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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
Council Appointment
Initiates Controversy
Hatcher Sees No Conflict with Law
In Naming Chambers as Secretary
The appointment of an executive secretary for the Council of
State College Presidents does not conflict with legislative proscrip-
tions against hiring a co-ordinator of colleges, University President
Harlan H. Hatcher said last night.
The council named Prof. Merritt M. Chambers, visiting profes-
sor in the education school, to be its executive secretary early this
The council - made up of the heads of the nine state-supported
universities and colleges-receives its funds by direct assessment of
i the member institutions on an
L Choice' Law
RICHMOND, Va. (AP)-A skepti-
cal federal judge sharply ques-
tioned Virginia's freedom of
choice school tuition law yester-
day as applied to Prince Edward
County, where public schools have
been shut for two years.
"If you give me a choice, I've
got to have more than one op-
tion," Judge Oren R. Lewis said
during final arguments on a court
suit testing the legality of the
schools' closure.
Lewis said private schools in
Prince Edward-the only ones in
the county-were for white chil-
dren only.
He questioned whether public
tuition grants for white and Ne-
gro children afforded Negroes a
choice between public and private
education since the private schools
were the only ones in operation.
Attorneys for the state, Prince
Edward and Negroes seeking to
force the reopening of the schools
ended 3'/z days of arguments yes-
terday in the Richmand federal
district court.
The Negroes challenged state
and county tuition grants, a sub-
stantial part of the expenses for
the private schools last year, and
tax credits permitted for contri-
butions to the foundation oper-
ating the schools.
'Faced with a federal court de-
segregation order in 1959, the
county board of supervisors de-
clined to appropriate funds for
the operation of schools. White
children have attended the pri-
vate schools. Negroes largely have
been without formal schooling.
Robert D. McIlwaine III, as-
sistant attorney general, argued
freedom of choice does not nec-
essarily mean a choice between
public and private schools within
the same political subdivision.
Lewis said again he hopes to
-have a decision by the September
school term and perhaps by mid-
"You can assume now," Lewis
said, "that I have reached the
conclusion that the schools were
created solely and exclusively for
white children ... they (Negroes)
could have asked on their bended
knees and they wouldn't have got-
ten in there."
Negro Named
To Civil Rights
ate brushed aside vigorous South-
ern opposition yesterday and ap-
proved a Negro integrationist as
a member of the Federal Commis-
sion on Civil Rights.
A 73-17 roll call vote confirmed
President John F. Kennedy's
nomination of Spottswood W.
Robinson III as a member of the
six-man investigative group. Rob-
inson, dean of the Howard Uni-
versity law school, has represent-
ed the National Association for'
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple in civil rights litigation,
Also confirmed, by voice votes,
were Frwin N. Griswold, dean of
the Harvard law school, as a com-
mission member and Berl I. Bern-
hard as staff director for the
Commission members draw no
regular salary but get $50 a day
while the group is in session.
Bernhard moves up from a $14,-
190-a-year post as assistant staff
director to succeed Gordon M.
Tiffany in-the $22,500-a-year top
staff post. Tiffany resigned sev-
Oval~~ mnn en A$
enrollment basis.
Legislative Appropriations
Part of these funds indirectly
come ,out of the appropriations
the Legislature gives higher edu-
cation each year. This spring's
appropriation act, however, pro-
vides that none of the funds may
be used to establish a chancellor
or co-ordinator of the colleges.
Hatcher denied that Chambers
would be a co-ordinator, but
some legislators, lead by Sen.
Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair),
think he is.
Beadle, who is chairman of a
special Senate committee on high-
er education and GOP caucus
Negroes Get
Seats, Votes
In Rhodesia
SALISBURY. Southern Rhode-
sia (P)-Prime Minister Sir Edgar
Whitehead declared yesterday that
a new chapter of history is un-
folding in this British colony
where voters yesterday approved
a plan of the white government
to give Negroes a voice in parlia-
Final results of the referendum
on constitutional proposals, bit-
terly opposed by both African na-
tionalists and the right-wing white
Dominion party, showed 41,949
in favor and 21,846 against.
Demand Continues
The plan would give Negroes 15
of the 69 seats in the new parlia-
ment but Negro leaders demanded
more. Some white factions fought
relinquishing any seats whatso-
ever to the blacks.
"The stage is set for the Afri-
can people to play their part fully
in the political life of the coun-
try," Whitehead said. "It will also
requirenwise and tolerant use of
their new powers to ensure tat
the great advance in race rela-
tions is- consolidated and devel-
Troops and emergency police
units yesterday pulled out of na-
tive villages which theysoccupied
when tension rose last week.
Threatened strikes and demon-
strations by African nationalists
failed in effectiveness.
Townships Quiet
Townships where stonings broke
out last week were quiet. Workers
streamed into town under relaxed
military escort.
About 75 per cent of the 79,000
whitesand 4,000 Negroes eligible
to vote did so. Southern Rho-
desia, a member of the Central
African Federation, has a popu-
lation of 2,675,000 Negroes and
215,000 whites.
Nationalist leader Joshua Nko-
mo's forces Sunday turned down
the proposals in a mock referen-
dum of their own. Nkomo an-
nounced the Negro party members
voted 152,277 to 235 against the
government plan.
Group To Aid
'Open' Con-Coni
A special committee has been
formed to guarantee the people's
right to know what goes on at
the Constitutional convention to
open in Lansing October 3.
The committee represents Mich-
igan newspapers, radio and tele-
vision, and includes officials of
the Michigan Press Association,
Associationof Broadcasters, Sig-
ma Delta Chi professional journal-
ism society, and several other or-
The committee and a subsidiary
organization through contacts by
local newspapers and radio and
television stations, plan to con-
tact every convention delegate
candidate nominated in Tuesday's
primary and ask him to pledge
himself to supporting an open
The aim is to assure free and
candid news coverage of all Con-
Con procedings.
The delegates will also be known
to make public their respective
stands for an open convention to
the committee which will draw up
the convention rules.
. little progress
Unnm u Appropriates
'. . co-ordinator
chairman, can direct no action
until the Legislature reconvenes
next January.
Meanwhile, -he may call in
Michigan State University Presi-
dent John A. Hannah to testify
before the committee on Cham-
bers' duties. Hannah is present
chairman of the council.
Chambers. is to head a Lansing
office devoted to research into
ways to standardize reporting
practices among the colleges and
spread information to the public
and interested legislators.
Hatcher said the funds to pay
Chambers would come from the
same source that financed many
studies of higher education in
Michigan-the council itself.
He will be given a salary of
about $20,000 with a yearly budget
near $60,000.
Chambers emphasized tle re-
search aspect of his job when
he accepte dit and noted that
most of the work-and all the de-
cisions-would be made at the
individual campuses, not by him.
Whether or not budget requests
by the different schools will be
studied by the council before
heading towards the Legislature
depends on the presidents them-
selves, he said. "Even if this was
decided on," he added, "it needn't
take place in my office."
Sees 'Hope'
A fter Talks
MOSCOW (R)-President John
F. Kennedy's top disarmament ne-
gotiator returned yesterday from
a new attempt at persuading Rus-
sian Premier Nikita Khrushchev
to agree on new East-West dis-
armament talks.
He did not report any specific
"We are still hopeful that we
can work out something that will
be constructive," John J. McCloy
said after spending two days at
Khrushchev's vacation villa on the
Black Sea. They also talked about
Berlin, but McCloy said he only
gave his personal views on that
McCloy was vague when cor-
respondents asked him for his
view on the disarmament outlook.
"How can I say?" he replied.
Set Deadline
For the past month, McCloy has
been meeting here and in Wash-
ington with Valerian A. Zorin, his
Soviet counterpart, as the re-
sult of a decision by United States
and Soviet diplomats at the Unit-
ed Nations General Assembly last
fall. They had set Monday as a
deadline for reaching agreement
on the agenda, timing and make-
up of a new round of internation-
al disarmament talks.
McCloy said it would be "a
little bit early to make any pre-
dictions" on whether agreement.
would be reached by then. Most
diplomats here doubt it.
Reveal Gulf
The conversations of the past
month have revealed a gulf be-
tween Soviet and American think-
ing on how to get started again.
Moscow wants to expand the
10-nation disarmament commit-
tee that met without success in
Geneva last spring. That commit-
tee was composed of five Western
and five Communist representa-
tives. -
Now Moscow wants to add five
neutrals-another extension of
the three-headed "troika" sys-
tem the Soviet Union has been
trying to impose on the UN and
other international organizations.
Alk Cutback
In Domestic,
Say President Should
Take Voluntary Cut
publican leaders of Congress yes-
terday demanded that the John
F. Kennedy administration spend
less on everything else to make
up-for spending more on defense.
A Republican statement, issued
by' Senate Minority Leader Ever-
ett M. Dirksen of Illinois and
House Minority Leader Charles
A. Halleck of Indiana, made it
clear the GOP considers the time
ripd for an intensified attack on
Kennedy's domestic program.
ever, already has been passed by
Congress. Two major bills still
left-federal aid to education and
asocial security-backed plan of
medical care to the aged-were
in trouble before Kennedy asked
ICongress to spend almost $3.5 bil-
lion more on defense to meet the
Berlin crisis.
Halleck, however, suggested that
the President trim back some of
the legislation he won.
"A presidential message to the
Congress proposing cutbacks on
domestic spending would be most
appropriate," Halleck said.
The Republican suggestions
were promptly rebuffed by Sen-
ate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana and Speak-
er Sam Rayburn (D-Tex).
"I don't know whether we can
afford to starve some of these
things," Rayburn said, referring
to such Kennedy programs as
housing, social security, depressed.
areas, education andmedical care
for the aged.
Mansfield said these programs.
help strengthen the economy and;
"we have to have a strong econo-
my to hold up our foreign policy
and strengthen our defense Pos-
State, Team
Flies To Paris
WASHINGTON (P) - The diplo-
matic phaseof President John F.
Kennedy's Berlin preparedness
program picked up tempo yester-
day with the departure for Paris
of a United States team headed-byr
Assistant Secretary of State Roy
D. Kohler.
In advance of Koher's takeoff.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
scheduled a midafternoon news
conference at which reporters
planned to ask about further steps
in Kennedy's broad program of1
counter measures against the
worldwide Communist threat.
Kohler and a half dozen aides
will meet with diplomatic teams
from Britain, West Germany and
France to do advance work on the
Western Big Four foreign minis-
ters conference to beheld in Paris
August 5-8. Rusk leaves for the
French capital next week.
se Request
. Affirmative
Senate Vote
Due Today
Passage Expected
*r In House Monday
ate Armed Services Committee
yesterday voted speedy and over-
whelming approval of President
John F. Kennedy's request for
authority to call up military re-
serves and buy more weapons.
The bill, submitted by the ad-
ministration only Wednesday, was
Ssped to the Senate for expected
passage today. House hearings
were scheduled for today, with a
vote by the full chamber due Mon-
day on the manpower phase.
Sen. Harry M. Jackson (D-
Wash) said quick Congressional
approval of the military buildup,
xprompted by Communist threats
to world peace, is certain.
-AP Wirephoto Tra oCniu
erence yesterday, Secre- Threat To Continue
"For the first time in history,
nified Western stand on a democracy is able to mobilize its
forces without a hot' war going
on," Jackson told reporters. "The
threat is not Berlin alone and it
may continue for a long time."
The Senate committee approved
" these two administration-request-
s on nerIi~n ed measures without change:
1) Authorizing the Presidert to
call up to 250,000 ready reservists,
tate Dean Rusk yesterday and to hold servicemen on active
th unity and firmness to duty for one year beyond the terms
Le Communist threat over for which they volunteered or were
Rusk also said the West- 2) Authorizing the appropria-
sider ways of taking the tion of $958,570,000 for aircraft,
idewys o t akdingte Hships and missiles. This is part of
Soviets on the dispute. He the $3,545,600,000 increase souglt
by Kennedy in military and civil
orne Says defense funds for the 12 months
ending next June 30.
)P nUnanimous Approval
an Plan s Chairman Richard B. Russell
(D-Ga) said the money authoriza-
,eady old ton was approved unanimously at
eady Sold the oov mrae-
the committee's closed session:.
There was one vote against the
manpower bill, cast by Sen. Fran-
PRESS CONFERENCE-At a press conf
tary of State Dean Rusk predicted a ur
Rusk Predicts Fi
BY YWestern Allie
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of S
predicted the Western allies will move wi
build up their defenses in the face of th
While underlining the defense buildup,
ern Big Four foreign ministers will cony
initiative in seeking negotiations with the
said the foreign ministers meeting-
in Paris next week will weigh a Att
wide range of possibilities on the
Berlin question.
He made these points on other UI
1) He expects to hear from Cu- Alr
ban Prime Minister Fidel Castro's
regime within 12 to 36 hours on
the United States demand for
return of the Eastern Airlines .
plane hijacked and flown to Ha-;
vana Monday.j
2) The United States is highlya
encouraged by moves of the new
South Korean regime headed by
Gen. Pac Chung-Hi to wipe out
corruption, restore civilian rule
and boost the Korean economy.
3) The United States - Soviet
disarmament talks in Moscow
have .hit snags but the United
States still hopes for agreement
on setting up a multi-nation dis-
armament conference.
4) The main aim of the forth--
coming economic meeting of
American Republics in Uruguay is
to give a strong push forward to
economic development in this
.: n
f '.
L 7TL+Tf . jf l'e ,a c mrs"A
Tunisians Find'
Little Support
In Bizerte War
. return plane?
NEW YORK (P)-An attorney
said yesterday that 7 of 10 Cuban
planes seized in Florida already
have been sold at public auction
and he wouldn't consider swap-
ping-the other three for a hijacked
Eastern airliner.
Cis Case (R-SD).
Case said he wanted to make
certain that reservists and draf-
tees with the least actual service
would be the first called up or
held in active duty. He said he
hoped to work out an amendment
to this end for later consideration.
Russell said other senators
agreed there should be no repeti-
tion of what he called "the tragedy
of Korea," when he said many
World War II veterans were re-
called to duty while younger men
escaped without any military ser-
Russell told newsmen the com-
mittee's formal report will request
"to the extent possible priority in
recall of reservists should be ap-
plied to those in a drill pay status
and to the 6-month trainees rather
than former volunteers and
The committee acted after a
three-hour session with Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
and other pentagon leaders.
To Continue
WASHINGTON VP) - Selective
Service officials said yesterday
they expect no tightening up on
draft deferments unless the calls
get much heavier than indicated
so far under President John F.
Kennedy's military buildup, f
Deferments are permitted for
education, essential occupations,
agricultural work and dependents.
An official at the Selective
Service system said any student
doing satisfactory work in college
has a pretty fair chance of being
excused from military service. He
indicated such deferments would
continue to be extended to high
school graduates headed for col-
The August draft call has been
upped to 13,000-the first time
since May 1958 it has been that
Old Familiar Haunts Now Ghostly Silent
TUNISOP)-- Tunisian govern- Charles Ashman of Miami, the
ment officials found little con- attorney, discussed the, planes on
solation from any quarter yester- the NBC-TV "The Today Show."
day in their conflict with the Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
French over the air-naval base at Castro has said he is ready to re-
Bizerte. turn the Eastern Airlines plane
1) The three-day visit of United if the United States promises to
Nations Secretary-General Dag return all planes that from now
Hammarskjold was considered a on are seized and taken to the
disappointment. Tunisian officials United States.
said his presence did little to bring There had been some doubt ear-
a solution to the explosive crisis. lier whether Castro meant he
2) The Tunisians reported they would trade the Eastern Airlines
consider an insult a cable of plane for Cuban planes previous-
French President Charles de ly seized in the United States.
Gaulle congratulating the French Ashman, who handled the le-
Bizerte garrison for displaying gal ends under which the 10 planes
"courage and military quality" in were seized under court order,
"the face of aggression." said the only planes still unsold
3) Tunisian President Habib are a DC-3 Cubarl flagship and
Bourguiba's pleas for material sup- two C-46 cargo planes.
port generally were going un- The planes were seized by an
heeded. The African-Asian bloc advertising agency in Miami after
sent scores of messages of support the firm was granted a $429,000
and rallied behind Tunisia on the judgment against the Cuban gov-
diplomatic front. But Tunisians ernment to satisfy a canceled
said bitterly this was of little contract.
pratical value in ousting the -
French from Bizerte. - - - -, .
ni i