TRIMESTER HINDERS LEARNING See Editorial Page [Y4 r SitrY Eitan Seveniity-Three Years of Editorial Freedomi :43aitV FAIR AND WARMER High--90 Low-57 Warmer through Saturday with southwesterly winds VOL, LXXIV, No. 4-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1964 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES House Approves, Mass Transit Bill Measure Similar to Senate Action; Would Give Cities $375 Million WASHINGTON (A)-The House passed yesterday a bill for $375 million in federal aid to cities struggling with problems of decayed and dwindling mass transit systems. Passage of the measure, similar to one already approved by the Senate, was a victory for President Lyndon B. Johnson and for a coalition of Democrats and urban-area Republicans. Johnson had put mass transit legislation high New Atom ProposalSailors Faces Russian Veto Go to Mississippi; GENEVA (AP)--An American inspection plan to implement Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson's proposal that the nuclear powers agree to stop producing fissionable material for arms purposes faces almost certain rejection by the Soviet Union. The plan was presented to the 17-nation disarmament confer- ence yesterday by chief United States delegate William C. Foster. It provides for inspection of all installations producing fission- able material, but stresses that this does not involve inspection of Students Remain Missing See, Decline In U.S.-China War Danger HONG KONG-Danger of con- frontation between the United States and Red China over Laos appeared to be lessening here yes- terday, the New York Times re- ported. It is believed that Peking has decided to take moves to ease up the threat of war after learning of the determined stand being taken by President Lyndon B. Johnson on Viet Nam and due to its own relations with the Soviet Union. The new policy probably does not mean that the Chinese will stop spurring the pro-Communist Pathet Lao in Laos and the Viet Cong in South Viet Nam to more militant action. But it does appear that propaganda on China's home front is not emphasizing prepara- tions for a war with the U.S. as much as it has done previously. In line with this, the Peking press Sunday suddenly ended two weeks of increasingly threatening language that has warned of war in Indo-China unless the U.S. halted its air operations in Laos. The new Peking line has sub- ordinated news of military de- velopments in Laos and played up news about national personalities and affairs of state. The past correlation between China's press statements and im- pending policy actions leads news analysists to discount the possi- bility that the softer line may be covering up a new military thrust in Southeast Asia. House Group Babies Aid Bill WASHINGTON (P) - President Lyndon B. Johnson's streamlined foreign aid program cleared the House Appropriations Committee yesterday with the smallest money cut since the Korean War. The approval of $3.3 billion of the requested $3.5 billion was a victory not only for Johnson, but for Rep. George H. Mahon (D- Texas) who recently became chair- man of the appropriations com- mittee. Johnson asked this year for $3.5 billion-a billion dollars less than the late President John F. Kennedy's final request-and call- ed it a barebones program that could not be cut without affecting United States security. The House Foreign Affairs Com- mittee, which sets the ceiling for the money bill, approved virtual- ly every cent of the $3.5-billion request in its authorization bill. All of the $200 million cut by the Appropriations Committee lies in the ecenomic side of the pro- gram. The military request of $1 billion was approved untouched. on his priority list of bills to be passed this year. The bill would authorize appro- priations of $75 million for the first year and $150 million in each of the two succeeding years for research and actual purchase of buses and other equipment to build up transit systems. Local sources would have to provide at least one-third of the funds. The bill's own sponsors propos- ed substantial amendments to make it more acceptable to wav- ering legislators outside the metro- politan areas. The most signifi- cant change cut down the total authorization from $500 million to $375 million. Rep. Albert Rains (D- Ala), handling the change, told the House that he sponsored it to make the bill more acceptable and to bring it closer to the Senate version. The Senate bill, which sponsors now must seek to reconcile with the House-passed measure, pro- vides $375 million for grants and an additional $375 million for loan guarantees. Other amendments adopted are designed to guard against use of federal funds to buy out private transit systems and convert them to public operation and to guar- antee to transit employes that their working conditions obtained under union contracts would not be impaired. White, Black Clash Sharply tn St. Augustine ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. (A-More than 200 white segregationists broke through police lines last night, attacking fleeing civil rights marchers as the demonstrators fled back to the Negro section of town. The whites, riled by almost an hour of speech-making in the Slave Market Square, attacked the marchers even before they reach- ed the square. For the first time the well- disciplined Negro marchers broke ranks, and this gave the whites the chance to single out individ- uals. Small groups of whites raced in- to the line of marchers, fists fly- ing, and then retreated before po- lice could grab them. Then they would hide in the shadows of the square and regroup for another attack. Another melee broke out yester- day when close to 100 Negroes at- tempted a second wade-in at the St. Augustine beach. They were met at the water's edge by about 75 whites who dared them to go into the water. When they accepted the dare, the Ne- groes were pounced upon by the whites. At least a dozen persons were arrested by state officers who rush- ed into the water when the viol- ence began, swinging billy clubs. Two of the leaders of the whites were among those arrested. < , VALERIAN A. ZORIN World News Roundup By The Associated Press LONDON-Commonwealth Sec- retary Duncan Sandys told Parlia- ment yesterday Britain has agreed to keep its troops in the Cyprus United Nations peace force for three months more but their num- ber will be reduced one-third. WASHINGTON - A major in- terconnection of public and pri- vate power systems in 11 Western states was proposed yesterday by Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall. The federal government would join with public and private power companies in the area to build the inter-tie lines. * * * NICOSIA-Leaders of the Turk- ish Cypriot minority Wednesday rejected Lt. Gen. George Grivas' offer of friendship and protection, declaring they would rather die than yield to Greek domination. Turkish Cypriots reacted an- grily to the offer broadcast by the hero of the Greek Cypriot un- derground war that won inde- pendence for Cyprus from Britain. BOSTON - S e n at e Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) forecast last night that if the current economic boom continues the Democratic administration will ask for another tax cut. Mansfield said the $11.3 billion tax cut passed by Congress last March "has already stimulated consumption, investment and eco- nomic growth. * * * LANSING - Pennsylvania nov. William Scranton will meet with the Michigan delegation to the GOP National Convention today to seek support from some or all of the state's officially uncom- mitted delegates in his bid for the party's presidential nomination. * * * CHICAGO - The government's fraud and conspiracy case against James R. Hoffa took a nosedive Wednesday when the presiding judge told the prosecution it has yet to prove there has been any crime. nuclear stockpiles or disclosure of information concerning stor- age or deployment of nuclear weapons. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian A. Zorin made no refer- ence to the plan. But Czechoslo- vakia, which usually agrees with the Soviet Union, denounced it as "failing to open up the possibili- ties of real agreement during 1964, as called for by Johnson in his address to this conference last January." The American plan offered "ver- ification without intrusion" in the event of a cut-off agreement. The Czech delegate, Karel Kur- ka, said Foster's speech "does not reduce nuclear danger, slow down the arms race or contribute to a non-dissemination of weapons." Western officials here said there was little doubt that Zorin would follow a similar line. The Soviet Union frequently has charged that American insistence on inspection procedure is moti- vated by the desire to create "le- galized espionage.'' Foster said that with regard to the inspection of U-235 separation plants, which produce enriched uranium, and nuclear reactors it would not even be necessary for inspectors to enter the plants. He said chemical separation plants whichdproduce fissionable material would require much more detailed inspection. But he pro- posed an alternate system which would involverplacing under na- tional safeguards an amount of fissionable material to be deter- mined by inspectors. They would then be able to check, by a series of measure- ments, whether any plant was ex- ceeding production of nuclear ma- terial allowed for peaceful pur- poses. The inspection system would provide for an initial declaration by the nuclear powers of all plants producing fissionable materials. This would be followed by inspec- tions which would: -Shut-down plant restarting operations. -Guard against diversification of production for unallowed pur- poses. -Check to insure that no clan- destine plants were in operation producing nuclear material for arms purposes. 'NAACP May Alter Elections WASHINGTON (t)-A drive to change election procedures in the NAACP - and perhaps to foster more aggressive leadership poli- cies-was discussed yesterday by the organization's board of direc- tors at its 55th national conven- tion. Some supporters of the move be- lieve it will result in the unseating of the association's white presi- dent, Arthur B. Spingarn. But the leader of the drive to change, L. Joseph Overton, said the aim is to democratize the process of electing a president. Nevertheless, m a n y of the younger and more militant mem- bers of the civil rights group are known to favor tougher and younger leadership-by a Negro- in view of current race troubles in the nation. THIS CHARRED STATIONWAGON belonging to three civil rights students working in Mississippi on voter registration this summer, was found Tuesday in a swampy area near Philadelphia, Miss., where the three disappeared. A massive hunt for the trio has brought former Central Intelligence Agency head Allan Dulles and 100 sailors to the Southern state. ELECTRICAL KNIFE New'~f' Vaccine May Halt Cancer SAN FRANCISCO (A') - Av vaccine against cancer that works on rabbits-and may explain why some human cancers disappear - was reported yesterday to the' American Medical Association. Dr. Alfred Strauss of the Mi- chael Reese Hospital and Medical; Center in Chicago said he has injected 100 immunized rabbits with cancer several times in the past two years and not one has developed a malignancy. Non-im- miunizedd animals given the same injections died in 8 to 12 weeks. He also cited five cases of what' he called "clinical cures" in hu- mans, one of whom is still living 30 years after treatment. Electrical Knife Dr. Strauss, who has been treat- ing cancer since 1913, said his vaccine is prepared from cancer- ous rabbit tissue cut away with. an electrical knife, a process known as electro-coagulation. When injected into other rab- bits, he said, this electro-coagu- lated material apparently immu- nizes them against that kind of cancer. His experiments so far have been limited to Brown-Pearce car- cinoma, but he said he plans to extend the research to other types of cancer in humans. Immunizes Humans Use of an electrical knife to remove tumors, Dr. Strauss added, also seems to immunize human patients against their own can- cers. He listed five cases whose tu- mors were removed with electrical knives instead of scalpels and said not one of them had a recurrence of cancer. Absorption of the electrically killed cancer cells, he said, appar- ently generated antibodies against that type of cancer. "In order to investigate this further, experiments have been de- vised and are now in progress to determine the possible immuniz- ing effects of dead or dying tis-] sue," Dr. Strauss said.1 He noted there have been in1 creasing reports in recent years of tumors that disappeared and added that "the concept that ne- crotic (dead) tumor tissue may as-' sume antigenic powers which stim- ulate a specific antibody response can be supported by clinical ob- servations that tumors which un- dergo marked necrosis occasional- ly show spontaneous regression of the primary tumor as well as the metastases (spreading growth)." (The American Cancer Society reports that about 1.2 million Americans have been apparently "cured" of cancer, with the term meaning they have no sign of the disease after five years or longer after first diagnosis and treatment. The main treatments are surgery, radiation and drugs, singly or in combinations.) Sawyer Contests Indirect Costs President Orders Navy To Aid Hunt Dulles Finishes Talks In South; To Report Back on Situation By The Associated Press PHILADELPHIA, Miss.-A hun- dred sailors under presidential or- der combed a swampy region in Neshoba County yesterday in a fruitless search for three missing civil rights workers. "They found nothing," a state highway patrol official told news- men. "The search will be resumed tomorrow at first light," a Navy spokesman said. "We will increase to 200 men if the situation tvar- rants." No Clues, No Comment The spokesman refused to com- ment on whether Navy search parties unearthed any clues, say- ing such information must come from the Defense Department in Washington. The sailors are augmenting a force of FBI agents, federal mar- shals and state patrolmen already patrolling the swampy area where the youths' burned car was found Tuesday. The trio had been arrested for speeding in the area and then were released. Meanwhile, President Lyndon B. Johnson was reported keeping in close touch with the situation through a series of telephone calls to parents of the two missing young men, to civil rights leaders and to various officials. The unarmed,sailors separated into two teams and began comb- ing the Neshoba County forest area as soon as they arrived. A lone Navy helicopter scanned the search scene northeast of Phila- delphia, where the three and some 200 other civil rights workers- most of them students-have as- sembled to push voter registra- tion among Mississippi's Negroes. Dulles Returns The same day, presidential emissary Alien Dulles ended his whirlwind mission to Mississippi after reviewing his findings with Gov. Paul Johnson and returned to Washington. He told Johnson that "I don't see any likely explosion, but the situation requires careful han- Idling." "Things are going well and I hope will go better," he said. He did not amplify. The former CIA chief held a 90-minute closed-door session with Mississippi civil rights leaders and then visited the governor for 45 minutes. He talked over the state's troubled racial situation and, on the second day of conferences, said, "I will do little talking and a lot of listening until I make the report to the president." Dulles came here Wednesday by military jet on an assignment from Johnson to get first hand information on Mississippi's racial difficulties. 'No One Told Me' Gov. Paul Johnson of Mississippi said the announcement of the sailors' assignment came as a sur- prise. But he promised to render every assistance possible and call- ed on all Mississippians to do the same. In a statement,' the governor said that "No one conferred with me with reference to dispatching sailors and helicopters to Missis- Elsewhere around the state: -The Council of Federated Or- ganizations (COFO), which repre- sents major civil rights groups in this state, said two of its workers passing out leaflets at Itta Bena- in the Delta-were hustled to a bus station by white men and asked to leave town. Inadequate --A biracial group of COFO' pickets paraded outside the fed- eral building at Greenville on the Mississippi River, protesting al- leged inadequate protection of (Second in a series on University personalities in the news) By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The University's more than 2100 researchers owe a lot to Ralph Sawyer. His office of research administration will funnel to them more than $42 million in federal funds this year. As vice-president for research during the past five years, Sawyer's persistent lobbying and crisp fund management have persuaded federal agencies to provide $150 million for teachers and students to explore anything from the problems of drop- outs to the behavior of crickets. From the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to the National Space Administration, Sawyer today sells $2 worth of research for every $1 purchased and granted in 1959.. Best Measure But for services rendered a worth millions, the debt to > . Sawyer can best be measured in thousands. These are the mar- ginal dollars on each grant which must be squeezed from' the University budget to meet overhead-or indirect costs- incurred in research. Unlike / salaries and equipment pur- chases, which make nice round figures on Congressional requi- sition slips, the indirect costs >{ are more difficult to account for. They are the funds which pay the janitor, heat the laboratory and provide for Sawyer to ad-r ministrate the grant in the DEAN RALPH SAWYER first place. On contracts-the rigid puirchase of specific rese arch services-indirect costs are tabulated in as part of the bill. But on the more loosely defined griants, Congr ess has quite directly opposed subsidy of indirect expenses. It has set down a flat precondition in its appropriation bills for federal agencies: a school may receive no more than 20 per cent of the total research cost as a refund for its indirect toil. Educators contend that a reasonable level would be closer to 30 per cent. Medical Example To emphasize how this 10 per cent discrepancy can mean millions, Sawyer pinpoints the medical school. On $5 million worth of grants there last year, the University can collect only $1 million for indirect costs. Actual cost: $1.5 million. So the budget must be wrung for $500,000. Grant research in its entirety will take over $2 million from University coffers this year. Sawyer is by no means a uniquely embittered research administrator. Indirect costs have long been a hotline of FENCES, PARKING LOTS 'No Car' Policy To By ROBERT HIPPLER The Regents passed a furthei , ordinance regulating the use of Nichols Arboretum at their May meeting. The ordinance ,which will take" effect July 1, establishes rules and } regulations covering the follow- ing: -Automobiles, motorcycles and motorscooters will be restricted from operating within the boun- daries of the famous campus land- mark. Parking will be available at a lot in the south portion of ::.:_____ 'Improve' Arb ;,r_________ .. This ordinance is the most re-I cent in series of University moves to improve the Arboretum and correct abuses which have occur- red there in the past. The goal is to make the Arb essentially a pedestrian area. Narrowly Missed Vehicular access was prohibited last April when the University closed the three main entrance gates at Geddes Ave., Washing- ton Hts. and Nichols Dr. near the Huron River. "There had been many complaints of vehicles run- It is hoped that restricted access will help eliminate other abuses which have occurred, such as rip-" ping labels off plants, destruction of plants, bushes and trees and upsetting and setting fire to refuse barrels. Playing War The Arb has been used for Other purposes than recreation. It has been used by the language and architecture departments and se~v- eral of the biological sciences. Occasionally, military R e s e r v e units have held night maneuvers} I