E'vidence L By JEFFREY GOODMAN Evidence to be presented to City Council tonight indicates that a current "Support Your Local Police" sticker campaign is part of a national John Birch Society drive. Council will discuss claims to this effect by various citizens and Council members, Mayor Cecil Creal said. They contend that the three-inch square stickers--which the city police department dis- tributed in May-are linked closely with a Birch effort to generate support for local police forces in their fight against a "Communist police state." Tonight's discussion will be part of an investigation of the stickers' origin asked last Monday night by Councilwoman Eunice L. Burns and Harold L. Orbach, research associate with the Institute for Human Adjustment. The two requested that City Administrator Guy C. Larcom look into the matter. Unqualified Support The Washtenaw County Conservatives, a local nonpartisan group which donated the stickers to the city, last night gave its unqualified support to the investigation. The stickers were used in connection with National Police Week, May 11-15. inks Stickers, Bircher While the police department did not distribute the stickers after May 15, the Chamber of Commerce mailed them since that time to city merchants. The dark blue squares currently adorn the windows of a number of local establishments. One Council member claimed, however, that a number of people have obtained the stickers from the police since the end of National Police Week. A sticker appeared on the police department door until noon Monday, when it was taken away. American Opinion The evidence to be presented tonight consists mainly of a statement from the July, 1963 Birch Society bulletin. Orbach obtained reprints of the article at the American Opinion Library and Bookstore in Detroit. The statement is headed by a small replica of the stickers. It says that violence connected with civil rights demonstrations -such as those in Birmingham and Oxford, Miss.-is "Communist- inspired ... The local working police are the best friends everywhere of anti-Communists." See EVIDENCE, Yage 3 THE CONTROVERSIAL STICKER. MAYOR CECIL CREAL GEORGE F. LEMBLE 1964: UNFORTUNATE NECESSITY OF VOTING See Editorial Page 5k A DaitF SUNNY AND WARM LOW-55 Hotter and humid, but cool in the morning Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom e VOL LXXIV, No. 16-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1964 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PA( X Report Mikoyan Switching Posts Brezhnev, in Moving to Presidency, Seen As Khrushchev Successor MOSCOW (P)-First Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan will soon replace Leonid I. Brezhnev as Soviet president, informed Russian sources said yesterday. Brezhnev, a likely successor to Premier Nikita Khrushchev, is being relieved of the ceremonial title of president so he can con- centrate on his key jobs in the Communist Party, the source of power. Mikoyan, an old Bolshevik high in the party and government since early in the Stalin era and now a confidant of Khrushchev, will become president in the next few days, the informants added.' The sources said the changes will be announced at a joint session of U TrooPs To Rise 600 WASHINGTON (P) - United States military manpower in South Viet Nam will be increased by about 600 men during the next' few months to restore part of the cutback which was started last year. Of the 600, about 200-300 will be additional special forces ex- perts to bring the total of those forces up to about 1000 and the overall U.S. total strength to about 16,000. This information became avail- able yesterday in Washington along with additional word on the infiltration of North Vietnamese regular army personnel and equip- ment into the South. Before the series of government changes in Saigon and phe accom- panying stepup of the Viet Cong attacks, the United States had started reducing the approximate 16,500 advisors, trainers and pilots aiding the South Vietnamese mil- itary. The cutback brought the total down to a present level of about 15,500. tp to last night, intelligence re- ports reaching Washington did not confirm some other reports in Viet' Nam that two organized army bat- talions of northern troops had ap- peared in the western region of South Viet Nam. But the capture of two prison- ers ,by South Vietnamese ftrces did at least confirm the presence of personnel of North Viet Nam's regular forces. The two prisoners tolr interro- gators they were North Vietnamese soldiers. One of them was report- ed to have made the flat state- ment that he was a "volunteer" in the North Vietnamese Army, had been trained there and sent into Laos and moved by foot into' South Viet Nam to aid the Viet Cong insurgents., (the Supreme Soviet, Russia's par- liament, now in summer session in the Kremlin. Another report circulating in Moscow but without confirmation said that Khrushchev's son-in- law, Alexei Adzhubei, 40, will be- come foreign minister in autumn. He is editor of the government newspaper Izvestia. This report was treated with skepticism by diplomatic sources who accepted the presidential changes as probable., One usually informed diplomat said he had heard foreign min- ister Andrei Gromyko might be given deputy premier status and Adbhubei would work under him1 as foreign minister. Figurehead Job The full designation of the So- viet eprsident is chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. It is a figurehead job. Brezhnev, 57, has been too busy lately with party affairs to attend to many of the protocol require- mnsof his presidential role. He is bothamember of the Presi- dium of the Party, which guides it, and a secretary of the Party's. Central Committee. Took Over Brezhnev took over the secre- tariat last year after Frol Kozlov suffered a heart attack. Kozlov had been believed by Western ob- servers to be the heir apparent of Khrushchev, 70. Now there are five possible suc- cessors. Widely Traveled Mikoyan is the most widely traveled top Soviet official. In recent years he has madel the 1958 test trip to the United, States that set up Khrushchev's 1959 visit, held the hand of Prime Minister Fidel Castro of Cuba in 1962 when Khruschchev took, away some of his weapons and attended the funeral of John F. Kennedy. In the last few months< he has visited Japan, India, In- donesia, Burma and Afghanistan. See BREZHNEV, Page 3 Votes To Won, Lost By The Associated Press The forces behind integration and segregation clashed in two places yesterday, and the result was a battle won for each. In Cambridge, Md., Osvrey C. Pritchett, 62-year-old plumbing contractor, was elected mayor of the racially divided city 1,901 to 1,451 over S. Charles Walls, Jr., who had the support of Cam- bridge integrationists. Pritchett had been backed by the Dorchester business and citi- zens association, of which he is a member. The group led a suc- cessful fight to defeat a public accommodations amendment to the town charter last Oct. 1. Salesman Walls, a self-styled moderate, is a 42-year-old salesman. He had the support of the Cambridge Nonviolent Action Committee which has spearheaded an inte- gration drive here for the past two years. Demonstrations sponsored by the committee were followed on a number of occasions by shootings and fire bombings that caused Maryland Gov. J. Millard Tawes to send in the national guard. The guard had been here con- tinually since July 12, 1963, but left last Saturday. Two of the three races for town commissioners were also won by candidates supported by the busi- ness association. Desegregation In Jackson, Miss., the school board announced the first public school desegregation plan in Mis- sissippi. Mississippi now is the onlystate without some public school inte- gration below the college level. The first grade of Jackson's public schools will be integrated starting in September. Eve of Deadline The announcement from the Board of Trustees of the Jackson Municipal Separate School System came on the eve of a federal court deadline for submitting the plan. Jackson, Biloxi and Leake County schools were under the deadline to submit the integration plans. A source close to the Biloxi school system said its plan would be identical to that of Jackson's. Leake County Superintendent of Education J. T. Logan Jr. said only that "we have our plan in mind. We are all set." It was believed that the Leake school desegregation plans would also call for lower racial bars at the first grade level, but officials refused to comment. Goldwater Bids Negro GOP Delegates To Walk Out Core Plans 'Lie-In' At Convention Exits By The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO-A group of Negro delegates yesterday threat- ened to walk out of the Repub- lican National Convention, and 100 demonstrator threatened to "lie- in" in front of its hall as protests of the convention's rejection of a strengthened civil rights plank. Prior to the vote on the second of two strengthening amendments, both groups remained equivocal as to their plans. But the group of Negro delegates did release a statement voicing "no confidence" in front-runner Sen. Barry Gold- water (R-Ariz). They declared that the con- stitutionality of the civil rights bill could soon receive a test in court, but Goldwater has declared that he feels the bill is uncon- stitutional. How, the Negro delegates asked,! could an attorney-general ap- pointed by Goldwater be expected to defend sincerely its constitu- tionality? There are 15 Negro delegates and 26 alternates at the conven- tion. No exact count was given on the number that attended a stra- tegy meeting today. Estimates ranged from 25 to 35. Following the 2-hour closed meeting William P. Young, Penn- sylvania secretary of labor and industry and an alternate dele- gate, announced that "we are united and after the platform is decvided we are going to hold a press conference at the Cowl Palace." Others at the meeting, however, reported that agreement could not be reached on the walkout ques- tion and the only unity was on the decision to wait until the plat- form vote. It appeared that any decisions made would not necessarily apply to all 41 delegates and alternates. Some were against walking out under any circumstances. The 100 demonstrators threat- ening civil disobedience were from the Congress of Racial Equality. CORE project director Norman Hill said the action would be taken to denounce a "trend toward lily- white representation in the ranks of the Republican party." Following the defeat of the first of two strengthening amendments -the one backed by Pennsylvania Gov. William Scranton-Hill as- serted that the party had taken on "the character of its Southern delegation." But he said the CORE group would wait until the second amendment --Gov. George Rom- ney's-on civil rights had been de- feated to announce definite plans! for its disobedience. As of 2 a.m this morning, Ann Arbor time, To Chant-ge Platfori Seranton's Defeated Modifications on Civ Rights, Nuclear Forc Extremism Go Down Forces Defea SENATOR BARRY GOLDWATER and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower played important roles in forming the party's 1964 platform. Goldwater lieutenants and supporters defeated attempts to make a platform alien to Goldwater's views. Eisenhower tried to dispel implications that there are wide differences of thought in the party. Republican Conventio By The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO-Sen. Barry' Goldwater (R-Ariz) topped the 800 mark as previously uncommit- ted delegates scrambled to get aboard his bandwagon bound for the Republican presidential nom-' ination. The Associated Press survey of the 1,308 delegates showed the Arizona senator with 804 first bal- lot votes-149 more than the 655 needed for nomination-compared with 169 credited to Gov. William W. Scranton of Pennsylvania, his closest rival. Goldwater forces looked for a further increase today from the Wisconsin delegation, if it is re- leased by Rep. John W. Byrnes (R-Wis), the favorite son. Byrnes was expected to announce his de- cision at a caucus this morning. Most of the 30 delegates are be- lieved poised to jump on the Gold- water bandwagon. The senator's gains yesterday amounted mostly to a mopping up operation among previously un- committed delegates. In all, he gained 23 votes, mostly from Illi- nois, Kansas, Ohio and Tennessee. Scranton's forces gained slight- ly, losing some votes in North Da- kota but picking up the five previously uncommitted delegates from Puerto Rico. * * The two Republican standard bearers of the past yesterday cast indirect votes for Goldwater. Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower urged Republicans to avoid the perils of factional strife and renew their "strength from the fountain of unity." Richard M. Nixon said that Goldwater, running on the plat- form nronosed for the 164 GOP Rumors persisted on the floor that the two fighting rivals would mend their tiff and settle down on the same ticket. Eisenhower said that although he hasn't urged a Goldwater- Scranton ticket on anyone, he thought it would be a "good ticket." Scranton reiterated throughout the day that he would not with- draw his candidacy to accept the number two spot.- And from the Goldwater camp came word that the senator was "incensed" by a letter sent him by top Scranton aides. In the letter, Scranton charged the senator's forces have -"bought; beaten and compromised" dele- gates. Scranton said yesterday that he did not write the letter, did not see it before it was sent and re- gards some of the wording as too strong. But he said he thinks the Advisory Body Meets to Set Consumer Aids WASHINGTON (A'-) - A White House task force on consumer af- fairs met yesterday to outline a new program aimed at teaching millions of low-income families how to get more for their dollar. Mrs. Esther Peterson, President Lyndon B. Johnson's special assistant on consumer affairs, said the conference is seeking new ap- proaches to aid consumers who fall victim to: --Their own marketing inexper- in Notes. basic points it seeks to make area valid and accepts responsibility for it.; * * * Once a hero, now a bum. That was the story of New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller ' who sponsored the first amendment to" the platform. It would 'have re- pudiated extremist groups specif- ically by name. Rockefeller called on the party to repudiate any "doctrinaire, mil- itant minority" which would di- vert the GOP "to purposes alien to those which gave this party birth." He was cheered strongly by the outnumbered delegates of Scran- ton, but was so frequently booed and interrupted that he had dif- ficulty finishing his brief speech. Goldwater supporters headed by Rep. John W. Byrne (R-Wis) attacked the amendment as an, assault on individual freedom. * * * One Republican leader took time out from the inter-party squab- bles to look to November. Sen. Thurston B. Morton (R- Ky) called on a lean and tough Republican party to "stick a pin in the big bright bubble that Pres- ident Lyndon B. Johnson is build- ing around Washington." Taking over as permanent chair- man of the convention, he said in a prepared speech that the GOP must "cut through the government press agents' dribbled . . . to get to the American people and tell them the story of what's happen- ing in Washington today" under the Democratic administration. That story, he said, includes increased government spending, weakness in foreign affairs, and SAN FRANCISCO (P)-The Re publican National Conventic fought a crucial battle over th party platform tonight and racke up rousing victories for prospectiN presidential nominee Barry Golc water. The first major tests in the firE major battle of the conventic sent the backers of Gov. Willia: W. Scranton of Pennsylvania dow to defeat. Delegates roared their disar proval of a proposal to hammE into the platform a plank to ri pudiate "the efforts of irrespoi sible extremist groups, such the Communists, the Ku Klu Klan, the John Birch Society an others." Roll Call And a call of the roll of ti 1,308 delegates beat down 897 1 409 a bid by Scranton supporte to bolster the civil rights plan Two delegates from Michiga passed up voting. The other del gates from Michigan voted 37 y and 9 no. The vote was viewed by ol servers as the end of the line f' Scranton. Said a New Mexico del gate, "If he thinks he lost th one, wait till they start voting c him." The vote on the extremism isst alone was a tipoff of what cou be expected in the brawl over tl platform and in the conventic session which picks the presider tial nominee today. Rep. John Byrnes (R-Wise) o posed the amendment,yclaipir that "it puts the party in t) position of opposing freedom speech." We should say to t extremists, 'if you want to infiltra our party, come on and try We'll meet you head on'." Naming Names/ Speaking for the proposal we Reps. Abner Sibal (R-Conn) a: Sylvia Conte (R-Mass). Speaki against it were Reps. James Batt bohn (R-Mont) and Peter Domir (R-Colo) who reminded the co vention that former Preside Dwight Eisenhower and Romn have publicly expressed distas for "naming names." The amendment was defeat by a standing vote, in which t Michigan delegation split down t middle. Michigan delegate Richa Van Deusen then offered anoth amendment to repudiate extrei ists, more generally worded th the Scott proposal. Romney Speaks Romney spoke in favor of t amendment, and his remarks we enthusiastically received. He a knowledged that the GOP need a wide membership base, and said he did not condemn any gro 'U' PLAYERS OFFERING Present Comedy of the Anthill Whimsical comedy returns to the stage at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre tonight as the University Players' present their third pro- duction of the summer season, Samuel Spewack's "Under the. Sycamore Tree." Directed by Prof. William R. McCraw of the speech department, the play is the story of the human race, seen through the perspective of an ant colony. The production features Steven Wyman, '65, as the "Big Brain" : v JORWIM'NOI :I