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August 05, 1964 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1964-08-05

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1 Mw4i

471 46F

Warmer through tonight,
turning cooler in evening

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

MIV, No. 31-S




ay Congo Rebels
[old Stanleyvldle
Tshombe Faces Possible 'Secession,
May Lose Entire Northern Congo
EOPOLDVILLE (P)-the important northern city of Stanley-
in the strife-torn Congo fell yesterday to rebel troops, messages
the city's airport said.
)iplomats in Leopoidville did not consider the messages final
that the city had been taken but they were pessimistic, await-
urther word.
[he fall of Stanleyville would mean a possible secession confront-
Premier Moise Tshombe's new government. Loss of the. city
i cut the entire northern Congo off from control by Leopoldville.


It once served as the capital of
Antoine Gizenga's breakaway gov-
New Capital



May Support
G oldw ater
By The Associated Press
Gov. George Romney may be
close to giving campaign support
to Republican presidential nom-/
inee Sen. Barry Goldwater.
Although the governor has
given no official indication, a
meeting Tuesday with state GOP
fund raisers gave strong indica-
tions that a Romney-Goldwater
hookup is in store.
Romney, who told the gathering:
of top party officials. that "the'
problem we face is to capitalize
on Goldwater strength and on our
'own at the same time," said his
course may be determined by the
Republican "summit: conference"!
Aug. 12 in Hershey, Pa.
'Looking for Way' j
Tyrone Gillespie, a leading
Goldwater , backer in the state,
theorized that Romney "is look-
ing for a graceful way to support
Goldwater in view of past ten-
sions. The Hershey meeting may
be that opportunity."
Another Goldwater backer term-
ed the governor's remarks "highly
conciliatory" and a close Romney
aide asserted that the governor
has definitely not closed the door
on the GOP nominee.
. Behind the conciliatory efforts
lies the report of threats of fi-
nancial reprisals from top Re-
publican contributors' s h o u 1 d
Romney fail to give 'his support
to Goldwater. Reportedly fund
raising efforts have been lagging,
with only 25 per cent of the an-
ticipated $1.7 million party war
chest collected to date.
Closer Link
State party leaders also moved
toward a closer link with the
Goldwater campaign at the meet-
ing. State chairman Arthur G.
Elliot offered Goldwater forces
the use of office space at the
party's state headquarters.
In a more significant move that
may alter the overall campaign
approach,' campaign folders were
ordered revamped to include sec-
tions describing the presidential
and vice-presidential nominees.
Previously, only candidates in
state races had been covered.
Elliot asserted, "We're going to
conduct a unified, detailed cam-
paign to meet the needs at every
level. We had been anticipating
some differences that just didn't
Sees No Local
Effect of Bill
LANSING (A)-A reapportion-
ment-delaying bill pending in
Congress would not affect re-
districting in Michigan, Solicitor

Rebel leader Gaston Emile S u
mialot probably would name Stan-
leyville the capital of the "Pop-
ular Republic of the Congo" which
he recently proclaimed. Soumial-
ot's campaign of conquest is sup-
ported by Communist China.
At 4:20 p.m. yesterday the
Leopoldville airport control tow-
er heard the operator at Stan-
leyville airport calling "help, help,
help." Twenty rrfinutes later the
same reporter reported, "the en-
tire city is in rebel hands."
Not long afterward, the Stan-
leyville control tower said, "all
services of Stanleyville airport are
now operating under the control
of the Popular Army of Libera-
The message received by the
United Nations from its civil avia-
tion technicians in Stanleyville
said, "I must go off the air now,
rebels are surrounding the build-
The report of the fall of Stan-
leyville came as ' surprise. Ear-
lier messages had said the reb-
els had been driven out of the
city after Tuesday's battle andl
there had been no action during
the night.
Fighting began Tuesday when
the 600-man Conogolese garri-
son engaged a rebel band that had
penetrated to within nine miles
of the city's outskirts. Most of
the rebels carried only spears but
were skilled bush fighters. There
was no reliable estimate of their
The growing seriousness of the
situation in Stanleyville became
apparent through the fate of the
two airplanes sent there to pro-
vide help for the city's defenders.
The American pilot of one of the
planes was reported slightly in.
jured by rebel gunfire as he came
in' to land. He took off immedi
ately. The other plane made no
attempt to land.
Stanleyville had a white popu-
lation estimated to number about

See Group
Asking for
A prominent group of citizens
drawing a blueprint for state edu-
cation will recommend greater
financing and state-wide coordina-
tion of education.
Spokesman for Gov. George
Romney's "blue ribbon" Citizen's
Committee for Higher Education
hinted yesterday that their long-
range report will carry on the
same financial tone as the interim
The interim report, issued last
December, recommended $25 mil-
lion increases in state spending
for higher education. The long-
range report will not be ready
until the end of the year. But the
spokesmen said that preliminary
data show these two trends in the
-It will call for a massive in-
crease in state spending to sup-
port higher education. The Uni-
versity aided by the committee's
interim report, received a record
appropriation of $44 million this
year-$6 million above last year.
-It will answer a number of
questions which have confused
higher education institutions re-
cently. These include the alloca-
tion of graduate facilities, new
methods of supporting community
colleges and whether the major
throughout the state.
Along with its recommendation
on branches-which is expected to
condemn them-the committee
will seek tighter co-ordination of
the 10 state-supported colleges
and universities.
The issues of co-ordinating the
10 schools, particularly in their
efforts to establish branches, have
been a prime problem in state
education during the past few
The University in the past has
sought unsuccessfully to set up
branches in Grand Rapids and
the Saginaw Bay area. It is also
planning an expansion of the two-
year college at Flint.
Due to the4 conflicts between in-
stitutions resulting from the
branch ambitions, educators have
called for some sort of mediating
body. The new constitution es-
tablishes-starting in 1965-a state
board of education with "co-
ordination" functions.
The blue ribbon report will
"provide some very specific guide-
lines" for this board to carry out
the functions, a blue ribbon
spokesman said.
The "blue ribbon" committee
was created last year by Romney
containing more than 60 VIPs in
the state under the chairmanship
of Dan Karn of Jackson. The
committee was asked to investi-
gate higher elucation's immediate
and long-term needs.

Crisis Seen
As Challenge
To Russians
Soviets Could Face E
Dilemma in Strategy

FBI Searches for Killers



JACKSON (P) - With its six
weeks search for the bodies end-
ed, the Fedeal Bureau of Investi-
gation yesterday hunted the kill-
ers of three civil rights workers.
The relentless 44-day search
ended Tuesday when three de-

To the end, many
whites contended the
ance was a hoax. It
predicted the three
found alive.

was freely
would be

deepening crisis in Southeast Asia
poses a clear and immediate"
threat of broadened war in the
There is speculation that it is
the result of a calculated Chinese
challenge directed both at the
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion. President Lyndon B. John-
son in effect has warned China
to watch its step and avoid en-
larging the Vietnamese war.
If Peking is behind the attacks
by North Vietnamese torpedo
boats on United States warships
the intention seems to have been
to goad the U.S. into forceful re-
taliation. In turn, this is a goad
to Moscow. The Soviet Union finds
itself prodded to stand up and be
counted on the Communist side
in a dangerous showdown - or
surrender the world leadership of
revolutionary Communism.h
The impression of Chinese delib-
erateness is strong. Last week a
high-ranking member of the Pe-
king leadership - it appears to
have been the Russian-hating For-
eign Minister Chen Yi-remarked
that "a war in Southeast Asia
would not be so bad after all."
"The situation there is like a
cancerous growth," this unnamed
Chinese leader went on in an in-
terview with, an Austrian editor.
"When it begins to grow, it must
be removed. It must be cut out.
This could be a studied chal-
lenge both to Moscow and Wash-
ington. The Chinese leader pooh-
poohed the notion that atomic
weapons might figure .in such a
war. He contended such arms
woulo be useless in swamps and
No Repetition
He warned that a broadened
war in Southeast Asia would be
no repetition of Korea, a narrow
peninsula not suited to operations
by millions of fighting men.
The Chinese, he said, could
throw millions of troops' into
Southeast Asia in a war envelop-
ing North and South Viet Nam,
Laos, Cambodia "and perhaps
If Moscow sides with the Chi-
nese in the Southeast Asia situa-
tion, they help Peking prove to
the rest of the Communist world
that the "paper tiger" of U.S.
imperialism-as China calls it-
can be challenged successfully and
thus the quickest way to world
Communism is through violent ac-
If the Russians fail to support
the Chinese, it could be cited as
support for Peking's argument that
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev is
too timid to lead a world revolu-
tionary movement.




composed, mangled bodies were
dug out of an earthen watershed
dam near Philadelphia, Miss. A
pathologist said all three were
shot to death.
The dam is about six miles
from Philadelphia in the thickly
wooded, often swampy back coun-
try of Neshoba County.
An official, who asked not to be
identified, said bullets were re-
covered from all three bodies.
In New York, James Farmer,
national director of the Congress
of Racial Equality, called the slay-
ings "a triple lynching." He prais-'
ed the FBI's work.
The discovery, though expected,
was chilling for many civil rights
workers in Mississippi. However,
leaders vowed the work would be
carried on.
Two of the dead, both definite-
ly identified, were white. They
were Andy Goodman, 20. and
Mickey Schwerner, 24, both of
New York City;
They disappeared near Phila-
delphia June 21, along with a
Negro companion, James Chaney,
21, of Meridian.
Pope To Give
By The Associated Press
Pope Paul VI announced yester-
day imminent publication of his'
first encyclical letter. He said it
would be called "Ecclasiam Suam"
--His Church-and would deal in
a three chapter format with Ro-
man Catholicism's relations with
the modern world and with non-
Vatican sources said this first
encyclical of the Pontiff's 13-
month reign will be issued Mon-
The Pope said his encyclical, or
"circulating letter" traditional
with popes, would examine three
paths open to Catholicism today:
spiritual, moral and apostolic. He
said the spiritual concerned the
church's awareness of itself; the
moral concerned renewal of the
church, and the apostolic con-
cerned dialogue with the contem-
porary world.
He noted, "We could perhaps
entitle this encyclical: 'The Paths
of the Church-Awareness, Re-
newal, Dialogue.' These are the
three paths that today open them-
selves before the living church
and that form the three chapters
of the encyclical."

The Birmingham News, in a
copyrighted story from Philadel-
phia, said a $30,000 reward
brought in the information that
led the FBI to the bodies.
The News also said the FBI
was given the names of seven
persons possibly involved in the
Roy K. Moore, special agent in
charge of the FBI office in Jack-
son, said the find was the result
of "a thorough, complete, method-
ical, painstaking operation. There
was nothing haphazard or lucky
about it."
No Comment
Moore declined comment on the
news story,

Sheriff Lawrence Rainey hus-
tled back to Philadelphia from his
vacation after the bodies were
found. But he said he didn't know
much about what was going on.
Chief Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price
was the last man known to have
seen the three men alive. -
Price told newsmen a couple
of days ago that he and others
had been questioned repeatedly.
"They ask me the same questions
time after time," he said.
The deputy arrested the three
civil rights workers on a speeding
charge at Philadelphia June 21.
They were held for six hours, then
released on bond at about'11 p.m.
Price said he escorted their car
out of town.
A six-man coroner's jury from
Philadelphia drove to the dam-
site and spent- an hour there. No
decision was reached.



> le4

Peking Cals
An Affront
Blasts Not Interpreted
As War Declaration;
Seen as Propaganda
By The Associated Press
TOKYO -- Communist China
levelled a withering verbal blast
at the United States yesterday in
its first responses to the American
retaliatory attack against North
Viet Nam Tuesday.
In an official statement, Peking
declared that "aggression by the
United States" against North Viet
Nam "means aggression against
China." It added that the United
States has "gone over the brink of
However, to most observers, the
Chinese statement, hostile as it
may have been, was nothing more
than was expected. It was con-
sidered no more harsh than many
other statements in recent years.
'Head Off Conquest'
Before the Chinese released
their statement, 'the United States
told an emergency meeting of the
United Nations Security Council
that it attacked to head off a
Communist conquest of Southeast
Asia through "terror and vio-
In Tuesday's attack the US.'
blasted five bases of PT boats it
alleged the North Vietnamese
used to attack destroyers of the
Seventh Fleet. The attack is es-
timated to have destroyed about
90 per cent of the planes it was
aimed for. The United States lost
two planes and their pilots.
In the Security Council, the
Soviet Union replied to the U.S.
with a declaration charging it
with "acts of aggression." It also
countered the United States' state-
ment with a resolution proposing
that the council invite delegates
from North Viet Nam to take part
in the deliberations. This was re-
garded by most as a delaying
tactic. Apparently, the Soviet dele-
gation was totally unprepared for
the North 'Vietnamese attack and
U.S. retaliation.
North Viet Nam Denial
The North Vietnamese govern-
ment continued to deny that it
ever did make the attack the U.S.
has charged it with. It termed
the U.S. charges "a complete fab-
rication." But it repeated that it
is still in favor of a 14-nation
conference to seek a political solu-
tion tothe strife in Viet Nam.
United States actions yesterday
were considered largely a diplo-
matic holding action.. The U.S.
diplomats involved had been bet-
ting that the Chinese response to
the attack would be no more
scathing than many otheryrecent
statements. It seems they were

Consider 'States Rights'
Alterations to Poverty Bill
WASHINGTON ()-House leaders proposed yesterday giving
governors broad veto powers over federal projects instituted under
the administration's $962.5-million anti-poverty bill.
Rep. Phil M. Landrum (D-Ga) floor manager of the bill, disclosed
his intention to increase state control over the program as debate
on the controversial measure opened.
The amending stage won't be reached until late today and a
final vote is not expected until tomorrow.
Landrum's move was seen as a bid to win votes for the priority
administration measure, particularly among Southern Democrats.
The bill is in trouble, largely be-f

-Daily-Kamalakar Rao
drinking spots, gave the Michigan Union Grill these carved table
tops which now adorn the south room's east wall. They are
the cornerstone of a redecoration program for the room, to be
carried out over the next month, which will give the room a
"pioneer heritage" theme.
Union Grill's South Room
To Have 'Heritage' Theme
The south room of the Michigan Union Grill will offer a full
sample of "pioneer" heritage--from wagon wheel lights to a beamed
ceiling-after it is redecorated in the coming month, Franklin C.
Kuenzel, general manager of the Union, said recently.
To be named the "Heritage Room," the area will have as one
of its most noticeable features a fluorescent light strip slated to hang
over the two rows of tables closest to the east wall. The two rows
lighted by the strip will be the same two rows of carved tables now
present in the MUG.
The east wall will still be covered with the old rectangular
carved table tops now decorating it. Both the carved tables and the
table-tops covering the east wall come from the defunct Ann Arbor
"drinking spots, Joe's and the Or-
ient; many of the carvings on
them date back to 1900.

cause of almost solid Republican
. Landrum called the bill an at-
tempt. by the federal government
"to eliminate the paradox of pov-
erty in the midst of plenty."
Many Programs
It seeks to do it through a
variety of programs that would
educate and train idle, needy
youths, marshal community-wide
efforts to combat poverty, and
help impoverished rural families
and small businessmen increase
their incomes.
The Senate wrote in provisions
giving governors the right to veto
federal grants to private agencies
under the community action sec-
tion, and the establishment of
education and training camps for
youths under the Job Corps sec-
Landrum said he would accept
the veto over the Job Corps and
extend the Senate provision over
community action programs to
cover all agencies, public as well


Senate Seats Salinger over Objections
A3J J~jLV * ~I.4 U

ny the associated Press "
beat down Republican objections
yesterday and voted to seat for-
mer White House press secretary
Pierre Salinger as Democratic
senator from California. Salinger,
after waiting out more than two
hours of debate over the legality
of his appointment by California
Gov. Edmund G. Brown, stepped
from the wings and was sworn in.
He was named to fill the five re-
maining months of the term of
the late Democratic Sen. Clair
Engle, who died last Thursday of
a brain tumor. In the November
general election, Salinger will
fight it out with Republican
George Murphy, former movie ac-
tor, for a full six-year term. They
_r . ,_ snfn -4-__

with advocating assassination of
police and judges in violation of
a state law.
NICOSIA-One Greek Cypriot
was killed and four others wound-
ed last night in a two-hour gun-
battle with Turkish Cypriots. A
United Nations official returning
from the Turkish sector said
there were no reports of Turkish
casualties. All the Greek casual-
ties were officially identified as
either policemen or members of
the National Guard. The engage-
ment was the heaviest since the
pitched street battles of last De-
cember when near civil war be-
tween the Greek and Turkish
Cypriot communities broke out.
* * *
m m m A ml,- T1...1.. .

in the Gemini space program was
parachuted from a cargo plane
yesterday as part of a study of
landing impact. Fred Koons, Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration project engineer for
the test series, said the test, made
from 1500 feet, appeared to be
successful. This was the sixth in'
a series of tests studying landing
impact effects at Camp Gary,
near this south Texas community.
* * *
VIENTIANE, Laos-Special se-
curity measures were taken to
keep order in Vientiane last night.
This was announced in a com-
munique by the chief of staff of
the Royal Army. The communique
,rl .i.ar.m . a ,ffi -ar. *im ,-b 4n a

The ceiling of the area will be
repainted a darker color and criss-
crossed by artificial beams spaced
10 feet apart. The spotlights which
the third room had until they
were recently removed will be re-
placed by hanging "wagon-wheel"
lights, to add more "frontier" at-
mosphere to the room.
The north, south and east walls
of the room will feature wooden
panels holding changeable pic-
tures, drawings and displays.
These panels will be spaced be-
tween the windows in the south
wall, the narrow wooden design-.
ed decorations to be placed on
the north wall, and the carved ta-
ble tops on the east wall. The
east wall, near the cafeteria, will
remain unchanged.
The table tops other than the
carved ones will be changed from
their present light colors to a
walnut hue, to match the overall,

High administration sources said
the speedy strike against North
Vietnamese torpedo boats and
their bases, after the second at-
tack on U.S. destroyers, was aimed
at wiping out an intolerable threat
to U.S. craft sailing in interna-
tional waters. The American ves-
sels have been patroling the area
through which they think the
Hanoi government in North Viet
Nam has been slipping reinforce-
ments to the Viet Cong in South
Viet Nam.
Avoiding Spread
By hitting back fast and hard,
but in a limited way, the sources
said, the United States also hoped
to avoid a spread in the war.
Diplomats figured that, if U.S.
forces did not respond promptly
and effectively, the Communists
would take it as an invitation to
step up and spread their activities
directly against American units.
The message not to expand the
conflict will be clearly read in
Hanoi and Peking-or so Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson's advisers
Meanwhile, in Paris, the U.S.
kept its North Atlantic Treaty
Organization allies informed on
And in Viet Nam, U.S. and South
Vietnamese forces were alerted
an a. masie buildupofthe


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