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August 04, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-08-04

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Fair and hazy,
humid and warm

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom






Jersey Cit)





Dirksen Urges Courts
To Halt Redistricting
WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-Il1) offered in
the Senate yesterday a bill to delay all court proceedings on state
reapportionments until state legislatures have had time to act.
Dirksen, the Senate Republican Leader, proposed that where the
validity of the composition of either house of the legislature was
questioned such actions could be "stayed until the end of the second
regular session of the legislature of that state which begins after
the date of enactment of this act."
In an accompanying statement, Dirksen said that not enough
time remains in the present Congress to act on a proposed constitu-


Charges Fly
Over Brch
Sticker Issue
The "S u p p o r t Your Local
Police" sticker issue brought a bit
of fire to City Council again last
The Washtenaw County Con-
servatives, who donated the small
stickers to the city for distribu-
tion, repeated their call for an in-
vestigation of the stickers and' of
those who opposed them.-
And Harold Or b a c h, who
brought the link between the
stickers and the John Birch So-
ciety to council's attention, said
an investigation was not neces-
sary. All that is needed, he said,
is that the Conservatives tell the
public where the stickers came
from and whether the Conserva-
tives knew of the source.
Orbach a month ago initiated
what Conservatives P r e s i d e n t
George Lemble called an "anti-
sticker" campaign. lie presented
evidence that the stickers were
part of a Birch drive to build
support for police against "Com-
munist-inspired racial riots" and
to defeat proposals in various
cities for review boards to look
into police tactics.
Lemble suggested a relation be-
tween picketing incidents in Ann
Arbor, charges of police brutality,
requests for a police review board
and claims by Councilwoman
Eunice Burns that there were
"explosive situations" among city
He linked these events to recent
rioting in New York, which he said
"are being systematically incited
by liberal left-wing extremist
group elements."
To ,"forestall completion of the
cycle" of racial unrest and vio-
lence he asked council: 1) to in-
vestigate the stickers and those
opposing them, 2) to direct the
police department "to investigate
the possibility of a correlation be-
tween (anti-sticker) events here
and troubles in other cities and
3) to diligently guard against any
hasty action which might com-
promise the effectiveness of police
Orbach attacked the Conserva-
tives for their "duplicity in hiding
the origin of the stickers" and
said there was no anti-sticker

tional amendment. He offeredi
such an amendment himself last
Supreme Court Ruling
In the meantime, he said, the
courts are acting under Supreme
Court decisions in June that would
require each house of a legisla-
ture to be selected on the basis
of one man, one vote.
He said this had created "chaos
typical of the kind that re-
sults when the courts assume the
role and function of the legis-
lative branch of the government."
Rejects Popular Vote
He mentioned Colorado as an
example. "The people of the state
of Colorado had' by referendum
accepted one apportionment plan
and overwhelmingly rejected an-
other," he said. "Yet the court
refused to accept the plan ap-
proved by the people. .
"Under the law laid down by the
Supreme Court, the federal dis-
trict court then ordered Colorado
to reapportion within two weeks.
A hastily assembled general as-
sembly complied only to have the
state supreme court .declare the
new reapportionment act uncon-
Morse Asksl
Aid Slah
Morse (D3-Ore) started the Senate
debate on the administration's
$3 .5-billion foreign aid bill yester-
day by proposing a $500-million
He condemned "... handing out
money and weapon~s with the idea
they will promote political stabil-
ity, or keep friendly governments
in power, or prop up 'a bloated,
military establishment in a f or-
eign country . . ." He said these
things constitute "efforts to Im-
pose a, political order from the
top' down."

Breakey Set
To; Rule on
Circuit Court Judge James R.;
Breakey will presumably rule on
both the procedural and pre-
emption issues that have threaten-
ed; the validity of Ann Arbor's
fair housing ordinance.
This prospect is the result of
a pretrial conference held yester-
day at which Breakey authorized
the city and defendant C. F.
Hubble to submit legal briefs on
"all the issues" involved.
O'Brien Ruling
The ordinance was overturned
in a May Municipal Court ruling
by Judge Francis O'Brien on pro-
cedural grounds. O'Brien ruled
that the ordinance was invalid
for two reasons:
1) because it did not allow a
complainant under the law to go
directly to court, but instead re-
quired him to go through the
Human Relations Commission;a
2) because the HRC could force
an alleged defendant to incrimi-
nate himself,
State Pre-Emption
The city had expected O'Brien
to rule on whether orb not state
laws remove civil rights legis-
lation from the domain of the
municipalities. O'Brien did not
mention this issue.
Breakey has asked for briefson
both issues and will thus likely
rule on both. It is to his court
that the city has appealed the
lower court decision.
The case has been adjourned
until September 14, at which time
briefs by the city and Hubble will
be filed.

Two Negro
Youths Shot
In Violence
Six Others Also Hurt
Molotov Cocktails
Thrown in Ruckus
of Negro youths pelted police wi
Molotov cocktails and bricks a
smashed windows last night in t
second successive night of raci
violence in the predominant
Negrosection of the city.
Negroes were shot and a hal
dozen other persons were Injure
Police took at least five Negro
into custody but they were n
booked immediately.
The two Negroes who were sh
were identified as Louis Mitche
in his early 20s, and John Dudl
21. Both were reported in sati
factory condition at Jersey Ci
Medical Center, Mitchell with
wound of the neck and should
and Dudley °with a fesh wowl
on his forearm.
Patrolman Injured
The hospital said it had treat
about six other persons for min
injuries, including one patrolma
Authorities could not say Mt
mediately by whom the Negre
had been shot.
An unidentified °white nmi
about 50 years of age was cut
his right arm when a flying o
ject crashed through the wind
of his car on Grand Street.
A panel truck was hit by
Molotov cocktail and burned.
injuries were reported lO the i
Contain Missile-Throwers
Between 150 and 200 helmet
city and Hudson County PDolic
men, some on horseback, conta
ed a large band of Negroes thro
ing missiles and breaking wi
At 11 p.m., two and oae-h
hours after the first disturbanc
were reported, police said the ma
mob of over 100 had been quiet
but there were still reports
window breaking, looting a
rock throwing in other near
sections of the city. A desk se
geant in the fourth prein
where the trouble was- conce
trated, said, "It's chaos, insanit
Blood soaked Mitchell's sh:
and his trousers as he was carri
from the steps of a housing pr
ject and placed on the sidewa,
At first it appeared he was mc
tally wounded and observers ca
ed for a Catholic priest to admi
ister last rites.
4 Joins Crowd
A member of a standby gro
of firemen said Mitchell app
ently had been among a group
Negroes which had gathered
Woodward Street, along the LA
ayette housing project, to hi
objects at the police.
Police Lt. Raymond Blasz
said two of his men were injuri
one of them burned by a Molot
cocktail-a homemade bomb cc
sisting of gasoline in a bottle. T
burned patrolman was taken
Jersey City Medical Center.
About three dozen helmel
policemen armed with riot g
and 38-caliber revolvers stc
their ground at the intersecti
of Grand Street and Woodwa
Street, firing volleys of shots
the air. The gang of youths st
in the middle of glass-littel
Woodward Street.
Asked if his men would mc
in on. the Negroes, Blaszak 8sa
"You never move in; you'dg
killed if you did." He said the P
lice would let the Negroes si
there, hoping they would expe
all their energy and break up.
Shoot Street Lights
Officers began shooting o

street lights so ,the Negro yout:
would have trouble spotting th
The first hint of trouble ca
at 8:15 p.m. when reports reach
fourth precinct headquarters th
Negroes were throwing rocks
cars driven by white persons
Grand and Prior Streets, wh
the mob of Negroes attacked p
lice, smashed windows and loo
stores Sunday night in the fi
such outbreak.

World News Roundup
WASHINGTON-Congress passed and sent to the White House
yesterday a bill providing $207 million in pay raises for all Ameri-
can servicemen except draftees and newly enlisted men.
President Lyndon B. Johnson is expected to sign the bill in a,
few days, insuring that the pay boosts show up in the next military
paychecks, which go out Sept. 1. It would be the second military pay,
raise in less than a year.
Final congressional action came when the House passed the bill
on a voice vote. The Senate had passed it two weeks ago.
* * * *
TALLAHASSEE-Eight white and Negro clergymen convicted
of unlawful assembly after a sit-in demonstration in 1961 began'
r -AAy jw leriiis 3errIuy ft

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Ideal Organization I

The highest productivity in an organization-be it university,
corporation or United Nations-is achieved under a decentralized
decision-making process with maximum participation by all members.
"The decentralized -process, where decisions are made collectively
instead of from the top down, makes the best use of the human
investment in an organization," Prof. Rensis Likert, director of the
Survey Research Center, said Sunday night.
Likert addressed an audience at the First Unitarian Church's
summer lecture series, "1984-What the Next 20 Years Will Bring."
He presented four organization models varying from little or
no member-participation and little or no effective communication
from lower to higher levels to a great deal of participation and

While the University has decentralized more than other schools,
decentralization can become fragmentation if men and departments
concerned with overlapping problems do not share decision-making
responsibilities, Likert said.
One such area where more sharing is needed is between the
graduate school dean and the chairmen of departments, which usually
have graduate divisions of their own, he said.
The applicability of the System IV organizational structure to
dealings among nations is also clear, he said. He recommended more
"confrontations" in communication on all levels between countries
in the United Nations as a way to make the UN more efficient in
solving problems. The same reasoning also argues for more com-
munication between the United States and Red China, he said.
Theornnent of the particinatory organization is well substan-

60-day jail terms yesterday a er
three years of unsuccessful ap-
* * *
NICOSIA, Cyprus.-Worried by
signs of a new explosion of viol-
ence on- Cyprus, Lt. Gen. K. S.
Thimayya, of the United Nations
peace force called yesterday on
Archbishop IVIakarios, the Greek
Cypriot president. f
As they met the Greek Cypriot
newspaper Alithia demanded with-
drawal from Cyprus of the 7000-
man UN force.
* * *
PASADENA - United States
Space Agency officials flew here
yesterday to study Ranger Ts his-
toric photos of themoon and try
to decide what effect if any they
will have on the design of man-
ned Apollo landing craft.
RAWALPINDI, Pakistan-Three
TnAinv% al-..Ai. .-.mnrAn., ro ra

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