PREFINALS MADNESS: A PRIORI OPINIONS See editorial page C, 4c Lit i rn :43 a t I RADIANT High-G3 Low-34 Go to the Arb L, ~V ol, LXXIX, No. 158 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 1 2, 1 969 r1ol. LXXIX, No. 158 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 12, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages I I University school faces closure Harvard students By NANCY LISAGOR A proposal to close the University School will be discussed before the Regents this Thursday at a public hear- ing where an irate b nd of parents and some faculty are prepared to appear. University School, a laboratory school operated for about 300 students on a tuition basis, was conceived as a re, search and teaching facility for the edu- cation school. The majority of the pupils are the children of professors or children who have problems in the pub- lic school system. However, University School has be- come a financial burden to the educa- tion school recently, and some faculty and administrators'argue that it should be shut down and the building on East University turned over to the School of Education for office and classroom space. On recommendation of a special, blue ribbon study group, President Robben W. Fleming is proposing that the school be closed in two phases. Grades 7-9 would be closed immediately at the end of this term, while lower grades would remain open until the end of the 1969- 70 school year. The blue ribbon report, prepared by the Academy for Educational Develop- ment, Inc., has recommended that "the University close the laboratory school as early as practicable but not later than June 1970." But a committee composed of mem- bers of the University School's Parent- Teachers Organization has protested the closing of the school in a written complaint to Fleming. Ojars Risgin, a spokesman for the group, says the deci- sion to close the school has been "ram- rodded through administrative chan- nels",without consultation with parents and education school faculty or Univer- sity School teachers. Risgin said, "The decision should be considered in depth to decide if the school should be closed or not." The parents of some of the pupils have indicated that the Ann Arbor pub- lie schools are net acceptable to them. They argue also that the Ann Arbor schools are already too crowded to accommodate their children. However, Ross says the closing would have only slight impact on the public school. "We have been advised by Sup- erintendent of Schools W. Scott Wester- man and Board of Education President Joseph R. Julin that the junior high pupils can be accommodated in the four Ann Arbor junior high schools." he says. Greenhills School. as well as St. Thomas and St. Francis Catholic schools have stated they can accommo- date additional pupils at the junior high level. The parents have brought up the arguments that the ;University School offsets financially th4 education of mar- ried students' children in the Ann Ar- bor school system. Wilbur J. Cohen, dean-designate of the education school, has agreed that the laboratory school concept has be- come obsolete. He has said that con- tinuation of University School would burden modernization of the School of Education's program, and that closing the Laboratory School should be the first step toward modernization. Prof. Charles Lehmann. associate dean of the education school, says, "The executive committee has taken action to concur with the recommenda- tion that the school should be closed. "If funds were available to make the school an excellent research school, it should be continued; but since there are not enough funds, available re- sources could be best used in other ways." The blue ribbon committee emphas- ized in reaching their judgment that it intended no criticism of the laboratory school as an institution or of its faculty as teachers. But the committee con- cuded that the space and the resources of the University School could be more profitably used by the School of Educa- tion for other activities. start, strike; faculty blasts From Wire Service Reports Most classes at Harvard University'came to a halt yes- terday as students began a three-day strike protesting the administration's use of police Thursday to clear Uni- versity Hall. Meanwhile, the faculty of arts and sciences overwhelmingly pass- ed a resolution deploring "the entry of police into any univer- sity." Students called for the strike Thursday after 400 policemen jwearing helmets and plastic face masks and carrying nightsticks rushed University Hall at 5 a.m., use of police $2 BILLION CUT: Nixon to ask surplus budget WASHINGTON UP-President Nixon will announce short-; ly a pared-down budget for fiscal 1970 showing a surplus of between $5.5 billion and $6 billion, government sources mdi- cated yesterday. Nixon's rewrite of the record $195.3 billion budget he in- herited from former President Lyndon B. Johnson reportedly will show a spending cut of more than $2 billion. A cut of around $1.1 billion in the Defense Department' budget has been disclosed by Secretary of Defense Melvin R. aird. It is smaller than the White House had hoped for. where about 500 students were : protesting ROTC on campus. Over 200 students were arrested and 50 hospitalized with injuries. As over 3,000 students massed in Harvard Yard yesterday, the ~ faculty passed 395-13 a three-partr,.h s resolution which said: ~~ -the faculty deplores "force- able occupation of University Hall" The faculty said all re-~~ sponsibility for ensuing events rests upon "those who forced their way into the building." -Associated Press -as "members of a community Harvard and Radcliffe students demonstrate devoted to rationality and freedom we deplore the entry of police' into any university;" -all criminal charges against the students and faculty arrested a protests should be dropped. The resolution also called for a committee to in- vestigate the causes of the sit-in,pe handle all disciplinary procedures, and propose changes in the gov- ernance ofuthe university. commending the administration. By The Associated Press Harvard President N a t h a n While students called for a strike at Harvard, campuset Pusey said he was "not satisfied" across the country remained quiet yesterday despite new de- with the faculty's action, and de-au fended his call for police to oust velopments in several protests. over 400 demonstrators from Uni- At Stanford, Calif., about 100 students continued their versity Hall in a bloody confron- sit-in at Stanford University's Applied Electronics Laboratory. tation. The students moved in Wednesday in a protest against use of broken ino confiden oaliles and the laboratory to further chemical or biological warfare for "did not intend to bargain." the armed forces. "All things considered, there Work being done by the laboratory was shifted to anoth- was no real alternative," Dean er building. Franklin L. Ford told the faculty. # i itvi14i p RPii-,,' who *harzed the But comparatively heavyc Students arrested for drugs A coordinated series of arrests of alleged leaders of a drug ring in the Detroit metropolitan area, resulted Thursday in the arrest of cuts in some civilian programsI have been rumored, including a $1.1 billion cutback in the. Department of Health, Educa- tion and Welfare, and fairly severe curtailments for agri- culture, space, and highways. The cutbacks resulted from "a second trip through the wringer,"; as one administration official put', it. This was after the first agency- by-agency review - ordered by Nixon immediately after he took office Jan. 20 - resulted in a net increase in estimated spending, instead of a decrease. -bailsy-Jar asid The New Breed two University students on charges Spurred by signs in March that of possession and sale of narcotics. inflation was heating up despite 4 Police detectives from Grosse the 10 per cent income surtax and' a tight-money clampdown on cre- Point, Harper Woods, Detroit. dit, Nixon a n d Budget Directorj Royal Oak, Ypsilanti and Ann Robert P. Mayo ordered a second Arbor, along with agents from and harsher combing of govern-- the Federal Bureau of Narcotics mentwide expenditure plans. and the State Police, arrested 11 The over-all results - m u c h embers of the alleged ring, de- Imore satisfactory to th he White House -- are to be announced to- scribed by police as a key supplier day and followed up with a bun- of marijuana to the area markets. dle of revised agency-by-agency The two University students were;request next week when Congress Ts dreconvenes after its Easter recess. The "Spirit Movers," model clothes by the New Breed, an all-black business pioneering in African dress in major cities across the nation. About 100 students attended the fashion show-rock concert in the Union Ballroom last night, featuring "soul fashions, fun and dancing." LANSING; SPEECH: Her shey opposes GO, doubts draf change as Pusey looked on. The original demands of Stu- dents for a Democratic Society (SDS) were "distorted or unreal," Ford said. "A physically repugnant and intellectually indefensible seizure" took place when he and five other deans were ejected from the building, Ford continued. "This has been a week of sick- ening events and discouraging dis- coveries about how some minds work." The university would have pre- ferred to "have isolated the in- vaders of University Hall w h iile continuing a decent pattern of existence in the Yard," Ford said. universlu yrresm , enenn1u o. r G, Wl t~~l ~ t~ protestors with "violating Ti-- - arrested in their rooms at a fra- ternity house. An arresting officer from the city police department fid a search of the room un- covered a quantity of hashish and capsules of LSD. If found guilty as charged, the students face a minimum of 20 years in jail. The jury usually re- duces the charge from "sale" to 1ossession, however. The penalty for possession of a narcotic drug, a felony. ranges to a maximum of 10 years in prison. The judge may give a suspended, or light sentence if he wishes, however. Johnson's estimate of $198.7 bil- lion in receipts may have been re- ised slightly upward, in view of the unexpectedly strong pace of business expansion. Rising in- comes and profits will build up tax collections. The net result, informed sourc- es said, may be a surplus of $5.5 billion compared with the $3.4 bil- lion forecast in Johnson's budget message in January. The prospective increase in the fiscal 1970 budget is balanced off, in part, by a shrinkage in t h e budget for fiscal 19F9, ending next June 30. LANSING 'i P - Draft Director Gen. Lewis Hershey said yester- day conscientious objection may be on the way out as a grounds for avoiding military service. The U.S. selective service direc- tor predicted at Lansing the U.S~ Supreme Court soon may review a federal judge's ruling that ob- jection to military service may not require formal religious belief. U.S. District C o u r t Judge Charles Wyzanski of Boston stop- ped one young man's induction on IJSA board clarifies proposal for general studies progran By RICK PERLOFF long as he stays within the 40- "One of the reasons and BARD MONTGOMERY hour guideline. proposal is confusing is The literary college administra- "The spirit of the rule precludes was no consultation w tive board yesterday clarified por- the formal certifying of concen- the administrative boa tions of the Bachelor of General tration," the board said. curriculum committee Studies degree proposal approved The faculty resolution had sug-was passed by the facu last week by the faculty. added. The board indicated that there gested that students might qual- Theboad idictedtha threify for a major by electing "suf- The administrative a 40-hour limit on courses taken ficient work beyond 120 hours or which sets administrat in one department within the de- in lower level courses." The board for the college, defines gree. In the general studies de- ruled this out, though. prets all college-wide d gree a student is required to takere fined yeeg-wide 60 hours of 300-level and above In addition students in the BGS also redefined yesterd courses with no more than 20 degree program must maintain a the faculty's Mondayc "C" average overall and in the 60 put elementary langua grounds that requiring formal re- ligious belief, not simply a moral conviction, would constitute state intervention in religious freedom. "If you CcClare (the religious requirement) unconstitu t i o n a 1. then you have no law," Hershey, said. "I may get scolded a great; deal, but I think that if you take this out of the law, you don't give anyone the right of a conscien- tious scruple. "The thing they've been living with for 30 years would be gone," Hershey said, if the SupremeI Court upholds the Boston judge'sI ruling. Local draft boards in the past1 have required professed conscien- tious objectors to prove a relig- ious basis for their refusal to bear arms. Hershey. however, sought to minimize the effect any reinter- pretation might have on deferr- ment standards. "Everyone isn't going to ask for C.O. just to get out of it," he said.1 The 75-year old Hershey was in Lansing to address the Michigan Association of the Professions. He predicted that the Paris peace talks or possibly U.S. troop withdrawals from Vietnam will not change draft quotas in the' immediate future. Monthly quotas should remain Hershey said Congress "has The building held confidential never been convinced you could records' on faculty, students and get the men" through recruiting, communications with some gov- ernment officials, and these were He said he favors requiring all being read over and copied by the men to serve at some time, but occupiers, he added. Congress doesn't approve that Ford confirmed that reproduc-, either. tions of confidential documents- Hershey said he has no plans some involving the CIA-printed now to step down as head of the in an underground paper, The draft system. Only a request from Mole, were stolen from his office. the President or poor health would One of the documents concern- lead him to quit, he declared. ed a proposal by Harvard to the "I f" he CIA for a project to be carried I get crticized for my age,"heout at the university. Another said. "I'd like to make it clear that was a telegram from the State De- I have nothing to do with that." . See FACULTY, Page 8 versity policies," met yester- day privately with faculty advisers to. discuss the situa- tion. At Queens College, New York, a moratorium suspending police action against about 100 sit-in demonstrators was agreed upon early yesterday, a school spokes- man said. It was the second sit- in within 10 days. Thirty-eight students and a teacher were arrested. The sit-ins began over a protest against de- fense-connected recruiters o n campus. Students atR theNewark, N.J. campus of Rutgers University e n d ed. a week-long boycott of classes yesterday, in protest of the board of governors' refusal to re- allocate $6.9 million for campus construction. At Oberlin College in Ohio, where students staged an all-night sit-in, protesting the presence of Peace Corps recruiters on campus, the student senate asked for the resignation of college president Robert K. Carr and resolved to sever its working relationship with the faculty. Bentley, funeral planned' Funeral services for Regent Al- vin M. Bentley, who died Thurs- day, will be at 1 p.m. Monday, Ap- ril 14, in the First Congressional Church of Owosso. The family has requested that any memorials take the form of contributions to the Alvin M. Bentley Foundation, which pro- vides scholarships to colleges throughout Michigan, or to one's own favorite charity in the Bent- ley name. Bentley died Thursday in Tuc- son, Ariz. of a sudden inflam- mation affecting the central nerv- ous system. Gov. William Milliken has not yet announced whom he will appoint as Bentley's suc- cessor. a the degree that there with either ard or the before it ilty," Shaw board tive policy and inter- ecisions - ay parts of decision to age com'ses SOCIAL WORK SCHOOL Black students push recruitment By LORNA CHEROT Daily News Analysis The Association of Black Soc- ial Work Students (ABSWS), like similar student caucuses in other professional schools at the University, has been pressuring its administration to fulfill an obligation to educate black stu- dents. Currently there are 26 black students registered in the school, while last term there were only 11 Rnt ARSWS sav the scohooI work school. The students have' led the recruitment in response to Fauri's claim that he h a s been unable to find qualified black students. But now caucus members be- lieve it is the faculty's respon- sibility to actively encourage black students to enroll. The students say they have successfully demonstrated t h a t blacks are interested in social work, and so they believe they PxP intmif in their dnmands it is now unlikely recruitment will start before the fall term. But recruitment-is only a part of increasing the number of black students. Prof. Lawrence Gary, a doctoral candidate in social work, believes the school must also revise admissions pol- icies. - Admission is restricted to stu- dents with bachelor's degree. It makes no/difference in what area they have received their degrees .ar.v hnwever helieves: the faculty. Out of 70 doctoral candidates, two are black, but Gary blames this small number on a lack of administrative in- terest to recruit actively. Although there is a black- oriented academic program now being taught, Gary says it Is "tentative" and not "meaning- ful." The program, which Gary helped draft, is divided into six areas - Afro-American culture and life, the politics and econ,