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July 08, 1964 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-08

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A. A\7f 1: 1 111 jr, 1j


Consumers Optimistic, SRC Reports

Current consumer attitudes are
characterized by optimism as wel
as moderation, the University's
Survey Research Center reported
The Center's Index of Con-
sumer Sentiment, which reached
a seven-year peak early in 1964
has maintained a high plateau.
The reduction in tax withhold-
ings, begun in March, did no
touch off a wave of. exuberanc
among consumers, the SRC quar
terly report revealed. Yet even be-
fore consumers benefited by the
tax cut, the expectation of th
cut was instrumental in warding
off fears that, after a prolonged

1 period of prosperity, a recession2
1 must be around the corner.
S Financial Situation
The most buoyant component of
the index during recent months
- was attitudes toward personal fi-
d nances. In most cases people ex-
plained the improvement in their
financial situation in terms of
pay raises, finding a better job,
overtime and better business earn-
e ings.
e Although anticipation of the tax
- cut seems to have led to some
e advance buying (and borrowing)
e early this year, the high frequen-
g cy of income increases from other
d sources may well have played a
larger role, survey directors Profs.
George Katona and Eva Mueller
of the SRC's Economic Behavior
Program, said.
New survey data reveal that the
vast majority of income receivers,
whose take-home pay was affect-
ed by the tax cut, do not feel that
the amount of extra income they
receive from this source is par-
ticularly significant. Thus "Act
One," in which tax cut anticipa-
tions had a very favorable psy-
chological impact, was followed by
"Act Two," when the impact on
the purse appeared small to most
people, the report says.
Small Difference
In view of the widespread feel-
ing that the tax gain makes only
a small difference to the family's
disposable income, it is not sur-
prising that few major spending
decisions are attributed to the tax
cut, the economists explained. In

Faye Notes Shortcomings
In Civil Rights Measure
PLYMOUTH-Supporters of the civil rights bill makes it possible
federalscivil rights bill face to achieve full equality, opportuni-
dangers: "supposing that it does dty, justice and dignity for every
supposing that it does less than American. This is nonsense," Faye
it is able," Democratic congres- said.
sional candidate Gerald E. Faye Built-In Barriers
of An Arn cii rcprir

'65 Capital Outlay Plans
Include Residential College

explore their impact
quent spending.
No Splurge

on subse-


majority of people who were aware
of having benefited from the tax
cut reported in May that they
spent the extra money but had
no specific idea on what it was
For the most part consumers
seem to be pursuingconsumption
as well as savings goals which they
set for themselves prior to the tax
cut. Since previously set goals are
reached faster because of the tax
cut, new savings and spending de-
cisions will have to follow in the
months to come, the analysis not-
The survey, based on personal
interviews with a nationwide cross-
section of over 1500 adults, is
one of a series conducted reg-
ularly since 1951. It is designed to


answering a direct question, the' measure consumer attitudes and to

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Expressed plans to buy cars,
houses and major household goods
confirm the conclusion derived
from data on consumer sentiment
-that a high level of sales, but
no spending splurge, is in pros-
pect. Intentions to buy automo-
biles, whether new or used, do not
differ significantly in frequency
from intentions expressed in May
1963 and May 1962. Since the
number of families grows every
year, this finding implies only a
moderate increase in cars sold.
Very few consumers see any
real clouds on the economic hori-
zon, but many are aware that
prosperity usually alternates with
recessions and that unemployment
remains a problem. The tax cut
provides people with a reason for
having confidence in the business
outlook, but it did not represent a
new stimulus this spring, the re-
port continued.
"Shakespeare: Sound of an Age"
will be shown in the Undergradu-
ate Library's Multipurpose Rm. at
1:30 p.m. in connection with the
University Audio-Visual Education
Center's program of film previews.
Negro in Transition...
Bayard Rustin, deputy director
of the 1963 March on Washington,
will speak at 4:10 p.m. in Aud. A
as part of the Summer Session
Lecture series, "The American Ne-
gro in Transition: 1964."
'Summer and Smoke'..
The University Players's pro-
duction of Tennessee Williams'
drama, "Summer and Smoke," will
premiere tonight in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre at 8 p.m.
Tickets for Friday and Saturday
nights can still be obtained in the
Mendelssohn ticket office in the
Women's League.
Stanley Quartet ...
The Stanley Quartet will give a
concert in Rackham Aud. at 8:30
p.m. The concert, open without
charge to the public, will feature
Gilbert Ross, violin; Gustave Ros-
seels, violin; Robert Courte, viola,
and Jerome 'Jelinek, cello.
South American Jews .
Prof. Boris Kozolchyk of South-
ern Methodist University will
speak on "Three South American
Jews: A Portrait" at the B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill
St., at 7:30 p.m.
Kozolchyk is professor of com-
parative law and was a graduate
of the University Law School. He
has been engaged as a specialist
in legal and sociological problems
in Latin American countries.

of annA rbor sada yesTerday.
Faye, who is running for the
House of Representatives from the
second district-which includes
Ann Arbor-spoke before the Ply-
mouth Assembly for Equal Oppor-
tunity on Democratic intentions
for civil rights in the state.
"There are those who believe
that, properly implemented, the
T'ransit Police
Arrest SNCC
Fair Workers
Special To The Daily
Ten members of the New York
City office of the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Committee
(SNCC) were arrested July 4 by
New York Transit Authority police
while the rights workers were dis-
tributing leaflets near the en-
trance to the World's Fair.
The students were charged with
"loitering on Transit Authority
"The purpose of distributing the
leaflets was to make public the
record of harassment and intimi-
dation of civil rights workers in
Mississippi and to urge a boycott
of the performance given at the
fair by the Greenwood, Miss., High
School band," Carol Rogoff, a SN-
CC spokesman and one of those
arrested; said.
According to Lt. Kenneth Doyle
of the Transit Authority Police (a
separate police department with-
in the city), the students were
"annoying passengersleaving the
fair" by their actions and were
"interferring with the normal traf-
fic flow."
No passengers lodged complaints
with regard to the incident, how-
ever, Doyle said.

He termed the bill a weak one,
"hedged by built-in barriers to
achievement of its intent," and
noted that careful reading reveals
several flaws:
-"The bill says nothing about
discrimination in housing.
-"It says nothing about the
right to vote in state and local
-"It permits discrimination in
barber shops, beauty parlors, many
other service establishments, retail
sales, bowling alleys and other
places of recreation and participa-
tion sports unless such places serve
Heavy Price
Faye told the audience that the
"liberals in Congress paid a heavy
price for the votes" of their less
liberal peers. He particularly criti-I
cized the concession permitting
jury trials in criminal contempt
cases under the new legislation,
since such trials allow Southern
juries to rule on civil rights cases.
Faye further noted that the
weakened provision for implement-
ing the fair employment practices
section of the bill were also "bar-
tered for conservative votes" in
the congressional debating.
Yet he said that the bill also
acts as an "expiation and a prom-
ise that the . . . determination to
extend the realm of social justice
has become a reality."
Sales, Service & Parts
319 W. Huron

(Continued from Page 1)
their self-contained institution
and bus to the central campus.
Pierpont denied, however, that
any decision had been reached on
where to locate the building.
The remainder of the building
program would consist of Univer-
sity Hospital renovations and a

ture will make legislators less wary
about the University's capital pro-
gram. They have attributed state
reluctance to sponsor huge pro-
grams as motivated by the in-
creasingly heavy load of future
Each capital outlay request gives
speculative estimates for the next
four years of building. For any
project totalling $5 million or
more, only a portion is begun in
one year. The project must then
be funded for the next few years
until it is concluded.
The $10 million or more in-
crease in the capital outlay pro-
gram for next year is in line
with influential citizen estimates
ox the total building needs of the
$48-49 Million Need
The governor's "blue ribbon"
citizen's committee studying high-
er education last year projected at
$48-49 million a year capital need
for the next few years in con-
struction and remodeling for
higher education facilities.
This report was actually issued
by a financial subcommittee of
the "blue ribbon" group which was
chaired by Alvin Bentley of Owos-
so. He is remaining as finance
chairman for the final blue ribbon
report coming out late this fall.
Hopes for a building boom at
the University have also been fos-
tered by Gov. George Romney's
promises last spring.
He said at that time the Uni-
versity building program is ".slated
for a heavy year in 1965-66." A
capitol spokesman yesterday con-
firmed that preliminary capital
outlay budgets are expected to
show "slight increases" for this

Clinical Care and Teaching fa-
Privately funded construction
will also be undertaken in the
medical complex. The Charles
Stewart Mott foundation has given
a $6 million gift for a children's
hospital in his name.
Less Wary
Officials are hopeful that the
private endowment of this struc-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3564 Administration Building before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publica-
tion, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur-
day and Sunday.
Day Calendar
Audio-Visual Education Film-Preview
--"Shakespeare: oul of an Age": Multi-
purpose Room, Undergraduate Library,
1:30 p.m.
Summer Session Special Program-
The American Negro in Transition:
1964-Bayard Rustin, Deputy Director
of the 1963 March pn Washington: Aud.
A, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
University Players, Dept. of Speech
Production-Tennessee Williams' "Sum-
mer and Smoke": Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, 8 p.m.
Stanley Quartet-Gilbert Ross, violin;
Gustave Rosseels, violin; Robert Courte,
viola; Jerome Jelinek, cello: Rackham
Lecture Hall, 8:30 p.m.
LS.T. Special Summer Lectures -
Dr. Ian M. Mills of the University of
Reading, England, will speak on
"Theory of Molecular Force Fields and
Molecular Dynamics"-Lecture Three to
be given on July 8 at 1 p.m. in Rm.
1400 of the Chemistry Bldg.
General Notices
Notice: Any currently enrolled new
student may secure their plastic iden-
tification card by making application
at Window A of the Office of Registra-
tion & Records. Only those who in-
tend to enroll in the fall term need
apply. Registration in either the fall
or winter term requires a current I.D.
card. Individuals who have lost their
I.D. cards are reminded that this Of-
fice shuold be contacted for informa-
tion about their lost cards or replace-
Parking Notice: The following park-
ing areas will be closed for construc-
tion purposes:
Effective July 7: The South Bay of
Staff/Student Meter parking lot W-26,
400 block of Thompson Street and the
parking bay directly west of Jefferson
apartments, 500 block of East Jefferson
Effective July, additional spaces on
the east side of the Jefferson apart-
Mathematics Movie: Mathematical
Association of America move in "Mathe-

matical Induction" starring Prof. Leon
Henkin, University of California. Thurs-
day, July 9, 1:30 p.m., Rm. 35, Angell
History Make-up Examinations will
be held Saturday, July 11, 10 a m.-12
p.m. in Rm. 443 Mason Hall. Please
consult your instructor and then sign
the list in the History Office, 3601
Haven Hall.
Language Exam foruMaster's Degree
in History, Friday, July 10, 4-5 p.m.,
443 Mason Hall. Dictionaries may be
used. ign the list posted in the History
Office, 3601 Haven Hall.
Kordite Corp., Macedon, N.Y.-Asst.
Product Manager-consumer prods. Any
degree acceptable but prefer marketing.
Upper 1/3 of class. ome sales and pro-
duct. mgmt. (marketing-merchandising)
Wisconsin Civil Service-1. Student
Admissions Examiner II-Degree plus 1
yr exper. in college admission work or
related area. Apply immed. 2. Emp.
Counselor & Trainee Employment Coun-
selor-for trainee position require BA
in psych., personnel ad., educ. or soc.
science with 15 hrs. in vocational
guidance or related courses. For Emp,
Counselor require same degree plus 1
yr. exper. in related field.
New York Corp., Detroit Office -
Seeking Field Underwriters-BA liberal
arts or BBA. Sales exper, desirable, but
not essential. Age 23-49. Career with
excellent income possibilities and
mgmt. oppor. 3-yr. on-the-job trng.
prog. Will make calls within Detroit
metro area.
The Ansul Co., Marinette, Wis.-Asst.
to Manager; Advertising, Promotion &
Public Rels. Degree in Journalism, Ad-
vertising, or Marketing, 0-5 yrs. exper.
Will plan and execute company's sales
promotions progs.; assist in dev. adv.
programs; serve as guidance and ad-
visory resources on publications.
Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., Groton, Conn.
-Openings as follows: Dev. Chemist-
MS; Polymer Chemist-PhD pluse xper.;
Flavor Chemist - PhD with exper.;
Maintenance Engnr.-BS in EE, ME
or IE.
Library of Congress-Various open-
ings including: Sr. Technical Editor
for Aero-space Info. Div.; Head, Motion
Picture Sect. of Prints & Photographs
Div.; Dir., Public Lae 480, project, Mid-
dle East; Supv. for Sci. & Tech. Div.;
Sun Oil Co., Marcus Hook, Pa. -
Seeking the following: Chem. Eng.-
all degrees; Civil Eng.-BS; EE-BS;
ME-BS; Petroleum Eng.-BS; Architect
-BS; Chem-all degrees; Math-MS;
Bus. Ad.-BS or MBA; Accounting-BS
(computer systems).
Karpovich Tree Plantations, Caro,
Mich.-Seeking Manager for Christmas
Tree Plantations. Degree in Forestry.
Prefer married man-new home avail.
for his use. Immed. opening.
Mich. Civil Service-Account Examin-

er II-completion of 2 yrs. college with
not less than 12 hrs. in acc't. (or per-
tinent exper.),
U.S. Civil Service-1. Patent Ex-
aminer-BS degree for GS-5 postion,
for higher level positions require per-
tinent exper. 2, Engineers-BS degree
for GS-5 level position; for higher level
positions, exper. is required.
Nationwide Design-Engnr.-Build. Co.
in Detroit-Openings for young gradu-
ate Civil Engnrs. with 2-5 years exper.
Should have structural design, field or
estimating bkgd., pref. in design and
construction of indust. bldgs.
International Atomic Engery Agency
-Opening for expert in Radiochemistry
in Ankara,, Turkey. Duration of posi-
tion: 12 mos. Should have thorough
exper. in radiochemical research, Also
openignf or Analyst for Seibersdorf
Lab.-to lead the analytical activities
of the Chem. Sect. Wide analytical
exper. Knowledge of foreign lang. de-
sirable, partic. German.
* * * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Lec-
ture: Mr. Ward Wilson, "The Second
Coming of Jesus Christ," July 8, 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union, Third Floor.



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a i nt-down-
yet gal. ..
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B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Wednesday Special Events
TODAY, JULY 8, 7:30-The scheduled speaker:
DR. BORIS KOZOLCHYK, Prof. of Comparative Law
429 Hill St All Are Welcome

DoeBe ReTnkos * H8RVGPReSfl8LL

THURSDAY: "CLEOPATRA" at 1:00-4:30-8:00 P.M. Daily





. .


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