~1 Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom .Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan aynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editoriols printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in oll reprints. Get dogged for carrying some marijuana Al, APRIL 18 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: CHRIS STEELE University School: A time for reconsideration 'HE CONTROVERSY over the-closing of University School began earlier -this tonth as essentially a battle between the niversity and a group of concerned arents. At first, it seemed clear that the inter- sts of the University were not tied to the hool's' 300 students (who are free to eturn, to public school) and that the ad- iinistrat n was justified in saying fiscal roblems compelled them to recommend e Regents close the school. But testimony at yesterday's Regents pen hearing has placed the problem of, niversity School in a new perspective hich must be closely examined before a ilal decision is made. While the school was begun as a lab- atory for student-teachers, this func- on has, over the years, grown less and ass important as education school stu-t ents found other places to perform their ur-month-long internship. In addition, University School-plagued y budgetary problems which have hit ie education school especially hard-is verely deficient in the ratio of super-, .sors to student-teachers. The overall financial difficulties of the lucation school led a special blue ribbon )mmission to recommnend that Univer- ty School be closed "not later than June M70." The commission concluded that he space and the resources the labora- ry school requires could be more profit- oly invested by the School of Education other activities." PHIS CONCLUSION, made by a commis- sion faced with solving the problems f the education school, is at least under- andable considering the tight space'and scal problems facing the school. But another concept of University :hool emerged at yesterday's Regents pen hearing-the idea that-tie school is a experimental laboratory of significant alue to a wide variety of on-going and perpetually emerging research projects. For over a generation, for example, the existence of University School has allow- ed the dental school to conduct a con- tinuing study of the development of chil- dren's teeth and jaws. And the psychology department an- nually conducts dozens of long- and short-range research projects using Uni- versity School students as their subjects. Other units, like the Medical School and the Social Work School, also use Univer- sity School for long-range studies. The school is ideally suited for this kind of study because researchers can follow the students through their entire stay at the school. Although public schools might provide a similar laboratory, complications such as the reluctance of principals to allow such research in their schools, and the lack of continuity in the group studied render this alternative considerably less appealing for many researchers. AT THE SAME time, it is becoming clear from the wide variety of research projects being carried on in University School, that the school may have grown beyond the status of an auxiliary unit of the education school and that the facility may be a valuable one for the entire University community. Whether this is the case, and whether the utility of the school outweighs its cost are questions which remain to be resolved before a decision on the closing of University School can be intelligently reached. THIS END, the Regents should post- pone action on the proposal to phase out University School and order more detailed study of the school not only as an education school facility, but also as a research center for the whole Univer- sity. --MARTIN HIRSCHMAN By JIM KAHNWEILER LAST FEBRUARY, "Jane Smith" returned to Detroit from a trip to the coast. When she landed at Metro and claimed her bag, she was arrested by Detective Sergeant Frank Van Wolfen of the Wayne County Sheriff's Police and Bomb- er, a German shepherd trained to detect marijuana. Earlier, Van Wolfen had re- ceived a call from federal author- ities in California sgying that they suspected a young girl was landing in Detroit with marijuana. Nor- mally, nothing much could be done; with the extensive use of the drug it would be impossible to ob- tain warrants to search each young girl who deplanedat Metro. This time, however,, the county utilized a new law enforcement tool-Bomber. Somewhere in the terminal, (the police won't say exactly where, since the case is still in the courts), the dog and his handler examined baggage from the arriving flights. Bomber's nose successfully i d e n t i f i e d "Jane's" suitcase. Aid there wasn't much "Jane" or any user of marijuana could do against such. detection methods. This is the first time that a dog has been used in a Michigan narcotics investigation, although they have been used with success in Florida and California. THEDOGS ARE used to estab- lish "probable cause" that a felony is being committed. Once this is done, an arrest can be made or a search conducted without a war- rant.; But Miss "Smith" is challenging her arrest on First Amendment rights protecting a citizen from unreasonable search and seizure. Van Wolfen stressed that the re- sponsibility of the prosecution is to prove to the court that the animal did establish probable cause. If Bomber and his handler can consistently and correctly identify marijuana, then the search may be considered legal. Van Wolfen and Wayne County Sheriff Roman Gribbs are firm in their belief in the legality of the dog. They stress the dog and his handler train together daily to insure their competence. They emphasized that the dog is mere- ly an investigative tool used in specific cases. When questioned on the possible use of animals in other situations, such as in the search of private dwellings, they would make no statement. MISS SMITH'S CASE is un- usufl only in method. Detective bureaus claim they are drastically understaffed; and to best deploy available manpower, authorities must concentrate pri- marily in stopping the source or the pusher rather than the in- dividual user. They reasOn that if they can significantly reduce the traffic, the use of drugs will go down. The five-man team under Ser- geant Van Wolfen must investigate homicide, gambling and prostitu- tion in addition to narcotics and drugs. Yet even with this impos- sible demand, Sheriff Gribbs ad- mits that by mid-March his depu- ties had confiscated $2 million worth of drugs. He believes this represents 20 to 25 per cent of the illicit traffic in Wayne County. IN ANN ARBOR the situation is much the same. Assistant Police Chief Harold Olson says the de- tective bureau here is too under- manned to do many of the ar- duous investigations required for a narcotics arrest. He adds that often the department is aided by complaints by mail or phone from neighbors, concerned relatives or friends and each formal complaint will initiate some sort of investi- gation. In Ann Arbor arrests are usual- ly made of "pushers" or careless users. Selling to an undercover agent is fairly common, especially since young people are working for the police. About equally as common are arrests resulting from complaints of noisy parties, investigations during routine pa- trols of parked automobiles, and defective license plate lights or other traffic 'violations. BUT SOME lawyers and judges question the wisdom of current laws prohibiting marijuana. U.S. District Court (Massachusetts) Justice C. E. Wyzanski has ob- served the drug scene and be- lieves the outlawing, of the drug is irrational. But what concerns him more is that "every attempt of law to detect, prosecute, and punish wrong represents an expenditure not merely of time, effort, man- power and money, but also a con- cession to the powers of coercion as distinguished from persuasion." But such enlightenment is not shared by the police. Many still believe the laws on drugs are valid -especially those against mari- juana. SERGEANT VAN WOLFEN is a sincere, honest and dedicated policeman. But he fears what might happen to the young person who smokes pot. While the drug itself might not be habit-forming, he admits, the user might become bored with its effects and try stronger, addictive drugs, such as heroin. This kind of thinking might be called the Henry J. Anslinger men- tality, and has dominated public opinion on marijuana since the former Commissioner of the Fed- eral Bureau of Narcotics published 0 A California undercover agent who goes to pot 4 the pamphlet "Marijuana: As- sassin of Youth" in 1937. / He calls grass "as dangerous as a coiled rattle snake" and con- templates "how many suicides, robberies and maniacal deeds" it causes each year. While not so convinced of the addictive nature of the drug, people still believe, as Anslinger so speciously stated, that continuous use of marijuana, "leads direct - to the insane asylum." Believing the law to be just, the police enforce it. But Judge Wy- zanski is convinced that, unfor- tunately, "law enforcement in any area of what some consider private almost inevitably entails use of despicable, or at least unworthy enforcement measures: informers, undercover agents, and blackmail- ers. Often, corrupt enforcement authorities have far more danger- ous opportunities than the sup- pression of more conventional types of crimes." So the} police. will continue to enforce the law with detective dogs and disguised detectives and undercover informers. And stu- dents will continue to flaunt the law in the face of arrests. Mari- juana use is on the upswing,-as evidenced by the jump in arrests in Ann Arbor from 3' in 1967 to 110 last year. The narrow, Puritan mentality which sends people to jail for use of marijuana parallels the mis- guided thinking prior to passage of the Volstead Act in 1919-and everyone knows how well that worked. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Rectifying the slums by attacking City Hall, not Frank arary To the Editor: IN REGARDS TO DANIEL Zwerd- ling's article, "The Quixotic Ad- venture of Frank Harary," I must 'certainly respond. Not only is the ar- ticle misleading and false, but it is also misdirected. If Mr. Zwerdling is truly concerned with rectifying the slum housing situation he s h o u l d have directed his comments at the true source of the problem and not one -small individual. The statements concerning Urban Renewal as a derivitive of the 1965 Republican administration are wrong. Urban Renewal has been a headache to Ann Arbor since before 1960 with a Democratic Administration also. Mr. Zwerdling's presentation con- cerning the financial aspects of Mr. Harary's situation are misleading. Six condemned houses on ten pieces of property are not worth $200,000. Mr. Harary has been an owner of in- come property in Ann Arbor since 1962'at least, and his property hold- ings are larger than those presented in the article and not all of them are regarded asslum property. ALSO THE ALLEGATIONS t h a t Mr. Harary could have easily sold the land, and that he is In essence an un- scrupulous land speculator are un- founded- First, the land is not easy to sell at a fair rate of return. In a Nur- vey of land appraisors in the Ann Arbor area it was apparent that the. demand for that land is not high considering its present zoning status. Mr. Davis M. Somers, a land apprais- er in the Ann Arbor area said, "We would not be interested in that prop- erty unless it was re-zoned." A 1 s o in regard to Mr. Harary's speculator status, I am dubious. Any- one who buys property to realize size- able gains does not buy rental prop- erty at $5,000 knowing that he will probably only collect monthly rent for a year or so and then be forced to sell. These are not the habits of a true wheeler-dealer speculator. The insinuation that Mr. Harary and Mr. Reinhart are collaborating to leach from the p o o r is without merit. MrReinhart, according to re- liable sources, is a very respected and understanding realtor Said Mrs. Norma Kraker of t h e S Ann Arbor Housing Commission, "In- sinuations like this plus the wording of the article implies to the reader., that Ralph Harary is the Slum King of Ann Arbor, feared by all of the poor. This is not true. According to this article, Harary owns only six houses in the north central area out of hundreds. There are probably bigger and more dominant men in- volved in the area." THE REASONS BEHIND Mr. Har- ary's a c t i o n s are questionable. Whether he initially wanted to im- prove the area or not I do not know, but one positive factor in his favor is statements made by him and attrib- uted to him over the years that he wanted to improve the situation in that area and did not intend to ex- ploit the people. Without knowing exactly what Mr. Harary's position is, some things are apparent: He has been in Ann Ar- bor real estate for more than seven years, he has or owns more than six houses and ten pieces of property, and he offers the lowest monthly rental rate to slum tenants, many of whom w o u ld be out on the street otherwise. To t h e reasoning behind Mr. Zwerdling's attack, I am not positive: If he w e r e truly concerned with righting this terrible problem of slum housing he should have concentrated his main effort at the true culprit, Ann Arbor City Hall. Mr. Zwerdling should have sought answers to questions like why Guy Larcom, City Administrator, sat on the funds for needed research and a complete survey of housing condi- tions in the city, or why city building inspectors have done such peculiar things as g i v i n g permission to a prominent A n n Arbor landlord to move a Negro family i n t o a con-, demned house, or giving certificates to buildings which are obviously be- low all codes and e v e n minimum standards. This is where Mr. Zwerdling might well have aimed his criticism. not at IM proposal To the Editor: THOSE WHO READ the article in the March 18 Daily regarding the proposed student f e e financing of new Intramural buildings and feared that this proposition was being rail- roaded by athletic special interest groups without student assent a n d appropriate discussion have good rea- son to be fearful. It has developed. For it now appears a strong possibili-, ty that students will be paying as much as $15 per semester, of their fees toward construction of t h e s e buildings, starting as early as next fall and continuing for 25 to 30 years. On April 9 a meeting of represent- atives of student organizations was convened to discuss the proposal by t h e University Advisory Committee on Recreation, Intramurals, a n d Club Sports. After presenting the me- chanics and details of the building project, the Committee stressed the importance of a quick decision since "it would be a pity" that Michigan could not be. able to rank first in the, Big Ten in athletip facilities a n d since there would be an annual loss of 10 per cent in surface area for the facility. BUT WHEN the meeting was op- ened to the floor it became apparent that substantial opposition among students had developed in the past two weeks (IHA voiced serious reser- vations and suggested further study; subsequently IFC voiced concern over funding and threatened opposition, and Tenants Union condemned any proposal without approval through a student referendum.) There were arguments that the $16 million represents only construction costs and not the total cost of the complex, and complaints were raised that an excessive amount of space was devoted to athletic offices. A student asked V i c e President f o r Academic Affairs Allan Smith, who was chairing t h e meeting. THERE IS A DANGER that the proposal will be railroaded at a time when students are busy preparing for final examinations and preparing to leave campus for the summer. ,Ad- ministrators are not allowing for a student referendum; instead, student "support" will come from a survey of student attitudes taken by public health and physical education ma- jors, who can hardly be disinterested parties. Information distributed at the meeting by the Committee which claimed that 40 per cent of Michigan students used recreation facilities at least once a week was hard to be- lieve; even if it were true at one time, the physical education requirement has been abolished, freeing upwards of 14,000 students from compulsory recreation which had been handled by present facilities. This obviously will reduce signifi- cantly the general demand for fa- cilities. Also, the physical education department has not given any re- sponse to the }willingness of dormi- tories to lend space (wrestling rooms, etc.). If a good argument can still be- made for expanding recreation facili- ties, there remains the most import- ant question of priorities.. Why hasn't an Advisory Committee on Academic. Improvement been formed to ask an increment in student fees to help the financially ailing Social Work School and University School, to help ini- tiate studies in psycholinguistics, to retain music faculty who are leaving for financial reasons, to create more fellowships and scholarships f o r. needy students, or to g i v e needed funds to the Health Service or Com- puter Center? When student fees are summoned as a last resort means of funding, why is it that a sports complex has precedence? It is dismaying that per- sons in the Administration have so gross a misconception of priorities. THE COMMITTEE may well re- vise +he nnnoey, 'urT wonnm nf a. If the worst should happen, that this proposal or one like it be ap- proved by the committee and the Re- gents in the spring or summer with- out a referendum, resulting in assess- ment of student fees next fall, we strongly urge students who oppose the I-M complex not to p a y the amount of the assessment. If student franchise .is denied, Michigan's proposed gymnasiums may raise the same healthy contro- versy that was accorded last year to Columbia's proposed gym. -Joseph N. Marcus, "71 -Lawrence Mt Sherman, '70 --John Haruith, '69 -Jack Meyers, '71 --Debi Wilson, '72 April 12 Fix the world To the Editor: HOW WOULD YOU fix the world? As I see it, the only sensible thing Ike did was to get us out of Korea, and thank Heaven for that; 33,000 of our best y o u n g men met death there. The six mil- lion death-camp inmates of World War II would have been moved out of Europe (instead of death) -if we had stayed out of Europe; the Russians, post-war, ioved the remaining three and a half mil- lion up into -Siberia just east of the Urals, and this should please Moshe Dyan. We could help move the E a s t Pakistan and eWst Pakistan peo- ples to Arabia, where most o6 them should have stayed in the first place - the people of In- dia just put up with them. And the Arab nations would-be strong- e as a result - and happier. I think the Australians might like the Israelis enough to invite them to help settle Australia - lots of room there for sure. They'd strengthen Australia enough so we could get out of Vietnam, which all Americans wish for so 4 fl .1 ,, I r;, ZIJRWAP RrAwrt-!"- -- A