.r BMir iiian DatId Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan ceteris paribus . ....... .......... ing, with ineomplet ............ ....... ..«.5...... .:.".':::..':l,::1 :.'::.".'..".5...::Y ....................:.^:.::..":::.15.^.551:..'::.:5. :, ...; ;..; ......... ................,.............. ... ~....... ..,:; ......,,...,...... ................................................................................................................... ...... . ... ..........1...........,................... ...1.......:.15'::l.'.".".^:: .r: ^;.:: 5.:.^.^. .5..... ..._.,.......11.15". ..':. :.;.511:". 555:.. .. _.... , f ............................................................................................................... , ,. . ..1'.. ...........,......... ...................................................1.........,.,.................. .5..........::,.....:::.5'.: :::: a:::"a:: arh.}... r:....,..:. ..... "" .............5', :ak{.:<"}"."r:.:: :;:: r.^.a{i':":?5{.:: :":;.x h. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: BILL LAVELY University school: Not worth the cost IT IS MOST LIKELY the Regents will' decide to begin a phase out of Univer- sity School at their meeting Thursday. This decision, although disconcerting to many, seems to be the only adequate so- lution to the ever-increasing 'problem of shortage of funds. The general conception of a laboratory school is one of an institution that can offer substantial benefits. to the Univer- sity. Such a school serves as a place in which many research and pilot programs can be t r i e d out before implementing them into the public school systems. It also provides a place for student teach- Many mindeas TWO YEARS ago, Georgia restauranteur Lester Maddox assumed that state's governorship and piously proclaimed, among other things, that male state em- ployes must shear their hair and girls' skirts must at least brush the knee. Maddox's ultimatum on, dress even silenced his own rebellious lieutenant governor who had privately announced he would fire any secretary wearing skirts below the knees. Across the nation, California Republi- cans have responded in kind. In control of the state assembly for the first time in a decade, Republicans began their ad- ministration by banling miniskirts. "I was getting sick and tired of turn- ing my head when one of them was at a drinking fountain," explains Rules Comnmittee Chairman Eugene A. Chapple. In Colorado, 74-year-old state Rep. Ted Gil led a fight to make the "formal sug- gestion" that miniskirts were in "bad form." Such defense of the public moral- ity failed, however, in Iowa. The vote to ban miniskirts lost 2-1. OBVIOUSLY THE Iowans share the sentiments of California Rep. John Burton who eloquently argued "the con- stitutional rights" of women who prefer miniskirts. "More importantly," he said, 'we are imposing on the constitutional rights of those of us who like to look." -J.HI. Editorial Staff HENRY GRIX, Editor STEVE NISSEN RON LANVISMAN City Editor Managing Editor MARCIA ABRAMSON ....Associate Managing Editor PHILIP BLOCK .. ......Associate Managing Editor STEVE ANZALONE ......Editorial Page Editor JIM% HECK Editorial Page Editor JENNY STILLER ..Editorial Page Editor LESLIE WAYNE.........................Arts Editor JOHN GRAY....... .................. Literary Editor ANDY SACKS ... .... Photo Editor LANIE LIPPINCOTT........Contributing Editor MARY RADTKE ....... .......Contributing Editor MICHAEL THORYN .......Contributing Editor ers to practice teach and for education school students to observe teaching meth- ods and classroom situations. But the University's particular Univer- sity School fails to meet this concept of a laboratory school. The students who at- tend the school do not provide a random sample for most research experiments. Most of its students are from upper- middle class "intellectual" families or who are having problems in the public schools, The size of the sample possible is very limited since there are only about 300 students in the entire school (grades one through nine). FURTHERMORE, there is the problem of expense. The University School has be- come a financial burden to the education school. For the junior high pupils alone, the instructional costs per pupil are trip- le those in the Ann Arbor public schools. In the Ann A r b o r public schools it costs $848 per pupil for grades 7-9 as com- pared with $2511 per pupil at University School. For grades 1-6, it costs $814 per pupil compared to $1485 per pupil at the University School. If the research done at" University School provided useful data, then there may be a case for investigating the pos- sibility of continuing the school under some kind of austerity arrangement. But the school does not provide any signifi- cant research data. THE DECISION to close down the Uni- versity School by June of 1970 has met many complaints from the parents of pu- pils and interested faculty members. They have most vehemently objected to t h e way in which the decision was "ramrod- ded" through administrative channels without allowing time for interested peo- ple to express their views on the subject. But quick, decisive action was neces- sary. If the closing of the school were delay- ed, it would have had demoralizing ef- fects on both the students and the teach- ers. Many parents would have taken their children out of the school to start them at a school where they would be able to continue. - especially those students who would be entering the seventh grade in the fall. With fewer students to defray the' costs of the school, overall expenses would have increased. GIVEN THE PRESENT financial burden and t.h e school's limited usefulness, there seems to be no other choice than for the Regents to approve the recom- mendation for its closing. -NANCY LISAGOR THE LAST week of classes be- fore finals is a time of judg- ment. All too many students find themselves with five term papers due the same week, and half the books for each paper unread. So they decide to ask one or two professors for incompletes. They wait, uncomfortable, outside the ofices, and when their turn comes, they go inside and try to get the necessary interview over with as soon as possible. But how do you approach a man who has devoted his life to schol- arship and tell him that the very thing which gives'his life meaning is meaningless to you? How do you explain to the one of your five professors who has been fair and honest in his assignments that you like his class the best but you didn't do the work? How do you explain to him that you're at the University for a diploma, that you will go through four more years classes which will get worse before they get better, so that after those years you can finally do what you want to do now, but cannot? How do you say, "I do not know what I want, except to get through with this undying and get back into life, so please sir be merci- ful and help me to do it?" I cannot say these things to the man. So I half-lie and tell him, sir, there is The Daily, and he half-believes me and tells me it's all right, but remember the re- duction in grade. And I tell him thank you and go away. Most professors are very human. They give you incompletes without asking too many questions. They realize that most of their students are at the University for reasons foreign to their own. We are thankful to them, for they bring an element of flexibility into the otherwise inflexible bureaucracy of the University. PARENTS ARE harder to deal with. Those who care what their offspring are doing are usually very unhappy with incompletes. They just don't understand them. I overheard a friend talking to his parents the other day. He was trying to explain to them why he just had to take incompletes. (I talked to my parents like that a year ago, so I could know what they were telling him. You're ir- responsible, they say. It will be a- blot on your record, they say. We never took incompletes in college, they say. Classwork is more im- portant extracurricular activities, they say.) But classes are not real, he knows inside. And what dif- ference does it make? he cries. IT SEEMS from here that of all the truly interesting, live people at the University, most of them have had at least one incomplete, and many of them habitually take several a semester. Perhaps calen- dar reform would help, perhaps returning to the semester -system where five courses are really not impossible to finish on time, or the quarter system where only three or four are expected, would eliminate the need to spend term breaks finishing up the term. Perhaps calendar reform would help, but I don't think so. THE PEOPLE who take incom- pletes are too often the same ones who would, almost should take deep joy in scholarship for its own sake. They read, w'rite, debate because it gives them pleasure. But they take no pleasure in the work they have to do for courses. They have lost the love of schol- arship somewhere along the way. It was strangled in the struggle for grades in high school; or it drowend in a poor high school's indifference; or perhaps it was merely suffocated by int courses at the Univers To the people who tak pletes, classes are not wh or important, The Univ self is not real, for sc is dead to them, THE DRAFT is what and so is the war. May and Governor WallaceF Richard Nixon, they are Hunger is real, and sumn Tear gas is real, andt and the guns, they arev And the Pacific Ocean and the autumn haze on Ridge, The Rocky Moun real, and the Sierras, desert between. Spring over the lake country isi the gulls clamoring over rocky coast where Main into the sea. And Chicago, paved w road tracks, is real. And through the smog in Ne and the freeways, and ways, and the dingy bus Riding a bus to word every morning,'is real, th hate to do it. Laughing is so is crying. Trying to fi self and a place for yo enny stile roductory the world are about the reallest ity. things vou can do. ce incom- tat is real BUT CLASSES are not real. ersity it- And books, though we may love :holarship them, are less real than feeling. So many of us are not scholars, and some of us have not the heart t is real, to pretend to be, ror Daley We can continue to be as hon- and, yes, est as we can, doing our best to all real. do our class work and trying not her riots, to let life get in the way. But the. clubs sometimes we can't help it, and very real. sometimes it does. And then we n is areal, deny our "responsibility" to the the Blue masquerade of scholarship which tains are has been forced upon us. And we and the call upon those to whom scholar- coming ship is real to aid us in denying real, and it. the cold It is not fair to them, and I plunges am sorry -to have to put them in such a position. We both play out with rail- the game, using the convenient l the sun dodges which are really half lies w Jersey, and half truth. the sub- For once, then, the truth, which stations. is not really as hedonistic as it k, typing sounds: .ough you I didn't do your course work, real, and Professor. I tried to get it done, Ind your- but I was too busy living to finish aurself in it on time. A LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 'Leavin from where you ai 't never been' To the Editor: AS ONE OF the poets who spoke: during the "Evening of Black/ White Poetry" of the American Studies Association's recent con- ference, I wish to commend Mary Radtke on her call for a black-on- white third dimension. How ac- commodating this proposal must seem to the black artist who has worked lifetimes as an outcast in an isolated black world; worked his thing only to see it plagiarized by bland white images of ,"white culture." "Sieve out the black fragments from our white culture" appears to be the cry of Miss Mary, "so we who have been deceived will know truth." Beautiful! But what after, the knowing? Will there necessari- ly arrive real appreciation from TV-Top Ten Rah Rah America? Or will it have to be re-robed in Beatledom sensationalism to be. understood as art? MISS MARY states further that the black poets spoke "more in terms of human experience than black experience." Is this to imply. that black experience is inhuman? Or that a human experience is not a black experience? Miss Mary misses the point. For example: to quote a bit of down home philo- sophy - a common black proverb - "you can't leave from where you ain't never been!" might be interpreted by a one dimensioned black-on-black separatist as a justification for black isolation., Actually it is the reply of a black woman to her black boyfriend who threatens to leave her. Perhaps Miss Mary would agree with the manumitted theme I read that night: Piano Solo: You can play a song of sorts on the white keys! You can play a song of sorts on the black keys! To- gether, they make harmony. -Maurice M. Martinez April 1 Love is Nix t To the Editor: PROFESSORS DEMAND th a t language requirements be re- tained at Michigan or America will return to the isolationism of the 1930's. War is Peace. Love is Hate. White culture equals civiliza- tion. At Michigan one can study French and German but no Afri- can languages -'- Spanish but no Indian languages. O u r study of languages - "liberalization" - is merely a study of the languages of imperialism. THIS EQUATION of civilization with white culture is dominant in the other academic departments. The history department h a s no course in t he history of Africa south of the Sahara - and North African history is treated as part of the history of the Levant, re- enforcing white men's attempts to label all "advanced" African civil- izations as white. Music here means the music cultures of West- ern Europe. Art is the arts of the West. For every course on Africa, Asia or Latin America there are twenty on Western Europe and the United States. While such racism - or isola- tionism - persists I find profes- sors' defense of the "liberalizing" effects of language study ludi- crous. -Lauri Lehne, '69 April 7 Letters to the editor should be typed triple spaced and no longer ,than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing, and those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. Unsigned letters will not be printed. 4? ~ .~ *~ 3 pY"JtlY 4u"' T11(lv^C"u i'n 'e69 WW W ,...r I Ip "Pssssst! . . . Secret peace talks are going on... Pass it along !" A Student power in the hands of the Big Three By MARK SCHREIBER Daily, Guest Writer First in a two-part series AFTER SEVERAL years in the business of organizing, I would like to describe what it means to be a student politician. Student activism at the University is an esoteric political and social phe- nomena. The organizations, per- sonalities and processes involved can be discussed in terms of elite political behavior.' There are three primary organi- zations on campus-Student Gov- ernent Council, Radical Caucus and The Daily. These three organ- izations have raised and developed the major issues, and are respon- sible for the changes within the University community initiated by students. There are some 15-20 leaders distributed over these or- ganizations. This handful of stu- dents pretty well determines the nature and direction of student activism within any one year at the University. The other student groups or individuals have re- mained amorphous student groups or individuals-ancillary, suppor- tive, or simply ineffectual. ALTHOUGH THE names and organizations i n v o 1 v e d have changed, there has been a discern- able continuity in the relationship of the groups to each other dur- ing my four years here. When I was most intimately involved in campus politics, the prominent groups were SDS, SGC, and The leadership. Individuals in Radical Caucus espoused more moderate tactics - strategies acceptable to members of SGC and The Daily. The campus leadership remain- ed in the same hands and operated the same way, even though the names changed. THE DAILY, SGC, and Radical Caucus are informally linked. People in one know those in the, others, and are frequently in con-' tact. The progress of any issue on campus - from language re- quirements to military recruitment -usually depends on the coopera- tion between these three organi- zations. In philosophy, there is general agreement by those involved. There is a common set of assump- tions by student activists about the University, the students' role, so- ciety, and General Hershey. Dis- putes are more over tactics, but any activist knows that a com- bined effort, if only tacit, is often necessary to overcome the thres- hold of administration /resistance and student malaise. The political inbreeding of the three groups extends into social contacts. Students in SGC, The Daily, and SDS often attend the same parties. Some room together. Others date each other and some have married. Political work for student activists here carries into daily life. The students within these organizations thus form a ible, barriers. SDS began the war research issue with The Daily, dormitory regulations and rules with SGC, and the language re- quirement by itself. Several cen- tral organizers for the rent strike came from SDS. With the assist- ance of SGC, The Daily, and sym- pathetic faculty, these issues have been elaborated and expounded in the relevant jargon. Their impor- tance was and is developed to the point where such concerns became the core of student politics and unrest at the University. WHETHER THE Radical Cau- cus will be able to continue in the position as innovator is uncertain because of factionalism. There are not enough determined radicals on campus to afford in-group fight- ing. Besides ideological stimulation, Radical Caucus has an important socialization and educational func- tion. Attending Radical Caucus meetings teaches a student what he can theoretically do within the University community. Because it is both open and articulate, Radi- cal Caucus attracts a number of underclassmen. The caucus makes these students question their new environment and radicalizes them. However, only a few of the young students stayed with SDS longer than a year, when SDS fulfilled the same role. The caucus shows more promise, since even its lead- ership is made up of underclass- men. ambitious students to look towards channels of activism other than SDS. STUDENTS become interested in SGC for any number of rea- sons. SGC may represent respon- sibility and respectability or, per- haps, 'the idea of being "elected" fits into the picture of oneself. The appeal may be in organizational strength-committees, University recognition, and a $200,000 budget -and thus be perceived potential of real influence. It is true that SGC has become the established instrument of so- cial change at the University. Al- most every alteration in the Uni- versity's structure affecting stu- dents has been grounded in an SGC resolution or committee re- port. The bureaucratic elements in this process make student politics appear trivial. But the result of the inane squabble over the SGC presidency, for example, will be important. The president will de- termine in good part, whether SGC is a force or a farce. This is what students dismiss in their apathetic reactions to SGC elections. UNLIKE SDS, SGC is neither quick nor easy to enter. There is an elaborate screening process of interviews and election. Yet SGC in "representative" elections has managed to continue a fairly con- sistent liberal-radical leaning. This is accomplished partially, by SDS and SGC depend, is The Daily. The n3ewspaper is in my opinion the most influential stu- dent instrument. The Daily is an institutionalized power block. This is as it should be because The Daily is an accurate reference point from a liberal perspective. The editors of The Daily know more about the workings of the University than any other group of students. They filter large amounts of ' campus information every day. When you live with politics, you learn to make judg- ments, and pass these choices on to others. THE DAILY follows-and to a degree directs-what SDS and SGC have begun. The Daily de- cides what is news in the Univer- sity. Reporters and editors play an issue to fit their conception of journalistic and political impor- tance. Perceived significance then becomes reality to the student reader with no other information source. There is- little chance that a local issue will reachmajor pro- portions without continuous Daily coverage. Classified research, the lan- guage requirement and the rent strike oiye much of their success to The Daily. On the other hand, the student strike of last term and, proposed disruptive sit-in were killed largely by the The Daily's lack of endorse- ment. Either of these incidents, by University budget cuts or dis- approval. The senior editors of one year select the editors for the next year. They are chosen on the sophistication and radicalism of their political views, as well as journalistic skills. Both editorial freedom and the political com- plexion of The Daily were at stake in Roger Rapoport's selection as editor in 1967. This was probably the most significant acknowledge- ment of student power in the past four years at the University. IN AN INTERVIEW a professor once asked me what would hap- pen if Ta conservative group took over The Daily. The answer is that this is impossible. Now the Board for Student Publications no longer has veto prerogative over the se- lection of editors. This means that The Daily is insulated and de jwre protected from external pressures. The Daily is able to attract, hold, and promote students. It is prob- ably the most viable element in the student movement on campus, far less subject to the fragmenta- tion of other student organiza- tions. W HY DO PEOPLE get into stu- dent' politics, when they could much easier play basketball, party or even study? There are a num- ber of reasons. First, many college activists were "involved" in high school. Politics, in the most gen- eral sense of the word, has already