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i i
Fair and pleasant,
turning warm tomorrow
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
.LXXIV, No. 27-S
)emocrats, Republica
rehm iry Campaigi
[sPpCivi1 Rights Leaders Seek
[I Strategy
Scranton To Host
GOP Unity Talks
Name Pastore To
Deliver Keynote
WASHINGTON (P)-Democrats
picked a fiery Johnsonian, Sen.
John O. Pastore (R-RI) as their
keynoter yesterday-then took a
gingerly approach to what could
be the most divisive row of the
1964 national convention.
This revolves around the ques-
tion: should the convention seat
an all-white delegation from Mis-
sissippi, sent by a state convention
which has carefully kept the door
open to defection to Sen. Barry
Goldwater (R-Ariz).
Or should it seat a delegation
from the predominantly Negro
Democratic Freedom party, ex-
pected to back President Lyndon
B. Johnson to the hilt?
Apparently maneuvers aimed at
coling off this potentially big
fight were going on behind the
scenes. Chairman John M. Bailey
of the Democratic National Com-
mittee was not prepared to say
just when the convention's cre-
dentials committee, which will rule
on the fight in the first instance,
will hold its first meeting.
The credentials committee is
headed by former Gov. David L.
Lawrence of Pennsylvania. It was
indicated he would call meetings
in Atlantic City 7 sometime in the
week before the convention opens
there Aug. 24, but beyond that
,Bailey said the plans had not
The convention's arrangements
committee held a closed session
yesterday, and then Bailey an-
nounced the choice of Pastore as
temporary convention chairman, or
Pastore will, speak the night of
Aug. 24, and if he follows tradi-
tion he will, in his booming tones,
find no fault with the Democrats
but plenty with the Republicans.
SBut less certain was the Missis-
sippi question.
Mississippi Democratic leaders
were maintaing a solid and large-
silent guard around their pres-
idential plans until the national
convention chooses candidates and
a platform..
With such matter's as patron-
age and congressional committee
essignments complicating the
question of where party support
will go in November, factions feud-
ing over whether to back the con-
servative Goldwater and how to do
it have decided to delay a show-
Follow Governors
This came only after Gov. Paul
Johnson urged delegates to delay
action until the state party sees
what the national party will do.
As a result, the state party
simply named a slate of 44 dele-
gtes to the national convention
.and recessed until Sept. 9 without
selecting and presidential electors.
Because nobody wanted to jeop-
ardize the chances of the Missis-
sippi delegation to be seated at the
national convention, nobody would
interpret publicly what the action
Johnson Says
'No' at Present
For TV Debate
House left unanswered yesterday
the question whether President
Lyndon B. Johnson would debate
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) on
television, but quoted Goldwater
as saying "I don't think a Presi-
dent of the United States should
debate anybody."
Press Secretary George E. Reedy
said a Johnson-Goldwater debate
"is not a matter the Democrats
would consider until thecampaign
Goldwater, the Republican pres-
idential nominee,had told House
Republicans Tuesday he is "ready.
willing and able" to debate John-
son on nationwide television.
Reedy, asked for White House
reaction, said, "All we have seen
so far are some newspaper ac-
counts of what Sen. Goldwater
has said, either directly or throughj
On Jan. 31, Reedy said, Gold-
water declared on a television
program, "I think it's kind of dan-
urarn.ic fnmihiPvf* n.Pride'bnt ofE
To Organize
Local Party,
Two University instructors are
organizing a local political group
with the goal of helping to defeat
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) in
Nove nber.
The group-and all who vwish to
join-will meet to formulate ob-
jectives and plans for the next few
months at 8 p.m. Sunday in the
Guild House, 802 Monroe.
"We plan to extend feelers and
offer help to any political group
which shares our basic aim-to
defeat Goldwater," David Spaan,
an instructor in the engineering
English department, said yester-
Spaan, along with James Clark,
an English instructor in the lit-
erary college, and Rubin Zavin,
head of - the Co-op Bookstore,
issued a statement yesterday of
their plans for Sunday and after:
"We will discuss the organiza-
tion .of a group of independent
voters who, in the belief that
Goldwater's candidacy has be-
come a rallying point for unin-
formed and irresponsible elements,
will support a moderate political
program and moderate candidates
in the fall."
The three founders of the group
are planning a future pamphlet
"stating the case against Gold-
water and taking a representative
group of his past pronouncements
and refuting them," Spaan com-
Plans for the pamphlet and for
further action will not be final-
ized until after the meeting Sun-
day, he added.
Spaan emphasized that the
group will co-operate with any
other Ann Arbor political organi-
zations-for example the Demo-
crats, CORE, NAACP, or even
moderate Republican groups-who
wish to see Goldwater defeated in
the fall.
Goldwater (R-Ariz) enlisted three
top Republicans yesterday, Penn-
sylvania Gov. William W. Scran-
ton among them, in his crusade to
forge a unified party and wrest
the White House from President
Lyndon B. Johnson.'
"I'm very pleased with the way
the Republican party seems to be
coming back together," the GOP
Presidential nominee declared.
Goldwater announced thati
Scranton will serve as host when
he summons Republican leaders
from across the nation into a sum-
mit conference on party unity next
month at Hershey, Pa.
He named Ohio State GOP
Chairman Ray Bliss and the
party's former national chairman,
Leonard Hall, to serve on a steer-
ing and planning committee that
will map his campaign strategy
and schedule.
Goldwater announced those
moves at an impromptu news con-
ference, with Bliss at his side.
The GOP nominee, fresh from
a conference with his party's top
Congressional leaders, also:
-Said he thinks Johnson even-
tually will agree to meet him in
televised campaign debates, but
suggested a new format and added
he still is "apprehensive" about
the possibility that secret informa-
tion could slip out in a wide open
Goldwater called for two-man
debates, without the panels of
newsmen who questioned former
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
and the late President John F.
Kennedy in their 1960 campaign
meetings. He said in foreign af-
fairs and military areas the nom-
inees would have to "tread very
-Commented he is convinced
after meeting with Johnson last
Friday that inflammatory talk,
particularly about a white back-
lash against the civil rights move-
ment, will be kept out of the
campaign at the nominees' level.
~-Reported the party is moving
more quickly than he had expected
toward unity for the Presidential
"I expected when we left San
Francisco that we were going to
have devisive problems up until
the middle of August," he said.
The appointments Goldwater
announced -yesterday signaled his
headway toward unity.
Scranton campaigned - some-
times bitterly - against Gold-
water's nomination. Bliss labored
throughout the primary campaign
to keep Ohio's delegation uncom-
mitted. And Hall is said by Gold-
water aides to have told them pri-
vately he was comlitted to the
fortunes of Nixon.
An article in The Daily Sa-
turday, stated that the Univer-
sity has placed a tentative or-
der for a new IBM 360 com-
puter. It implied that plans
have been made to replace the
7090 computer at the computer
center. This is incorrect. There
are no such plans at present.
Goldwater said the steering
committee will, be the most im-
portant force in shaping his cam-
Others on the committee will
be Denison Kitchel, general direc-
tor of the campaign; William
Warner, top aide to his running
mate, Rep. William E. Miller (R-
NY); and Republican National
Chairman Dean Burch, in an ex-
officio role.
House Wants
New Social
Security Hike
passed legislation yesterday that
would give a five per cent raise
to the 20 million retired or dis-
abled workers. widows and chil-
dren who receive social security
A 388-8 roll call vote sent the
bill to the Senate.
If the Senate approves the meas-
ure, the additional benefits es-
timated to total $925 million an-
nually will begin flowing two
months after the bill is signed.
To pay for these benefits, an in-
crease in social security payroll
taxes, initially a hike of as much
as $31.20 a year each for employ-
ers and employes, would go into
effect Jan. 1.
However, some senators plan to
try to write into the billa version
of the health plan for the aged
favored by President Lyndon B.
Johnson. Such a move, if success-
ful, could lead to a Senate-House
fight with unpredictable results in
the final weeks of the Congres-
sional session.
Besides raising benefits, the leg-
islation. would add present and
future beneficiaries to the social
security system which now covers
nearly all Americans who are pri-
vately employed.
The largest group would consist
of persons now in their 70s or old-
er who had paid, or whose bread-
winners had paid, some social se-
curity tax during working years
but not enough under present
rules to qualify for retirement.
The bill would provide a new
minimum payment of $35 a month
'under liberalied rules estimated
to make 600,000 persons, mostly
women, eligible.
Senate Accepts
Defense Costs
Of 46 Billion
voted last night to spend more
than $46 billion for defense.
As the measure goes back to the
House it carries a net of some $15
million more than was approved
by the House earlier. But it is
$1.4 billion less than Congress vot-
ed for defense last year and more
than $696 million below President
Lyndon B. Johnson's initial budg-
et requests.
Several Senate-House differ-
ences must be adjusted and then
approved by both chambers be-
fore the bill goes to Johnson for
"We can't afford to be second
best," Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-
Ga) told his colleagues as he steer-
ed the measure to passage by the
unanimous vote of 76 senators.
Efforts to cut the $46.7 billion
appropriation, the biggest money
bill of the fiscal year, were turn-
ed back. .A series of moves by
senators anxious to expand the
government's shipyards extended
the debate to eight hours.
THREE OF THE NATIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS LEADERS who called for a "broad curtailment, if not
total moratorium" on mass demonstrations yesterday were (left) James Farmer, national director of
the Congress of Racial Equality; Roy Wilkins, executiWe secretary of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People; and A. Philip Randolph, head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car
I ,+&INNN- \.Oo ' -% ... o" .n.. a- NEW \ r WF .ice - ,.s....."- v -=- -ML. _Ulm ...+/ -m- -ELM All., 4/ .w.. lww my i 141,1 ,*. L AL Kv.0 mmm-
Auto Talks--Days of R
DETROIT VP)-With preliminary
probing and propaganda barragesa
out of the way, new contract bar-
gaining in the auto industry yes-;
terday appeared headed toward
hard - core, day of reckoning
Since contract talks between
the auto industry and the United
Auto Workers Union started June
30, both sides have expended most;
energy in preparing to blame each
other if 1965 car model prices
Along the way, agreements .have,
been reached-as in the past-on
some minor clauses such as those
recognizing the United Auto Work-
ers union as bargaining agent and
'specifying time and a half for
work beyond 40 hours.
Work Conditions
The issue of improving working
conditions-the UAW's top goal
for current negotiations-has been
taken up at both Ford and Gen-,
eral Motors. It is due to come up
shortly on the UAW-Chrysler
Ken Bannon, director of the
UAW's Ford department, predict-
ed Tuesday what newsmen have,
anticipated for some time: new;
contract offers from the "Big
Three" about mid-August.
Current three-year pacts with
General Motors, Ford and Chrys-
ler expire August 31 and Bannon
recalled that "historically an of-
fer doesn't come until 12 to 14
days before expiration."
Union Demands
Up to now, five-week-old bar-
gaining has centered primarily on
union demands for wide-reaching
economic gains, which include
higher wages, bigger pensions,
earlier retirement and larger sup-
plemental unemployment benefits.
Working conditions came up
again yesterday at General Motors,
as they did there Monday and at
Ford on Tuesday.
The union is insisting on what
amounts to two 10-minute coffee
breaks in addition to the 12-
minute personal relief periods af-
forded workers now on each eight
hour shift, among other "improv-
ed working conditions."
At Ford Tuesday, Mike Cum-
mins, Ford labor relations direc-
tor, disclosed that the UAW had
demanded additional work-breaks
for production personnel working
at jobs other than those on the
assembly line.
Heretofore the UAW has cen-
tered its demand for additional
relief time on assembly line work-
ers whom it claims are "tied to
monotonous jobs where machines
are the masters."
Cummings said the union in-
dicated it wants maintenance and
inspection employes, among others,
afforded the new breaks it is
aiming for.
The automakers have voiced
strenuous .objections to any relief
time in excess of 'the two 12-
minute personal relief periods.
They have pointed out two 10-
minute breaks, in which the UAW
wants assembly lines shut down,
would cost them 20 or more cars
a day in production at car-a-
minute plants.
Productivity per worker occu-
pied a general bargaining session
at General Motors. The UAW in-
sists that the current 2.5 per
cent annual improvement factor
should be raised to at least 4.9
per cent.
The union contends that an
annual productivity increases of
3.2 per cent estimated as the aver-
age for industry generally by the
present President's Council of
Economic Advisors falls short of
the yearly gain in autos.
Annual Salary
A long standing UAW demand
that production workers be plac-
ed on an annual salary, instead of
an hourly wage, was a main topic
of discussion at Chrysler-UAW ne-
gotiations Tuesday.
Earlier retirement also is near
the top of the union demands this
year. The UAW says "earlier re-
tirement should be made avail-
able at the earliest age that may
be practicable and in any case not
later than either age 60 or on the
basis of a factor system which
gives recognition to long service
by workers who are still short
of 60."
Southern Cities'
SP edsSlows
By The Associated Press
Civil rights were hastened and,
slowed in the South yesterday.
United States Attorney General
Robert Kennedy used his newly-
acquired civil rights authority for
the first time in Alabama.
But in Atlanta, a federal judge
refused to order faster desegrega-
tion of the public school system
Kennedy filed suit under the
new civil rights law, charging that
15 eating places in Tuscaloosa
have violated the law by refusing
to serve Negroes.
In the Atlanta school hearing,
U.S. District Judge Frank A.
Hooper said that in carrying out
a grade-a-year desegregation plan,
the Atlanta School Board had
"shown a spirit of very fine co-
Hooper said he would make full
"findings of fact" for the 5th
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and
the Supreme Court when the case
reaches them on appeal.
Want Political Activt
To Intensify; Call Hai
To Major Protests
NEW YORK (P)-Six nation:
civil rights leaders called yeste:
day for a "broad curtailment,
not total moratorium" on all ma
marches, picketing and other den
onstrations until after the Nov.
Presidential election.
In a statement following a tw
hour civil rights "summit mee
ing," the leaders explained thW
all steps to prevent the election(
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ari
must be taken.
They emphasized that poltic
activity, such as voter registratic
drives, should be intensified.
Issuing the statement were R
Wilkins, executive secretary of ti
National Association for the A
vancement of Colored People, Ma:
tin Luther King Jr., president
the Southern Christian Leadersh
Conference; James Farmer, ni
tional director of the Congress c
Racial Equality; Whitney la
Young, executive director of tl
National Urban League; A Phil
Randolph, head of th Brothe:
hood of Sleeping Car Porters, a
John Lewis, chairman of the StA
dent Nonviolent Coordinati
Temporary Change
Their statement called for
"temporary change of emphas
and tactics in the civil righ
movement, wherein the "maji
energy" would be aimed at e
couraging "the Negro people, nor
and south, to register to vote."
But the leaders emphasized
a news conference following t
neeting that their appeal was n
intended to halt small local ci
rights demonstrations,
"In our view the election co
test which is shaping up is a mo
imperative reason for a morato
ium on large demonstrations thi
any local or state condition th
has confronted our forces heret
fore," the statement said.
Feel Threatened'
"We see the whole climate
liberal democracy in the Unit
States, the climate in which go
ernment has been brought prope
ly into the service and protectic
of the people, threatened," t
statement added.
They minced no words in cri
cizing the Republican nominee.
"We believe that racism h
been injected into the campai
by the Goldwater forces," t
statement said "The senator, hr
self maintains his "position th
civil rights matters should be le
to the states."
They said this evidence w
"clear enough language for a
Negro American."
But in announcing the stat
ment to the press, Wilkins said
could not be interpreted as a pr
Johnson document.
Good Republicans, Too
"There are a lot of Republi ca
we don't want to see go down t
drain," Wilkins told newsmen. "
don't want to say that any go
leader who happens to be a 1
publican should be thrown out t
The statement described t
GOP platform as a "state's right
platform, and attributed its a
thorship to "the Goldwater foret
at the convention.
"The proponents of liberalizi
the civil rights planks of the pe
form to include specifics 'of t
obligation of the federal gover
ment were hooted down," the lea
ers contended.
"The platform as adopted call
for 'maximum restraint' of fe
eral 'intrusion into matters m
productively left to the in
vidua," the statement said, ad
"We call upon our members a
supporters to utilize the moni
1 ahead to enlist voters, to expa:
the enforcement of the new ci
rights act and to win new frier
and new supporters for the ci
rights cause.
TTake Steps'
To Counter
World News Round'up
By Tlhe Associated Press
ROCHESTER, N.Y. - Encouraged by riot-scarred Rochester's
calm reaction to the lifting of a. dusk-to-dawn curfew, officials de-
cided yesterday to end a four-day ban on the sale of liquor.
The probation on alcoholic beverage sales and the curfew were
imposed late Saturday after police were unable to control pillaging
mobs surging through the streets in Negro neighborhoods.
PASADENA-Ranger 7 cruised
Oxtoby Sees Past as More, Less Distant
Paradoxically, the past is both more and less available to us than
ever before.
We have accumulated much material about the past, but we are
less able to understand it, Prof. Willard S. Oxtoby, a visiting professor
in the Near Eastern languages and literature department, said last
night. The reason: technological and religious changes limit our bases
for understanding.
Oxtoby told a Hillel audience that society has undergone such a
great change in its pattern of living as a result of technological ad-
vances that we have difficulty understanding how our ancestors ex-
perienced the problem of "wresting a living from the soil."
New Place
Recovering the past is important to us for several reasons, Oxtoby
Men have'a fascination with what is old. Armchair archaeologists
avidly follow new discoveries although they do not care to get out
into the field and scrape tediously on pottery.
"What were the things leading up to the present?" is a question
that has also led men to examine the past. We search for casual hypo-
theses concerning the success or failure of the present, he explained.
"Evidence of this attempt to avoid mistakes can be seen in the
motivation to write history and in the study of the Biblical scriptures."
"How have we come to be as we are?" is a question that has led
us to seek our identity, personal or corporate, in the past. While the
past offers us an identity, we have an option of accepting or not
on course toward the moon yester-
day and jubilant scientists gave
it an 80 per cent chance of re-
turning the first close-up pictures
of unknown terrain where astro-
nauts may land.
They predict it will smash, while
traveling 5800 miles an hour, into
the sea of clouds at 9:25 a.m.
-Travelers returning from North
Katanga yesterday said Congolese
troops are estimated to have
slaughtered more than 400 civil-
ians in a drive last week on rebel-'
held Kabalo.
Military sources said the dead,
were rebels or rebel sympathizers
who had opposed the troops in
their 130-mile march northward
to Kabalo.