PEACE FORCE LEAVES AN UNSTABLE CONGO See Editorial Page .0-0d Sitr Aan Sevenity-Three Years of Edlitorial Freedomr :4Ia it4H SUNNY High-85 Low--66 A little cooler during the day, with winds in late afternoon VOL. LXXIV, No. 9-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1964 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES VIET NAM WAR GOP Chiefs Chide President WASHINGTON (A") - Top Re- publican congressional le a d e r s ference by Sen. Everett M. Dirk- made clear yesterday that they sen (R-Ill) and Rep. Charles A. will rely heavily in the coming Halleck (R-Ind)-the other was presidential campaign on charges fellow Republican Henry Cabot that President Lyndon B. John- Lodge. son is soft on Communism-with The Senate and House minority special emphasis placed on Viet leaders both struck indirectly at Narn. Lodge through their attack on ad- But Johnson was only one tar- ministration policy in South Viet get in the weekly joint news con- Nam. Everitt Dirksen and Charles Halleck World News Roundup By The Associated Press NEW YORK - Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower was quoted yesterday as saying Henry Cabot Lodge sought to get him to nominate Pennsylvania Gov. William W. Scranton for President at the Republican National Convention. The new report came in the wake of one last night that Eisen- hower would place Scranton's name in nomination. Eisenhower's son said flatly: "It's not true."Q_ Dirksen, voiced the harshest on- the-record criticism yet made by a top Republican leader of :odge'sI 1960 role when he was the party'sI vice presidential nominee. Dirksen1 said:X "If he hadn't kept banker's hours, we might have fared a little2 better. And you can make that just as emphatic as you want andr put it down in capital letters." Although he didn't use Lodge's1 name, Dirksen made clear he wasr talking about Lodge's 1960 cam- paigning, which other GOP critics have said was lacking in drive and1 vigor.c Reveals Charges1 Halleck's statement centered on South Viet Nam and the lingeringf was against Communist guerrillas1 and charged that "contradictions, confusion and vacillation abound" in White House handling of the problem.4 Halleck reported 1000 casualties,< including 240 deaths, among United States military personnel< in South Viet Nam, noted three changes in the South Vietnamese1 government since late 1963 and1 continued: "In the responsible American and Vietnamese press there has been open speculation that the Johnson administration is avoid- ing a decision until after the presidential election . . . while we go on dribbling away both American lives and American prestige in a 'no-win' war. Broad Base Dirksen's statement was more broadly based and added up to a general charge that the Deno- cratic administration is soft on Communism and that "coexist- ence" with the Soviets is wrong. He said: "When we weigh the Commun- ist promotion of subversion, vio- lence and anti-American cam- paigns in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia against the administration's 'c o e x i s t e n c e' policy toward the Soviet Union we must assert a grave issue has been raised. "Much as we would prefer to avoid the subject, we must de- clare that not only the Viet Nam question but the Johnson admin- istration's broader policy of 'co- existence' must be fully exposed in the 1964 presidential cam- paign." Dirksen singled out for criticism the expansion of trade with Com- munist nations and u pending treaty to establish normal con- sular relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. I NLRB Strikes At Union Bias In Texas Case Conference; Sets Report To Romney A broad 10-year program to' help Michigan's elderly, calling in part for expanded health services and removal of many employment a g e barriers, w a s proposed Wednesday to the Michigan Com- mission on Aging. Headed by Prof. Wilma Dona- hue of the gerontology depart- ment, commission task forces pre- sented the reports in answer to Gov. George Romney's request last November for recommendations on how to solve the problems of Michigan's aging in 10 areas. The committees reported their findings in conjunction with the University's Conference on Aging which ended Wednesday. Next Decade Romney, addressing the confer- ence, promised Michigan will have a "blueprint for action for the next decade on problems of the aging." Rejecting the idea of mass re- training of the elderly to provide them with skills for work, the MCA employment committee sug- gested removal of age, limits on jabs wherever possible. The report urged founding of preventive medicine facult'es at the University and the Wayne State University Medical Schools. It proposed expanded disease de- i x, By ROBERT HIPPLER The North Campus protest "park-in" moved into its second day yesterday, with over 200 cars covering the vacant lawn next to the Phoenix Project. However, according to reports, the Ann Arbor police did not record license numbers of the cars involved or leave warning stickers as they had on Wednesday. The Ann Arbor police department has the authority to ticket or tow vehicles on the University campus and within the Ann Arbor city limits. "All of the presently developed area of North Campus is within the city limits; parts which are not now developed or within the city limits will probably be annexed when they are built up," a city official commented yesterday. Worse Conditions Two additional complaints arose on North Campus yesterday. One was that "parking conditions are worse for Music School students than for anyone else on North Campus." Music students park in a metered parking lot near the school. "The students have to pay more than anyone else on North Campus-all have to feed meters all year at five cents for two hours. This amounts to well over $60 a year for everybody. And the nearest free parking lot is over a half mile walk from the school," one caller complained. In yesterday's "open letter," the protestors asked for a one- month moratorium on the new regulations and a discussion with the University over them. Nothing More The protestors yesterday indicated that perhaps the protest would continue beyond the "park-in" scheduled for today. The protests have been over new parking regulations which went into effect on North Campus Wednesday. Protestors complain that conditions on North Campus do not warrant the same type park- ing system as that in effect on Central Campus. University officials counter that the North Campus move has been planned for a con- siderable time, and is an integral part of the extension of the Uni- versity's parking plans for Central and North Campus. U'Parking Protest Rolls On Johnson's Signature -Daily-Gerrit DeYoung ON THE ROAD from North Campus to Central Campus, you'll pass this sign. Despite what it implies, police say, the North Campus area has been annexed as part of Ann Arbor. This brings the North Campus "park-in" within the jurisdiction of Ann Arbor police, who are expected to tow away protestors' cars if they are parked in a vacant North Campus field again on Monday. * * WASHINGTON - The Senate Foreign R e l a t io n s Committee voted overwhelmingly yesterday for President Lyndon B. Johnson's $3.5-billion foreign aid program after trimming it a mere $50 mil- lion. The House passed it Wednes- day. * * * DETROIT-United Auto Work- ers President Walter Reuther yes- terday committed himself to a bargaining proposal that could mean almost $400 a month in re- tirement benefits for workers with maximum seniority in the nation's auto plants. He called for the in- creased benefits at talks with the Chrysler Corp. HAVANA - The defection of Juanita Castro was a bitter pi to her brother Fidel, but the Cuban prime minister said yesterday that is "the price of being a revolu- tionary." GENEVA-Hope for an interna- tional agreement to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons re- ceived a severe setback here yes- terday as the United States and Russia clashed head-on over the proposed multi-lateral force for the Atlantic alliance. WASHINGTON - Unemploy- ment climbed more than one mil- lion in June as school youths flooded the labor market, push- ing the nation's jobless rate up to 5.3 par cent, the Labor Depart- ment said yesterday. Flaw Noted, In Districts ALLEGAN 0P) - Rep. James' Farnsworth (R-Allegan) claims the new legislative apportionment' needs a little more work, especial- ly in the Holland area. He told Secretary of State Jamesa Hare by telegram Wednesday that: he finds the new reapportionment leaves 2,637 residents without al legislative district in Precincts two and three of the city of Hol- land's Fifth Ward. Farnsworth claims the precincts specifically are expected from Dis- trict 54 which borders District 55. Meanwhile, he said, they are not included in District 56. Farnsworth says these residents, would not be able to vote for a state representative. Further, Farnsworth said, if ther 2,637 persons are added to Dis- trict 54 it would exceed neigh- boring District 55 by more than, the maximum of 3,082 called for in the reapportionment plan. District 55 lies in Ottawa Coun- ty. District 54 is represented with Allegan and Van Buren Counties. The two questioned precincts are inside Holland city limits but ie in Allegan County while the remainder of Holland is embraced PROFESSOR DONAHUE tect on programs, periodic check- ;'re of all public welfare recip- ients and possible state-financed preventive medicine clinics. Loan Funds In housing, committees pro- posed loan funds for old-age housing and tax considerations for the elderly. They encouraged pri- vate construction of homes at costs within the pocketbooks of the elderly. A unit on health and the aged proposed a review by state agen- cies of nursing home licensing procedures and nursing home Enacts Goldwater2 WAS Fears Strife WS civil right Publ ments of In Campaign meu f public. Equa Asks Advice on Ways by emipl Fedet To Prevent Violence hold fun WASHINGTON MA-Sen. Barry Publi Goldwater (R-Ariz) was reported eral to fi yesterday to be concerned lest playgrou the civil rights situation touch off Votin violence during the presidential aimed a campaign-and is seeking the rights in: counsel of religious leaders and Con others, including some Negroes. help loca Goldwater was said to view the basis. civil rights situation, particularly Civil in northern cities, as potentially the most serious the United States gives it n has faced since the Civil War. national1 The Arizona Republican, front- (Eff runner for the GOP presidential immedia nomination, fears some of his op- section,v ponents and some of his support- ers could touch off troubles. hLOW-K Goldwater believes some who L WK oppose his candidacy are plant- ing the idea that his vote against G o the civil rights bill means the Go issue will be central to his cam- paign. I'M i~nnr Y1C~f t. it ail, r HIajor Provisions SHINGTON UP)-Here are the major provisions of the ts bill signed into law yesterday; ic Accommodations-Bans discrimination in establish- fering food, lodging, gasoline or entertainment to the al employment opportunity-Prohibits discrimination oyers or unions in employment practices. ral programs-Authorizing federal agencies to with- ds from any program in which discrimination is found. ic schools and facilities-Authorizes the attorney gen- le suit to compel desegregation of public schools, parks, nds, libraries and swimming pools. ng-Tightens procedures in earlier civil rights laws t preventing discriminatory denial of Negro voting federal elections. munity relations service-Establishes a new agency to al communities settle racial disputes on a voluntary i rights commission-Extends its life until 1968 and new powers to collect and dissiminate information on a tbasis. ective date-All provisions of the bill become operative tely except for the equal employment opportunity which goes into effect in one year.) EY OPERATION Vernnent Gears Itself E fd~I1I~ N~1~ AT tt Ii Rights Ll IMY Pro Ani Five Rev Actu WASH Lyndon strongest a centur hours af and calle mate th tice in A In an son pled executio nounced sure its "We 1h testing," solemnly us close, on. Let1 derstand aside ir make ou "Let u our unm WASHINGTON W)-A govern- costs ment agency ruled a laboruno Zoning law changes were urged guiltyof ial discriminationyes to allow construction of nursing terday and a civil rights spokes- homesitesidential areas and man hailed the decision as a more near hospitals. effective weapon for Negro em- Merge Programs ployment rights than the new civ- Another major recommendation plrights bill. was to consolidate programs ad- The ruling of the National La- mint Soaed Weylestat nDparg bor Relations Board stripped the asitanceoAid to the Blind and Independent Metal Workers Union Aid to the Disabled. of its government certification at A committee on income favored the Hughes Tool Co., in Houston, private health insurance systems opening the door for another. un- which would cover doctors' fees, ion to displace it. I rur~gcosts and convalescent. home aws. nediate ecedures lmuned -Point Program ealed To Speed ial Implementing INGTON (P) - President B. Johnson signed the civil rights law in nearly ry last night, only three ter Congress approved it, ed on Americans to "elim- e last vestiges of injus- merica." historic ceremony, John- dged himself to "faithful n" of the statute and an- timmediate steps to in- enforcement. have come now to a kind Johnson said slowly and y."We must not fail. Let the springs of racial pois- us pray for wise and un- ding hearts. Let us lay relevant differences and .r nation whole. Great Works us hasten that day when neasured strength and our ded spirit wil be free:to great works ordained for ion by the just and wise o is the father of all." pealed for voluntary com- and predicted it will be because most Americans -abiding citizens who wart that is right.' at was clearly an effort to he indignation of many Hers and refute the objec- those who have denounc- neasure as an invasion of rights, Johnson told the ovides for the national au- to step in only when oth- not and will not do the ive-point program of im- ation included: iuncement that he is nom- Leroy Collins former gov- t Florida, to the key post as of the community rela- rvice. osure that he is appoint- advisory committee of dis- hed Americans to assist The Program uncement that he will send ss a supplemental approp- request to meet tnc added N by Ottawa County. WASHINGTON - The Senate'I yesterday passed 58-21 a $564-1 milion pay raise bill boosting Sam born To Seek salaries for federal executives and judges, members of Congress and Legislative Post 1.7 million rank-and-file workers. lls Al Samborn, program and news SAIGON-Communist guerrillas drco o ai tto PG smashed a big Vietnatnese army Wednesday for rannounced e will convoy in the central highlands, Weesday anuce h ill but he onvy ws svedfrom seek the Republican noination nnii laticonvoy as saved ftofor state representative from the annihdlatn byhe gunrs oftwo new 51st District. The district in- United States helicopters, officials cludes Livingston County and parts of Washtenaw and Lenawee * a- * .,r..-,, counties. "This decision I think is of almost revolutionary proportions," Robert L. Carter, general coun- sel for the National Association} i for the Advancement of Colored People, said. Union discrimination, praticu-I larly in the building trades, has long been a focus for demonstra- tions on the part of civil rights groups. Carter said the ruling would have more practical effect than the fair employment section of the civil rights bill, and would pave the way for acceptance of the new law. DAMASCUS-Gun battles erIuptL- ed across the Syrian-Israeli bord- er yesterday for the first timer since Israel began test tapping of Jordan River waters. A Syrian' army spokesman claimed the Israelis suffered five dead ard wounded.s NEW YORK-The stock market rallied again yesterday, crrying averages to new all-time highs. The Dow-Jones 65 stock avetage closed up 1.33, with 30 indIstrials up 3.41, 20 rails up 2.11, and 15r utilities down 0.26. "A % CTe senator insists ah w fees norceunwoune( Romney, speaking to more than He also is said to fear that some do the 500 persons at the Mi,,hga Ushn- By JOSEPH E. MOHBAT this nat ion, said "persons aged 65 an people who count themselves Associated Press Staff Writer God wh over have a great contribution to ng his supporters will cam- He ap offer life and every etfort paign openly on the so-called WASHINGTON-The federal government geared itself yesterday p'iance must be made to have ahem play 'white blacklash" in northern ci- to implement the long-awaited civil rights law-but it is strictly a given a more vital role." ies-resentment toward racial low-key operation at present. are law- demonstrations and the resistance The emphasis by the Justice Department and other agencies to do wh of northerners to the movement responsible for enforcement will be on massive voluntary compliance In wh No Issue of Negroes into their neighbor- with the new law by American" calm t Due to Independence Day to- hoods and schools. Southern marrow, The Daily will not pub- righ lo constitutio The emphasis by the Justice De- CORE O utlines tio:s of lish its regular Saturday ed ighs bl-n osiuina iIIed the n tish sulrati rdw y edi- grounds, is said to be seeking ad- partment and other agencies re- states i with next Tuesday's issue. vice on avenues around those sponsible for enforcement will be NBlue print counr dangexrs.says sse-on massive voluntary compliance elV" dangers. It pr - with the new law by American n .hrityt citizens. To est B ill erscanr No "crackdown is planned. No ei,, armies of federal officials are NEW ORLEANS VP)-A blue- His f mobilizing to enforce the new print for testing racial policies of plement f a unr~ t s C on g ress staute. In short, there really public accommodations went out Annou t enforcing the civil rights act of yesterday to Southern integration it ating1 19h6gs t workers following passage of the error of --- ----------- -164 civil rights bill. director Some Meetings the presidency, is pending in this Constitution has been unchanged m tin sPassage of the civil rights bill ons se frmtebgnigadhsa- The administration has beenIPsag;fth iilrgtsbl ins se Congress in the form of a consti- from the beginning and has al- laying the ground work for this doec not mean an end to racial Disl tutional amendment. Odds are ways been hazy: moment for many months in be- demonstrations, the CORE offi- ingan Congress will quit for 1964 with- If a President dies, resigns, or hind-the-scenes mtis ith cial said. Collins. out acting. is unable to discharge the duties j businessmen, religious and labor "Be ready to make a start-even During Garfield's illness there of his office, "the same shall le a ders and public officials. though a modewt one-by July 4." Anno was a foreign crisis. And the ma- devolve on the vice-president." But Through these meetings, officials The memorandum, sent to Congres chinerv of government began to it doesn't say who decides a Presi- hope the path has been cleared Southern chapters of the Congress riationz THE WORLD TODAY Succession Questio By JAMES MARLOW Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON-"My God, what is there in this place that a man1 should want to get into it?" That was James A. Garfield's view shortly after becoming Presi- dent: he didn't have to bear theI ' "