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April 16, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-16

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See editorial page


111kr iau


and warm

Vol, LXXIX, No. 1 62

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, ApriI 16, 1969

Ten Cents

Ten Page

_. - r -r .. RTen. Cents.

Taan I %Aj


Second of a series
Everyone complains about t h e
nighly touted faults of multiver-
sity education - impersonality,
lack of intellectual cohesion and
integration, lack of contact with
It is these faults which the Re-
sidential College was formed to
correct, or at least ease. To-that
end, the "core" curriculum w a s
designed in the early planning
along with other related under-
class courses.
The core curriculum, besides
putting small groups of students
-- eight to twelve - in a class
with a professor, breaks a lot of
the conventional rules of Uni-
versity education.
The courses come packaged in
relatively traditional form. There
are seven core courses and a stiff
language requirement. The core
courses can be explained, form-
ally, as follows:

Freshman seminar is a crea-
tive writing course in which a
senior faculty member works with
a small group of students. It is
essentially a writing course.
by Logic and Language, taught
by philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen,
aims at teaching students skills of
critical analysis. It is the most
highly-structured course in RC,
the only graded one, the o n 1y
one without recitations. Grades
are based on a standard five-hour
final exam.
- Human Behavior, a two-term
sequence, draws lectures from all
the social science disciplines. Each
instructor conducts a recitation

Golie ge:
section and gives a three- or four- But0
lecture sequence. The course fo- the cou
cuses on a particular topic e a c h is more
semester and attempts to bring Theh
all the disciplines to bear on that these pa
topic. The university as a politi- what so:
cal, economic and socializing in- effortso
stitution was the topic this term, dents to
Western Man, another two-term ests an
sequence, is essentially a course and to
on classical studies and medieval sue thei
history. Outside 1 e c t u r e r s are as well
bought in as human resourc- to be m
es, although most of the work is competi
done in recitations. The 1
- Reason and Myth in Ameri- requirem
can Society, taught in the fourth LSA req
semester, is intended to integrate whichs
the methods and topics develop- courses.
ed in the previous work. vant ed
The language requirement is the ind
stiffer than the literary college's. core cur
In addition to developing pro- mitted t
ficiency - for only eight hours mattera
credit instead of 16 as in LSA- participa
students must take a 300-level In co
readings course in their languag'e. and Hun




the formal appearance of
rses and the -requirements
than a little deceptive.
hard requirement to pass
articular courses is some-
ftened by the conscientious
of instructors to allow stu-
o pursue individual inter-
interdisciplinary structure
credit students who pur-
r own scholarly ambitions
as those who are willing
easured against traditional
tive standards.
key distinction of the RC
ments as opposed to t h e
quirerents is the freedom
students have within the
The ability to shape rele-
ucational patterns lies at
ividual level. Within the
rriculum students are per-
to choose specific c o u r s e
and patterns of classroom
urses like Western M a n
man Behavior students de-

cide what books they will read.
what topics they will consider and
what papers they will write.
And in the Freshman Seminar
students studied topics ranging
from Southeast Asia to poverty
in Appalachia. One group last
year even took a field trip through
Eastern Kentucky as part of the
But even with this looseness,
some students still feel the in-
stitutional requirements are edu-
cationally wrong. Many do not
feel that RC-wide requirements
are as effective in binding the col-
lege community together as they
are in separating students f r o m
their individual motivations.
Reformers contend that "there
is more than one way in which a
person can be a member of the
RC community," and argue for
options to the core courses. Their
discontent is focused on the lang-
uage requirement and the Logic

and Language course taught by
Prof. Cohen,
These two courses leave 'th e
least room for individualized in-
tellectual efforts and both rely on
standard examinations for grad-
ing and passing,
The dissidents contest the idea
that these goals can be worth-
while for every student, and hold
that measuring a student's p e r-
formance against arbitrary stand-
ards impedes the type of intellec-
tual experience the college claims
to cultivate.
Prof. Charles Maurer of t h e
German department, coordinator
of the RC foreign language p r o-
gram, concedes that core require-
ments are not valid for everyone,
but maintains that they apply "to
those people for whom the RC was
set up."
Prof. Theodore Newcomb, an
RC founding father and now as-
sistant ,director for research, has

conducted studies to find out just
who these RC people are.
Honors and RC students rank
higher in academic * ingredients
such as "theoretical orientation,
esthetic interests, personal inte-
gration, and non-practical out-
look" than the LSA sample, but
have records of academic accom-
plishment comparable to the LSA
Students in the RC and LSA
samples are distinguished from
the honors sample in non-aca-
demic qualities such as "social ex-
troversion, impulse expression.
lack of anxiety and altruism."
Despite these findings and the
belief that the core curriculupi is
appropriate for the people f o r
whom RC was set up, there have
been difficulties and dissatisfac-
tions among RC students over the
current set-up.
It is here that student power be-
comes significant in the Residen-
See RC, Page 7

North Korea downs


intelligence plane

TOKYO (R) -North Korea
said it shot down fa large U.S.;
reconnaissance plane yester-
day and the Pentagon report-
ed one w a s missing with 31
persons aboard, raising fears
of another Pueblo-type inci-
President Nixon discussed the
incident at a series of meetingsI
with his top advisers and with
congressional leaders and plans to
take it up today at a previously
scheduled meeting of the National
Security Council.
A N o r t h Korean broadcast
claimed the plane intruded deep
into its air space and a fighter
plane shot it from the sky with a
single shot. The Pentagon said theI
four-engine propeller driven plane'
was on a track 50 miles off thej
North Korean coast.
It was an easy target for North'
Korean jet fighters.
A big search was in progress for
survivors in the Sea of Japan
about 95 miles southeast of the
North Korean port of Chongjin.
This is about 200 miles north of
where the intelligence ship Pu-
eblo was captured off the North
Korean port of Wonsan Jan. 23,
1968 The North Koreans claimed
the Pueblo invaded its waters.
Washington said she was 25 miles
off shore.
Meanwhile, North Korea re-
quested a meeting of the joint
Korean Military Armistice Com-
mission .at Panmujom for Friday
and sources in Seoul speculated it
would deal with the downing of
the aircraft. The North Koreans
gave no reason for calling the
While the Pentagon did not

Protesters win
partial faculty
OK at Harvard
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (N-A stormy meeting of Harvard's
Faculty of Arts and Sciences yesterday agreed to several
demands of striking students.
More than 400 senior faculty members took part in the
meeting, directed by President Nathan M. Pusey, and open
to the public through an unprecedented broadcast by the
student-run radio station.
The faculty voted to ,select a 15-member committee, in-
cluding five students, to investigate the causes of the student
seizure of University Hall, to decide on all disciplinary action
and to recommend a "restructuring" of the university.
A bitter dispute over abolition of ROTC at the nation's
oldest university ended when Prof. John Kenneth Galbraith,

Fleming on TV
University President Robben Fleming appeared on TV last night
in a panel discussion on "Campus in Turmoil." Fleming was joined
by Brandeis University President Morris Abram and San Francisco
State College Acting President S. I. Hayakawa, along with four
students. A review appears on Page 7.
Fraternsity presidents
1 ~1 L'1

-Daily--Andy Sacks
0h1e for you, iunetee for tie
If you didn't get your income tax in last night, it's too late now and it's not their fault. The Post
Office did everything it could to facilitate the last-minute rush of an estimated 8000 returns de-
posited at the Stadium St. branch after 5 p.m. yesterday. The police were out trying to unsnarl
the traffic jam created by the late filers while Max Rephurn, a postal clerk, greeted customers
and personally deposited their mail.
Nixon 'asks three per cent cut.
ini Social Security increases

who favors abandoning mili-
tary t r a i n i n g, successfully
moved that it be taken up
when the faculty meets again
Some professors said it would
be "disgraceful" for the 333-year-
old school to "rebuke" the mili-
tary under pressure from dissi-
A dispute broke out between
Franklin L. Ford, dean of the fac-
ulty, and philosophy Prof. Morton
White. Ford said a philosophy de-
partment office was still "occu-
pied" by dissidents. White denied
Ford appealed to the faculty to
avoid hasty action in the crisis
which developed after last Thurs-
day's arrest of 200 demonstrators
by 400 police.
"We are meeting here with the
university still in grave danger of
destruction," Ford said. "I beg
you not to forget that the final

a-1immediately confirm that the WASHINGTON UP'-The Nixon ing other adjustments the cost ment will get an additional $16 responsibility to keep this place
ba nl co eus i1ro rn ru si ; North Koreans had shot down the Administration yesterday disclosed would be held to $600 million, million, mostly for anticime ac- going as being a community
plane, Vice Adm. John B. Colwell' that it wants Social Security re- administration sources said. tivities. This is the only program where you can live-is right in this
By LORNA CHEROT deputy chief of naval operations, cipients to settle for a smaller The resulting $1 billion saving to receive moi'e money than pre- group."
The Fraternity Presidents''Assembly (FPA) in a 111 tmcu case of inte ntiols aclr than proposed benefit increase comes close to being the largest viously allocated. The faculty also endorsed pro-
vote accepted ast night the recommendation of the Execu- South Korean diplomatic sourcy- next year in an effort to increase proposed by the Nixon administra- Johnson's budget for the 1970 posals from "the committee of the
tive Board of the Interfraternity Council that Phi Epsilon essaidthe plane was attacked ov- the budget surplus. tion in its campaign to prune out- fiscal year, which starts July. 1 university and the, city."
Pi, the first co-ed fraternity, be banned from using girls in er the high seas. more than 100 In the budget proposals he lays from levels proposed in Jan- called for $195.3 billion in outlays These call for construction of
their fall rush. miles from North Korea's coast. made before leaving office, Presi- uary by the Johnson administra- and $198.7 billion in receipts, leav- "large-scale" low- and middle-in-
U.S. military sources in Japan dent Johnson included a 10 per tion. ing a $3.4 billion surplus: come housing units, including
Ronald Natale, '71 LS&A, vice president of internal fra- said this was in easy r a n g e of cent Social Security cost-of-living The only larger reduction was Nixon's budget experts say "un- public housing; creation of a uni-
ternity affairs, said that the recommendation sought to North Korean planes, benefit increase of $1.6 billion, in the area of defense spending, controllable" changes such as in versity vice president for external
limit the usage of girls during open house and smokers. Phi U.S. military officials in Japan President Nixon proposes in- i which the Republican adminis- the debt interest and in farm price affairs; establishing liaison with
Epsilon Pi is the only co-ed fraternity at the University. "and South Korea declined to give stead to hold the increase to 7 tration wants to cut $1.1 billion supports means the outlays John- local citizens' organizations; pay
Open house is held Sunday and Monday afternons details on the search, on last ra- per cent. By delaying the effec- from levels outlined in the Jan- son envisioned.would actually cost displaced dwellers' relocation ex-
O dio contacts with the missing tive date of the boost from Jan- uary budget. $196.9, reducing his surplus to $1.8 penses, and hire more minority
while smokers are conducted Tuesday, Wednesday and' See N. KOREA, Page 3 uary, 1970 to February and mak- However, the Justice Depart- billion. group members.
Thn dann, r ni'c. frnm 7 .n

College Press Service
Strikes and unrest continued
yesterday on the campuses of
Columbia University, Boston Uni-
versity, Queens College, Stanford
University, and Fordham' Univer-
Here is a breakdown of the
action on individual campuses:
-Negotiations broke down Tues-
day between Columbia University
administrators and 16 black fresh-
men who have occupied the admis-
sions office since Monday night to
demand control over admission of
black students and a black studies
Columbia blacks are seeking
support in the Harlem community.
In a statement Tuesday, the stu-
dents declared they "are prepared
when and if necessary to escalate
our demonstration up to and
beyond the level of last spring's
-At Boston University, also in
Cambridge, students have ended
their sit-in. But they plan to meet
Wednesday to decide whether to
take over another building. The
protest, against ROTC and cam-
pus military recruitment, has had
hot days of occupations and cool
days of strategy-making and or-
ganizing. The militants also want
an end to the school's overseas
program, which grants degrees to
military officers interested in a
later business career.
-At Queens College in New York
City, some 35 members of the con-
servative Student Coalition tried
to raid radical students holed up
in the administration building.
Two faculty members talked them
out of it, and leaders of the in-
vaders promptly charged the two
with interfering with their right
to protest. The sit-in has entered
its twentieth day, in three shifts
because of vacations and other
truce periods. The militants are
upset over the firing of a profes-
sor and discipline of students en-
gaged in earlier protests.
-The sit-in at Stanford Uni-
versity applied electronics labor-


nursuay evennfgs from 1 o
10 p.m. Natale said that Phi'
Epsilon Pi could use the girls
in all other social events and
practices t h a t characterize
Mark Frankel, president of Phi
Epsilon Pi, called the decision
"an unfair -disadvantage to our
fraternity." ~Frankel termed his
co-ed fraternity a "new experi-
ment" and claimed that the rec-
ommendation "was not giving op-
portunity for this experiment to
Frankel went on to say that the
recommendation provided for "an
unnatural rush" since the girls
are members of the fraternity and
are being deprived of participation
in rush.
But Natale went on to argue


ISCJ: New look on

There is a new-left group on campus.
One dedicated to revolutionary socialism
and democracy.
The Independent Socialist Club (ISC)
was formed in January, but. it is already
taking an active part in campus issues.
One of the ISCs first proposals was for
a Radical Students Union. The proposal
was for the formation of a union consisting
of groups like the Tenant's Union, Radical
Caucus and other leftist groups on campus.

literature contends, because they are con-
trolled by authoritarian, bureaucratic class-
es. The fact that the economy is col-
lectivized does not mean that there is
socialism. This is so, ISC members say,
because the state is not controlled by the
working class.
ISC also opposes capitalism because
capitalists possess a disproportionate share
of wealth and power. Members claim the
society is not run in the interests of the
ISC's third camp perspective is derived

local left,
ISC members see their purpose as one of
adding its viewpoint to that of other left-
ist groups. They also believe their organ-
ization can have an educational function
through increasing political discussion on
Local example of ISC adding its view-
point to that of other organizations are
the housing proposal they made to the rent
strike and their support of the wildcat
strike against Chrysler.
Local ISC has also been sponsoring dis-
cussiong roups on various issues. One re-

By cutting back an additional
$4 billion on spending programs
from January budget levels, the
Administration arrives at its pro-
posed $5.8 billion surplus. The
President has placed heavy em-
phasis on the role a strong sur-
plus can play in curbing infla-;
"The $5.8 billion surplus is the
fourth largest on record," Budget
Director Robert Mayo said. "We
think it can be attained."
Rep. Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark),
challenged the administration's
figures, however. He contended
Nixon's new budget is essentially
a deficit rather than surplus and
said Congress should set a spend-
ing ceiling to cut it by about $5
Mills is chairman of the HouseI
Ways and Means Committee which

In another development, Har-
vard Medical School announced it
would build low-cost housing in
Boston to relocate all those whose
homes are taken for the construc-
tion of the affiliated hospitals
The university's actions repre-
sented a positive response to many
of the demands first put forth by
Students for a Democratic Society
(SDS) and endorsed Monday by
several thousand students at a
Harvard Stadium rally. -
The academicians tried to go
about their business despite the
four-day student strike.
Most classes went on as sched-
uled, but there were- no accurate
figures on attendance. Best esti-
mates of the number of students
participating in the strike were

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