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April 18, 1969 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-18

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Friday, April 18,'1959


Peof Seven

LSA committee redefines educational aims

+ei. Svrn


(Continued from Page 1)
tion requirements, the draft
says such a requirement "does
not entail the specifying of re-
quired courses or even the need
for certain types of experiences
such as laboratory work."
That section also explores the
dichotomy between satisfying
both the department concentra-
tor and the person who is tak-
ing the course for a distribu-
tion requirement. The draft
emphasizes the necessity for de-
partments to meet the needs
of both types of students.
"When a course clearly holds+
an important place in the dis-
tribution structure of the col-
leie, any conflicts which do
arise should be resolved in fav-
or of the distribution objectives
of the course," the draft states.
The draft notes that when the
needs of concentrators and non-
concentrators conflict and a
course cannot "meet the multiple
demands of distribution and pre-
paration for concentration, separ-

ments. The draft says, "It should'
be more than a general survey
which provides little substance."
"In fact," the report says, "the
tendency so often prevalent to em-j
phasize merely a body of material
should be resisted."
The draft says the content of
the course should serve as "a
means to an end rather than the
end itself." As well as knowledge
of the subject, the student "should
also have developed an attitude
toward it and an understanding of
its dimensions, and he should have
soma grasp of the techniques and
methods of acquiring further
knowledge in it."
In dealing with concentrationj
requirements, the draft emphasiz-
es the ability of students to go be-
yond the regular fields of con-
centration. "The existing depart-
mental structure is not sacro-
sanct," the draft states.
In keeping with the committee's
desire for a general philosophical
statement, as well as the feeling

lege, the committee members feel,
is also designed to provide great-
er flexibility, as well as a state-
ment of the role of students and
faculty in the college and in the
society at large.
The draft begins with the state-
ments of goals found in the cata-
log. It says the primary goals of
the college are "the discovery and
preservation of knowledge," a n d
"the transmission of the know-
ledge to students, both for its own
inherent value and as a means of
developing their critical and crea-
tive intellectual capabilities.r
However, the draft then goes to
explain that beyond the intrinsic
value of knowledge and truth the
college "is also concerned with the
application of its ideas for t h e
benefit of the larger society." In
this relationship, the draft says,
the college must be "a refuge
where rationality prevails over ex-
pediency and ideas of relevance
for society can be debated without
The draft on onalc alc dal.

lectual marketplace or as outputs
of an intellectual factory."
The section on goals stresses the
diverse sources of \ducation for
students and the types of intel-
lectual environment conducive to
good education. It encourages ex-
perimentation and "recognizes
that these programs comprise but
a part of the educational process."
"In the end," the draft says,
"the individual must achieve his
own education, and to this end
the college seeks to provide an
environment conducive to t h e
fullest and freest intellectual, cul-
tural and social development of its
students and faculty, both in and
out of the classroom."
The committee will meet to-
day and tomorrow trying to fin-
ish up most of its work. Shaw
hopes the committee can conclude
its meetings and produce a report
within the next few weeks.
The members share his hope
but several doubt it will be pos-
sible because of the controversial
student participation section.

ible policies." He says the work
they have done has been "very
productive." However, the con-
crete effect of the committee's
work is still in question.
According to committee member
Prof. Ernest Young of the history
department, the real meaning of
the report produced "depends on
whether it has any impact." "If
people are concerned," he says, "it
might produce something. Are stu-
dents or faculty members really
interested in change," Young asks.
This, for Young, is an "open ques-
The effect of writing a p r e-
code, suggests Miss Macklin,
amble to aPrt B of the faculty
"might be negligible" if no one is
wililng to carry its philosophical'
statement into practice.
Harvard profs
Islash ROTC

"V budget
R int
(Continued from Page 1)
thinks that "it is easy to suc-
cumb to the conclusion that they
don't need any more money."
"Now, if the RC were separate
from the literary college," Smith
suggests, "and accepted a number
of students beyond the literary
college limit, there would be full
pustification for new staff."
"But," he adds, "this can't be
done now."
Even if departments' needs did
not make their assistance to the
Residential College a precarious
matter, the RC would still require
more money than is theoretically
made available by Smith's two
The cost of educating an RC
student is, on the average, greater
than that of educating a student
in the literary college. Robertson
estimates the ratio at "three to
one in the first year of operation
and slightly more than two to

crisis threatens



+,uN a, , , car ac ~ttt it t ~VVl gv l U160 eas
S.--" "" " '' When the rport is finished it (Conti:n ud from Page 1) one currently. It should level off
ate courses should be instituted." that any action they took might with the role of students and fa- wlg tHe Wat hed wi t her ctinsen by he a) ne u t t soe
The section on distribution also be superceded, they took no culty. It states that teachers must will go to Hayes. What he will Other actions taken o the fac- at under two to one."
attacks the problem of what to specific stand on the language re- not be considered simply as em- do with it is unclear. Hays says he islty include creation of a uni- The declining ratio is accounted
teach in a course which is used quirement. ployees nor should students be e isnot sure how it will be hand-versiy vice president for external for by distributing the perstudent
primarily to satisfy these require- The draft on goals of the col- garded "as consumers in an intel- led" until he sees it. Shaw pre- affairs: establishing a liaison with costs of establishing a new pro-
p l a tTf o t ld o s i sumes the report will be used in local citizens' organizations; pay- gram over a continually expanding
r4:F.. . ; .:................ ...... . .......L.~'-4.. . '....A.........
"........ L....a.,.. v. ::: :.:::................. some way with regard to revising ing those persons forced to move student body.
Part B. He speculates that Hays their expenses in moving; and According to LSA Dean Hays, a
f rtmight appoint, another committee employing more minority group comparison of the average instruc-
ithe fall to deal with the actual members. tional cost in RC to the approxi-
f f ie aision. oftThe faculty called for construc- mate $35 per credit-hour average
.nmy re the committee's mem- tion of "large-scale" low- and in the literary colege is not valid
g;tbers seem relatively satisfied with middle-income housing units, in- since the LSA figure conceals vast
Pr se twg the results they are coming up eluding public housing for the re- differences between dertmental
with. They characterize the pro- location of those persons sup- averages. Many of thes are much
duct they see emerging as "more posedly to be displaced by the uni- greater than RC's own average.
up to date," "humane" and "lib- versity's expansion program. The Hay concludes that the Resi-
eral." medical school independently an- dential College "is not an expen-
SY " Prof. Peter Hinman of the nounced it will build low-cost sive project vis-a-vis the Univer-
f °}mathematics department s a y s housing in the Boston area to re- sity."
the document shows "a trend locate those displaced by a pro- The permanent differential in
IC IG A N EN S IAtoward less restrictive, more flex- posed medical school annex. teaching costs that Robertson ex-
t 9
Distibuton-Announcements Will
kr } Distribution- n
Today only Be on Sale Today
throughA ri 18 at
Student Publications Bldg. the Information Desk
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t toutege program
pects to continue is due to three lege's commitment to begin an ex-
administrative features peculiar to perimental student-taught semi-
the RC's style of educating fresh- nar next fall. If the course proves
men and sophomores: successful, it may well serve as a
-engaging several lecturers to precedent for others like it.
represent the various disciplines If one or more courses w e r e
associated with interdisciplinary managed by unpaid undergraduat-
courses; es, their work would help to alle-
-smaller recitations than are viate the financial problems in
common in LSA courses; other parts of the curriculum,
- paying the superior salaries But Dean Robertson cautions
of full profesors attracted to that the college must observe only
teaching underclassmen in the RC educational considerations, an d
environment. not financial ones, in deciding on
The multiplicity of lecturers is student-run courses.
one of the features Robertson says A more traditional response to
he will reconsider "when the shoe the crisis is being organized by
pinches," as it is doing now. The Robertson and RC lecturer Lois
decision to enlarge intimately-siz- Addison of the philosophy depart-
ed recitations has already been ment.
made. They have successfully solicited
A cutback in the number of several thousand dollars for a
ranking professors appointed to dual-purpose fund.
the RC would narrow the range of The original impetus for th e
educational resources which RC fund is the anticipated difficulty
students now enjoy. Such a move of RC students who may not be
also would reduce the active com- able to meet scholarship criteria
mitments of influential men and without a grade-point average,
diminish the college's academic Almost all courses are offered on
impact within the LSA faculty. a pass-fail basis in RC.
Vice President Smith hopes the But if students, parents, and
allocation of funds to RC will philanthropists can be persuaded
become "a question for the liter- to contribute enough money, itv
ary college itself" at some more will also relieve the college's oper-
prosperous time in the future, ating budget of a small portion of
when the college will be able to its burden.
fund RC with its own resources Currently the college's out-of-
rather than have RC budgeted classroom intellectual and recrea-
through the University. tional endeavors are paid for by
But if current economies severe- the operating budget and student
ly alter the educational distinc- dorm fees, but could be largely
tiveness of the Residential Col- carried by the voluntary fund.
lege, its future reputation may not This year's financial squeeze
encourage continuation of the ex- will be a hardship for many other
periment. units of the University, as well as
In the meantime, Smith be- the Residential College. But the
lieves a temporary solution will be RC particularly may be forced to
found in "some reallocation plus abandon essential characteristics
some new budget." In other words, of its basic curriculum, or its
the RC will continue to count on forthcoming concentration pro-
departmental assistance and an grams.
inadequate budget of its own. If this occurs, the RC will no
But there are potential solu- longer be able to serve the func-
tions being initiated within the tion of incubator of undergrad-
RC itself. uate educational programs for
The most novel idea is the col- which it was established.

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