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June 23, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-06-23

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1 C, r

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedoim


Hot and humid with chance
of occasional thunderstorms

See Editorial Page

LXXIV, No. 1-S





Regents Approve
Record Budget
Total is 14 Million over Last Year;
Priority Given to Faculty Salaries
Thanks to increases in state appropriations, federal funds and
student fees, the Regents Friday approved a record University
budget of $147,277,386 for the year 1964-65.
The budget totals $12,663,354 more than the Vniversity's total
revenue of $134,614,032 for the year ending this month, and is
the largest budget for any college or university in Michigan.
" University President Harlan
Hatcher told the Regents that
first priority on the additional
funds has been given to providing
selective salary and wage in-
creases and recognition of profes-
sional advancement for the fac-
ulty and staff. In May the Re-
f gents approved promotions for 224
faculty members.
Meets Needs
f He commented that "this is a
budget a little more commen-
surate with our needs. It will pro-
vide for the most urgently needed
MSU Record
. . The Michigan State Univer-
sity Board of Trustees Thurs-
day approved a record $100
million budget for 1964-65,
S,. while one board member comn-
plained it was insufficient to
"permit this university to do
the job it ought to do." The
budget includes a $39.3 million
state appropriation.

Promote State Supreme
Radock to>
V.P. Post A p portioninent
From now on, call him "Vice-




i Vote is 6-2;

President for University Relations
Michael Radock."
The former director of Univer-
sity Relations was promoted into
a vice-presidential chair by the
Regents at their Friday meeting.
The promotion fills a post left
vacant since 1961 when the then
Vice-President for University Re-
lations Lyle M. Nelson resigned to
take a similar position at Stan-
ford University in California.
The promotion brings the Uni-
versity executive staff up to its
full complement of seven vice-
presidents and a secretary under
President Harlan Hatcher.
Sawyer Stays
Vice-President Ralph A. Sawyer,
who holds the major posts of
vice-president for research and
dean of the Graduate School, and
who was scheduled to go on re-
tirement furlough July 1, must
continue his duties, however, be-
cause the Regents did not make
the appointments to the two posts.
Radock, 46, was manager of,
educational affairs for the Ford
Motor Co. before becoming Nel-
son's successor at the University in
A 1942 graduate of Westminster
College, magna cum laude, he re-
ceived a master's degree from the
Northwestern University Medill
School of Journalism. He also at-
tended Western Reserve Univer-
As holder of the posts of di-'
rector of University relations and
a professor in the journalism de-
partment, and now vice-president,
his administrative responsibilities
cover the various departments of
the University's relations staff, in-
:luding information agencies, state
and public services, broadcasting
and television, and the develop-
ment office.
Radock is noted for his public-
relations program, "Operation
Michigan," which aims to bring
to key population centers inten-
sive information about the Univer-
sity. The means for this include
talks, movies and slides presented
at communities throughout the
The program, initiated two years
ago, has involved the participation
of all the University's executive
officers, as well as faculty mem-
bers and students. Another part
of the program have been numer-
ous talks given to service clubs,
ilumni clubs and school groups.
rhere are plans to further enlarge
the program next year.



Local Ruling
Takes Similar Action
In Eight Other Cases
The United States Supreme
Court yesterday reversed a three-
judge Federal Court panel in
Michigan which had upheld a Re-
publican - backed apportionment
formula in line with the state con-
The ruling came on the same
day that the state's highest court
did essentially the same thing by
reversing its own earlier decision
to approve the same plan.
The GOP plan, submitted to the
;tate court by party members of
the Legislative Apportionment
Commission and appealed by Dem-
ocrats to the Supreme Court,
would have established districts for
the House of Representatives on a
strictly-population basis and for
the Senate on 80 per cent by
population and 20 per cent by land
Eight Other Suits
The U.S. court passed on similar
suits in eight other states, all
in line with its historic decision
of June 15.
In that earlier ruling it stated
that both of a state's houses hadt
to be apportioned by population
"as nearly as practicable."h u
In an Alabama case the court
ruled last week that "By holdingl
that as a federal constitutionalj
requisite both houses of a state
legislature must be apportioned ont
a population basis. we mean thatz
the equal protection clause re-
quires that a state make an hon-
Est and good faith effort to con-
struct districts, in both houses
of its legislature, as nearly of
equal population as is practicable."
No Specific Remedies
The court did not, however, in-f
dicate specific remedies in each of
the six cases. It left lower courts
some leeway in deciding whetherF
to apply the reapportionment rul-
ing to this year's elections or give
the states more time to work out
a new system.

May Ruling
Districts Must Be
On PopulationB asis;
GOP Plan Now Out
The Michigan Supreme Court
yesterday ordered a straight-pop-
ulation reapportionment for the
state's legislative districts.
Its 6-2 vote approved a plan
presented by Democratic members
of the deadlocked Legislative Ap-
portionment Commission. The
court ruled that the plan was the
only one which complied with last
week's U.S. Supreme Court deci-
sion that districts in both houses
of state legislatures must be as
nearly equal in population as prac-
Michigan was thus the first
state to redistrict its lawmaking
bodies since the federal court's
Urges Adoption
Secretary of State James M.
Hare, Michigan's chiet elections
officer, said that orderly' election
procedures can be followed if the
new blueprint is formally adopted
by Thursday. The Apportionment
Commission will begin meeting to-
day to carry out the court's or-
Two Republican judges on the
state court dissented from 1e
The court's ruling reversed i 8
May 26 acceptance of a GCP
backedareapportionment p 1 a n
Iwhich called for equal-population
districts for the state House of
Representatives and districts bas-
ed 80 per cent on population and
20 per cent on land area for the

THESE ARE STEPS IN the architecture bldg. In charge of them, as well as the whole architecture
college, will be Prof. Reginald F. Malcolmson, who was appointed by the Regents at their June meet-
ing to succeed Dean Philip N. Youtz in Sept. The Regents also appointed Prof. William L. Hays of the
psychology department as an associate dean in the literary college, and Prof. Robert D. Vinter
as associate dean of the school of social work.
Macolms o n Hays Get Posts

MEMBERS will now have an
excellent chance to improve
their diet. University President
Harlan Hatcher promised that
first priority in the University's
record budget will go to increas-
ing faculty salaries.
Invaded b
By The Associated Press
Some 200 students I'invaded"
Mississippi yesterday to register
Negro voters-but the big news
was about three of their clan who
weren't there.
The students, about seven of
whom are from the University, had
just completed a week's training
session sponsored by the National
Council of Churches and the
Council of Federated Organiza-
tions (COFO), an alliance of civil
rights groups.
But reports from Jackson, Miss.,
indicated that three of the group,
two whites and a Negro, were
missing after paying a $20 speed-
ing fine in nearby Philadelphia
Sunday night.
Begin Search
State and federal officers began
a search for the three missing
volunteer workers.
A spokesman for the COFO said
the organization had been assured
that the FBI had entered the
search. The civil rights group pre-
viously had criticized the FBI on
the grounds that it had not moved
in promptly to investigate.
In Oxford, Ohio, several hun-
dred student members of a second
volunteer class, in training at the
Western College for Women, had
wired their congressmen to help
start a search for the missing vol-
unteers. The FBI has been ordered
to investigate the possibility that
the trio is being detained by people
not law enforcement officers or be-
ing deprived of their civil rights.
Overall aspirations of , both
classes of volunteers include:
1) An all-out effort to mobilize
the Negro community and develop
local leadership and organization
for c o n t i n u i n g registration
2) Establishment of at least 13
"Freedom Schools" to provide
Negroes with basic political edu-
cation unavailable in public
3) Setting up community cen-
ters to provioe further educational
and cultural programs for com-

increases in salary, for additional
faculty and staff members we
need, and for the equipment that
has been lacking."
Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann
Ann Arbor said that "this budget
will help us catch up." Regent
William B. Cudlip of Detroit noted,
"I am happy that the governor
and the Legislature responded
when the economy permitted it."
The budget is divided into three
main sections: the general fund
of $59,031,739; the "expendable
restricted" fund of $53,300,000;
and the auxiliary activities fund
of. $34,945,647.
General Fund
The general fund, which covers
teaching, research, public services,;
student advisory services, business
operations and normal physical
plant maintenance, is up $6,854,-
484 from last year.
One source of this increase is
the state appropriation of $44,-
086,139, up $5,860,884 from last
year. Another source is an antici-
pated increase of $993,600 in stu-
dent fees, based on an expected
1400-student enrollment gain.
The "expendable restricted"
fund encompasses money desig-
nated by law or other agreement
of presentation to the University
to be spent in a specified manner.
The largest figure in this area is
the estimated $42 million the Uni-
versity expects to receive in grants
and contracts from the federal
government for instruction and
This will be an increase from
the $38 million received .from the
government last year. Gifts and
grants from individuals, corpora-
tions and foundations are expected
to amount to $7 million, while in-
vestment and departmental in-
oome are estimated at $4,300,000.
The third division of the budget,
the auxiliary activities fund, in-
cludes $16,744,000 for University
hospital; $8,364,222 of gross in-
come from the residence halls;
and about $5,100,000 representing
gross operating funds for the
Michigan League, the Michigan
Union, Intercollegiate athletics,
the University Press and Student
Also included in this fund are,
$3,758,300 for mental health ac-'
tivities, of which $3,176,000 is ap-
propriated by the state. This in-
cludes funds for the Neuropsychia-
tric Institute, the Children's Psy-
chiatric Hospital and the Mental
Health Research Institute.
Summer Totals
To Top 14,000

Appointments of a new dean for
the architecture college, an asso-
ciate dean for the literary college
and an associate dean of the
school of social work were ap-
proved by the Regents at their
meeting last Friday.
Prof. Reginald F. Malcolmson
of the Illinois Institute of Tech-
nology architecture department
was named dean of the architec-
ture college, effective Sept. 1. He
also was appointed professor of
He will succeed Dean Philip N.f
Youtz, who is going on retirement
furlough after serving as head of
the college since 1957.
Associate Dean
Prof. William L. Hays of the
psychology department was ap-
pointed associate dean of the Uni-
versity's largest school, the liter-
ary college, effective Aug. 24. He
will retain his title of professor
of psychology.
He succeeds Associate Dean
Burton D. Thuma, also a professor
of psychology, who was appointed
director of the University's pro-
posed residential college last April.
Thuma has served as associate'
dean since 1951.
Prof. Robert D. Vinter was ap-
pointed to the newly-created post
of associate dean of the school
of social work, effective June 1.

Vinter, who joined the faculty in
1954, has been a professor of social
work since 1961.
Malcolmson is a native of Dub-
lin, Ireland. He attended the Bel-
fast College of Technology and
was a student at the royal in-
stitute of British Architects. He
was granted a master of science
degree in architecture in 1949 by
the Illinois Institute of Tech-
In 1963 he was appointed an ex-
ecutive committee member of the
Metropolitan Studies Center of
the Institute. He has lectured ex-
tensively on architecture and city
planning in this country and

Hays was born in 1926 in
Clarksville, Texas. He was award-
ed a PhD degree at the University
in 1935. Hays was a teaching
assistant, teaching fellow, and re-
search assistant from 1951-54 at
the University. He was promoted
to assistant professor in 1956, and
subsequently to associate professor
and full professor.
In recommending Vinter's ap-
pointment to the Regents, Dean
Fidele F. Fauri of the school of
social work pointed out that en-
rollment in social work has been
increasing steadily, justifying the
establishment of the new post of
associate dean in the school.


World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-A member of the Regents told Detroit's Commission
on Community Relations yesterday that the University is recruiting
Negroes in hopes. of tripling its non-white enrollment. Regent Irene
Murphy of Birmingham said that a Regental study has resulted in a
recruiting drive to triple the one

Eley, Leaving in Fall,
Views U', City Politics
Associate Director of the University Extension Service Lynn W.
Eley will leave the University in September to accept a position as
dean of Washington University's adult education division, termed the
University College.
He will also direct Washington's summer school.
Eley has been at the University for nine years and in his present
position with the Extension Service for five. He is also an associate
. professor of political science and
a research associate in the In-
stitute of Public Administration.
Active in Politics
1'_! He has been active in city poli-


per cent proportion of Negroes
at the University.
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union
and Communist East Germany
claimed yesterday that Pan Amer-
ican World Airways flights from
New York to West Berlin are un-
lawful, and said they could not
guarantee their safety in Western
air corridors over East Germany.
broken out in Stanleyville, the
Congo's third largest cty. Accord-
ing to reports reaching Leopold-
ville yesterday, bands of youths
attacked two camps in Stanley-
ville, which was once the strong-
hold of Antoine Gizenga's rebel
NEW HAVEN-A commission of
educators proposed yesterday a
national humanities foundation
similar to the national science
foundation. The foundation, like
the science foundation, would be
supported by federal funds. The
report of the 20-member commis-
sion was released at Yale Univer-
sity, and will be presented to
President Lyndon B. Johnson.
WASHINGTON-Enactment of
the Civil Rights Bill will be fol-
lowed by an accelerated drive for
Negro equality in the spirit of
"true militant responsibility" but
not "r e c k l e s s adventurism,"
NAACP president Roy Wilkins

Daily Flying Ski


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tics, serving a two-year term on
City Council from 1961 to 1963
and having been considered by
* The Michigan Daily has reached the Democratic Party as a possible
new heights. mayoral candidate for this fall.
Its managing editor, journeying Looking at the University, Eley
across campus in quest of his expressed concern over the need
latest expose, was approached by to strengthen program and re-
a group of admirers. Introducing wards for effective undergraduate
themselves as Michigan State Uni- teaching.
versity students, they said they Radical Su
wanted to give him appropriate R adical urgery"
recognition for his editorial sug- Noting that "radical surgery
gesting that nuclear testing be has not yet been proposed to im-
resumed in East Lansing piove undergraduate t e a c h i n g,
His fate was revealed yesterday Eley mentioned two ideas:
when a rather husky robin flew - Creating a separate under-
into The Daily's office with a piece graduate teaching faculty, which
of bark attached to its leg. The would require special approval by
bark carried the following dis- the University's colleges of faculty
patch: members for teaching undergrad-
"Unfortunately, there is no tele- uate courses. Special compensa-
phone up here, so I will get this tions in the form of merit salary
to you as best I can. increases, tenure and promotions
Long, Hot Summer would also have to be offered to
"As my admirers still are mill- these teachers-
ing around ominously below, it -If such an action failed, he
appears I will be here quite a would propose possibly discontinu-
while. And since I constituted half I_-
of the summer Daily staff, I'd See Related Story, Page 1
suggest you look around for some
people to keep the presses rolling ing admittance of freshmen and
in my absence. sophomores and concentrating on
"Tell them that we need edi-' upperclassmen a n d graduates.
torial and sports staff writers, Such a move, he said, would re-
photographers and business staff- quire turning extensive energy and
ers. resources to developing the state's
And More junior, community and other col-

Party Draft
The GOP plan had been pre-
viously drafted by party members
of the Apportionment Commis-
sion, a citizen's group appointed
by Gov. George W. Romney. It
lid not receive approval by the
fll commission,which must give
inal okay to any plan put forth.
Prior to May 26 the court had
postponed its . decision repeatedly
to await the settling of guidelines
by the U.S. Supreme Court. While
it waited the Legislature and elec-
tion officials worried about wheth-
er redistricting would come in time
for the November elections and
would give potential candidates for
legislative seats districts from
which to run.
The plan drafted by the Re-
;publicans followed the state con-
stitution's demand for a House
based roughly on population and
i, Senate eased on the 80-20 for-
Democrats Dissented
The state court's decision was
contended by Democrats, who said
See STATE, Page 5
Judge Hits
Ann Arbor's fair housing ordi-
nance ran into a constitutional
roadblock at the hands of Muni-
cipal Court Judge Francis L.
O'Brien late last month.
He handed'down a decision de-
claring that the ordinance was
"in conflict with two laws. These
laws, which are in both state and
city charters, guarantee presump-
tion of innoncence and freedom
from self-incrimination.
City Attorney Jacob F. Fahrner
said he had no comment on the
decision but plans to appeal it to
the Circuit Court. The decision
' came in a test case of alleged dis-
crimination in housing against C.
F. Hubble of the property man-
agement firm of Cutler, Hubble
Co., Detroit. Bunyan Byrant
charged that the firm refused to
rent him an apartment in the city
because he is a Negro.
Both Fahrner and defense at-
torney Thomas Green had expect-
ed the ruling to be handed down

Summer enrollment may


exceed 14,000, Director of Admis-
sions Edward G. Groesbeck said
He said that even though final
figures are not yet in, he is confi-
dent that the number of students
enrolled at the Ann Arbor campus
and at various other campuses

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