, &Swty-Thrd TAW EDikmD AmqMAxAGRD a7 STumngT T = xUarvDusm op07MIWam vUmgDEaAuTmomry (w BOARD ut CONTROL o' SSTmzPu mn here opinions Are Pvn S P==rAmours BW., Awi Ao, Mrc., PnomL weo 24241 Ty hWis Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Swimming Policy Subverts Whole Educational Process E UNIVERSITY, in its seemingly per- floundering around in the Huron River vasive drive to abolish all but the most after his canoe tipped over. And even academic of pursuits from within its con- strictly in terms of educational utility fines, has apparently decided that even for the rest of society, the several thou- the physical well-being of its students is sand dollars that an undergraduate edu- of no importance. cation at the University costs would al- On page 193 of the 1964-65 literary col- most literally go down the drain if a stu- lege announcement is the statement: "All dent were to go to a watery grave for (male) students are required to take a lack of swimming prowess swimming test. Those students who are VET WHAT HAS HAPPENED? The reg- unable to meet the swimming standards . T are required to elect beginning swim- ulation is there, for the University is ,, ralways anxious to look good in the pub- mT int li eye. But the swimming test is no There can be little doubt as to the value longer given! There is a question on the of this requirement. Learning to swim physical education form freshmen fill would certainly be of far more educa- out which asks a student whether he is tional value than a course in oceanogra- able to swim, but an unscrupled char- phy or "Mechanics of Viscous Fluids II" ater could answer falsely and never be (Engineering Mechanics 723) if one were uncovered. Furthermore, there are students who take beginning swimming and pass it who HHpavencannot even swim a couple lengths of the intramural pool. Nonetheless, there RNEST HEMINGWAY'S brother Lei- is nothing to make them receive further instruction. cester, having staked his nautical Even worse is the situation with wom- claim from a 6-by-30-foot raft, is plan- en, who do not have a swimming require- ning to found a new Caribbean republic ment at all. Seldom are there cases of by building an island on a submerged discrimination against females worse bank. than this one, which apparently regards The infant nation, he explained, will the education women receive as far more support itself by "stamping stamps, coin- expendable than that of men. It seems ing coins, making up books and films and that it's all right if women drown, for thinking up funny slogans for visitors." they have no valuable contribution to But there's another possibility. If Barry make to society anyway. Goldwater continues to move successful- ly toward the White House, the going IT IS DIFFICULT to stay at a university price of remote-desert-island real estate which practices such callousness and may soon begin to skyrocket. hypocrisy. But perhaps there is some hope --K. WINTER worth staying and fighting for. Perhaps one day an embittered faculty member who has just seen his best student dis- appear in murky currents because he wasn't taught how to swim will realize Editorial Staff that there are things worth learning out- KENNETH WINTER ................. Co-Editor side the narrow academic walls. EDWARD HERSTEIN.................Co-Editor Perhaps he will be irate enough to stage MARY LOU BUTCHER............ Associate Editor CHARLES TOWLE................... Sports Editor a pool-in, refusing to leave the pool un- JEFFREY GOODMAN.................. Night Editorilsmin ROBERT HIPPLER.................. Night Editor til swimming tests are again given to LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM..............Night Editor entering freshmen. Perhaps he will even Business Staff get his water polo team to play some- SYDNEY PAUKER................Business Manager where besides the intramural pool so that CY WELLMAN .................. Supplement Manager pool time will be available to teach stu- RUTH SCHEMNITZ.............Circulation Manager dents lessons that may save their lives. PETER DODGE..........Assistant Business Manager M . . More likely none of this will come to The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the pass. But with this one small item be- use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise ing almost all there is to prevent this credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication from being a truly great university, one of all other mattershere are also reserved.igattron The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and has the obligation to stay around and Collegiate Press Service. fight on. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. -EDWARD HERSTEIN Summer s11bseripton rates $2 by carrier, $2.0 by mail, Second cass postage paid at Ai Arbor,1Micb. Co-Editor THE 'TRIPLE REVOLUTION' Bringing to Life the Lost Mozarts EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third and last in a series of articles eval- uating the analyses and proposals of the recently-formed Ad Hoc Committee on the Triple Revolution. By JEFFREY GOODMAN T HE SINGLE most distressing and wasteful requirement of man's long history is that he has always had to work for his liv- ing. Now I am defining "work" dif- ferently than most people have become accustomed to doing. By work, I mean engaging in some activity designed to produce goods or services for the sole reason that one must engage in that activity if he is to provide for his own subsistence and/or for the sub- sistence of others who depend on him. That definition leaves out ab- solutely any activity in which the human being desires to be engaged because it gives him an honest sense of satisfaction. As long as a man gains this feeling from his activity it is irrelevant to the definition whether or not he also provides his subsistence by the same activity. THE PROPOSAL advanced in March of this year by the Ad Hoc Committee on the Triple Rev- olution would do away with the necessity for work by guarantee- ing everyone a minimum income -somewhere around $3000 a year -as a matter of right. The AHC feels that the coun- try can afford to do this because the nation's automated industrial capacity and extensive use of commercialized machines will fur- nish a superabundance of goods. But it also feels that the coun- try must guarantee a basic in- come, since there will be pre- cious few jobs available when the machines have virtually pre-empt- ed the human labor factor in pro- duction. With a guaranteed income writ- ten into the structureof an auto- mated society, man at last would be able to pursue individual in- terests and personal development -through "serious activity with- out the pressure of necessity," as Paul Goodman puts it. CRITICS ARGUE that man is not at all prepared to handle such a situation. He would degenerate mentally; he would become lazy; there would be no one left to man the machines that produce the goods that would still have to be produced. And the critics are right - as long as they speak of man as we know him today. For modern man by and large has lost the capacity to express himself as an individual -that is, if in the first place, he knows of what his individuality consists. The essence of the personal de- velopment of virtually everyone ex- cept artists, professionals and higher management is that very early in the game-while the fu- ture laborer or clerk is still young and in school-a man's whole ori- entation ceases to be toward what he personally wants to do and goes off on the tangent of what he must do. And what he must do, if he is to survive, is find a job. * * * FORgARTISTS,mprofessionals and higher management, the ac- tivities leading to personal fulfill- ment usually coincide with those leading to income. Those activi- ties cannot, therefore, be term- ed work, as defined above. For others, however, the story is very different. These are the people who are not lucky enough to grow up in the kind of social environment - home, community, school-that generates a desire for self-fulfilling activities. Often they must begin working very early in life. The cultural atmosphere around them, even if it is not to- tally degenerate and centered on belonging to gangs, being tough and avoiding parental lashes, rare- ly allows the individual to think about what be wants to do, to explore possibilities, to learn, to discover. So the future laborer or clerk grows up preparing for work - but by default, because he has not been aware that he could do something else, because he has not been aware of the requirements and potential rewards of self-real- ization. And in not being aware of these possibilities he shrinks his horizons and expects no more of life than grinding away at earning a living. JUST WHY this process occurs among those who end up as la- borers and clerks and not among the rest of the population is a function not only of social con- ditions but of the kinds of activi- ties involved. Artists, professionals and management tend to create the kind of environment which breeds artists, professionals and management, and the same is true among those in the other cate- gory. This is not to say that every- one in higher-level jobs feels him- self fulfilled and everyone in low- abhorrent amount of time and en- ergy is wasted because it is not spent in a worthwhile fashion from the individual's point of view. If the activity is at all worth- while, it is only because it fur- nishes society with goods and pro- vides the person with subsistence. But a person working for physi- cal subsistence is qualitatively very different from an individual engaged in expressing basic de- sires. Yet it is essentially because man is not now prepared for leisure that the AHC proposal to under- write his activities would fail if enacted right now. By the same token, however, such a proposal will very soon become absolutely necessary. And if it is correlated with the vast social changes which it requires, our society could at last realize the goal it has always professed: the highest possible de- velopment of the individual. THE VERY CONDITIONS that now militate against the guaran- teed income are precisely those which must be changed. Without any social planner lifting a fin, ger the nation isralready far on the road to eliminating the neces- sity for work. Now the nation must begin the energetic process of preparing its population to take advantage of that change. The effort is primarily educa- tional. But it also entails improv- ing our cities, public facilities and housing. These institutions must be changed so that they no longer present the kind of external con- ditions which can so effectively intimidate the individual's desire to reach for personally satisfying ways of thought and directions of activity. THE EDUCATIONAL system, on the other hand, will be viable only if it shifts its emphasis com- pletely-from educating teaching skills to allowing free expression; from urging development of what a person is best in-since he would presumably be able to earn the most money that way-to finding out what would make the individ- ual happiest, whether it is his outstanding talent or not. More than this, however, the educational system would-at least at first-have to become a major force in stimulating the individ- ual to explore all the avenues with potential to stir his excite- ment, enliven his mind, bring him satisfaction. At base, the change required is in man's conception of himself. If and only if these changes can be made, the AHC envisions a future in which there would be enough to go around so that men could do pretty much what would most fulfill them. To a great many the most fulfilling activity would be productive - that is, directly connected with the making and distributing of goods and serv- ices. * * * FOR MANY OTHERS, however, the activity would be less produc- tive in the goods-and-services sense. It could be almost anything conceivable, from social work to writing, from travel to study, from tinkering with gadgets to building a house or just sitting back and thinking. Those not earning what is now thought of as an income could al- ways have their $3000 a year. But they could have more, if they wanted, for there is every reason to assume that a society based on individual creativity would value it highly enough to pay for it- something that is rare today. Antoine de St. Exupery wrote in "Wind, Sand and Stars" that it was not the poverty of the poor that disgusted him but the "little bit of Mozart in each one" that had died. It is the AHC's funda- mental assumption that every man possesses vast potentialities, not merely for doing more work but for contributing to the en- richment of the whole race. And even more important, he has the potential, in the process, to con- tribute infinitely to his own reali- zation. * * * THE CRITICS of the AHC state in effect that only through what is traditionally called work is this potential realized. If that is true, it is true only for what we have traditionally called man. Yet tra- dition does not do man justice. The second basic criticism of the AHC proposal is equally un- founded. For it is not necessarily true that society would, in fact, be left with no one to produce what is to be distributed. There are a number of reasons for this, all of them again re- quiring that the AHC proposal be put in a future and not a present context. Fundamentally, there will never be a shortage of men with the desire to earn more than $3,- 000 a year. Nor will computers and automation eliminate every kind of activity that currently gener- ates income. Even if computers can eventually make all our decisions and machines produce all our their rewards would be the satis- faction their efforts preferred. It is only work, as I have defined it, which can breed such resentment. Or, if you like, every man could be required to put in one year out of five or ten working directly in the goods-producing sector of the economy. He would still be significantly freer than he is now. In any case, it is also reason- able to assume that technology, which has never yet halted its inexorable march toward greater rationalization of processes and improved machinery, will continue to reveal cheaper ways of extract- ing ores, building buildings, mak- ing goods and solving problems. Just how much human "work" will be required anyway? * * * FURTHERMORE, the private economic sector would become much less significant than it now is. As Robert Theobald, one of the AHC statement signers, puts it, "Our scarcity is . . . not one of work that needs to be done." In- deed, there are fabulous unrealiz- ed needs in the public sector, not only for America alone but for the whole world. But the import of what the AHC has conceived does not con- sist in the ability of the proposal to withstand its critics. If the AHC analysis of economic conditions is not fully true now, it will be shortly. If its proposals are unworkable now, they will be shortly. If nothing is being done about them now, something must be-and quickly, F * * our technology is pushing ahead at a faster and faster pace; it has been ahead of man's ability to cope with it ever since the In- dustrial Revolution. Now, however, man is beginning to become pain- fullyaware of the discrepancy be- tween that which technology promises and what society is cur- rently able to derive from that promise. Numerous action groups that were once concerned solely with Negro civil rights recently recog- nized the essential connection be- tween the Negro's demands and economic conditions and the es- sential unity of demands among all poor, regardless of color. The labor unions are thinking and bar- gaining in increasingly broad terms: 13-week vacations for steelworkers, a 25-hour work week for New York electricians, the halting of the assembly line in Detroit automobile plants while workers take their coffee breaks. THOSE WHO BELIEVE in the validity of the AHC analysis and the value of its conception of the future will not let society con- tinue bnugling along with short- sighted, disorganized, token efforts at change. Yet their most diffi- cult task will be getting people to understand the proposal and admit not only that there is no. other solution to the problems we face but that this solution has its own inherent value. That value lies in bringing the 100-year-old dream of liberals-- Marx's "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"-to social conditions that will at last allow it to work. For when Marx wrote there was no possibility of actually providing the goods that each man would need to subsist. Nor was there possi- bility of actually freeing man from *work" and thus freeing him from resentment for the fact that others might not be engaged in activities quite as directly produc- tive as his. IN THE VERY NEAR future, however, the stage will be set for the realization of those possibili- ties. But it be only the stage. Immense human effort will still be required: man will have to create conditions in which indi- vidual attitudes toward work and self-fulfillment will coincide with what society has to offer and with what is possible for its members. But the struggle can be won. The stakes are high. They are not merely negative-avoiding the ca- tastrophe of millions of unem- ployed starving in the most afflu- ent nation on earth-but positive as well. What is at stake is the Mozart in each of us: there is finally hope of a world in which it can prosper. IRISH HILLS PLAYHOUSE Valuable Theatre Training "Small World, Isn't It?" S'*o -.. -. , r6 rO, r a" CEt + tR r-, t-m EDITOR'S NOTE: This initial ar- ticle in a series of seven discusses the value of the Irish Hills Play- house and includes a review of "The Taming of the Shrew." Later articles will review "Twelfth Night," "The Comedy of Errors," and "Macbeth," discuss stage management and cos- tume design at the playhouse, and interview various members of the company and its director. George White is the editor of Generation and the New Poet Se- ries. By GEORGE A. WHITE ART MAY BE flourishing in America, but it is dying in, Irish Hills. For only 40 minutes' drive through rolling hills from Ann Arbor or half an hour from Jackson seems too great a dis- tance for the portion of each populace interested in drama. If it were the death of an un- interesting unpolished group, one could understand. If it were in the midst of general disinterest in the theatre, or worse yet, Shakespearean drama, one could lament, but still understand. But in a period when general in- terest in the arts is at an all- time high, when artists of all media are becoming more and more known and appreciated, when the economy is booming, it is perplexing and deeply troubling. I think the root of this prob- lem lies in the nature of the "gen- eral" interest in the arts, in the reasons for the so-called "mass culture" that is making itself more and more evident. * * * ' MASS CULTURE is the exclu- sive property of a collective group of Americans who have been lib- erated from tedious jobs, who have received wages high enough to allow them luxuries such as hi- fi, tickets to plays, movies, and the like and most important, time to experience them. Their inter- est is neither deep nor genuine, it is the result of artificial prop- aganda in the mass media, the oracle for newborn culture-seek- ers. The role of this media is vital and what is worse, they know it. Like the President his nation, so the newspapers, magazines and ra- dio educate "their" people. Their nit-picking reviewers tell exact, ly what is "wrong," who or what is "honest" and the like. In real- ity, they do not educate. There is no set of principles to be com- municated, no dialogue and ques- tions between teacher and pupil, only a blaring voice and pointing finger of the "divine" shouting Yea! and Nay! Working with such a weak foun- dation, the mass media sways its audience at will. It creates its own gods and goddesses, blesses or condemns each new technique. And every once in a while it sets up its own Miss America Contest, tossing the gauntlet to each seg- ment of the artistic community and asking for a "champion," a king: Who will replace Frost? Cummings? Faulkner? Who is be- hind Picasso? Now that Bruno Walter is gone, who will take his place? Such talent contests are the cre- ation of pseudo-artists-snake-oil publications men. That they exist and are zealously supported sug- gests the depressing magnitude of the problem. fadism. And fadism in the arts is strongly akin to suicide for the artist. The real danger of such media is that while they are capable of "making" gods overnight - Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Andrew Wyeth, John Cheever-their silence is ever more powerful. An artist asks only that what he creates has life, that contact with it does something to the person on the other end. When the result of his dialogue is sil- ence, he experiences his most ex- treme failure-he has no "being" as artist. It is this sort of death that nightly touches each member of the Irish Hills company. For each member of that playhouse is a part of the most valuable thing that is connected with drama-the community of artists. * * * THE PLAYHOUSE houses some- thing valuable not only to the theatre as an institution of the arts (an individual company apart from university or community con- trol-not humbling itself, waiting hat in hand for support each year), but perhaps more import- ant, it is a training ground for young actors and the whole peri- phery of acting necessities-stage- hands, lighting and music direc- tors, costume and set designers- apart from a sterile academic at- mosphere. Central to its training value is the fact that it is a theatric com- munity: dynamic interaction be- tween raw apprentice and season- ed professional, actor and director, mechanic and performer takes place. This, more than anything warrants saving because it is with- in such a community that the Unfortunately, the reviewer ar- rived late and climbing out of the car, thought he had stumbled in- to the middle ages, for at the door of the playhouse was a rag- ing redhead in Elizabethan garb (Brook Maddus) bawling, kicking and scolding a somewhat dazed and tipsy tinker (Phillip Piro). In her exhuberance or zest for real- ism, this wild hostess missed one swing at the tinker and nailed the entrance window. Stepping over the glass, and finally finding seats, I was struck by the unique design of the "trans- picuous" stage-two-sided with the audience seated on rising levels of the opposite sides. Even sit- ting at the topmost seat, viewing was perfect and voices neither echoed nor were blurred. * * * I WANT TO GO all out for the performances of three: George Wright as Petruchio, Judith Ann Holmes as Katherine, and bearded Fred Walter as Grumio. As a shrew-tamer, Wright had a stage presence, a sense of timing and "rightness," that can only, . in- accurately, be described as poise. Master of the absurd incident, each action, each speech, showed an inflection that built each scene to shaky proportions, toppling it with a touch. Miss Holmes was perfect oppo- sition, matching Wright in wit and timing as well as the Nancy Marchand-Ellis Raab combination of Beatrice and Benedict in last year's APA production, "Much Ado About Nothing." Spraying each loud sentence, Walter showed un- derstanding of Shakespeare's com- ic. His movements were heavy; his language slurred and blunt. "KISS ME KATE!" George Wright, left, as Petruchio, attempts to kiss Katherine, played by Judith Ann Holmes, in the delightful comedy, "Taming of the Shrew," at the Irish Hills Shakespeare Festival. Production continues in repertory throughout the summer.