Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications New wways to view the Middle East 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM HECK The Johnson years: An epic failure A5 THE DEPOSED President makes his parting soliloquies, many have be-. come unwittingly caught up in the per- sonal tragedy of this twentieth century King Lear. They cling to a hope that the cold eye of history will somehow vindi+- cate Lyndon Johnson for five of the most unfortunate years in the story of America. Indeed, history can only improve John- son's popularity. Even the first Adminis- tration memoirs, and the early historical monographs of the Johnson years may help to recapture some of the lost es- teem for the once-popular President. But the real failure of the Johnson, Adminstration should not be obfuscated by letting the healing power of time make yus forget such things as the true agony -of Vietnam and the horrors of urban squalor. pN POLITICAL terms the last four years of Lyndon Johnson can be seen only ,as an epic ailure. He has squandered the biggest mandate ever given to an Ameri- can President. He won 61 per cent of the popular vote in 1964. Four years later he was forced to step down with the pplls showing almost everyone capable of de- feating him This tremendous loss of popularity does dot necessarily imply failure. A success- ful President need not be a popular one. .?Witness the administrations of Truman and Lincoln. But, unfortunately, popu- larity.was the game Lyndon Johnson was 'playing. He demanded consensus in 1964 iand got it. Four years later it had evapo- gated. By his own definition, Johnson has "failed. Johnson took the oath of office in 1964 "Ifrmly committed to building a Great ociety. To build that society he covet- ously sought great power. His concern Nor the poor of the nation, for improving education, and for rebuilding the cities Qwas genuine. Johnson failed to build the -Great Society. He was not powerful enough to make his commitment to it supersede the lure of Vietnam. By his own standards, Johnson failed. BUT MAYBE IT is not fair judging a President on the goals he sets for himself. Lyndon Johnson set his goals high and made success difficult to achieve. A Richard Nixon who aspires to undramatic goals will very likely succeed in their attainment. But is this success a victory? D ead ideals ABOUT EIGHT years ago, a group of students concerned about what they perceived as a decline in the quality and freedom of American life formed Stu- dents for a Democratic Society to work for. increased democratization and open- , ness of U.S. society. From its inception until quite recently, the essential freedom of man was the guiding principle of SDS. While working to increase freedom in society, SDS al- ways tried to manage its internal affairs by extending the maximum freedom to its members. Participatory 'democracy was clumsy and inefficient, but SDS paid the concept more than lip service at its own meetings. Over the last two years or so, SDS has been on a steady decline towards totali- tarianism. It began with the slow change from participatory democracy .to Soviet- style democratic centralism where a small ruling elite makes decisions which are then imposed upon the membership after a poorly staged debate. SDS'S LATEST attack on freedom came Tuesday when the Michigan chapter decided to close its meetings to the press. At the same time when most university student groups were fighting for open meetings and student participation in decision making on all levels of the Uni- versity, SDS decided that the public had no right to know how its affairs are con- ducted. The organization justifies its actions on the grounds that what they call "the bourgeois press" distorts SDS's activities in coverage. However, SDS seems to de- fine "the bourgeois press" as iany news- naner which has had the tmeritv to dis- So, it becomes necessary to judge John- son by other standards than his own. And evenby these standards the Johnson Ad- ministration fares no better. The first ingredient of a good President is that he must be able to recognize the urgency of the problems that face him. He must devote his creative energies and the nation's resources to coping with the most vital of the country's needs. Johnson failed to perceive the pressing urgency of the deplorable conditions the nation has foisted upon black Americans. His early civil rights achievements were important steps to secure legal rights for black citizens. But in 1965 the nation's attention and financial resources were turned toward Vietnam and the necessary steps toward economic equality were never pursued. THE UBIQUITOUS ghetto riots in the summer of 1967 should have persuaded Johnson to attempt once more the fight for Congressional approval of urgently needed programs with adequate funds. The recalcitrance of Congress does not excuse the President's diffidence in seek- ing bold new measures. One of Lnydon Johnson's sins was his willingness to compromise with Congress, his eagerness in facing political realities. Certainly the obduracy of Congress cannot be used to defend the Johnson foreign policy. And the war in Vietnam has been a failure of such cosmic pro- portions that it was enough to ruin the whole Johnson tenure by itself. Apologists for the President like David Brinkley say that Johnson made a mistake by getting us, into Vietnam, but this one failure should be weighed against "fifty suc- cesses." This kind of calculus does not show a sensitivity to the importance of Vietnam. Certainly, Johnson's legislative boxscore shows some impressive gains, particularly in the fields of education and the fight against air polution. But the very minimal effect that all of these measures have had on our individ- ual lives can in no way compensate for 30,000 American lives lost in a mistake in Southeast Asia. The increased monies that have been won for education cannot be applauded when we are annually wast- ing $30 billion in a senseless war. A SUCCESSFUL President in the last five years would have understood the urgency of the problems of black America, the crisis in the cities, the need of poor people, and hunger throughout the world were of such importance that we could not possibly afford to financej military adventures in Vietnam. Another measure of a good President is his strength. The ability to stand the heat of political battle. The capacity to tole- rate dissent, the grace to act firmly and with dignity amid howling criticism. The courage to admit mistakes and , start anew., Despite all his lust for omnipotence and his ramrod approach to legislative behavior, for all his political acumen and understanding of raw political power, Lyndon Johnson was not a President who possessed the necessary strength to rule well. HIS STUBBORNESS and intransigence in defending his Vietnam policy shows not strength but the superficial confidence of a bully. His weakness was never more pathetically portrayed than in the Spock-Coffin "conspiracy" charges that carried the worst stench of the Mc- Carthy era. Johnson's relations with the intellec- tual community demonstrated that he did not have the strength to act with dignity under criticism. His invidious role in pre- venting a peace plank in the Democratic Party platform do not bespeak a strong President. And finally, the ultimate failure is the lack of sufficient insight or courage to admit the mistake of Vietnam despite the consequences it has had for both the nation and himself. This failure was probably best shown up when the only second thoughts about Vietnam that his advisor Walt Rostow could muster about the war were that we did not start fight- ing a couple years earlier. 'M- _ 4-U - - - _ 1- ?- A 4- 1- - r trl * Somehow the Arab and Israeli fences have to be mended By I. F. STONE The author is editor and pub- lisher of I. F. Stone's Weekly, now published bi-weekly. The article is from the Jan. 13 num- ber. O NE WAY to approach the Middle Eastern crisis isto recognize that Israel is an island in a hostile sea. Its only swift and sure access to the rest of the world is by air. You cannot go by train from Cairo to Tel Aviv's neigh- boring city Jaffa, as you still could in 1945 when I first visited Pale- stine, nor take a taxi from Jeru- salem to Amman or from Haifa to Beirut, or to Damascus, as I still could in three memorable trips in 1947. There is no exit by land from Israel today; the sea route is slow, and in time of war rendered in- secure by Soviet supplied naval vessels in the hands of the Egyp- tians and by the new presence of the Soviet navy itself in the Medi- terranean. Only the air is Israel's open door to the rest of the world. More than any other nation today it is the child of the air age. Its swift victory in the six day war last year was a lightning victory by airpower. A major element in its balance of payments, the tour- its trade, depends on the air. By air it is only a few hours from New York, Londonand Paris. In the days of the Romans and centuries later of the great Arab empires in North Africa and Spain, it took slow and arduous months for Jewish pilgrims and poets to reach the Holy Land. To- day only a few hours separates Israel from its Jewish supporters in the outside world. Perhaps most fundamentally of all, the air alone saves Israel from the claustro- phobia and despair of a nation be- sieged ever since its birth 20 years ago. THE NEW TARGET of the Arab guerrillas is that lifeline. It is as vulnerable as a man's jugular vein. Israel's national ! airline, El Al, owns seven jets. When one was hi-jacked in Rome early last year and another attacked in Athens a few weeks ago, the Arab guer- rillas hit Israel's most sensitive point. This was no sporadic shell- ing of a border settlement or even the bombing of a crowded Jeru- salem market. The threat, the re- percussions and the possibilities were of a far graver order. El Al is one of the few national airlines which is in the black. It would only take a few unsuccess- ful attacks to frighten away much of its business; what the Arab guerrillas could not do at Israel's well-guarded main airport in Lyd- da, they might do abroad. The next step would be attacks on other airlines which fly into Is- rael. I can still remember my own desperate feelings in Paris, on my way to Palestine on the eve of the 1948 war, when the airlines stop- ped flying into Lydda and getting there depended on a chance lift on a special Haganah plane from Geneva. To cut the air link would be to close an iron ring around Israel. IT IS FOOLISH in this per- spective to ask why Israel reta- liated against Lebanon, its one moderate Arab neighbor and the only one which has done litte or no fighting against it, the only neighboring Arab State which has protected its own Jewish minority from persecution in the blind furies unleashed by three Arab- Israeli wars. The, reprisal was not against the Lebanon. It was against the Arab air lines, and - to speak frankly - the British companies which insure them and the Amer- reprisal raid. Its magnitude, de- spite the sensational success in carrying it off without any loss of life, was bound to seem so dis- proportionate as to evoke con- demnation. To strike at Lebanon half Chris- tian in population, still substan- tially French in culture, was bound to arouse traditional protective sympathies in the Vatican and in Paris. It would be just as well for Jewish spokesmen to keep their cool about the reactions of Pope Paul and de Gaulle, and not make more enemies. The feeling of Rome for the ancient Christian com- munities of the Lebanon is as na- tural as those of the Jews for Israel. The first point of repair should be with Lebanon, for its success in welding Christian and Moslem communities ipto a stable nation is a model for what must sooner or later develop in some form be- tween Israel and the Palestinian Arabs if there is to be peace in the Middle East. Indeed at a time when Ulster's bloody battles between Catholic it justified by the homelessness of the surviving Jews from the Nazi camps and the bitter scenes when refugee ships sank, or sank themselves, when refused admis- sion to Palestine. The best of Arab youth feels the same way; they cannot forget the atrocities committed by us against villages like Deir Yassin, nor the uprooting of the Palestinian Arabs from their ancient homeland, for which they feel the same deep ties of sentiment as do so many Jews, however assimilated elsewhere. We made the Palestinian Arabs homeless to, make a home for our own people. That is the simple truth as history will see it, and until we make amends and re- settle the refugees and create a new political framework in which Jew and Arab can live together in a new and greater Palestine there will be no peace. This is a tragic quarrel of brothers, re- quiring for its resolution that heal- ing double vision which may at last enable each to see with pity the all too human fears and feat-. .%SW.t~:~.vv. v. . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . Self pity and self-righteousness, the psychic counterparts of the siege, can only block a solution. Just as the lofty sky is Israel's physical way out, so its political and spiritual way out must be tor ise a higher plane of under- standing. To do so is to clear the way for the political initiatives which can alone free it from isolation. immisis sag isslis a-i#RiiME #A5EAM msm W~ m m m......................:.:.:.:.:.:,:.:.:.::.. . . . . . . . . . . .astasilaisas~:2;~i~semn~i ence among Israel, the Palestinian Arabs and the Jordanians, with access to the sea for Jordan and the West Bank. The foundation for such a political settlement must be a major effort to end the Arab refugee problem once and for all time. To this the world Jewish community must show the same generosity we have shown our own uprooted people. So long as more than a million Palestinians live in homeless misery there will be no peace for Israel, and there should be no peace of mind for world Jewry. This is the wrong we must right. I believe that Charles W. Yost, the American diplomat Nixon has recalled from retirement to act as the U.S. representative at the United Nations, is well suited by experience, insight and humanity to further this cause of recon- ciliation. I recommend his article on the 1967 war, "How It Began," in. the January issue of "Foreign Affairs" and the article he wrote just before his appointment for the January, 1969, issue of "The tlantlc Monthly," "Israel and The Arabs: The Myths That Block Peace." - The Middle East is not South- east Asia. The Middle East is still the cross-roads of the world.,Only Berlin could be a more dangerous place for a confrontation of the nuclear superpowers. BOTH WASHINGTON a n d Moscow for all their rivalry are soberly aware of the dangers. If Israel and the Arabs cannot agree, some solution will have to be im- posed which can allow both to leave in peace. The die-hards on both sides feel this settlement ap- proaching, and would like to upset it with desperate action. The Bei- rut affair must be seen in this perspective, too. The fanatical agree only in stalling for time. But it is a myth, as Yost wrote in "The Atlantic Monthly," to be- lieve that time works in anyone's favor in the Middle East. "A settle- ment during coming months on tle basis of the November reso- lution may still be feasible," Yost wrote. "Later it may not be. Pro- vocation and counter-provocation may become so shocking and in- tolerable that compromise will be politically out of the question. If the parties cannot themselves come to a settlement, it will be high time for the UN, with Great Power backing, to take the ini- tiative. . . . After twenty years, so many dead, so much waste and suffering, world peace more and more threatened, there is no time to lose." To this we can only say Amen. . ican companies which finance them. It was struck at the nerve center and main air gateway of the Arab world, the Beirut air- port. It sought by damaging the Arab airlines and their financial links in London and New York to warn the avation world that air- ports had best be kept safe for all nations, Israel included. These are the blunt truths of the Beirut affair, and this is a message which had best get a full debate in the air age. For airports can easily become a new and crit- ical point in all the various short- of-war struggles which afflict a cantankerous and quarrelsome mankind. THE PRICE PAID by Israel was a political victory for the Arab guerrilla movements. Israel has never been as isolated as it is to- day in the wake of its unanimous condemnation by the Security Council. The Israeli -cabinet, ac- cording to reports in Israel's most respected newspaper "Haaretz," was deeply split on the eve of the and Protestant in Ireland show that even the embers of Crom- well's cruel time still smolder, Lebanon seems to be about the only place in the 'world (look at Belgium torn between Fleming and Walloon, and at French Can- ada!) where bi-national and mul- ti-natioinal solutions are working smoothly. Something of the sort must come in a reconstructed Palestine of Jewish and Arab states in peaceful co-existence. To bring it about Israel and the Jew- ish communities of the world must be willing to look some unpleasant truths squarely in the face, and. to rise to heights of magnanimity which could write the finest chap- ter in the history of a great people. ONE IS TO RECOGNIZE that the Arab guerrillas are doing to us what our terrorists and saboteurs of the Irgun, Stern and Haganah did to the British. Another is to be willing to admit that their mo- tives are as honorable as were ours. As a Jew, even I felt revul- sion against the terrorism, I felt ures of the Ither, who is only the mirror image of ourselves, tightly embraced in hate, where love alone can free. SELF PITY and self-righteous- ness, the psychic counterparts of the siege, can only block a solu- tion. Just as the lofty sky is Is- rael's physical way out, so its political and spiritual way out must- be to rise a higher plane of understandiig. To do so is to clear the way for the political initiatives. which can alone frfe it from isola- tion. If Israel wishes to avoid an im-' posed solution, then it must come forward with alternative construc- tive proposals of its own. These should be seen not as giving away bargaining cards in advance but as a means of preventing that polarization of sentiment in both the Jewish and Arab communities the die-hards on both;sides seek, whether Arab guerrillas or mili- tary-minded Israeli. In some form or another this must involve a federated co-exist- w w 01 Faculty meetings and the student will The author is a member of the Radical Caucus and a some- time contributor to The Daily. By BRUCE LEVINE THE RADICAL CAUCUS is in the midst of a campaign to abolish distribution and language requirements in the College of Lit- erature, Science, and Arts. The "e d u c a t i o n a l" impossibility of forcing students to be liberally ed- ucated is painfully common know- ledge to. most students. But there is a much more important issue involved here than feasibility. In the past few years students - like other segments of the population - have been recognizing and re- acting to the almost total lack of control they have over their own lives and institutions. Over their housing. Over curriculum. Over finances. The drive against distribution and language requirements is a reflection of our awakening. We are not quietly pleading with the LS&A faculty to change its edu- cational philosophies. We are as- serting our right to abolish the our emphasis on student mobili- zation rather than simply on fac- ulty benevolencefor two reasons: - All history (including U-M his- tory) reveals few groups which divest themselves of power with- out pressure, and - Few groups (students not ex- cepted) can win a n d maintain power for themselves unless they do so on the basis of their own strength. ON MONDAY, the Radical Cau- cus took a step toward asserting some elementary student rights. As usual, the LS&A faculty was assembling for its monthly meet- ing. As usual, they were preparing to discuss a matter concerning students (the requirements). And as usual students were barred from the meeting. It is no secret why the faculty chooses to meet in secret if it possibly can. In last year's row over classified research one faculty head mapped it out for us nicely: .Very few of us find 'gold- fish bowl' living at all comfortable. When, as good intentioned admin- Radical Caucus nevertheless sent some twenty of its members to Monday's meeting. We arrived early, so as not to cause too much "fuss" on entering. We were nice young ladies and gentlemen. None of us screamed or yelled or did other unseemly things. We just sat back and watched. The fac- ulty entered, looked around; turn- ed collectively pale, and scurried out the exits. A low frustration- anxiety tolerance I guess. The next day, the Daily carried an editorial by Ron Landsman. The auto-destruct of the meeting (which could have opened "more lines of communication between students and faculty"). is seen by Landsman as the result of a "i e- grettable blunder on the part of both the faculty members a n d students involved." WHAT DID the facuity do wrong?tProf. Gold shouldn't have moved to adjourn. No chance for discussion. Thatnall? Not quite. Gold's motion was bad, but the real problem was the overwhelm- ing "uncompromising vote" in its favor. ulty, we learn from Landsman, could have let us stay without losing any of its power or sacri- ficing any of its future prerga- tives, "which option the faculty should have appreciated." They could have tricked the students, but they blew it. Too bad. Oh, well ... maybe next time. Now what about the students? Landsman understands the de- mand ("for a full and open meet- ing, presumably with students al- lowed to speak") and he even ad- mits that it "is not unreasonable.' Fine. ". . . but the students were frightfully impolitic." Frightfully impolitic! Also devoid, of "diplo- macy." What should we have done? We should have made "contact with Hays or other sympathetic pro- fessors before t h e meeting" to "seek some accomodation allowing t h e students admittance .. ." This kind of diplomacy, Lands- man seems to imply, is responsible for the fact that already "both the Senate Assembly and the col- lege's own curriculum committees have opened their meetings to the n hih ' _". "closed" meeting, as we did Mon- day. The faculty is willing (if not exactly eager) to make some changes, so long as it remains ab- solutely clear that the, essential "change-making" power remains with them. The Radical Caucus members understand this - and since our essential aim is the mo- bilization of a student movement to take such power into student hands for student power, not be- nevolent despotism, we wish 'it clear, for example, that closed meetings will not be tolerated by those whose lives are discussed there. That requirement will not be permitted by those of whom they are required. Landsman has finallyr (ifrunconsciously) uncov- ered the naked faet that the strug- gle between the ideologies of con- trol from below and of control from above is not a "blunder" r a misunderstanding soluble by "a little reasoning by both sides" but a conflict of perceived interests. That conflict will be resolved in favor of the students only when students choosentosmarshall in their interests the kind of deter- *""+4ncs4-h hihfam lia ont 1* 0