RAISING THE RATES: AUTOCRACY AT WORK See Editorial Page (ik Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom D4ad t] HOT Iiigh--84 Low-69 Humid with chance of thundershowers nc _ __ ... ... L. LXXIV, No. 2 Z-6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 23; 1964 SEVEN CENTS FOUR P v %j AM a 17&%11 'OR ALL STUDENTS Calls for Free Education Extension 1niitbppn Court Uphold WASHINGTON 04?)- Secretary' of Labor W. Willard Wirtz said yesterday every youth in the na- tion should be given "all the edu- cation free which he needs and can use."~ Proposing vastly expanded edu- cation as vital to preventing mas- sive unemployment in the nation's increasingly technological econ- omy, Wirtz said: "Our principle ought to be that in one way or another, every single boy and girl stay in school until that boy or girl is ready-until he or she is equipped with the skills which are required for the jobs in today's automated ocon- omy." This would include both college and vocational schools, Wirtz said. Disappointment Wirtz said his greatest disap- pointment in his two years as SECRETARY WIRTZ Amend Poverty Bill, See Passage Near WASHINGTON (P)-President Lyndon 'B. Johnson's "War on Poverty" program was given a "state's rights" amendment yesterday that may win Southern support for the measure. And by late afternoon, the Senate agreed to limit debate on the bill itself to four hours, and to hold debate on each amendment to one hour, reinforcing hopes of Senate leaders for passage tomorrow. Then the Senate adjourned overnight. The state's, rights feature would allow a governor of a state to veto federal plans to locate a youth camp in his state. Sen. Pat McNamara (D-Mich), floor manager of the bill, said he would accept the amendment with "some re- Branco Views Lacerda Post In Cabitiet RIO DE JANEIRO - President Humberto Castelo Branco has of- fered Gov. Carlos Lacreda a cab- inet post to help the revolutionary Brazilian government win its crucial fight against the inflation- ary rise in the cost of living, the New York Times reported yester- day. Sources close to Lacerda said he was inclined to accept-if con- gress gives final approval this week to a one-year extension of Branco's term. Political analysts consider a favorable vote in con- gress certain. Lacreda, who is 50 years old, has opposed the extension. A leader of the revolution, he had hoped to run for president as the candidate of the revolutionary See earlier story, Page 3 movement in elections scheduled for October, 1965. The extension would postpone the voting until December, 1966. Branco made the offer of a cabinet job to Lacerda during a luncheon meeting Saturday. La- cerda, a dynamic politician and a successful administrator as gov- ernor of Guanabara State, would be expected to coordinate produc- tion an dsupply efforts in the war on inflation, which has raised prices more than 40 per cent. The military and civilian lead- ers of the revolution that over- threw President Joao Goulart April 1 are sensitive to the cost- of-living problem. - luctance." It was offered by Sen. George A. Smathers (D-Fla) and passed by voice vote. -The compromise and debate- limiting agreements came after a prime Republican foe of the meas- ure had labeled one provision "a little bit stupid." That opening ttack came from Sen. John G. Tower (R-Tex) who had joined Republican presiden- tial candidate Barry Goldwater in voting against the bill in commit- tee. Goldwater, the Arizona Senator1 now called a major voice in Re- publican Senate policy, was not expected to oppose the bill today. His office said he was not expect- ed to take the floor until tomor- row. ' A key feature of the controver- sial bill is authority to establish a job corps to provide education, work experience and vocational training for young men and wom- en, age 16 to 21, in conservation camps and residential centers. The program envisions the en- rollment of 40,000 young men and women in the first year and 100,- 000 the next year. The first year cost of this part of the program is estimated at $190 million. Also approved by voice vote was an amendment by Sen. Winston L. Prouty (R-Vt) barring inquiry about the political affiliation or beliefs of any applicants for en- rollment in the job corps. Prouty's amendment also pro- vides that no officer, employe, or enrollee in the corps shall take an active part in any political campaign. McNamara said that he was sure the intent of Prouty's amendment would have been carried out in any event but that he was pleased to accept it. labor secretary has been "the dif- ficulty of getting across to the country what's happening as far as thecuneducated younger work- er is concerned." Hesaid some 35 million young- sters will enter the labor fore in the next 10 years and 'that, if present trends continue, more than 8 million will be high school drop- outs. "That'll be economic suicide," Wirtz said, adding: "As nearly as I can figure things out right now, our situa- tion is that we are stackingr up about a quarter of a million'young boys and girls . . . every year ... on what can only be called a human slag heap. "They're coming out of high school without . . . the training for the jobs whichare available." Essential Wirtz said automation and tech- nological improvement are essen- tial to the future of the economy, but that the nation must realize that automation "is taking all of the unskilled work out of . the economy, and we're going to have to start educating and training people for skilled jobs." He said there is also a great need for retraining older persons who lose their jobs to automation. "I think this country is perfectly willing to accept the proposition that a man who loses his job to a machine is entitled to be trained for another job," he said. On the educational needs of the nation's youth, Wirtz said: Two Years "I would add at least two more years to the present free educa- tion which goes up through high school . . . there will probably have to be more vocational edu- cation to meet the demands for situations in which a great many of these boys and girls don't go on to college. "We've got to investigate the question of whether this business of starting (school) at the age of six . . . is right or not. My present, impression is that especially in, the areas of the underprivileged in this country, there are more people committed to unemployment be-, tween the ages of three and six than at any other period," he said. Requests Full Military Aids WASHINGTON A P) - Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara said yesterday the United States' will have to reassess its defense policy and expand its own forces if the full $1 billion asked for foreign military assistance is not. approved. "We have come to a critical de- cision point," he said. A cut in the military aid funds will mean that strength built up in allied nations around the rim of the Communist world will grad- ually melt away," the secretary said. And any attempt to offset this loss by increases in U.S. forces "is bound to cost far more for, the1 same amount of combat capabil- ity," he added. McNamara testified before the Senate Appropriations Committee on the administration's $3.5 billion foreign aid program of which mili- tary assistance is a part. Curricula Reviewed By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The 15,000 students educated by University academicians a w a y from the Ann Arbor campus should be as well-taught as the 30,000 students instructed here, a new faculty report concludes. The report has been drawn up by a faculty subcommittee study- ing the extension credit course program. This sends University teachers to Dearborn, Flint and a host of other cities in the state to offer courses for credit. The extension program is main- tained to provide "educational ad- vantages for residents of the state who are not in a position to pursue programs of study in residence at the University," according to a mandate of the Regents. Teachers The bulk of the off-campus stu- dent population is secondary school teachers seeking credit on a part time basis. Jobs preclude their coming to Ann Arbor. The faculty committee report, prepared under the chairmanship of Prof. Richard Wellman of the Law School, stresses the need to reorganize this program to help give the teacher better instruction. It makes three basic recom- mendations to assure standardiza- tion of on-campus and off-campus instruction: -The off-campus or extension course work should be placed un- der the department's jurisdiction and considered as part of that de- partment's nomral teaching obli- gation. This would hold a department chairman responsibile for organiz- ing highly-structured programs of credit for Dearborn in the same way that he must shift funds and assignments in Ann Arbor. To help the chairman, the commit- tee report would provide him with funds directly. -Course content and quality should continue to be the respon- sibility of departments and the extension service jointly. The re- port observes that the content and teaching methods of a given course may vary from locale to" locale. However, the report stresses a more comprehensively planned program for the state. - Extension service officials, in a self-survey last November, re- quested departments take over more of the planning and running of the off-campus programs. -An associate dean of the grad- uate school would be appointed to oversee the credit course program. As an alternative,banrexecutive committee might be created to See OFF-CAMPUS, Page 3 Of Imbalance! Endorses Elimination Of Area School Idea ALBANY, N.Y. Vm) - The New York State Education Depart- ment's pioneer order aimed at eliminating racial imbalance from public schools was upheld yester- day by an appeals court.- The five-member court endorsed the department's stand that the traditional neighboorhood school concept can be subordinated, where necessary, to the over-all goal of achieving racial balance. The Appellate Division, 3rd De- partment, upheld specifically last year's order of Education Com- missioner James E. Allen Jr. di- recting the Malverne School Dis- trict, on Long Island, to reorganize its elementary grades in a man- ner that would bring racial bal- ance to a school now 75 per cent Negro. In what could set the pattern for disposition of the many 'other racial imbalance and "busing" cases now pending in various courts, the Appellate Division said: "The court cannot substitute some other judgment for the judg- ment of the commissioner that correction of racial imbalance is an education aid to a minority group in attaining the skills and levels of education which others have had for generations." Today's finding reversed a lower court decision that had voided Allen's order. The case is expected to go now to the Court of Ap- peals, the state's highest tribunal. White parents in several various moves towards racial balance, most of which involve transporting children outside of the normal school districts. The added costs of transporta- tion have been among the argu- ments advanced against some plans. Associate Justice Herbert D. Hamm wrote for the court today that the Malverne complainants regarded as wasteful "any ex- penditure in implementation of the commissioner's decision, ax; opinion which they are free to entertain but which would not indicate the commissioner was ar- bitrary." tional Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People ap- pealed to people to get off the streets. The crowd, comprised mostly of Negro teen-agers, jeered the NAACP officials, and police ad- vised both groups to move on. Walk Streets In Brooklyn's Bushwick section several blocks to the north, scores of teen-agers walked the streets. Several bottles were thrown but they crashed harmlessly on the pavement. Wagner coupled his plea for reason with a promise of swift justice for "hoodlums, rowdies and troublemakers." He pledged step- ped-up efforts to improve slum conditions, add Negroes to the police force and review cases of alleged police brutality. Even as the mayor spoke on television and radio, helmeted po- lice patroled Harlem and a pre- dominantly Negro district of Brooklyn, where the riots have left one dead, more than 100 in- jured and dozens of stores smash- ed and looted. Suspend Protests Earlier, about 40 Brooklyn Ne- gro leaders had promised to sus- pend public demonstrations for the duration of the crisis, and to man sound trucks to cruise the streets appealing to people to stay home at night.; Wagner laid out a nine-point program which he said he had worked out."after intensive con- sideration. '5The nation and world have their eyes on New York," Wagner said. "I can't exaggerate what is at stake here." Wagner said he had spoken yesterday with President Lyndon B. Johnson, who had assured him that his assignment of the FBI to investigate any violations of fed- eral law in the New York riots was "designed solely to assist, support and supplement what we were already doing." Several Harlem Negro leaders said Communist influence was only minor, if it existed at all. The Rev. Richard A. Hildebrand, president of the New York City branch of the NAACP, called it "regrettable" that the Communist question "has come into the pic- ture to becloud the truth." Wagner conceded that the kill- ing of a 15-year-old Negro boy, James Powell, by white police Lt. Thomas Gilligan last Thursday- the incident which triggered the violence - had "raised questions about the responsibility and be- havior" of the police. NEW YORK (R)-Police fired several warning shots last night to disperse several hundred Negroes, mostly teen-agers, who gathered on the street in Brooklyn's riot-torn Bedford-Stuyvesant section. The incident occurred less than three hours after Mayor Robert F. Wagner appealed to. the city's millions to "give me your hands" in stemming the bloody racial riots of the last four days. Moments earlier and only blocks away, helmeted police had dis- persed a crowd that gathered around a loud speaker-equipped car from which officials of the Na- Accommodations Sectior N.Y. Panel New Harlem Unrest; Orders Mote e EarTaknnTVRean k.-./ NY tAL IL/ X X X / -IL X X View Defeats In Viet Nam* Debate Raids' SAIGON ()--A rising rate of successful Communist ambushes depressed U.S. military advisers yesterday. A high American offi- cer forecast bitterly they will con- tinue until Vietnamese troops learn to post security patrols every time they move. Communist military activity has reached' its highest level since the peak of a Red offensive last No- vember and Vietnamese units still are falling prey to roadside bush- whackers. Latest in a series of Viet Cong victories-by-ambush was a battle Tuesday in Chuong Thien Prov- ince, near Viet Nam's southern tip. Two Developments While the chief activity cen- tered south of Saigon in and be- low the Mekong Delta, two de- velopments drew attention to the north: --Air commodore Nguyen Cao Ky, commander of South Viet Nam's air force, announced his pilots are dropping sabotage teams over Communist North Viet Nam. In a talk with newsmen, the offi- cer advocated. bombing of that source of Viet Cong recruits and supplies, even though he felt Red China probably would move in. He said "the time is ripe." --A U.S. spokesman, usually wary about disclosing military moves in advance, announced a fleet of U.S. Air Force C-130 tur- boprop transports will ferry 400 Vietnamese troops today from Saigon to Hue. Hue is only about 40 miles south of the Communist North Vietnamese frontier. The spokesman said he did not know the purpose of the airlift, but noted there is a Vietnamese train- ing camp in the area. Propaganda Ky's remarks about the mis- sions over North Viet Nam con- tributed to a "march to the N o r t h" propaganda campaign opened recently by South Viet Nam's premier, Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh. Never before had South Viet Nam or the United States official- ly acknowledged direct military operations against the regime of Ho Chi Minh. To Integrate Injunction To Await Supreme Court Ruling For Final Opinion By ROBERT JOHNSTON Special To The Daily ATLANTA-A three judge fed- eral court has ordered the inte- gration of a local motel and cafeteria in the first case brought to trial under the nation's new civil rights law. However, the orders, handed down yesterday, will not take ef- fect until Aug. 11. The court's opinion stated that the rulings can only be considered temporary injunctions, paving the way for final United States Supreme Court decisions on the constitutionality of the law. Attorneys for the motel said late yesterday that they have al- ready filed an appeal with the Supreme Court. The first case began when three Negroes attempted to obtain serv- ice at Lester Maddox's Pickrick Cafeteria shortly after the civil rights law was signed. Maddox, long an outspoken segregationist in the Atlanta area, turned the Negroes away. The Negroes filed suit the next day, and the Justice Department quickly intervened in their behalf under a provision in the public accommodations section of the new law. In the court hearings, Maddox did not deny his cafeteria .segre- gation policy. He based his case on the constitutionality of the civil rights law. Morton Rolleston, president of the Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc., filed the second suit, charging that the public accommodations section is unconstitutional. Both Maddox and Rolleston said that forcing them to serve Negroes would infringe on' their private property rights and place them in an "involuntary condi- tion of servitude." Rolleston also claimed that the civil rights act exceeded Congress' authority over interstate commerce and that his business is local-not interstate- in nature. Maddox, usually vehement in his denunciations of the Supreme Court and the civil rights act, was mild in his reaction to the ruling. "We believe justice will prevail in the end," he said. "We expect a favorable verdict in Washing- ton." Asked to comment on his line of action should he lose the ap- peal, Maddox would say only that he would stand by his previous "promise." He has vowed several times never to serve Negroes in his cafeteria. Rolleston said only that his motel would "comply with (Su- preme) Court orders." Rusk Asks Cuba Embargo;* Exiles Lose in Skirmish WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of State Dean Rusk urged the Latin American Republics yesterday to slap sanctions on Cuba and warned Castro that governments of the Americas "will no longer tolerate its efforts to export revolution." Rusk asked the inter-American conference of foreign ministers to take three measures aimed at halting Cuba's alleged subversive activity in the hemisphere: First, the imposition of sanctions. Second, a warning to the Castro regime that if it persists in subversion, "the full weight of the regional security system will be applied." TThird, a call to "our own gov- ernments and those of other free- world countries to take appropri- ate steps in the field of trade with a I~ijf " M 0,a A Cuba.'" CULTURAL CONFLICT WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP Pathet Lao Stop Neutrals' Drive Writing Music: forArtor lrlwiey: By DICK WINGFIELD W- Jerry H. Bilik of the music school said last night that many modern composers are torn be- tween commercialism and true art. Speaking on "Music and Madi- son Avenue," he said, "Most com- posers cannot sit down and write music to earn a living. As a result they must go into educational in- stitutions or into commercial work." He said that musicians are trained in an art and their ideal role is to search for perfection in this art. But he also noted that composers in the commercial area must sell to an audience so that they can secure an income an subsist. Stressingr this conflict- he "adhesive," something that people want to whistle and sing. It must, be pleasing in the sense that itj fits with the idea portrayed. It should fit with the image project- ed, as in cigarette commercials. As well as the above, the commercial tune must be technically adapt- able. "There is a need for creative energy to bridge the gap between popular m u s i c and classical scores," Bilik said. "George Ger- .shwyn was one successful com- poser in this field. Leonard Bern- stein is succeeding today, while catching criticism from the clas- sical fans who feel that his music is too popular in style, and like- wise from the popular fans who beat are the most important fac- tors. This style is easily identifi- able with physical action and physical aspects are more impor- tant than the search for art at this age." For the more sopristicated teen- ager and young adult market, there is the folk song, he pointed out. "It is still primitive but it has more complexity in the chord arrangements and more subtlty. Most rock and roll can be played with four chords." "An interesting fact," he added, "is that few classical record re- leases make money in America. Every company which releases classical scores has a large num- ber of rock and roll releases also. Resolution In his speech Rusk did not spell out the sanctions he. called for, but the ministerial conferer.'e has before it a resolution calling for all members of the Organiza- tion of American States to break diplomatic and trade relations with Cuba. This proposal was presented by Columbia, Costa Rica and Pan- ama. It represents the position of Venezuela which called the minis- ters meeting to consider action based on Castro's alleged subver- sive efforts to overthrow the Vene- zuelan government. Mexico, Chile, Uruguay and Bolivia still have diplomatic rela- tions with Cuba. While the Latin American nations have little trade with Cuba, a formal economic boy- cott would give a strong moral, By The Associated Press VIENTIANE -The Communist Pathet Lao reinforced front line positions yesterday east of Phou Koutt Hill after stopping a neu- tralist drive toward the Plaine des Jarres. Neutralist Premier Souvanna Phouma said the situation at Phou Koutt "remains static." A neutralist military spokes- man, however, reported seeing fighting taking place at the east- ern foothill of the 4200 foot high Phou Koutt. WASHINGTON - The United States will sell Malaysia jet train- ers, troop carrying helicopters and landing craft for use in its jungle war against invading Indonesian guerrillas. Prime Minister Tnuku Abdul Rahman of Malaysia, announcing this at a news conference yester- Moro told President Antonio Segni he would once Laore lead a coalition of his own Christian Democrats, Socialists, Democratic Socialists and Republicans. At the same time he presented the list of his new cabinet. * * * SALT LAKE CITY-Utah's 10,- 000 public school teachers have voted to resume contract negotia- tions, virtually assuring that the state's schools will open on sched- ule this fall. But sanctions imposed on Utah by the National Education Asso- ciation will remain in effect. And the teachers have pledged to work toward electing state officials sym- pathetic to their cause. WASHINGTON -The National Jrban League said yesterday it will give President Lyndon B. rose to 11 in three days of bat- Iling between Chinese and Malays. Fighting erupted over widely scattered areasal most as soon as an 18-hour curfew was lifted at 5:30 a.m. * * * JACKSON - Civil rights leader Martin Luther King said today he may ask President Lyndon B. Johnson for federal marshals to protect Negro voting rights in Mis- sissippi. The Negro minister told a news conference the national Demo- cratic convention next month will be askedto back the proposal. * * * WASHINGTON -- Three Repub- lican senators said yesterday that antitrust laws obstruct the ex- pansion of U.S. business abroad and should be changed. A Demo- cratic senator thought differently .......... I |