Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, April 16, 1969 -------- ---------- ---- DAILY OFFICIAL BU LL ET I COST OF ATHLETIC CARD - position. Call Mr. Atcheson at area 313- sible. An apportionment of one voting General-Notices $1800"358-2540 this week, before 4/18, seat to sub-constituencies of widely PURCHASE DATE: 1. At Ferry Field SUMMARY OF ACTION TAKEN BY varying size shall be taken as indicative Ticket Office beginning April 21. 2. STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL of malapportionment. (e) A body shall Computing Center Short Course for Deadline for preference of location ex- AT ITS MEETING APRIL 10, 1969 be said to practice de factor taxation Use of Magnetic tapes. The Computing pires August 1st. 3. Additional Season without representation if a student be- Center announces a question and an- Ticket purchase privilege (limit 2) ex- Appointed: Steve Evans to the Ad- longing to the constituency purported swr session on the use of magnetic pires August 1st. visory Committee to the Office of Re- to be represented by the body who con- tapes in the MTS system. Seminar room CONDITIONS AND PRIVILSGES: 1. ligious Affairs, tributes money to the body, either of the oCmputing Center, 7 to 9 p.m., Athletic Cards or Tickets are not trans- Appointed: Mark Rosenbaum to the directly, or indirectly to the body April 16, 1969, ferable. 2. Ticket privileges end with Senate Assembly Academic Affairs through tuition or fees, isvnot thein SPRING COMMENCEMENT University and no refunds or rebates Appointed: Dennis Webster, Treasurer selection process of voting seats of the EXERCISES will be made. 3. Staff members who of Student Government Council. body. (f) A body is said to practice re- Mnay 3, 1969 purchase Athletic Cards will receive Appointed: James Robse Legal Aid presentation without representation if Graduates assemble at 9:30 a.m. a reserved seat at each home football Services Director. a student belonging to the constituency Procession enters at 10:00 a.m. game and general admission to gym- Appointed: Bob Horshon Administra- purported to be represented by the Program ebgins at 10:30 a.m. nastic, track, wrestling, and baseball, tive Vice President of Student Govern- body is not entitled to vote in the Exercises will be held at 10:30 a.m. in as long as sets are available; 4. The ment Council. selection process for voting seats of the University Events Building. Exer- Bord will not guarantee the sale of Appointed: Bruce Wilson Coordinat- the body. The use of the name of a cases will conclude about 12:30 a.m. athletic cards fter August 1st. ing Vice President of Student Govern- place of residency or the name of a All graduates as of May 1969 are eligi- ment Council. school in the name of a body shall ble to participate. Grade Sheets for Winter, 1969 have Appointed: Gene Smith Chairman of be taken as indicative of intent to pur- TICKETS: Maximum of four to each been sent to departments for distri- Student Consumers Union, port to represent that constituency of prospective graduate, to be distributed bution to instructors. Any grade shee't Appointed: Carol Hollenshead, Bruce students. (g) A body is said to lack re- from Monday, April 21, to 5:00 p.m. for degree students should be sub- Wilson and Michael Kane to the City call, initiative, and referendum if its Friday, May 2, at Diploma Office, 1518 mitted to th Office ;of the Registrar Relations Board. constituents do not have an automatic L.S.&A. Building. within 48 hours after the examination, Approved: That SGC allocate $100 to binding recall, initiative, or referendum Some unclaimed tickets may be avail- and no later than 12:00 noon, Friday, be given July 10 to the Tutorial Pro- procedure guaranteed to them by t h e able at the Information desk, f i r s t May 2. Failure to do so may prevent ject. procedures of the body. (h) A body al- floor, L.Sa&A. Building, on Saturday, graduation for certain students. All Approved: That SGC allocate $50 to lows unequal representation if its seats May 3, 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. grade sheets for non-degree students the Sociology Student Union. are filled from over-lapping constituen- should be submitted within five days of Approved: To implement Section A- cies, and if these constituencies, and if ACADEMIC COSTUME: May be rent- the examination, and no later than 15 and Section D of the Bill of Rights these sub-constituencies overlap in ed at Moe Sport Shop, 711 North Uni- Saturday May 3 at 12:00 noon A grade (Article VIII) and Section (i) of Article such a way that each student cannot versity Avenue, Ann Arbor. 0 r d e r srIIvote in an equal number of them. should be placed immediately, messenger service will be provided onII ASEMBLYFORGRADAES'Ata regular basis by the Office of the 1. This motion shall apply to all non- 3. An undemocratically constituted 30 a.m in area east of Stadim Mar- Registrar to departmental offices on judicial bodies ("bodies") purporting to body shall mean any body which is hals will direct graduates to proper the Central Campus beginning Wednes- represent, speak for, or govern a con- either closed, self-perpetuating, or sations. In case of inclement weather, day, April 23 and continuing through stituency of students determined by which has a poll tax, or which is mal- graduates will go directly to the build 12:00 noon on Saturday, aMy 3. Grades the students places of residence, class apportioned, or which practices taxa- may also be submitted directly to the year, or school enrolled in but shall tion without representation or repre- g shwhere they wi be seated by mar- Office of the Registrar at "Window A", not apply where the body contains the sentation without representation, or SSPECTATORS: All spectators should L.S.&A. Bldg., during working hours. entire membership or constituency, which lacks recall, initiative, and re- e seated in the building by 10:00 a.m. Questions pertaining to grade reports 2. Definitions: ( A body shall be ferendum, or which allows unequal re- may be directed to 764-6292. termed closed if less than a mairit1presentation. urhenjority presentation .;.".:":": ;;.;.... ,r:".;:;:.. gether with the Central Sttudent Judi-M $ ciary and any judiciaries which may be established by SGC, shall be the only judicial bodies competent to exer- cise original jurisdiction in cases in- IN 1 volving students. The Central StudentTG Judiciary shall have original jurisdic- tion over cases of violation of Univer- SEMslityeCouncil regulations, and may as- STUDENTheneve justice, the Judiciary may reserve use either there is no other proper judicial of part of the above actions, or issue body competent to hear the case or sociology such other judicial orders as it believes the Central Student Judiciary has, invites all with bring out compliance with all upon request of the defendant, deter- facult to a deliberate speed, mined that the case warrants its as- students andy * * * suming original jurisdiction. Except FROM: MICHAEL DAVIS when the Central Student Judicialy DATE: 1 April, 1969 exercises original jurisdiction as des- RE: Completion of Judiciary Structure cribed above, the jurisdiction of the several student judiciaries shall be as WHEREAS : Council (under Article follows: (a) Each house may, throught IX, Section C of the SC Constitution) judicial bodies established by it, exer- Sociology student lounge has the power to establish judiciaries cise original jurisdiction over cases of with appeal to CSJ; and violation of regulations approprately WHEREAS: Council (under Article II, enacted by it. (b) The judicial bodies Discuss change in the department Section A) has the power to sanction established by Student Government the curriculum and tenure reform proposals rules governing students, and hence the beersonsa-hue power to sanction rule-making bodies Council shall have original jurisdiction (within the intent of Article VIII); and over cases of violation of regulations WHEREAS: Council notes a definite approprately enacted by Student Gov- need to define a clear, complete, and ernment Council. (c) The judicial bod- just student judicial structure; ies established by a major governing or- THEREFORE, MOVE: The following ganization shall have original jurisdic- shall constitute a complete enumera- tion over cases of violation of regula- tion of those bodies competent to hear tions appropriately enacted by the ma- For New cases involving students and a com- jor governing organization. The appro- plete description of their jurisdiction. priate judicial body of a major govern- All judicial bodes hearing cases involv- ing organization may assume original ing students shall meet the standards jurisdiction over cases of violation of of responsibility, due process, and ju- regulations appropriately enacted by a dicial fairness set down in Article VIII member house whenever a house has of the SGC Constitution. not established a judicial body compe- DEFINITIONS: For the purposes of tent to hear such cases. (d) The judic-or this legislation: (a) "house" s h a 11 ial bodies established by a school or mean ganyinividual coopeative, fa- college shall have original jurisdiction mean any Individual cooperative, fra- over any case of violation of regula- nty, otresodence a ifvng unts re tions either involving academic dis- cognized by some agency of the uni- honesty or appropriately enacted by the versity; (b) "major governing organi- students of a school or college, and zation" shall mean any federation of may, with the consent of the defend- houses thal as been or may be es- ant, assume original jurisdiction over tablished that hasre e o m a - any case of violation of regulations lion" shall mean any student organi- Coihor enacted b h nvriy/ ti"sh (c "recnizedeorgan either ed by e by Student Government ST U D E NT REPRESENTATIVE at zation recognized by Student Govern- Council oweved ay jdi body ment Council, and any other group of ouncil. However, any judicial body of students insofar as it uses facilities or jurisdction over violatin of regula- services usually available to students tions of Student Government Council 4 Council;Stuandt odern"University Council Kur10 only through Student Government or of the University Council, shall be Council; and (d} "University Council composed entirely of students. regulation" shall mean any regulation o Appeal may be made on grounds proposed by the University Council, ra- judicial fairness or due process. (a) EUGENE JUSTUS tified by Student Government Council The Judgment of a Judicial body of a and Senate Assembly, and not subse- The j m ofga judicia ody o quently disaffirmed. school or college, whether original or Apartment 7K, University Towers (1) Original Jurisdiction. The mem- to the Central Student Judiciary. (b)62- hers of any major governing organiza- The judgment of a judicial body of a 2 tion, the members of any house, or the house may be appealed to the judicial students of any school or college may body of the appropriate major govern- g (i' establish a government. Any govern- ing organization or directly to the Cen- :N n '... .. ..4 $ ment may establish one or more judi- tral Student Judiciary. (c) If a judg- _ cial bodies provided (i) the legislative ment of the Central Student Judiciary body of the government consists of all involves suspension of expulsion of a those governed, or (ii) the constitu- student, whether original or upon ap- _T tion of the government makes reason- peal, the student may appeal to the Something To Swap. able provision for open meetings for government faculty of his school or public minutes, and for initiative, re- college. And (d) any student who has T ryDa ily Classifieds ferendum, and recall by those govern- exhausted all other remedies may ap- ed, all wthout substantive restruction. peal his conviction directly to the Pre-__ The Judiciaries thus established, to- sident of the University. when procession enters. GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS, Invitations, etc.: Inquire at Desk, 1st Placem ent floor Lobby, L.S.A. Bldg. COMMENCEMENT PROGRAMS: To GENERAL DIVISION be distributed at exercises 3200 S.A.B. DISTRIBUTION OF DIPLOMAS: Di- plomas conferred as of May 3, 1969, Current Position openings received may be called for at the L. S. & A. by General Division by mail and Building May 23, and again May 26 phone, please call 764=7460 for appli- through May 29. Medical School diplo- cation details or further information. mks will be distributed at Senior Class Bristol Laboratories, Syracuse, N.Y.:, Night exercises June 6; Flint C oI11 e g e Multiple positions in biol. sci., chem.,I diplomas at the convocation on June engr., sanitary engr., indust. hyg., 6; Dearborn Campus diplomas at the purchasing, pharm. mktg., financial graduation exercises June 15; Law I work, programming, med. writing. School diplomas may be called for af- Executive Search Organization, con- ter June 16 at 1518 L.S.&A. Building, tact plcm'nt. Serv. for details: Mostly Doctoral degree candidates who qual- in 'Bloston area - positions for alumni ify for the Ph.D.- degree or a similar of about 5 years exper. in areas of degree from the Graduate School and marketing, engineering and manuf., ac- WHO ATTEND THE COMMENCE- ctg., finance, data process, mgmt. MENT EXERCISES will be given a hood State of Missouri: positions usually by the University. with little or no exper. *in areas of employment, personnel, research anal., STAFF MEMBERS occupational anal., correction c a s e- The Board in Control of Intercolleg- worker, probation and juvenile officers, late Athletics of the University of 'd'r Michigan extends to the Faculty and State of Arkansas: Medical Director, to full-time University employees the eig. o licensg tpdice. din. rvlgeof prhsn tltcCrs elig. for licensing to practice. Admin. privilege o purchasing Athletic Cards,.stdge tM ee n er THOSE 'ELIGIBLE TO PURCHASE: l.asst.degreeuatMAlel and ars University Staff. 2. Staff members who exper. in public welfare type agency, or BA and 5 years. Acctg. Supervisor, have been retired, 3. Employees on the deread5yrsAct.nwga. University payroll who' have appoint- ments or contracts on a full-time year- City of Detroit: positions in areas of ly basis; or, if on an hourly-basis, are gov. anal., acctg., publicity, data pro- full-time employees and have b'e e n cess., engrg. areas, med. and dental employed by the University for a per- area, soc. wk., housing, urban re- iod of not less than twelve months newal asst, economist, planning, his- prior to the date of application for the torical and art curators, recreation. purchase of an Athletic Card. The date Announcement: Position for young shown on the Employee's University woman, degree not necessary, for trav- Identification Card shall be considered eling position acting as good-will am- as the date of employment. 4. For bassador for Sun-Oil Company, its spouses and dependent children b e - restaurants, service stations, and affil- tween th ags of 10 and 18 of the iated motels etc. using Sun-Oil Credit above groups. No mor than two cards Cards. Will head up a program of up- may be purchased for dependent chlid- grading service, beauty, hospitality of ren. these organizations. Customer relations of the voting seats on the body are 4. An undemocratically - constituted elected within %2 semester (in the case body may not represent, speak for, or of places of residence) or within 1 year govern students or purport to do so, (n the case of schools) or the time 5. On o after October 15, 1969, andV of year when the greatest number of appropriate judiciary having a jurisdic- students first enter the constituency. tion greater than that of the body in- (b) A body shall be termed self-perpet- volved, or CSJ (which may hear ap- uating if (i) the body itself ordinarily peals on any decisions under this mo- appoints 1/3 or more of its total voting ( tion) shall entertain complaints that a members, or (ii) if the body itself ord- body is an undemocratically-constituted inarily appoints voting members for a body acting in violation of section (4) term extending beyond the term of of this motion. Upon finding of fact those making the appointment or (iii) that such bdy s in fact an undemocrat- any voting seat on the body is filled ically-constituted body as defined in by another body which tiself meets cri- this motion, the Judiciary shall with- teria (i) or (ii) unless all such other draw recogntion as a student organi- bodies meet these criteria. "Ordinarily" zation from such body, enjoin it to as used above does n'ot include vacan- cease the collection of monies from cy-filling procedures. (c) A body is said ' students or by it in the name of the to have a de facto poll-tax if the right students, impound its student m o n e y to vote in any election for any voting accounts for dispersal to the consti- seat on the body is contingent upon tuency, enjoin it from any privileges or payment of dues or any payment of activities regulated by student govern- any kind to any organization other ment at any level, enjoin it from con- than. the body itself, or contingent tinuing to use as part of its pame the upon attendance at a paying function, name which 'shall suggest it repre- or if the election is held during a pay- ing function. (d) A body is termed mal- sents such constituency of students, apportioned if, considering the number and mandamus such body to either im- of voting seats and the sub-constituen- mediately and permanently cease all1 cies (if any) and the practicality of activities on this campus or to come having a different number of votingI seats, the ratio of constituents to vot- under compliance of this motion. In ing seats is not as nearly equal as pos- 4the interestsof good administration of I ~ ~'-'~.-' __ ____ ___ __ I w ~u l1 I I MONARCH NOTES AT SLATER'S BOOKSTORE U Timi R ynnig Each minute you spend in indecision is a minute wasted . . a minute that adds up to an hour or a day that has vanished forever. That minute may have been spent as Paulists docounsel- ing a questioning youth at a secular university, working in ghettos, saving 'a potential "dropout" or promoting bet- ter understanding of the Church and all religions. How do your minutes stack up? If you have given some thought to becoming apriest, why not find out how the Paulists spend their time and send for an illustrated bro- chure and a summary of the Paulist effort for -renewal in the Church. 64 .4- :;:: w cl rhy cart all those othes home? * Call Greene's Cleaners today!; We'll deliver a storage box- Fill it with your winter garments- We'll pick it up-clean your garments- Mothproof them and Store them in our air conditioned vault. Next fall-give us a call. We'll deliver- fresh and clean-beautifully pressed. * It's so convenient-and cheaper than shipping. Still only $4.95 plus regular cleaning charges. Call and reserve your box today. Preene's Cleaners - NO 2-3231 336 S. STATE 662-4543 I G discounirecords,ifl 300 S. State-1235 S. University. NEW FROM REPRISE/BIZARRE AND WARNER BROTHERS AN EVENING WITH WILD MAN FISCHER a fascinating trip through one of the 20th century's finest minds - includes Wild Man's hit song "Merry-Go-Round" The Mothers of Invention 2 records at a- special price! (Includes Nifty 12-Page Book) MUSIC- Mi mui-- Summer nappens at Southampton! What a way to learn! Located in one of the country's best-known summer fun areas, Southampton College is surrounded by magnificent beaches, yachting and sail- ing centers, golf courses, art colonies, theatre activities and more and more! Accredited undergraduate courses in Humanities, Sci- ence, Social Science, Business Administration, Marine Science, and Education, plus limited graduate offerings. during two 5-week sessions: June 23-July 25; July 28- August 29. Courses are open to visiting students who are in good standing at their own college. Three, four and five-week workshops in sculpture, music, painting, drama and films. Concerts and lectures will be given by resident musicians and visiting experts. Dormitory accommodations are available for students in academic courses and workshops. For further information, mail coupon today. ------------------- j Director of the Summer Programi, !, ' ITTTT3 A UffP,,fl~