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August 06, 1964 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1964-08-06

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6, 1964



.S. Forces Keep Watch on China
By The Associated Press China Sea off Viet Nam and jet bases. In addition to this, The reason they give for t
Chinese are not overly Southern China, keeping in in- there is the South Korean stand- attacks is that the Pathet L
ternational waters. It is in itself ing army, which at a size of about
y'srUnited S ta y b ombig a floating airfield, from which 600,000, doubles North Korea's theA o rensen e th
,ys United States bombing. the Air Force sent over the
in North Viet Nam. They jets are capable of striking from army and is the fourth largest areas last month.
almost any point along China's standing army in the world.

U' Community Work Studies Thrivin


good reason.
r the eastern perimeter of
nunist China is bordered by
g arc of U.S. military bases
ble of almost instant retalia-
And the U.S. has recently
lengthening the arc to curve
ad South Viet Nam and Thai-
e arc begins in Korea and
ches through Okinawa, Japan,
osa and the Philippines to
ir base of Udon in Thailand.
embraces the newest jet base
.e system in South Viet Nam
anang, 350 miles north of
)n. By jet, this outpost is less
30 minutes from the Chinese
er across North Viet Nam.-
Ties In
e Danang base ties in with
Air Force bases at 'on Son
Nhatrang and B en Hoa,
the Udon base in Thailand,
i is just across the Mekong
, southeast of Vientiane, capi-
f Laos.
e destroyers which the U.S.
ied the North Vietnamese at-
d on Monday and Tuesday
art of the huge and powerful
fleet. It roams the South

And the 7th fleet is only a part
of the United States strength in
the area. On the island of Okin-
awa alone, the U.S. has a Strate-
gic Air Command bomber base
and an entire Marine division.
Two Divisions
In Korea, there are two army
divisions and a number of active


Prof. Uriel Weinreich of Colum-
bia University will speak on "Be-
tween Syntax and Semantics" in a
linguistics department forum lec-
ture at 7:30 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
'Fra Diavol*o' .*.
The University players and mu-
sic school will present Daniel
Auber's opera "Fra Diavolo" at 8
p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn

The Chinese Nationalists allow
U.S. planes to use several air bases
they operate on their exile island
of Formosa. Further, as a backup
staging base, the U.S. has Clark
Field in the Philippines near
U.S. forces in Southeast Asia,
powerful as they are, are not
alone. The British operate four
military bases in the Far East-
the only European power to do so.
British Facilities
The British have naval and air
facilities at Singapore, an air field
in Sabah, another Royal Air Force
facility near Kuala Lumpur in
Malaya, and some army and air
units at Hong Kong.
The U.S. uses radar to guard
its Asian bases. It maintains a
long range radar station atop the
2,000 foot Monkey mountain at
the Danang base in South Viet
Nam. This scans the skies over
North Viet Nam and its ap-
proaches at sea, searching for the
presence of Chinese or North Viet-
namese aircraft.
Three weeks ago, the pro-
Communist Pathet Lao charged
that the U.S. carried out several
air attacks on their main head-
quarters in Laos.
t Used F-100s
The U.S. State Department had
no comment, but sources soon
owned up that Air Force F-100
jets-using the Danang base-had
left to make strafing and bombing
runs over the Communist posi-
s e 717 N.

The base at Udon in Thailand,
at present the easternmost out-
post in the great U.S. arc, ap-
parently is used mostly for piston
engine, American made T-28
fighter bombers. One report said
there were 10 such aircraft at
Udon-five with Laotian mark-
ings, and five unmarked.
It was at Udon that the U.S.
began a buildup in 1962 when it
appeared that the Communists
might overrun Laos.
A similar buildup is now occur-
ring because of the current crisis
in the Vietnamese area.

A recently inaugurated program
in community organization, of-
fered by the University school of
social work, is aiming to train its
students to take their places in
professional work, and in that
capacity, help change society for
the better.
According to the program's di-
rector, Prof. Jack Rothman and
his associate Prof. Fred M. Cox,
the greatest opportunities in social
work are in fields such as a pro-
posed domestic Peace Corps, the
anti-poverty program, the civil
rights movement, and other such
attempts at social improvement.
Rothman explained recently
that community organization work
differs from ordinary social "case
work" in that it spreads its efforts

agencies. Social work like_
was de-emphasized after

throughout the whole community.
It is geared to widespread social
change rather than individual so-
cial therapy.
Urban Renewal
Community organization work-
ers may find themselves involved
in urban renewal, school-commun-
ity relations, juvenile delinquency
prevention and control, race re-
lations, neighborhood development,
community mental health projects,
fund raising drives, and commun-
ity welfare planning councils.
Rothman explained that this is
the type of community work which
was once closely associated with
early settlement work like Chi-
cago's "Hull House" and similar


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Michigan Daily assumes no editorial TI
responsiblilty. Notices should be sent T E EPOSITION OPENINGS:
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room The following schools have reported County Health Dept., Casper, Wyo.-
3564 Administration Building before vacancies for the 1964-65 school year: Sanitarian. BS in Sanitary Sci. or rel.
2 p.m. of the day preceding publica- Birmingham Mich. (Brother Rice High field in Public Health. Male.
tion, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur- School)-HS Math (man); HS Biology Civil Service, Grand Rapids, Mich. -
day and Sunday. (man). Civil Engineer I. Grad in civil engrg.
Clinton, Mich. (Boysville High School) Society of Plastics Industry, Inc.,
THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 -French (man) can coach basketball, New York, N.Y.-Architect. To admin-
THRDYAGST6!football and track, if interested. istrate plas. Ind. affairs, provide info.
Clio, Mich.-Elementary (1st, 2nd, 4th, of plastics' merits. Speaking or writ-
5th grades); Guidance Counselors (men ing important. N.Y. area. 30-40 age
.Day Calendar and women); Speech Correction. bracket.
Fairfield, Conn.-HS Chemistry; HS University of Chicago, Chicago-Prof-
Biology/Gen. Science; JH Industrial ect Research Specialist; Elem. Soc.
Dept. of Linguistics Forum Lecture Arts. Stud. staff. L.A. background, or teach-
-Uriel Weinreich, Columbia University, Howe, Ind. (Howe Military Academy) ing cert.; writing interest.
"Between Syntax and Semantics": Rack- --HS Math; HS Chemistry. The Ansul Co., Marinette, Wis.--1.
ham Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m. Inkster, Mich. (Cherry Hill School Dis- Marketing research analyst. Chem.,
trict)-7th Grade Math/Science; Person- Chem. Engrg. Trng. in mktng. 2-4 yrs.
ality Development (major in Sociology exp. 2. Development Engineer. BS in
University Players, Dept. of Speech and minor in Psychology). Chem. Engrg. 0-4 yrs. exp. chem prod-
and School of Music Opera - Daniel Mt. Auburn, III.-Elementary (2nd, uct operations. 3. Buyer. Any de-
Auber's "Fra Diavolo," Josef Blatt, mu- 5th grades); 8th Gr./Coach JH Basket- gree; 2 yrs. exp. purchasing.
sic director and conductor; Ralph Her- bal, Baseball, Track (man). *
bert, stage director: Lydia Mendelssohn New Buffalo, Mich. - Boys PE/JH For further information, please call
Theatre, 8 p.m. Math; JH Math/Science; Elem. Vocal General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
Music. 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
Doctoral Examination for Emery Ed- Roseville, Mich.-HS Social Studies
ward George, Germanic Languages & (must have major in SS with 5 hours
Literatures; thesis: "Holderlin's 'Ars in Econ. and 5 hours in Poli. Sci.).
Poetica': A Part-Rigorous Analysis of St. Clair, Mich.-Gen. Bus.; Drafting;
Information Structure in the Late English/Latin; HS Girls PE; HS Art; JH O RGANIZATION
Hymns," Thurs., Aug. 6, 1084 Frieze Gen. ScA/English.
Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, Martin Solon Springs, Wis.-Inst. Music (Vo-
Dyck. cal/Instrumental).
Wayne, Mich. - Elem. (later, man);
Doctoral Examination Eric Albert Early Elem., Elem. Vocal Music; Elem. --
Nordgren, Mathematics; thsis: t'Some Spec. Ed.; JH Ind. Arts (Gen. Shop);
Contributions to the Theory of Toeplitz 8th Gr. English; 7th Gr. Math; HS Baptist Student Union, Ice Cream
Operators," Thurs., Aug. 6, 2032 An- Math; Ind. Arts (Mtal); ArtsfiCrafts. Social, Fri., Aug. 7 at 6 p.m., at a
gell Hall, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, P. B. * * * home in the country. For transporta-
Halmos. For additional information contact tion call Bob McDaniel at 3-0018.


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