INFLATION IN ITALY AFTER UPSWING? See Editorial Page 4-lr~ L wpA6 :43 a t ty CLOUDY High-75 Low-55 Chance of light rain ending in afternoon Seventy-T hree Years of Editorial Freedom LXXTV, No. 15-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX P Rising Costs Push Residence Hall Si'nle Will Rise to $960, Double $900 Schaadt Blames Hike On Food and Services By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Undergraduate residence halls, already leading the high-price field, will cost their inhabitants an additional $34 next year. Rates will rise to $960 for a single room, $900 for a double and $845 for a small double or triple unit during the upcoming school year, Residence Hall Business Manager Leonard Schaadt an- nounced recently. Each fee, which includes board, will be $34 above the prices paid this year. These existing levels were set in the fall of 1962, when a uniform system of prices was established. The residence halls affected are East, West and South Quadrangle, Betsy Barbour, Helen Newberry, Stockwell, Mosher-Jordan, Lloyd, Couzens and Oxford House. Maverick Oxford housing, which is the maverick of the residence system, has been assessed with essentially the same rate increases. But the autonomously governed Martha Cooke Hall and Hender- son House are not involved. There has been no decision as to whether their rates will inflate. The remainder of the dormi- tories will all receive uniform cost hikes since they are under a Resi- dence 'Hall" Board of Governors empowered to set rates. T he Regents stamped approval of the new rates at their June meeting. Rising Costs: In announcing the price in- crease, Shaadt emphasized "the need to meet rising costs for serv ices and food in the residence system." He claimied that an un- official estimate ranked Univer- sity costs in the middle of Big Ten schools. The residence system is self-supporting. Figures recently released from the Department of Health Educa- tion and Welfare showed however that room and board charges here are among the heightest of similar institutions. This category includes Big Ten. and public Institutions and schools offering large graduate curriculums and stressing research. Other Observers Other observers, both within the University and throughout the state, have been critical of the "high costs of education." These costs were scored by educators the past year as a rationale for op- posing tuition hikes.' One of the leading critics of costs has been Regent Allan Sor- enson of Midland who publicly denounced the possibilities of a tuition hike last fall. It was at this time that Senate Appropriations Committee Chair- man Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair) had given an opinion that a ma- Jority of his committee favored tuition hikes by the institutions to match state subsidies. Although the schools refused to make tuition hikes, they gave care- ful consideration to residence price Increases. Due to price standardizations in 1962, the raises were made uni- formly this time, Schaadt said. Betsy Barbour and Helen New- berry residents will be assessed other price increments to pay for a newly-installed phone service. This service, made possible by the University's installation of Centrex telephoning systems, will place a phone in every girl's room at those residence halls. * * * * * * * * * * * Fees * Vloves * Up $3z * * Seek Public Drives Polic By JEFFREY GOODMAN City Councilman Robert Weeks last night told Council that he will ask City Administrator Guy C. Larcom Jr. to formulate a policy on city sponsorship of various public campaigns. While the city policy would re- late in general to all drives initiat- ed by nongovernmental organiza- tions, Weeks' request was evidently made in reaction to current city distribution of stickers urging people to "Support Your Local Police." Weeks, other Council members and various citizens are concerned about the origin of the stickers and the appropriateness of official city distribution. John Birch? An investigation of the stickers' origin was proposed last week by Harold I. Orbach and First Ward Councilwoman Eunice L. Burns. They asked Larcom to determine if the stickers are a part of a national campaign by the John Birch Society. Orbach contended in a letter to the Ann Arbor News Friday that the city had been "taken in and used unwiittingly" in the Birch cause.; The stickers were presented to the city a month ago by the Wash- tenaw County Conservatives, a local, unaffiliated citizen's group. They have since been given out by various city agencies and by the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce. Shortly after Weeks had spoken, George F. Lemble, president of the Conservatives, read, a, statement giving the Conservatives' "unquali- fied support" of the investigation of the origin of the stickers. Campus Area Stores The stickers are primarily for store windows and are on display in many local stores, including some State St., North University and South University establish- ments. Weeks will present a formal re- quest to Larcom at Council's meet- ing next Monday night. According to his statement last night, he will ask Larcom to "formulate a simple and reasonable policy regu- Court Orders Alabama To 'Move Faster' MONTGOMERY (') - A three- judge Federal court yesterday re- fused to order statewide desegre- gation of Alabama public schools but directed state authorities to "promote and encourage" integra- tion. The court ordered Gov. George Wallace and the State Board of Education to refrain from inter- fering in the future with any court order which may be handed down to do away with segregation. Wallace used state troopers last year to delay the admittance of Negroes to white schools, in some Instances blocking them from en- tering the school buildings. In dealing with Macon County, in which Birmingham is located, the three-judge panel ordered the board to desegregate all four high school grades from the ninth to the twelfth and at least one ele- mentary school grade in each school for the coming year. The board was directed to sub- mit an integration plan by Aug. 3. Just what practical effect the stepped-up integration order for Macon County might have was p r o b 1 e m a t i c a 1 because when schools closed for the semester in May, no white pupils were at- tending public high school classes. those who assumedly believe that Goldwater Neare GUY LARCOM lating city sponsorship of various public drives and campaigns." The Conservatives' release on the investigation contended that the "Support Your Local Police" campaign "has become an out- standingly popular, simple and yet effective method by which the citizens of Ann Arbor have ex- pressed their confidence in our police department. Opposed, Not Supported "However, we are now witness- ing an anti-sticker campaign by Protestors To Detail Situation By ROBERT HIPPLER Before the North Campus park- ing protestors meet with the per- son in charge of North Campus parking, they are going to draw up a detailed "position paper" on the problem as they see it and pre- sent it to him. The protestors decided to draw up the detailed statement of their position at their meeting yester- day. On Friday, Francis G. Shiel, manager of Service Enterprises' North Campus parking operations, had agreed to meet with two rep- resentatives of the protestors some time this week. The protestors were requesting negotiations with the adminis- tration and a moratorium on the new parking regulations until Fri- day. In getting a tentative prom- ise from Shiel for a meeting to iron out the difficulties, they tem- porarily suspended their morator- ium requests. Meanwhile, the "park-in" con- tinued as usual on the lawn next to the Phoenix Center. It drew over 150 cars, a number which has re- mained fairly steady over the last' week. Yesterday was the ninth day the protestors have flooded the huge lot with cars. The protest started on Wednesday, July 1, over parking regulations which were then going into effect. The protestors have sent letters to Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont and to Shiel, in addition to an open letter a week ago. They have also talked with Executive Vice-Presi- dent Marvin L. Niehuss. Their main complaint has been that there was not enough notice on letter a week ago. They have also talked with Executive Vice-Presi- dent Marvin L. Niehuss. Their main complaint. has been that there was not enough notice on the new regulations. our police department should be opposed rather than supported." Lemble said that his organiza- tion thinks the investigation of the sticker program "is an excel- lent and timely suggestion, and (we) only wish we had thought of it first." Noting that the "the 'anti- sticker' campaign appears to be somehow involved with local 'civil- rights' activity," Lemble proceeded to "point out a fact of life" in the city: Discord, Outright and Violence "For about two years this city .. has been subjected to concert- ed attempts to foment discord, civil unrest, evenoutright violence. Probably we have had more of this sort of activity than any city of similar size in the entire nation. "The amazing fact is that these efforts have failed. We do not have violence in the streets, an armed citizenry or any of the other vio- lent reactions about which we read daily in the newspapers." The lack of such "violence" Lemble attributed to "our fine local people-both Negro and white" and to the police depart- ment. Not Too Highly "Our ... police department has most effectively handled the sev- eral nearly-successful attempts to create circumstances of violence.- They can hardly be praised too highly for their forbearance, ef- ficency and just plain fine quality of work. "Washtenaw County Conserva- tives wholeheartedly endorses this investigation (of the stickers) and now pledges its full cooperation to Mayor (Cecil O. Creal) and Coun- cil in - any relevant matter con- cerned therewith." Lemble recommended that the investigation be conducted by Council members; that the "mo-, tives, purposes and necessary reasons" for the sticker circulation and for the campaign against the circulation be closely examined; that "the public effect, direct or indirect, actual or political, harm or benefit," from the sticker cam-, paign be carefully investigated and that posibly "several responsible local, state and national investi- gative agencies" might be con- tracted to aid in the inquiry. Frankly Baffled The Conservatives' feeling is that an approach involving out- side agencies would "reveal why the anti-'Support Your Local Police' sticker campaigners feel that Ann Arbor citizens should not be encouraged to support their police-an attitude which we must confess frankly baffles us., The group urges "full public dis- closure of all evidence, findings and any recommendations of this investigation. We repeat our strong and dedicated commitment in sup- port of the presentation of truth in its complete picture as being most beneficial to our community." Scranton Sees, Three Planks As Weapons SAN FRANCISCO (P)-Pennsyl- vania Gov. William W. Scranton chose three planks yesterday - extremism, civil rights, and nu- clear arms control-as his weap- ons in a floor battle against Goldwater forces tonight at the Republican National Convention. Scranton indicated that two other top "moderate Republican- ism" leaders-New York Gov. Nel- son A. Rockefeller and former Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge- are' with him in the last-ditch fight to break into Sen. Barry Goldwater's towering d e 1 e g a t e strength. And Gov. George Romney of Michigan announced independent- ly that he will strike at what he termed "deficiencies" in the 9,000- word 1964 platform issued over the weekend by the Goldwater- dominated platform committee. Two Issues Romney said he is presenting minority planks on two of the three issues-extremism and civil rights. The decision was made, he said, after he met with Michigan members of the platform com- mittee. Scranton charged in a news conference that the semi-secret Birch Society and other rightist groups are trying to "take control of the Republican party structure ... through the candidacy of Sen. Goldwater." He said Goldwater is not himself an extremist, but has given them comfort by his refusal to reject their support. Declarations like Romney's and Scranton's, and some considerably stronger, were crushed in last week's closed platform hearings by Goldwater's majority of at least 2 to 1 in the platform com- mittee. Scranton ticked off the three key issues of the looming platform fight after a conference with Lodge and Rockefeller. A Scran- ton spokesman said the three appear to be the issues on which the GOP moderates "have great- est strength in delegate support and public opinion." Goldwater said he was not afraid of a platform showdown. His supporters indicated confi- dence they could quash the up- rising. THE PARTY "BY THE PEOPLE, of the people and for the people" gathered in a huge throng, in San Francisco yesterday for preliminaries to the nominating tomorrow. Barry Goldwater seemed on his way to victory. NEGRO OPPORTUNITY Sain Draws Parallels' In Ford, 'U' Programs Principles which prevail in the University's Negro scholarship program have been incorporated into a $7 million Ford Foundation project for outstanding Negro students, one University expert asserted last night. He is Leonard Sain, assistant admissions officer and architect of the University's Opportunity Award Project, which finds, sup- ports and guides Negroes through the rigors of the University. Nominatio The Ford Foundation plan wil school students-each year for fiv Merit Scholarship Corporation, it Find Corpses, Not Missi ing Civil ighters ByVie AssociatedPress TALLULLA, La.-The mutilated bodies of two persons have been found in a muddy offshoot of the Mississippi River, now the focal point of the search for the three fissing civil rights workers. How-, ever, both bodies have been ten- tatively identified as not belonging to the missing workers. The second body was pulled from Old River, 17 miles south of here, yesterday. The first was dis- covered Sunday. In both cases, only the lower half of the body' was found. The first body was tentatively identified as that of a Negro stu- dent who had not been reported missing. Charles Morre, 20, Mead- ville, Miss. Negro and former Al- corn A & M College student, bad left home "to go to Louisiana to work," his parents said. And it was reported last night that the second body has been definitely identified as not one of the missing civil rights workers. In both cases, only the lower half of the body was discovered in Old River, an offshoot of the Mis- sissippi River. The earlier discov- ery had centered the search for the missing trio in the Tallulah area. The search is still on for the three missing workers, despite lack of new clues. . ll offer grants to 200 Negro high e years. Operated by the Nationa has a feature unique from th Qcurrent Merit Scholarship tesi There will be no qualifying com petitive examinations, but rathe a battery of motivational studie to serve as a basis for selection. New Range Sain explained that like tl University's program, the For project "opens a whole new rang of possibilities for students wh have the potential to attend uni versities-but may not be able t .score highly enough in competitiv exams." The list of Merit Scholars froy Negro ranks has been meage: They won only 13 of 1650 mer: scholarships this year. The Ford program, Sain sai< had its roots in the exploratior of Negro education here. These be gan last year with a multi-facete "Project on the Negro in High Ed ucation" which included the or portunity award program, pre-col lege orientation planning and re search study. "Ford consulted with us in man of our problems and prospects fc the program," Sain said. 'We hats certainly had an indirect influ ence in their Merit Scholar pro; ect.' In October The Ford plan, called the No Itional Achievement Scholarshi Program, will begin in Octobe The first of the year's 200 wir ners are to be chosen in the sprin of 1965. The selection of finalists an winners will be made in propoi tion to the Negro population 1 each of four geographical sectors, The first step toward winnir $1000-$6000 for the four years taken when high school officia See OBSERVES, Page 5 mWins Battle( On Seating Regulations Receives Near 800 Delegates in Polls; Others Far Behind By MICHAEL HARRAH special to the Daly SAN FRANCISCO-Anyone e pecting the 1964 Republican *1 tional Convention to be an u eventful affair was disappoint almost from the start yesterda forces of Arizona Sen.'Barry Gol water and Gov. William Scrant of Pennsylvania clashed at t very outset, and Goldwater woi The initial session of the cc vention erupted into an on-ti floor argument over credenti and former President Dwight Eisenhower went on nationwi TV to dispell rumors that he a Goldwater had come to mater. differences.' Meanwhile, theGoldwater ban wagon rolled on, seemingly u stoppable. Ohio Gov. John Rho released his delegation's 8 vot which had been committed to hi and 42 went to Goldwater. ' Neutrality This was viewed as a blow Scranton, who has been count] on Ohio's neutrality. Last night CBS News gaveGo: water 778 votes, Scranton 2 New York Gov. Nelson A. 0osk feller 103, 134 scattered and uncommitted. At the morning session conv : tion Maryland's Republican cha " man Newton I. Steers challeni procedural adoption of temport rules for the convention, claim: it would sanction the credenti 'of two Tennessee delegates, wh y seating was in question yesterc afternoon. Discrimination Negro George W. Lee of Me phis, a delegate to Republi l conventions since 1940, chari that he was denied election a delegate because of racial c crimination. "Not so," retorted Rep. Willi 0. Brock of Tennessee. "Lee not support the GOP ticket i 1962, so his district convent saw fit not to make him a d . gate. He complained to the st committee, but it found no I . propriety." Sen. Carl C. Curtis (R-Ne T Goldwater's floor manager, r nounced the openly Scrant 5 supported attempts to disrupt . opening proceedings and ca . upon the convention to let credentials committee handle problem. The convention agree No Difference Between convention sessl Eisenhower took to the air to d that he had differed with Gc water over the senator's repo inclination to give some dis I tion over the use of military we ons to the military. z "What I said," the general plained, "was that I favor civil g control over the military, a s Goldwater told me this mor s that this is his position also." Eisenhower took that opport ity to reaffirm his neutral posi with regard to the nominati strongly hinting that he regar himself as a symbol of concilial and unity within the party. Not Physically He said he would support w ever was nominated, but he Y unteered that he would not able to undertake physically rigorous campaign activity. He denied that this conveni was a "turning point" in 0 history, claiming he saw notil to make him believe the party not pursuing a philosophy would favor. Meanwhile, the convention stalled its temporary officers. C >, E-- tStr ' ovl T,- - - n m - -3 A "Y ComissonOK's Merger Of Wabash,* Norfolk, Lines By JOSEPH E. MOHBAT WASHINGTON (A) - The Interstate Commerce Commission yes- terday gave its blessing to another major railroad consolidation in the east uniting the Norfolk & Western, Nickel Plate and Wabash Lines into a 7,450-mile network. But the ICC said the deal may not go through until the Penn- sylvania Railroad agrees to get rid of its controlling interest in the N&W and the Wabash. And the Pennsylvania has said it won't consider doing that until the ICC rules on its proposal to merge with the New York Central--a ruling that isn't expected fory BEST MAN Civic Theatre Plans Fare y The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre has announced a billof five shows for the 1964-65 season, according to Mrs. Stuart Gould, heading up the group this year. First show will be Gore Vidal's "The Best Man,"running October 14-16 in Trueblood Aud. The rest of the season will be in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Scond will h etenhen Snnd- months. Second Decision The decision is the second on three major eastern consolidation plans. The ICC in December 1962 authorized the Chesapeake & Ohio to take control of the Baltimore & Ohio. With its 99.5 per cent control of the Wabash and its 31 per cent control of the N&W, the ICC said in its 10-1 decision approving the merger, the Pennsylvania "is in a position to extend its control over the proposed system." The ICC gave the Pennsylvania until Sept. 17 to agree to divest. ERICKSEN ON 1984 Teachingof Concepts By KENNETH WINTERf Co-Editor Teaching of concepts will have to supplement the teaching of facts-for there soon will be too many facts to learn. Such a shift of emphasis won't be easy to make. "We know far more about how to teach facts-we've been doing it for hundreds off years-than how to teach concepts," Prof. Stanford Ericksen, director of the Center for Research in Learning and Teaching, declared Sun Aoy na Tn the Unitaian Chinurh'- third sessinn on "1984-What on Rise TF i "i:: .. Ji : :,