'THE MICHIGtAN~ Al ATL )NESIA Asian Crises Center on Borneo COMPREHENSIVE Cites Need for School Ratings DAILY OFFICIAL BULL By RICHARD F. NEWCOMB socated Press Newsfeatures Writer orneo, the world's third largest' rd, is an unlikely place to fight The Russian ambassador to In- donesia, N. A. Michailosov, chimes in: "The Soviet government and people will keep on helping the Indonesian people in their cam- paign to crush the neo-colonialist project in Malaysia.,' It is mostly heavy jungle, rug- ged and mountainous in the in- terior and with few communica- tions routes other than rivers. Rainfall exceeds 100 inches an- nually and the monsoon season is long, November through May. The interior is inhabited mostly by semi-pagan Dyak tribes, some of whom still hunt heads. The coastal areas, mostly swampy, support a hodge-podge of Chinese, Malays, Arabs and Javanese. There are, of course, the Brit- ish, and there lies the rub. The southern two-thirds of the island, some 200,000 square miles, is call- ed Kalimantan, and forms one of the ten provinces of Indonesia. Along the northern rim of the is- land are the states of Sarawak and Sabah (formerly called North Borneo), and together with Ma- laya and Singapore they form the new nation of Malaysia. Malaysia, with British protection, was born in 1963, and President Sukarno of Indonesia has sworn to liquidate it. Border Fight. A "nasty little guerrilla war is already simmering along the rug- ged 800-mile border between Kali- mantan and Sarawak and Sabah. It could become much more. As usual in the world's trouble spots, the Soviet Union is there, march- ing side by side with Sukarno. Western sources estimate that Russian military aid to Indonesia -including MIG fighters and Badger twin-engine bombers-is half a billion dollars or more. "As to American aid to Indo-_ nesia-mainly non-military-Su- karno has twice told U.S. Ambas- sador Howard P. Jones "to hell with your aid." He said it the last time before a throng of 400,000 Indonesians, gathered in a park in the shadow of the United States Embassy. He explained that he told this to Jones because "there are circles in the United States) who attach the condition to their aid that Indonesia stop its confrontation of Malaysia." Con- frontation is a euphemism for war, which has its economic counter- TV enter Wins Service Award PRESIDENT SUKARNO part in a boycott of Malaysian products. Most of them filter through Singapore, whose world trade is the lifeblood of Malaysia. Training Defense Minister Abdul Haris Nasution states the Indonesian 'ase this way: "We are training them (guerrillas) and President 3ukarno has even ordered us to mobilize our volunteers to fight together with the North Kaliman- tan fighters to wipe out the Brit- ish colonialist plot (the forma- tion of Malaysia). We all have the duty to end this foreign dom- ination, which also would mean the end of colonialism, imperial- ism and foreign intervention in Southeast Asia. The chief task of the Indonesian armed forces is to crush Malaysia." Off-Campus Education Is Reviewed The war has been mostly bor- der infiltrations thus far, aided, where possible, by internal sub- version. Because of the rigors of the interior country, there have been end-run raids along the coast, on the west and near Lundu, in Sarawak, and on the east toward Tawau, in Sabah. With an irony the British find less than amus- ing, the guerrillas are well-equip- ped with American field clothing and British, United States and Belgian weapons. For his buzz- ing raids on Kuching, capital of Sarawak, Sukarno sends not his Russian planes but B-25 Mitchell bombers and P-51 Mustang fight- ers. We'll Fight In the face of the Indonesian offensive, Abdul Razak, defense minister of Malaysia, says: "We will defend ourselves with equal vigor and determination." The British have thrown in some of the famed Gurkha fighters from India, elements of the Comman- dos, the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy. Alto- gether, British forces in Borneo total perhaps 6000, against an In- donesian armed force of 240,000. Michigan has a pressing need to develop a plan which would accredit an entire public or private school system rather than the sen- ior high schools alone, according to Ray Kehoe, associate director of the University Bureau of School Services. "We need quality programs for all grades and levels o feduca- tion," said Kehoe. "It is important that a balance of quality be maintained in the elementary and junior high schools as well as in senior high school," he noted. Cutbacks Kehoe reported that during re- cent years, financial crises have necessitated cutbacks in many school systems: "Such cutbacks have come first and heaviest in grade eight and below. In many school systems one finds a higher teacher-pupil ratio in the lower grades. In addition, library services are often nonexistent; art, music and physical education are lacking or sharply reduced in scope. More un- qualified teachers are found in elementary classrooms compared to the senior high school. Physicians Come to 'U' More than 150 new doctors joined the University Hospital in July to begin a major step in their professional careers. Entering as interns and resi- dents, the doctors are starting personalized programs of clinical training which may take one to six years for completion. Individual doctors are joining each of the specialty areas from allergy to X-ray. The group brings the total num- ber of doctors at the University "A major reason for pressures to reduce curriculum services in the lower grades is the desire to maintain an accredited high school program. Costs of accredited sec- ondary school programs have ris- en sharply in recent years. More diversified curriculums for col- lege and terminal students are of- fered. Special Programs Special education programs for handicapped students are now commonly found; library and guid- ance services have expanded great- ly also. Other factors which ac- count for increased expenditures are salary increases, higher fix- ed operating costs, and a very rapidly expanding school popula- tion." In circumstances such as these, trouble arises for the administra- tion of the school when, in a per- iod of rising costs, income remains stable and possibly even declines, Kehoe said. Cutbacks in programs are then necessary and are inev- itably made first in the lower grades inasmuch as accreditation pressures are resistant to cutbacks in the high school. During periods of financial cris- is it seems equitable to reduce pro- grams at all levels and to strive to maintain a reasonable balance in the total school program, he declared. School boards should give up accreditation if it must The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publica- tion, and by 2 p.m. ftiday for Satur- day and Sunday. THURSDAY, JULY 23 Day Colendar Audio-Visual Education Center Film Preview-"The Kremlin: Its History and Art": Multipurpose Room, Undergradu- ate Library, 1:30 p.m. Dept. of Linguistics Forum Lecture- William Labov, Columbia University, "Social and Chronological Structure of Linguistic Variables": Rackham Amphi- theatre, 7:30 p.m. School of Music Duo-Piano Recital - Eugene Bossart and Charles Fisher, with Chamber Orchertsa, Gilbert Roos, con- ductor, Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Donald Louis Rucknagel, Human Genetics; thesis: "The Gene for Sickle Cell Hemoglobin in the Wesorts: An Extreme Example of Genetic Drift andthe Founder Effect," Thurs., July 23, 302 Special Projects Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, J. V. Neel. Doctoral Examination for Robert Fish- er Rosin, Communication Sciences; thesis: "An Algorithm for Concurrent Random walks on Highly Parallel Com- puters," Fri., July 24, 1014 North Uni- versity Bldg., at 9 a.m. Chairman, B. A. Galler. United Nations Library: Alvin Thies- sen, chief, General ;Reference Section, Dag Hammarskjold Library, United Na- tions, New York, will give an informal talk on the Library of the United Na- tions on Thurs., July 23, at 4 p.m. in Room 439 Mason Hall. Masonite Corp., Chicago, Ill.- ings in Indust. Sales Force fo: with degrees in Engrg., Forestry or Tech. Prefer at least 2 yrs. of pr sales exper. selling direct to Ind Age 26-34. Free to locate. Alec opening in Sales Engrg. Trainee for a man who is avail. on the Coast. Southern Michigan National B Coldwater-Position with Bank, cludes general banking, includini ops., public rels. & credits. Male Ad. degree. General banking expe 25-40. Riverside Methodist Hospital, C bus, Ohio-1. Assoc. Dir., Nursing ice. Degree from accredited S Nursing. MA pref. Will direct BA min, exper. 2. Ass't. 'Dir. of Ni Service in Maternity Nursing-i gree & exper. in maternity nuri in admin. Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mli Computer Programmer-Trainee. Trainee for IBM. BA in Math c Ad. degree with accounting maj exper. Recent grad. P. S. Ross & Partners, Toronto, ada-Seeking Industrial Engrg. who would like position with a agement Consultancy Firm. Be 25-35, with post-grad trng. in related techniques to work out ronoto or Montreal offices. For further information, pleas General Div., Bureau of Appoint 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. ORGaANIZATICO NOTICES Baptist Student Union, Social: recreation, singing, Thurs., July 2 p.m., 2670 Jackson Road, for tra tation call Bob McDaniel at 3-0018, PROF. RAY KEHOE be maintained at the expense of a quality program for one segment in the school system. "A more responsible approach to the problem of maintaining prop- er balance of curriculum oppor- tunities in a school system would be to establish adequate qualita- tive standards for the system as r whole. Evaluation of the entire system by accreditation authori- ties ought to help in reducing or eliminating favoritism of one group within a system at the ex- pense of another," Kehoe conclud- ed. Standing neutral is the Sultan of Brunei, who rules a wedge of land the size of Delaware, tucked between Sarawak and Sabah. His Highness Sultan Sir Omar Ali Sai- fudding Wasa'dul Khairi Waddin is 47, and his little sultanate spews out oil at the rate of $20 nillion a year in royalties, faster than the sultan can spend it. Brit- 'in protects Brunei too, even though it refused to join Malaysia, and Brunei's principal worry at the moment is that, so the geolog- ists say, the oil wells will run dry in 10 years. War, or Sukarno, may get there first. AN ANALYSIS Seeds for Revolutionary Changes Present in Brazil The University Television Cen-+ ter has won another American Bar Association "Gavel Award" for outstanding public service, it was announced in New York yes- terday.+ The University's second Gavel Award in the seven year history of the competition was granfed for; "A Quest for Certainty," a series of twenty half-hour programs which examines the nature and value of, the United States legal system. Prof. Joseph R. Julin of the law school appears as host for the series. The Center won its first Gavel Award in 1961 for its series dramatizing Constitutional right "The Blessings of Liberty." Julin and his several guests ex- plain the roles of such legal insti- tutions as the judge, prosecutor' and defender, the jury, witnesses, legislatures, law enforcers, the Constitution and otherraspects ofz the legal system. Filmed dramati- zations of a courtroom scene, process of arrest and trial, the lawyers' procedures in and out of court complement the discussion. The American Bar Association presents the Gavel Award to ac- cord national recognition of dis- tinguished service on the part of the media of information and en- tertainment in familiarizing the public with the basic values of the legal and judicial systems. Two other TV programs were singled out for recognition: "CBS Re- ports" for "The Crisis of Presiden- tial Succession" and Plautus Pro- ductions, Inc. for the CBS series "The Defenders" broadcast, "The Blacklist." (Continued from Page 1) work particularly in budgeting ex-' tension programs. The committee writes that un- derlying the report is the concern that "extension course offerings appear to be more haphazard in terms of relation to a total pro- gram than is true of courses on campus." The report elaborates that courses are often offered'on a basis of demand rather than as a comprehensive and well-structured series of programs. The haphazard nature of off-campus teaching is the result of apathy within de- partments toward the off-campus courses. This attitude is resulting in in- ferior teaching and inadequate learning overall. But the report notes that "the size of the present operation in extension credit course work suggests its import- ance to the people of Michigan, and to the University." Some 50,- 000 "students" annually partici- pate in programs offered by the 10 state-supported schools and colleges off-campus. Old Concern The faculty committee's con- cern is another step in a series of recommendations which have gone to policy makers concerning the off-campus programs. The extension service self-sur- vey of last year made many sim- ilar proposals. It called for units to broaden their interest and scope, for teaching stipends to be increased and for the University as a whole to consider its non- campus students "an institutional obligation." The University operates two of its major extension branches at the Flint and Dearborn campuses. Both centers feature standard' full-time curriculum. One-quarter of the graduate school registrations come from off-campus students while nearly two - thirds of the education school's M.A. candidates are en- rolled off-campus. Medical Center to 650. Negro Protests Not New; State Saw Onein 18 The Negro in Michigan - 1201 All of41,4,. .tr,' -not be dne £11U Lhi~ AJ'.Ld not be don ,l years ago-made the same ap- peals and challenges that ' the southern Negro is currently mak- ing. The minutes of the 1843 "State Convention of the Colored Citizens of Michigan," now on display in the William L. Clements Library, illustrate well that the quest for equality now being made by southern Negroes has not always been confined to the states below the Mason-Dixon line. The keynote speaker for the con- vention, William Lambert of De- troit, sounding very much like Martin Luther King today, stress- ed that "the time has come for us to be united in sentiment and action, and to speak out in our own defense upon the great cause f human liberty and equal rights." Arguing for the right of the N~egro to vote Lambert said, "We are an oppressed people wishing to be free. History informs us that the liberties of an oppressed peo- ple are obtained only in propor- tion to their own exertions in their own cause." The equality which Lambert sought was not only political, but economic. He asked the conven- tion, "Shall we not infuse into the minds of our young men, and posterity, a disposition to be free, and leave their present low and degraded employment and endea- vor to obtain mechanics arts and, follow agricultural pursuits?" Ali oI TIS cou lb cuv by the Negro alone, but the key- noter was aware that there were many white citizens who backed their cause. He said, "Our cause has attracted the attention of our )ppressors, and caused many to cry out 'go on thou genius of li- berty, go on.' The friends of li- berty throughout the civilized world have hailed it, and now stand cheering us to go on." That convention, 120 years ago, rallied around the cause espoused by Lambert and vowed all-out sup- port for the advancement of the status of the Negro in Michigan. As a body it advocated the re- moval of the word "white" from the article in the state constitu- tion which withheld the vote from Negroes. Forethose who think the Negro revolution today is a new phenom- enon the words of the convention minutes speak for themselves. They read, "We the representatives of the oppressed of this state will continue to wirte, publish, cry aloud, and spare not, in opposi- tion to all political injustice until, the blessings of equal political li- berty shall have been extended to all men." As if it were a warning to 20th century America the last resolu- tion of the 1843 meeting echoes down through the years. "And let it be resolved that we will whisper in the ears of our white brethren that the time is not far distant when they can no longer stifle in us the spirit of liberty." approximatelyI RIO DE JANEIRO-The post- ponement of elections and exten-, sion of President Humberto Ca- stelo Branco's mandate until 1967 carry the seeds of a revolutionary change in Brazil's traditional po- litical party structure, the New York Times reported yesterday. The Brazilian armed forces,; which toppled President Joao; Goulart adn his left-wing, infla- tion-ridden regime in April, have made it clear to the politicians that they will not hand over pow- er until there is a political force to continue the revolution's pro- gram. This position began to emerge when the revolution supspended for 10 years the political rights of former President Juscelino Kubit- schek, the proclaimed presiden- tial candidate of the Social Dem- ocratic party. The military leaders concluded that Kubitschek, the 63-year-old builder of the inalnd capital of Brasilia, posed a threat to the rev- >lutionary movement. It was fear- ed that he could polarize the votes :f his own middle-of-the-road party and of the Brazilian La- bor party of Goulart. This was the formula that brought him the presidency in 1955. Congress has now approved in the first of two readings of the measure, a 14-month extension of Castelo Branco's term, carrying the revolution's political process a step further. It was relatively easy to dis- pose of Kubitschek, who was out- side the revolutionary movement, but the extension collides with the presidential ambitions of Gov. Carlos Lacerda, a leader of the revolution. When Castelo Branco, former army chief of staff, took office April 15, he was sworn to com- plete Goulart's term, ending Jan. 31. Presidential elections were scheduled for October, 1965, and Lacerda, a dynamic administrator of Guanabara State, which em- braces Rio de Janeiro, laid claims to the presidential nomination of the National Democratic Union party. Lacerda, who is 50 years old, was the "natural" candidate for many anti-Goulart revolutionaries. The army strategists of the Superior War College and Army Staff School, who advise Castelo Branco, and the war minister, Gen. Artur Costa de Silva, believe the revolutionary movement needs an additional year to control infla- tion and introduce the basic re- forms the country needs. There is also a growing belief among the revolutionary leaders that the future elections should bring to power a government with popular support that will continue the work begun under Castelo Branco. The military men feel that a vote against the revolu- tion would open a crisis that could lead to an unwanted military dic- tatorship, according to army leaders. Across Campus T h e Audio - Visual Education Center will preview "The Krem- lin: Its History and Art" at 1:30 p.m. today in the Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI. Variables ... Prof. William Labov of Colum- bia University will discuss "Social and Chronological Nature of Lin- guistic Variables" at 7:30 p.m. to- day in Rackham Amphitheater. Recital . . Prof. Eugene Brossart and Charles Fisher of the music school will perform a duo piano recital with the Chamber Orchestra at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Kakeya Problem?... A Mathematical Association of America movie on the Kakeya Problem featuring Prof. George Besicovitch will be shown at 1:30 p.m. today at 311 West Engineer- ing. Students at all levels are in- vited. Placement POSITION OPENINGS: U.S. Civil Service-Openings for Digi- tal Computer Programmers-BS degree in Math, Stat., or Bus. Ad. plus 1 yr. specialized exper. & 1 yr. specific pro- gramming exper. A MA degree may be substituted for the 1 yr. of specialized exper. Other openings with similar re- quirements are: Digital Computer Sys- tems Operators, Analysts, and Opera- tions Schedulers. Also System Data Re- viewer. Owens-Corning Fiber Glas Corp., De- troit, Mich.-Seeking Sales Rep. for De- troit metropolitan area. Male. Degree any field. Exper. not required, but busi- ness exper, helpful.. Age approx. 25- 35. Will consider a recent grad as a Sales Trainee. Manufacturers National Bank, Detroit, Mich.-1. Personnel Interviewer-male- BA degree; some psych.; or BBA with minor in psych. or Psych, major, Kind of exper. does not matter. Age: upper 20's. Will start as interviewer - after exper. to become Emp. Manager. 2.: Personnel Asst.-female-BA degree- any exper., esp. interested in someone with exp. in educ. or govt) agency. Age: prefer upper 20's. Could work in Emp. Section" or Counseling area. 1. Instruc- tor-Training Dept. female--someone with teaching exper. pref., who could teach instructors of tellers how to teach. WATCH REPAIRING sie717 N. "E 9 6University Ave. DIAL 668.6416 One Complete Show Only Starting at 7:15 P.M. LOSE -- HEAD OVR. Read Daily A OMNI" PASCALE PEMt DANIEL GELIN JA , I Authorized VOLVO Dealer Sales, Service & Parts H ERB ESTES AUTOMART 319W. Huron 665-3688 Rltt. ISPio~nAI AM? IM RtOERT HOW STARTS TODAY DIAL 662-6264 U DIAL 665-6290 Y ectwn lp toErn ept STARTS FRIDAY Ends Today "McHALE'S NAVY" UNIVERSITY PLAYERS (Dept. of Speech); Next Week, Wed.-Sat. A TURERCARNIVAL 8:00 P.MK-Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Plan Now To i See- The Opera Department, School of Music in RALPH VOTAPEK Pianist Winner, Van Cliburn International Competitions, 1962 WED., JULY 29, 8:30 Rackham Auditorium (air-conditioned), -mi M ' I Vt . PROGRAM: Four Sonatas--D, E, B-flat and D major . ........ D. Scarlatti Sonata in A minor,.Op. 164................... Schubert Six Pieces, Op. 118.................. .... ..--- Brahms Capriccio, Op. 76, No. 2 ....................:..._Brahms m' lll ~.T I -a ! AbV 1 I