Seenty-Third Year EDITE AND MANAmEDn STUDENTS OwTHEUNrvmSrT OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ker Opinions A e M STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE No 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. VsDAY, AUGUST 6,1964 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT HIPPLER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Does COFO Want Its Workers Killed? Vietnamese Crisis Distorts Chances for Settlement ['HIS SEEMS TO BE an untimely mo- ment to suggest that the U.S. lead the eaceful denouement of Southeast Asia t a conference table. Never have tensions appeared to be so aut. The United States has bombed forh Vietnamese bases. The North Viet- amese have retorted with charges of fabricatiog." The Red Chinese and So- lets are screaming "imperialism." To dake the settlement even less likely, the ast available instrument of peace-the rnited Natons-will be ineffectual for ionths untangling the charges and coun- er-charges concerning the incidents of he past few days. That the U.S. could somehow lead the ppropriate nations of the world to a onference setting looks even more pre- osterous in view of national sentiment. resident Johnson is well aware that he .as taken the campaign sting out of Re- ublican cries for a stronger military pos- kND YET, NOW, TODAY, when a peace parley over Southeast Asia appears east likely-it is most feasible. Tensions re no greater than they have been at ny point in the 10 years of aggression I Asia. And peace parleys, contrary to ast failures, can be concluded success- The recent exchange of blows points p not how unusual hostility is in the outheast area, but how common the in- idents of combat are. Since the signing of the Geneva agree- tent of 1954, violation, not legality, has een the rule in Southeast Asia. Neither lie U.S. nor South Viet Nam signed the reaty, which prohibited the introduction Ito Viet Nam of troop or munition rein- orcements. Both countries, along with :hina and Russia, were party to its reakage. By 1961, the U.S. had stationed ver 15,000 American troops as "advis- rs" to the South Vietnamese. Where the U.S. was a signatory to an iternational agreement, such as the 1962 eneva accords on Laos, violations were gain prevalent. Illegal troop build-ups ndermined the coalition government be- re it had a chance to become settled. IDEA is not to assess blame for these treaty violations, but, to put uesday's "aggression" in perspective. If ohnson considered these acts aggressive, ais is only a relative term, meaningless Council Session: BRILLIANT and exciting start has been made by City Council toward al- viating some of Ann Arbor's racial prob- Oms. One can only hope, after its meet- g Tuesday night with experts in these tatters, that council will take action on Dme of the proposals that were made. There are good indications that action ill indeed be taken-not simply under ressure from council's Democrats, but erhaps with encouragement from its ormally slower Republicns as well. For the meeting demonstrated an ex- anded sense of responsibility on the part f council. It was the only right thing lat could have been done: to sincerely sk the people who know what they think needed to halt the worsening. problems, f a large sector of the community. The session thus established the be- nnings of a meaningful and essential ialogue between Negroes and their elect- I representatives. Such dialogue is not mly unprecedented in Ann Arbor, and retty much unprecedented in other ci- es; in a broader sense, it is a viable first ep toward the direct participation of )nstituencies in the affairs of their overnment. after 10 years of U.S. "aggression" in the same area. A peace conference today or tomorrow is thus no less feasible than it was the day after Geneva. Nor less needed. But even if opponents of a peace con- ference would concede that tensions aren't really much worse than they have ever been, there is still strong evidence against a settlement at the conference table. Eliminating the minor issues, such as what countries would be involved, the major argument against conferences is their past failures. In 1954. In 1962. Con- tinually at the United Nations. 1lISTORY ELIMINATES this fallacy. For the failure of international treaties were written long before their actual formulation. The 1954 and 1962 Geneva pacts were oriented towards letting each country hide its dirty intents in a mist of good declarations. Typical of this atti- tude was the United States in 1954 which did not sign the agreement but recog- nized it as international law and pledged to view "with grave concern" its viola- tions. Scant surprise that the agreement was broken. U.S. troops were in South Viet Nam before the ink had dried. The failure of conferences has also come because each country abides only so long as the provisions are in the "best national interest." This is tantamount to saying that trea- ties are only valid as long as they coin- cide with a country's immediate perspec- tive. If this is the case, then let the U.S. and the other powers rescind their mem- bership in the United Nations. Johnson should also forfeit all claims to legitimacy under an international law which was allegedly broken by the North Vietnamese gunboats. VENTS OF THE PAST few days have left this nation and other large pow- ers with a distorted view. A "crisis" has been established in the minds of leaders -and now everybne watches while they adopt crisis postures, dictate crisis meas- ures and spread crisis attitudes interna- tionally. The past 10 years of crisis in South- east Asia show that nothing could be further from the truth. To round of the distortion, reconciliation by parley - a feasible solution-has been abandoned. -LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Good Beginning, AN ELECTRIC ATMOSPHERE pervaded the whole meeting as eleven communi- ty leaders addressed themselves to spe- cific programs for youth, employment, housing and police-community relations. There was just enough emotionalism, just enough poetic language, to convey a justi- fied sense of urgency. There was not enough emotionalism to make the meet- ing a rehash of grievances and frustra- tions. There was even a quite heartening response from Councilman Paul Johnson to one of the most radical recommenda- tions of the evening, by social worker Alex Hawkins. Hawkins explained how the city might offer free housing to any- one who would deed his home to the city for renovation and rental or sale to low- income families. But Johnson was not the only one ex- pressing the enthusiasm bred by the session. That enthusiasm was evident in the audience, and it was evident among the other council members. Most people left the meeting feeling that great things would soon be done. THAT FEELING was, however, more a function of the evenings' atmosphere than of optimism backed by precedent. Indeed, there has been little precedent to positive, adequate, timely council ac- tion. Indeed, the Republicans on council have previously offered excuse after ex- cuse for inaction and weaker action. If council is now faced with potential viol- ence from some of the city's Negroes, the fault is largely its own. One can still be hopeful now that a beginning has been made-but only if To the Editor: MIRIAM DANN wants people committed to civil rights to contribute money to the COFO effort in Mississippi, and is dis- tressed that her appeal has brought forth so little response. I suggest that there might be a reason for that lack of response, and I would ask Miss Dann to an- swer a few questions concerning COFO, its leadership, and the premises of the Mississippi project. I am personally acquainted with a fair number of people who have been working for years in civil rights direct action, and who have been in much closer contact than I with the leadership of various efforts in both North and South. These people, who have consis- tently proved themselves deeply committed to the struggle for freedom and equality in this coun- try, are themselves strenuously opposed to COFO. Surprised by their opposition, I have asked them why, and have received in answer the following rumor: That the COFO leadership wants its workers to die, in order to focus publicity on Mississippi, and that it is an official policy of COFO to hope that they will b killed, and to recruit people for this purpose without telling them that that is the purpose. I, MYSELF, have no way of knowing whether this is true, ex- cept that my sources claim to have heard it directly from COFO people. I am struck by the fact t h a t persons themselves so thoroughly committed to civil rights yet oppose COFO with such passionate disgust as I have seen expressed. Because I know these people to be experienced civil rights workers, I am inclined to believe them, and hence to oppose COFO myself, on the following grounds: If people want to die, that is their business and it is all right with me. But the idea that an organization, supposedly premised on the assumption of human dig nity, should set as policy that people ought to die, is repugnant to me in the highest degree. In addition, the idea that recruited workers are not informed of this policy is hideous. * * * NOW I AM perfectly aware that this is only a rumor, and may be untrue and unjust. But I suggest that it may be this rumor which has caused the dearth of support for COFO which Miss Dann de- plores. I ask Miss Dann, then, to answer the following questions: 1) Do you know whether COFO leadership has considered this question? 2) Is it true that COFO offi- cially wants its workers to die as a publicity stunt? 3) Is it true, if the above is a COFO policy, that COFO workers are not informed of that policy before committing themselves? 4) If these rumors are untrue, have you any idea how they could have been started among exper- ienced civil rights workers? Needless to say, I believe that this issue ought to be public so long as COFO is asking for public support. Miss Dann, please straighten this out. -Martha MacNeal,'64 . . . Credits To the Editor: THE UNIVERSITY, especially the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, seems to have a mania for giving two credit courses in summer school for some reason or other. Most of these same courses are three or four credit ones in the regular school year, and some may even be five. The number of times per week a course meets seems to have little or no effect on the situation. Some of the courses meet four times weekly and give two credits; others meet five times and also give two credits. The journalism department is indeed no exception to this rule, since two of the courses I had there this summer met four times weekly for two credits each. Both of them had at least enough work to be three credit courses, and this is what they should have been. Just why they did not meet five days per week and, give the additional credit is something I could not figure out nor could anybody tell me. The main reason apparently was a matter of campus tradition. That is the way it had been done for the last half century or more and could not easily be changed now. The University is a great lover of tradition in more ways than one. THE SUMMER SESSION is lim- ited in length to eight weeks now and in some courses six weeks, ways. There would be a chance for a discussion of what was stu- died or mentioned the other days in class or for a weekly quiz. Whether or not this traditional two credit system in summer school will be altered in any way next season when the University is on the trimester plan, remains to be seen. It would be fairer for courses, faculty, and students if it were, and people would feel much happier around here. The summer session is short enough as it is without making it shorter by depriving faculty and students of that much needed fifth day of the week for most courses. A summer student would also feel more as if he were getting his money's worth by receiving the extra credit. This plan seems right in keeping with the new one for having University facilities in use full time. -Elbert A. Ross . ..Harrah To the Editor: ALTHOUGH it is admirable of The Daily to give'"equal time" to its conservative opposition, it also seems in order to dispute those things that smack of mere ignorance in Michael Harrah's latest article. Since the function of columnists and editorial writers is precisely to offer their opinions -to interpret the news, rather than to give raw facts-it will scarcely come as a revelation that "Lippmann, and, worse, Kemp- ton" write with a noticable bias. That is, after all, the chief reason for their existence as columnists. One is at liberty to choose one's own interpreter, in this game; and it is naive for conservatives to complain that liberal columnists treat consevative candidates poorly. Still more curious, however, is Mr. Harrah's view of Goldwater's statement regarding "defoliation." Although the statement in ques- tion was intended to indicate "what might be done," and not as an announcement of settled policy, it must surely be con- strued as a ,clue to what "might be" the Republican foreign policy -an indication that Goldwater, as President, would consider doing just that kind of thing. Surely the press was right to emphasize this statement as a clue to Goldwater's thinking. It is precisely because of the equivo- cation and, lack of precision in the senator's utterances (mani- fested, for example, in the "full context" of his Viet Nam state- ment) that we are forced to hunt for "clues" such as this one, and to turn to self-proclaimed inter- preters, such as Mrs. Luce and Mr. Buckley, in order to discover just what it is that the senator intends to convey. -Willard Wolfe, Grad I feel it must be noted that Mr. Wofe can't read. First, I spe- cifically pointed out that I do not object to columnists offering their own opinions; but opinions must at least bear some relation to facts, and I do object to col- umnists who toss off opinions as though they were facts. Second, Goldwater clearly stated in his ABC interview: "There have been several suggestions made. I DON'T THINK WE WOULD USE ANY OF THEM." The AP was guilty of miss- ing this qualifier in their report at the time, and Wolfe, even after I carefully explained the AP's er- ror, made it himself. -M. H. UNIVERSITY PLAYERS English Hurts T ra Diavolo' THE GHOST of Daniel Francois a role obviously beyond his powers somewhat greater than the Esprit Auber paid a call last to project. its parts. It's genuinely hap night to Lydia Mendelssohn The- asks that you whistle on ti ater, but the fact that Ann Arbor BUT THE RESULT is strangely home. What more? required him to sing through an a delightful, tuneful, amazingly interpreter sent him away a well-orchestrated whole that is -John J. Mannin somewhat disgruntled Phantom of his own opera. Opening-night pat- rons had to face the uncomfort- able fact that Fra Diavolo in Eng- lish is not at all the Fra Diavolo 4 that helped initiate a new and charming era in French opera over a century ago. The presentation of this 1830 comic piece in a new English ver- sion forced upon the Music School's Opera Department, stage director Ralph Herbert, and con- ductor - director - librettist Josef Blatt an enormous measure of difficulties. Primarily, it was a question of talent. The cast was manifestly, as a whole, unable to bring to the production the polish . and competence the piece de- manded. wry With a few exceptions, the " t, 4 voices simply weren't good enough. This factor was compounded un- fortunately and considerably, how- ever, by the syllable-for-syllable translation in which the opera took English form. Fundamentally t their deficiencies of talent, the cast struggled mightily to be con- vincing and articulate in a quick- paced rendering of English that most of us would have trouble speaking. The result was frequently a ver- bal fuzziness, which tended to obscure talent even more. AGAIN, MESSRS. Blatt and -Daily Kamalakar Herbert ran afoul of a not un- THE INNKEEPER'S DAUGHTER, Zerlina (Nancy Hal), has usual problem in the attempt to covered the Marquis (Larry Jarvis), who is really the bandit o theatricamusicanmate H wth Diavolo in disguise, in her closet, which puts her in a very ( difficulties ranged from such cen- promising position in this scene from Daniel Auber's light o tral areas as stage placement, "Fra Diavolo," the current offering of University Players. whose unfortunate patterns some- times relegated the weakest voices to the most unfortunate positions, TODAY AND TOMORROW to the improbable detail of find- __________________ ing a ready supply of plastic cof- fee-cups bearing the weak-lok arp~~t cn y ntPrimitive Libherals ing wine of a 19th-century Pied- The cast was surprising in itsy / range of capabilities. Perry Dan- Miss Point of Freedor iels was undoubtedly the most ac- complished singer as the be- knighted Marquis, and a fine ac- By WALTER LIPPMANN The malady is caused, I 1 tor in the bargain. Lois Alt, though by the impact of science often suffering from lack of bet- THE WALL Street Journal noted religious certainty and of ter direction, was cast with fine recently that both President nological progress upon the discretion as his wife. Lyndon Johnson and Sen. Barry order of family, class aid Michael Robbins, sporting a de- Goldwater have said that there is munity. The "virtual d4 lightful make-up job as the ban- discontent even among those who comes from being uprooted, dit Giacomo, equalled a truly fine do not have substantial material less, naked, alone and un comic characterization with a sur- grievances. comes from being lost In prisingly rich display of vocal The President spoke of the feel- verse where the meaning talent, and saved a handful of ing that "we haven't been keeping and of the social order is no otherwise weak moments on the faith with tomorrow or with our- given from on high and tra force of his presence alone. selves." And before him in what ted from the ancestors, bu was a most interesting and ar- to be invented and discover' THE PRINCIPAL roles must be resting passage in his acceptance experimented with, each the lovely Zerlina, was the most speech, Senator Goldwater said individual for himself. charming, theatrically a w a r e that there exists "a virtual despair The modern sickness : young person of the entire pro- among the many who look beyond despair which James T1 duction, except, often and unhap material success to the inner called "the insufferable pily, for her voice. Prettily and meaning of their lives." It is to be found among tl professionally a perfect heroine, Commenting on the two re- and the poor, among the gr her range krnd experience couldn't marks, the Wall Street Journal and the groundlings, and always match Auber and English says that "it is not easily ex- nothing to do with an unba together, but the audience will love plained" why "such manifesta- budget, a swollen bureai her nonetheless. tions of vague uneasiness should with communism or anti-co Gary Glaze, the hero-corporal, appear in the midst of general Ism, with the New Deal was easily the finest tenor and affluence." New Frontier. easily the most phlegmatic ro- * * * mantic we have seen in years. I VENTURE to say a word SOME 40 YEARS AGO, As for the central figure, the about this because the question is days of President Coolidi masquerading bandit-chief Dia- one of which I have long been young men were quite poi volo, the terror of the Italian hills, very much aware. The first thing aware of it, and I was writii the suave, carefree, handsome vil- to be said about it is that the "the promises of lberalisn lain of the piece, Larry Jarvis was spiritual unease has been felt, not been fulfilled. We are the most ill-cast figure in the examined and discussed all over in the midst of that. vast opera. Of do btful vocal quali- the Western world for at least two tion of ancient habits whi fications, Jagois spent the eve- centuries. It is the unease of the emancipators believed wo ning fighting both unintelligible old Adam who is not ready forstore our birthright of hap English lyrics and the demands of the modern age. We knw nw tht thv r ,yf" £V .r . A7 F 1 ; N t I A Choice, Not an Echo? 4% / i J ai; r < ' j j / N1 YNDON B. JOHNSON sends American planes to attack North Viet Nam. -J 'in4I M2It A iNMENOM