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August 11, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-08-11

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Partly cloudy with
scattered thundershowers

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom




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)istricting CompromiseNear

Russia Minding Internal Affairs


leaders were reported near agree-
ment last night on A compromise
proposal aimed at slowing court-
ordered reapportionment of state
legislatures on a population basis.
The proposal, worked out in
four days 'of conferences in which
Solicitor General Archibald Cox
took part, may be acceptable to
President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Plans are being made to tack it
to the foreign aid authorization
bill now before the Senate.
Couched in legal language, the
proposal would direct lower fed-
eral courts to take into aacount
all of the legitimate difficulties
surrounding reapportionment in
considering any case.
Adequate Time
It also would direct the courts
in making their decisions to con-
sider the question of adequate time
to carry out their orders, the dif-

i -- _


Black Refuses 'To Block
A ccommodations Section
WASHINGTON (A'-Justice Hugo L. Black of the Supreme Court
refused yesterday to block enforcement of the public accommodations
section of the new civil rights act.
The jurist turned* down a request by an Atlanta motel and a
restaurant there for an order staying effectiveness of a decision that
the section is constitutional.
The two firms said in petitions put before Black that they would
be irreparably injured if they were not granted a stay pending final
action on Supreme Court appeals to be filed later.
The decision upholding validity of the section was by a special
three-judge federal tribunal in Atlanta. The cases represented the

" first tests under the new law.
"A judicial restraint of the en-
forcement of one of the most im-
portant sections of the civil rights
act would, in my judgment, be
unjustifiable," Black explained.
He said he agreed, however,
with the motel and restaurant,
and also with the United -States
Solicitor General, "as to the wis-
dom of having the specific con-
stitutional issues here involved de-
cided at as early a date as orderly
procedure will permit."
"For that reason," he said, "I
would welcome motions to the
(Supreme) Court to expedite both
cases in the hope that they can
be made ready for final argument
the first week we meet in Oc-
Black's action was on petitions
by the Heart of Atlanta Motel
Corp. and Pickwick Restaurant.
Lawyers said the denial could be
taken as a guidepost by other fed-
eral courts in handling other early
challenges to validity of the sec-
In its July 22 decision, the At-
- lanta court said the section came
within the federal government's
constitutional right to regulate
interstate commerce. It issued or-
ders requiring the motal and res-
taurant to admit Negroes, but de-
layed effective date of the orders
until Aug. 11. to permit the firms
to make Supreme Court moves.
Black's memorandum spoke of
1 his power to grant a stay in such
ta case as being "an awesome re-
sponsibility calling for the upmost
t circumspection in its exercise."
Black added this comment:
"Without specifically addressing
myself, as a single justice, to the
validity of the particular provi-
sions of the civil rights law under
attack here, either as written or
as applied, I believe that the
broad grants of power to Congress
in the commerce clause and the
14th Amendment are enough to
show that Congress does have at
least general constitutional au-
thority to control c o m m e r c e
among the states and to enforce
1 the 14th Amendment's policy
against racial discrimination."

ficulties of drawing new boundary
lines, and the nearness of regular
While the term is not meition-
ed, the effect would be to admon-
ish the courts to follow the "delib-
erate speed" principle laid down
by the Supreme Court in its 1954
school integration opinion.
If final agreement on the lan-
guage is reached, the compro mise
would be substituted for a pro-
posal by Senate Republican le ader
Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill) to stay
all court-ordered legislative re-
apportionments until after a state
has had two legislative sess ions
in which to consider the mater.
This would mean delay of two to
four years and, meanwhile, eff orts
would be under way to amend the
Constitution to nullify the cot rt's
Senate Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont) told reporters
he is hopeful that an agreemnt
can be reached to avoid a thre: t-
ened filibuster by Democratic 1 i-
erals against the Dlrksen rider..
Dirksen said that Johnson has
opposed attaching the Dirksen
proposal to the foreign ail bill
but has given no indication hciw
he feels about its merits or thnse
of the substitute.
Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mic)
has said the liberals would talk t
length against the Dirksen pr1-
posal because they feel it involves
an unconstitutional invasion by
Congress of the authority of th e
Little Argument
Hart said in an interview that
he would have to see the fina.1
language before making up his
mind about it. But he said that ii
the compromise is as reported h
suspects that it is likely to be
adopted without much argument,.
Some opponents of the Dirksen
proposal contended that in effect
it challenges the Supreme Court's
decision that both houses of state
legislatures must be apportioned
on a population basis. State sen-
ates in many instances have been
elected on a geographical basis.;
The compromise proposal would
not challenge the high court's
opinion. It would merely direct
the lower courts to apply the "rule
of reasonableness" in carrying it
One Michigan representative is
totally opposed to the apportion-
ment ruling. Rep. George Meader
(R-Mich) yesterday called the rul-
ing "an arrogant usurpation of
Meader is a sponsor of one of
several measures now pending in
the House which seek to limit the
Supreme Court's jurisdiction in
apportionment matters.
He advocates immediate legisla-
tion plus a constitutional amend-
ment to forbid the court to con-
sider legislative districting cases.
He charged the court, by its ruling,
had destroyed the sovereignty of
the American people in choosing
their lawmakers.
Meader saidthe court, in its
ruling on both legislative and con-
gressional districting, acted in
cases where boundaries no longer
reflected population patterns. But
he said voters already. had the
power to alter such inequities if
they desired.
He spoke on the radio show,
nalistic skills of the R and I de-
"ManionForum," in a prerecorded
interview. Meader has been out-
spoken in his opposition to sev-
eral Supreme Court rulings. The
recent opinion on prayers in pub-
lic schools, as well as several
of the Supreme Court's rulings on
civil rights have come under his

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW--The Soviet Un-
ion's preoccupation with its own
affairs has barely been ruffled
by the far-off echoes of shots
and war cries in Asia and the
In contrast with its policy in
past international issues, the
Soviet Union evinces only pass-
ing interest in the present con-
flicts in Viet Nam and Cyprus.
For example, the American
air attack on Communist Viet-
namese naval bases last week
drew only a mild statement of
rebuke from the Russians.
And while giving token sup-
port to the North Viet Nam and
Communist Chinese cause in
Asia, Premier Nikita S. Khrush-

chev has withheld any threats
to involve the Soviet Union un-
til the high danger points of
the crises have been well past.
With a similar air of near
detachment, the Soviet pre-
mier dispatched telegrams to
Greek and Turkish leaders and
to UN Secretary-General U
Thant following Turkish air.
attacks on Greek Cypriot posi-
tions. -
Although Russia has adopted
a pro-Greek Cypriot position in
the dispute, Khrushchev's mes-
sage to Prime Minister Ismet
Inonu of Turkey was couched
in moderate terms and even
contained a flattering reference
to the Turkish leader's "great
experience in matters of state."

The Soviet party organ Prav-
da published Khrushchev's mes-
sages on the Cyprus conflict in
a front page box yesterday,
with a brief outline of the sit-
uation on Cyprus.'
Red headlines and the bulk
of its column space were pre-
served for an editorial an-
nouncing the calling of a
showdown world Communist
party conference to deal with
the Soviet-Chinese split.
Reports on the aftermath of
the Viet Nam clash were rele-
gated to the party daily's back
The appearance of equanim-
ity in world crises seems con-
nected with Soviet concern for
pressing domestic and Commu-
nist bloc problems.

Peking's virtual domination
of Asia's Communist movemeni
has been grudgingly accepted
by the realistic Soviet premier.
This is believed to be the
underlying motive for -the re-m
cent Soviet move to extricate
itself from its co-chairman's
role in peacekeeping machinery
for Laos in Indochina.
A Moscow intention to wash
its hands of any responsibility
for the worsening situation in
Southeast Asia also is reported
to have been communicated to
President Lyndon B. Johnson
in recent months through vari-
ous emissaries.
The condemnation of the
American attack on Viet Nam
was regarded by diplomats here

as the minimum required to
forestall any future Chinese
charges of disloyalty tofrater-
nal Communist nations in times
of need.
Soviet policy in the Cyprus
problem has been described by
Western diplomats as aimed at
prolonging tensions as long as
possible by encouraging Arch-
bishop Makarios' defiance of
the NATO allies' proposals for
a solution.
Without becoming overtly in-
volved in the Mediterranean
island's difficulties, the Rus-
sians have advocated, from a
safe distance, a hands-off poli-
cy of letting the Greek and
Turkish Cypriots settle their
own quarrels.



Accept Bi(


F roiri
U.S. Tries
To Maintain
Lull in Fight
Mediators Look for
Long Term Solution
WASHINGTON (1')-The United
States maintained strong diplo-
matic efforts yesterday to keep
the shaky cease-fire on Cyprus in
force while mediators looked for
a longer-term solution.
State Department officials pre-
dicated it would be a long time
before common 'ground could be
found for a lasting political settle-
The immediate goal of U.S. dip-
11omats in Athens, Ankara and
'Nicosia was aimed at preventing
:a recurrence of killing of Turkish
'and Greek Cypriots' which could
trigger more military action.
To accomplish a cooling-off
1 eriod, officials here said it is
e'onsidered vital that UN peace-
k:eeping forces on the island be
permitted freedom of movement to
p ilace troops in the most critical,
The Greek Cypriot president,
A chbishoprMakarios, was report-
e( I to have agreed to this, but
f i :ial authority has not been
State Department Press Officer
R obert J. McCloskey said the UN1
S curity Council's resolution ap-s
pi aling for a cease-fire had been'
a positive development.
"We thought it in the interestsI
of all concerned to have a turn-,
daiwn of the fighting and go on
friom there to a long-term solu-
tin," he said.
The United States evacuated 35
Ar nericans from the island on
Sunday by an Air Force transport1
P1 me which took them to Beirut,
Le banon.
An American destroyer is stand-1
fing by for evacuations if the need
sli ould arise.s


for Cease-Fire

TTurkey Putco
On Reson
Thant Gives Praise
To Both Countries;
Council Not To Mee


By The Associated Press
NICOSIA - Cyprus and Tur
agreed yesterday to a United I
tions call for a cease-fire on e
battled Cyprus. But Turkey agi
only on the condition that G
Cypriot military forces withd
from positions in and arot
Turkish villages.
A Turkish spokesman said V
if the Greek Cypriots do not co
ply with the cease-fire "full '1
retaliatory measures will be ta
At the United Nations, Sec
tary-General U Thant took
cognizance of the conditions
Turkish government put forth
fore it would comply with the 1
He said only: "It is gratify
and encouraging that both g
ernments have responded posit
ly and without conditions."

GREEK CYPRIOT IRREGULARS, one bearing a flag, march into Tillern as they take over the vil-
lage in northwest Cyprus Saturday. The Turkish government responded to a U.N. appeal yesterday by
saying it will call off its air attacks if Greek Cypriot forces withdraw from certain sections of Cy-
prus. The Cypriot government also agreed to the U.N. appeal.
Saigon Plans Bomb Shelters


VI offered yesterday inrhis first
encyclical letter to intervene in
international disputes and to put
the Roman Catholic Church into
contact with all parts of the world
He called world peace "the great
and universal question."
The Pontiff \criticized Commun-
ilsm and atheism, yet held out
the hope that one day such forces
would enter into a more positive
dialogue with his church.
He also proposed joining with
non-Christian religions "in pro-
moting and defending common
ideals of religious liberty, human
brotherhood, good culture, social
welfare and civil order." He said,
however, he felt Christianity is
the one true religion.
The 14,000-word encyclical bore
the Latin title "Ecclesiam Suam'
from its opening words, meaning
"His (Christ's) Church." A broa
outline of the world role that the
Pontiff sees for modern Catholi-
cism, it was addressed to the
Church's bishops.
The Pope referred to its as a
conversation, as an informal mes-
sage and as a set of practical
guidelines for his 13-month-old
reign. Its three chapters discussed
Church awareness of itself, re.
newal of the Church as soughi
by the Vatican Ecumenical Coun.
cil, and dialogue with all ele-
ments of modern life.
The Pope's willingness to hell
out intdisputesbetween nations
was stated briefly in a prologue,
which summarized the paths he
believes open to Catholicism to-

By The Associated Press
SAIGON-South Viet Nam yes-
terday announced plans to con-
struct massive air raid shelters in
Saigon as both a psychological
and a physical defense. And in
New York, South Vietnamese dip-
lomats pledged cooperation to the
United Nations "in its efforts to
secure peace and international se-
curity in Southeast Asia."
Mixing civil defense and psy-
chology, city officials announced
they plan to build 500 air raid
shelters in Saigon to counter the
threat from the north.
At this point, actual chances of
a bombardment appear slight, es-


.Aid Measure Survives Attack by Morse'

pecially in view of the weakness
of North Viet Nam's and Red
China's air forces and the strength
of United States Air Force com-
bat units in the area.
But emergency measures are in-
tended partly for their psychologi-
cal effect, an attempt to involve
the normally indifferent Saigonese
in the war. A night curfew was
imposed last week primarily for
the same reason, closing much of
the city's night life.
The South Vietnamese pledge
to the UN was in a statement is-{
sued by the office of the perma-
nent observer of the republic, Ngu-
yen Phu Duc. South Viet Nam,
like North Viet Nam, is not a
member of the UN, but main-
tains contacts there.
North Viet Nam rejected Satur-
day a Security Council invitation
to tell the council its side of the
story of clashes between U.S. Navy
destroyers and North Viet Nam
patrol boats and a U.S. air strike
at North Viet Nam in retaliation.
A Hanoi foreign ministry state-
ment said that the Security Coun-
cil had no right to sit in judg-
ment on North Viet Nam's actions.
There were several other devel-
opments yesterday relating to the
situation in Viet Nam:
-The South Vietnamese govern-
ment broke relations with Indo-
nesia because President Ahmed
Sukarno's government and North
Viet Nam have agreed to raise
their respective missions from con-
sulates-general to embassies.
-The New China News Agency
said in a broadcast dispatch from

-Protest rallies against the U.S. ;
air stiike at North Viet Nam
reached new heights as seven mil-;
lion people demonstrated in more
than 40 Communist Chinese cities.
the New China News Agency said.
It was the fourth straight day
of organized mass demonstrations,
to protest against "U.S. armed ag-
-Hampered by bad weather and
heavy resistance from the Viet
Cong, ground parties still had not
reached the jungle site northeast
of Saigon where a U.S. Air Force
jet' bomber carried its two crew-
men to death last Wednesday.
GOP Meeting
Set To Begin
HERSHEY, Pa. (P)-A summit
meeting tomorrow of top Republi-
can leaders and candidates, sum-
moned by presidential nominee
Barry M. Goldwater, shapes up as
a topysecret affair with tight se-
Participation in the one-day
session will be strictly limited to
about 40 persons, including. for-
mer President Dwight D. Eisen-
Gov. William W. Scranton of
Pennsylvania, who battled Gold-
water unsuccessfully for the GOP
presidential nomination, is the
host, but his duties apparently will
be nominal. Scranton has pledged
complete support to the national
Am-r t +"nfcA whn w'gill nartici -

The Turkish attacks were ir
retaliation to alleged attacks lasi
week by Greek Cypriots on Turk-
ish Cypriot villages in northwesi
The Greek Cypriot government
demanded another urgent session
of the U.N. Security Council to
consider the new Turkish attack
and also what it called a "limited
invasion" of Turkish troops be-
tween midnight and 4 a.m. yes
The attack by two US.-made
F104 jets may have been the re
sult of a delay in transmission o
orders to advanced Turkish air
bases. Greece, which supports the
Greek Cypriot government, said it
hoped this was the case
Respect Appeal
Thant quoted from a reply fron
Cyprus President Makarios, th
Greek Cypriot leader, that "we
shall respect the appeal of the Se
curity Council for a cease-fire."
He said also that Prime Minis
ter Ismet Inonu of Turkey had
stated that his government "ha
decided to stop immediately th
action of the Turkish aircraft ove
the Mancoura -Kikkina region.
This was the scene of four day
of Turkish air attacks.
In light of the present situatior
he said he did not believe any use
ful purpose would be served b
submitting a report to the Coun
ni n w nn the 'military situation

The Turkish announcement in
Ankara said Turkish jets would
continue to fly reconnaissance
missions over Cyprus. A Turkish
air attack on the northwestern
village of Polls yesterday morning
shattered a nervous overnight lull
in fighting and sent a new scare
throughout t h is' Mediterranean
island. It came before Turkey's
cease-fire announcement.



WASHINGTON -- The Johnson
administration's $3.5 billion for-
eign aid program weathered yes-
terday the first of a series of at-
tacks by Sen. Wayne Morse (D-
By a vote of 59 to 17 the Sen-
ate defeated a Morse-sponsored
amendment to the foreign aid au-
thorization bill that would have
given preference in allocating mil-
itary , assistance to countries
"whose military budgets do not
exceed their legitimate and rea-
sonable" needs.
* * *

ing fraud and conspiracy in ar-
rat Lging with farmers for mort-
gag s on nonexistent fertilizer
tan ks.
'I'he transactions involved about
$24 million. The state said Estes
soldi the mortgages to finance com-
par Ies. When pronouncing sen-
tene, Federal Dist. Judge R. E.
Thotmason called Estes "the perpe-
trator of one of the most gigantic
swix idles in the nation's history."
* * * *
ROME-The Italian government
rulec ailing President Antonio Seg-
ni incapable of performing the
duti s of his office and replaced

MOSCOW - The Soviet Union
has scheduled a meeting of world
Communist parties for Dec. 15 to
prepare for a major Red confer-
ence next summer to discuss the
Soviet-Chinese split. Pravda an-
nouncing this yesterday said the
preparatory meeting would be held
wither the Peking Communists at-
tended or not. Pravda said "it is
precisely the refusal to participate
in the conference that would sig-
nify a lesire to 'formalize' a split."
* * *
WASHINGTON - Republican
presidential nominee Barry Gold-
water urged upon the nation yes-

- m a e

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