MILITARY MAN IN VIET NAM See Editorial Page 1Mwr~ga til FAIR High--7 Low-48 Light southerly winds, cloudy tonight Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 3-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX. PAGES Dulles Flies to Mississippi; Search Operations Fruitless House Committee Shelves Medical Plan 15 PHILADELPHIA (P) - White U-1-04rn~hn chntnr lln W region. a I I t R douetroule snooterien w. Search operations were stopped Dulles flew into trouble-wracked at dark with no further word of Mississippi yesterday and immedi- the three youths. House-to-house ately - conferred with Gov. Paul inquiries will resume at daybreak. Johnson on the baffling disap- Talks with Johnson pearance of three civil rights Tlswt ono workers. The former chief of the Cen- Dulles, sent to the Mississippi tral Intelligence Agency and the capital by President Lyndon B. governor talked privately for 80 Johnson for an on-the-spot re- port, huddled with the governor minutes. Afterwards they met with at the executive mansion as heav- newsmen.I ily armed posses searched for the "The conversation with Mr. Dul- missing trio in this east-central les and myself was about. . . prob- Wilkins Confers with Kennedy; NAACP Pickets WASHINGTON (P)-More than 2000 NAACP convention dele- gates marched silently two by two around the Justice Department yesterday as their leader conferred with Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy about civil rights turmoil in Mississippi. Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, met with Kennedy for 90 minutes as the march was getting organized. Then Kennedy watched the marchers file by in protest against the disappearance of three young civil rights works in Mississippi lems of law enforcement we have met, that our highway patrol has been beefed up," Gov. JohnsonI said. ". . . Men like him are here for the purpose of doing good. He has a carte blanche anywhere in Mississippi." Dulles said only he came at{ the President's request to get the governor's view of the problems in Mississippi on law enforcement. Opposition Sinks TokenRm Provisions But Group Hikes Retired Payment 1 * * 7C MVoves To Block * * * stricting E To Plan Talks WASHINGTON (P)-The House He indicated he would plan Ways and Means Committee talks with civil rights leaders be- shelved President Lyndon B. John- fore returning to Washington. "I son's health care plan yesterday, expect to have a busy time here but voted for a five per cent tonight and tomorrow," Dulles across-the-board increase in cash said. payments to persons retired under Alighting from a military jet social security. transport at Jackson, the former The retirement boost involves aI CIA chief said he did not come to social security tax increase in the Mississippi to join in the search first year of $31.20 more for both and does not plan to visit Phila- anyone earning $5400 or more and delphia, about 40 miles northeast for his employer. of Jackson. The decision to drop all health Dulles said that in his talks care proposals from the social with Gov. Johnson "we'll discuss security bill the committee is put- certain problems arising from the ting together means the only likely law enforcement situation, and so possibility for reviving the issue I will find out what I can and this yea ris for the Senate to write report back to President Johnson in such provisions when the legis- in Washington." lation reaches that chamber. Keeps Mum Stiff resistance could be ex- The governor kept mum dur- pected when the legislation came ing the day as the search for the back to the House. missing youths broadened. High Priority But Gov. Edmund G. Brown of California told a news conference Johnson put the health care at Sacramento yesterday that Gov. plan high on his list of priority Johnson had described the situa- legislation for this year and re- tion in Mississippi as "very ex- peatedly urged its passage. Never- plosive." Brown said Johnson theless, sponsors long ago wrote made the comment at the recent off chances of committee approval governor's conference in Cleveland, of the whole program. Now Johnson's fears have been They continued to hope, how- justified, Brown said. ever, that a token amount of hos- pital care, establishing the prin-i H its ciple of meeting health needs from social security taxes, might have been included. C :The end1 of that hope camelves- Excise Taxes FTC Sets 7Janger' May e ut By over Half Labels for Tobacc( WASHINGTON (P)-The Federal Trade Commission is rule yesterday requiring that * all cigarette labels and adv and the race situation generally. NAACP CHAIRMAN WILKINS Coinuiiitteew To Clear Bill WASHINGTON (P) - Chairman Howard W. Smith (D-Va) bowed to the demands of a majority of the House Rules Committee yes- terday and scheduled a meeting to clear the civil rights bill for Hous action next week. Still apparently unsettled, how- ever, is a dispute between House Republicans and the Democrati leadership over declaring a re- cess July 3 so the Republicans can get to the GOP national conven- tion a week ahead of time for pre- liminary activities. Need Republicans Republican votes will be need- ed to get the civil rights bill ou of the rules committee and Mi- nority Leader Charles A. Halleck (R-Ind) has reportedly made de- livery of the vote contingent on getting a recess from July 3 t July 20. After the last of a series o: leaders' meetings yesterday, both Halleck and Speaker John W. Mc- Cormack (D-Mass) said the mat- ter of the recess was still up in the air. Urging McCormack is being urged by President Lyndon B. Johnson t keep the House in session the week of July 6, primarily to ac on his anti-poverty bill. His re quest has met heavy resistance from Democrats as well as Repub licans, however, and there now ap pears little likelihood that John son will get his way. The only clearcut result of the day's maneuvering was Smith's announcement that the rules com mittee would meet next Tuesday to consider a resolution calling fo House acceptance of the Senate passed bill. That would send it on to the President for signature. Barrier Dowii In School. Case FARMVILLE, Va. (/)-One of the latest barriers has been clear- ed away for reopening public schools in Prince Edward County, closed five years ago to avoid desegregation. The county board of supervisors, acting under a federal court order The only noise was a spattering of applause as Kennedy took a place on the steps with Mrs. Medgar Evers, widow of the Mississippi victim of a sniper-killer last year, and two of her three children- Darrell, 10. and Rena Denise, 9. Evers was NAACP's representative in Mississippi- Kennedy watched the marchers for 10 minutes, stepped down to the sidewalk and shook hands with a few dozen of the marchers. Then the attorney general waved goodby and returned to his office to pre- pare for his trip to Europe last night. Wilkins reported that he told Kennedy Negroes across the na- tion will explore all peaceful means of expressing their indig- nation at the disappearance since Sunday night of the two white and one Negro civil rights workers. The only trace of the trio was discovery yesterday near Phila- delphia, Miss., of their charred station wagon. The youths are Andy Goodman, 20, and Michael Schwerner, both of New York, and James Cheney, a 22-year-old Meridian, Miss., Negro., Wilkins, accompanied by seven other NAACP officials, said he f urged Kennedy to take some pre- ventive action to protect not only p civil rights workers "but the e 985,000 Negro citizens who live in Mississippi." - The marchers were well dressed, e many wearing black arm bands. c Some carried signs: "NAACP de- mands action now"; "stop Mis- sissippi terror": "JusticeADepart- -ment must protect American - rights." They walked the 14 blocks to the Justice Department, -around the building and back without - incident and with a sizable, un- obstrusive police escort. The dem- onstration at the building lasted only 25 minutes because a sudden shower of rain sent them scurry- o mg. Using extraordinary precautions f to insure quiet and order, yellow- , shirted monitors parade with each - state delegation, warned marchers - not to talk to passers by and pre- a vented non-delegates from join- ing the procession. Wilkins told newsmen regard- y less of what the government does o "we will have to begin to explore e ways and means-political, eco- nomic, moral and others - for, - Negroes to express their indigna- e tion" over the situation in Missis- - sippi. He emphasized that no use - of force is contemplated. eTHE UNIVERSITY y! Hits Court; 'To Consult Legal Staff sued a ertising Assails Court Ruling seases." n issu- After Party Caucus; ies. Hopes To Receive Stay Dixon, adver- LANSING-Gov. George Rom- ney yesterday attacked Michigan's new legislative districting plan as r "a viscious partisan gerrymander" and moved to block its use in the 1964 elections, the Detroit Free Press reported yesterday. He also assailed the 6-2 deci- sion by the state Supreme Court Monday that put the plan into effect. Romney, who was out of state when the court made the ruling, blasted the new apportionment after meeting privately with Re- publican legislators and GOP members of Leislative Apportion- iment Commission. Appeal Uncertain IThe governor said he did not yet know whether an appeal from the decision would be made to the U.S. Supreme Court. But he asked his legal staff to see if a stay was possible. "It will have to be done very ERRY promptly," he said. ERRY The apportionment commission, acting on orders from state Su- preme Court, formally adopted the plan Tuesday. Thursday Dea line Secretary of State James M, Hare, the state's chief elections officer, had set Thursday as the s deadline for the new plan to be approved under an election sched- ule calling for a Sept. 1 primary. resident The plan, drafted by two Demo- Premier crats on the bipartisan apportion- ece con- ment commission, creates 38 second Senate seats of virtually equal personal population and 110 House dis- f a pos- tricts also based exclusively on ce and population. Most observers said it would probably switch controlof on now the Legislature from Republicans succeed- to Democrats. Romney, in his statement, said he and the GOP legislators ent was and apportionment commissioners days of agreed that the state court went ith Pre- "far beyond the meaning and in- :ey. And tent" of a June 15 U.S. Supreme an hour Court decision setting the pattern andreou, for legislative apportionment in of dis- every state, The federal court ruled that Turkish district populations in b o t h Cemal houses o fa legislature must be rus talks as nearly equal in population "as sters of is practicabel." Turkish enate OK's private General ederal Fla oblem. A had giv- his talks . or D St C1Ctll . John- WASHINGTON V() - A bill Turkish that would set federal standards Minister for congressional districts - but o be one leave it to the states to draw the y John- boundaries-was approved yester- h Inonu day by a House judiciary subcom- mittee. Aimed at eliminating gerryman- dering and wide population dif- )w ferences between districts, the bill is a response to recent Supreme Court decisions attacking the present boundaries in many states. It would require districts to be President compact and contiguous - that is sed over reasonably shaped and in one piece y to pick -. and to contain a population arold K. within 15 per cent above or be- h march low a state's average district. ew chief The federal courts would be empowered to review a state's re- President districting action through suits . Creigh- initiated by citizens. ught in The bill would take effect for ack 4th the 1966 elections. rld War The bill does not deal with the ce chief boundaries of state legislative dis- tricts, some of which have also Angell Urges Leadership For Nation's Universities . i By ROBERT HIPPLER "Today's American university communities should begin to truly recognize what is one of their main duties-assisting in the formation of public opinion, and in the de- termination of the values of their society," Prof. Robert Angell of the sociology department said yes- terday. Speaking before a meeting of the Institute on College and Uni- versity Administration, Angell noted that "this most part of American society should aspire to leadership in two senses. "First, in ideological terms, it should set as its goal the pursuit of excellence. This means excel- lence in many facets of life-in- tellectual, moral, aesthetic. Correct Faults "In practical terms, the univer- sity community should seek to cor- rect what it sees as faults in the way America looks and acts on life," Angell noted. "It could for example, correct what I see as a pair of faults shared by many Americans." For one thing, there is an un- healthy emphasis on trying to find simple answers to what are really complicated questions, An- gell said. "There just aren't any such answers. There isn't just one thing we can 'do' in Viet Nam to 'win' the war. Simple answers just don't acknowledge reality. "These things the overwhelming majority of educated people real- ize," he went on. "I believe it is their duty to try as hard as they can to get their beliefs known to their fellow citizens." the emphasis of both 'material- ism' and 'superficiality.' There is a little of both in most of our lives." For example, the great empha- sis on spectator sports and on sen- sational content on newspapers is a fault which educated people recognize even if they do not al- ways escape it, Angell said. "Other examples are the hours and hours of situation comedies on TV, or simple drama such as the 'westerns' craze a few years ago. Some of this is good, but many people devote a huge part, of their lives to it," Angell ex- plained. Leadership "In tryingLto develop this sense of leadership, the nation's insti- tutes of higher education must usually center around their lit- erary colleges. For the literary college is usually the one section of a university which participates most fully in all parts of its life- general education, professional training, services to the public, research, and social criticism," Angell went on. But in striving for leadership, the literary colleges run into new troubles, Angell explained. Many students come to college with ad- vanced placement, and therefore spend a shorter time n the uni- versity community: "At Harvard, for example, one fourth of last year's graduates had entered as sophomores.' "A second such troublesome problem is that many students to- day become oriented toward pro- fessional training well before they graduate,"rhe said. "Thus they do not participate as much in the Turkey over Cyprus. This is an effort Johins reportedly feels may be ing. Officials said the Presid encouraged by his twoc talks concluded Tuesday w mier Ismet Inonu of Turk he met for more than a yesterday with Papa launching two more daysc cussions. At the United Nations,' Foreign Minister Feridun Erkin ruled out direct Cypr between the prime mini Greece and Turkey. Erkin accompanied ' Prime Minister Ismet In UN headquarters for a meeting with Secretary- U Thant on hte Cyprus pr UN spokesman said Inonu1 en Thant a full report onI with President Lyndon B son in Washington. A meeting between the leader and Greek Prime1 Papandreou was reported t of the objectives pushed b; son, who had met with earlier in the week. Johnson No lChiefof St( WASHINGTON () -P Lyndon B. Johnson pass 1.3 senior generals yesterda 52-year-old Lt. Gen. H Johnson, a Bataan death survivor, as the Army's n of staff. At the same time, the P chose 49-year-old Lt. Gen ton W. Abrams, who fo Gen. George Patton's cr Armored Division in Wo II, to be the Army's vi of staff. ,Peat, S'l ous Plait' (First in a series on University personalities in the news) By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Every student knows the feeling of stuttering through the initial phases of a foreign language. While the grim and sarcastic teacher glares at him, the student lurches through the wrong article Anglicizes the vowel sound and compounds his fracture with a mis- emphasized ending. After the teacher's reprimand, the student mutters to himself: "That guy's such a perfectionist, you'd think he's a machine." The student may not realize how prohetic he is. A University researcher named Roger Buiten has developed an experimental device which will some day be able to replace that teacher in giving repeti- tion and drill training. The machine's job will be to work with the student on simple sentences until he begins to sound like a . i It c . ; ,I