I W~s %auDWI Seventy-Third Year EDIrD AND MANAGED B STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTOrTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLIcATIoNS r iinsare e, STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MIcH., PHoE No 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in aU reprints. FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: JEFFREY GOODMAN .Should U' Expand Calendar or Faiies IT'S THE LAST summer session. The last regular semester died a year ago. Now as the University commences tri- mester operations, much else of value will die in the process. On the surface, the University's new year-round operations schedule comes with the best of recommendations and justifications. Bigness in universities- in campus area and student population- is an absolute evil. Yet the University has an obligation to provide educational op- portunities for a mushrooming array of high school graduates, both in- and out- state. The logical solution seems to be to push physical expansion to second choice And expand to three semesters. In the process, Christmas and spring vacations get left out. Next year the former will be 10 days between semesters while the latter will be but a weekend. NOT TOO HIGH a price to pay, some contend. Those, that is, to whom the concept of education is limited to strap- ping the student to a desk for 15 straight weeks and ordering him to cram that textbook knowledge into his head. Chances are good that the student will survive, physically, anyway. But when it comes to learning something beyond how to discipline himself, it's another matter. And if the student ends up with only discipline, to what end? Is it to enable him to plough through any other grueling experience-without time to think, pur- posely refusing to give outlet to his de- sites be they spontaneous or deepseated, or to expand his energies and his mind in- to new areas in search of some guiding principles and purposes by which to live? WITH TRIMESTER, it too often gets to the point where the student must make a choice between ploughing and ex- pressing, between the grind and the search, between himself as he thinks his class requirements demand him to be and as he thinks he wants to be. Often it is only by purposely neglecting the class- room learning process that the student can learn at all, in the broader sense of the word; either classroom learning dies or the "total" student does. Learning in this broader sense includes developing-and finding-interests, and exploring ideas, vocations, activities. Mainly, it is finding an orientation in life, a broad set of outlooks and under- standings that is very difficult to attain while chained to a number of separate, perhaps unrelated courses with little time to think. And the crucial factor-after desire, energy and initiative, of course-is leisure time to contemplate course material, to do outside reading, to discuss issues and per- sonal concerns, to benefit from extra-cur- ricular activities, to attend interesting lectures. BY NOW there are no longer vacations in which to do that sitting back, that exploring. Nor are there many free mo- ments-or free days, for isolated moments are not enough-during the semester, for the cropping of vacations has con- solidated courses into one uninterrupted and often unmanageable bundle. Isn't there some other, better way that the basic problem which trimester at- tempts to solve-an expanding student population-can be approached? Can va- cation periods be reinstated without caus- ing the University to wind up a super- mammoth or to neglect obligations of its own? ONLY LACK OF IMAGINATION leads to a negative answer. The University can grow physically without smothering the individual. The residential college is a most en- couraging possibility; if the University were gradually converted into a whole series of residential colleges within fair distance of each other, it could answer the growth problem. Even if the adminis- tration doesn't want to break the Uni- versity up that way, there is still a great deal of property surrounding the central campus which it could buy up- it doesn't have to go as far away as north campus. In any event, there is no reason why expansion of physical facilities cannot al- low as large an enrollment as trimester operations might allow. FURTHERMORE, all the arguments against a big university sound much more convincing than they actually are. So what if there are 50-60,000 students instead of 28,000? Assuming that the number of professors and library books available to each student doesn't de- crease, just what is lost? Classes could still consist of recitation as well as lec- ture sessions; student-faculty contact would still be practicable; students wouldn't necessarily be limited in their acquaintances with instructors or other students-simply because there would be more of them around. In dollars, trimester won't cost much less in the long run than a higher rate of expansion would. But to measure the cost of any educational policy only in dollars is a gross injustice to the count- less other factors which are influenced. Among those factors, the University should include its students. -JEFFREY GOODMAN v/ '41 > , t e isa tl 4 1 I N 0 .000 o: 1 F Av T - NOMINATIONS Convention Strategy Could Upset Barry / I STORY GETS LOST Tricks, Sub plots Spoil Zulu' At the State Theatre "ZULU" is a good story turned into a bad narrative and a worse film by all the standard tricks. In January, 1879, a force of five-thousand or so Zulus mas- sacred 1200 British soldiers. Then, by dint of hard work, courage, luck, and discipline, 100 British soldiers, under the command of a Royal Engineer with no combat experience, held the same force of Zulus to enough of a standstill that they withdrew without con- cluding the engagement. Some- place in this there is a story, if it is told correctly. But there's no sex. So the screen writer adds 200 Zulu maidens and a missionary's daughter. The Zulu's are bare- breasted (somehow this is per- missible in films only if the girls TODAY AND TOMORROW Court Must Act When Other Branches Do Not are native Africans). And the mis- sionary's daughter gets her blouse half torn off by a Tommy. Enough sex. * * * AND EVERY good spectacular needs subplots. For instance: The malingerer reforms. This goldbrick hates his sergeant and is indifferent to everyone else, see, but battle reforms him and he almostndies saving the lives of the sick and wounded (including, of course, his sergeant). The lieutenants become friends. There are a Royal Engineer and an aristocrat, neither one with any combat experience, see, and there's some question about who should command. Resentment and in- subordination arise when the En- gineer turns out to have seniority, but battle fixes it all up as they both learn what a good fellow the other is. The missionary gets drunk. Etc. THE DIRECTION and photog- raphy are spectacular, too. Shots from under the hooves of semi- stampeding cattle. Shots from 500 feet above the embattled troops. Shots from everywhere. And lots of twenty-or-thirty foot high faces. Don't waste the money-buy a good book. -Robert L. Farrell EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of articles on the Re- pubiean Party. By MICHAEL HARRAH TO HEAR the newspapers tell it, Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona has the Republican Presi- dential nomination locked up so tight that his opposition couldn't get at it with a blowtorch, but in surveying the delegate line up, one fails to see just how this is true. To be certain, the Arizonan has a terrific headstart on the rest of the pack, but convention politics being what they are, a candidate must learn not to count on any votes except those legally bound to him. And the legally committed votes in San Francisco aren't nearly enough to put Goldwater over the top. Two states, Indiana and Cali- fornia, give Goldwater a hard core of 118 votes as a result of their statewide primary elections. Some 257 additional votes have been pledged to the senator by virtue of instruction of state con- ventions or district caucuses. While these are not, in most cases, ab- solutely unchangeable, it is un- likely that any delegation will ig- nore a convention's instructions. Still another thirty-five are bound to Goldwater by a personal pledge of support. This gives him a total of 410 delegate votes which he can count on without fear of fly- ing money or other influences dis- rupting the situation. HOWEVER, 410 votes is some- what short of the required total. The AP lists another 257 votes a.s favorable to Goldwater, for a total of 694, some 39 more than neces- sary for nomination (Goldwater himself counts a conservative total of 670). But these 257 are bound only by their own con- science, and it is strange how con- sciences can be swayed in the electric atmosphere of a nominat- ing convention. It is altogether possible that the current challenger to Goldwater, Gov. William Scranton of Penn- sylvania, successor to former Am- bassador to Viet Nam Henry Cabot Lodge, who himself took over from Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York (and at that rate there's no telling who it might be next week), will be able to dissuade some of the Goldwater strength. In fact, some good strong per- suading, such as that which went on in 1952 when the Eastern Re- publicans wrested the nomination away from Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio, could really put the Gold- water forces in great disarray. CHALLENGER SCRANTON has one strong advantage over Gold- water: Many self-styled king- makers in the GOP have either announced they will support Scranton or that they are cer- tainly not about to go for Gold- water. Such dignitaries as former GOP chairman Leonard Hall of New York, Time-LiferPublisher Henry R. Luce, Look Publisher Gardiner Cowles, New York Herald-Tribune Publisher John Hay Whitney and others, probably can be counted on to pit their knowledge of many conventions against the earnest but amateur Goldwater forces. If they choose to do so, these Easterners could possibly stampede a huge chunk of his support, just as they did in the case of Sen. Taft in 1952. * * * PERHAPS for the second time in party history, one major can- didacy represents a major schism in GOP philosophy. In 1912, when Theodore Roose- velt attempted to wrest the nomi- nation away from President Wil- liam Howard Taft of Ohio, Taft had the support of the Eastern Republicans-just as Scranton does now-while Roosevelt had the popular support, a sheaf of primary victories, and perhaps a slight convention plurality (there were many contested delegations). By virtue of knowing their way around conventions, the Eastern Republicans supporting Taft seiz-. ed control of the convention ma- chinery from the Roosevelt ama- teurs and managed to squeeze their man through. (Sen. Taft's candidacy in 1952 did not repre- sent a major split, due to the ul- timate spirit of rapport between Taft and Eisenhower.) In 1964, the GOP finds itself in the same straits, only this time the midwest and western factions which supported Roosevelt are now behind Goldwater and they seem to have the upper hand. But there is danger of underestimating the opposition-as in 1912. Mathematically, perhaps, Gold- water is in. but mathematics has a way of going out the window in the flurry of convention politics. Actually, Goldwater is far from safely nominated, and, considering the nature of the opposition, he may well be in danger of being soundly trounced. Goldwater himself undoubtedly realizes this, as he said recently, "I do not have this thing sewed up-not by a long shot." And he ought to know. NEXT: The Spoilers and the Wreckers LETTERS New Center For Science To the Editor: THE ESTABLISHMENT of the Center for Research on the Utilization of Scientific Knowledge raises mixed feelings. It seems a useful and exciting step forward in translating basic social science reearch into meaningful applica- tions that can be of great benefit. Yet there are some disturbing im- plications about the center. Prof. Floyd Mann of the psy- chology department who heads the new center sees it as management consultant helping companies turn social science research into bene- ficial-to them-personnel poli- cies. While the center helps the companies who may largely fi- nance its operations, it learns about how this knowledge is being applied. It can then establish some principles about converting basic data into applications-much like those existing in engineering. However, this management con- sultant role seems to be a breach in the University's basic research- only policy. University research officials have long stressed that the University is not merely a re- search tool of industry, but an academic institution concerned with basic research. The Univer- sity's public relations propagada seems to blur this policy. The cen- ter's program seems to blur the policy further. * * * THE SECOND concern is more philosophical. Prof. Mann has in- dicated that his center's work is comparable to engineering's rela- tionship to the physical sciences. Engineering is nonethical, as it pretty much should be, for it rarely dealsdirectly with people or social problems. But the ap- plications about individuality, free will, freedom of expression and action, democracy and social and economic equality raise ethical considerations. Hopefully, t h e center's staff, when completed, will include a social philosopher. For these questions should not be ig- nored as the center helps manage- ment better use-or manipulate-- its personnel. The center holds great promise. If it squarely meets these philo- sophical concerns as well as the application problems, then it will perform a truely useful service. -Philip Sutin, Grad Can Barry Pull It Off ? IT LOOKS LIKE the Republicans are going to have quite a problem writing a platform for their candidate, whether or not they nominate Barry Goldwater. The 1964 platform committee will contain a solid minority of Goldwater men; and the three men who will put the plat- form into words are, respectively, a Rock- efeller man, a Scranton man, and a rock- ribbed Goldwater supporter. But suppose the Republicans were to nominate Goldwater and agree to let him stand on a platform of his own choosing -one that represented his consistent philosophy as articulated over the years. What would it sound like? Our only guide is what he has said in the past. On June 2, Goldwater noted that "this victory in California is a victory for the mainstream of Republican thought!" But last week he voted against the civil rights bill because "I believe it will lead to a police state." (Note: 27 of 33 Republican senators disagreed.) Recently, Barry said, "I believe we should help the Vietnamese people re- tain their serenity and freedom." But two weeks ago he added, "perhaps the best means would be defoliation of the forests by means of atomic bombs." (Note: ex- perts say it wouldn't work.) He once termed foreign aid "a boon- .Arcrlc 0 .,111f" ac+ mnnth h + P irnnt from the Soviet Union." But four short years ago, he said, "Why recognize the Soviet Union? I don't see why we should have anything to do with an outfit that's out to bury us." Only last summer, Barry declared, "I think the test ban might eventually prove a threat to world peace. I will vote against it." Contrast this with his comment on space exploration: "Shoot a rocket to the moon? I'd rather lob one into the men's room of the Kremlin and make sure it hits it." With this plethora of varied and color- ful stands, it would seem that the GOP could throw just about any old platform up there and still find enough Goldwater statements to back it up. But alas, real life is not that simple. If Barry gets in, the 1964 platform must.fit into its frame- work his present views, not the varied opinions of last year, last month, or Thursday. And his views must stay the same from platform-writing to the elec- tion. Thus by convention time Barry must decide for good whether the United States should work for the admiration of the Vietnamese people or their complete alienation through a devastating all-out offensive; whether he would act at all as President in favor of Negroes or other minority groups; whether he values or rnr-, o+n minfnin tir worldwide net of By WALTER LIPPMANN IN THE SIX CASES dealing with apportionment for the state legislatures in Alabama, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and Colorado, there was one judge who dissented in all of them, Mr. Justice Harlan. Mr. Justice Clark dissented in two cases and Mr. Justice Stewart in three. There were six justices who agreed in all of them. The thesis of the affirmative opinions of the court is that the apportionment for election to the state legislatures must make every qualified vote approximately equal to every other. In many of the states, certainly in all six with which these cases deal, a voter in a farm county has more power to elect than has a voter in a big city. The Supreme Court has now de- cided that this violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment of the federal Con- stitution. THE CRUCIAL QUESTION is not whether the existing laws are unjust and should be reformed. It is whether the Supreme Court of the United States should intervene. Here Mr. Justice Harlan, standing alone, takes the position which Mr. Justice Frankfurter and he took in the Tennessee case in 1962, which dealt with the apportion- ment for congressional districts. The Frankfurter-Harlan doctrine is that the Supreme Court has no authority under the Constitution to deal with the subject of appor- tionment. Apportionment belongs to each state, and the court is adding "something that was de- liberately excluded from" the Con- stitution. The crux of the issue posed by the Frankfurter-Harlan dissent- ing opinions is right here. When, as they admit, here may be a "major ill," when, as they concede, "other branches of government fail to act," where in the Ameri- can system of government are we to look for a remedy? THIS IS the question that has to be answered before the charge against the majority of the court 'MICKEY' Guild PresentsSilents For Summer Relief At Cinema Guild THIS SUMMER the Cinema Guild is presenting a series of silent films that range from refined Chaplin comedies to early vintage Edison dabblings in the new medium. The selection is not very repre- sentative, even of silent comedies, but it will provide hearty relief from the tight summer session schedule. First off, it should be pointed out that one great deficiency exists. These silent films are absolutely silent (except for the grind and roar of the projector) and the need for aural relief seems to grow as the reels unwind. It is highly unfortunate that a pianist is unavailable to accompany the hectic action on the screen. In the past, the Guild did provide accompaniment. Perhaps you can plug a transistor radio into your ear while you fiddle with the dial to tune in the appropriate music. Last week, the silent version of the unforgettable "Gold Rush" was shown along with an amusing Harry Langdon short and a very forgettable Pearl White episode from "The Pearls of Pauline." Fortunately Chaplin will be back, unfortunately along with several inept and seldom funny shorts. TONIGHT AND tomorrow night, "Mickey" with "the great come- dienne" (according to the Guild) Mabel Normand, is being shown. I certainly have to agree that she is great. Her vitality and photo- geneity should cause many old boys to fall out of love with their current screen flame and in love with her. "Mickey" was made in 1917, soon after the epic "Birth of a Nation" made the idea of a long (in this case, 81 minutes) movie popular and profitable and wrought with many artistic possibilities. "Mickey" became a hit and it was popular because of fine acting, even by current standards (if you can forget that the many stereotypes in the movie were not yet real cinematic stereotypes in 1917), a fine all-around production and a script in the popular MR. JUSTICE HARLAN is not altogether judicial when he speaks irritably about those who are sup- posed to think that the Constitu- tion is "a panacea for every blot upon the public welfare." I cer- tainly do not think so. Indeed, in my view, the intervention of the court can be justified only when it is indispensable, only, that is to say, when there is a major ill for which there is no other rem- edy. (c),1964, The Washington Post Co. Fission I-k, u $ -j lq-,