THE CROCKETT CASE See Page 4 :Y 3k i!3~au I A6V a t ROSY IIigh-67 Low-43 Ibunniy and clear; it's getting warmer all the time ol. LXXIX, No. 160 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 13, 1969 Ten Cents owto succeed at budein, without m By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN can continue to provide adequate funding in two forms-financial aids and research act was expected to be especially important for urban programs. There is, therefore, a degree in p Last of twelve papts in the years to come, administrators have grants. to the University's five area centers {for considerable doubt that the area center would be in p "Finding adequate support for higher set their hopes on a massive influx of Smith says he would like to see Congress example, the Center for Chinese Studies). grant will be renewed. grammed mod education is already a critical national federal funds. pass and fund a higher education appro- At present, these centers are funded While the University administrators wait could simulat problem and will become more so as each Such support -is likely to be slow in corn- priations bill introduced by Rep. George solely by a $5 million Ford Foundation for increased funding from Washington- in costs or pro year passes," President Nixon's Education ing, however. "At present," says Vice Presi- P. Miller (D-Calif). The bill would provide grant which expires in 1971. And Ford had or even from Lansing-they are working to Such progra Task Force reported earlier this year. dent for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith, aid directly to the University, with the stipulated that the grant would not be develop new means of making maximum simulation te Across the country, colleges and univer- amount to be based on the amount of renewed. use of scarce resources. duced in the sities-especially those which depend heav- _ government research done here and the If the centers were forced to close, the To do this, the administration is under- the early 1960 ily on support from their state legislatures II j number of doctoral degrees granted an- loss would extend to the literary college as going a massive reorientation of budgeting fense Robert -are feeling the pinch. Enrollment ex- U 1n the nually.'Under this formula, says Smith, well. Dozens of faculty members who are procedures with enormous implications for meant that th pansion is curtailed, faculty salaries do the University would receive a significant now being paid half-time by the centers the direction education at the University ing procedure not grow fast enough, tuition skyrockets. L r (1 portion of the higher education funds al- would be returned full-time to their own will take. putation of th On the local level, the University is budget squeeze lotted by Congress. departments which would be forced to pay In essence, the new system-if and when a more effici facing financial problems severe enough But passage of the Miller bill is un- more in salary money. it is completed- would allow the admin- figures repres to make any administrator throw up his likely. And, with the Vietnam War and in- Smith notes that the Ford Foundation istration to base planning and budgeting country's defe hands in despair. , "we have none of the kind of federal fund- flation-curbing budget cuts severely limit- is reviewing the terminal nature of the on the cost of individual programs. After the D4 But instead, the University administra- ing I'd like to have-unrestricted institu- ing the availability of federal funds, pas- grant because this stipulation was based. At present, University budgeting uses was picked up tion has begun looking for new sources of tional support." - sage of the bill would not mean the gov- in part, on the expectation that the federal divisions like the cost of telephone services, partments an funding, while at the same trying to get Although the University presently re- ernment was committed to sizeable ex- government would soon provide new funds, the library, supplies or faculty salaries. tions. as much as they can using money which ceives some direct federal funding for penditures in the near future. But foundations like Ford have been But under the proposed system-known as But college is already available. medicine, dentistry and public health, the In fact, the International Education Act, moving to decrease spending on higher programmed budgeting-the administra- have only beg Having abandoped hope that the state brunt of support from Washington comes passed in 1967, has yet to be funded. The education in favor of increased funding Lion would be able to compute the cost-of Se Eight Pages oney harmacy, for example, and ossession of a computer pro- tel, of the University which e the effect of any change grams on the entire system. mmed budgeting and model chniques were first intro- Department of Defense in 's by then-Secretary of De- McNamara. The change e DOD moved from account- s which allowed for com- e cost of, say, the army. to ent system which keyed on enting programs like this nse of Western Europe. OD instituted this system. it by gofer governmental de-, d by several large corpora- officials around the country ;un to develop this kind of e A NEW, Page S AM5NE;STY GRANTED: Harvard's faculty to probe,.,demands GRAD SCHOOLS REACT BGS: What s in a name?' By JIM HECK Special To The Daily Daily News Analysis CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Har- vard University's student pow- er struggle appeared headed for the conference room and out of the streets yesterday as strike support dwindled a n d ad hoc strike groups began to disintegrate. Though Students for a Demo- jcratic Society gained control of strike tactics and elected the en- tire slate of a strike steering com- mittee Ia t e Friday night, Har- vard's most militant group drew less than 500 persons to their rally yesterday afternoon. The students' rage had been pri- marily a reaction by a coalition of moderate student groups to the: bloody encounter w i t h police Thursday. The police had been brought on to campus to e v i c t a pro-SDS group of demonstrators holding- University Hall who were demand- ing the immedate abolition of ROTC. However, Harvard faculty mein- bers yesterday promised to inves- tigate student demands and the administration's use of police to expell the demonstrators. By RICK PERLOFF When the literary college faculty established a degree in general studies on April 3, there was widespread concern that the degree would be considered "educationally inferior." Both faculty members and students feared that graduate schools and industries would be wary of accepting students who graduated with an "unproved and unprestigious" degree. In fact, the committee which formulated the degree proposal was so concerned about credibility that it did not recommend creating a totally new degree. Instead, "the committee urged restructuring of the Bach- elor of Science degree to provide an already-existing alter- native to the Bachelor of Arts program," explains Prof. Ronald Tikofsky of the psychology department, who helped draft the BGS plan. But the faculty voted overwhelmingly to create a new degree-for a variety of reasons. Some professors supported a new degree because they believed it was the most honest way of revamping the curriculum. Others seemed to feel that an "academically uncredible" name could effectively discredit the degree, which they con- sidered unworthy because of the absence of langtiage, distri- bution and concentration requirements. However, a series of Daily interviews indicate that both graduate schools and industries do not consider the BGS -Da--Bill Lavely inferior to the BA degree. The dean of a number of graduate and law schools across t h e country said they pay more ferris wheels, played attention to the individual student's performance in the courses he takes than in the actual title of the degree. "We take people from every conceivable discipline f r o m a music to architecture, so I , i plus;; wouldn't think there would be any difference between this f.. degree and aniy other," e xA-* billion plains Roy Profitt, associate dean of the University's Law , Cottono caH(Iy The Michigan carnival set Ferry Field aglow last night as fun-seekers rode bingo, and demolished an old car with sledge hammers. INFLATION CURB- XNiXm nv 08n i oe s Daily-Larry Robbins Strike at Harvard continues The faculty, in a quasi-vote ; _L 7 JL- u "VJ f j''' of no-confidence in the adminis- n81 or' U ' ti~terS tration. granted at least tempor- a 'i ary amnesty to the protesters. and !1 U lblWV has agreed to begin working to- ward a restructuring of the uni- erin 1111 t oceu p alio ii versity. most students appeared WASHINGTON () -President planned spending for the 1970 pacified. Nixon announced yesterday re- fiscal year beginning July 1. The faculty decision to appoint vised budget figures envisioning' Nixon said he thinks his admin- STANFORD, Calif. A%-Bolstered by reinforcements from a committee to investigate w a s a surplus of $5.8 billion in the I istration's plan to boost the sur- other colleges, 200 Stanford University demonstrators con- made Friday night at a session at coming year-the largest budgeted i plus "will speak louder than any tinued their occupation of an electronics laboratory yesterdayI which faculty members also vot- ! surplus since 1951. words to the business and labor nd attempted to spread their antiwar" protest to at least 16 ed 396 to 13 to d r o p criminal Nixon revealed that the pro- ,communities in this country and other maj or schools. trespass charges against nearly posed surplus, which is designed ,to the world that the United 200 students expelled from t h e to retard inflation, would come States is determined to bring a Campus -police said many of the activists who have car- hall by club swinging police. The from a total slash of $4 billion in halt to the inflationary spiral . ." vied on the protest since Wednesday night took the weekend faculty is the ultimate authority previously budgeted outlays, in-' Nixon's plan would add $2.8 bil- off when reinforcements arrived from San Jose State College in matters of discipline at Har- cluding $1.1 billion from the de- lion to the surplus proposed in and the University of California at Berkeley. vaid. fense budget. January by former President Lyn- The belated militancy of t h e The announcement caine in a don B. Johnson for the 1970 fiscal The protest-which has remained peaceful--is agaist Afro-American student g r o u p special statement detailing results year. secret military research, including research into chemical and came too late yesterday to cause of an intensive budget review Nixon did not alter Johnson's biological warfare, carried on at the laboratory and at the See HARVARD, Page 3 which produced reductions in January estimate of $198.7 billion affiliated Stanford Research Institute in nearby Menlo WAR OPPOSIT ION BLAMED Park. About 600 demonstrators en- orsed telegrams sent to various universities, said Stanford Daily Csiarine recruits drop reporter Michael Sweeney, asking students to investigate military re- search on those campuses. The Stanford newspaper supports the WASHINGTON () - Marine men short of the requirement. Other armed services also a r e sit-in. } Corps Commander Leonard F. The Corps commandant ex- being hampered in their re- Sweeney named the University Chapman Jr. said yesterday plained that some college ad- cruiting efforts on campus, al- weeley UCaedte UDviHam ! antiwar opposition, sometimes ministrators not only are fail- though service spokesmen tend er keleyMichUiLA U e Iavis Harl . in the form of physical obstruc- ing to control student protest- to minimize the problem. Columbia, Wisconsin, Princeton, tion, is cutting into Marine ers but also are refusing to pro- The Army Recruiting C o m - Pi'ce, Oregon, Washington, Illinois -Corps officer-recruiting on vide Mai'ine recruiters adequate mand at Ft. Monroe, Va, said Univeristy of Chicago, University campuses across the coantr y. time and central locations to Army selection teams have been of Massachusetts, and the U.S Chapman said the tradition- , sign men on campus. barred from recruiting at one Student Press Association. a ally voluntary service has been "On some campuses this feel- college--Peabody Institute in a kforced to start a new recruit- ing has taken the form of phy- Baltimore, Md. - and h a v e tloe at Stanford .. ." the tele ing program in junior colleges sical obstruction of the legiti- gotten the word from adminis- grams said, "The same kind of h that drops the college-degree mate recruiting efforts of the trators at 20 other colleges to research takes place at your cam- requirement usually faced by a Marine selection teams. In "please don't come by this time," pus. A public inquiry now . . . is -young man seeking to become- a most instances these colleges because of student unrest. ISMarine officer. have failed to control student essential. We seek your support, Chapman said the recruiting action and normal recruiting The Army sends recruiters Up to 200 remained inside the rblem stems from several activity has been thwarted," each spring to more than 500 laboratory. Various committees .rbe . t said Chanman colleges and universities. $4 in federal revenues foi the com- School, ing bookkeeping this year. To pro- "We we really do is look at duce the planned $5.8-billion sur- what made up the degree and plus, however, he chopped the whether the man has demon- spending estimate to $192.9 bil- lion. strated academic experience, Nixon said that whereas John- Proffitt says: son estimated spending at $195.3 "The decision of acceptance billion government experts be- for graduate school admis- lieve this was too low and that sions " says Ralph Lewis, as- the budget submitted by the pre-s, v i o u s administration actually sociate dean of the graduate Ronald Tikosky would have resulted in spending school, "is made by recom- of $196.9 billion. That would have mendations from the professors, the quality of the student's cut the fiscal 1970 surplus under scholarship and the level of his institution. The degree name. the Johnson blueprint to $1.8 bil- itself does not really enter in.' lion. In addition, he announced he "It depends mostly'c on what his previous qualifications is asking Congress to cut requests have been," says Kevin Sullivan, dean of the Columbia grad- for appropriations and spending uate school. "We are concerned with whether- the student has authority by $5.5 billion, which he sufficient background to take up a degree at Columbia, said would result in significant reductions in future federal spend- regardless of the degree he takes. ing. Sullivan admits that graduate schools may need specific Budget Director Robert P. Mayo evaluations about students in-the BGS program at first. "We told newsmen the administration know what the other degrees stand for, but for the first few feels confident its goal of a 5.8 billion surplus will be attained. years won't be quite sure about this one," he says, He held out a possibility the fig- Sullivan says that the first several years of the program ure might actually go higher will be critical. It is during these years that grad schools will should thecniungeooi boom result ctinig er-thoa first get an idea of what kind of students are graduating with pected revenues. -Mayo said the the degree, he explains. government will not revise revenue Sullivan also indicates that "it would be a very serious estimates until the Treasury handicap for a student not to take a language." makes an analysis of April 15 tax The assistant dean of the Harvard graduate school, receipts. The Budget Bureau plans to an- Richard Hunt, also agreed that not having language would nounce Tuesday revised agency- "make the student's record a little weaker." But Hunt said by-agency figures. These, will be that if the student took a language voluntarily and on his followed by a series of detailed own intitiative, "it could help his case." submitted to Congressin the com- Hunt also sees "no .great handicap" for a student who ing week. ' takes the new degree. "It would depend on how he did in the Even with the cuts, Nixon said, courses and his recommendations from the faculty." "mrP t. r-c'tmeC r~mn in t, ryi(,, s - . -% ;+.,in. of ,.. , A-d' c -i- t a e ,nnph ty ~ran