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August 12, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-08-12

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O-qw- a t

Windy and slightly cooler;
warmer Thursday

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

:IV, No. 36-S




senate Trims Foreign Aid

War on Poverty Bill
Wins Final Approval
WASHINGTON (IP)-Congress responded to election year urgings
yesterday and approved President Lyndon B. Johnson's "war on pov-
erty," a $947.5 million program sure to figure as an issue in the fall
Senate passage, after somewhat reluctant acceptance of House

Greece Vows Sup por
For Cyprus; UN Meet

SHINGTON (MP)-The Senate
to trim $216.7 million from
lent Lyndon B. Johnson's
billion foreign aid program
'day. But it headed into the
red threat of a battle over
ig down legislative reappor-


tionment via a bill which has been
tacked onto the aid measure.
Talk of compromise efforts that
might spare the overseas aid bill
from becoming enveloped in a war
over the makeup of state legisla-
tures apparently blew up in off-
the-floor conferences.
In the Senate, Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore) cracked through
administration lines and won
adoption of an amendment for an
across-the-board slash in the pro-
gram to $3.25 billion. The vote
was 50-35, with 31 Democrats and
19 Republicans favoring and 26
Democrats and 9 Republicans op-
posing the amendment.
Then Senate Republican leader
Everett M. Drksen of Illinois
came out of a meeting of GOP
senatorsuand told newsmen that
chances of reaching an accord
with Democratic leaders on a re-
apportionment plan had gone
The measure he referred to
would slow down reapportionment
ordered under the Supreme Court's
one-man, one-vote edict of last
Several senators h a v e an-
nounced they will talk. at length
against Dirksen's proposal, and
Dirksen conceded there may be
"extended debate" which could
wreck Democratic leaders' hopes
of adjourning Congress before
their national convention meets
in Atlantic City on Aug. 24.
'No Teeth'
"We discovered all of the lan-
guage of these alternate plans was
pulling the teeth out of the pro-
posal," Dirksen said.
"There has to be teeth in the
bill," he said.
Senate Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana told report-
ers he will renew talks with Dirk-
sen in another effort to work out
a compromise.
"I'm not going to give up all
hope," Mansfield said.
The crux of the problem appear-
ed to be over whether the delay
in carrying out reapportionment
orders would be permissive or
mandatory. Dirksen wants it made
mandatory for aspecific time per-
iod of from two to four years.
That would allow time for Con-
gress to consider a constitutional
amendment overturning the Su-
preme Court ruling.
Empower Federal Courts
The proposed compromise plans
would empower but not direct fed-
eral district courts to slow down
the reappotionment process.
While this sideline skirmishing
was going on, the Senate defeated
52-37 an amendment by Morse to
cut the foreign aid authorization
back to an even $3 billion. This
would have been a reduction of
$466.7 million.
U.S*, BelgiUm
To Aid Congo
WASHINGTON (A')-The United
States and Belgium have agreed
on further 'steps to strengthen the
Congo central government, the
State Department said yesterday.
Both Belgium and the U.S. will
increase their military and eco-
nomic aid to the Leopoldville gov-
ernment, pressed by Communist-
supported rebels.
There was no word that the
Belgians would supply officers or
other men for the Congolese ar-
my, though U.S. sources had hop-
ed that Belgium would supply such
military personnel to make the
inexperienced Congolese a r m y
more effective.

Morse followed up with his suc-
cessful move to trim the bill to
$3.25 billion.
The Senate also defeated 48-44-
an. amendment by Sen. Ernest
Gruening (D-Alaska) to raise in-
terest rates on development loans
abroad. Gruening said many gov-
ernments borrow from the United
States at' three-quarters of one
per cent and then re-lend the
money in their own countries at
6 per cent or more.'

amendments, completed action t
erty bill-disdainfully branded
Earn Top

FY Senators'
ack D own
In Platformn
EW YORK- New York's two
l Republican senators have
ided to give up their fight to
a state platform separate from
national party, document, the
v York Times reported yester-
ens. Jacob K. Javits and Ken-
h B. Keating had announced
y 21 that they would not sup-
t Sen. Barry Goldwater of
zona as the GOP presidential
ninee and would ask their state
ublican organization to write
progressive" platfor'm when it
ts Sept. 1.
ut intra-partyopposition and
threat of defeat for a separ-
platform move has apparently
winced them to back down.
Less than Separate
avits said he bras aware of this
osition and would be "satis-
" with less than a separate
form. Specifically, he said an
.nowledgement by the state
vention of the fight made by
New York delegation at the
onal convention would suffice.
[e said he would not push for
re if the state meeting, would
ffirm the positions taken by its
gates in San Francisco.
eating's office indicated that
ator would also not fight for a
arate state platform. In a
crate statement, Keating him-
'Clear, UTnmistakable
If I become a candidate (for re-
tion) and if I am nominated,
ill present my positions on the
or issues in clear, unmistakable
July Javits had said he want-
a platform which "provides a,
ward-looking, positive program
racteristic of progressive New
'k State Republicanism."
t the same time, Keating com-
nted that New York voters were
titled to a clear statement of
ere our state candidates stand
such issues as the control of
lear weapons, civil rights, ex-
mism, unemployment, educa-
n, crime, health care, immigra-
i reform and social security.

Denies Cut
In. Defenses
gon described as "totally false"
yesterday Arizona Sen. Barry:
Goldwater's statement that the
United States capacity to deliver
nuclear weapons may be reduced
by 90 per cent in the next decade.
A statement replying to the
assertion made by the Republican
presidential nominee in a speech
Monday was issued by Arthur Syl-
vester, chief spokesman for Sec-
retary of Defense Robert S. Mc-
Goldwater had said that, "Un-
der our present defense leader-
ship, with its utter disregard for
new weapons, our deliverable nu-
clear capacity may be cut down
by 90 per cent in the next decade."
The Pentagon reply opened by
asserting that Goldwater's state-
ment was "not only without
foundation but contrary to the
It then said that the adminis-
tration, since 1961, has taken
drastic steps to improve the cap-
ability of forces, listed statistics
on missile programs and concluded
with the assertion that:
"It is totally false to state that
'our deliverable nuclear capacity
may be cut down by 90 per cent
in the next decade.' The facts are
that in 1970 we will have a cap-
ability to deliver on target two
and one half times as many war-
heads as we had in 1961 and a!
greater number than we have
Goldwater's speechwriter said
the senator's 90 per cent cut fore-
cast was based on public informa-
tion about bombers, missiles and
their payloads.

on Johnson's high priority anti-pov-
as "Madison Avenue" legislation by
--Republican presidential nominee
Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona.
The Arizona senator was not
present during the voice vote ap-
proval but had voted and spoken
against it when the Senate passed
it originally.

The recent increase in the num-
ber of college graduates has not
depressed the monetary rewards
for people with higher education,
according to the University's Sur-
vey Research Center.
On the contrary, data reported
in the Center's 1963 Survey of
Consumer Finances indicate an
increasing differential in earn-
ings to people with higher educa-
tion-reflecting the emphasis on
automation and research as well
as the elimination of many un-
skilled jobs.
The changes in the income of
Negro and white families were re-
viewed with trend, data derived
from many past surveys. The
mean income of white and non-
white families increased substan-
tially since 1950, although the dol-
lar difference between the aver-
age income of whites and Ne-
groes has widened during this
Mean Income Up
Nevertheless, mean income ap-
pears to have increased at a
slightly higher rate for non-white
families than for white families,
according to Profs. George Ka-
tona, Charles A. Lininger and Eva
Mueller of the SRC Economic Be-
havior Program.
Respondents were asked in the
1963 survey whether the head of
the spending unit had worked as
much as he wanted to in the pre-
vious year. People in white-collar
occupational groups reported much
nore frequently than blue-collar
workers that they had as much
work as they desired.
The report indicates that the
frequency with which the desired
amount of work was available in-
creased with skill and specializa-
tion. The reasons people gave
most frequently for not working
as much as desired-illness, dis-
ability and layoff-were mention-
ed most often by the unskilled
and the semi-skilled.
Education, Employment
Employment experience is also
tabulated in the report by race
and age-education. Full and par-
tial unemployment decreased sub-
stantially with increasing levels of
S "The difference in employment
experience by racial grouping is
striking," the report states. "Only
46 per cent of non-white heads
of families had as much work as
they wanted in 1962, compared
with 73 per cent of white family
Even when educational levels
were comparable, smaller propor-
tions of non-white than white re-
spondents reported having worked
as much as they desired.
The SRC interviewers found that
14 per cent of unskilled workers
and nine per cent of semi-skilled
workers were unemployed, com-
pared to only one per cent of man-
agers and officials and only two
per cent of professional and tech-
nical workers.

No Fight
Senate Democratic leaders de-
cided not, to take a chance on
sending the bill to the House
again and made no fight against
amendments providing for a loy-
alty oath and giving governors
veto power over some projects.
Leaders in the House, which ap-
proved the measure 226 to 184
Saturday, had warned it might not
pass on a second go-round.
Sen. John. G. Tower of Texas
reflected the view of many Re-
publicans in calling the anti-pov-
erty bill "a politically-oriented,
election year bill."
Continual Pressure
The vote represented a major
victory for Johnson, who had
kept pressure on members of Con-
gress to approve'the program be-
fore going home for the election
But Congress must still vote to
appropriate the money in separate
legislation before. the anti-poverty
program can get under way.
Major items authorized in yes-
terday's action include $412.5 mil-
lion for a job corps and training
programs for unemployed youth;
$340. million for the 90 per cent
federal share of community action
projects involving health, welfare,
housing and vocational training;
$35 million for loans in poverty-
stricken rural areas and $150 mil-
lion for job-training demonstra-
tion projects.
Sargent Shriver, Peace Corps
director, is expected to be named
by Johnson to head the anti-pov-
erty program. He has estimated
the measure would directly help
600,000 persons.
Seek 'Contracts
WASHINGTON (P)-Governors
and members of Congress from 12
Midwest states agreed yesterday
to organize an effort to obtain
a greater share of government re-
search contracts for their area.
The governors selected Gov
Frank Morrison of Nebraska, a
Democrat, and Michigan Gov.
George W. Romney as their rep-
resentatives on a six-man execu-
tive committee.
The meeting was called so the
governors could confer with House
members from the 12 Midwest
states, but a number of senators
attended also. It was similar to
a meeting the governors had with
senators from the region on July

Turks Deny
Strafing by
Thei Planeo
Papandreou Angere
That Was Not Asked
About Cypriot Actio
By The Associated Press

Justice Unit To Study
Law Enforcement
WASHINGTON-Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy announced Mon-
day the creation of an Office of Criminal Justice to take a broadly.
critical look at the fairness and effectiveness of federal law enforce-
ment, the New York Times reported.
Kennedy has appointed Prof. James Vorenberg of the Har-
vard Law School to, head the new agency.
Vorenberg and his staff are expected to have a free-ranging
assignment to improve handling of such matters as federal arrests,
the provision of counsel to the poor and psychiatric examination
of. prisoners..No further clarification of the new office's duties has
been released.
The idea of the office is to have some official group that is
not concerned with day-to-day law enforcement and can take at
more dispassionate and perhaps
more skeptical look from outside.
The office will be open to com- Closes Store
ment and complaint from persons
not in government. TE
Kennedy stressed that he hopes T
the office would help bridge the
gulf between law enforcement of-
ficials concerned with the rising ATLANTA (R) - Negroes tried
crime rate, on the one hand, and three times yesterday to enter the
legal authorities concerned with restaurant of segregationist Lester
protection of individual rights on Maddox under the civil rights act,,
the other hand. Too often, he but each time Maddox refused to
said, "emotional obstacles" block comply with federal court orders
intelligent discussion between pro- to admit them.
fessors and prosecutors about the Maddox, who has declared he
problems of the criminal law, will never integrate, has resisted
Kennedy told the Criminal Law desegregation by brandishing a
Section of the American Bar As- gun and furnishing customers
sociation that the new office would with ax handles. He brought out
be a "voice inside the department more ax handles yesterday and
and a forum outside." said if he is forced to close he
"We intend that this office will will turn the restaurant into head-
deal with the whole spectrum of quarters for "the Americans for
the criminal process, from arrest Goldwater for President."
to rehabilitation. We intend that On the third attempt Negroes
it deal with social problems that made to enter, a crowd of jeering
affect the criminal process," he whites waving the ax handles
continued, blocked the entrance to Maddox's


NICOSIA - A sharp split be-
tween Greece and President Ma-
karios of Cyprus was reported
from Athens last night, but the
Greek government pledged full
support to Cyprus in view of
Turkish air raids on the island.
Earlier in the day Cyprus
brought a charge of violation of
the cease-fire before an urgent
session of the UN Security Coun-
cil. Turkey countercharged that
Cyprus was trying to throw a
monkey-wrench into efforts to re-
store peace on the embattled East-
ern Mediterranean island.
Cyprus charged new air attacks
by Turk planes on Greek-Cypriot
The sharp exchange occurred at
a council session requested by
Zenon Rossides, the Greek Cypriot
Threat to Cease-Fire
He asked the council to approve
a resolution "deploring this con-
duct" by Turkey, which he said
threatened the cease-fire estab-
lished in response to a council
Turkish Ambassador E r h a n
Erlap declared there are hopeful
signs now that peace cari be re-
stored on Cyprus.
He said that Turkish Prime
Minister Ismet Inonu had just
dispatched "a warm and concilia-
tory message" to Greek Prime
Minister George Papandreou de-
claring it is possible to reach a
settlement within a month.
End Fighting
With the consent of the 11
members council president Sivert
A. Nielsen appealed to all nations
concerned in the crisis to end
fights of planes over Cyprus that
would imperil the cease-fire.
Makarios declared in a Nicosia
broadcast to the Greek Cypriots
that he will' fight on "alone or
with others" to achieve victory.
He responded to an Athens
government-controlled radio an-
nouncement which said the Greek
Cypriot attack on Turkish Cypriots
in northwest Cyprus last week




House OKs Overseas Food St

Red China Furnishes Jets
To North Vietnam Bases
WASHINGTON (MP)-A number of Red Chinese jet warplanes are
now based at North Vietnamese airdromes near Hanoi, the Defense
Department said yesterday.
But they are the older, hand-me-down types once given to China
by Russia, and the Pentagon made a point of saying that their ap-
pearance was no surprise.
Arthur Sylvester, Defense Department information chief, preced-
ed his announcement by recalling that Secretary of Defense Robert S.
'McNamara said Thursday it was
probable that Red Chinese air-
craft would appear in North Viet
Nam, a country which has few
planes and no jet-powered com-
batant aircraft.
m pl Had Been Expected
Then Sylvester said that "we
now have indications that a num-
4iaj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker against ber of Chinese Communist Mig
15s and Mig- 17s have been intro~-
eled by dispatches filed during the duced into North Viet Nam." He
said this had been expected for
nes Meredith enrolled in the Uni- some time because it was known
years ago. the Reds were lengthening run-
* * ways at airfields in the Hanoi dis-
s official sources said last night trict. Longer runways are needed
)matic recognition to Communist for jet aircraft.
Sylvester apparently was not re-
en asked by the South Viet Nam ferring to any large force.
The Mig's "could very well" be
n Saigon. piloted by Red Chinese airmen,
another indication that Indonesia Sylvester said, although he also
Communist viewpoint. The large commented that North Vietnamese
the biggest outside of the Com- pilots -have been trained in China
supported Peking in its running for use of jetaircraft.
Oldest in Series

restaurant while several of his
Negro employes gathered behind
them in the door.
Maddox clashed with police of-
ficers, who sealed off traffic for
a block on a street in front of
the restaurant, as crowds swelled
to nearly 500.
In retaliation Maddox blocked
off two side streets, ondwhich
traffic was being re-routed, with
cars owned by himself and his
Private wreckers summoned by
police refused to remove the Mad-
dox cars and the crowd gathered
around a police wrecker which
was later summoned.
.Trouble was avoided when police
assured Maddox that if the streets
were cleared his customers would
be allowed access to the restaurant
in their cars. Maddox then remov-
ed the cars.
Chile Cuts Of f
Cuban Tirade
SANTIAGO, Chile (M)-Chile has
suspended diplomatic relations
with Cuba, the government an-
nounced last night.
Under sanctions voted against
Cuba by the foreign ministers of
the Organization of American
States (OAS), Chile also will cut
off its trade relations with the
~Castro regime.
Chile's action leaves only three
Latin American nations still main-
taining relations with Cuba-

Last Issue
This morning's issue is the
last Daily for the summer.
Publication will resume with
a, free issue Aug. 28. Regular
issues will begin with a preview
edition Sept. 1.,
was launched without consulta-
tion with the Greek government,
as previously agreed upon.This
announcement was what threat-
ened the Greece-Cyprus split.
The attack brought air raids
by Turkish jets on the Greek
Cypriots, precipitating a situation
that threatened war between
Greece and Turkey, both mem-
bers of the Atlantic alliance.
'Acted Differently'
Athens radio said the Greek
Cypriot attack so alarmed Papan-
dreou that he fired off a cable
to Makarios saying, "I express my
deepest sorrow because we have
agreed differently and you have
acted differently."
The split may have been behind
the hasty trip to Athens yesterday
by Spyros Kyprianou, Greek Cyp-
riot foreign minister. He met with
Papandreou and afterward issued
a communique saying Greece
pledged full support to Cyprus in
case of an attack by Turkey.
Athens radio said "in view of
the barbaric (Turkish) bombing
of the noncombatant population,
the Athens government decided in
an extraordinary session to throw
its full weight in support of Cy-
With Makarios again talking of
fighting, UN experts in Nicosia
said the cease-fire could vanish in
one explosive puff.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The House sent the food stamp bill for needy
families to President Lyndon B. Johnson yesterday.
It accepted the Senate version of the bill, which Johnson has
called a key part of his war on poverty.
The bill expands and makes permanent a pilot program started
by the late President John F. Kennedy, now going to 43 counties.
Under it, needy families can buy food stamps with the same propor-
tion of their income that they would normally spend for food. The
stamps can be spent at the corner grocery for almost any food
item. On the average, a family would get $10 worth of food stamps
for $6 in cash.'
* * * * -
PATERSON, N.J.-Negroes threw bottles at police and smashed
store windows in Paterson's predominantly Negro fourth ward last

suit filed in Mississippi by former N
the Associated Press.
Walker had alleged he was libe
riots that erupted when Negro Jan
versity of Mississippi at Oxford two
* *
Indonesia is according full diplo
North Viet Nam.
As a result, Indonesia has be
government to close its consulate i
The action was interpreted as
was moving closer to the Chinese
Indonesian Communist party, now
munist bloc itself, has strongly

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