In tgganBatty Seventy-Third Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAVJ 7_ UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS rere OpinionsAere STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" PBIAIN LGMc. Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. RDAY, JULY 18, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM SUKARNO'S FOREIGN POLICY Indonesia: Key Force in Afro-Asia WMU Policy Hinders Student Journalists ;TUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY in general, and at The Daily in particu- ar, tend to criticize the University and 'he Daily's relations with it a great deal. 'his is as it should be; the University nd The Daily, like any other institu- ions, cannot afford to remain stagnant; nd public criticism is often the key orce in motivating progressive change: But valuable as such thought is, it must e admitted that an attitude of continual riticism, such a's most Daily members ractice, often destroys one's sense of erspective, one's ability to appreciate hie value of what we have as well as the alue of what we lack. Such perspective is estored rapidly when one examines the ondition of a student newspaper at an- ther Michigan institution, Western Michigan University. The Western Herald is published three Imes weekly by Western's students. The aper is financially backed by WMU, re- eiving some $30,000 annually to cover ublishing, operating and travel expenses. The staff is intelligent and dedicated; hey are putting out what is probably the est paper possible in their hamstrung ondition. But like any reasonable group f people they see room for improve- vent in their organization. Press Rating SOME TWO MONTHS AGO, the Herald staff made a bid to publish their pa- per on a daily basis. It was a well-con- sidered decision. Publishing daily would allow the paper gains in influence and prestige and increased ability to report news on more than a dull local level. Daily publishing would also have in- creased the internal stability of the paper, allowing it to expand its staff and stab- ilize its reporting procedures. In addition to this, the staff of the paper had an offer from a printing firm to install almost $10,000 worth of equip- ment in return for authorization to print the daily Herald. But there's the rub. For with fine administrative foresight, the Herald's faculty control board allow- ed the head of the Herald's present print- ing firm the right to veto. Standing to lose the Herald printing account to the new firm, this business-like gentleman put a quick stop to the Herald's aspira- tions. NOW IF A NEWSPAPER cannot control even its own publishing schedule, what influence can it be expected to have on a campus of 13,000 people? When WMU ad- ministrators allow the pecuniary desires of common businessmen to thwart the work and wishes of students, it is reason- able to assume that the administration 'of the state's third-largest college is more concerned with its image in the eyes of local businessmen than with its responsibility toward its students, that it is more worried about not becoming "in- volved" with new schemes and ideas than it is with providing its student body with a school that is a proper learning-place and testing-ground for their future lives. WMU has long been derided as being a "Mickey Mouse" college, a diploma mill or an overgrown teacher's college. In a startling number of cases, this is no longer true. Western has several really outstanding faculty members who would be a credit to any institution; and the quality of the student body has been steadily on the rise. But WMU admin- istrators must learn a few facts about the progress they are so proud of, yet some- how fail to understand. WESTERN MAY INDEED seen to be progressing. But the essence of edu- cational progress is not dollars, enroll- ment increases or new buildings. It is the ability of the students, working on their own, to intelligently criticize and reorganize the world they live in, as the Herald staff would have intelligently cri- ticized and reorganized its paper. When and if WMU's administration is able to realize this, the Herald will print on a daily basis and WMU will be the better for it. --LEONARD PRATT HE PRESS ranked slightly below the Democrats, the Communists and the [eral budget in the hearts of the Re- blican conventioneers this week. Both right D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon ;o say nothing of several lesser lights- re able to throw the delegates into f-righteous ecstasy by bemoaning vari- journalists' lack of concern, sympa- y, respect and/or support for the Re- blican cause. Yes, life certainly is tough. And just agine how much tougher it would be if tually every paper in the country were t under the thumb of a conservative publican publisher. -K. WINTER Editorial Staff vNETH WINTER.......... ...,Co-Editor VARD HERSTEIN.....................o-Eitor RY LOU BUTCHER............ Associate Editor RLES TOWLE....... ........ Sports Editor 'REY GOODMAN ................. Night Editor BERT HIPPLER .... ...........Night Editor JRENCE KIRSHBAUM;.............. Night Editor he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise ited to the newspper. Ail rights of re-publication i other matters here are also reserved. ae Daily is a member of the Associated Press and egate Press service. iblished daily 'uesday through Saturday fmlning. mer subscription rates $2 by carrier, $2.b0 by mail. cond class postage paid at An Arbor. M'1ef. By WILLIAM CUMMINGS Daily Correspondent JAKARTA-If one turns his eyes towards Southeast Asia, In- donesia is immediately conspicious both from a physical and political point of view. Strewn across an archipelago as wide as the United States with nearly 100 million people, Indonesia is the largest country in the area and the fifth largest in the world. Under the visionary leader of President, Su- preme Commander, Great Leader of the Revolution Achmed Su- karno, Indonesia has taken a high- ly vocal part in presenting 'the demands of the developing nations before the world. From a regional physical per- spective Indonesia stands out both as a highlight and a headache. It is generally recognized that her relatively untapped natural re- sources are the richest in the area. Oil has been developed into a 'sizeable export industry. So have rubber, tin, tea, and forestry pro- ducts. However, certain areas of In- donesia are heavily populated and consequently are not self sufficient. Especially acute is the main island of Java where 65 million Indon- esians live. This past year central Java experienced unfavourable crop conditions and thousands of the starving farmers can be seen migrating to the outskirts of Ja- karta for relief. This problem is aggravated by political complica- tions. INDONESIA'S large size and the continuous nature of her govern- ment's leadership allows her to play a key role in the internation- al politics of the Afro-Asian bloc. It can hardly be said that this bloc is monolithic but there is common unity in the nations' experience of colonialism and the search for economic and social development. This unity demands expression and Sukarno is increasingly seeing it his appointed role to fill this need. He instigated the first series of Afro-Asian talks at Bandung in 1955, built a colossal stadium for the 1961 Asian games, recently coined the term "New Emerging Forces" and recently hosted the preparatorynconference fora sec- ond round of Afro-Asian talks. Among nations internal to this bloc Indonesia is definitely a ris- ing star. India, which previously commanded such high respect, fell in prestige with Goa and the Chinese agressions. China is being forced to take an unshowy posi- tion because of the need she feels to make her entry into the bloc, And Pakistan has her hands tied between. old commitments to SEATO and new ones to Com- munist China. The African lead- ers generally are funneling their energies into more tangible al- liances. ,R 0 THUS BY ELIMINATION and by certain qualifications Sukarno bring~s to the task, he is certainly gaining prominence. The qualifi- cations are his wide traveling and reading which have aquainted him with the cultures and struggles of the area. Along with this is the charismatic nature of his presen- tation and his unique position as eternal president of his country: This provides Sukarno with the security to apply his attention to other than vote-getting matters. The principles of his leader- ship should be interesting to West- erners for they bear tidewinds of the future. They can be summed up simply as "Asia for the Asians." Foreign aid is acceptable but not foreign influence. Sukarno has proven in the past that his foreign policy is one thing (and perhaps the only thing) which he really acts on. In 1960, he termed New Guinea a cancer in Southeast Asia. Skirm- ishing followed in 1962 and now the area is Indonesian West Irian. *, * WHEN TALKS began concern- ing the formation of Malaysia from Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and North Borneo, Sukarno insist- ed that these be done with the full consent of those peoples in- volved. After Malaysia's formation he charged that it' was a British neocolonialist plot and must be destroyed. Since then his guerillas have been charging frequently at the Malaysian border defenses. To a jaded eye, Sukarno's ac- cusation that Malaysia is a British plot may have some va- lidity. A large percentage of the financial and industrial institu- tions h a v e British - controlled stocks though it may not be the 85 per cent Sukarno claims. The British are practically re- sponsible for the defense of Ma- laysia as they hold many of the high positions in the native army and supply British forces through an earlier security agreement. There is definitely profitable com- merce that the British want to protect. HOWEVER, legally Malaysia is an independent state apparently content with her composition. On August 5, 1963, Sukarno, President ninosadn nonealf n th _Phil of the last two mentioned terri- tories but used a sampling method. Sukarno in flagrant violation of the trust he placed in the Secre-. taryLGeneral has since declared that the UN's inspection was not thorough and has started guerilla activity. In addition, in November of and his war mongering, for it reveals clearly the way myths are created in time of stress to bolster the spirits of all concerned. Malay- sian papers interpret every in- stance of friction in Indoneisan politics as an omen that Sukarno's support is ebbing and that the Indoneisan people are gradually 1957, he is apparently telling the truth. The danger is obvious and the Sukarno regime is tottering. But when Dr. Subandrio tried to explain why Indonesia is faced with the possibility of internal un- rest he is deliberately telling a lie. "If the Jakarta dictatorship is faced with an internal revolt, it man, the prime minister has said, "We will fight to the last drop of our blood to defend Malaysia." Malaysia's 10 million may have to do just that if they hope to match Indonesia's 100 million. Neither Malaysia or Indonesia is truly stable internally. Malaysia's standard of living is much higher and its commercial policy is open which leads to a certain level of internal satisfaction. * * * HOWEVER, pan-Islamic and socialist political groups are creat- ing internal problems. Both ad-: vocate closer ties with Indonesia and are willing to sacrifice British interests in Malaysia to achieve this. The socialist groups advocate a closer bond precisely because they wish to nationalize foreign investments and Sukarno is the recognized spokesman for such ap- propriation. The Islamic groups wish to wed their faith with the 90 million muslims in Indonesia even if it causes persecution of the Chris- tian, Hindu and Buddhist minori- ties. Depending upon who is asked, Indonesia is or isn't suffering unity problems. From the outside observer's point of view it would seem almost impossible to sur- mount the divisive factors of the far-flung islands, each sheltering distant cultures and economies. * * * DESPITE the revolutionary past and the unsettled present not one of the more than twenty Western Javanese and Americans I talked with felt that Sukarno's position was threatened. They all consider- ed him an extremely clever bal- ancer of the numerous interests in Indonesia - be they Communist, muslim, business groups, scien- tists, farmers, army officers, or leaders in his ,own party - and felt that his explosive speeches were successfully diverting the people's eyes away from the ob- vious and serious economic fail- ures to the spirit of revolution. This spirit constitutes both the source of Sukarno's power and the possible seeds of his destruction. He has read extensively, thus de- veloping a captivating synthesis of theories and slogans to yell before the crowds. Through these gimmicks he may have 'quieted the regionalist thinkers. But ac-d cording to an Australian political scientist, Western trained en- gineers and economists of develop- ment are forming in opposition to Sukarno. First Minister Kartawid- jaja Djuanda was mentioned as a leader of the force The plans or the power of this new force are open to question There is no question about In- donesia's future policy if Sukarno stays in the saddle. ,* * # BRITAIN'S PLACE in Southeast Asia will most certainly deterior- ate. France, Japan and the Nether- lands, and China fit Indonesia's prescription for permissible in-, terest in the area. Russia doesn't concern herself much with the area. The U.S. does, end in a way that will definitely be attacked if Su- karno and his standards persist. South Viet Nam is essentially a creation of American military aid, This will be tabbed colonialism pure and simple, especially now that Foreign Minister Subandrio and President Charles de Gaulle of France have agreed on the ad- visability of neutralizing Viet Nam. "%YOU WOM' (MCTCi MIRlbl%6 ONE OF THEM N EWFAN KL DCIDNTRATio5." 1963 he engineered the burning of the British embassy in Jakarta and has not offered to apologize or replace it. Following the same order as the freatment of the Dutch is the mounting threat to British capital invested in the area. IT IS INTERESTING to look at Malaysia's reception of Sukarno forming opposition to his im- becilic war mongering. The following excert from the April 9 edition of the Malayan Times indicates this tendency: "When Dr. Subandrio expresses' grave fears of a major domestic1 crisis in Indonesia, perhaps a re- volt similar to that flared up in TODAY AND TOMORROW The GOP Campaign: Dangerously Bitter is not because of the so called 'neo-colonialist encirclement' of Indonesia. Nor is it because any alien force, except perhaps the Communists, isout to destroy In- donesia or capture power in that country "A revolt is certainly rising in Indonesia because the common people of Indonesia believe that Sukarno and his henchmen have betrayed the Indonesian revolu- tion. Indonesian unity, so proudly claimed by Sukarno, is threatened by his own policies and actions and indeed, there are indications of movements in Sumatra, Kali- mantan, Celebes and other parts to secede from Jakarta and to form their own regional groups, free from the stifling controls exercised by the dictatorship at the centre." HOWEVER, Malaysians a r e hardly banking on a revolution saving them from Sukarno's con- tinuing aggression. Recently, con- scription of all able-bodied men was begun and Tunku Abdul Rah- k .... t may. ., , .. v .Y a J ." 'x:StF amp .. y r t } s. fi ~ ;t4 a'p jti °i F .°ST n " Fh as f} 4"F+ "Y".h. . w.y iY S? d6:. r£ ""M'tyre -t'a 1np ' r g i P M gLCr ,ga: sr. ~,< "1,;.: y ' ?., , . 4 tl S_ 14 * *,S - ., I, 40 -2- t*T 41 E.y By WALTER LIPPMANN MEASURED by the vote on the proposed amendment to the civil rights plank in the platform, the moderates are about one-third of the delegates to the Republi- can convention. They may in fact be somewhat stronger than that because there must be a number; of delegates who voted with the Barry Goldwater forces in order not to embarrass the presiden- tial candidate of the party. Yet, the Goldwater strength is certainly better than two to one in the count of delegates. But he' has never been able to show any- thing like such strength in any primary when the Republican vot- ers were counted. His victory in California, which -started the land- slide of delegates, was won by the very narrow margin of 51 to 49 per cent. The figures prove that the capture of the Republican Party has been effected by work- ing on and winning over delegates who represent only a minority of the Republican voters. As a candidate, Senator Gold- water has to win back anti-Gold- water Republicans and to draw Democrats away from Johnson. How he goes about doing that will determine the nature of the coming campaign. *,* * SENATOR Goldwater's problem is that the most effective way to draw Democrats away from John- son will at the same time push Republicans toward Johnson. It is quite evident in the platform that Senator Goldwater is relying heav- ily on attracting Democrats from the white backlash and by ap- pealing to the ethnic groups from the captive nations of Eastern Eu- rope. To a certain degree, the two ippeals are complementary. For the white backlash is noticeably strong among recent immigrants from Wastern Eunn lace to withdraw in favor of Gold- water. While paying lip service to the civil rights act, they are hop- ing to gather in the Wallace fol- lowing which is in open rebellion against the civil rights act. At the same time, they are reaching out to the unhappy exiles from Eastern Europe with the hope of cutting into the Democratic ;trength among the working people in the cities. THIS WILL PROVOKE a dah- ;erously bitter campaign. It is not going to be a debate on the highly debatable issue of federal- state relations, of the new fiscal policy, of the degree and the kind, )f wise federal intervention in the determination of prices and wages by large corporations and large labor unions. Senator Goldwater, it seems to me, is preparing to play with the much more inflammable naterials of race relations and of war and peace. It must be admitted that for him the rationfl issues do not promise the kind of electoral breakthrough which he needs to have in order to defeat President Johnson. For one thing, in ex- perience and knowledge of the issues, he is no match for the Pres- ident. For another, in spite of the fierce anger of his own fans, the. country as a whole is prosperous. and the notion that it is groan- ing under a federal tyranny is laughable. And so, because there are few voters to be won over by a rational campaign about con- servatism and progressivism, he appears to be gambling recklessly on racism and jingoism. The kind of campaign that this one is threatening to be will put to the acid test the American conviction that there is in the great masses of people enough common sense and good will to defeat the snares of the dema- anp.. and d P.,amtir- ird Aam ,' - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR MediaPromote 'Go idwaterism To the Editor: IF SENATOR GOLDWATER be- comes President Goldwater in November, it will be because he stands for the sort of thing that a majority of Americans believe. That most Americans believe whatr Goldwater does is in no small measure due to the data they are given by the mass news media. Consequently, the news media will bear most of the responsibility if Goldwater is elected. In order to show the degree of their responsibility, I would like to consider four arguments. 1) The news media have re- peatedly asserted that South Viet- nam is vital to our "forward de- fense" system and that if we lose the war there, communist guerrilla movements will be encouraged to overthrow friendly governments in other areas of the underde- veloped world where we have vital economic as well as military stakes. The news media have also asserted repeatedly that the counter - insurgency campaign is being lost. Given this data and the aim of upholding our national interests, any consistent Ameri- threaten our vital interests in this hemisphere. At the same time, they have been pointing out that the trade embargo against Cuba is not sufficient to destroy him. Given a loyal commitment to our national interests, any consistent American should conclude that stronger measures should be used to get rid of Castro. Again, this is precisely what lies behind Gold- water's proposal to supply logistic support to an invasion army of Cuban exiles. 4) The mass media convey the impression that this is a land of opportunity for those willing to use and develop their talents. Consequently those who do not do well for themselves are simply un- willing to use the opportunities open to them. If this is true then social- security and public assist- ance are unnecessary. In fact, they are dangerous because they discourage initiative and encour- age laziness. Hence, we should drop, or at least minimize, the social security program. This is precisely what Goldwater has pro- posed. * w N I DO NOT want to convey the a..,..'.