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April 12, 1969 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-12

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Page Eight,


Soturdoy, April 12, 1969




(Continued from Page 5)


LARGE, Mod. apt., bal., air cond., park- HOUSE-ist floor, 3-4 man: furnished STENCILS, theses, and term papers
SCLOSES, roosesand term paper,. F
ing. Call 761-2046. U21 and carpeted; huge kitchen, living typed in my home. 769-5441, J5
room plus study area, porch., free
CLOSE, modern 4-man. Carriage House parking, near Law Club. 665-2781. U41 TYPING - Your choice of type. Free
No. 9, air conditioned. 761-0908. U22 -- -- - - pick-up and delivery. 663-7894. J4
MARRIED COUPLE wanted for new,.1
MARRIED COUPLE wanted for new, 2- 2-bdrm. townhouse on North Cam- TYPING WANTED-business or college
bdrm. town hse. on North Campus pus. Spacious, furnished, parking. 10 yrs. experience. Call 971-2806 after
Snalou- furnished.n arking. 769- ,n n-on,-

'acuity hits decision
u~ Harvard arrests




zpacos, iun ,u par gn, i-
SUMMER SUBLET 2 BEDROOM summer sublet. Modern, 2 BEDROOM, 4 man, $120/month, bal- 0798. C29
furnished, cool, quiet. Minutes to cony, dishwasher, laundry facilties.
SUBLET 1 bedroom, 2-man. New car- hospitals. 663-3666. U321 air conditioned tenant parking. 711 SUBLET May-Aug. Couple only. Packard
peting, air conditioning. 1 block from Arch No. 304. 665-2620. U4 and Fifth. Reasonable. 662-2286. U50
campus, next to laundromat and AVAILABLE MAY 1-1, 2, 3, and 4-man. Gu
Ralph's, underground parking. Price The Ambassador Co. 761-7982. U27 RL TO SHARE sublet of modern,
negotiable. Call 761-3472 anytime. U43 SUM M E bdrm., 2 man apt. 761-5584. U
1 BDRM.-Parking, storage space. Park U B MODERN, 3-bdrm. apt, for up to 5
Plaza,__________~ No. ' l 665-2264 U Su mer SUB LTS A . Air cond., dishwasher. 769-1146 or
S 761-8340. U6I
SWIMMING POOL u The following tenants of Apartments 76--4 U-
Sublet an air-cond., two bedroom apt., J Limited have indicated a desire to 3 BEDROOM, 3 or 4 man. Across from
two blocks from campus. Call 769- sublease their apartments for the : law quad. May-Aug. Cheap. 769-6251.
2155. U42 Come in and check our listings at: summer. U27
HOUSE! 4-5 man, 2 blocks from Diag, 737 Poclord E 820 Fuller No. 206. 2 bdrm., hospi~ ONE GIRL needed for modern four
.air cod., 30-foot living room, huge 1-5 pm. 761-8063 tal location. 662-0857. Susan. apartment. One block from Uni-
itchend, 3d0nngfoom vn rma-Aug 816 pm. *6-86 1412 Geddes No, 6. 769-3195. nversity Hospital, close tomain cam-
kitchen, .dining room, May-Aug. 816 U2z 1412 Geddes No. 7 761-9344 pus. Call 761-8906 after 5 p.m. U7
74m~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-nas. 1----..._._ -_-psCal7180afe5pm. U

769-0798. U29 6 p.m. J2

Continued from Page 1)

EFFICIENCY - May-Aug. Air cond., EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires partinent to Ford thanking the
close to campus. Can use dishes, work in her home. Thesis, techneal a
linen, radio, etc. Call 761-6982 before1 typing, stuffing, etc. IBM selectric university for making P1 of.
10 a.m. or evenings or 665-4406 during Call Jeanette, 971-2463. J48 (Henry) Kissinger available for
day. Ask for Apt. 602. U24 ---- ---- I his extremely successful mission
TYPING: Papers and thesis. 761-7748. to South Vietnam."
SWIMMING POOL.-football field across J
street. 2 bdrm., 4 man air cond., bal- Throughout the day, groups of
TYPING OF THESIS, papers, etc. Ex- students met outside with several,
pertly done at home. IBM selectric.
SUMMER SUBLET-AIR-CONDITION- 761-3139. t s . faculty members as academic ac-
ED. Modern 2-Man. 515 Lawrence. . tivity in the sunbathed, 333-year-
No. 2. 761-3262. U2 3 BEDROOM, 3 or 4 man. Across from old Yard gave way to animated
4 - us -rs frm -B Law Quad. May-Aug. Cheap. 769-6251. discussion of the police action.
4 MAN on-campus, across from V-Bell, J27 I
next to Mudbowl. Air-cond., 2 bdrm, --The crowd covered the grass
2 balc., parking, laundry, res. man- EXPERIENCED SEC'Y, wants to type where police and students clashed'
ager, Rent negotiable. 761-2372. UJ25 aysrps hsspprec 'S
y tr, the day before. Rallies were held
-nW_ _ WIY n IA 4 1-V -7 911--101.1. L4066.ou J33.___i

Hill -b98u,. U
WANTED-2-3 males for summer sub-
let. Spacious. bi-level, 2 bedroom apt.
Close t o campus. Air conditioned.
dishwasher. Call 769-1874 or stop by
610 S. Forest, Apt. 8. U43
WOMAN NEEDED for summer half
term. Near hosp. and campus. 769-
0580. U45'
TWO BEDROOM, 2 blocks from cam-
pus, parking. 761-8034. U9
SUMMER SUBLET-1 block from Angell
and Frieze. Big 2-3 man. $120/mo. 662-
3843. U10
MODERN, air conditioned, two bed- t
room, four man apartment, 5-10 min.
walk from campus. Asking $45 a man'
for each of four and $55 for each
of three, but willing to bargain. 665-
7212. Ull
3 MAN SUBLET May-Aug. Modern, air
cond., Park Plaza, 1320 S. Univ., No.
12. 761-7657, U44
MODERN 2 bdrm apt.; plsnt. surround.,
close to campus (Cambridge & Olivia).
Grad. only. $41/mo. Call Dan Harrison,
764-7482. U46
ONE, TWO or THREE MEN to sublet
May through August. $50 each. Ideal
apt with carpeting, many closets
disposal, parking, basement laundry
congenial open-minded neighhors and
landlord. Call 769-4784. 110 Hill No 2
MOD. 4-MAN, close to campus, air
cond., parking, balcony. $45 each,
will negotiate. Call 665-6253 after 5
our sublet of sublets! Each room of
our roomy 5% roonm 2 bdrm., 4-
man is huge in itself, fully carpet-
ed, air-cond., of course, modern as
an apt. can be. Need dishes? Pots
and pans? East Madison near Pack-
ard and that's close! Call 769-1649,
ask for anyone. UF
ONE, TWO, or THREE MEN to sublet
May through August.. $50 each. Ideal
apt.' with carpeting, new furniture,
cooling, new kitchen, many closets.
disposal parking basement laundry.
congenial open-minded neighbors and
landlord. Call 769-4784: 110 Hill, No
2. U50
Luxurious apartment A. 909 Church
Street. 769-4735. U34

SUMMER SUBLET-Two-man efficiency,
in house. Great location-price nego-
tiable. Call 764-7600. UD
SUBLET-Modern 4-man,close to cam-
pus. Name price. 769-4922. U41
Neeci a Summer Apt.?
Best deals in town
Sublet Service
1217 S. University

both 2 bdrm. bi-level.
*818Brown, No. 3. 2 bdrm. $150. 761-
848 Tappan, 2 bdrm. to share $45/
mo. 761-9554
If you are a tenant of Apartments
Limited and have not yet contacted
us regarding a sublease, please do so
immediately so we may update our
MALE roommate wanted summer half
term-cheap. 663-2290. U1

___ ...-OWN ROOM in mod. 2 bdrm. air-cond.
1 GIRL NEEDED to share large 2-man, apt., close to campus. Avail. June 1-
Packard and Monroe. Negotiable. CalI Aug. 23. Call 769-3094. U26
769-3994. U8 --
- -. -MODERN APT. JULY-AUG. on Thomp-
son. Air-cond., near campus. 769-0643.

Management InC.
Sublet Assistance

ion Widener Library steps and
TYPING DONE on elec. typewriter. Very
reasonable. Call 483-1008. J37
WE TIYPE and duplicate term papers, S o c ia l w o rkthsec.W aloak diain
t~hesis, etc.nd aulso ttake dictatiOon O T
for conferences. Now's the time, call
us soon, 665-3767. J
Paddles, Flowers, Bands. students as '
Special Favors & Sportswear show
on Feb. 26, 27-over 500 items. Call
Neil or Dick for appointment at 761-1
6632. J34l

3 bedrooms, garage. Yard, grad pref.
$175/mo. 761-9670. U14
JULY-AUG. sublet. Furnished, air con-
ditioned, two bedroom apt. 721 S.
Forest. Call 769-3390. U6t

across the Yard in front of Me-
morial Church.
SDS set up picket lines outside
Sever Hall, a classroom building,
to dramatize the strike. Some stu-
dents crossed the line, defying the
shouts and jostling of the pickets.
Meanwhile, a power struggle ap-
peared to be forming between SDS
and an ad hoc moderate student
group, the Memorial Church
Group t MEM). Both groups sup-
port the strike, but MEM refused
to endorse SDS demands that
ROTC be immediately abolished.
MEM insist that the primary
demand should be for reform of
the present governing body. They
asked that "immediate steps be
taken to restructuring the present
governing board."
Currently the major power base
in the university is the "Harvard
Corporation" a group consisting
of president, treasurer 1 and five
The corporation is a self-per-
petuating body and presently
members hold one chairmanship,
three presidencies, and 33 direc-
torships of major corporations.
Flea market
opens today
"You can sell your wife, your
kids, your soul or anything," says
project co-ordinator Sy Gold of
today's Northwood Terrace Asso-
ciation "flea market."


We have complete listings of our T Et-s
tenntswhowil b suletin fo ITWO BEDROOM three man on campus.
tenants who will be subletting for Spring t $120/mo. 662-1838. U7
this summer

MODERN air conditioned apt., 5 min- SUMMER SUBLET MAY-JUNE, furn, 2 bdrm. apt. $125.
utes from campus and, South U. 761- 4 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, Only couple, wonderful for children.'
9023. U48 dining room, good location. 769-1626. ,O6 -7787I971-1865. U8
2 GIRLS NEEDED ,to share large ____U14 4 MAN APT.; and a single, very reason-
apartment for summer. Very close to - --_-- -able. Call 761-3618. U10
campus. 665-0003. UF LIVE TOGETHER (OR ALONE) $85/ MALE NEEDED for 3 man, air cond., -----
mo. 2 rooms, clean, on campus. (If modern, close, parking. $40, 761-7433. SPACIOUS, luxury 3-man apartmenta
ATTENTION: 4-man sublet. Two com- you called before, please try again U1, for summer. Call 663-7974. Mike or
plete bths. front and back doors, free now), 665-2480. U30 -_Rick, anytime. U9
parking ndeckudr1-2 GIRLS NEEDED for mod., 3 man
parking, sun deck, lanry room. 500 SUMMER SUBLET-1-2 girls needed for apt., 2 bdrm., air cond., parking, May- ONE MAN NEEDED for two-man apt.
yds. Union. Call 769-2524. U49 3 bedroom house near IM building.1
Call 662-5990. U31 Aug. 665-6949. U13 $35 per month. 720 S. State, 769-5198.
2 GIRLS NEEDED, 2 bdrm., 3-man, 1 62-wiUhU12
summer ?. A/C. Close to campus, MODERN two-man summer sublet. a .L. mo NEED 2 GIRLS to sublet half of 4 man.
N.C. bus, women's pool. 769-0577. U46 Fantastic location. $110 negotiable. Sh N ay-Aug. Air cond., many luxuries.
665-8797.Ai Uod., anyluxeies
2 MAN, bi-level, near campus, May- 665-8797._ U41 tea se Cheap! Call Karen, 761-0933 after 5
August. Call between 5-7 and after MAYNARD HOUSE-1 bdrm. furnished. Leaving town? Moving? p.m. UII
1, 769-3539. U47 air-cond.; summer with fall option., Let us rent your apt. for you NEED 1 MAN for Albert Terrace sub-
1 BEDROOM apt. May-August. Has Call 665-4406, 12-5:30-Apt. 1006 after S ilet. Dishwasher, balcony, swimming
patio and many extras. 344 S. Divi- 7 call 761-8119. U39 Sublet Sevicpool, bi-level, good neighbors, many
sion, No. 105. 662-9388. U48 1217 S. University extras. 769-1468 between 5 & 7. U13
_ E MODERN 4 man apt. near campus and 665-8996
DOUBLE BED, a arge ho Air cond. Parking, laundry fa- 66-896SUBLET Prof's funn. apt. May-Aug. or
grhos.SaeadPcadae. cilities, Call 665-9624. U37 - May-Dec. 2 blks. from campus. 4 from
May-August. Will bargain. Laura, 761-SUBLET FOR COUPLE. Available July LARGE 4 -man in Arbor Forest Apts hosp. 1 bdrm. Great for couple. Call
9049. U49 i 1 with option for next year. Very Bar, air Condit., dishwasher, plenty of
ORGY ALL SUMMER in modern 2 to nice, very quiet. Next to Law Club parking. Great campus loc. $160/mo I1NEEDED 1-2 girls, May-Aug. for 4
4 man. Close to stores, campus, and and Bus. Ad. 665-3418. U35 761-7451. U3 mn, 2 bedroom apt. Near campus.
pools. Many extras, including dish- 1 GIRL NEEDED for 4-man 2-bedroom, MODERN, bi-level four man, air con- reasonable. 761-2625. U15
washfer r. Call 761- air conditioned modern apt. with ditioned, 2 balconies, on campus apt A.
3325 after 4. U47 MyAgBs fe.Cl fe 6
-.---.--..--.----.---swimming pool. May-Aug. $55, good# May-Aug. Best offer. Call after61MNFRIHDat ercmu
p m.,769-1174. U16 Parking, $75/mo. Sacrafice. Available
APT, for married couple. Chatham Vil- location. Call 763-0730 or 769-0913. p. May 1. 769-5658. U16
dop(ntins~r i~iim .hr ET d'Pm[ fer 1-9 2 cFFI CIEN-

Call 668-6200
over 35 years.
By appointment only
Phone 764-9216
U of M Photo Services
526 LS&A Bldg.


(Continued from Page 1)
involved with the program-Gary
and another white teacher. For
this reason only four of the six
courses are offered.
Gary says there is some diffi-
culty in teaching this course in
an integrated classroom situation.
"The white students are willing
to accept certain things to a point,
beyond this they say you are too
subjective," he says.
The faculty Gary declares. will
have to "formulate more studies
and programs that would be more
relevant to black social work stu-

All types and sizes
U of M Photo Services
526 LS&A Bldg.
The Best in
Good Used Cameros
Everything Photographic



Repairs on all makes
Charges accepted)
W i -dward and North

denIts. NTA is encouraging students to
Another grievance of t h e bring any or all of their dispen-
ABSWS is the policy of sending sable possessions to the grounds
black students to do their field about the Bishop St. mail-room
work in white agencies. The stu- for s a 1 e, swap, or donation this
dents feel that this practice rend- morning.
ers the black community inef- From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., shop-
fectual. The black community,I pers should find available a mass
they insist should. be serviced by of paraphernalia including "toys,
black social workers-not white- books, records, magazines, clothes,
giving the community a greater furniture, kitchenware, bikes,
efuty dthe ability to sleds, skates, appliances, plants,
sense o unity, an e birds, fish, paintings, pottery,
depend on its own resources for weaving, tools, antiques . . any-
development. thing."
ggggiii;;gj glggi2%i95


sage (tPauine ana ;Staa um). zorm.,
contemporary furn., swimming pool,
668-8194 evenings. U50
BI-LEVEL, 4-ma napt. Close to campus
and hospital. Dishwasher and air
cond., big kitchen. 1412 Geddes. 769-
3195. Ul
4TH GIRL needed for May. Close tor
campus. Modern apt., no damage de-
posit. Call Ellen. 769-0986. Leave num-l
ber. U31
NEED 1 MAN for 2 bdrm., 2 man apt.,
mod. apt., fully furn., 21 blocks from
campus. May-Aug. 761-5118. U29

SUMMER SUBLET-May-Aug. 2 man,
close to campus apt., 1 bdrm., dis-
posal, parking lot, air-cond. 769-5716.


and Optional Archeological Dig

NEED 3 OR 4 MEN, May-Aug., 3-bdrm.,
rood., air cond., 4 man. Bi-level, TV,
kit,.utensils. State and Packard. 761-
3103. U26
1 NEED TWO GIRLS May-Aug. 3 bdrm.,
4 man., mod., bilevel, air cond., TV,
all kit, utensils. 663-0055. State and
Packard. U25
THREE BEDROOM spacious apt. Close
to hospitals and campus for summer
sublet. Reasonable. 769-0612 anytime.
NEEDED-2 or 4 people for summer.
Large, modern, air-cond. Forest Post,
No. 3. Call 769-4911. U8
FEMALE GRAD wanted-May-Aug. Bi-I
level, modern apt. with 3 other grads.
Call 665-3179. U9E
WHY LIVE in a crummy apartment this
! summer? Share a 2-bdrm. house with
one other person. May-August. CallI
Dean at 662-3978. U20
3-4 MEN in 4 man apt. or 4 females. j
central air cond., off street parking.
St. Joe area-$40/mo./man. 665-9617.
MODERN 3 BEDROOM house for sec-1
ond half. 3 or 4 man ,air conditioned. I
parking, dishwasher, near campus.s
Cheap. Call 769-2761 or 769-2763. UD
mr------- COUPON -------
flI77R a
1i fl-L-
s 761-0001
t = _
pizae cuopepza.
On a large one item (or more)
pizza. One coupon per pizza. _
',Pick Un Only;

Q Ul;t moo ,turn. zzpr. rvxN A HR U.Tr.2mn1 bk.
Cy. May-Aug. Negotiable and In- MAY THRU AUG furn. 2 man 1 bks.
expensive. Call 769-2532 U6 from campus. 1015 Church, No. 3.ENTURYCAMERA
_______ ____ 663-5737. 1318 CNURiAMR
NEED 1 MAN-for sublet to completeEE. ED __rn ___3 n 4(At our new location k
4-a bokfomcmus(er2 MEN NEEDED--for modern, 3-manj 4254 N. Woodward, Royal Oak
Law Quad), has dishwasher, disposal sublet. Air-conditioned, balcony, dis- Between 13 and 14 Mile Rd.
2-bdrms, balcony air-cond. mod. fur- posal, parking, excellent location. $40. LI 9-6355
nishings normally $93/mo., subletting 665-5920. U25
for mer $45mo. ay-Ag. Cll - -----__- , t-~ ake 94 to Southfield Expr. North to
for a mere $45/m. May-Aug. Call SUBLET__2 bdrm. apt. unfurnished. I(Michigan Bank, Security and Diner
769-1091.F UF Chatham Village May 1-June 30. 13 Mile Road-then East to
HOUSE FOR SUBLET. May-August. Lease available for 69-70 school yr.
769-4472; three girls needed:fireplace. Will sell furniture. 769-4180 after 6. DI
back yard for sunning, air-condition- ---------------- LOST AND FOUND .
er, very near campus. 2bedroom cottage 15 min.
from Ann Arbor. $100 mo. Available FOUND-2 mo. old puppy, black and'
SUMMER May 1-July 1. 761-1320. U21 white, near Nickels Arcade. 769-3329.

I bedroom-418 E. Washington SUMMER SUBLET-2 girls in 4-man
2 bedroom-521 Walnut near Frieze. 761-8020. U22
Rental Information, 761-2943 BEAUTIFUL 2-man apt., one huge bed-
U40 ' room, huge living room, large kitch-
en, porch, bay window. Rent nego-
APT. SUBLET; July-Aug.; 2-3 men: tiable. 769-4520. UD
cool; cheap. 769-3619. U41 --
E-3-MAN MODERN apt.-Spring-summer
3 GIRLS FOR May through August. or summer only. Air-conditioned,
CHEAP. Call 761-2625. U parking. State-Packard area, 4-mn.
. _ __ _ . to Diag. 769-5680. U37

LOST-Small black and white male cat
with mask markings on face. An-
swers to Flippy. 769-2138. 1311 Wilmot, E
No. 1. Reward. A6
LOST: Ladies' gold wallet in or near
Capital Market Sat. night. ID needed!
$20 reward. Call 761-6760. A4
LOST near E. Quad, 7 mo. male siamese
cat, crossed blue eyes. Call 764-4634.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices a r e
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.


tern positions under FSEE will be held
at Placement Services, 3200 S.A.B. on
April 22, Tuesday before exams be-
gin. Check in if you have received no-
tice of your eligibility for ths inter-
Placement openings received by Gen-
eral Division by mail and phone, these
positions are to be filled relatively
soon, so spring graduates are encourag-
ed to apply if otherwise qualified. Call
764-7460 for details and application



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3-MAN SUMMER Sublet. CHEAP. Close -- -- -- -
to campus. Call 761-3678. UD SUBLET - 1 bedroom wood paneled
apt.-in older bldg. Cool; pvt. en- FOUND . IN THE ARB-A set of keys
AIR-COND., 2 bdrm. choice. All kitchen trance, parking. Close to campus. on a horse-shoe key chain. Call Nancy,
equip, and extras included. Near May-Aug. $95/month. 764-0432 or 769- 761-6728 AD
athletic field. 1-864-3852 or 1-352- 0630. U38 -
1490. U32 ---- ------ - REWARD, no questions asked. For
JULY-AUG. - One female needed to watch lost at party last Friday night.
1 MAN NEEDED for 2-man sum. sub. share large, modern, air cond. 4-man. Cali 769-4786. A12
Spacious; close to campus; price ne- 2., blocks to campus (Arbor Forest).
gotiable. 665-7239. U33 665-0829. U39 $5 REWARD - Gold watch - ring. Lost
___-_ _ ------- ---------- ------- near Packard /Division. Cali Karen
x OF 2 MAN, 2 bdrm. Call 663-9475. LIVE IN a friendly house, 3-4 man, Gary, 663-7850. A47
1U341 big living room, breakfast nook. Call
___-__-__769-2841. U40 TRANSPORTATION
AIR-COND. 3 or 4 man bi-level apart- '------ -- --_
ment with dishwasher. 761-6460. U35 SPACIOUS 3 or 4 man, parking, air- 3-4 GIRLS WANT ride to Calif. early
cond., close to campus. 927 S. Forest, May. Call 764-2933 or 761-9023. G31
ROOMMATE NEEDED to share summer No, 203. Call 663-9866. U13
sublet May-Aug. Own room. A.C., --- -- I EDRDET ..C RPIA
$65. Call Jane: 763-1731. r U39 MAY-AUG. sublet for 2 men to share I NEED RIDE TO N.Y.C. OR PHLA.
-_with one until July. Good location For me and my stereo-weekend of
OLDER 2-bedroom 3-man apt. Close to furn., air cond., will negotiate. 769- April 26th. Call Carl at 764-3638. G32
campus. $125/mo., all utilities incl.; 1627 U14 PAN-AM GROUP FLIGHT New York-
fall option, 307 S. Division, No. 6. 761- --A-- London-New York, $245, June 26-
8860. U40 SUMMER RENTALS Aug.nd9.-Cal 6636120. G24
--- - 2, 3 or 4 man apt. Aug_9. -Ca_ __663-6120_ G2
3-4 MAN first floor of house 5 large 406 Packard-Parking, dishwasher, air 2 GIRLS WANT ride to Calif. leaving
rooms. 511 Hill. 665-8188. U41 cond., etc. $30-$40/man. Stop or Call May 8. Will share expenses. Call 761-
M 769-1394. U29 My8 ilsaeexess al71
HUGE 3 or 4 MAN; fully furnished. gr., - 6497 or 761-9023 around 6 p.m. G28
130 Call769-3612. U18 SWIMMING POOL, air cond., 2 bed- NEED RIDERS to Florida. Leaving 1st
'.rooms in mod. 4-man, 1 or 2 girls of Call G29
fO7%4 R E N APT air d ron neekin nie. MaytOAug. -i1Oz oM . l6 8G



Local Organization: Lab Technician
for work in hormone action, live ani-
Day Calendar mal experiments, BS/MS, major work
in zool. or chem. no exper. necess.
State of Utah: Research Analysis, MA
Renaissance Society of A m e r i c a and 2 years exper. in research in edu-
North Central Conference - General cational areas. Rehabilitation Thera-
Session: Rackham Amphitheater, 9:15 pist, phys. ed. bach, or occup. ther., re-
a.m. creational ther., or related fld. and -
Baseball: Freshmen vs. Varsity, dou- year exper. Asst. Chief, Health Edu-
bleheader: Ferry Field, 1:00 p.m. cation, MPH and 4 years exper., some
Degree Recital: Gabrielle McCann, supv., admin., or consultative exper.
piano: School of Music Recital Hall, State of Michigan: Hospital nursing
2:30 p.m. consultant, RN, BSN and 3 yrs. nursing,
Degree Recital: William Bernard, vio- one in supv. capacity, MS plus 2 yrs.
tin: School of Music Recital Hall, 4:30 exper. acceptable. Mental Retardation
p.m. Directorships at several levels. Both for
Degree Recital: William Hall, bari- masters and PhD in psych., soc. wk.,
tone: School of Music Recital Hall, 7:00 nursing or education and 3-5 years
p.m. exper.
Cinema Guild: "Monika" directed by State of Washington: Architect, for
Ingemar Bergman: Architecture Aud- health centers and medical facilities,
itor, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. BS and 1 year. min. exper. as structural
University Philharmonia: Theo Al- plans examiner.
cantara, conductor: Bernstein's Can- Lakewood Public Library, Lakewood,
:ide Overture, Tchaikovsky's Serenade Ohio: MALS for professional assistant,
for Strings, Stravinsky's Rite of Spring: large staff in adult department for his-
Hill Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. tory, biography, literature, philosophy,
University Players (Department of and soc.
Speech): Aristophanes' Lysistrata: Committee to Promote Action, Flint,
Trueblood Theater, 8:00 p.m. Mich.: Accountant to insure compli-
_ance with OEO grant acctg. require-
ijments, review financial operations and
General Notices design and improve, write manual for
I____agencies, supervise internal acotg. Min.
4 year degree in acctg. and 2 years,
Senate Assembly: Monday, April 14, at supv. level, some public acctg.
1969: 3:15 p.m. Rackham Amphitheater: exper. in governmental or nonprofit,
1. Consideration of the minutes of the and an advanced degree are preferred.
March 17, 1969, Assembly meeting. 2.
Announceynents & Communications. 3. : : . s......!........ .....
Maintenatice and disclosure of faculty
records - Civil Liberties Board Re- ORGA I7ATION
port (distributed with call to March ORG
meeting). 4. Report of Assembly's By-
laws Committee, dated 3/19/69, (enclos-
ed). 5. Report on the Interfaculty As-
sociation. 6. Adjournment of 1968-1969
Senate Assembly. 7. Convening of 1969- ..................................................
1970 Senate Assembly. 8. Election of University Lutheran Chapel, April
three new members to SACUA. ivrstyLuhra CaplApi
{ Uh 3 d ,In J 11 " 1n nrnL..1511 Wash-


Pm m

211 E. Ann St.-Next to I
the Armory I
Expires April 15
mmmmmmmmmmmm rrrmmmsmmm

MUDRHI .P.air cona., parkig, on needed Ma oAg 6-66 3
campus. 1-2 men. 662-8307. U41 __--
SPRING-SUMMER sublet, 2 bedroom, 3
pSUMMER SUBLET_5-man large house, man. Dishwasher, appliances, parking,
private bedroom, campus area. 761- good location.campus-hospital. Rent
4089. U36 negotiable. 521 Walnut, No. 12. 769-
e____ 4144. U15

m - - - - W - - - - - - V M

FREE TV, balcony, air cond., 3 bdrm.,
2 baths, luxury apt. on campus needs
4 or 5 for entire summer. 769-1726. UD
1 GIRL NEEDED to share our breezy
summer house May-June. You can
have whole house to yourself or with
a friend July-Aug. All for $45/mo.
1-2 GIRLS NEEDED for 3-man summer
sublet, immediate occupancy. Also
available for fall. 764-2460 or after 5,
769-6763, ask for Phyllis. U42
LAW STUDENTS, Medical students,
save $140/yr. on textbooks. Call 663-
1306 between 8 and 9 a.m. M42
SHADY TRAILS Riding Stable. Riding
Daily. Group rides and hayrides at
cookout. Also sleigh rides. 12655
Plank Rd.,. Milan, Mich. 432-4143. M191

FLY DETROIT to Paris or Rome for 51
wks. June 10-July 14 for $409. Cal'
Tom Hilbish, 764-0583 days. Evenings
Tim Caldwell, 663-9957 or Grover Wil-
kins, 769-1663, 023
and Phila. area, -,April 29-30. Save
money and time. Call 761-0691. Ask
for Mike or Pete. 021
WILL TRADE Aug. 17 UAC charter
return only (Brussels-NY) for earlier
charter return (about July 1). John
Antreau, 761-8860. G30
FLY DETROIT to Paris or Rome for 5
wks., June 10-July 14 for $409. Call
Tom Hilbish, 764-0583 days. Evenings
Tim Caldwell, 663-9957 or Grover Wil-
kins, 769-1663. G23
and Phila. area, April 29-30. Save
money and time. Call 761-0691. Ask
for Mike or Pete. G21
DENVER, ride wanted, end April. Share
expenses, driving. Rick, 764-9753. G25
1 TICKET Univ. Charter Det.-London,
May 15-Aug. 20. Call Jane, 761-7927.
2-3 GIRLS want ride to Calif. around
May 10. Call 761-5143. G27!


Doctoral Exams

t , S9: an e :v a.M.. Theodore
tenaw, Speaker: Rev. Prof. Theodore
Klammtar of Concordia Lutheran Jun-
ior College.

Mark Johanines Damborg, Computer, Gamma Delta, April 13th, 6:00 p.m.
Information, and Control Engineering, 11511 Washtenaw, speaker: Miss Flor-
Dissertation: "Stability of the Basic ence Lewis, Associate Chaplain at Uni-
Nonlinear Operator Feedback System," versity Hospital.
on Saturday, April 12 at 2:00 p.m. in * *
2080 East Engineering Building, Co- Outing Club. The most disorganized
Chairmen: K. B. Irani and A. W. Nay- club around meets every Sunday at 2
tor. p.m. (Rackham Bldg., Huron Street-


3200 S.A.B.
Oral Interviews for management in-

' M


Announcements Will x-v! ala

N.W.-Entrance) for a couple of hours
of hiking, cycling, canoeing, horseback
riding, museum visiting, or haggling
about what to do. Frequently, h o m e
cooked suppers follow (at cost). Mostly
grads, but others invited.
U-b Libertarian League: Sun., April
13, 2:00 p.m. 2X Union Two or three
tapes by Ayn Rand, talk and discus-
sion on "Basic Flaws of Objectivism".
Jin TheDaily
Sports Staff
-- -}




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