the. Sunday daily "'And as our social systena could A not subsist without the sense of justice and injustice, God has given us the pow-er to acquire lthat sense. Voltaire Number 6 Night Editor: Bill Lovely ow the Bethel shoot-out became the Crockett April 13, 1969 case Johannes Spreen: "Certainly e v e r y on e de- serves equal protection under the law. But this means the police officer, too. And Judge Crockett has not treated the policeman equally in his court- room. By HOWARD KOHN DETROIT N COURTROOM No. 3 Judge George W: Crockett, Jr., leans back almost at a full 180-degree angle and stares resolutely at the ceiling before passing sentence, as if thinking of the four months he once spent in jail. Crockett is a graying 59-year-old gavelist, one of 13 in Detroit's brownstone Recorder's Court. Defendants here are usually black and poor. Prosecutors are white and comparatively powerful. Except for Crockett, Court- room No. 3 could be a microcosm of America the black and white. But Courtroom No. 3 is different because the judge is black and powerful; he protects the rights of indigent defendants, making prosecutors and policeman uncom- fortable and unappreciative. Two Sunday afternoons ago he said "no" to Prosecutor William Cahalan and Police Commissioner Johannes Spreen. Spreen and Cahalan wanted 12 black separatists remanded into custody because traces of gunpowder had been found on their hands. Crockett jailed two of the men, released a third on $1000 personal bond and loosed the other nine because the nitrate tests had been given without benefit of counsel and the evidence was inadmis- sable in court. BECAUSE HE IS also black and because a white policeman had been killed, Crockett was catapulted into controversy-even though Supreme Court guide- lines support his decision. The police originally arrested 141 members of the Republic of New Africa and the New Bethel Baptist Church janitor after two related shootouts late Saturday night. Crockett was called to the First Precinct police station at 5 a.m. Sunday by Rep. James del Rio (D-Detroit) who was angry because all 142 persons arrested were being held incommunicado. Crockett set up court in the First Precinct and pro- cessed 39 of the 142 persons. He released the janitor out- right. He released 16 persons on a $100 personal bond to reappear at noon. He remanded the other 22 to custody until noon. Cahalan ordered the re-arrest of one of the men released; and Crockett cited him for contempt charging him with "racist intentions" - a proceeding later dropped. Crockett then adjourned the informal court and con- ferred with Cahalan, Spreen and Jay Nolan, an assistant prosecutor. The four agreed to release all but 12 of the William Cahalan: >.: "I said to Judge Crot 'You will only aggravate situation by doing this.' E didn't listen and, went c and released men we had reason to keep in custody persons arrested by noon. Then at the noon session in Courtroom No. 3, Crockett went against the prosecution's wishes and set nine more free. Monday's Detroit Free Press reported the entire night's proceeding with minute-by-minute detail except for one glaring error. The Free Press said Crockett had released 103 blacks without Cahalan's consent., The Detroit News made the same mistake and repeat- ed it several times during the week. Free Press editors were naturally chagrined at their inaccuracy but point out that Crockett did not come forward until Thursday of that week to correct the mis- understanding. ONE OF THE reasons for all the ensuing excitement is Crockett himself, a living legend of singleminded idealism, more revered or hated than understood. Critics say he wants to be a black political leader. Friends say that he is already a black hero. Some say he is highhanded and revels in public conflict. Others that he has a self-assurance otfen mistaken for arro- gance. Some say he is a legal sophist protecting copkillers on a technicality. Others that he is a studiously fair judge. But few dispute that he fights for the underdog - the poor black man. The courtroom has always been his battleground; and from the high bench he has particularly challenged the impeccability of police ' as witnesses. This has earned him praise from an 88-page Law School report of the 1967 post-riot court proceedings as the only Recorder's Court judge to act impartially. But it has also gained him infamy with the police. Against this backdrop, the cross-examination of Courtroom No. 3 often becomes the dialogue of 12th Street, and vice versa. And Courtroom No. 3 becomes an excellent thermometer in measuring the temperature of simmering black-white anger in a city which has hosted' this century's worst two race riots. Thus Crockett's decision of two weeks ago is inevit- ably couched in terms of a riot that could have been. "I was elected by people dissatisfied with the level of justice administered in these courts," Crockett ex- plains, "To that extent I have a mandate and 'a respon- sibility. "By releasing black people that the police were hold- ing incommunicado, I hope I prevented more people tak- ing the law into their own hands." Cahalan disagrees: "If anything, Crockett just ag- gravated the situation." The argument is moot. Most of the 142 blacks were not from Detroit, and their presence in jail for an ex- tended period would not have had the same impact on the city as it would had they been local. Still this incident is unique because a black man who acted to allay a tense black-white confrontation won respect from black militants and abuse from white of- ficials. RUT WHAT Crockett did is as much a function of his own controversial lifestyle as it is an indication of Detroit's widening racial schism. Much of the recent controversy was as concerned with Crockett personally as with the facts of the shoot-out. Crockett was a radical labor lawyer in the 1930-40's, before the UAW became image-conscious and Walter Reuther purged the "pink" elements. Crockett broke with Reuther in 1948, setting up Detroit's first inter- racial law firm with Maurice Sugar, one of the historic figures of America's labor movement. In the Smith Act Trial of 1949, Crockett defended 11 alleged Communists in New York where Federal Judge Harold Median smacked him with a contempt charge for "goading" the court. He spent four months in the Ash- land, Ky., prison. "I don't want to wish prison on my fellow judges," he says, "But I think it might do them some good if they spent time in jail. r "Maybe they would better understand what it means to pass down sentences." Crockett is a graduate of Atlanta's Morehouse College, Dr. Martin Luther King's alma mater, and a graduate of' the University's Law School. He marched in King's civil disobedience demonstra- tions of the'late 50's and early 60's, staying around to de- fend those who got arrested and rousirig the Senatorial wrath of Mississippi's James 0. Eastland. Back in Detroit he lost a bid for Common Council in 1964 but won a six-year term to Recorder's Court in 1966, running both times without UAW endorse- ments. 4 --Daily-Jay Cassiaty Judge George W. Crockett, Jr. A Bunny philosophy: Getting paid for playing girl By LISA STEPHENS (EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss stephens, '70, worked as a Bunny last suinmer at the Detroit Playboy Club.) AND ON THE EIGHTH DAY, God created the Bunny Mother to protect and shepherd all Playboy Bunnies. For the Detroit Playboy Club he created Mrs. Lee Wozena, a University graduate who used to live in Stockwell and who watches over 31 Bunnies. Not that Bunnies need a guardian angel. Con- trary to delicious rumors, the Bunny world is a straight world, straight enough to warm the heart of the stuffiest mother superior. No one carts you off unwittingly to The Man- sion in Chicago. In fact Hef's been to each of his clubs once: on opening night. Playboy International is an enormous cor- poration; and a Bunny inside the club must con- form to strict rules of decorum and ladylike behavior. Nor do Bunnies provide the center foldout for the magazine. In the entire history of Play- boy, only three Bunnies have ever been found with a staple in their navel. RATHER YOUR function in the Club is that of a super stewardess or hostess. You serve drinks, smile, make pleasant conversation, smile, look pretty, smile, and make sure all the guests are having an enjoyable evening. Bunnies are schooled in the geisha tradition of gracious service, light conversation and making a. busy swinging. Your feet feel like buckets of cement and your head like someone's planted an ax in it. A Bunny needs a very understanding boy- friend who's willing to take her out on a Tues- day night. The poor fellow may be able to say he's got a real live Playboy cottontail for a girl- friend but damned if he can bring her to a Saturday night party. Most girls solve their problem 'by simply get- ting married (yes, there are married Bunnies). Or else, like any other American girl they sit home, do their nails and watch television. A BUNNY IS A LADY. She represents the arch-type All-American apple-pie girl-next- door friendly person. Everything about her con- duct in the club is governed by regulations. She is constantly watched by a supervisor while on duty and a report is sent to the Bunny Mother each day. Bunnies receive "merits" for being especially nice, extra helpful or for volunteering for chari- ty fund-raising like disc jockey ballgames. You get "demerits" for tardiness, chipped nail polish or less-than-perfect anything. When you accumulate 100 merits, Playboy gives you a $25 gratis check. When you accumu- late 100 demerits, they fire you. You may not touch a Bunny, ever. Even a pat on the wrist. That may sound like a tall order for the average American male, but most men hold up amazingly well. Men who come to the club want to impress you with their sophis- mounted on a plaque that says 'Captured Live at the Playboy Club.' If you like, I'll go get you one, sir ..." Getting fresh will get you nowhere. A BUNNY may never sit down while on duty. She may "perch"-that is, lean up against a bar stool or railing if she's not busy-but never closer than three feet from a customer and then only if there's a chair arm, bar 'stool or table between them. She may not drink in the club under any conditions, nor may she do so publicly if she is representing Playboy. She may not at any time be photographed with a drink or a cigarette in her hand, nor does she ever do anything in public to call attention to herself. In short, she follows all the rules taught in finishing schools. And those silky-sleek suits? No, they aren't padded. At least no more than the typically engineered woman's foundation. They're custom made of satin for each girl, and are never al- lowed to go outside the club. They are counted and locked away by the wardrobe mistress each day and are cleaned on the premises. When they are old they are ripped apart and burned. In the entire history of the Detroit Club, not one has ever been lost. BUNNIES ARE, in sum, projecting an image of an abstraction: the ideal pretty girl next door. They are the vestal virgins of the 20th century, made more attractive by their utter practicing the ordinary and currently denigrated art of being a girl. Rather than frustrating men with a look-but- don't-touch policy, you are often providing men with a certain amount of security in that un- availability: they need never have to take the step of proving themselves. It is "safe" in much the same way as a young girl's crush on an unattainable movie star. BUT WHAT about the girl inside the image? How does she get to be a Bunny? Does she become a toy or an object to be used? In an age of women's liberation, does she remain pn unwitting slave? Bunnydom can be a rather spectacular way of beating men at their own game. Look at it this way: I can't type. I went to look for a summer job, and the first thing a prospective employer asks a girl is: "Can you type?" "No. But I speak four languages." "That doesn't help. Can you type?" "I'll be getting my B.A. in-" "Sorry. I'm afraid the only place for women in our business is in the steno pool." Or clerking. Or filing. Anything a trained monkey could do. Why bother? Women get paid less in executive positions, too, if they are allowed to advance. Their salary can be as much as 40-60 per cent less than their male counterpart. Businessmen will pay you $100 a week because you're only a girl. But