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41, e
it i lan
Slightly warmer with
light winds
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Rustin Outlines
.r %
Soejal Challenges,
Proposes Political Movement To
Produce Jobs, Fight Poverty, Bias
"The solution to the 'problem of the American Negro' lies not in
mere civil rights efforts, but in an all-out political movement to abol-
ish poverty and discrimination," Bayard Rustin said yesterday.
Speaking before a full house in Aud. A, Rustin went on, "the move-
ment must include the best of the trade unions, the universal support
of the churches, of the civil rights campaigners, of the intellectuals,
and above all, of our nation's youths."
McCOMB, Miss. (AP) - Three
explosions damaged a McComb,
Miss. house in which 10 civil
rights workers were sleeping in the
pre-dawn hours yesterday. Two
were injured.
The Federal Bureau of Inves-
tigation has sent an explosive ex-
pert from Washington to help with
the investigation. This was the
third such explosion in the South-
west Mississippi town in recent
FBI agents and police have re-
ported no progress in the investi-
gation of the other bombings.
Damaged was a barbershop own-
ed by a leader of the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People and three houses
occupied by Negroes. There have
been no arrests.
Negroes Served
Negroes were served with white
persons in restaurants in St. Au-
gustine, Fla., where racial viol-
ence flared for about a month.
Negroes said they found compli-
ance with the new civil rights law
in about 15 restaurants tested.
The only incident noted in St.
Augustine was when a group of
Workers' House
U.S., Russians Appear
Moving Toward Talks
On Peace Force for UN
Rustin said that the plight of
within American society, and "is
Rustin Replies
To Questions
EDITOR'S NOTE: Before his speech
yesterday, Bayard Rustin answered
several questions in a short inter-
view Here are some of the questions
and answers.
What do you think of the
proposal of the convention of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
that the Federal government
take over the government of
Mississippi before further vio-
lence occurs?
I don't agree with their idea as
it stands. I do agree that more
Federal marshals should be sent
to the state to protect the civil
rights workers. But a takeover of
Mississippi government by Fed-
eral troops would be futile. The
government can be changed-but
this can and will be done through
political and not military power.
The Mississippi Freedom
Democratic Party-a civil rights
political movement-is gaining
strength in Mississippi through
Negro registrations, and will at-
tempt to oust the regular Mis-
sissippi Democratic Party at the
national convention next month.
What do you think of this ef-
This kind of movement is the
beginning of the answer to the
race problem in the South. This is
the start of the type of political
movement I envision, and it is a
good start. I hope that they suc-
ceed in their efforts to unseat the
regular Democrats.
Another civil rights party is
forming in Detroit. Called the
"Freedom Now" party, it is an
all-Negro political movement,
which will probably take votes
from the Democrats. What are
your opinions on this?
This kind of party is exactly the
thing we don't want. We are not
seeking separation from the white
citizens, as this party says it
wants. We want integration all the
way-and equality. They go to-
gether. The Freedom Democratic
Party, for example, is open to
and contains all races-this is the
type of movement that is needed.
What do you think of Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson's War
on Poverty?
It is inadequate. It's a piece-
meal effort, and does not involve
anywhere near the effort or money
needed to solve America's eco-
nomic problems. The answer is
much more complicated than this
"war on poverty"-it lies in demo-
cratic economic planning for full
employment and best use of re-
the American Negro is interwoven
a result of the contradictions in-
"herent in that society from its
Basic Change
"Thus, the problem of the Negro
must be solved by a basic change
in the nature of America, not
merely by freedom rides and sit-
ins," Rustin explained.
"While such demonstrations can
solve a problem such as public
accommodations, they do not get
jobs, they do not remove the
slums, they do not solve any but
a fraction of the Negro's prob-
lems," Rustin said.
"For the plight of the poor
Negro is the plight of the poor
white in many ways. Four-fifths
of the poor of America are white,"
he said. "They must find a way
out along with their black fellow
And the way to do this is many
pronged, noted Rustin:
Public Works
-"First, a huge public works
program must be undertaken," he
said. "Money must be spent on
schools, hospitals, parks and all
those things which we need so
bady - and which would create
millions of jobs for the so-called
'unskilled workers. The way to
do this is through the federal gov-
ernment, which, after all, is only
you, the citzen, acting through an
agent you have created for the
nation's, good.
-"S ec o n d, economic, demo-
cratic planning is the only event-
ual way out of the morass in which
one-third of America finds itself
today," said Rustin. Retraining
schools are not the answer, he
added. "Men must have jobs when
they get out of the schools."
Guaranteed Income
-Next, "you people may look at
me strangely when I say this, but
I will say it anyway. We need a
guaranteed income for every man,
woman and child in America. The
country can do this\ - and with
surprising ease.
"Along with this must go a value
change in our society. We must
redefine work. In the past, work
has been a prerequisite for eating
in any society - but all this has
been based on an economy of pov-
erty. But in an 'affluent society,'
there is enough for all, including
the old, the handicapped, the un-
"With their incomes they can
work to improve their education,
physical condition, and self-re-
spect. Without a source of income,
they are helpless, the lower level
of an otherwise rich culture.
"The basic principles and prob-
lems involved in this restructuring
or our nation's life are outlined in
the letter.-to the President- The
Triple Revolution'-to which I was
a signatory.
"If we can just use creative
thinking and planning within the
framework of American society,
we can solve the problems of all
the disadvantaged - both black
and white," Rustin concluded.
Federal Housmg Experiment
Announced for Ann Arbor
WASHINGTON-Placing low-income persons in a moderate-in-
come housing project for the aged through a rent supplement program
will be "tried out" in Ann Arbor as a national experiment, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Rep. George Meader (R-Ann Arbor).
Federal funds supplied by the Housing and Home Finance Agency
will be used to help 20 low-income persons 62 or over pay for apart-
ments in Lurie Terrace, a 142-unit nonprofit housing development for
the elderly in central Ann Arbor.
Federal funds totalling $21,200 will be drawn on for two years to
supplement amounts the low-income individuals can pay. The Wash-
white youths chased two white in-
tegrationists from a drugstore.
NAACP Investigation
A fact-finding committee of the
NAACP was expected at Mem-
phis, Tenn., today to disclose its
findings on a four-day tour of
The group has traveled exten-
sively in Mississippi since Sun-
day, breaking segregation barriers
en route. It has visited many of
the areas where Negro voter reg-
istration drives are under way.
There were these other develop-
ments in Mississippi:
At Jackson, the NAACP called
for the Justice Department to re-
move segregation signs from the
Neshoba County courthouse at
At Clarksdale, the city govern-
ment closed the city's two swim-
ming pools after a biracial group
asked to swim at the pool reserved
for Negroes.
Jimmie Thornton, 21-year-old
Negro, ate at a white motel res-
taurant at Greenville without in-
cident. It was the first test of
compliance with the civil rights
law in Greenville.
Seach continued in the Phila-
delphia area for three civil rights
workers who disappeared June 21.
Widespread racial unrest was
reported in Georgia as Negroes
tested compliance with the civil
rights law.
Fifteen white youths were ar-
rested at Americus on complaints
of disturbing the peace after a
firecracker and rock-throwing me-
lee in a neighborhood Tuesday
Seventeen young Negroes and a
white youth spent the night in
jail at Gainesville after they fail-
ed to heed a police order to get
off the streets after an 8 p.m.
Curfews also are being enforced'
in several other Georgia cities, in-
cluding Rome and McDonough.
Police Chief W. W. Kitchens of
Covington, Ga., said he asked for
aid from the state patrol Tuesday
night after a crowd gathered in
the town square. He said the
crowd formed when two Negroes
were arrested in connection with
the shooting and wounding of a
white man.
Kitchens said the two Negroes
were being held for questioning
at an undisclosed location.
Would Close Parks
At Montgomery, Ala., Gov.
George Wallace of Alabama said
he would close the state's park
system if it were forced to inte-
In Bessemer, Ala., white men at-
tacked Negroes with baseball bats
when the Negroes ate at a pre-
viously white lunch counter in a
department store.
It was the first test of compli-
ance with the civil rights law in,
Bessemer, a suburb of Birming-
ham, although Birmingham prop-
er has served Negroes without in-
cident since Friday, the day after
the law was signed.
the John Birch Society; and
claring the constitutionally of
new civil rights law.
The Old a
And the Sea
WASHINGTON (P) - Leices-
ter Hemingway, the brother of
the late Ernest Hemingway,
showed reporters yesterday the
first movies of his new Carib-
bean Island, the sovereign Re-
public of New Atlantis.
The island is a 6 foot by 30
foot bamboo raft anchored in
the Caribbean Sea just south-
west of Jamaica.
Hemingway proclaimed this
raft a republic on July 4, wrote
letters of notice to President
Lyndon B. Johnson and United
Nations Secretary General U
Thant, and unveiled his plans
for any newsmen willing to
Hemingway says he is laying
claim to a bank of land about
50 feet below the water at 78
degrees 4 minutes longitude
and 18 degrees 1 minute lati-
tude. He says he plans to fill
up this bank with rocks until
it becomes a real island on
which people may live. The raft
right now is anchored to the
"I want to expand," Heming-
way said. "We're small and we
want to be larger. We want it
big enough so someone can
sleep on it."
What about industry?
"Industry?" he r e pIi e d.
"S t a m p i n g stamps, coining
coins, making up books and
films, and thinking up funny
slogans for vistors."
Doubt Threat
To Goldwater
WASHINGTON (/)-Sen. Barry Goldwater isn't worried about
the Republican Party platform, his campaign director said yesterday.
Denison Kitchel said in an interview he doesn't think the forces
opposing the senator in his front-running bid for the GOP presi-
dential nomination have enough delegate strength to win adoption
of platform planks aimed at embarrassing the Arizonan.
Goldwater takes his conservative case to the GOP resolutions
committee Friday morning. He will fly to San Francisco tomorrow.
Pennsylvania Gov. William W. Scranton has demanded platform
planks repudiating "extremist groups of both the left and right"
. _ _ _ _ _ twith a specific condemnation of
*tenaw County Social Welfare De-
partment has agreed to continue
the rent supplement program
when the two-year demonstration
period ends, HHFA officals said.
Alfred E. Brose, director of the
Washtenaw County Department
of Social Welfare in Ann Arbor,
enlarged on HHFA's statement of
his department's role.
"At the close of the demonstra-
tion the department will make an
assessment of each tenant's needs
with a view of providing a supple-
ment sufficient to permit the
tenants to continue occupancy in
Lurie Terrace," Brose said.
"We are always interested in
better housing than there has been
for people who are living on pub-
lic assistance, especially the elder-
ly. I think the Lurie Terrace
Apartment project and its rent
supplement program will raise
standards of living for a group of
our elderly citizens."
HHFA has approved a $77,836
grant to the University of Mich-
igan to carry out the demonstra-
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
LONDON-African leaders won a tactical victory at the opening
of the Conference of Commonwealth Prime Ministers yesterday,
pushing to the top of the agenda the hot issue of white-ruled
Southern Rhodesia.
The agreement staved off a crisis that had threatened to split
the 18-nation conference on racial lines even before it began.
Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home had hoped to weld the
multiracial Commonwealth more firmly by leading off with discussion
of a broad program of closer eco-
nomic ties and more aid to poorer
Send Letter
To Pierpont
The North Campus parking pro-
testors sent another letter to Vice
President for Business and Fi-
nance Wilbur K. Pierpont yester-
day, asking for negotiations over3
the parking situation on North
For the sixth day, over 100 cars
parked on the lawn adjacent to
the Phoenix Project, in protest
over new University parking regu-
lations which went into effect in
that area on July 1.
"The letter to Pierpont merely
asked for a period of moratorium
on the regulations so there could
be some discussion," one protestor
Spokesmen for the protestors
have talked to Executive Vice
President Marvin L. Niehuss, but
nobody has conferred with Pier-
pont, who gave the decision to en-
act the parking regulations with-
out delay.
Yesterday the University fin-
ished repaving a formerly all free
parking lot on North Campus.
Under the new regulations, it was
to be all paid. But, in an apparent
silent concession, the University
added 50 free parking spaces to
the lot. The protestors, however,
desire a free lot closer to the
Phoenix Project. The protest will
go on, they said, until a settlement
is reached.
In a news release yesterday, the
protestors noted that "the police
department has been more than
helpful when contacted by the
committee. They havestated that
they have not yet been notified
by the University to ticket or tow
"If they are told to ticket or
tow away, they have also said that
they will not differentiate between
University staff and construction
workers who are also parked out-
side the lots.
O'Neil Leads
Election Survey
DETROIT (P)-A Detroit News
poll indicated Tuesday that James
O'Neil. a member of the State
Seconds Motion
New York Gov. Nelson A. Rocke-
feller seconded those proposals
before the committee yesterday in,
San Francisco but stopped short
of calling for specific condemna-
tion of the Birch Society.
On the subject of the civil rights
plank in the platform, Kitchel said
would be ridiculous because that;
is a judicial question, not a po-
litical one.
The Goldwater campaign chief
said he expects the platform plank
on civil rights to offer a broad
expression of the party's stand on
equality, then mention the present
law and declare it will be en-
Most Reasonable
"That's the most reasonable and
appropriate thing," he said.
Goldwater is known to hold that
view. Aides said he planned to
spend the day working and re-
laxing at his Washington apart-
ment, preparing for his journey to
San Francisco tomorrow morning.
In San Francisco, a proposal to
give the smaller states-termed
"the citadel of American con-
servatism"-a greater voice at Re-
publican National Conventions was
rejected by the Republican Na-
tional Committee.
Overrides Committee
The committee overrode its rules
committee, 70-30, to defeat a rules
change which would have made
national committeemen automatic
The revision was advocated by
some supporters of Sen. Barry
Goldwater but others opposed it.
Goldwater aides denied they
sought to bolster the conservative
cause by adding two delegates
from each state and territory.
In other actions, the committee:
-Strengthened existing pro-
visions by specifically declaring no
delegate shall be bound by the
unit rule in voting at national
-Took aim at favorite son dele-
gations which hope to be the one
putting the presidential nominee
over the top. Under the new rule,
a delegation won't be allowed to
change its vote until all delega-
tions which passed get a second
chance to cast a ballot.
'Now Disagree
On Provisions
For Control
Recent Soviet Plan
'Encouraging'; May
Establish Precedent
States and the Soviet Union ap-
pear to be moving into a major
new negotiation on the future
makeup, organization and finan-
ing of United Nations military
forces employed over the world to
deal with threats to peace.
The two powers differ sharply
on the extent of control which
should be vested as a practical
matter in the Security Council
rather than the General Assembly
and on some other issues.
But State Department authori-
ties said yesterday they are en-
couraged by Russia's latest move
and believe that the Soviet gov-
ernment may be ready to open
serious negotiations on these ques-
tions and to cooperate with the
United Nations to a degree un-
known in the past.
Assess Intentions
These officials are trying to as-
sess Russia's intentions in the light
of its split with Red China and
the fact that it is facing a loss
of its vote in the United Nations
because of refusal to pay assess-
ments for past UN peace-keeping
Disclosure of the Soviet move
came earlier this week with the
release in Tokyo of a Soviet note
to Japan calling for the forma-
tion of the UN military force under
the Security Council, the troops
to be supplied by the smaller UN
members, including Communist
U.S. officials are still puzzled by
the fact that the note was pre-
sented first to Japan and made
public there by the foreign office.
Most authorities here think there
may have been a slip-up some-
where along the line since the So-
viet proposals are the kind to in-
terest all of the UN member na-
tions and would normally have
been presented to most or all of
them about the same time.
Tuesday Night
The United States and Great
Britain were not given official So-
viet outlines of the proposal until
Tuesday night. Russia's chief UN
delegate, Nikolai T. Fedorenko, in-
vited U.S. Ambassador Adlai E.
Stevenson and British Ambassa-
dor Sir Patrick Dean to the So-
viet mission to receive a memo-
randum on the proposal.
Stevenson later told reporters
that at first glance the memoran-
dum contained nothing new be-
yond what had been announced in
After leaving a copy of a memo-
randum with UN Secretary-Gener-
al U Thant Tuesday night, Fedor-
enko told reporters the proposal
is a "positive, constructive, or if
you prefer, creative approach to
the problem: a government posi-
tion of great importance." He gave
no details.
Staying Up in the SAB
General U Thant advocated yes-
terday a new Geneva Conference
aimed at ending the fighting in
South Viet Nam.
He declared "military methods
will not bring about peace in
South Viet Nam," and called for
"the political and diplomatic
method of negotiating."
GENEVA - The International
Commission of Jurists accused the
Soviet Union yesterday of con-
ducting a violent campaign of
anti-Semitism and said that Jews
are being made the scapegoats
for widespread economic corrup-
* * *
SAIGON-The Communists have
shifted the center of their war
effort in South Viet Nam from
the swampy Mekong Delta to the
central highlands in the past 10
Senior Vietnamese officers be-
lieve the Reds have moved troops
in frnm North Viet Nram to get the
Khrushchev Decries American
'Aggressive War' in Viet Nam
MOSCOW (P)-Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev accused the
United States yesterday of "waging a murderous war of aggression"
in South Viet Nam and warned that local wars may "even touch off
a world conflagration."
In a wide-ranging speech, Khrushchev asserted a grave situation
is developing in Laos "where interference by aggressive imperialist
powers may kindle a war fraught with dangerous consequences." He
called U.S. reconnaissance flights over Cuba an adventurist policy
and added that serious
quences may lie ahead
flights are not halted.
conse- "
if the
Will Fight
Twice he warned that the So-
viet Union is prepared to use its
arms to protect its friends and
At one point he seemed to an-
swer Red Chinese charges that in
following a peaceful coexistency
policy, Khrushchev refuses to
support revolutionary movements
in developing countries.
Green Announces
Fall Candidacy
KINGSTON (PAllison Green,
(R-Kingston), who spearheaded
Gov. George Romney's legislative
programs as speaker of the Mich-
igan House, announced candidacy
yesterday for Republican nomi-
nation as lieutenant governor.
Green, 53, opposes Sen. William
Milliken (R-Traverse City) who
Board of Education, is preferred
over two other Republican candi-
dates seeking the Renblican nom-