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July 28, 1961 - Image 4

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Wall Leading in PGA Match


By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - The New York
Yankees opened up a one-game
lead on idle Detroit last night by
chocking off a ninth-inning Chi-
cago uprising for a 4-3 victory.
Both Roger Maris, the majors'
leading home run hitter and

nesota Twins into a 5-2 victory
over the Washington Senators.
Killebrew's solo blast came in
the fifth inning and gave the
Twins a 3-2 lead. Bob Allison fol-
lowed with a walk and scored on
consecutive singles by Jim Lemon

catcher Elston Howard of the'
Yankees were injured during the
Maris aggravated a leg injury
received yesterday when he slidl
into second base with a run-
producing double in the third in-
ning.. Howard received a cut on
;1e side of the head when hit by
the whiplash of Floyd Robinson's
bat in the third.
Ralph Terry, making his firsts
:art since July 15, had a three-
t shutout with one out in the
ninth. Successive singles by Roy
ievers and Al Smith brought
Luis Arroyo to the scene for his
rOth relief appearance.
* *' *
Twins 5, Senators 2
Earmon Killebrew got his 31st
ome run of the season last night
to propel Don Lee and the Min-
Majr League

and Hal Naragon.
* *

Reds 2, Braves 1 The triumph boosted the Reds
MILWAUKEE - Speedy Vada first-place lead over LosAngeles to
Pinson broke for - the plate with a game and a half, pending the
outcome of the Dodgers' game
the bases loaded and knocked the with Philadelphia tonight.
ball out of catcher Sammy White's Pinson, the slightly built Cin-
glove in scoring the deciding run cinnati center fielder, was on the
for the Cincinnati Reds yester- front end of what started to be
day in a 2-1 victory over the Mil- a triple steal with two outs in the
waukee Braves. ninth and the count two balls and
no strikes on pinch hitter Jerry
White took the pitch and applied
the tag and umpire Frank Dascoli
signaled the runner out. Dascoli
$'quickly changed his mind as Pin-

Philadelphia pitchers
including Gil Hodges
of the season with t
fifth, last night tot
delphia 11-6.
Hodges' homer, aft
Tom Davis and Frank
Los Angeles ahead1
victory went to Rog
of three pitchers wl
relief of starter StE
Craig has won four a
The Dodgers adde
in the eighth on sing
Spencer, John Ros
Sherry andi Maurv

for 18 hits,
' sixth homer
wo on in thej
defeat Phila-'
er singles by
Howard, put
to stay. The
Or Craig, one
ho served in
an Williams.
nd lost six.
d four more
gles by Daryl
,eboro, Larry
Wily a~nd A


Orioles 8, Red Sox 5
BALTIMORE - The Baltimore
Oroles erupted for six runs in the
seventh inning tonight to score a
come - from - behind 8-5 victory
over the Boston Red Sox last
night and sweep the four-game
The Orioles rapped three Boston
pitchers for four doubles and a
single and also benefitted from
three walks as they overcame a
5-1 deficit.
Athletics 2, Indians 1
KANSAS CITY - There were
two out in the ninth when Bobby
Del Greco smashed in the winning
home run which gave the Kansas
City Athletics a 2-1 victory over
the Cleveland Indians yesterday,
jalthoughMudcat Grant limited
the A's to five hits.
Gerry Staley, who relieved
starter Art Ditmar in the seventh
with two on and nobody out,
picked up the victory, his first
against four losses. Grant, who
usually keeps the A's well in check,
is now 9-5.
Cubs 3, Cards 2
CHICAGO - Utility outfielder
Bobby Will, appearing as a pinch
batter, walked on four straight
pitches in the 9th inning to force
in the winning run as the Chicago
Cubs defeated the St. Louis Card-
inals, 3-2 yesterday.
Just before loser Bob Gibson's
pass to Will, whose 12 inning
pinch single gave the Cubs a vic-
tory over St. Louis yesterday,
catcher Sammy Taylor had walked
to force in Ron Santo with the
tying run.
Taylor's walk came on a 3 and 2
serve before Will walked to move
George Altman across with the
payoff run and the Cub's 2-1 edge
in the series.

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO (T) - Art Wall Jr.,
racked with aches and pains for
most of the last two years, leaped
back into the bigtime golf picture
today with a 3-under-par 67 which
gave him the opening round lead
in the 43rd PGA championship.
The slender professional from
Pocono Manor, Pa., who hasn't
played a tournament in four weeks
because of a torn groin muscle,
came charging home late over the
Olympia Fields Country Club
course to shoot ahead of defending
champion Jay Hebert and a golf-
ing plumber from Oklahoma City,
Ernie Vossler, tied for second at
The two hotshot favorites-Ar-
nold Palmer and Gary Player-fell
well back with rounds of 73 and
72, respectively, and leveled angry
blasts at the rough, matty fair-

son's slide dislodged the ball from siicalf ly harlieLNeluke
Whitesacvrif ice fly by Charlie Neal. Duke
White's grasp. Snider scored in the ninth while
Gin 2 ~Jim Gilliam was hitting into a
Giants 2, Pirates 0 double play. Snider singled to open
PITTSBURGH - Juan Mari- the inning and went to third on,
chal of the San Francisco Giants a single by Hodges.
blanked the Pittsburgh Pirates 2-1 -.
last night on five hits.
Marichal was never in serious1
trouble as he picked up his seventh
victory against seven defeats.
The fast-balling righthander A nnounced b
struck out eight and walked three. H I u feU F
He gave up a double to Don Hoakv
and four singles.t BOSTON ( ') - A rearranged
It was the Pirates' 10th shutout pthn tl n h diino
of the year. pitching staff and the addition of
y x * some righthanded power hitters
are the features of the American
Dodgers 11, Phillies 6 League team for the second 1961
PHILADELPHIA - The Los All-Star game in Boston Monday.
Angeles Dodgers bombarded three Baltimore manager Paul Rich-

y Richards

ways of the tradition - steeped
Olympia North Course.
Tied at 69, only other players
in the star-spangled field of 167 to
break the Olympia's 35-35-70 par,
were former champion Doug Ford
of Yonkers, N.Y., tiny, 135-pound
Jerry Barber of Los Angeles and
Bill Heinlein, a 50-year-old club
pro of Carmel, Ind.
It was a day of bitter collapses
and sparkling comebacks under
conditions of oppressive humidity
and tricky changing winds. Palmer
and Player were among the sev-
eral contestants who complained
that the fairways were too high
and heavy for precision golf.
Billy Maxwell, former national
amateur champion from Dallas,
Tex., had a record 31 on the out-j
going nine and took a 40 coming
back for 71. U.S. Open champion
Gene Littler finished with a 71
after starting 5-5-5-6. Ken Ven-
turi took bogeys on the three last
holes to finish with 72.
Wall has been a steady hospital
case since winning the Masters
Championship and leading the na-
tion's money winners in 1959.
He was out nine weeks with a
right knee injury and a kidney
ailment. Later he developed a torn
cartilege in one rib. Then he suf-
fered a muscle spasm in his leg.
The 37-year-old Pennsylvanian
had all his aching bones and mus-
cles working in unison on this
sultry opening round of the PGA.
He started with two birdies,
sinking a 12-foot putt on the 510-
yard first hole and sending a 4-
iron shot within six inches of the
pin on the second.
He got his only 'bogey on the
355-yard fifth, the "nightmare
alley," where his 2-iron tee shot
landed against a tree and he
needed three shots to reach the
He barely missed a hole-in-one
on the par-three eighth where his
2-iron shot landed three inches
from the cup. He nailed another
birdie at the short 11th with a
five-foot putt and left birdie putts
dangling on three of the last six.
"I felt fine," Wall said after-
wards. "Since I've been home sick,
I've had a lot of time to think of
what I was doing wrong.".

Both Palmer and Player were
unhappy about the condition of
the fairways on the 6,722-yard
course where such greats as Wal-
ter Hagen, Bob Jones and Gene
Sarazen played in their heyday.
"They're ridiculous," said Pal-
mer, who is seeking to add the
PGA crown to the British Open
title won 10 days ago. "They're so
matty and tough that it's im-
possible to tell where the ball is
"The fairways are a pity-they
should be mowed," said Player,
the polite little South African who
won the U.S. Masters Champion-
ship in April and leads the na-
tion's money winners.
Hebert, wiry Cajun from Lafay-
ette, La., had no complaints as
he whisked around the tradition-
steeped, 6,722-yard course in 34-
34-68, not getting a single bogey,
missing but one fairway and hit-
ting 17 of the 18 greens in regula-
tion figures.
It was a near-perfect round
of golf, played in oppressive hu-
midity against constantly shifting
winds. He putted for birdies from
under nine feet on at least six
Vossler, a bespectacled club pro-
fessional who still carries a
plumber's card just in case, did
a little more scrambling for his
35-33, finishing with a great birdie
on the tough 436-yard 18th.
Jerry Barber, the hard-luck mite
from Los Angeles, needed only to
play the last two holes in par to
take first place, but he finished
bogey-bogey for a 69.
He chose to putt instead of chip
from the fringe of the green on
the 17th and left the ball six feet
short. On the 18th, he under-
clubbed his approach and sent the
ball into a. front trap.
This was a replay of his blowup
in the final round of the PGA in
1959 in Minneapolis. He bogeyed
the last two holes and lost to Bob
Rosburg, who also had a strong
.complaint over the conditioii of
the course, was tied at 70 with a
handful of touring pros including
former Open champion Jack Fleck,
Don Fairfield, Buster Cupit and
Doug Sanders.

... winning steal


Los Angeles
San Francisco
St. Louis

W L Pct.
61 38 .616
59 38 .608'
51 45 .531
48 46 .511
45 45 .500
45 50 .474
41 54 .432
29 63 .315

101 2

Antitrust Actions May Outlaw

Los Angeles 11, Philadelphia 6
Cincinnati 2, Milwaukee 1
St. Louis 3, Chicago 2
Sani Francisco 2, Pittsburgh 0
Cincinnati (O'Toole 9-8) at Chicago
(Ellsworth 5-6)
San Francisco (Jones 7-6) and
O'Dell 4-4) at Philadelphia (Ma-
haffey 7-13 and Buzhardt 2-10)
Los Angeles (Podres 12-2) at Pitts-
burgh (Francis 1-3) (n)
St. Louis (Jackson 5-8) at Milwau-
kee Hendley 3-2) (n)
W L Pct. GB
New York 64 33 .660 -
Detroit 64 35 .646 1
Baltimore 55 45 .550 10%
Cleveland 54 47 .535 12
Chicago 50 51 .495 16
Boston 45 57 .441 21%
Washington 43 55 .439 21%
Los Angeles 43 56 A434 22
Minnesota 42 56 .429 224
Kansas City 36 61 .371 28
New York 4, Chicago 3
Kansas City 2, Cleveland 1
Baltimore 8, Boston 5
Minnesota 5, Washington 2
Chicago (McLish 6-9) at Boston
(Schwall 10-2) (n)
Baltimore (Brown 7-3) at New York
(Daley 8-12) (n)
Washington (Donovan 7-8) at Kan-
sas City (Shaw 5-9) (n)
Minnesota (Pascual 8-12) at Detroit
(Bunning 11-7) (n)
Cleveland (Latman 9-1) at Los An-
geles (Grba 5-10) (n),

ernment said yesterday there was
grave doubt about the legality, of
the television contract entered in-
to by other leagues and organi-
zations in addition to the Na-
tional Football League.
The statement was made in
U.S. District Court where the NFL
appealed Judge Allan K. Grim's
decision ruling out its $9 million
two-year TV package negotiated
with the Columbia Broadcasting
The NFL asked Judge Grim to
suspend his decision until De-
cember 31, 1961, allowing the
league to carry out half of the
contract. League attorneys re-'
quested the jurist to modify his
1953 decree upon which he based
his decision ruling out the TV
Judge Grim asked Samuel Gor-
don, a government antitrust at-
torney, if television contracts in-
volving such as the National Col-
legiate Athletic Association, Na-.1
tional Basketball Association and
American Football League were le-I
Gordon replied that there was
grave doubt and said some of theI
contracts were being investigated
now by the Department of Jus-
tice. Asked why he had not pro-1

ceeded against the other leagues
if there was grave doubt as to
legality of such contracts, Gor-
don replied, "This is outside ,my
province. I cannot answer for oth-
ers. However, the government
must make a start somewhere."
Judge Grim asserted that this
was beside the point. He asked
Gordon if he had heard any talk
of eliminating sports from the
antitrust laws. Gordon said he had
not heard of any.
"It seems to me that whenever
a case comes to court involving
sports the court rules in favor of
the sport or the team," the Judge
Gordon objected to any suspen-
sion of the judge's ruling on the
NFL-CBS TV package.
"They are asking you (the
court) to tear up your judgment
of 1953 and the judgment of a
week ago," Gordon said.
Last Friday, Judge Grim ruled1
that the NFL-CBS "package deal"
violated his ruling of December
12, 1953, in that "the clubs elimi-
nated competition among them-
selves in the sale of TV rights to
their games and thereby violated
antitrust laws.
Heretofore, each NFL team ne-
gotiated its own TV contract. This
ear the 14 member teams turne'd


ment the NFL appeal for suspen-
sion until Dec. 31, of his decision,
and continued with the second
part of their motion, that he
modify his 1953 ruling to allow
the 1961-62 package contract.
Gordon, in opposing the NFL's
suspension plea, asserted:
"I admire their audacity. They
are seeking to snatch victory out
of the jaws of defeat. We met
their lawyers in 1960, and told
them at that time our views an a
package contract.
"They took the risk of termi-
nating their present contracts and
entered into this one. They did it
with full view that the govern-
ment did not look favorably on
the new contract."
Commissioner Rozelle, along
with several officials of the world
champion Philadelphia Eagles
were in the courtroom.
Heretofore, each NFL team ne-
gotiated its own TV contract.
This year the league turned over
to Rozelle the right to negotiate
one package for all 14 members.
Rozelle, picking up the line suc-
cessfully followed for many years
by the late commissioner Bert
Bell, said if the package deal is
eliminated the networks will tele-
vise games of the strong teams.
"The strong will get stronger and
richer," he said, "and the weak
weaker and poorer."
He said the contract differed in
no basic respect with those of the
NBA, AFL and NCAA, and it
would assure NFL teams of ap-
proximately $330,000 each a sea-
son. Under individual contracts
each team gets about $172,000,
Rozelle said, adding, that AFL
clubs, averaged $215,000 each their
first year in business.

ards changed four of the pitchers
who gave up 11 hits in the Na-
tional League's 5-4, 10-inning vic-
tory in San Francisco July 11, and
added three power hitters to the
team that collected only four hits.
New pitchers on the team an-
nounced today by American
League President Joe Cronin are
relief man Luis Arroyo of New
York, righthanders Barry Latman
of Cleveland and Camilo Pascual
of Minnesota and Boston rookie
Don Schwall.
They replace Mike Fornieles of
Boston,-Frank Lary of Detroit, Jim
Perry of Cleveland and Billy Pierce
of Chicago.
Holdover hurlers are Jim Bun-
ning of Detroit, Dick Donovan of
Washington, Whitey Ford of New
York, Ken McBride of Los Angeles
and Hoyt Wilhelm of Baltimore,
Richards also was permitted to
add three men to the 25-man team
that played in San Francisco, and
went for power.
He chose first baseman Roy
Sievers of Chicago and Bill Skow-
ron of New York, both right-
handed power hitters who will be
shooting for Fenway Park's short
left field wall, and outfielder Tito
Francona of Cleveland.
The rest of the squad remains
the same. The eight players chosen
in a vote of players, managers and
coaches to start the San Francisco
game must start in Boston.
I-M Softball
Playoffs Start
Nuclear Engineering was the
only one of three championship
teams to survive the first round
playoffs last niglt as the an-
nual summer I-M softball tour-
nament began.
The Nuclear Engineers downed'
Adams House, 13-7 in the cham-
pionship bracket while league
winners Pharmacology and Wil-
low Run were being defeated.
Pharmocology was edged by Chem-
ical Engineering, 1-0 in a real
pitchers duel, while Afit beat
Willow Run, 10-5.
In the only consolation bracket
contest played last night Alpha
Tau Omega slugged its way to a
27-9 victory over Cooley.


Douglas Upsets Aussie
ForstTops Holmberg

..MOPUP winner

Douglas, a Marine corporal from
Santa Monica, Calif., advanced
to the semifinal round of the
Pennsylvania Lawn Tennis Cham-
pionship by upsetting the top-
seeded foreign contender, Bob
Mark, Australia Davis Cup player,
6-4, 6-4 .yesterday at Merion
Cricket Club.
Douglas, a former Stanford
football quarterback, earned the
victory with brilliant placement
work and his strong defense
against Mark's blasting 'power.
Mark rallied from 2-5 to 4-5 in
the second set and then was beat-
en by Douglas' fine serving in the
tenth game.
In another upset, Jack Forst,
Monterey, Calif., won from fifth-
seeded Ron Holmberg, Brooklyn,
6-3, 6-4. Forst, a former U.S. Jun-
ior Champion and former Stan-
ford player, made the vital ser-
vice break in the third game of the
second set.
Donald Dell, seventh - seede.d

player from Bethesda, Md., elim-
inated John Powless, U.S. Junior
Davis Cup team coach and assis-
tant basketball coach at the Uni-
versity of Cincinnati, 11-9, 6-1.
Powless, hailing from Flora, Ill.,
prolonged the first set in a rally
from 2-5 where he had ; ur set
points against him.
After yielding the first set to
Dell's passing shot, Powless went
down quickly from 1-1 in the
second set.
In the women's championships
the semifinal round was reached
by Justina Bricka, St. Louis left-
hander who upset second-seeded
Donna Floyd, Arlington, Va., 6-2,
6-4. Top seeded Billie Jean Moft
fitt, Long Beach, Calif., who won
from Belmar Gunderson, Cham-
bersburg, Pa., 6-3, 6-2 and
Gwyneth Thomas, Shaker Heights,
Ohio, who rallied from 2-4 in the
second set to defeat last year's
runnerup, Mrs. William Dupont
Jr., Wilmington, Del., 2-6, 7-5, 6-4.

* ish Track Coach Predi
NeAerican N

yta hilt .1't flf l z' V £leu
over to Commissioner Pete Ro-
zelle the job of tying the contracts
in one package.
cUtsThe AFL, NCAA and NBA all
operate under some sort of pack-
age TV contract, which prompted
the NFL to appeal Judge Grim's
ruling. The other groups claim
---- - _their contracts are different than
aran against anyone the NFL's and not in violation of
tates puts in the 1,- antitrust laws.
Judge Grim took under advise-

WARSAW (A)--The coach of
the Polish team that meets the
United States Saturday and Sun-
day predicted two world's rec-
ords for his charges yesterday but
sadly conceded that his team
would lose the meet.
"I think Marian Foik is ready
to better the world 200-meter rec-
erd of :20.5 and I believe Kazi-
ierz Zimny is in shape to beat
Ie world mark of 13:35 for the
09 meters," said Polish pilot
y munt Zabierzowski through an
: ;erpreter.
Peter Radford of England and
Livio Berutti of Italy are co-
I-alders of the 200-meter record
round a full turn. Foik is in ex-
-lcnt shape and already has hit
:20.7 this year although not ex-
, :nded.
The 5,000 meters on Sunday is
another matter. Russia's great
Vladimir Kuts set the record in
1957 and it has withstood the as-
sault of a lot of fine distance
runners since. Zimny's best to
date is 13:44.4. Furthermore he
is running the 1,500 meters on.

"But," said Zabierzowski,


and Witold B
the United S

don't know where people around
here get the idea that I think we
can beat the Americans. I do
think it may be close-even closer
than America's victory over Rus-
"If I had to estimate the first
places right now, I would give it
to the United States, 11-9. I would
say in the point table (5-3-2-1),
you will be about 12 or 14 points
better than we are."
Foik, who already has done :10.2
for the 100 meters this year, is
matched with Frank Budd in both
the 100 and 200 meters.
"I know Budd never has done
:10.2 for the 100 meters," said
Zabierzowski, "but I'm a practi-
cal fellow and would have to bet
on him against Foik. Until some-
one shows me otherwise, Budd is
the best man in the world at 100
"However, I am sure that Foik
will beat both Budd and Drayton
at the 200."
Zabierzowski picks. his own
man, Edmund Piatkolski, against
Jay Silvester in the discus throw,

500 meters - including Dyrol
Burleson, the American mile rec-
ord holder who clocked 3:40.9 for
the metric mile in t~he Olympics
last year. Baran has a 3:41.2 to
his credit this year.
Besides the 100, the Polish coach
concedes the 400 (Earl Young),
800 (Jerry Siebert), 110 meter
hurdles (Hayes Jones), 400-meter
hurdles (Cliff Cushman), shot put
(Gary Gubner), 400-meter relay,
1,600-meter relay- (make up unde-
cided), broad jump (Ralph Bos-
ton), pole vault (Henry Wads-
worth) and high jump.








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