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April 13, 1969 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-13

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Sunday, April

13, 1 9699



Stottlemyre 's






Northrup's double the only hit.
as Tigers'lose second straight

Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
DETROIT F For the second
straight day in a row the New
York Yankees made Tiger fans
forget about last year's heroics
and remember the Bronx Bomb-

The only two other marks on
Stottlemyre's record were a couple
of miscues by his infield. Second-
baseman Horace Clarke bobbled a
routine grounder in the seventhj
and third-sacker Bobby/ Murcer
fell asleep on a similar play with
two outs in the ninth.'
All in all, Stottlemyre was un-
beatable. He only struck out
three, but he-didn't walk any body.
On the other hand, Tiger starter,
finisher, and ignominious loser



Dodgers seek Wis
Davidson hires Brown
By The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles Dodgers are interested in
re-acquiring Maury Wills, their former captain and record base-
stealing shortstop, from the Montreal Expos, a source close to the
club said yesterday.
Wills, who did the "impossible" in stealing 104.bases in 1962, fell
into disfavor with President Walter O'Malley when he left the team-
without permission during a tour of Japan in 1966.
Soon after that incident Wills was traded to Pittsburgh for Bob
Bailey and Gene Michael.
DAVIDSON, N.C. - Davidson College's search for a new basket-
ball head coach ended Friday when Larry Brown, former Uni-
versity of North Carolina star w s named to the post.
Brown served two years as in assistant coach -at UNC before
becoming a professional cager in 1967. He is now playing for the Oak-
land Oaks of the American Basketball Association and will not assume
his duties at Davidson until late this month or early May. It will be
his first head coaching position.

ers of old.
This time it was
myre who did the
as he whipped the
submission with a
one hitter, 4-0.

Mel Stpttle-
Bengals into

Stottlemyre's only moment of Denny McLain had his bagful of
weakness came in the fifth inning problems, most c'f which stemmed
after setting down the first 14 from a 12-hit barrage by the
Tigers to, face him. But with two Yanks.
outs centerfielder Jim Northrup The Bombers first got to Mc-
lashed an opposite field double to Lai in the third as shortstop
spoil the Yankee hurler's bid for Gene Michael started, things off
fame. with an opposite field double to
But .Northrup shouldn't get. all left center. Stottlemyre then sac-
the credit for breaking up the no- rificed for the cause and lead-off
hitter. The two batters before him. man Clarke sent Michael home
Willie .Horton and Norm Cash, from third with.a single to right.,
both ran up full counts and fouled
off seven more of Stottlemyre's One out later, Murcer batted in
pitches before going back to the Clarke with a double to right-cen-
dugout. Stottlemyre might have ter and Stottlemyre had all the
been taking a breather when he security he needed.
serted up his first, and fat, pitch But the Yanks decided they
to Northrup. needed some insurance and chip-


ped away at McLain for a couple
more tallies.
In the fifth, Clarke led off with
the second of his three hits, a
two-bagger past Cash's ear down
the right field line.
Center-fielder Jerry Kenney fol-
lowed with a single to right but Al
Kaline's bullseye throw kept
Clarke from thinking about scor-
Clarke finally did come home on
a deep drive to center field by
Roy White but the rally ended
there when Kenney slid into
Stanley's tag on an attempted
By the ninth Stottlemyre still
didn't feel a three-run was
enough so he started the Yanks
final rally with a slow grounder
through the middle. Clarke fol-
lowed suit with an identical hit
through the box. Kenney then
slapped a single to right and Ka-
line blackened his fielding reputa-

--Associated Press
DETROIT TIGER first baseman Norm Cash stretches for shortstop Mickey Stanley's throw which
arrives just in time to nip Yankee rightfielder Bill Robinson. The action took place in the fourth
inning of yesterday afternoon's 4-0 Yankee victory.

* ANAHEIM - The Angels activated Phil Ortega, a right-handed
pitcher they got from the Washington Senators during spring train-
ing. At the same time, they put catcher Tom Egan, on the inactive list
over the weekend only because of military reserve duty. That will
mean someone must be cut tomorrow when Egan returns.
. TORONTO - Three trophies stolen earlier this week from the
Hockey Hall of Fame were recovered intact Friday.
Det, Harold Lambert of the metro police squad said .the trophies
were found in a green plastic bag in a shed behind a vacant house in
suburban Etobicoke after he had received an anonymous telephone
! NEW YORK - A squad of 40, including two seven-footers,
comprises the 14th annual All-American high school basketball team
selected by Scholastic Magazines.
The team, announced yesterday, is the tallest ever, averaging


Defensive emphasis evident- in
initial .p'rin g grid scrimmage

tion by kicking the ball around
for a minute or so.
Stottlemyre ended up in the
dugout with the Bombers' final
run and Clarke and Kenney/were
perched -on third and second re-
By then the Yankees evidently
decided to call it quits as Clarke
Ewas tagged out at home on Mur-
cer's grounder to Dick McAuliffe
and White flew out to Kaline to
end the inning.
Stottlemyre never lost hold of
the situation at anytime. The

Tigers could manage only five hits
out of the ,infield and except for
Northrup's double, all were rou-
tine fly balls. They did smash two
line drives but one was straight
at second-baseman Clarke and
Joe Pepitone made a great play
on the other which Northrup drove
toward the right field line.
The victory gives Stottlemiyre a
2-0 record after his comfortable
9-4 win over Washington in the
season opener before Richard
Nixon and his gang. With two

wins in his first two starts, Stot-
tlemyre is well on his way to
equaling or bettering his 21 win
season last year.
McLain, without the much-
needed offensive assistance from
his teammates he got all last year
has sunk to 14.. in the record


With the seemingly endless
baseball season dragging into its
second long week, Michigan's new
f head football coach, Bo Schem-
bechler, provided weary fans with
an alternative as hey unveiled the
1969 Wolverine gridders in a full
scale scrimmage at Michigan. Sta-
dium yesterday afternoon.
In the sporting world's biggest
shock since Joe Namath shaved
his face, the Blue team first-string
offense scored five touchdowns off
of the White team's second string
defense,' while the White first'
string defense held the Blue sec-
ond string offense scoreless.
To nobody's }surprise junior
quarterback Don Moorhead led an
offense of, all lettermen which
moved almost at will against a
green second string defense. Join-
ing Moorhead in the backfield
were last year's starters fullback
Garvie Craw, wingback Paul Star-
oba, and John Gabler moved over

to tailback from wingback where
he played last season.
Behind the' veteran line of Dan
Dierdorf, Jack Harpering, Bob
Baumgartner, Frank Titas and
converted center Tim Killian,
Moorhead and Craw blew through
gaping holes in the White squad
line to set up the five scores.
Moorhead's aerial game was also
sharp as, he frequently found
Staroba and ace tight end Jim
Mandich in the open and hit each
for a touchdown.
Schembechler admits that he
emphasizes defense on his football
team and it was quite apparent
as his veteran defense chewed up
the second string offense.
In spite of the powerful show-
ing of his veteran defense Schem-
bechler refused to hint that he
might be at all optimistic as he
pointed out, "on the first drive
they (the defense) weren't sharp
at all."

indeed looked impressive, a few of
next fall's sophomores made
strong bids for starting assign-
Split end Mike Oldham made a
number of key receptions against
the crack first string secondary,
while two young 'running backs,
Bill Taylor and little Preston
Henry had some success slashing
through the rugged defensive line.
When asked about starting
sophomores in the fall Schem-
bechler commented, "sophomores
make a lot of mistakes; to play for
me they will have to be mistake
proof." He then added, "We may
start three or four in the fall."
Highly touted sophomore Glenn
Doughty, considered by iany to
be the heir to All-American Ron'
Johnson's tailback spot, was un-
able to see action, dUe to a tornI
minor 'knee ligament but he is ex-
pected to see action in Monday's


Varsi~ty edges frosh intwiubili

Michigan dominates
Ann A rbor Relays
By ERIC SIEGEL in the best effort of the afternoo
The Wolverine thinclads won in the pole vault with a 15'E
the first event, the last event and mark.
several events in between as they Wolfe, however, who surpasse
completely dominated the Ann Ar- the 16' point last weekend at Lex
bor Relays yesterday afternoon. ington, was not happy with h;


If Charlie Brown had been pres-
ent in the stands at. Ferry Field
yesterday afternoon he could have
sympathized with the fate of the
Michigan freshmen baseball team.
In the first game a one-out last
inning homer by Mike Rafferty
boosted the varsity to a narrow
7-6 win, while the one-hit pitching
of Jim Burton a n d John Ritter
was all the Wolverines needed to
top the frosh in the second con-
test, 7-0.
The doubleheader resembled the
rugby tournament occurring out
beyond left field, the way the ball
was kicked, passed and hit around.
A total of 11 errors were made,
five by the varsity and six by the
freshmen, with numerous wild
pitches, passed balls and unrecord-
miscues to liven the diamond

Coach Dave MartIn's cindermen
copped a 'total of six first place
finishes in the meet, which feat-
ured fourteen teams and over 400
competitors. In addition to their
first-place finishes, the Wolver-
ines also placed six entries in the
runnerup slot, and seven more in
the third place position.

performance. "I expected to do
better,"nWolfe commented "but
I've been using a new pole this
week, and I was having a litte
trouble with it."

While many of the lettermen I practicer

Aside from their sloppy play,
the greatest problem for the fresh-
men i the first game was pitch-
ing. Their starter opened with nine
balls in a row before Glenn Red-
mon hit the next pitch through
the fence for a ground rule dou-
ble, scoring the first two varsity
runs. Rafferty sacrificed Redmon
home for the third run of the inn-
ing before the frosh retired the
side with a double play.
Combining two walks with three
hits the freshmen tied the score in
the top of the second, but the var-
sity came back with one in the
bottom of , the second and two in
the third to. regain the lead.'
The frosh put the game within
reach by pushing two across in the
fifth and were able to tie it up in
the top of the seventh before Raf-
ferty ended the contest with his
In the second game, the frosh
managed to handle their chances
in the field, but their hitting dis-
appeared. A bounder up the mid-
dIe in the second inning by Bruce
Vinsor was all that the freshmen
could muster off Burton and Rit-
ter. The two struck out ten and
walked none in the seven inning
rout, with the only other runner
reaching first on an error.
Michigan's barrage began in the
first, when secondbaseman B u d
Forsythe laid a perfect bunt sin-
gle down the third base line. Jim
Hosler followed with a sinking lin-
er to left which fielder Larry Dan-
ek just missed in a tumbling stab,
and Forsythe scored.
The second was t h e varsity's

most productive inning 'as they
scored four runs on three hits. An
infield hit by left fielder John
Harvey, a stolen base, walks to
Pete Titone and Rafferty, plus a
wild pitch, an error and hits by
Chuck Schmidt and Forsythe, pro-
duced the Wolverine varsity's four
All'the varsity had to do in the
third was run the bases, scoring
one run on no hits.
Freshman starter a n d loser
Wayne Paulson gave up walks to
Harvey and Titone. Then Rafferty
lofted a fly to centerfielder John
Hornyak. Harvey tagged at second
after the catch and when Hprn-
yak's throw to third was off, he
came home.

Orioles, ca'rds fly, to, victories

By The Associated Press hitter and scored the only run.
BALTIMORE - Dave McNally leading the Cardinals past t h e
pitched a four-hitter a n d home New York Mets 1-0 yesterday.
runs by Frank Robinson and Don Giusti helped provide himself
Buford led a 12-hit Baltimore at- with the only run he needed when
tack that gave the Orioles a 9-0 he led off the third with a double
victory over the Washington Sen- off Don Cardwell and scared on,

CHICAGO - Jim "Mu cat"
Grant retired the first 16 batters
he faced, but needed ninth inning
relief help from Carroll Sembera
as the Montreal Expos trimmed
the Chicago Cubs 7-3 yesterday.

Larry Midlam got the Wolver-
ines off and running in 'the 120
yard high hurdles as he breezed
to an easy first place finish, tying
the old meet record of 14.2 seconds.
The Wolverines' four mile relay
team, consisting of Gary Gold,
Norm Cornwall, Paul Armstrong
and Rick Storrey, also easily out-
distanced the rest of the field as
they slashed over six seconds off
the old Ferry Field record.
Two other Michigan relay teams
--the 440 and the mile quartets
-also placed first, only a few
tenths of a second off the meet
records in those events.
In the field events, Michigan's
Ii'a Russel leapt into the winner's
circle, with a 23' 3 3/4" effort in
the long jump, while teammate
Larry Wolfe, a freshman, turned

ators yesterday. Curt Flood's double. CLEVELAND - Ken Harrelson
Robinson had three hits in-* * hit a two-run homer and the Bos-
cluoing his homer a n d Buford, ATLANTA - Home runs by Lee ton Red. Sox handed the Cleveland
Ellie Hendricks and Paul Blair ad- May, Tommy Helms, John Beisch Indians their' fourth-straight loss
ded two apiece. and Alex Johnson"led a 9-hit Cin- 53 yesterday. Bill Landis, w h o
* * *cinnati attack and the Reds blast- has credit for all three Boston
NEW YORK - 'Dave Giusti, ed Atlanta 12-3 yesterday, tagging victories, was the winning pitcher.
who was traded to St. Louis twice the Braves with their first loss of * * *
within two months, pitched a six- the season. SAN DIEGO - Willie McCovey
e m dvnnA i tn riiblnr, dn A a. hi

Major League Standings

sIaiuue u w WOoui es ana a nom
er, driving in three runs, to help
Juan Marichal and the San Fran-
cisco Giants beat San Diego 5-1
yesterday in a nationally-televised

American League
East Division
Boston 3 '
New York 3 2
Washington 3 2
Baltimore 2 2
Detroit 2 2
Cleveland 0 4
West Division




Piti sburgh
New York
St. Loulpi
r Philadelphia

National League
East Division
4 1




1 4
West Division



* ' *
PITTSBURGH - D o n Money
clubbed two singles, a double and
a triple, driving in five runs, to
lead the Philadelphia Phillies past
Pittsburgh 8-1 yesterday for their
first victory of the season.

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Kansas City 3 1
xCalifornia 2 1
xSeattle ' 2 1
Oakland 2 2
xChicago 1 2
xMinnesota 0 3
x-Late game not included.
Yesterday's Results
New York 4, Detroit 0
Baltimore 9, Washington 0
Boston 5, Cleveland 3
Minnesota at California, inc.
Chicago at Seattle, inc.
Kansas City 9, Oakland 3
Today's Games
Kansas City at Oakland, 2
Chicago at Seattle
New York at Detroit
Boston at Cleveland
Washington at Baltimore, 2
Minnesota at California

- Atlanta 4 1
x 'Los Angeles 2 1
San Diego 3 2
1 Cincinnati 2 2
1 San Francisco 2 3
2l xouston 0 4
x-Late game not included.
Yesierday's Results
Cincinnati 12, Atlanta 3

St. Louis 1, New York 0
Philadelphia 8, Pittsburgh 1
Montreal 7, Chicago 3
San Francisco 5, San Diego 1
los Angeles at Houston, inc.
Today's Games
St. Louis at New York
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh
Montreal at Chicago '
Cincinnati at Atlanta 2
Los Angeles at Houston
San Francisco at San Diego

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