See editorial page
Sir 46
4E a iI
Very cloudy; 50 per cent
chance of snow
Vol. LXXIX, No 89
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 16, 1969
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Faculty vow
to order texts
only at SBS
activi sm
Twenty faculty members of the economics department
have pledged to order textbooks only from the Student Book
Service (SBS) until the store gains access to the Textbook
Reporting Service used by five major bookstores.
A petition, drawn up by Prof. Michael Manoff to force
"the big stores to let SBS join the group," was signed by the
faculty members, including the department chairman, Prof.
Harvey Brazer.
Fred Ulrich, owner of Ulrich's book store, called the peti-
tion "silly," claiming it was the result of "lies printed in
~ The Daily."
However, Ned Shure, man-
Eamoncis ager of the SBS, claimed that
-,n Ulrich's is "probably the manag-
ing agent of the textbook service.",
'He added the SBS has been re-
blasts fused use of the service for the!
last three years "even though we
are willing to pay any price for
* the service,"
l Shure said the post office box
number of the textbook service
was the same number assigned to
the manager of Ulrich's several
AA official asks years ago.
Ann Arb~or's Biirsley
co-signs resolution
A State Senate resolution calling for the creation of a
special committee to investigate student activities and dis-
orders at state universities was referred yesterday to the
Senate Business Committee where it is expected to receive
h quick approval.
The resolution, introduced by Sen. James G. Fleming
(R-Jackson) is co-sponsored by 18 of the upper chamber's
38 senators, including Ann Arbor Republican Sen. Gilbert
The resolution is scheduled for consideration next week
in committee and will then go to the Senate floor for final
teachers' classes
in black history
Urich initially denied both
"I don't know any more about
it than the other people involved."
he said. "The bookstores them-
Claiming the University's aid in selves are not in charge of it."
social problems has been "so negli- However, all the petition sign-
gible as not to be worth comment" ers contacted by The Daily last
an Ann Arbor high school official nlight said it was their impression
last night suggested the University the service was run by the book-
offer a black history program to stores, and not by an independent'
Public school teachers company. "Why else would they.
exclude SBS," they said. 'ne 'lQrteI 'n
The attack and suggestion came Another bookstore owner using
during a second forum sponsored the. service, who asked to remain !
by the Human Relations Commit- unidentified, said the five stores
tee on Police-Community Rela- had indeed organized it, although LANG U AGE REQ ()U
tions. However, the program, de- he "wasn't sure of the details."
signed to foster better community- Ulrich later modified his posi-.
police relations, spent little time tion and said he was uncertain'
on the main topic. about the organizational status of
Forum member Ronald Ed- the service. He claimed SBS's ex-
monds, the Human Relations Di- clusion was a "lack of interest on
rector for the local schools, levied their part," He said SBS did not
the attack on the University when contact any of the stores which By RON LANDSM AN
members began to discuss the Uni- use the service this year. The executive committee of the'
versity's role in s the community. Further details about the Text- literary college yesterday called
book Reporting Service were un- for an open forum between fac-
Edmond said "The University available from store managers and ulty and students Tuesday to dis-.
of Michigan's contribution to the owners, some of whom could not cuss language and distribution re-
amelioration of social problems in be reached or wouldn't comment quirements.
Ann Arbor has been so negligable "until the facts are chegked." However, Radical Caucus secre-
as not to be worth comment." Signing the petition "seemed tary Julia Wrigley said her group
Edmonds further claimed the like a good way to exert pressure would not attend the forum unless
"University creates needs in the on Ulrich's to let the SBS into , all future meetings of the faculty
Martin Luther King1
King Jr., at the con
evening. The Rev. R
Leadership Conferen
last night about 75
like-sized group of w
~cu (i
III struggles with a wreath at the tomb of his
clusion of day-long ceremonies honoring King'
:alph D. Abernathy, who succeeded King as hi
ce, moves in to help. Mrs. King is visible at
black students at the University of Illinois, C
hite students during services for King.
approval. Four of the five
members of the Senate Busi-
ness Committee signed the
original resolution.
Democratic S e n a t e Minority
Leader Sander Levin, the only
member of the Senate Business
Committee not signing the resolu-
tion, said he questioned its con-
"The question of whether there
is a legislative purpose to the reso-
lution is very relevant indeed,"
__As~ociated Press he added.
slain father, Dr. Martin Luther "iMoresenators would have sign-
s birthday in Atlanta yesterday ed the measure had they been on s
lead of the Southern Christian the floor at that time," Sen.
the extreme right. In Chicago Fleming added yesterday. "Others
hicago campus, clashed with a have since informed me that they
would like to co-sponsor the reso-
"It appears to me that a ma-
jority of the members in the Sen-
ate think that the Legislature
should be concerned with this
matter," he added.
Under terms of the resolution
the special standing committee
would investigate: Sen. Gilbert ucrsley
-the influence of "subversive_
11 ,
e body call
comminity, but does nothing to
solve them."'
Since there have been "practic-
ally no contributions" Edmonds
claimed it "would be a great serv-
ice to the community" if the Uni-
versity history department offered
the course to all history teachers
in the Ann Arbor public school
Edmonds claimed the history
department and its black history
program had revealed the failings
.in the history of blacks in the
United States, but had done noth-
ing to bring changes in the teach-
ing of black history to the primary
and secondary school level.
Edmonds said there was "no
greater curricular need" than for
black history in the Ann Arbor
public school system itself.
Edmonds claimed the "number
of teachers who would respond to
such a program would be astrono-
mical - most of the teaching
population would love to learn
black history."
the organization," explaine
Robert Holbrook of the eco
"It's an inconvenience
d Prof. were also open.
nomics The executive committee's move
came in reaction to the quick ad-
journment of last Monday's fac-
to fill ulty meeting when students re-
out a form ordering books for both - - -
the textbook service and the SBS."
he added. "Many professors now , I
don't bother with the SBS, since gU LtS to
the other list is sent to five
"Hopefully," said Holbrook."thetta r 1 8
will lead to acceptance of the Stu-
dent Book Service into the group.
Until then, I will send my book By STEVE NISSEN
list only to the SBS." The Regents will consider two
Prof.. William Shepard said he ThRentwilcsdr o
signe ti mheptonbeaused * ' controversial topics at an open
signed the petition because "I'm ergti ftronmteA-
interested in fostering competi- hearing this afternoonin the An-
tion, and I think the restriction derson Room of the Union.
of this service pertaining to the The first half of the hearing,
Student Book Service impedes i scheduled for 2 p.m. will concernI
competition." the report on Communications
One professor said he suspected Media recently completed by a'
the textbook service might be an student faculty committee headed
illegal restraint of trade, but he by Prof. L. Hart Wright of the,
added he was unfamiliar with Law School.
state anti-trust laws. At 3:30, the hearing will move
fused to leave after the meeting said. "If they're not willing to Levine indicated last night that organizations on campus;
was called to order, open all faculty meetings, they're if he spoke, he would not base his -the possible need for constitu-
The students were largely mem- not really willing to listen to arguments on its educational ad- tional changes to insure better
be's of Radical Caucus. students." visability, but on the right of stu- control by university authorities
"We would like to have an open Hays said he didn't know what dents to make all of their own over campus administration and
forum to hear student opinion," further action the executive com- academic' decisions. . activities;
Dean William Hays said last mittee would take, and added, He commended last night that -the need, if any, to strength-
night. "We want a dialogue be- ing, though." he thought it was "significant en criminal laws relating to the
tween faculty and students with' Hays says he planned to ask that the college didn't call the same;
views aired and opinions ex- "We would like to have this meet- meeting until after we announced -the role of Students for a
pressed." Levine to speak first at the forum,; our decision to hold a sit-in." Democratic Society in campus
But Radical Caucus members followed by a professor speaking ,Levine was referring to a deci- disorders and its influence over
charged that the college is less ! in defense of the language and sion made by the Radical Caucus unver sudentstasownll a
than sincere in wanting to hear distribution requirements. The s dynight to recommend to a need for legislation to counter any
from students. "This is only a forum would then be open to any mass meeting that a disruptive University officials declined to
temporary basis," Bruce Levi discussion. sit-in be held in Hays' offive until comment on the resolution.
their demand for the abolition of The resolution was introduced
" required courses was met. in response to "a mounting num-
Se pHowever, Hays had said Mon- ber of complaints by constituents
day after the meeting adjourned concerning the situation on our
'that it would be up to the execu- campuses," Sen. Fleming ex-
ex-tive committee to call a special plained.
mein o te auly.Th eec- "We feel it is our matter to
O l d o rm - resid e cf tfive committee meets every Wed- prove or disprove the fears of
nesday afternoon. constituents as well as our own
o consideration of the University'ss residency for sophomore women. And Hays said last night, "We fears," he added. "The committee,
right now, is to be investigative
policy with regard to mandatory However, there appears to be aIdidn't consider the sit-in threat. and make recommendations to the
residency in dorms for sophomore division on the question of wheth- We were really trying to avoid the Senate."
women and all freshmen. er or not all students, including charge that we didn't talk to stu- Legislative sources say that
The residency requirement is freshmen, should be permitted to dents." should the special committee be
expected to be at least partlylive in apartments. so. established, it will not go beyond
modified in Reena eactio toapartmResidential College director, said the investigative stages. The only
modified in Regental action to- While University Housing Di-| he felt the forum was "a rational, detrimental effect the irivestiga-
morrow. The Board of Governors j rector John Feldkamp has backed intelligent way to respond to the tion might have, many feel, is to
of the Residence Halls, the Vice voluntary residency at all levels, students." give the Legislature an excuse to
President for Student Affairs and the Board of Governors decided The meeting cannot legally pass reduce the University's state ap-;
a number of other advisory com- in a split decision to support man- any motions, Hays noted. "That propriation.
mittees have recommended elim- datory residency for freshmen. would be rather extraordinary." Tlie last state committee to In-
nation of at least the required The student advisory commit-, The committee will select a vestigate campus disorders was
tees to both Feldkamp and acting specific time and place for the the Cahalan Committee which
Vice President for Student Af-, meeting today. See LEGISLATORS, Page 6
fairs Barbara Newell have strongly
supported elimination of all resi-" * .
1 / 1 dency requirements and members 1 1-g d A
Coop slate
elected to
FBA seats
A movement to reform the buy-
ing practices of the Fraternity
Buyers Association (FBA) got un-
expected sanction last night when
three candidates to the FBA board
of directors were elected despite.
their public criticism of the asso-
Several other candidates who
expressed support of the reform
movement were also elected*
The reform candidates had
charged that meat and produce
wholesalers with whom the FBA
deals are charging "exploitive
prices.', They also charged FBA
members with an unwillingness to
experiment with new suppliers or
put pressure for better quality
and lowbr prices on present sup-
The elections took place at the
annual meeting of representatives
from the 57 participating coopera-
tives, fraternities and sororities
who are supplied by the FBA with
food staples.
The three candidates who orig-
inally came out for reform of the
FBA were Teresa Civello, Grad, a
steward at Vail cooperative; Joan
Silverman, former cook and ste-
ward at Lester cooperative; and
Sue Nash,''69, present steward at
Other student candidates elect-
ed to the board were: Bruce
Grimes, '71, steward at Chi Psi
fraternity; Don Souter, '69, Delta
Upsilon steward and former chair-
man of the FBA board; and Cor-
with Hansen, '69, steward at Mich-
igan cooperative.
Hansen was elected chairman of
the board of directors at a meet-
ing of the new board members
immediately following the general
Miss Civello pointed out in her
criticisms that the FBA represents
one-half million dollars in annual
buying power and should be able r
to enforce its demands d
The FBA board, of directors
Whar, inflation crimp
of both groups have been invited
to speak at the hearing.
Prof. Frank X. Braun is ex-
pected to speak for the Board of '
Governors in recommending con-
tinuance of the rule for fresh-
Iy, Litton recruiter
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President Lyndon
Johnson. asked Congress for a $193.3 bil-
lion budget yesterday, an $11.6, billion in-
crease over this fiscal year.
Domestic programs in health and educa-
tion received the greatest increase in fed-
eral outlays, from $48.8 billion this year
to $54.9 billion for fiscal 1970.
Defense spending increased a half-bil-
lion dollars to a record $81.5 billion.
The President admitte , however, that
the war limited what he would have liked
to have done. "We are not doing all we'
should do or all that we must do," he said.
The President explained that the in-
flationary trend of the economy also pro-
lives of our citizens and prdtect our secur-
The budget won general praise on both
sides of the House.
A Republican Senator, however, Utah's
Wallace F. Bennett claimed the new bud-
get was cloaked in deceit. He claimed it
has a "buy-now, pay-later tinge to it, so
the outgoing administration can leave in
a blaze of surplus glory," The President
predicted a $3.4 billion dollar surplus.
Bennett dismissed the surplus as the
result of a new acounting system.
Sen. Jacob K. Javits, (R-NY), said the
President's budget set priorities that the
new administration need not follow.
"It has been clear for some time." Javits
rprn'rkiA "tha+t thp ynrnhltpm c fneng ie
$124 million for grants to such projects.
The $1.7 billion budget for the Depart-
ment of the Interior led a department
spokesman to complain: "It is bare bone."
The National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration budget was set at $3.9 billion,
about eight per cent less than the current
$4.2 billion.
The President proposed outlays of $6.9
billion for the Agriculture Department,
$460 million less than it now gets. The
largest amount of the total goes for farm
income stabilization-$3.9 billion, which is
down $588 million from this fiscal year.
Stressing that the first business of gov-
ernment is public order, Johnson proposed
to spend up to $900 million for law en-
fn~nrr m ti 4-nnri i,c.*in nrnran -c, nnin-
During the first half of the About 15 members of SDS pro-
afternoon the Wright Commission tested the appearance yesterday
I report on The Daily will be dis- ' of an employment recruiter from
Litton Industries. They confronted
cussed by the Regents and several the recruiter with a leaflet con-
invited speakers. taining their objections to the
The University administration company after protesting his pres-
has announced it may present an ence to Prof. John Young, director
alternative to the Wright Coin- of the engineering placement serv-
mission recommendations. Speci-'ice.
fically, the administration is ex- Today SDS plans a "mill-in" at
pected to urge passage of an the Engineering Arch at 11 a.m.
amendment to the report origin- The group has also scheduled
ally proposed by the Senate Ad-' guerrilla theatre presentations.
visory Committee on University The SDS members had marched
Carter refused any comment but,
according to Young, Litton's pub-
lie relations staff will prepare a
reply to the charges.
The corporation's alleged abuses
listed in the leaflet' include co-
operation with the Greek military
junta, operation of a Job Corps
center in California which sup-
posedly channels young blacks in-
to the U. S. military, and i t s
corporate vastness.
The SDS leaflet claimed Lit-
ton's "business is to' work with
and rationalize the problams of
racism, education, and economic
development in the interests of