Sewmty-Tbird Year EED AN Ma. ai = wSTvDzms T m U'xnw h rrr orWh - -- WIDER.AUMYORSTYow BOA D9 ICONTRO L OF STuDENT PU3UICAIOS "Where Opnionse ST PUCAIbos D., Aww AROR, McA., PoN wo 2-3241 T1ruth WilPrevatIl" /. I~. H~ 234 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints. THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT HIPPLER THE 'TRIPLE REVOLUTION' Reducing the 'Pressure of Pecessity' Soviet Proposal Bolsters UN EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- ond in a series of articles evaluat- ing the analysis and proposals of the recently-formed Ad Hoc Com- mittee on the Triple Revolution. By JEFFREY GOODMAN A GROUP of economists, journ- alists and sociologists has con- cluded that the productive poten- tial of our increasingly automated industry makes it virtually sense- less to strive toward full employ- ment. The Ad Hoc Committee on the Triple Revolution, representing some 30 liberal thinkers and speaking for a large minority of socially-aware Americans, sees a guaranteed basic income as the only way to distribute the nation's productive abundance equitably. As the quick-fire development of the computer-automated ma- chine combination eliminates more and more jobs, the nation will eventually find itself with a great abundance of goods. At the same time, however, the growing num- ber of potential consumers unable to find full employment, and thus without the capacity to purchase, will be unable to participate in that abundance. THE JOBS-INCOME link can and must then be broken, the AHC claims, and in the process man will be freed from the neces- sity to work and finally allowed to pursue his personal self-fulfill- ment. The AHC's analysis of present economic conditions has stirred quite a bit of rebuttal. The ques- tion of whether automation has, in fact, already created a per- manently unemployed and unem- ployable class of unskilled and displaced workers is one that prob- ably cannot be settled to any- one's satisfaction. On the other hand, the com- mittee's assessment of the present situation is probably much more accurate than most will admit. But assessment of fact is not the crucial facet of its provoking statement on the cybernation rev- olution. Nor, in itself, is its pro- posal that every man be guaran- teed a minimum income as a matter of right. * * * WHAT IS most significant is the AHC's vision of the near fu- ture-a dynamic vision of a time when men will be able to "make themselves and to make their own E SOVIET UNION Tuesday invited the United States and Great Britain to consider a proposal to establish a permanent United Nations Peace Force under the control of the Security Coun- cil. Washington, which initiated a sim- ilar proposal four months ago, was a bit skeptical: Have Soviet leaders, who have opposed past peace-keeping missions, had a change of heart or is this just another propaganda move? -Undoubtedly, it is a little of both. The Soviet Union which in 1944 was ready to write off the UN as a force of little con- sequence in the post-war period, today recognizes the value of the organization as an international forum. At the same time, there is no reason to suppose that Soviet leaders do not have as much at stake as the West in provid- ing a specific means of handling "hot spots." In the past, the UN has been strained by the necessity of rendering emergency assistance to troubled areas; measures taken in Korea, Suez and the Congo were adequate but hardly well- conceived. Moreover, the Soviet Union was displeased by the emergency action and consequently tried to undermine them; predetermined measures could have prevented this, SIMILARLY, the dispatching of UN troops to Cyprus has caused innum- erable difficulties. The lack of any orga- nized, ready-to-act 'eace force has de- layed implementation of Security Coun- cil resolutions and has caused UN mem- bers to haggle among themselves. Were the questions of who is to provide troops for such a force, who is to provide funds for their maintenance, the optimum size of the force, its training and stationing permanently resolved, effective action could be taken by the organization at any instant. The Soviet proposal sets up the con- ditions for at least two of these issues: Under the plan, the permanent members of the Security Council-the U.S., Rus- sia, Britain, France and Nationalist China -would provide operational funds (but no troops) for the force, while troops would be recruited from smaller nations -including Communist bloc nations. The Security Council would then direct the activities of the force. Western powers will undoubtedly dis- pute these conditions in favor of their own proposals. At present, however, the details are unimportant. What is significant is that the door is now open to deliberation. The Soviet Union, for the first time in the UN's history, has expressed its will- ingness to share some of the peace-keep- ing costs, and in so doing, has bolstered the foundation for such efforts. IT IS OF NOTE that the UN Charter specifically makes provision for the es- tablishment of a force to be at the dis- posal of the Security Council. But in the immediate post-war period, without the foreknowledge of Korea, the Suez crisis and the Congo violence, no agreement could be reached among member nations. With these experiences in mind and a positive effort to negotiate, there is no reason why a well-conceived peace force cannot be established soon. -MARY LOU BUTCHER Associate Editor TODAY AND TOMORROW GOP Faces Real Challenge In Post-Election Struggle Battle of a People ""OBART TAYLOR, executive vice- chairman of the President's Commis- sion on Equal Employment Opportunities, said in a talk here recently that one of the major needs of the present civil rights issue is to recognize the Negro population as a body of diverse individuals. This is a surprising thing for Taylor to say, for it seems to represent an Uncle Tom philosophy. Negroes are not discriminated against as a "body of diverse individuals"; in- deed, a Negro doctor is discriminated against in many places just as readily as a Negro bum. The fight for equal rights and equal opportunities is not the fight of a group of diverse individuals but of a whole people. MANY NEGROES who "make good" in the present-day white society don't like to be associated with their people as a whole, for fear that it will be detrimen- Editorial Stafff KENNETH WINTER ..................... Co-Editor EDWARD HERSTEIN .................... Co-Editor MARY LOU BUTCHER .............. Associate Editor CHARLES TOWLE ................. Sports Editor JEFFREY GOODMAN...............Night Editor ROBERT HIPPLER ...................... Night Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM ................ Night Editor The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. Summer subscription rates $2 by carrier, $2.50 by mail. Second class postage paid at Ain Arbor, Mich. tal to their well-being or their status. They are the ones who say that we must treat Negroes as though they are simply a lot of individuals who coincidentally have the same problem. This is an Uncle Tom philosophy be- cause it seems to be the view a white man-and a bigoted white man at that- would take, not the view of a Negro who is concerned with the plight of his peo- ple and is in a position to help them. A favorite manner of viewing the civil rights issue by bigots in the South and in the North is to say "I know several nice Negroes who aren't like the rest of them. One just has to consider them as individ- uals ..." The bigots use arguments such as this one to hide from the world and perhaps from themselves their own ra- cism or bigotry. THE IDEA of "individualism" is Uncle Tomish because it seems not to be dealing with the civil rights issue at all, but rather saying "All we Negroes aren't like the jive Northern Negroes or the ignorant Southern Negroes." The civil rights issue is the battle of a whole people and can only be viewed as such at the present time. Those who attack the Negroes pay no heed to the fact that they are individuals, and those who defend them can't either if they hope to attain victory in the civil rights strug- gle. -THOMAS COPI By WALTER LIPPMANN THIS WEEK should show how the Republican Party will ad- just itself to a Goldwater can- didacy. We know already from Sen. Everett Dirksen's decision to nom- inate Senator Goldwater and from remarks by Representative Melvin Laird, chairman of the Platform Committee, that the organization is now concerned with uniting the party behind Goldwater. Some Goldwater supporters hope to unite the party, which is seriously di- vided, by writing a platform on which Gov. William Scranton might be cajoled into running for Vice-President. If that could be done, the man who is the rally- ing point of the opposition to Goldwater will have been cap- tured and brought into camp. What are the alternatives to such an abject and inglorious ca- pitulation? There is the rather romantic hope of some of the stop-Goldwater delegates that they can force the Platform Com- mittee, over which Senator Gold- water has predominant control, to write a platform on which the Senator would refuse to run. If this happened, it would certainly be sensational. But it is not likely to happen. Nor is it at all likely that the platform will be an honest expression of Senator Goldwater's voting record and of his published but amended and expurgated views. For that would horrify too many Republicans. SINCE THE PLATFORM will almost certainly not be pre- Goldwater Republican nor a can- did statement of Goldwater Re- publicanism, it will have to be as deceptive as weasel words can make it. Such an artfully mean- ingless platform would serve a purpose. It would make it possible for certain of the old established Republican leaders to remain more comfortably within the party and thus live to fight another day. For, if they are to preserve their credit for the struggle which will surely break out if Goldwater suf- fers a disastrous defeat, they will have to avoid identifying them- selves with Goldwater's doctrine while they maintain their party regularity. The paramount issue before the Republican Party will be fought out after the election in Novem- ber, and the question will be whether Senator Goldwater's cap- ture of the nomination this year is to be confirmed by surrendering the party machinery permanently to the Goldwater faction. There is no way of telling how this struggle will come out. But we can be sure that unless the Goldwater faction grows enorm- ously for some now unforeseeable reason, it is not much more than 25 per cent of the American elec- torate. Goldwater Republicanism, if it achieves permanent control of the party machinery will pro- duce a splinter party and the re- birth of a genuine two-party sys- tem in this country will depend on developments, now unforesee- able, within the Democratic Party. * * * GOVERNOR SCRANTON is des- tined to play a leading part in the post-election struggle within the Republican Party. For that he will need to have identified him- self clearly with a platform which, though it is rejected by this Gold- water convention, is a clear ex- pression of the federalism, the progressivism, and the interna- tional sense of responsibility of the Republican Party of Hamil- ton, Lincoln and Theodore Roose- velt. When the convention nominates Barry Goldwater next week, let a genuine Republican flag be flying nevertheless. (c),1964, The Washington PostCo. LETTERS WUS Thanks To the Editor: ON BEHALF of World Univer- sity Service and the world uni- versity community which it rep- resents, I want to thank the stu- dents and faculty members of the University of Michigan for their recent generous contribution to World University Service. A portion of this contribution has been designated for use in South African countries, primarily for the relief and aid of refugee students from the Republic of South Africa and Angola. Wher- ever the remainder of the contri- bution is used, whether in Asia, in Africa, or in Latin America it will be of assistance to college and university students in one of the less privileged areas of the world. It will help to widen educational opportunities in one of those less privileged areas. * * * TO ALL who helped to make possible this contribution from the University of Michigan, I offer the thanks and appreciation of World University Service. -Victor E. Johnson Regional Executive history." Yet it is precisely this vision which a majority of the journalists who wrote about the Triple Revolution never under- stood. And it is only in the con- text of this broader vision that the committee's specific analysis and proposals become meaningful or even workable. In light of the need for better public understanding of that vi- sion, one of the signers of the AHC statement undertook a more thorough discussion and defense of its implications. The writer was Michael D. Reagan, an associate professor of political science at Syracuse University's Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. The article by Reagan, who has also written a book on economic conditions, "The Managed Economy," appeared in the June 7 New York Times magazine. Reagan is interested in assess- ing the psychological, social and financial costs of the AHC's guar- anteed income proposal. Of prime importance is just what man will do with his time and energies if he does not necessarily have to devote them to providing his sub- sistence. * * * ~ "THE AVERAGE MAN would face a unique choice when work became voluntary; his largest problems might be to make satis- fying use of new-found leisure," Reagan writes. "Some would doubtless abandon leisure and return to work after a brief fling. Some would find it an agreeable kind of vegetative existence. Yet others might find liberation, independence and an opportunity for self-development through 'serious activity without the pressure of necessity,' which Paul Goodman reminds us was one meaning of leisure in ancient Greece." The predominant tone of press criticisms of such prospects has been twofold: Not only would there eventually be no one to man the industrial system in order to pro- duce something to distribute, but man by nature desires to work. Either he would never tolerate what the critics almost unani- mously term a government dole, or he would succumb to the dole and lose any self respect he has left. * * * "THE FEELING that a man's character is destroyed if he does not work is deeply ingrained. That man should live by the sweat of his brow is an ancient thought, but one which accords with the experience of many modern men who expire through boredom when retired," Reagan writes of the arguments against the AHC's pro- gram. "Furthermore, there are strong links between work and self re- spect. Ours is a society in which success counts, and it is largely measured by job status and in- come. Is human dignity separable from work? Can leisure be re- spectable?" he asks. At first Reagan seems almost won over by these arguments, though eventually he succeeds in sharpening-if not resolving- the issues. "It may be that, as Robert Theobald (author and one of the signers of the AHC statement) has written, 'the discovery of the proper uses of freedom is the fundamental task of the remainder of the 20th century'," he says. * * **' REAGAN HIMSELF has doubts about this-especially since "those who will have the most leisure are those with . . . the most in- adequate backgrounds for making effective use of freedom. Initially, at least, it is hard to dispute the contention that most of us are unfit for leisure." Yet he is not willing to give up so easily. First of all, he argues, there are 'precedents for jobless pay: not only unemployment compensation, disability insurance and social se- curity but income through in- heritance and the owning of pro- perty as well. MORE IMPORTANT, however, is that "the real necessity is not for a production job, but for meaningful activity. "This may or may not be re- lated to income. Voluntary efforts to improve our communities, pur- sue the arts or participate in pub- lic affairs are meaningful . .. Ours might be a richer nation in human and esthetic dimensions if more of us were freetodirect our skills and energies toward projects not at present supported by the mar- ket." And to answer the charges that the AHC plan would simply re- inforce laziness, he argues that "it is difficult to believe that a society noted around the world for the frenetic quality even of its recreation would suddenly turn soporific on any large scale. And of course the man with a family will continue to have both con- science and pressures to keep him seeking the higher incomes avail- able through work--where work is available. down the guaranteed income fig- ure in dollars and cents: $3000, no questions asked. * * * THOSE WHO would take ad- vantage of the opportunity are, in Reagan's conception: -The permanently unemployed, especially those displaced from a job at a late point in life. -Those who simply prefer not to work. These are not only the so-called welfare chiselers but anyone who would prefer to be "relatively poor but free to do what he wished rather than bet- ter off financially in jobs alien to his interests." -Those who could not earn more than $3000 a year due to the nature of their jobs. "THE UNPLEASANT JOBS- the dirty ones that still require human muscle power or dull rou- tine-would, of course, still have to be done. Because one could have an income above the poverty level without doing them, they would have to carry much higher wages than at present to attract workers. In the long run the higher costs would lead toward further automation. "At the other end of the scale, jobs requiring extremely high sk 11 levels or carrying great burdens of managerial responsibility would continue to attract talent because of their intrinsic interest and in- creasingly higher incomes," Rea- gan continues. I The cost of the proposal at present? Only $11.2 billion, ac- oording to an estimate by the President's Council of Economic Advisers. The estimate is com- puted by multiplying the 9.3 mil- lion families earning an average of $1795 a year by the $1205 they would each need to be brought about the poverty level * * * annual defense budget and less than two per cent of the gross national product. Even more promising financially are hopes that vastly expanded consumer purchasing power will be generated by the minimum income and by rising wages. This money would be spent on the nation's goods and services. And as current liberal economic thinking goes--thinking already borne out to an extent by the beneficial effects of the recent tax cut-these increases would bring in enough taxes to pay for the program. Reagan's analysis is indeed the most thorough one to date on the specifics of the future envisioned by the triple revolutionaries. Yet throughout it, one senses that even Reagan himself does not fully grasp the import of what those men have conceived. TRUE, there are phrases such as "educate for life, not just to earn a living." But it is these very phrases which demand a much fuller investigation. It is the fu- ture about which such words speak thatisthe most exciting and most promising facet of the Triple Revolution. This is not to say that the pro- posals and analysis do not apply today or refer to some mere science-fiction Utopia. On the con- trary, only if Americans realize all the long-range implications of the AHC statement will they be able to gather the courage to begin putting it into action now. Part Three will discuss more fully the future society which that statement envisions. --Daily--Kamalakar Rao CHILDHOOD PLAYMATES meet again. John Buchanan returns a full-fledged doctor to his hometown and encounters his neighbor Alma Winemiller, the minister's daughter, in the park at the annual Fourth of July celebration, in the opening scene of Tennessee Wil- liams' "Summer and Smoke." The play is now being presented by the University Players in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 'U' Players Present 'Summer, and Smoke' TENNESEE WILLIAMS' "Summer and Smoke" emerges from its first night in Ann Arbor somewhat bloodied as good drama, but as good theatre nonetheless unbowed. The second of the University Players' summer productions is on the whole competent and at times even gripping, but it suffers too frequently and too thoroughly from a distinct dramatic vacuum; the play that Williams wrote seems to lag behind the production as it unravels, and the central agonies of John Buchanan and Alma Winemiller never quite invest convincingly the action of the Lydia Mendelssohn stage. Professor Bender's direction has resulted in an over-all technical competence that in fact carries the performance over a variety of otherwise difficult episodes. On the whole, however, I suspect that the curiously revised acting version that was performed set him and his cast at an initial disadvantage that neither actors nor technicians could quite overcome. THE EXPECTED "Prologue" scene, in which we first glimpse John and Alma as counterpoised ten-year-olds, already committed to the directions of the adult personalities, is missing from this production. We are accordingly plunged at the outset well into an already- unfolding dramatic continuum, and the talents of the principals are not sufficiently refined or expressive to provide the necessary insight into their already developed mutual polarity until well into the first scene; and the dramatic tensions have a way of getting ahead of the actors. * * * LACKING, TOO, is the early exchange between these two as re- united young adults, when he describes to her the "mysterious universe of the microscope," where one can witness a world "of anarchy and order." This striking omission abrogates the basis of another of the play's central areas of tension, and a further impediment is mounted on the actors. In all fairness, however, Lillian Casey, gradually growing into her role as the play settled down after the opening jitters, lent considerable force to the interdependent agonies of the play's two victims. 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