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July 01, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-01

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Extension Program: Pave, Build, Beautify

Though most University students are spending the summer away
from classes, the Plant Extension Department isn't relaxing. Taking
advantage of the good weather and lack of stampeding students, it is
repairing sidewalks, paving streets, putting up structures and in-
stalling electrical, plumbing and heating equipment.
When the Jefferson Apartments on Thompson St. are torn down
next month, the department will expand the steam tunnel heating
system with a new tunnel from the Student Activities Building to
the Michigan Union. By fall a new steam tunnel will be installed
reaching from the north side of the SAB up Maynard St. to
Thompson St. It will be used to heat the new Institute of Social
Research Bldg. now under construction.
New Conduits
In three buildings-those belonging to the business school, the
architecture and design college and the education school,-the de-
partment will install new electrical conduits. "These will be part
of the project to provide increased electrical energy to the southeast
part of the Central Campus," James F. Brinkerhoff, director of the
plant extension department, explained. These conduits will also
serve as a part of the over-all effort to provide better electrical
distribution and lighting in University buildings, Brinkerhoff said.

The largest sidewalk project features the replacement and
redesign of sidewalks torn up by the Bell Telephone Co. during
the installation of Centrex, the new centralized campus telephone
fidwalks are also being enlarged to accommodate increased
student needs, Brinkerhoff explained. The most common feature
of this enlarging and redesigning is the removal of the strip of grass
between the sidewalk and street and extension of the sidewalk to the
street, he said.
Extensive Work
Work on this is being done all over campus, but in several
main areas:
-The east s ide of State St., from William to South University,
will be the site of sidewalk redesign later in the summer.
-A stretch on the east side of Thayer from Washtenaw Ave.
to just north of Hill Auditorium is an area planners have picked to
redesign sidewalks and replace trees. The area involved will also
be completely landscaped.
-A third Centrex working area will be on the south side of
West Quad, where workers will regrade the area and replace and

UNIVERSITY REPAIR and renovation plans include
Angell Hall . .

-Daily-David Lambert
this sidewalk being replaced in front of

... and a little facelifting, too

See Editorial Page

QY r

S irtg1

:4 I4

Low- 70
Humid with possible

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom



U.S. Debt to 'U'--$4 Million'

The University was gypped out
of $4 million in federal funds.
during the 1964 fiscal year which
ended at midnight. But Michi-
gan's Democratic senators have
pledged to secure the money in
the new fiscal year beginning to-
The .University failed to receive
$2.5 million for a water pollution
plant and $1.3 million for a
General Library addition. It was
eligible for both appropriations
under programs passed during this
However, the actual funds for
these programs-called aid au-
thorizations-were not approved.

The office of Sen. Philip Hart
(D-Mich) reported that both he
and Sen. Patrick McNamara (D-
Mich) are working to free the
funds in the 1965 fiscal year.
A spokesman for Hart explain-
ed that the Univresity did not
receive the funds this year "be-
cause the civil rights filibuster
clogged up the appropriations
Midwest Center
The Midwest Water Pollution'
Control Laboratory, to be located
in Ann Arbor as a Great Lakes1
center, was approved in princi-
ple last year. At that time both
houses of Congress also authorized
initial planning money for the

Registration Drive Slows
As Leaders Fear Violence
PHILADELPHIA, Miss. (P)-The drive to spread college civil
rights workers around Mississippi slowed yesterday due to fear they
might be killed.
Negro leaders said they were temporarily postponing some activi-
ties in Southwest Mississippi-around Natchez and McComb.
The announcement in Jackson, Miss., came as federal officials
expanded the grim search for three men believed slain near here and

Senate Sends
Transit Bill
To Johnson
By The Associated Press
The Senate yesterday completed
congressional action on a bill
authorizing $375 million in federal
grants to help cities rescue or re-
build outmoded mass transit sys-
The measure was sent to Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson after the
Senate accepted House changes in
a bill it originally passed over a
year ago.
The recent House passage of the
measure was seen as a smashing
victory for the President, and al-
though Senate sponsors of the bill
were unhappy with some of the
House changes, they decided to go
along rather than risk another
House vote.
New Office
The legislation will set up a new
Office of Mass Transportation in
the Housing and Home Finance
Agency under the direction of
Prof. John C. Kohl, who is on
leave from the engineering school.
The new program puts the fed-
eral government in the business
"of subsidizing public transporta-
tion systems to the tune of a
three-year $375 million program.
The bill provides federal
grants for ailing mass transit sys-
tems on the same basis as urban
renewal-two-thirds federal funds
and one-third local.
Any Purpose
The grants can only be used for
purchase of new equipment and
construction of new facilities, not
for operations.
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
(D-Mont), noting that the Senate
has been pushing the measure
since 1960, said he considered it
a "miracle" that the bill ever
cleared the House.

hidden in the swamps that dot
this east central sector. The 9-
day-old search was extended into
an adjoining county as 300 more
sailors, under White House orders,
joined the hunt.
In Washington, the White House
said President Lyndon B. Johnson
was determined to employ what-
ever federal manpower might be
But there remained widespread
fear of further violence.
Robert Moses, co-ordinator of
the summer education and voter
registration program for Negroes,
told a news conference that people
near Jackson were "heavily armed
with automatic weapons and hand
"As we understand it, there's
a place in Natchez that's a depot
for arms for the (Klu Klux)
Klan," Moses said.
In answer to questions, Moses
declined to reveal the source of his
information about the alleged
arms depot or whether the arms
had been seen.
Moses said there now are 450
volunteers in the state with an-
other 70 to 100 expected within
the next 10 days. Mostly college
students, they received an orien-
tation course at a college in Ox-
ford, Ohio.

Earlier this year, the House ap-
proved the aid authorization for
the entire project-all $2.5 mil-
lion-but the bill became bottled
up in the Senate. When the Sen-
ate appropriations subcommittee
finally took up the measure last
week, Hart testified forbits "speedy
The bill must still be reported
to the committee as a whole and
then it will go to the Senate floor.
The spokesman for the senator
predicted "expedient handling" of
the project since funds for seven
other similar laboratories around
the country have already been ap-
The University has not official-
ly applied for $1.3 million to help
fund the General Library addition,
but figures to receive almost the
full request. This money would
contribute about a third of the $5
million necessary for the addition.
State Body
Under the $1.2 billion college
construction bill, the University's
money must first be funneled
through a state commission. Called
the State Higher Education Fa-
cilities Commission, the nine-man
body was set up by the Michigan
Legislature earlier this year.
The state of Michigan is allot-
ted approximately $10 million a
year on the basis of its projected
college enrollments.
In order to be eligible for these'
funds, however, the state was re-
quired to establish a "representa-
tive agency" giving membership
to public, privateand community
college institutions.
All these three types of schools
are eligible to receive funds under
the bill.
For this Year
But while the federal bill was
supposed to begin making funds
available for fiscal 1964, Congress
"was forcedrto put off this action"
by the legislative logjam, the
Hart spokesman observed.
University officials have not re-
acted negatively to the failure to
receive the funds thus far. Vice-
President for Research Ralph Saw-
yer waged a successful fight to
have the $2.5 million pollution
lab inserted into a House bill
earlier this year.
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont said
that "the University's plan re-I
main the same for applying for
the funds."
As Hart pointed out, the goal
for the lab's completion is 1965,
"but we won't make that date un-
less Congress provides the funds
which legally belong to the Uni-

48 Votes
Of Illinois
To Barry
CHICAGO (P)-Sen. Barry Gold-
water (R-Ariz) won a 48 to 0
shut-out over Gov. William W.
Scranton of Pennsylvania yester-
day in a poll of the key Illinois
delegation to the Republican na-
tional convention.
Goldwater called the vote "very
significant." He told newsmen he
would have "about 690 votes" for
the presidential nomination on
the first ballot at the party's na-
tional convention next month.
But, in response to questions as
to whether this clinched the nom-
ination, the Arizonan replied, "I'd
like a few more, and then I'd say
I'm over the hump."
While Goldwater was forecast-
ing vote totals, Henry Cabot Lodge
also had a prediction on the nom-
ination. He indicated after a 45-
minute conference with Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower that he ex-
pects the former President to
speak out on the GOP nomina-
tion before the party convention
Lodge told a news conference
on the steps of a wing of Walter
Reed Hospital that he thinks what
Eisenhower has to say will have
an influence on the Republican
But back in Illinois, political ob-
servers began to admit that the
General will be too late. He is
reported to be against the nomi-
nation of Goldwater.
Sen. Everett M. Dirksen, chair,
man of the 58-member Illinois
delegation, said it conducted a
poll showing 48 for Goldwater, 8#
uncommitted, and 2 who did not
participate in the voting.
Dirksen said three of those who
did not commit themselves and the
two who abstained had leanings
toward Goldwater.
Meanwhile, in Lansing, Gov.
George Romney said that Gold-
water apparently is not eager for
his support in the race for the Re-
publican presidential nomination.
He reached this conclusion when
Goldwater made no plans to con-
fer with him privately on the sen-
ator's brief foray into Michigan.


Adoula Quits;
Powr Fight

--Dally-Kamalakar Rao
ACCUSATIONS OF discrimination in the Arbordale apartments, 1500 Pauline, touched off the court
battle now being waged over Ann Arbor's Fair Housing Ordinance. In late March Bunyan Bryant
complained to the city's Human Relations Commission that the C. F. Hubble Co. of Detroit, owners
of the multiple-unit structure, had refused to rent to him because he is a Negro. When attempts at
conciliation between the parties failed, the HRC decided to take the case to Municipal Court.
City Seeks To Validate Rulng

Premier R
.nN. Troops

The Washtenaw County Circuit
Court will hear in the near fu-
ture an appeal by City Attorney
Jacob F. Fahrner that Ann Arbor's
Fair Housing Ordinance is valid.
The appeal is against a May
ruling by Municipal Court Judge
Francis O'Brien that the ordi-
nance is invalid because it forces
a person complaining of discrim-
ination to go through the Ann
Arbor Human Relations Commis-
sion and because it forces the ac-
cused to incriminate himself.
The ordinance was passed lastI
fall. It authorizes the HRC to re-
ceive and attempt to conciliate
complaints of discrimination in
multiple housing. If conciliation
fails, the commission is empower-




By The Associated Press
DETROIT-General Motors Corp. and the United Auto Workers
sat down at the bargaining table yesterday to draw up a new contract
and both sides expressed hopes for a peaceful settlement.
* * * *
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. - A committee has been established to
mediate in the racial crisis in St. Augustine and civil rights demon-
'strations will be called off while it

ed to turn its findings in the
case over to the city attorney for
court action.
Still Stands
Fahrner maintains not only that
his currelit appeal prevents O'-'
Brien's ruling from going into
effect-therefore leaving the ordi-
nance standing for the present-
but that O'Brien was "in error"
in his decision.
According to the city's appeal,
the ordinance in no way requires
a complainant to go to the HRC
in order to have action taken.
"The (Municipal) Court held
that the procedure of the ordi-
nance interferred with the original
jurisdiction of the Court to issue
processes for, hear, try and de-
termine all cases against persons
charged with violation of the city
ordinance. In this the court was
in error," the appeal states.
O'Brien held that since the
ordinance did not state his court's
original jurisdiction in so many
words, it thus denied such juris-
diction and the citizen's tight to
go directly to the court.
"But there is a general law
that if a statute may reasonably
be interpreted more than one way
-one of which makes it valid and
the other invalid-the courts
should choose the interpretation
that would uphold the law," Fahr-
ner mn into >is.
On the issue of self incrimina-
tion, O'Brien maintained that the
HRC's procedure~ r' ;it ,:essure
the accused into appearing and
testifying before it. Since this
might lead the defendant to tes-
tify against himself, the law there-
fore violates the Fifth Amend-
No Power
"But it is not true that the
HRC can compel appearance and
testimony. Only if it had this
right cou:d the issue of self i-
crimination arise.
"Appearance and testimony Luin

The original ruling in Municipal
Court appeared to suprise both
Fahrner and the attorney for the
defending C. F. Hubble Co. of
Detroit, charged with discrimina-
tion at the Arbordale apartments.
Both attorneys had expected
O'Brien to pass on whether or not
the state pre-empts the field of
civil rights laws. O'Brien said
nothing about this issue.
Fahrner maintains that the law
will stand even after it is chal-
lenged and decided on the pre-
emption question.
'Not a Civil Right'
"The right not to be discrimi-
nated against in private housing
is not a civil right until it has
been declared such by the state
Legislature. In the absence of this
right; only local ordinances can
do this," Fahrner said.
His view opposes that of state
Attorney General Frank Kelley,
who contends that such a right is
already guaranteed in the state
NEA Measure
For Integration
Clears Hurdle
SEATTLE, Wash. (M)-A reso-
lution which says in effect "in-
tegrate now" to the all-white
teacher associations in 11 South-
ern states has cleared its first
hurdle at the convention of the
National Education Association.
The paper-thin margin of vic-
tory, however, makes ultimate de-
feat virtually certain.
The resolution, which gave the
Southern affiliates a deadline of
July 1, 1966, to get integration
well under way or face expulsion
from NEA, was adopted by the
NEA's Department of Classroom
Teachers, 1,004 to 985. The reso-

International Force
Departs Unnoticed
Prior To, Shakeup
-The Congo lost its United Na-
tions shield and its government
yesterday on the fourth anniver-
sary of independence- four years
stained by bloodshed and plagued
by rebellion.
President Joseph Kasavubu an-
nounced the resignation of Pre-
mier Cyrille Adoula and his gov-
ernment three hours after the last
143 UN soldiers flew from the Con-
As bickering political leaders
groped for national reconciliation,
there was wide speculation that
Moise Tshombe, political foe of
Adoula, may be named the next
premier. It was this departing UN
force that defeated Tshombe's se-
cessionist government in Katanga
province in 1963.
May Ask Adoula
Some diplomats, however, ex-
pected Kasavubu to ask Adoula to
head a provisional government un-
til new elections are held.
Despite a spreading leftist re-
volt in the Eastern Congo, Adou-
la's government had not asked the
UN force to remain.
In New York, Secretary-General
U Thant said the United Nations
still had tasks in the Congo-"by
far the largest of all UN technical
assistance operations."
He said political reconciliation
and the retraining of the Con-
go's relatively weak army are two
major conditions for maintaining
peace in the former Belgian Con-
go, but the task of maintaining
law and order now is up to the
Not a single Congolese official
went to the airport to pay his
respects to the departing 85 Niger-
ian and 58 Canadian UN soldiers.
It was the rear guard of a force
that once numbered 20,000 men.
It was through their efforts that
Adoula's government: was able to
establish its authority over Ka-
tanga, the richest province in the
Congo and a pillar of the coun-
try's economy.
Expect Resignation
The resignation of the Adoula
government was expected. It was
known that Kasavubu would have
to name a provisional government
to rule until a new parliament is
elected under the nation's new
constitution in about nine months.
Parliament was elected for four
years and its time ran out on this
anniversary date, which was not
celebrated officially because of the
political situation.
A referendum now is in prog-
ress to ascertain the nation's de-
cision on the new constitution to
replace the "101 fondamentale," a
makeshift constitution drawn up
under Belgian inspiration in 1960.

Tark-In' Protest Set To Go

Protestors on North Campus
hope to park over 400 cars on
the vacant lot just west of Phoe-
nix Center this morning. The
"park-in" is slated to start at
7:30 a.m. Current plans are to!
stage in for three days in a row inj
protest over new North Campus
parking regulations and fees.
The regulations include require-
ment of parking permits for all
but 88 Darking snaces on North

operates, Gov. Farris Bryant said
He told a news conference in
Tallahassee that the four unident-
ified persons would serve on the
committee until a permanent one
is named by the St. Johns County
grand jury.
Ways and Means Committee voted
yesterday to recommend social se-
curity benefits for about one-half
million elderly persons not quali-
fied under present law.
WASHINGTON-The sweeping
civil rights bill of 1964 cleared its


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