mediate this dispute between two in- dependent countries-quite different from the Algerian affair, in which the rebels' claim to But several times, too early in the; INTERPRETING THE NEWS: New Stage in Cold War 1 -:..: ..... '.A .r:Wl.~tS..AVVV *,.**** .. ... ". "::' :.v : . 4.t W": v . , r.". . *v r . w*.v.": .. DtLiO CILBULLETIN' r .DA ILY O FFICIA L ....... :."r:.".".* *.***v.*vv:...": ."J: . " .:. h "h..t.rr.v :r+:4""..rr" .r "L " .".r"r.. "."J.":v. h", : ".v:A :.v..5v:": .":"vr."..:h..r: : w ";.} v.... .r .r....{...hR 4 r}. Y .:.. By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE UNITED STATES, busy revitalizing a military posture designed to prevent a hot war, is now faced with the necessity of devel- oping diplomatic and economic offensives to win, not just deter, cold war. President Kennedy has laid down specific plans for increasing the military deterrent. His and Secretary Rusk's references to the possibilities of negotiated settlements in the East-West conflict have been highly general- ized. But they have been immediately seized upon as implying that they will not come up with alternatives. O LEAVE the situation stagnant would dash a great many hopes, and promote a feeling of futility which could eventually weaken the, very widespread support which the military offers the West a very good opportunity for a diplomatic attack and a propaganda victory. Khrushchev has laid himself wide open to an offer from the West to talk about the status of Berlin if he will talk about the status of the captive countries of Eastern Europe. THERE IS THE OPPORTUNITY for doing what John Foster Dulles so wished to do- to give Eastern European hopes of eventual liberation a shot in the arm, to assure them of world concern for their plight, and to stir within them a determination to hang on in the hope that, after all, liberation may just possibly be brought about through some means other than war. War used to be the principal hope of the underdogs in the satellites, but such liberation of nations which would be ruined by modern The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, JULY 29 Events Saturday Student Recital: Roberta Wentiing, mezzo-soprano, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree Master of Music on Sat., July 29, at 8:30 p.m., in Aud. A, Angell Hall. She will include on her program the compositions of Scariatti, Strauss, Debussy, and Hindemith. Open to the general public. Student Recital: Joan Gassaway, oboe and English horn, will present a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree Master of Music in Music Education on Sun., July 30, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A. She will be t a .a+ - +. -~- .. i. "' b1y William4..-. 8:30 p.m., in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Assisting the singers and instru- mentalists will be Nelson Hauenstein, Baroque flute; John Flower, harpsi- chord; and Robert Courte, viola d'am- ore. The Consort will perform composi- tions of Isaac, Hofhaimer; tSimpson; Legrenzi, Erlebach, Maraid, Ariosti, and Quantz, and the Brass Ensemble will present the works of Giovanni Gabrieli. Open to the general public without charge. Panel Discussion: "Current Topics in Asian Education" Drs. Donald Ander- son Francis Drag, Robert Leestma, and Kenneth Medlin. West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg., Mon., July 31, 7:30 p.m. Public invited. Lecture: "The New Grammar-and Composition: A Demonstration Class" will be presented by Bernard Weiss, Supervisor of Language Arts, Detroit Junior High Schools, on Mon., July 31 at 4 p.m. in Aud. C. Doctoral Examination for Ben Neal Ard, Jr. Education and Psychology: thesis: "Sexual Behavior and Attitudes of Marital Partners," Mon., July 31, Eastman Kodak Co. & Associated Di- visions - Technical & non-technical ,openings for grads in EE, IE, ME, Chem, E., Physics, Chemistry, Bus. Ad., Lib'1 Arts, Math, etc. Positions at beginrly professional level for grads with up Wo 3 yrs. experience. Locations in Ro- chester. N.Y.; Kingsport, Tenn., N.Y.C.; and Longview, Texas. Climax Molybdenum Co., Detroit, Mich. - Technical Librarian - BS in Sciences with interest in library work; or degree in Libr. Sci., with scientific background courses or technical 11- brary experience. New Departure: Div. of General Motors, Sandusky, O. - Research Engineer for Instrument Bearing Research & Experi- mental Engineering Group. Particular- ly interested in MS or PhD in ME, En- grg. Mechanics, Instru., or Physics, with exper. in high vacuum technology. Will also consider outstanding candi- date with less trng., experience. C-E-I-R, Inc. - Sales Representative fo Ky., Mich & Ind. Should have BS or adv. degree in tech. field & success- ful pertinent experience. Openings, also, in Information Processing, Operations Research & Scientific & Business Pro- gramming for grads with outstanding P *~.R, t+rue-Inin ltet-ot,.rnuitno'.& Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, Arling- ton, New York, Boston, Hartford. Operations Research Office, Johns Hopkins Univ., Bethesda, Md. - Open ings in Operations Research for seniors and graduate students in Engineering, Physics, Math. To provide top-level Army planners with scientific assess- ments of operational alternatives. * * * Please Contact Gen'l. Div. of Bureau of Appointments, 3200 S.A.B., Ext. 3544 for further iniformation. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications can be made in 3200 SAB Monday through Friday, 8:00 a m. to 12:30 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring part- time or temporary employes should con- tact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous jobs should consult the bulletin board in Rm. 3200, daily. MALE play, she displays an eagerness and appeal that should come only aft- er the "taming" of the shrew. ONE OF HER BEST SCENES is that in which Petruchio tests the docility of his betrothed. In broad daylight he forces Kate to pro- claim that the moon is shining. Then seeing an elderly man trav- eling along the road, Petruchio calls him a "maiden" and asks Kate to properly greet the "gen- tlewoman." Kate obediently falls upon the bewildered traveler, hail- ing him as a "fair young virgin." The broad situation comedy calls for, an receives, an energetic supporting cast. Michael Mc- Keown is an acrobatic Biondello, a double-talking servant-conspir- ator in the rivalry for Bianca. Richard Ramos was charming as Gremio, an older but agile rival. Other supporting roles were play- ed with the balance of clever- ness and clumsiness necessary to the Shakespearean farce. INTENTIONALLY or not, Bir anca and her true love Lucentio, are excellent foils for their more choleric contemporaries. Kaye Al-