&wnty-TA*4 Yaw EMUA ANS17STIwhRN" or U"m URCWISITy off"M1CmGAx' - D33 MTlROI"T Or BOAR DIN CONTOL m'OF STuzii PuMuMAMoNs rrUM 1 ?SWSil P"r Ata'ios sBic., A w AxRm, Mmcm., PmoE No 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. CONCERNED WITH EDUCATION French Students Seek Reforms w1 T/Rl 90 aTn DAY, JULY 15, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM 1964:* The Unfortunate Necessity of Voting QN THE SURFACE, what happens to- night in San Francisco will be the most significant event of the 1964 presi- dential campaign. That is only on the surface, however, for no matter who the GOP nominates, the race for the White House will' still be insipid, ultimately meaningless. If, by some unlikely miracle, William Scranton pulls the 655 delegate votes he needs, the campaigning in the coming months will do little more than repeat the issueless show of 1960. The voter will have no more real choice- than he had between Kennedy and Nixon. Being the incumbent, Johnson would have little reason to be on the offensive; he can well afford, in currient political thinking, to run on his record. Agreeing with him on virtually all ends and dis- agreeing only sporadically on means, Scranton would have little on which to base his campaign except the old, mean- ingless partisan platitudes. BUT BARRY GOLDWATER will almost certainly be handed the GOP presiden- tial endorsement. He will wage a cam- paign that can do nothing but bring vic- tory to Lyndon Johnson. But the victory will be by default, for in essence there will be only one candidate remotely cap- able of being president, and any nation- al voter will have to vote for him. To the political pundits, Goldwater's certain candidacy will finally bring the, voter a real choice of policies. Yet, for the majority of voters in November-- and it will be a far larger majority than elected Kennedy in 1960 or can be count- ed by party affiliationsj-there will be no real choice. How will one choose between continu- ing the present preposterous war in Viet Nam and carrying it northward into China, when either alternative means lives lost senselessly? How will one choose between a piecemeal, token war on poy- erty and no attempt at all, when the reeds of the dispossessed in America are so great? How will one choose between our current halting disinterest in the United Nations and possibly not belong- ing at all, when the medieval concept of national sovereignty holds suicide and impotence over all the world's states? HOW WILL ONE CHOOSE between a foreign aid program which, among other and better pursuits, supports dice- tatorships in Spain, Iran, Korea and oth- er places, and no foreign aid at all? How will one choose between an ad- ministration reluctantly enforcing a civil rights bill that for all its uniqueness is still weak, an administration worried more about a political coalition of the North and South than the needs of one- tenth of its population--versus an ad- ministration headed by a man who be- lieves the bill unconstitutional and would leave matters to the states? Indeed one can make a choice, but it will be between a little and nothing. This is the saddest prospect of the coming campaign, that there is no candidate for those who believe something effective must be done in this country. It would be far better if Scranton ran against Johnson, so that there really was no choice at all. In that case, reasonable men could conscientiously do the only meaningful thing left them. They could, without fear, simply not vote, refusing to choose the lesser of two evils merely because the necessity of choice had been imposed upon them. ALAS, GOLDWATER will run and the reasonable man will have to return Johnson to office. Could he live with himself if he struck at the polls and let the extremists in the nation elect Gold- water? Yet when the conventions are over and the distasteful job of re-electing Johnson has been done, it will be time for citizens to ponder the meaning of the 1964 sham. It will be time for imagination and creativity about the possibilities for gov- ernment, for the posing of reasonable policies. It will be time for indignation over the uneducation of voters on the facts of issues and alternatives. IT WILL BE TIME for the courage to say, "I will not choose between equally unsatisfactory alternatives simply be- cause there is no other choice"-and for the courage to vote for more reasonable, minority schemes, even though the votes are at first thrown away. For if enough people can be made aware that there can exist a better govern- ment, then someday the votes will not be "thrown away. -JEFFREY GOODMAN EDITOR'S NOTE The following is the second of two articles deal- ing with the activities of the French student. By KENNETH MILLER Daily Guest Writer PARIS-The response of the student union to the "Challenge of Higher Education" is of special interest to Americanstudents as the national congress of the United States National Students Associa- tion approaches. Of the estimated 200 thousand university students, about one half belong to U.N.E.F. Q'Union Nationale des Etudiants Francais). This organization was founded just before World War I when a group of regional organizations merged. Dues depend on the re- gional organizations which con- tinue to exist within a type of federal structure. They are usually two dollars, one of which goes to the national organization. The great congress at which most policy decisions are made occurs during the week of Easter vacation and is supplemented by three general assemblies taking place in February, July and Sep- tember. At each convocation, the provincial organizations are per- mitted one delegate for every 300 members, and Paris one for every 500. The offices of UNEF are in great disarray and there seems to be little organization but a great deal of "esprit de corps." My in- terview with Francois Roussel, the international vice-president was chaotic, interrupted by frenzied phone calls and quick meetings. THE MOST IMPRESSIVE fact about the French student is that he is an adult and expects to be treated assuch in adult society. The financial pressures discussed yesterday lend UNEF its militancy and it is much less decentralized than U.S.N.S.A. primarily because France is much smaller than the U.S. The ultimate weapon of the French students is the "manifes- tation" or student demonstration which they have used effectively in the past when they have failed by other means to achieve their goals. These other means consist of the student press and the public press, alliances with other nation- al unions (usually of workers or professors), and frequent discus- sions with the National Minister of Education. The power of student demon- strations is impressive. Recently 18-year-old students, relieved after having finished their baccalaure- ate examinations marched through the Latin quarter snarling traffic on the Boulevard Saint Germain for a half hour. Then until two in the morning they clashed with Parisian police who were attempt- ing to thwart their attempts to form the "monome," a line of students which totally blocks all traffic. Seventy-five students were taken by the police, several police- men were injured, many cars mov- ed and street signs torn down. This traditional annual demon- stration was for fun, and not at all organized. *~ * * THE VAST MAJORITY of stu- dents seem to be "contre" Presi- dent Charles de Gaulle to the point where they refuse to admit he has done anything good for France since 1945. But if there is some doubt about the strength and intensity of the opposition to de Gaulle, there is no question as to the universal and vitriolic opposi- tion to the regime's educational policy and in particular to the man who has become a symbol of this policy, Minister of Education Christian Fouchet. At all student political rallies one hears the cry "Fouchet re- sign!" The students claim that Fouchet has no competence what- ever in the field of education and it is true that his prior experience has been almost entirely in the administration of overseas terri- tories. However, as he has shown recently before both the Senate and the National Assembly, he can be eloquent and extremely facile in defending his policy. This of course, makes the students hate him all the more. At the time of my interview with Thoussel, the tension level was lhher than usual, for the minister had been refusing ,to see the leaders of UNEF for two months, an abnormally long period of time. WHILE liberal and radical stu- dents in the U.S. talk of "the uni- versity as an agent of social re- form," French students speak of the "role moteur de 'universit&' in reforming the society. Their main goal is a total reform of the educational system, and they hope to achieve this goal through a personal study allocation or "stu- dent salary" for all those in higher education and a family allocation for those in secondary education. The individual student salary would be about $100 per month. If they attain this goal, the student leaders claim, a total reform would follow in train, because such a salary would kill once and for all "University Malthusianism." According to UNEF, the children of workers and farmers who ac- count for 40 per cent of the French population represent only 5 per cent of the university population. Following the ideal of a "regime open to talent," hallowed by the French Revolution the national union of students seeks to end the "class university" and to per- mit higher education for all. Thus the ultimate goal is to increase the number of students in a sys- tem already insufficient for the present number. Ideas about exact structural changes seem to be in a somewhat amorphous stage, but outlines have been drawn up which would hopefully lead to a university bas- ed not on societal economic re- quirements, but on human needs. In general this means a more liberal, less specialized education for a longer period of time (an idea not unlike one much dis- cussed at the last Conference on the University). To this end UNEF demands the formation of a permanent nation- al committee to discuss educa- tional reform. The committee would be composed of representa- tives of students, professors, the government and other interested parties.d THEORETICALLY the national union of students considers itself a union and will not take stands which would tie them too closely to one political party. When asked, for example, if UNEF might sup- port Gaston Defferre, socialist mayor of Marseilles, the only major candidate running against de Gaulle in the approaching pres- idential elections, Roussel began hedging even though Deferre is a firm opponent of the govern- ment's educational policy. When I suggested that UNEF should speak to Deferre and convince him to support certain specific edu- cational goals Roussel seemed em- barrassed and declined to com- ment on this obvious tactic. Most of the stands the organiza- tion takes are either on universally accepted principles such as peace NEW FOUNDATION? Advancing the Humanities By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM NATIQNAL GOALS have al- ways been a favorite election topic of the politician. They are easy to enunciate, easier to for- get after November. Any politi- cian knows that no one really wants to realize national purposes anyway. The fatherhood of God can't slip by the Supreme Court. The brotherhood of man becomes tangled in Senate filibusters. Only recently have less politi- cal but much more crucial vi- sions been conceived. These have noted with concern the de-hum- anization of human life. Rivet. is replacing muscle. Physicist is dis- placing philosopher. Must, the goal-setters ask, the computerized society rob man of his dignity as well as his job? The alarm has naturally cen- tered on that which is most hu- man: the study of humanities. In 1960 a presidential commission on national goals contended that pos- terity will"judge the nation's suc- aess "by the creative activities of its citizens in art, architec- NEGRO TALENTS Woodruff's Art, Eclectic After Goldwater Candidacy. Party Realignment Near? ARRING A MAJOR political turn- about, Sen. Barry Goldwater will win e Republican nomination today. It has en said often that Goldwater will lead e party to a resounding defeat if. nom- ated. He probably will. But his nomina- n could lead, to something far more portant and far-reaching than this: It uld hail a major change in the Ameri- n political system, causing catastrophic fects on its efficiency and validity. Goldwater's candidacy and the prom- ence of his forces in the party could in ne lead to a major party realignment. my liberals in the GOP have as much threatened not to back a Goldwater ndidacy. If Goldwater were to main- .n control of the party after his de- Lt this fall, these liberals could very ssibly defect to the other major party. Their reason would be that a Gold- ter candidacy will lead to almost sure feat for such Eastern GOP liberal sen- Drs as Hugh Scott and Kenneth Keat- Editorial Staff NNETH WINTER.....................Co-Editor VARD HERSTEIN ................... Co-Editor RY LOU BUTCHER.............ASsociate Editor ARLES TOWLE .................... Sports Editor ?REY GOODMAN .................... Night Editor BERT HIPPLER ...................... Night Editor YRENCE KIRSHBAUM ................ Night Editor ing this fall. In time, the rest of the Re- publican liberals would fall out of office under a conservative party regime. Their only political future would be to go to the party where there were others - who thought as they did - the Democratic Party. AS WALTER LIPPMANN has pointed out, this Goldwater party, run largely by the nouveau riche of the South and West, would be very attractive for the Southern Democrats who have been sit- ting out national elections for years. It would also be a fairly safe haven for Midwestern conservatives. Thus there could develop a true division between the two major American parties-one solidly conservative, one almost as solidly lib- eral. This would be almost wholly a bad thing. Long ago, Lippmann referred to an American political party out of office as "a complete supply of spare parts." When the leaderships of both parties have thought largely the same, this has been the case. But a Goldwater party would not be a supply of new parts-it would be an entirely new machine. And if it were elected, or alternated with the Dem- ocrats in holding office, federal policies in both foreign and domestic areas would be as unstable and unpredictable as ever in the nation's history. Even if the Goldwater party never reached office. it would innvly S little A COLLECTION of recent paint- ings and drawings by Prof. Hale Woodruff of New York Uni- versity School of Education is presently on exhibit through July 19 at the Museum of Art. Last Thursday Woodruff gave a lecture at the University on the "Negro Artist in America." His paintings and his lectures bring to mind several questions, the most pressing of which con- cerns the relative ignomimity of the Negro artist in the contem- porary art scene. Why has the American Negro, who long ago male the significant gift of jazz to the music field, and who has currently gained recognition in the literary field, failed to es- tablish himself in the art world? There is not one Negro painter or sculptor who can match W. C. Handy's St. Louis Blues or Rich- ard Wright's Native Son. Why? Perhaps one clue was revealed in Woodruff's talk. He explained the differences in approach in- herent in the three media of ex- pression. He claimed that subject matter for the painter was not the same thing as the story for the writer. A painting cannot deal with the topic of say, integration, segregation or oppression, as a novel or song can, this is because painting is understood directly, on one level, while a novel can be appreciated not only for story and organization, but for style as well. Therefore, a painting should not be concerned with story, for if it is, art becomes propaganda and is then second-rate. * * * FOR WOODRUFF, a painting's content (meaning) and its form (the artistic vocabulary or style) must be perfectly fitted, rather like having the punishment fit the crime. This limits the artist to dealing with essential truths and makes it extremely difficult for him to successfully treat any sub- ject that has a story or message embellishing its core of Truth, ac- cording to Prof. Woodruff's stan- dards. This line of thought implies, then, that the Negro artist even If he wishes to do so, cannot easily join his talents to those of Lure, literature, music and the sci- ences." * * * FOUR YEARS LATER, a na- tional educator group-the com- mission on the humanities - has advocated the means to better in- fluence posterity's final judgent. In a 200-page report, the com- mission proposes the establish- ment of a National Humanities Foundation established and part- ly supported by the government. It would preserve intellectual in- tegrity by utilizing private mon- ey and a staff of educators. The intrusion of governmental bu- reaucracy would be barred wher- ever possible. The foundation would do for the arts, literature and philosophy what the National Science Foun- dation does for physics and biol- ogy. It would provide a cultural vision of the country and dis- pense the funds to realize them. The foundation could support scholar, program, or institution aimed at advancing the knowl- edge of the humanities. * * * BUT HOW, the politicians will say, do you go about "advancing" the humanities? The commission's program calls for these features in the foundation: -Support of the individual would center on improving the teaching of humanities. This im- provement would be rendered by grants for additional training and fellowships for advanced educa- tion. This facet of the \program also recognizes that humanities don't begin in the classroom. One pro- vision would make fellowships available to school administrators "to increase their appreciation of the values and responsibilities in- herent in humanities teaching." -Support of groups and orga- nizations would be achieved by channeling funds to institutions which are exploring better teach- ing methods and curriculum for- mats. The keynote of institution- al support is a program of aid for building and expanding libraries. This support would spread to all levels: for grammar school pub- lic libraries as well as graduate research libraries. DESPITE its careful enuncia- tions of the mechanics, the com- mission was more interested in the philosophy and values behind the foundation. They fear for and they hope for the individual. In highlighting education, the humanities foster- ers are really re-claiming a classi- cal view. Antiquity, the report states, held a view of the indi- vidual which emphasized his de- velopment, his moral, religious and esthetic ideas. It also was anxious to foster his growth as a ra- tional being and a responsible member of his community. The foundation's educational support, although directed toward academics, would set its highest priority at bringing the humani- ties into the everyday life of the citizen. * * * FOR HIM, the foundation would create its goals. For him, the foundation would outline a vision, not merely of building the biggest and racial integration or on poli- cies bearing on education. Even the stands of principle have some relation to French education, UN- EF opposes France's "force de frappe," independent nuclear striking force, not because it is opposed to all nuclear armament, but also because this expensive project requires money which otherwise might be used for higher education. Strong stands against apartheid and segregation in the U.S. are intended to show a feeling of solidarity withhNegro students. Draft policy is carefully watched to keep interference with educa- tion at a minimum. OTHER CONCERNS deal with the material problems of student life and run the gamut from a demand for free polycopies to a firm opposition to any extention of student part time labor. It is not clear what criteria are used to determine if a question is a legitimate subject of student con- cern. UNEF's was one of the few French voices raised against the recent French intervention in Ga- bon which resulted in a continua- tion of the regime of Leon M'ba; but UNEF has not taken and wvill probably not take a stand on French recognition of China, the Cyprus crisis and other affairs of international importance. How- ver, the collection of policy state- ments published by UNEF ends with a forceful "Platform of De- mands of the Movement" stating in decisive terms exactly what is sought from the government. In recent months, the organiza- tion has been moving farther to the left. The July general assembly added two Communists to the staff of the national office. The name of Bernard Schriener, president, of UNEF is generally associated with the Christian Democratic party but most of the members of the of the national bureau are social- ists or Communists of varying tendencies. THE COMMUNISTS of course have their own union (Union des Etudiants Communists). The French Communist Party (C.P.F.) is hostile to several main theses of UNEF. The C.P.F. stresses quan- titative aspects of the university crisis (lack of funds, of professors, of space) rather than qualitative aspects (pedagogical problems, rapport between instructors and pupils). Moreover it opposes the study allocation for everyone while stressing inter-union unity and the struggle against the re- gime. Within the Union des Etudiants Communists (U.E.C.) there has been a serious split between ortho- dox Communists (thorezian, so called after Communist leader Morice Thorez) who have never accepted the educational orienta- tion of UNEF and left wing Com- munists. The present educational policy of UNEF has been defined to a large extent by these left wing Communists. Thus, the di- vision within the UEC is curiously mirrored within UNEF. Within UNEF the orthodox thorezians find their support in right wing students who favor apoliticism, and it is rumored that a coalition of thorezians and "apolitiques" may gain control of the powerful political bureau at the end of the summer. The present bureau does not hesitate to demonstrate with the French Communists against de Gaulle's nuclear policy and for over a year now UNEF has been a member of U.I.E., the world union of socialist students. Roussel claims that U.I.E. is becoming more open and democratic than it formerly was. * * * THE FRENCH national union of students is plagued by many of the problems which bother US- NSA. For America students, the extremely interesting facet of UNEF is not only the stands which it takes, but its extremely impor- tant role in French political life. Oan the eve of the recent UNEF congress, France-Soir, the French newspaper with the largest cir- culation,ppublishedha special10 page edition dealing entirely with UNEF. Usually, concrete student de- mands are discussed with a nation- al minister roughly equivalent in rank to a U.S. cabinet member. One can easily follow student poli- tics by reading a section entitled "University News" in the good newspapers. The attention which the public gives to student politics is an eloquent tribute to the im- portant role of the student in French life. And the dynamic movement of French students is partly a cause, partly a symptom of the impor- tant role which students have tra- ditionally played in French con- temporary history. Help!. PITY THE POOR Convention gendarmes. At last night's Re- publican Convention session, un- der orders to "clear the aisles," one of them has to arrest a tele- --Daily-Kamalakar Rao THIS PAINTING, entitled "Black and While" is now on exhibit at the University Museum of Art along with other paintings and drawings by Prof. Hale Woodruff of New York University. The collection will be on display through Sunday. their earnings to such groups as the Congress of Racial Equality and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, buttheir talents have not produced significant works in either the mainstream of con- temporary art or in the realm of the exponents of a social-cultural group. They are only "distinguish- ed" by their anonymity. * * * WOODRUFF seems to have for- gotten about the first-rate works sembles something like the Greek ideals of Beauty and Truth with- out t h e i r anthropomorphized forms. This method may be feasible, although not proven, for the Ne- gro who wishes to be an artist, but it is not a sufficient program for the Negro who wants to be a Negro artist, Why has the American Negro remained almost anonymous in the art world? This is a difficult question-it iiivolves the problem of a lack of an artistic heritage