Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICMGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLiCATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" TUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBO, MICH., PHoNE No 2-324 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: JEFFREY GOODMAN "['ll Get You In There If It Kills You" {{ ~z~i ___ .~- INDIA'S FUTURE: Shastri To Share Authority Toward Better Education: Abolish Graduation Second of a Two Part Series By V. I. PAI PANANDIKER Daily Guest Writer MARGAO-GOA-The election of Lal Bahadur Shastri as the leader of the Parliamentary Con- gress party and consequently as the new prime minister was in- deed a political necessity follow- ing the death of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as much as perhaps the wish of Nehru him- self. The quiet and skillful man- ner in which Kamraj Nadar, parliamentary Congress president, brought this about truly saved the congress and the nation a crisis of political succession. But the crucial issue was never in doubt: because the Congress party is so significantly split in two rather powerful wings the choice of a prime minister from among either of the wings would have been an open invitation for a bitter organizational struggle possibly leading to the fragmenta- tion of the congress itself. Such crises occurred twice during the very government of Nehru. In- deed the first occurred during the THE UNIVERSITY is not simply in the education business. It also dispenses another product: symbols of education. Among these symbols are grades, credit hours and degrees. The symbols themselves are supposed to be important only in that they reflect the education. But as education's critics have long been saying, the problem is that the symbols come to be ends in themselves-ends which overshadow and even totally eclipse the original educa- tional goals. People who bemoan this corruption of education generally concentrate their at- tacks on the grading system, and less frequently on the credit-hour concept. Such attacks lose much of their force because these symbols can be defended on educational grounds-"grades provide necessary motivation for academic work" -or at least on practical grounds - "grades are needed by prospective em- ployers and graduate schools." Thus a plausible case can be made to the ef- fect that these devices are, at worst, nec- essary evils. BUT IT'S SURPRISING that even the most radical reformers seldom ques- tion the practice of giving out degrees- surprising because there is hardly a more useless and silly tradition in the tired old world of higher education than the tra- dition of graduation. If, as they constant- ly claim, University officials really make decisions on educational grounds, they should abolish the degree program alto- gether. For the custom of awarding de- grees adds nothing to the educational process and in fact has several deleterious effects upon it. Most basically, it sets up an arbitrary point at which one's college education is over. This in turn means several things: For the entering student, it sets up a simple, acceptable goal for which to strive. It shifts the emphasis from the education he might get to the degree he will receive, thus removing the incentive to ask those valuable, disconcerting ques- tions about what sort of education he wants, when he wants it, and why. FOR THE MORE experienced student, it exerts an overwhelming pressure for standardization. Some undergraduates, for example, are fed up with college after two or three years-yet they "stick it out"-wasting a year or two of their lives-because they've "only got a year or two to go" until graduation. Others could profitably take undergraduate courses for five or six years, yet they usually allow graduation to kill their educational ca- reer in its prime. Not only their length of residence here but their decisions as to what courses to take are likely to be degree-rather than education-oriented. Academic counsel- ors, who should be advising on education- .al matters, are primarily concerned with advising students as to what the re- quirements are for various degrees; among students, the quest for "mickey mouse" courses to fill out those last few degree requirements is notorious. For the misfit, the student whose edu- cational needs don't fit one of the various "degree programs," it means two liabili- ties: first, the "second-class citizen" stat- us of a "special student" while in the University; second, uneven competition against degree-holders in the race for jobs and graduate-school admissions. FOR THE DEGREE-HOLDER, gradua- tion usually spelled the end of educa- tion-the point at which he laid down his books and stopped growing intellectually. The main theme of the customary gradu- ation ceremony is that the students are now "going out into the world," i.e., that "education" is over and "life" is about to begin. Thus it plays a major part in perpetuating the idea that college is a "parenthesis"-a period of life in which one doesn't take part in society but merely languishes in some sort of aca- demic stupor. And in a nation where "college gradu- ate" is becoming synonymous with "edu- cated person," it makes education appear to be an all-or-nothing proposition: you either have a degree or you don't. But this simple dichotomy obscures the fact f-1..- .1 n - - - -4 A ff 4..vr . - 1^ n1,; ply attend the University as long as they felt they were benefitting from it, or un- til they decided they had reached their educational goals-whether it took one semester or eight or twenty. Later, they would be permitted-even encouraged- to return to the University when and if they felt a need for further studies. The crucial point is that each student's edu- cational decisions would be his own-and he would not be penalized for failing to remake them in the image of someone else's "degree program." It would not require a radical remak- ing of other educational policies. Distri- bution requirements would lose their compulsory nature but could still stand as reputable guideposts to students desir- ing a liberal education. Grades and cred- its on a transcript would tell an employer as much as he knows now about a poten- tial employe's qualifications-more, in fact, than a mere diploma tells. The money saved by abolishing graduation ef- forts would be devoted to more compe- tent and meaningful academic and career counseling, to help each student design his own ideal program. It's hard to predict how the public would react to such a striking departure. But a strong public-relations drive, de- signed to dramatize and explain the 'move, could well turn it into a public- relations victory. And it would be re- greshing to see public relations serving education, for a change. Abolishing degree programs would en- tail no investment of money, no disloca- tions, no radical restructuring of the Uni- versity. It would entail nothing more than a decision. Yet that decision might well revolutionize University education-- and the revolution would be all for the better. -KENNETH WINTER Co-Editor Balloting AS CONVENTION TIME draws near, bringing with it the likelihood that Barry Goldwater will capture the GOP presidential nomination, many Repub- licans up for or election (or re-election) in the fall are evidently growing more and more fearful that their political ca- reers will not survive the closing of the polls. In Michigan, this general apprehen- sion about a Democratic landslide has manifested itself in the form of a heated battle over the "Massachusetts Ballot." The object of all this controversy is a bill, passed by the Republican-domin- ated Legislature in their last session and subsequently signed by Gov. George Rom- ney, which replaces Michigan's present ballot with one which does not permit the individual to vote a straight ticket merely by pulling a lever or by marking a circle at the top of the ballot. Meanwhile, the Democrats have been vigorously opposing the ballot on the grounds that it would be too time-con- suming for citizens. Having vigorously opposed the bill when it made the rounds of the Legislature, they are now frantical- ly trying to round up 250,000 signatures on a petition which would prevent the new ballot from taking effect. THE REASON FOR ALL the fuss is ap- parent: it is not a ballot which is at stake, but Romney's political future. For if Goldwater is nominated and Republi- cans by the score turn in disgust to John- son as "the lesser of two evils," Romney would be out of office in no time - if enough people who vote for Johnson de- cide to take the easy way out and vote a straight Democratic ticket. Without go- ing into the whys and wherefores of one candidate's political views against an- other's, it must be generally admitted that the fabric of Goldwater's coattails is hardly strong enough to hold many other Republican office-seekers. It is understandable then that Rom- ney should be in favor of the new bal- lot, since his chances for re-election would be greatly aided if voters were made to stop and consider each candi- date instead of voting a straight ticket. At the same time, it is just as under- standable that the Democrats would try _- - - ve -- . -- - f- ih n +r vn - - '64 ELECTION: GOP Landslide in the Offing? (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles survey- ing the fortunes of the Republican Party in the weeks to come. Har- rah will cover the 1964 GOP Na- tional Convention for The Daily and for CBS News.) By MICHAEL HARRAH BY ALL that's predictable these days, the Republicans are in for a landslide victory over Presi- dent Johnson this November, re- gardless of whom they nominate. (This prediction predicated on the theory that whomever the unan- imously erroneous polls say can't possibly win must be a shoo-in.) But alas, very little is predict- able, as the nation's political poll- sters have discovered so far in the current campaign. As early as March in New Hampshire, the polls were predicting a Goldwater win-and who should turn up on top but semi-favorite son Henry Cabot Lodge. In Wisconsin, the polls begrudg- ed Gov. Wallace some 100,000 votes if he was lucky. He got 250,000. In Maryland they gave him slightly under 40 per cent of the vote and he nearly won. IN OREGON, the pollsters con- fidently predicted a repeat per- formance for Lodge, but Rocke- feller came out on top. In Cali- fornia, they struck out twice: The polls predicted Rockefeller for the GOP choice and Alan Cranston, California state controller, for the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Union Services-- For Students or No? To the Editor: THE INCIDENT I relate is in- dividual and personal, but I believe it has wider significance and for that reason and that rea- son only, I relate it. Actually, it involves very little: while using the executive office in the Michigan Union Activities Wing with two other editors, pre- paring a manuscript, a student manager challenged our presence and threw us out. Very simple. Except the fact that 1) permis- sion for use of the office had been given us by a Union officer in writing; 2) the student manager acted almost gleefully belligerent; and with no cause 3) arrogantly insulted a professor from Harvard and (evidently to show his keen sense of equality) an instructor at our beloved University, going so far as to challenge the former to a fist-fight. TRIVIAL? WELL yes and no. Yes because any question could have been easily resolved without stress. But no, because this man- ager's superiors evidently approve of his actions and what is more, condone or pooh-pooh his in- solence. The wider significance of the incident is the conclusion which must be drawn from the remarks of the student manager and the manager as well, that stu- dent officers don't set policy for the Union, not even in regard to their own offices and facilities, and that the Student Union is not for student service. The Michigan Union is categor- ized in a recent publicity bulletin (by the Michigan Union) as a service organization for the Uni- versity Community. It extracts (from tuition fees) $7.50 a head from males in order to carry out such ends. MY ANGER is directed at one overzealous and petty bureaucrat caught up with picayune illusions of grandeur and a whole massive bureacracy in the middle of cam- pus that seems to have lost sight bf its shoes for the girth of its stomach. The incident is personal because the student manager, a Mr. Good, crudely insulted myself and my editors-years his senior; and his superior, Mr. Meyers, blindly backed him up. The inconvenience was for no reason except, perhaps Mr. Good's ego-salve. Upon being told that his tactics belonged to the stone age. Mr. Good said he didn't care. Asked about a possible loss of position because of actions insulting people who pay his salary and contrary to the student-officers' wishes, Mr. Good reiterated "I don't care." He went on to elaborate "Union" ann" ir rn'+ hnit my Mr. Good does not deserve the salary the Union pays him. He does not deserve to be in a posi- tion where he can mis-represent the purpose of a "Student Union." Mr. Good and apparently his su- periors are of the opinion that THEY are running a hotel and restaurant and that THEY answer to no one. Mr. Good apparently thinks the Union a private organi- zation not subsidized, not pro- tected by student fees and Uni- versity favor. This is not a raillery against all the Union's employes, the major- ity of which I have found in four years, fine, pleasant people. Nor against the student officers whom I have found deserving of much praise for their activities in the University community: Michigras, Air-Flights, Art Festival, ad in- finitum. But I think they and the stu- dentsof the "Harvard of the Mid- West" as our P.R. department tells the world, deserve a little better treatment at the hands of people they pay; that they know who actually runs thesUnion and for what purposes. As it looks now, it's make money and the students be damned. If so, I want my $7.50 back. -George A. White, '65 Registration To the Editor: FOR AN INSTITUTION which frets so much about its "im- age,"the University is pretty in- considerate in dealing with its summer session students, many of whom are adults here for special courses. Their first experience with the University is registration. Now, at 3:07 p.m. yesterday, there were 29 one-day-late students waiting in line for their registration ma- terials at Window A in the Ad- ministration Bldg. They were waiting in line for the one sec- retary at Window A because Win- dows B, C, D, and so on all had signs saying "Closed. Go to Win- dow A," like they alwaysdo. A glance at the other clerical activity in the area revealed no one who appeared especially over- worked or distraught. Why, then, couldn't someone, anyone, lift a finger, if only for a few minutes, to help pass out the necessary forms? Perhaps to some officials in Registration and Records, a 29- person line is not very long, and those who remember the days in Waterman Gym beforehpreregis- tration might agree. YET A 15 OR 20 minute wait on a hot day. is long enough for students of any age when, with a Democratic Senate nod, and of course the victories went to Gold- water and former White House press aide Pierre Salinger. With a showing like that, one would place little or no credence in what the polls have to say; they may or may not be right. Now the press is practically unanimous in its opinion that the GOP wil simply wilt before the tremendous prestige and states- menlike qualities of Lyndon Baines Johnson. Well, they could be wrong-dead wrong, from Walter Lippmann and Emmet John Hughes, two eminent pundits who should know better than to be so confident in this fast changing era, right down through the infamous Drew Pear- son, who is expected to do little more than a hatchet job. JOHNSON CAN BE defeated- and with surprising ease, for there are a ghastly number of pitfalls before him, which, in spite of the eagerness of the press to over- look them, will not go away. If anything they'll get bigger. To begin with, the Democrats did not win by much in 1960. The Republicans were successful in los- ing virtually every state it was possible to loose, and still they al- most won. That was 1960 when the man in the White House was Dwight Eisenhower. The GOP contender, Vice-President Nixon, felt obligat- ed to defend the Eisenhower rec- ord, which for everything else, was not dynamic. The Democratic challenger was Sen. Kennedy, the handsome, energetic young aven- ger, who badgered away at his opponent with the unceasing spirit of a hawk attacking a snake. And still, he almost didn't win, even though he had the Republi- cans in full retreat. * * * NOW, IN 1964, Kennedy is gone. The man in the White House is Lyndon Johnson, the Texan who opposed Kennedy bitterly at the 1960 convention, then consented to be his running mate, in one of the most astounding about-faces on record; and this is the Lyndon Johnson who persuaded the South that Kennedy was good for them- the Lyndon Johnson whom the polls, with their disgraceful record, claim cannot be beaten. Well then, suppose for a mo- ment that the polls are right- that Johnson can't lose. Suppos- ing this, the Republicans have ob- solutely nothing to lose by hitting him full force with all their am- munition. They can question his policies in Southeast Asia, where American troops are giving their lives daily in a war they aren't allowed to win, hampered by out- moded, clumsy, ancient equipment and jeopardized by the most inept political bungling seen in many years. They can question his Cuba policy, which permits Castro to harass the United States Naval Base at Guantanamo, his Latin American policy, which permits American military men and diplo- mats to be kidnapped by local in- surgents, which permits the fla- grant seizure of American industry in South America. THEY CAN QUESTION John- son's own honesty-his connection with the Bobby Baker dealings, his operation of the Austin broadcast- ing stations, his portrayl of a North Carolina couple as poverty stricken, when in fact their farm will clear $1500 this year and will gross nearly $5000-hardly a pov- erty wage. They can attack his handling of civil rights, for no matter what Congress has done, the Negroes aren't going to like it and the Southerners aren't going to like it. It would seem that any man who lifetime of Mahatma Gandi when the powerful right wing led by Vallabhai Patel literally pushed the socialist wing led by Jai- Prakash Narayan, Ashok Mehta and others out of the congress. The second such crisis rocked the congress during the Chinese invasion in October, 1962 when the massive assault of the right wing ousted the then Defense Minister Krishna Menon and later K. D. Malaviya from the Council of Ministers. The now famous Kamraj Plan was really the effort of Nehru to restore the political balance in his cabinet. * * * IN SELECTING the new prime minister from among either of the two wings the party faced another similar crisis. The elec- tion of Morarji Desai would have polarized the party in two massive wings even breaking up the sig- nificantly important moderates. Kamraj Nadar knew too well to permit such a development. Admittedly this was not all that went against Morarji Desai. His rigid outlook and authoritarian personality have earned him sev- eral powerful enemies not only in and outside the congress but even inside the right wing.Desai as pirime minister would have been a major political liability for the congress. But the political unfeasibility of Desai's candidacy was not all that was in Shastri's favor. Of all the present leaders, except of course Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Shastri was closest to Nehru both personally and in terms of his policies and political faith. In fact Nehru, Mrs. Gandhi and Shastri formed the ruling clique of the congress in the last few years. This identification of Shastri with the late prime minister's policies is of vital import in cur- rent international politics espe- cially in regard to the policy of nonalignment. Desai's election would have clearly drawn India closer to the western camp; al- ready India's reliance on the West since the Chinese invasion has caused considerable alarm in the Kremlin and a further shift may have forced the Soviet Union to come to terms with the belligerent Chinese Communists. Such a pos- sibility is fraught with serious dangers to India and it must have weighed heavily in the minds of the senior congress leaders during the election of the new leader, favouring Shastri immensely. *I * * SECONDLY the chance of hold- ing the congress together with all its wings is far greater with an effective axis between Shastri, Nadar and some of the other senior leaders. In the immediate period of Nehru's departure this consideration is of vital party and national interest. And lastly, Shastri, despite his seemingly bland personality, has an unusual knack for not making enemies even in really exasperat- ing situations. In fact his "sooth- ing touch" is a byword in New Delhi political circles. He is known for reaching satisfactory solutions to controversial problems without antagonizing even the affected parties. Shastri, in other words, can get along with almost every- one-a position which even Nehru did not enjoy. People have often been misled by the simplicity of Shastri. Be- hind it, however, is a mind at once sharp, shrewd and highly percep- tive. He has the ability to feel instinctively the mood of events, situations and people and to adopt a strategy suitable to the occasion. This has given him the reputation of being soft unlike Nehru who often ramroded a decision in the face of violent opposition. In fact, however, Shastri has often achieved his objectives with greater effectiveness than Nehru did his but with far lesser fuss and controversy; Nehru himself was quisk to appreciate this skill of Shastri. And this, indeed, is going to be the trump card of the new prime minister. POLITICAL OBSERVERS will nonetheless watch very carefully Our Policy New readers will find The Daily's editorial page unusual and perhaps a bit baffling. Daily editorials will contradict each other from day to day- and sometimes two editorials on the same page will present dia- metrically opposed viewpoints. Unlike those in most news- papers, Daily editorials do not represent the views of "the paper" as ahwhole.sEach edi- torial presents the observations, judgments and opinions of its writer and of him alone. No opinions-and within the libel laws, no subjects(save one re- striction) -are taboo. (The re- striction is a policy set by the Board in Control of Student Publications which prohibits Daily staffers from taking sides in Regents' elections.) No writ- er's viewpoint is twisted or stretched to fit an editorial "line." Each editorial is meant to stand or fall on the merits of the argument it presents. not the possibility is greater that the different ministries will follow different policies inconsistent with each other reflecting the ideolog- ical biases of the ministers head- ing them. It is essentially for this reason that a certain amount of confusion in internal economic and political policies looks immi- nent. The confusion was apparent even during Nehru's administra- tion; it is likely to grow further now. Over the next year or two much for Shastri's getting a ma.stery over the cabinet. What really are these prospects? Much would, of course, depend upon the support the Congress party lends him. In so far as his home state politics goes, Shastri is certainly weak for he can expect little help from the United Province congress and the United Province government. The most vital factor in party matters is, however. the attitude of Nadar; undoubtedly his solid sup- port to Shastri has provided a most powerful political axis in India. For Shastri the congress president will doubtless be a per- son to rely a great deal upon from now on. During the adminis- tration of Shastri the office of the congress president will gain considerably in political stature, influencing national politics in many ways. The other challenge to Shastri's authority can come from within the cabinet. It appears likely that the senior congress leaders in the cabinet will continue to look at him at most as an equal. Until he establishes a firm control over his cabinet, his ability to get his policies accepted by it will require extremely dexterous manipulation. While Shastri is capable of it, LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI JAWAHARLAL NEHRU will depend upon Shastri's ability to bring to his key cabinet posts a set of Congress leaders who broadly share his political faith. Mrs. Gandhi's entry into the cab- inet would be a step in this direc- tion. Indeed in so far as Shastri is concerned, Mrs. Gandhi will be a tremendous help. Over the years her role as the official hostess and the political confidante of her father brought her in close touch with practically all the senior leaders of the world. During these encounters she has been able to establish a good rapport with many of the dominating personal- ities in international politics-an asset which Shastri cannot afford to ignore especially in a person politically so close to him. THE PROSPECT for the Shastri government is, therefore, some- what mixed. The powerful pres- sures of the two wings for party domination and the likely centri, fugal force~s in the cabinet will raise considerable alarm about the drift in national politics. Shastri's political weakness in his own home state and a relative lack of control over his cabinet colleagues will also cause some anxiety. In ag- gregate all these will undoubtedly result in some diffusion of the authority of the prime minister. As against these forces, the new leader has the strong and able support of the congress president and of the important group of party moderates. Also Shastri's identification with Nehru's poli- cies will stand him in good politi- cal stea.r1 enpniallin his deal. ,