See editorial page
Sir 43aui
43 4 &
Cloudy, cooler,
showers likely
Vol. LXXIX, No. 163 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 17, 1969 Ten Cents
Dilemmas of teaching in Residential Go
By RON LANDSMAN teacher. "It can draw off a per- fill the demands of department must always maintain a first a- stitution a place for departmental cate dean of the literary college. They ar
Managing Editor son's energies until he gets noth- life. legiance to the literary college and cast-offs and incompetents to "Course planning. Residential Col- fully st
Third in a series ing done at all." "The RC is an easy place to be its departments. The Residential stay, lege activities, and informal rela- senior p
East Quadrangle, home of the Meanwhile Blau recognizes that drawn into," explains another RC College cannot grant tenure, as But the original RC planners tionships with students are all very to by yo
Residential College, is about the "getting things done" is essential professor. Max Heirich of the so- departments can, and is not rich were also aware of the situation available when you teach her. It is not t
closest thing on campus to an un- to any professor who wants to get ciology department. "You care enough to substantially reward its they were creating. "These built- is that much more appealing to for inno
dergraduate's Law ahead in his own field- Publishing, about what's happening in the col- staff monetarily. in tensions are the price we have young people because of this-they As on
dradte' a wrQuad. Styled in teaching mass lectures, getting in- - This relationship was part of to pay for keeping RC as part of can have influence here in class Residen
traditional University Gothic and y volved in departmental affairs are the original plans for the RC, notes the literary college," Cohen says. .and out." younger
betrays the excitement of faculty- all necessary activities for a resiue nI i&l Prof. Carl Cohen, who has been "We know from experience tht RC is nowy innovative.
student interchange. bright, young academician who with RC since its inception. The separated small colleges like this atively unstructured, and not partmen
Indeed, the problem young pro- wants to make his mark on the (,011e se college was always intended to be have unhappy results," he notes. stratified. An assistant professor Qf co
fessors and instructors face in RC University. a part of LSA to avoid "invidious The problem certainly isn't agdepedi
is its appealing and attractive at- Furthermore, bright, young men reviewicomparisons" between the two col- new one. Any young professor in and almost immediately begin to Tenured
mosphere for teaching. The en- who succumb to the stimulating _leges as to which was more pres- his own department must decide play a significant role in the di ate prof
vironment draws them away from allure of teaching in the RC re- tigious, he says whether to center his career on rection of the college and the Residen
thei ow acdemc prsuts-nd ain utsde he ureucrticproramhe is involved in.
their own academic pursuits-aid main outside the bureaucratic lege. It's hard to insulate your- In addition, the planning com- teaching or research. The differ- programsbecause
away from research, the key to sway of departmental society. self." mittee wanted to avoid making ence is that RC provides an agree- There is a broader opportunity status.J
academic advancement and salary Some faculty members who have The basis of the problem is the the Residential College a haven able haven for the teaching- for junior staff people to effect because
hikes. taught in the RC say the RC Residential College's position as a for men who could not make it in oriented. change here than in departments, to bein
"The Residential College can be teaching experiences may make it unit within the literary college. their own departments. They felt "There are more opportunities Robertson notes. and the
a bottomless pit," says Prof. Sher- very hard for young professors to RC must -draw all its staff from that if RC could grant tenure. it to get involved here," says RC di- That activity doesn't exist in demand
idan Blau, a popplar English fit back into the groove and ful- LSA, and that academic staff might become a second-rate in- rector James Robertson, an asso- the literary college departments. S
Twelve Pages
e almost always very care-
ructured. Chairman and
rofessors must be deferred
unger members, and there
he room or the inclination
vation that exists in RC.
e professor sees it, "The
tial College encourages
men to make their pres-
own while (ordinary) de-
ts discourage them."
urse, the situation varies,
ng on the teacher's rank.
people-full and associ-
essors - can go into the
tial College with few fears
there is no threat to their
Assistant professors can't
they are often very close
g considered for tenure.
y must meet departmental
we MAKING, Page 8
Students attend
faculty meeting
for first time
The English department
faculty meeting last night was
attended by two undergrad-
uate English students for the
first time in the department's
The opening of faculty meetings
to students was approved by a
full English department meeting
about two weeks ago, "There was
plenty of hesitation, plenty of
doubt," said English Department
Chairman Russell Fraser, "b u t
4 they agreed to accept my recom-
mendation that it was urgent and
Important to opern the-rmeetlifgr"
The decision arose from a series
of "informal" discussion between
Fraser and three representatives.
from the English student steering
committee. .
"I've come to think of the Eng-
lish departments as a comprehen-
sive structure in which all mem-
bers have a place," said Fraser.
Fraser explained that last
night's faculty meeting was not a
particularly interesting meeting
for students to attend, the main
Item on the agenda being t h e
election of the executive commit-
tee, but as it was the last faculty
meeting of the year "I wanted to
get the precedent established."
However, Fraser said, "I would
not anticipate tremendous inter-
est on the part of concentrators
though I will assume that repre-
sentatives (from the steering
committee) will always be pre-
Ann Munster '69, one of the
three steering committee repre-
sentatives agreed: "I doubt that
* there will ever be a great turnout
of students for these meetings
since very little takes place that
is directly in their interest."
The steering committee is a
group of interested undergraduate
English majors working for re-
forms in the department.
The committee with the cooper-
ation of the department has thus
far obtained representation on the
curriculum committee, permission
for undergraduates to enroll in
500 and 600 level courses, and an
Fifth girl
n area
Authorities say
recent homicides
show similarities
The body of a 13-year-old
girl was found yesterday in
Superior Township. The mur-
der is the fifth to be uncover-
ed during the past two years
in the Ypsilanti - Ann Arbor,
The partially clothed body of
Dawn Basom, an eighth grader in
Ypsilanti public schools, was dis-
covered at the edge of a dirt road
by police- A preliminary examina-
tion placed the time of death near
Tuesday evening.
Authorities speculated that a
sex manic may be responsible for
the murders which have all oc-
curred within a 10 mile radius f
each other.
The girl, who was discovered by
a resident yesterday morning, was'
strangled with an electric cord
and had received lacerations'
across her chest and stomach. An
autopsy was ordered.
Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey said
that the murderer "wanted her
to be found." The girl's body lay
within a few feet of Gale Rd. de-
spite nearby brush which could
have concealed her for months.
"We won't know exact details
until the autopsy is complete,"
said Harvey. "but there are some
glaring similarities between these
and the other murders."
Harvey has requested aid from
the State Police mobile. crime lab
and, has taken steps to seal off the
generalare to preserve evidence.
Harvey indicated there was a
"very real" connection between the
Basom killing and murders of
Mary Flezar. Joan E. Schell and
Maralynn Skelton.
The bodies of those women wereI
STUDENTS STRIKE at Harvard over ROTC, secret research
and admission policies yesterday. The five day strike is scheduled
to end today.
Harvard students
to end sike today
From Ire Service Reports
Campus protest at major universities continued yesterday
centering on the issues of ROTC, secret research, and ad-
mission policies.
The student strike at Harvard over the ROTC issue has
been about two-thirds effective after five days, and is
scheduled to end today.
A special meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will
decide today on a resolution to abolish ROTC. Harvard spokes-
men say the motion is so restrictive that the military might
find it unacceptable.
In Washington, the National Student Association said
yesterday that it is challenging in federal court the con-
stitutio ,,lit f l isla~t +
Pete O'Neal, leader of the Black
breakfast the Panthers provided
dren can't learn anything while1
group. Food and money for the
Class ified-
releases r
The University has rejected one
classified research proposal andl
approved 36 others since the be-
iHRC asks,
rent bias
Claims V loan
aidls apartment
The Ann Arbor Human Re-
lations commission (HRC) will
call a public hearing to in-
vestigate a real estate firm
accused of discriminatory
practices in renting apart-
ments whose mortgages are
held by the University,
1 The action came after testi-
t mony by a citizens group that
Cutler Hubble Co. of Detroit dis-
criminated against a black iuan
and white woman, posing as bus-
n w band and wife, looking for houses
"I think it's disgraceful that the
.a. University is using public funds
for this kind of thing," said Ro
.x . bert Hunter, assistant HRC direc-
: tor.
-Associated Pre s University Investment Officer
Gordon Griffith later confirmed
Yauh el'es kitsthat the University holds the
mortgage to the Arbordale Manor
Panther chapter in Kansas City, chats with children eating a free and Parkhurst apartments. "We
. O'Neal says similar programs are under way in other cities. "Chil- have no interest in the manage-
their stomachs are growling," says the official of the militant Negro ment of the property in any way,"
program are contributed by merchants. said Griffith.
On February 23, 1965 the State
Civil Rights Commission ordered
4OJECT: Cutler Hubble to "cease and de-
sist from discrimination against
claimants because of their race or
color or because of their sympa-
re searchl eoinniittee thies with persons of the Negro
race . .
The open order came as the re-
sult of an earlier case of alleged
no 1'discrimination against a black
University student.
"We want to have public hear-
total amount of funds being pro- Report, a faculty study of the Uni, ings soon to let the people know
vided for secret researcpi has de- versity's involvement in classified what. is going on in this town,"
creased because of the tight budget research. explained Hunter. "There still is
situation in Washington. The Elderfield report was issued discrimination in Ann Arbor."
The report of the committee about a year ago in the midst of Hunter called the University's
states that the rejectedo the research controversy. connection with Cutler Hubble "a
was found tohber"inappropriate The guidelines especially cau- vivid example of institutional rac-
because of its "limited and strictly ; tioned against contracts whose jim."
military orientation."t specific purpose is to "destroy hu- However, Griffith said the Uni-
m i to Coon, most class- man life or incapacitate human versity gave the mortgage loan to
Accoring t beings." In addition, the classified the'company that built the pro-
fied research projects are mone- research committee was created. perties ten or twelve years ago.
tarily supported by some branch
of the Department of Defense. .Although the 14-member body "We had no way of knowing If
ofIth eartent ofDfense.n ris technically a faculty-student there was going to be any dis-
Ina reaching decisions on pro- avsr omte oVc rs-eiiain"h nitd
posed secret research projects, the advisory committee to Vice Presi- r ion, es
committee is bound by the guide- dent for Research A. Geoffrey "Anyone who gives a loan has
lines set forth in the Elderfield Norman, any disagreement be- no voice in e management o e
lines s fhtween the two over a proposed property," asserted Griffith. "If
classified project would have to you borrow money to build a
be brought before the faculty's house -the bank doesn't have any-
Senate Assembly for full debate, thing to say about how you use
The Assembly recently approved it.
the addition of three graduate Griffith said that the University
tr ic te dstudents to the research commit- officials have been discussing the
tee. There are no undergraduate ratter with the HRC for a while.
committee members. See HRC, Page 8
The annual report of the com- --__.
azer echoes the sentiment that mittee states that the majority of
amer budget allotments "have its efforts over the present aca-Socia aW ,
in anything near sufficient to demic year have been spent re-esnbecmehsieof- vewgterlefteUie-
'easonable comprehensive offer - viewing the role of the Univer-
rses during the summer." sity in the conduct of classified re-
razer's dep arment is forced to However, according to Coon, thest d n s la
e rising standard of professors' searh.wvr codn oCo h
rate'stden achejuniorcedt committee's efforts are just one
ate students to teach jumor and part of a major evaluation of theDoffer
1 courses during the summer. relationship between classified re-
e two-month half-term, Brazer search and the University which
he department has to rely on is presently being undertaken by By STEVE KOPPMAN
ting teachers from other cam- various parts of the University The Social Work Student Union
e suffer in terms of the lower community. rejected yesterday Dean Fedele
instruction that we have to pro- In its report, the committee Fauri's latest offer for student
particularly stresses the need for representation on the school's Fac-
tays- - n I iteilt Searh Committe
all found partially disrobed and ginning of the present academic
mutilated. year. according to the recently re-
Harvey said a white cloth that . leased annual report of the Senate
was found jammed in the girl's , Assembly Committee on Classified
mouth is "strikingly similar" to Research.
the murder of Skelton, whose body Despite last year's controversy
was found with a shirt jammed in over classified research at the Uni-
her mouth. versity, the number of 'classified
Miss Basom's parents called Yp- projects has increased, says Prof.
silanti police to file a missing per- William Coon of the medical
sons report early Tuesday night I school, chairman of the year-old
when she failed to return home committee.
after school. However, Coon adds that the
option to satisfy requirements for
any department course except that would authorize colleges,
1 composition simply by taking an to cut off federal aid to stu-
exam. dents who engage in disrup-
Both students and faculty agree tive protests.
that the changes have been mark- InPalo Alt.Califrnia. the
Summer term plans res
ed by a spirit of compromise.,
Nancy Muchnick, steering com-
mittee chairman, explains that
students on the steering commit-
tee decided that "instead of de-
mands, we would make carefully
considered proposals."
But the students, while pleased
with what has already been ac-:
complished, believe there are many:
more improvements to be made
in the department's structure.
"I think we have accomplished
through student representation on
the curriculum committee." said
steeering committee member Frank
Crantz, "and while the opening of
faculty meetings to students is an- mningful -.ten it is not
Stanford University faculty sen-
ate has called for an end to all
secret military research on the
campus but students who have
been demonstrating against cam-
pus military research apparently
consider the action an insufficient
response to their demands.
The faculty senate voted late
Tuesday night ,to have new re-
search policies drawn up which
would prohibit all research in
which there is "secrecy of spon-.
sorship or results."
The students are demanding
closer university control 'of the
Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
and that SRI cease all chemical
When the trimester system was estab-
lished five years ago, optimistic members
of the University community envisioned
a summertime campus as active as it was
in the fall and winter.
It was hoped that a student enrolling in
the literary college's four-month spring-
summer term would have almost as good
a selection of courses to choose from as
he would during the traditional academic
But things just haven't worked out that
way for a variety of reasons. Literary col-
lege departments, operating during the
ing," says Associate Dean Hayden Carruth.
While the number of courses offered has
remained constant, more students are en-
rolling for the summer, especially the
spring half-term.
An example is psychology 442, a course
in motivation and behavior. Normally held
down to 20 or 30 students per section dur-
ing the fall and winter, the course moves
into a lecture hall in May to accommodate
100 students in one class.
"We had expected an increment in funds
this year, but we didn't get it," says Prof.
Erasmus Hoch, who coordinates under-
graduate psychology courses in the sum-
Harvey Br
never beer
permit ar
ing of cou
With th
salaries, B
hire gradu
During th
explains, t
hiring visi
puses. "We
quality ofi
vide," he s